#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use Carp qw(croak); use MemcachedTest; use IO::Socket qw(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM); use IO::Select; if (!supports_proxy()) { plan skip_all => 'proxy not enabled'; exit 0; } # Set up some server sockets. sub mock_server { my $port = shift; my $srv = IO::Socket->new( Domain => AF_INET, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp', LocalHost => '', LocalPort => $port, ReusePort => 1, Listen => 5) || die "IO::Socket: $@"; return $srv; } # Put a version command down the pipe to ensure the socket is clear. # client version commands skip the proxy code sub check_version { my $ps = shift; print $ps "version\r\n"; like(<$ps>, qr/VERSION /, "version received"); } my @mocksrvs = (); #diag "making mock servers"; for my $port (11411, 11412, 11413) { my $srv = mock_server($port); ok(defined $srv, "mock server created"); push(@mocksrvs, $srv); } my $p_srv = new_memcached('-o proxy_config=./t/proxyunits.lua'); my $ps = $p_srv->sock; $ps->autoflush(1); # set up server backend sockets. my @mbe = (); #diag "accepting mock backends"; for my $msrv (@mocksrvs) { my $be = $msrv->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); ok(defined $be, "mock backend created"); push(@mbe, $be); } #diag "validating backends"; for my $be (@mbe) { like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; } { print $ps "set with the wrong number of tokens\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "CLIENT_ERROR parsing request\r\n", "got CLIENT_ERROR for bad syntax"); } { # Test a fix for passing through partial read data if END ends up missing. print $ps "get /b/a\r\n"; my $be = $mbe[0]; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/a\r\n", "get passthrough"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 2\r\nhi\r\nEN"; is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR backend failure\r\n", "backend failure error"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; } { # Test a log line with detailed data from backend failures. my $be = $mbe[0]; my $w = $p_srv->new_sock; print $w "watch proxyevents\n"; is(<$w>, "OK\r\n", "watcher enabled"); print $ps "get /b/c\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/c\r\n", "get passthrough"); # Set off a "trailing data" error print $be "VALUE /b/c 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\ngarbage"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/c 0 2\r\n", "got value back"); is(scalar <$ps>, "ok\r\n", "got data back"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "got end string"); like(<$w>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_backend error=trailingdata name= port=\d+ depth=0 rbuf=garbage/, "got backend error log line"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; } SKIP: { skip "Remove this skip line to demonstrate pre-patch bug", 1; # Test issue with finding response complete when read lands between value # size and value + response line in size. my $be = $mbe[0]; my $w = $p_srv->new_sock; print $w "watch proxyevents\n"; is(<$w>, "OK\r\n", "watcher enabled"); print $ps "get /b/c\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/c\r\n", "get passthrough"); # Set off a "missingend" error. # The server will wake up several times, thinking it has read the # full size of response but it only read enough for the value portion. print $be "VALUE /b/c 0 5\r\nhe"; sleep 0.1; print $be "llo"; sleep 0.1; print $be "\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR backend failure\r\n"); like(<$w>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_backend error=missingend name= port=\d+ depth=1 rbuf=/, "got missingend error log line"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; } { # Test issue with finding response complete when read lands between value # size and value + response line in size. my $be = $mbe[0]; print $ps "get /b/c\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/c\r\n", "get passthrough"); # Set off a "missingend" error. # The server will wake up several times, thinking it has read the # full size of response but it only read enough for the value portion. print $be "VALUE /b/c 0 5\r\nhe"; sleep 0.1; print $be "llo"; sleep 0.1; print $be "\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/c 0 5\r\n", "got value back"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hello\r\n", "got data back"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "got end string"); } #diag "ready for main tests"; # Target a single backend, validating basic syntax. # Should test all command types. # uses /b/ path for "basic" { # Test invalid route. print $ps "set /invalid/a 0 0 2\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR no set route\r\n"); # Testing against just one backend. Results should make sense despite our # invalid request above. my $be = $mbe[0]; my $cmd; # TODO: add more tests for the varying response codes. # Basic set. $cmd = "set /b/a 0 0 2"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "set passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "set value"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got STORED from set"); # Basic get $cmd = "get /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "get passthrough"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 2\r\nhi\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/a 0 2\r\n", "get rline"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hi\r\n", "get data"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "get end"); # touch $cmd = "touch /b/a 50\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "touch passthrough"); print $be "TOUCHED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "TOUCHED\r\n", "got touch response"); # gets $cmd = "gets /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "gets passthrough"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 2 2\r\nhi\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/a 0 2 2\r\n", "gets rline"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hi\r\n", "gets data"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "gets end"); # gat $cmd = "gat 10 /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "gat passthrough"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 2\r\nhi\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/a 0 2\r\n", "gat rline"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hi\r\n", "gat data"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "gat end"); # gats $cmd = "gats 11 /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "gats passthrough"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 2 1\r\nhi\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/a 0 2 1\r\n", "gats rline"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hi\r\n", "gats data"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "gats end"); # cas $cmd = "cas /b/a 0 0 2 5"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "cas passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "cas value"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got STORED from cas"); # add $cmd = "add /b/a 0 0 2"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "add passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "add value"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got STORED from add"); # delete $cmd = "delete /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "delete passthrough"); print $be "DELETED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "DELETED\r\n", "got delete response"); # incr $cmd = "incr /b/a 1\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "incr passthrough"); print $be "2\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "2\r\n", "got incr response"); # decr $cmd = "decr /b/a 1\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "decr passthrough"); print $be "10\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "10\r\n", "got decr response"); # append $cmd = "append /b/a 0 0 2"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "append passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "append value"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got STORED from append"); # prepend $cmd = "prepend /b/a 0 0 2"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "prepend passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "prepend value"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got STORED from prepend"); # [meta commands] # testing the bare meta commands. # TODO: add more tests for tokens and changing response codes. # mg $cmd = "mg /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "mg passthrough"); print $be "HD\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "got mg response"); # ms $cmd = "ms /b/a 2"; print $ps "$cmd\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "$cmd\r\n", "ms passthrough"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "ms value"); print $be "HD\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "got HD from ms"); # md $cmd = "md /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "md passthrough"); print $be "HD\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "got HD from md"); # ma $cmd = "ma /b/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "ma passthrough"); print $be "HD\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "got HD from ma"); # mn? # me? } # run a cleanser check between each set of tests. check_version($ps); { # multiget syntax # - gets broken into individual gets on backend my $be = $mbe[0]; my $cmd = "get /b/a /b/b /b/c\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/a\r\n", "multiget breakdown a"); is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/b\r\n", "multiget breakdown b"); is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/c\r\n", "multiget breakdown c"); print $be "VALUE /b/a 0 1\r\na\r\n", "END\r\n", "VALUE /b/b 0 1\r\nb\r\n", "END\r\n", "VALUE /b/c 0 1\r\nc\r\n", "END\r\n"; for my $key ('a', 'b', 'c') { is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE /b/$key 0 1\r\n", "multiget res $key"); is(scalar <$ps>, "$key\r\n", "multiget value $key"); } is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "final END from multiget"); # Test multiget workaround with misses (known bug) print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/a\r\n", "multiget breakdown a"); is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/b\r\n", "multiget breakdown