#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use MemcachedTest; my $supports_sasl = supports_sasl(); use Test::More; if (supports_sasl()) { if ($ENV{'RUN_SASL_TESTS'}) { plan tests => 34; } else { plan skip_all => 'Skipping SASL tests'; exit 0; } } else { plan tests => 1; eval { my $server = new_memcached("-S"); }; ok($@, "Died with illegal -S args when SASL is not supported."); exit 0; } eval { my $server = new_memcached("-S -B auto"); }; ok($@, "SASL shouldn't be used with protocol auto negotiate"); eval { my $server = new_memcached("-S -B ascii"); }; ok($@, "SASL isn't implemented in the ascii protocol"); eval { my $server = new_memcached("-S -B binary -B ascii"); }; ok($@, "SASL isn't implemented in the ascii protocol"); # Based almost 100% off testClient.py which is: # Copyright (c) 2007 Dustin Sallings # Command constants use constant CMD_GET => 0x00; use constant CMD_SET => 0x01; use constant CMD_ADD => 0x02; use constant CMD_REPLACE => 0x03; use constant CMD_DELETE => 0x04; use constant CMD_INCR => 0x05; use constant CMD_DECR => 0x06; use constant CMD_QUIT => 0x07; use constant CMD_FLUSH => 0x08; use constant CMD_GETQ => 0x09; use constant CMD_NOOP => 0x0A; use constant CMD_VERSION => 0x0B; use constant CMD_GETK => 0x0C; use constant CMD_GETKQ => 0x0D; use constant CMD_APPEND => 0x0E; use constant CMD_PREPEND => 0x0F; use constant CMD_STAT => 0x10; use constant CMD_SETQ => 0x11; use constant CMD_ADDQ => 0x12; use constant CMD_REPLACEQ => 0x13; use constant CMD_DELETEQ => 0x14; use constant CMD_INCREMENTQ => 0x15; use constant CMD_DECREMENTQ => 0x16; use constant CMD_QUITQ => 0x17; use constant CMD_FLUSHQ => 0x18; use constant CMD_APPENDQ => 0x19; use constant CMD_PREPENDQ => 0x1A; use constant CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS => 0x20; use constant CMD_SASL_AUTH => 0x21; use constant CMD_SASL_STEP => 0x22; use constant ERR_AUTH_ERROR => 0x20; # REQ and RES formats are divided even though they currently share # the same format, since they _could_ differ in the future. use constant REQ_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN"; use constant RES_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN"; use constant INCRDECR_PKT_FMT => "NNNNN"; use constant MIN_RECV_BYTES => length(pack(RES_PKT_FMT)); use constant REQ_MAGIC => 0x80; use constant RES_MAGIC => 0x81; my $pwd=getcwd; $ENV{'SASL_CONF_PATH'} = "$pwd/t/sasl"; my $server = new_memcached('-B binary -U 0 -S -l '); my $mc = MC::Client->new; my $check = sub { my ($key, $orig_val) = @_; my ($status, $val, $cas) = $mc->get($key); if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { cmp_ok($val,'==', $orig_val, "$val = $orig_val"); } else { cmp_ok($val, 'eq', $orig_val, "$val = $orig_val"); } }; my $set = sub { my ($key, $orig_value, $exp) = @_; $exp = defined $exp ? $exp : 0; my ($status, $rv)= $mc->set($key, $orig_value, $exp); $check->($key, $orig_value); }; my $empty = sub { my $key = shift; my ($status,$rv) =()= eval { $mc->get($key) }; #if ($status == ERR_AUTH_ERROR) { # ok($@->auth_error, "Not authorized to connect"); #} #else { # ok($@->not_found, "We got a not found error when we expected one"); #} if ($status) { ok($@->not_found, "We got a not found error when we expected one"); } }; my $delete = sub { my ($key, $when) = @_; $mc->delete($key, $when); $empty->($key); }; # BEGIN THE TEST ok($server, "started the server"); my $v = $mc->version; ok(defined $v && length($v), "Proper version: $v"); # list mechs my $mechs= $mc->list_mechs(); Test::More::cmp_ok($mechs, 'eq', 'CRAM-MD5 PLAIN', "list_mechs $mechs"); # this should fail, not authenticated { my ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } $empty->('x'); { my $mc = MC::Client->new; my ($status, $val) = $mc->delete('x'); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } $empty->('x'); { my $mc = MC::Client->new; my ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } $empty->('x'); { my $mc = MC::Client->new; my ($status, $val)= $mc->flush('x'); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } $empty->('x'); # Build the auth DB for testing. my $sasldb = '/tmp/test-memcached.sasldb'; unlink $sasldb; my $saslpasswd_path; for my $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH}), "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/local/sbin", ) { my $exe = $dir . '/saslpasswd2'; if (-x $exe) { $saslpasswd_path = $exe; last; } } die "no saslpasswd2 found" unless $saslpasswd_path; my $sasl_realm = 'memcached.realm'; system("echo testpass | $saslpasswd_path -a memcached -u $sasl_realm -c -p testuser"); $mc = MC::Client->new; # Attempt a bad auth mech. is ($mc->authenticate('testuser', 'testpass', "X" x 40), 0x4, "bad mech"); # Attempt bad authentication. is ($mc->authenticate('testuser', 'wrongpassword'), 0x20, "bad auth"); # Now try good authentication and make the tests work. is ($mc->authenticate('testuser', 'testpass'), 0, "authenticated"); # these should work { my ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok(! $status); } $check->('x','somevalue'); { my ($status, $val)= $mc->delete('x'); ok(! $status); } $empty->('x'); { my ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok(! $status); } $check->('x','somevalue'); { my ($status, $val)= $mc->flush('x'); ok(! $status); } $empty->('x'); { my $mc = MC::Client->new; # Attempt bad authentication. is ($mc->authenticate('testuser', 'wrongpassword'), 0x20, "bad auth"); # This should fail because $mc is not authenticated my ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } $empty->('x', 'somevalue'); { my $mc = MC::Client->new; # Attempt bad authentication. is ($mc->authenticate('testuser', 'wrongpassword'), 0x20, "bad auth"); # Mix an authenticated connection and an unauthenticated connection to # confirm c->authenticated is not shared among connections my $mc2 = MC::Client->new; is ($mc2->authenticate('testuser', 'testpass'), 0, "authenticated"); my ($status, $val)= $mc2->set('x', "somevalue"); ok(! $status); # This should fail because $mc is not authenticated ($status, $val)= $mc->set('x', "somevalue"); ok($status, "this fails to authenticate"); cmp_ok($status,'==',ERR_AUTH_ERROR, "error code matches"); } { my $mc = MC::Client->new; is ($mc->sasl_step('testuser', 'testpass'), 0x20, "sasl_step_fails_no_segfault"); } # check the SASL stats, make sure they track things correctly # note: the enabled or not is presence checked in stats.t # while authenticated, get current counter # # My initial approach was going to be to get current counts, reauthenticate # and fail, followed by a reauth successfully so I'd know what happened. # Reauthentication is currently unsupported, so it doesn't work that way at the # moment. Adding tests may break this. { my %stats = $mc->stats(''); is ($stats{'auth_cmds'}, 6, "auth commands counted"); is ($stats{'auth_errors'}, 4, "auth errors correct"); } # Along with the assertion added to the code to verify we're staying # within bounds when we do a stats detail dump (detail turned on at # the top). # my %stats = $mc->stats('detail dump'); # ###################################################################### # Test ends around here. # ###################################################################### package MC::Client; use strict; use warnings; use fields qw(socket); use IO::Socket::INET; use constant ERR_AUTH_ERROR => 0x20; sub new { my $self = shift; my ($s) = @_; $s = $server unless defined $s; my $sock = $s->sock; $self = fields::new($self); $self->{socket} = $sock; return $self; } sub authenticate { my ($self, $user, $pass, $mech)= @_; $mech ||= 'PLAIN'; my $buf = sprintf("%c%s@%s%c%s", 0, $user, $sasl_realm, 0, $pass); my ($status, $rv, undef) = $self->_do_command(::CMD_SASL_AUTH, $mech, $buf, ''); return $status; } sub sasl_step { my ($self, $user, $pass, $mech)= @_; $mech ||= 'PLAIN'; my $buf = sprintf("%c%s@%s%c%s", 0, $user, $sasl_realm, 0, $pass); my ($status, $rv, undef) = $self->_do_command(::CMD_SASL_STEP, $mech, $buf, ''); return $status; } sub list_mechs { my ($self)= @_; my ($status, $rv, undef) = $self->_do_command(::CMD_SASL_LIST_MECHS, '', '', ''); return join(" ", sort(split(/\s+/, $rv))); } sub build_command { my $self = shift; die "Not enough args to send_command" unless @_ >= 4; my ($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas) = @_; $extra_header = '' unless defined $extra_header; my $keylen = length($key); my $vallen = length($val); my $extralen = length($extra_header); my $datatype = 0; # field for future use my $reserved = 0; # field for future use my $totallen = $keylen + $vallen + $extralen; my $ident_hi = 0; my $ident_lo = 0; if ($cas) { $ident_hi = int($cas / 2 ** 32); $ident_lo = int($cas % 2 ** 32); } my $msg = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::REQ_MAGIC, $cmd, $keylen, $extralen, $datatype, $reserved, $totallen, $opaque, $ident_hi, $ident_lo); my $full_msg = $msg . $extra_header . $key . $val; return $full_msg; } sub send_command { my $self = shift; die "Not enough args to send_command" unless @_ >= 4; my ($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas) = @_; my $full_msg = $self->build_command($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas); my $sent = $self->{socket}->send($full_msg); die("Send failed: $!") unless $sent; if($sent != length($full_msg)) { die("only sent $sent of " . length($full_msg) . " bytes"); } } sub flush_socket { my $self = shift; $self->{socket}->flush; } # Send a silent command and ensure it doesn't respond. sub send_silent { my $self = shift; die "Not enough args to send_silent" unless @_ >= 4; my ($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas) = @_; $self->send_command($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas); $self->send_command(::CMD_NOOP, '', '', $opaque + 1); my ($ropaque, $status, $data) = $self->_handle_single_response; Test::More::is($ropaque, $opaque + 1); } sub silent_mutation { my $self = shift; my ($cmd, $key, $value) = @_; $empty->($key); my $extra = pack "NN", 82, 0; $mc->send_silent($cmd, $key, $value, 7278552, $extra, 0); $check->($key, $value); } sub _handle_single_response { my $self = shift; my $myopaque = shift; $self->{socket}->recv(my $response, ::MIN_RECV_BYTES); my ($magic, $cmd, $keylen, $extralen, $datatype, $status, $remaining, $opaque, $ident_hi, $ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $response); return ($opaque, '', '', '', 0) if not defined $remaining; return ($opaque, '', '', '', 0) if ($remaining == 0); # fetch the value my $rv=""; while($remaining - length($rv) > 0) { $self->{socket}->recv(my $buf, $remaining - length($rv)); $rv .= $buf; } if(length($rv) != $remaining) { my $found = length($rv); die("Expected $remaining bytes, got $found"); } my $cas = ($ident_hi * 2 ** 32) + $ident_lo; #if ($status) { #die MC::Error->new($status, $rv); #} return ($opaque, $status, $rv, $cas, $keylen); } sub _do_command { my $self = shift; die unless @_ >= 3; my ($cmd, $key, $val, $extra_header, $cas) = @_; $extra_header = '' unless defined $extra_header; my $opaque = int(rand(2**32)); $self->send_command($cmd, $key, $val, $opaque, $extra_header, $cas); my (undef, $status, $rv, $rcas) = $self->_handle_single_response($opaque); return ($status, $rv, $rcas); } sub _incrdecr_header { my $self = shift; my ($amt, $init, $exp) = @_; my $amt_hi = int($amt / 2 ** 32); my $amt_lo = int($amt % 2 ** 32); my $init_hi = int($init / 2 ** 32); my $init_lo = int($init % 2 ** 32); my $extra_header = pack(::INCRDECR_PKT_FMT, $amt_hi, $amt_lo, $init_hi, $init_lo, $exp); return $extra_header; } sub _incrdecr { my $self = shift; my ($cmd, $key, $amt, $init, $exp) = @_; my ($status, $data, undef) = $self->_do_command($cmd, $key, '', $self->_incrdecr_header($amt, $init, $exp)); my $header = substr $data, 0, 8, ''; my ($resp_hi, $resp_lo) = unpack "NN", $header; my $resp = ($resp_hi * 2 ** 32) + $resp_lo; return $resp; } sub silent_incrdecr { my $self = shift; my ($cmd, $key, $amt, $init, $exp) = @_; my $opaque = 