#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use Carp qw(croak); use MemcachedTest; # TODO: to module? # or "gettimedrun" etc use Cwd; my $builddir = getcwd; if (!supports_proxy()) { plan skip_all => 'proxy not enabled'; exit 0; } # TODO: the lua file has hardcoded ports. any way to make this dynamic? # TODO: once basic tests are done, actually split out the instances rather # than the shared backend; validate keys go where they should be going. # FIXME: this listend on unix socket still. either need a manual runner or a # fix upstream. my @srv = (); for (2 .. 6) { my $srv = run_server("-p 1121$_", 11210 + $_); push(@srv, $srv); } #my $sock = $srv->sock; my $p_srv = new_memcached('-o proxy_config=./t/startfile.lua -l', 11211); my $p_sock = $p_srv->sock; # hack to help me use T_MEMD_USE_DAEMON for proxy. #print STDERR "Sleeping\n"; #sleep 900; # cmds to test: # - noreply for main text commands? # meta: # me # mn # mg # ms # md # ma # - noreply? # stats # pass-thru? # incr/decr { print $p_sock "set /foo/num 0 0 1\r\n1\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored num"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/num", 1, "stored 1"); print $p_sock "incr /foo/num 1\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "2\r\n", "+ 1 = 2"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/num", 2); print $p_sock "incr /foo/num 8\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "10\r\n", "+ 8 = 10"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/num", 10); print $p_sock "decr /foo/num 1\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "9\r\n", "- 1 = 9"); print $p_sock "decr /foo/num 9\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "0\r\n", "- 9 = 0"); print $p_sock "decr /foo/num 5\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "0\r\n", "- 5 = 0"); } # gat { # cache miss print $p_sock "gat 10 /foo/foo1\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "END\r\n", "cache miss"); # set /foo/foo1 and /foo/foo2 (and should get it) print $p_sock "set /foo/foo1 0 2 7\r\nfooval1\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo"); print $p_sock "set /foo/foo2 0 2 7\r\nfooval2\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored /foo/foo2"); # get and touch it with cas print $p_sock "gats 10 /foo/foo1 /foo/foo2\r\n"; like(scalar <$p_sock>, qr/VALUE \/foo\/foo1 0 7 (\d+)\r\n/, "get and touch foo1 with cas regexp success"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "fooval1\r\n","value"); like(scalar <$p_sock>, qr/VALUE \/foo\/foo2 0 7 (\d+)\r\n/, "get and touch foo2 with cas regexp success"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "fooval2\r\n","value"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "END\r\n", "end"); # get and touch it without cas print $p_sock "gat 10 /foo/foo1 /foo/foo2\r\n"; like(scalar <$p_sock>, qr/VALUE \/foo\/foo1 0 7\r\n/, "get and touch foo1 without cas regexp success"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "fooval1\r\n","value"); like(scalar <$p_sock>, qr/VALUE \/foo\/foo2 0 7\r\n/, "get and touch foo2 without cas regexp success"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "fooval2\r\n","value"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "END\r\n", "end"); } # gets/cas { print $p_sock "add /foo/moo 0 0 6\r\nmooval\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored mooval"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/moo", "mooval"); # check-and-set (cas) failure case, try to set value with incorrect cas unique val print $p_sock "cas /foo/moo 0 0 6 0\r\nMOOVAL\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "EXISTS\r\n", "check and set with invalid id"); # test "gets", grab unique ID print $p_sock "gets /foo/moo\r\n"; # VALUE moo 0 6 3084947704 # my @retvals = split(/ /, scalar <$p_sock>); my $data = scalar <$p_sock>; # grab data my $dot = scalar <$p_sock>; # grab dot on line by itself is($retvals[0], "VALUE", "get value using 'gets'"); my $unique_id = $retvals[4]; # clean off \r\n $unique_id =~ s/\r\n$//; ok($unique_id =~ /^\d+$/, "unique ID '$unique_id' is an integer"); # now test that we can store moo with the correct unique id print $p_sock "cas /foo/moo 0 0 6 $unique_id\r\nMOOVAL\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/moo", "MOOVAL"); } # touch { print $p_sock "set /foo/t 0 2 6\r\nfooval\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo"); mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/t", "fooval"); # touch it print $p_sock "touch /foo/t 10\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "TOUCHED\r\n", "touched foo"); # don't need to sleep/validate the touch worked. We're testing the # protocol, not the functionality. } # command endings # NOTE: memcached always allowed [\r]\n for single command lines, but payloads # (set/etc) require exactly \r\n as termination. # doc/protocol.txt has always specified \r\n for command/response. # Proxy is more strict than normal server in this case. { my $s = $srv[0]->sock; print $s "version\n"; like(<$s>, qr/VERSION/, "direct server version cmd with just newline"); print $p_sock "version\n"; like(<$p_sock>, qr/SERVER_ERROR/, "proxy version cmd with just newline"); print $p_sock "version\r\n"; like(<$p_sock>, qr/VERSION/, "proxy version cmd with full CRLF"); } # set through proxy. { print $p_sock "set /foo/z 0 0 5\r\nhello\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); # ensure it's fetchable. mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/z", "hello"); # delete it. print $p_sock "delete /foo/z\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "DELETED\r\n", "removed test value"); # ensure it's deleted. mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/z", undef); } # test add. { print $p_sock "add /foo/a 0 0 3\r\nmoo\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "add test value through proxy"); # ensure it's fetchable mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/a", "moo"); # check re-adding fails. print $p_sock "add /foo/a 0 0 3\r\ngoo\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "NOT_STORED\r\n", "re-add fails"); # ensure we still hae the old value mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/a", "moo"); } # pipelined set. { my $str = "set /foo/k 0 0 5\r\nhello\r\n"; print $p_sock "$str$str$str$str$str"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value through proxy"); } # Load some keys through proxy. my $bdata = 'x' x 256000; { for (1..20) { print $p_sock "set /foo/a$_ 0 0 2\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value"); print $p_sock "set /bar/b$_ 0 0 2\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored test value"); } # load a couple larger values for (1..4) { print $p_sock "set /foo/big$_ 0 0 256000\r\n$bdata\r\n"; is(scalar <$p_sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored big value"); } diag "set large values"; } # fetch through proxy. { for (1..20) { mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/a$_", "hi"); } diag "fetched small values"; mem_get_is($p_sock, "/foo/big1", $bdata); diag "fetched big value"; } sub run_server { my ($args, $port) = @_; my $exe = get_memcached_exe(); my $childpid = fork(); my $root = ''; $root = "-u root" if ($< == 0); # test build requires more privileges $args .= " -o relaxed_privileges"; my $cmd = "$builddir/timedrun 120 $exe $root $args"; unless($childpid) { exec $cmd; exit; # NOTREACHED } for (1..20) { my $conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$port"); if ($conn) { return Memcached::Handle->new(pid => $childpid, conn => $conn, host => "", port => $port); } select undef, undef, undef, 0.10; } croak "Failed to start server."; } done_testing();