b"); is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/c\r\n", "multiget breakdown c"); print $be "END\r\nEND\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "final END from multiget"); # If bugged, the backend will have closed. print $ps "get /b/a\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/a\r\n", "get works after empty multiget"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end after empty multiget"); } check_version($ps); { # noreply tests. # - backend should receive with noreply/q stripped or mangled # - backend should reply as normal # - frontend should get nothing; to test issue another command and ensure # it only gets that response. my $be = $mbe[0]; my $cmd = "set /b/a 0 0 2 noreply\r\nhi\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, "set /b/a 0 0 2 noreplY\r\n", "set received with broken noreply"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "set payload received"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; # To ensure success, make another req and ensure res isn't STORED $cmd = "touch /b/a 50\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "canary touch received"); print $be "TOUCHED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "TOUCHED\r\n", "got TOUCHED instread of STORED"); # TODO: meta quiet cases # - q should be turned into a space on the backend # - errors should still pass through to client } check_version($ps); # Test Lua request API { my $be = $mbe[0]; # fetching the key. print $ps "get /getkey/testkey\r\n"; # look for the key to be slightly different to ensure we hit lua. is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE |/getkey/testkey 0 2\r\n", "request:key()"); is(scalar <$ps>, "ts\r\n", "request:key() value"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "request:key() END"); # rtrimkey # this overwrites part of the key with spaces, which should be skipped by # a valid protocol parser. print $ps "get /rtrimkey/onehalf\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /rtrimkey/one \r\n", "request:rtrimkey()"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "rtrimkey END"); # ltrimkey print $ps "get /ltrimkey/test\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get test\r\n", "request:ltrimkey()"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "ltrimkey END"); # token(n) fetch # token(n, "replacement") # token(n, "") removal # ntokens() # command() integer # # meta: # has_flag("F") # test has_flag() against non-meta command # flag_token("F") with no token (bool, nil|token) # flag_token("F") with token # flag_token("F", "FReplacement") # flag_token("F", "") removal # flag_token("F", "FReplacement") -> flag_token("F") test repeated fetch # mcp.request() - has a few modes to test # - allows passing in an existing request to clone/edit # - passing in value blob } check_version($ps); # Test Lua response API #{ # elapsed() # ok() # hit() # vlen() # code() # line() #} # Test requests land in proper backend in basic scenarios { # TODO: maybe should send values to ensure the right response? # I don't think this test is very useful though; probably better to try # harder when testing error conditions. for my $tu (['a', $mbe[0]], ['b', $mbe[1]], ['c', $mbe[2]]) { my $be = $tu->[1]; my $cmd = "get /zonetest/" . $tu->[0] . "\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "routed proper zone: " . $tu->[0]); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from zone fetch"); } my $cmd = "get /zonetest/invalid\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "END from invalid route"); } check_version($ps); # Test re-requests in lua. # - fetch zones.z1() then fetch zones.z2() # - return z1 or z2 or netiher # - fetch all three zones # - hit the same zone multiple times # Test delayed read (timeout) # Test Lua logging (see t/watcher.t) { my $be = $mbe[0]; my $watcher = $p_srv->new_sock; print $watcher "watch proxyuser proxyreqs\n"; is(<$watcher>, "OK\r\n", "watcher enabled"); # log(msg) print $ps "get /logtest/a\r\n"; like(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_user msg=testing manual log messages/, "log a manual message"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "logtest END"); # log_req(r, res) my $cmd = "get /logreqtest/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "got passthru for log"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "got END from log test"); like(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_req elapsed=\d+ type=105 code=17 status=0 be= detail=logreqtest req=get \/logreqtest\/a/, "found request log entry"); # test log_req with nil res (should be 0's in places) # log_reqsample() } # Basic proxy stats validation # Test user stats check_version($ps); # Test await arguments (may move to own file?) # TODO: the results table from mcp.await() contains all of the results so far, # regardless of the mode. # need some tests that show this. { my $cmd; # await(r, p) # this should hit all three backends my $key = "/awaitbasic/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitbasic backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 11\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "hit hit hit\r\n", "hit responses from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); # repeat