8275753; $mc->send_silent($cmd, $key, '', $opaque, $mc->_incrdecr_header($amt, $init, $exp)); } sub stats { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $cas = 0; my $opaque = int(rand(2**32)); $self->send_command(::CMD_STAT, $key, '', $opaque, '', $cas); my %rv = (); my $found_key = ''; my $found_val = ''; my $status= 0; do { my ($op, $status, $data, $cas, $keylen) = $self->_handle_single_response($opaque); if ($keylen > 0) { $found_key = substr($data, 0, $keylen); $found_val = substr($data, $keylen); $rv{$found_key} = $found_val; } else { $found_key = ''; } } while($found_key ne ''); return %rv; } sub get { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my ($status, $rv, $cas) = $self->_do_command(::CMD_GET, $key, '', ''); my $header = substr $rv, 0, 4, ''; my $flags = unpack("N", $header); return ($status, $rv); } sub get_multi { my $self = shift; my @keys = @_; for (my $i = 0; $i < @keys; $i++) { $self->send_command(::CMD_GETQ, $keys[$i], '', $i, '', 0); } my $terminal = @keys + 10; $self->send_command(::CMD_NOOP, '', '', $terminal); my %return; my $status = 0; while (1) { my ($opaque, $status, $data) = $self->_handle_single_response; last if $opaque == $terminal; my $header = substr $data, 0, 4, ''; my $flags = unpack("N", $header); $return{$keys[$opaque]} = [$flags, $data]; } return %return if wantarray; return \%return; } sub version { my $self = shift; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_VERSION, '', ''); } sub flush { my $self = shift; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_FLUSH, '', ''); } sub add { my $self = shift; my ($key, $val, $flags, $expire) = @_; my $extra_header = pack "NN", $flags, $expire; my $cas = 0; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_ADD, $key, $val, $extra_header, $cas); } sub set { my $self = shift; my $flags = 0; my $cas = 0; my ($key, $val, $expire) = @_; $expire = defined $expire ? $expire : 0; my $extra_header = pack "NN", $flags, $expire; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_SET, $key, $val, $extra_header, $cas); } sub _append_prepend { my $self = shift; my ($cmd, $key, $val, $cas) = @_; return $self->_do_command($cmd, $key, $val, '', $cas); } sub replace { my $self = shift; my ($key, $val, $flags, $expire) = @_; my $extra_header = pack "NN", $flags, $expire; my $cas = 0; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_REPLACE, $key, $val, $extra_header, $cas); } sub delete { my $self = shift; my ($key) = @_; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_DELETE, $key, ''); } sub incr { my $self = shift; my ($key, $amt, $init, $exp) = @_; $amt = 1 unless defined $amt; $init = 0 unless defined $init; $exp = 0 unless defined $exp; return $self->_incrdecr(::CMD_INCR, $key, $amt, $init, $exp); } sub decr { my $self = shift; my ($key, $amt, $init, $exp) = @_; $amt = 1 unless defined $amt; $init = 0 unless defined $init; $exp = 0 unless defined $exp; return $self->_incrdecr(::CMD_DECR, $key, $amt, $init, $exp); } sub noop { my $self = shift; return $self->_do_command(::CMD_NOOP, '', ''); } package MC::Error; use strict; use warnings; use constant ERR_UNKNOWN_CMD => 0x81; use constant ERR_NOT_FOUND => 0x1; use constant ERR_EXISTS => 0x2; use constant ERR_TOO_BIG => 0x3; use constant ERR_EINVAL => 0x4; use constant ERR_NOT_STORED => 0x5; use constant ERR_DELTA_BADVAL => 0x6; use constant ERR_AUTH_ERROR => 0x20; use overload '""' => sub { my $self = shift; return "Memcache Error ($self->[0]): $self->[1]"; }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $error = [@_]; my $self = bless $error, (ref $class || $class); return $self; } sub not_found { my $self = shift; return $self->[0] == ERR_NOT_FOUND; } sub exists { my $self = shift; return $self->[0] == ERR_EXISTS; } sub too_big { my $self = shift; return $self->[0] == ERR_TOO_BIG; } sub delta_badval { my $self = shift; return $self->[0] == ERR_DELTA_BADVAL; } sub auth_error { my $self = shift; return $self->[0] == ERR_AUTH_ERROR; } unlink $sasldb; # vim: filetype=perl