#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Test::More tests => 48; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/lib"; use MemcachedTest; use constant IS_ASCII => 0; use constant IS_BINARY => 1; use constant ENTRY_EXISTS => 0; use constant ENTRY_MISSING => 1; use constant BIN_REQ_MAGIC => 0x80; use constant BIN_RES_MAGIC => 0x81; use constant CMD_GET => 0x00; use constant CMD_SET => 0x01; use constant CMD_ADD => 0x02; use constant CMD_REPLACE => 0x03; use constant CMD_DELETE => 0x04; use constant CMD_INCR => 0x05; use constant CMD_DECR => 0x06; use constant CMD_APPEND => 0x0E; use constant CMD_PREPEND => 0x0F; use constant REQ_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN"; use constant RES_PKT_FMT => "CCnCCnNNNN"; use constant INCRDECR_PKT_FMT => "NNNNN"; use constant MIN_RECV_BYTES => length(pack(RES_PKT_FMT)); my $server = new_memcached(); my $sock = $server->sock; # set foo (and should get it) print $sock "set foo 0 0 6\r\nfooval\r\n"; is(scalar <$sock>, "STORED\r\n", "stored foo"); mem_get_is($sock, "foo", "fooval"); my $usock = $server->new_udp_sock or die "Can't bind : $@\n"; # testing sequence of request ids for my $offt (1, 1, 2) { my $req = 160 + $offt; my $res = send_udp_request($usock, $req, "get foo\r\n"); ok($res, "got result"); is(keys %$res, 1, "one key (one packet)"); ok($res->{0}, "only got seq number 0"); is(substr($res->{0}, 8), "VALUE foo 0 6\r\nfooval\r\nEND\r\n"); is(hexify(substr($res->{0}, 0, 2)), hexify(pack("n", $req)), "udp request number in response ($req) is correct"); } # op tests for my $prot (::IS_ASCII,::IS_BINARY) { udp_set_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1",0,0); udp_set_test($prot,45,"bval$prot","abcd" x 1024,0,0); udp_get_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1",::ENTRY_EXISTS); udp_get_test($prot,45,"404$prot","1",::ENTRY_MISSING); udp_incr_decr_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1","incr",1); udp_incr_decr_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","1","decr",2); udp_delete_test($prot,45,"aval$prot","0"); } sub udp_set_test { my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $value, $flags, $exp) = @_; my $req = ""; my $val_len = length($value); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { $req = "set $key $flags $exp $val_len\r\n$value\r\n"; } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my $key_len = length($key); my $extra = pack "NN",$flags,$exp; my $extra_len = length($extra); my $total_len = $val_len + $extra_len + $key_len; $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_SET, $key_len, $extra_len, 0, 0, $total_len, 0, 0, 0); $req .= $extra . $key . $value; } my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req); my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { is($resp,"STORED\r\n","Store key $key using ASCII protocol"); } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len, $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp); is($resp_status,"0","Store key $key using binary protocol"); } } sub udp_get_test { my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $value, $exists) = @_; my $key_len = length($key); my $value_len = length($value); my $req = ""; if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { $req = "get $key\r\n"; } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_GET, $key_len, 0, 0, 0, $key_len, 0, 0, 0); $req .= $key; } my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req); my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { if ($exists == ::ENTRY_EXISTS) { is($resp,"VALUE $key 0 $value_len\r\n$value\r\nEND\r\n","Retrieve entry with key $key using ASCII protocol"); } else { is($resp,"END\r\n","Retrieve non existing entry with key $key using ASCII protocol"); } } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len, $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp); if ($exists == ::ENTRY_EXISTS) { is($resp_status,"0","Retrieve entry with key $key using binary protocol"); is(substr($resp,::MIN_RECV_BYTES + $resp_extra_len + $resp_key_len, $value_len),$value,"Value for key $key retrieved with binary protocol matches"); } else { is($resp_status,"1","Retrieve non existing entry with key $key using binary protocol"); } } } sub udp_delete_test { my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $time) = @_; my $req = ""; my $key_len = length($key); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { $req = "delete $key $time\r\n"; } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, ::CMD_DELETE, $key_len, 0, 0, 0, $key_len, 0, 0, 0); $req .