_stritem Struct Reference

Structure for storing items within memcached. More...

#include <memcached.h>

Collaboration diagram for _stritem:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Attributes

struct _stritemnext
struct _stritemprev
struct _stritemh_next
rel_time_t time
rel_time_t exptime
int nbytes
unsigned short refcount
uint8_t nsuffix
uint8_t it_flags
uint8_t slabs_clsid
uint8_t nkey
void * end []

Detailed Description

Structure for storing items within memcached.

Member Data Documentation

void* _stritem::end[]

struct _stritem* _stritem::h_next [read]

struct _stritem* _stritem::next [read]

uint8_t _stritem::nkey

struct _stritem* _stritem::prev [read]

unsigned short _stritem::refcount

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Apr 17 16:28:30 2009 for memcached by  doxygen 1.5.8