#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Test::More tests => 7; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use MemcachedTest; my $server = new_memcached(); my $sock = $server->sock; print $sock "set a 0 0 1\r\na\r\n"; is (scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored key"); my $stats = mem_stats($sock, "items"); my $age = $stats->{"items:1:age"}; isnt ($age, "0", "Age should not be zero"); print $sock "flush_all\r\n"; is (scalar <$sock>, "OK\r\n", "items flushed"); my $stats = mem_stats($sock, "items"); my $age = $stats->{"items:1:age"}; is ($age, undef, "all should be gone"); print $sock "set a 0 1 1\r\na\r\n"; is (scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored key"); my $stats = mem_stats($sock, "items"); my $age = $stats->{"items:1:age"}; isnt ($age, "0", "Age should not be zero"); sleep(2); my $stats = mem_stats($sock, "items"); my $age = $stats->{"items:1:age"}; is ($age, undef, "all should be gone");