#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use MemcachedTest; ## First make sure we report UNIX-domain sockets correctly if (supports_unix_socket()) { plan tests => 12; my $filename = "/tmp/memcachetest$$"; my $server = new_memcached("-s $filename"); my $sock = $server->sock; my $stats_sock = $server->new_sock; ok(-S $filename, "creating unix domain socket $filename"); print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\n"; sleep(1); # so we can test secs_since_last_cmd is nonzero print $stats_sock "stats conns\r\n"; my $stats; while (<$stats_sock>) { last if /^(\.|END)/; $stats .= $_; } like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:addr /); $stats =~ m/STAT (\d+):addr unix:(.*[^\r\n])/g; my $listen_fd = $1; my $socket_path = $2; # getsockname(2) doesn't return socket path on GNU/Hurd (and maybe others) SKIP: { skip "socket path checking on GNU kernel", 1 if ($^O eq 'gnu'); is($socket_path, $filename, "unix domain socket path reported correctly"); }; $stats =~ m/STAT (\d+):state conn_listening\r\n/g; is($1, $listen_fd, "listen socket fd reported correctly"); like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:state conn_nread/, "one client is sending data"); like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:state conn_parse_cmd/, "one client is in command processing"); like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:secs_since_last_cmd [1-9]\r/, "nonzero secs_since_last_cmd"); like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:listen_addr unix:\/tmp\/memcachetest\d+\r/, "found listen_addr for the UNIX-domain socket"); $server->stop; unlink($filename); } else { plan tests => 4; } ## Now look at TCP my $server = new_memcached("-l"); my $sock = $server->sock; my $stats_sock = $server->new_sock; print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\n"; print $stats_sock "stats conns\r\n"; my $stats = ''; while (<$stats_sock>) { last if /^(\.|END)/; $stats .= $_; } like($stats, qr/STAT \d+:state conn_listen/, "there is a listen socket"); $stats =~ m/STAT \d+:addr udp:\d+)/; is($1, $server->udpport, "udp port number is correct"); $stats =~ m/STAT \d+:addr tcp:\d+)/; print STDERR "PORT: ", $server->port, "\n"; is($1, $server->port, "tcp port number is correct"); $stats =~ m/STAT \d+:listen_addr tcp:\d+)/; is($1, $server->port, "listen_addr is correct for the tcp port");