above test but with different combo of results # await(r, p, 1) $key = "/awaitone/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitone backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 1\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "1\r\n", "looking for a single response"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); # await(r, p(3+), 2) $key = "/awaitone/b"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitone backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 1\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "2\r\n", "looking two responses"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); # await(r, p, 1, mcp.AWAIT_GOOD) $key = "/awaitgood/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitgood backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 1\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "1\r\n", "looking for a single response"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); # should test above with first response being err, second good, third # miss, and a few similar iterations. # await(r, p, 2, mcp.AWAIT_ANY) $key = "/awaitany/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitany backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 1\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "2\r\n", "looking for a two responses"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); # await(r, p, 2, mcp.AWAIT_OK) # await(r, p, 1, mcp.AWAIT_FIRST) # more AWAIT_FIRST tests? to see how much it waits on/etc. # await(r, p, 2, mcp.AWAIT_FASTGOOD) # - should return 1 res on good, else wait for N non-error responses $key = "/awaitfastgood/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; my $fbe = $mbe[0]; is(scalar <$fbe>, $cmd, "awaitfastgood backend req"); print $fbe "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; # Should have response after the first hit. is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 2\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "ok\r\n", "await value"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); for my $be ($mbe[1], $mbe[2]) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitfastgood backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } # test three pools, second response returns good. should have a hit. print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitfastgood backend req"); } $fbe = $mbe[0]; print $fbe "END\r\n"; $fbe = $mbe[1]; print $fbe "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nun\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 2\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "un\r\n", "await value"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); $fbe = $mbe[2]; print $fbe "END\r\n"; # test three pools, but third returns good. should have returned already print $ps $cmd; for my $be ($mbe[0], $mbe[1]) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitfastgood backend req"); print $be "END\r\n"; } $fbe = $mbe[2]; is(scalar <$fbe>, $cmd, "awaitfastgood backend req"); print $fbe "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nnu\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "miss from awaitfastgood"); # Testing a set related to fastgood. waiting for two responses. $cmd = "set $key 0 0 2\r\nmo\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; for my $be ($mbe[0], $mbe[1]) { is(scalar <$be>, "set $key 0 0 2\r\n", "set backend req"); is(scalar <$be>, "mo\r\n", "set backend data"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "got stored from await"); $fbe = $mbe[2]; is(scalar <$fbe>, "set $key 0 0 2\r\n", "set backend req"); is(scalar <$fbe>, "mo\r\n", "set backend data"); # Testing another set; ensure it isn't returning early. my $s = IO::Select->new(); $s->add($ps); print $ps $cmd; for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, "set $key 0 0 2\r\n", "set backend req"); is(scalar <$be>, "mo\r\n", "set backend data"); } $fbe = $mbe[0]; print $fbe "STORED\r\n"; my @readable = $s->can_read(0.25); is(scalar @readable, 0, "set doesn't return early"); for my $be ($mbe[1], $mbe[2]) { print $be "STORED\r\n"; } is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "set completed normally"); # await(r, p, 1, mcp.AWAIT_BACKGROUND) - ensure res without waiting $key = "/awaitbg/a"; $cmd = "get $key\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; # check we can get a response _before_ the backends are consulted. is(scalar <$ps>, "VALUE $key 0 1\r\n", "response from await"); is(scalar <$ps>, "0\r\n", "looking for zero responses"); is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "end from await"); for my $be (@mbe) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "awaitbg backend req"); print $be "VALUE $key 0 2\r\nok\r\nEND\r\n"; } # test hitting a pool normally then hit mcp.await() # test hitting mcp.await() then a pool normally } { my $watcher = $p_srv->new_sock; print $watcher "watch proxyreqs\n"; is(<$watcher>, "OK\r\n", "watcher enabled"); # test logging errors from special await. my $key = "/awaitlogerr/a"; my $cmd = "set $key 0 0 5\r\n"; print $ps $cmd . "hello\r\n"; # respond from the first backend normally, then other two with errors. my $be = $mbe[0]; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "await_logerrors backend req"); is(scalar <$be>, "hello\r\n", "await_logerrors set payload"); print $be "STORED\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "STORED\r\n", "block until await responded"); # now ship some errors. for my $be ($mbe[1], $mbe[2]) { is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "await_logerrors backend req"); is(scalar <$be>, "hello\r\n", "await_logerrors set payload"); print $be "SERVER_ERROR out of memory\r\n"; } like(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_req elapsed=\d+ type=\d+ code=\d+ status=-1 be=(\S+) detail=write_failed req=set \/awaitlogerr\/a/, "await_logerrors log entry 1"); like(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_req elapsed=\d+ type=\d+ code=\d+ status=-1 be=(\S+) detail=write_failed req=set \/awaitlogerr\/a/, "await_logerrors log entry 2"); # Repeat the logreqtest to ensure we only got the log lines we expected. $cmd = "get /logreqtest/a\r\n"; print $ps $cmd; is(scalar <$be>, $cmd, "got passthru for log"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "got END from log test"); like(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_req elapsed=\d+ type=105 code=17 status=0 be= detail=logreqtest req=get \/logreqtest\/a/, "found request log entry"); } check_version($ps); # Test out of spec commands from client # - wrong # of tokens # - bad key size # - etc # Test errors/garbage from server # - certain errors pass through to the client, most close the backend. # - should be able to retrieve the error message { my $be = $mbe[0]; print $ps "set /b/foo 0 0 2\r\nhi\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "set /b/foo 0 0 2\r\n", "received set cmd"); is(scalar <$be>, "hi\r\n", "received set data"); # Send a classic back up the pipe. my $msg = "SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache\r\n"; print $be $msg; is(scalar <$ps>, $msg, "client received error message"); print $ps "get /b/foo\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/foo\r\n", "backend still works"); print $be "END\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "END\r\n", "got end back"); # ERROR and CLIENT_ERROR should both break the backend. print $ps "get /b/moo\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/moo\r\n", "received get command"); $msg = "CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format\r\n"; my $data; print $be $msg; is(scalar <$ps>, $msg, "client received error message"); my $read = $be->read($data, 1); is($read, 0, "backend disconnected"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; print $ps "get /b/too\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/too\r\n", "received get command"); $msg = "ERROR unhappy\r\n"; print $be $msg; is(scalar <$ps>, $msg, "client received error message"); $read = $be->read($data, 1); is($read, 0, "backend disconnected"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; # Sometimes blank ERRORS can be sent. print $ps "get /b/zoo\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/zoo\r\n", "received get command"); $msg = "ERROR\r\n"; print $be $msg; is(scalar <$ps>, $msg, "client received error message"); $read = $be->read($data, 1); is($read, 0, "backend disconnected"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; # Ensure garbage doesn't surface to client. print $ps "get /b/doo\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/doo\r\n", "received get command"); print $be "garbage\r\n"; # don't need the \r\n but it makes tests easier is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR backend failure\r\n", "generic backend error"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; # Check errors from pipelined commands past a CLIENT_ERROR print $ps "get /b/quu\r\nget /b/muu\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/quu\r\n", "received get command"); is(scalar <$be>, "get /b/muu\r\n", "received next get command"); print $be "CLIENT_ERROR bad protocol\r\nEND\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "CLIENT_ERROR bad protocol\r\n", "backend error"); is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR backend failure\r\n", "backend error"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; # Check that lua handles errors properly. print $ps "get /errcheck/a\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /errcheck/a\r\n", "received get command"); print $be "ERROR test1\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "ERROR\r\n", "lua saw correct error code"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; print $ps "get /errcheck/b\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /errcheck/b\r\n", "received get command"); print $be "CLIENT_ERROR test2\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "CLIENT_ERROR\r\n", "lua saw correct error code"); # re-accept the backend. $be = $mocksrvs[0]->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; $mbe[0] = $be; print $ps "get /errcheck/c\r\n"; is(scalar <$be>, "get /errcheck/c\r\n", "received get command"); print $be "SERVER_ERROR test3\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "SERVER_ERROR\r\n", "lua saw correct error code"); } check_version($ps); done_testing();