#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use Carp qw(croak); use MemcachedTest; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket qw(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM); # TODO: possibly... set env var to a generated temp filename before starting # the server so we can pass that in? my $configfile = "/tmp/proxyustats.lua"; if (!supports_proxy()) { plan skip_all => 'proxy not enabled'; exit 0; } # Set up some server sockets. sub mock_server { my $port = shift; my $srv = IO::Socket->new( Domain => AF_INET, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => 'tcp', LocalHost => '', LocalPort => $port, ReusePort => 1, Listen => 5) || die "IO::Socket: $@"; return $srv; } sub accept_backend { my $srv = shift; my $be = $srv->accept(); $be->autoflush(1); ok(defined $be, "mock backend created"); like(<$be>, qr/version/, "received version command"); print $be "VERSION 1.0.0-mock\r\n"; return $be; } # Put a version command down the pipe to ensure the socket is clear. # client version commands skip the proxy code sub check_version { my $ps = shift; print $ps "version\r\n"; like(<$ps>, qr/VERSION /, "version received"); } # A single line containing prefix, start ustat and end ustat index. sub write_config { my $cmd = shift; open(my $fh, "> $configfile") or die "Couldn't overwrite $configfile: $!"; print $fh $cmd; close($fh); } sub wait_reload { my $w = shift; like(<$w>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=start/, "reload started"); like(<$w>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=done/, "reload completed"); } my ($p_srv, $ps, $watcher); sub restart_memcached { if ($p_srv) { $p_srv->stop(); } write_config('return "a 1 0"'); $p_srv = new_memcached('-o proxy_config=./t/proxyustats.lua'); $ps = $p_srv->sock; $ps->autoflush(1); $watcher = $p_srv->new_sock; print $watcher "watch proxyevents\n"; is(<$watcher>, "OK\r\n", "watcher enabled"); } diag "testing failure to start"; write_config("invalid"); eval { $p_srv = new_memcached('-o proxy_config=./t/proxyustats.lua'); }; ok($@ && $@ =~ m/Failed to connect/, "server successfully not started"); restart_memcached(); subtest 'succeeded to allocate 1024 ustats' => sub { my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 1; my $last = 1024; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); wait_reload($watcher); my $stats = mem_stats($ps, 'proxy'); for my $i ($first..$last) { my $ustat = "user_" . $pfx . $i; is($stats->{$ustat}, 0, $ustat . " found"); } }; subtest 'failed to allocate 1025 ustats' => sub { my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 1025; my $last = 1025; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=start/, "reload not started"); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=done/, "reload not completed"); restart_memcached(); }; subtest 'failed to allocate ustat at index 0' => sub { my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 0; my $last = 0; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=start/, "reload not started"); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=done/, "reload not completed"); restart_memcached(); }; subtest 'succeeded to allocate ustat at 1024 only' => sub { # restart memcached to clear any ustats. restart_memcached(); my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 1024; my $last = 1024; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); wait_reload($watcher); my $stats = mem_stats($ps, 'proxy'); while (my ($ustat, $value) = each %{$stats}) { if (index($ustat, "user_") == 0) { is($ustat, "user_a1024", "user_a1024 found"); } } }; subtest 'ustats incr/decr and perseverance over reload' => sub { # restart memcached to clear any ustats. restart_memcached(); my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 1; my $last = 3; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); wait_reload($watcher); print $ps "mg 1\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "mg 1 hit"); print $ps "mg 2\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "mg 2 hit"); print $ps "mg 2\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "mg 2 hit"); my $stats = mem_stats($ps, 'proxy'); is($stats->{user_a1}, 1, "user_a1 is 1"); is($stats->{user_a2}, 4, "user_a2 is 4"); is($stats->{user_a3}, 0, "user_a3 is 0"); $pfx = "b"; $first = 2; $last = 4; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); wait_reload($watcher); # subtract 2 at idx 2. print $ps "mg -2\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "mg -2 hit"); $stats = mem_stats($ps, 'proxy'); is($stats->{user_a1}, 1, "user_a1 is 1"); is($stats->{user_b2}, 2, "user_b2 is 2"); is($stats->{user_b3}, 0, "user_b3 is 0"); is($stats->{user_b4}, 0, "user_b4 is 0"); }; subtest 'failed to allocate ustat longer than 128 chars' => sub { my $pfx = '*' x 128; my $first = 1; my $last = 1; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=start/, "reload not started"); unlike(<$watcher>, qr/ts=(\S+) gid=\d+ type=proxy_conf status=done/, "reload not completed"); restart_memcached(); }; subtest 'negative ustat value underflow' => sub { # restart memcached to clear any ustats. restart_memcached(); my $pfx = "a"; my $first = 1; my $last = 1; write_config('return "' . $pfx . ' ' . $first . ' ' . $last . '"'); $p_srv->reload(); wait_reload($watcher); print $ps "mg -1\r\n"; is(scalar <$ps>, "HD\r\n", "mg -1 hit"); my $stats = mem_stats($ps, 'proxy'); isnt($stats->{user_a1}, -1, "user_a1 is not -1"); }; done_testing(); END { unlink $configfile; }