= $key; } my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req); my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { is($resp,"DELETED\r\n","Delete key $key using ASCII protocol"); } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len, $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp); is($resp_status,"0","Delete key $key using binary protocol"); } } sub udp_incr_decr_test { my ($protocol, $req_id, $key, $val, $optype, $init_val) = @_; my $req = ""; my $key_len = length($key); my $expected_value = 0; my $acmd = "incr"; my $bcmd = ::CMD_INCR; if ($optype eq "incr") { $expected_value = $init_val + $val; } else { $acmd = "decr"; $bcmd = ::CMD_DECR; $expected_value = $init_val - $val; } if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { $req = "$acmd $key $val\r\n"; } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my $extra = pack(::INCRDECR_PKT_FMT, ($val / 2 ** 32),($val % 2 ** 32), 0, 0, 0); my $extra_len = length($extra); $req = pack(::REQ_PKT_FMT, ::BIN_REQ_MAGIC, $bcmd, $key_len, $extra_len, 0, 0, $key_len + $extra_len, 0, 0, 0); $req .= $extra . $key; } my $datagrams = send_udp_request($usock, $req_id, $req); my $resp = construct_udp_message($datagrams); if ($protocol == ::IS_ASCII) { is($resp,"$expected_value\r\n","perform $acmd math operation on key $key with ASCII protocol"); } elsif ($protocol == ::IS_BINARY) { my ($resp_magic, $resp_op_code, $resp_key_len, $resp_extra_len, $resp_data_type, $resp_status, $resp_total_len, $resp_opaque, $resp_ident_hi, $resp_ident_lo) = unpack(::RES_PKT_FMT, $resp); is($resp_status,"0","perform $acmd math operation on key $key with binary protocol"); my ($resp_hi,$resp_lo) = unpack("NN",substr($resp,::MIN_RECV_BYTES + $resp_extra_len + $resp_key_len, $resp_total_len - $resp_extra_len - $resp_key_len)); is(($resp_hi * 2 ** 32) + $resp_lo,$expected_value,"validate result of binary protocol math operation $acmd . Expected value $expected_value") } } sub construct_udp_message { my $datagrams = shift; my $num_datagram = keys (%$datagrams); my $msg = ""; my $cur_dg =""; my $cur_udp_header =""; for (my $cur_dg_index = 0; $cur_dg_index < $num_datagram; $cur_dg_index++) { $cur_dg = %$datagrams->{$cur_dg_index}; isnt($cur_dg,"","missing datagram for segment $cur_dg_index"); $cur_udp_header=substr($cur_dg, 0, 8); $msg .= substr($cur_dg,8); } return $msg; } sub hexify { my $val = shift; $val =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%02x", ord($1))/egs; return $val; } # returns undef on select timeout, or hashref of "seqnum" -> payload (including headers) # verifies that resp_id is equal to id sent in request # ensures consistency in num packets that make up response sub send_udp_request { my ($sock, $reqid, $req) = @_; my $pkt = pack("nnnn", $reqid, 0, 1, 0); # request id (opaque), seq num, #packets, reserved (must be 0) $pkt .= $req; my $fail = sub { my $msg = shift; warn " FAILING send_udp because: $msg\n"; return undef; }; return $fail->("send") unless send($sock, $pkt, 0); my $ret = {}; my $got = 0; # packets got my $numpkts = undef; while (!defined($numpkts) || $got < $numpkts) { my $rin = ''; vec($rin, fileno($sock), 1) = 1; my $rout; return $fail->("timeout after $got packets") unless select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 1.5); my $res; my $sender = $sock->recv($res, 1500, 0); my ($resid, $seq, $this_numpkts, $resv) = unpack("nnnn", substr($res, 0, 8)); die "Response ID of $resid doesn't match request if of $reqid" unless $resid == $reqid; die "Reserved area not zero" unless $resv == 0; die "num packets changed midstream!" if defined $numpkts && $this_numpkts != $numpkts; $numpkts = $this_numpkts; $ret->{$seq} = $res; $got++; } return $ret; } __END__ $sender = recv($usock, $ans, 1050, 0); __END__ $usock->send ($hispaddr = recv(SOCKET, $rtime, 4, 0)) || die "recv: $!"; ($port, $hisiaddr) = sockaddr_in($hispaddr); $host = gethostbyaddr($hisiaddr, AF_INET); $histime = unpack("N", $rtime) - $SECS_of_70_YEARS ;