#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); our @files; BEGIN { chdir "$Bin/.." or die; unless (-d "$Bin/../.git") { use Test::More; plan skip_all => "Skipping test because this does not appear to be a memcached git working directory"; exit 0; } my @exempted = qw(Makefile.am ChangeLog doc/Makefile.am README README.md compile_commands.json md5.c md5.h); push(@exempted, glob("doc/*.xml")); push(@exempted, glob("doc/*.full")); push(@exempted, glob("doc/xml2rfc/*.xsl")); push(@exempted, glob("doc/xml2rfc/*.dtd")); push(@exempted, glob("m4/*backport*m4")); push(@exempted, glob("*.orig")); push(@exempted, glob(".*.swp")); push(@exempted, glob("queue.h")); my %exempted_hash = map { $_ => 1 } @exempted; my @stuff = split /\0/, `git ls-files -z -c -m -o --exclude-standard`; @files = grep { ! $exempted_hash{$_} && $_ !~ m/^vendor/ } @stuff; # We won't find any files if git isn't installed. If git isn't # installed, they're probably not doing any useful development, or # at the very least am will clean up whitespace when we receive # their patch. unless (@files) { use Test::More; plan skip_all => "Skipping tests probably because you don't have git."; exit 0; } } use Test::More tests => scalar(@files); foreach my $f (@files) { open(my $fh, $f) or die "Cannot open file $f: $!"; my $before = do { local $/; <$fh>; }; close ($fh); my $after = $before; $after =~ s/\t/ /g; $after =~ s/ +$//mg; $after .= "\n" unless $after =~ /\n$/; ok ($after eq $before, "$f (see devtools/clean-whitespace.pl)"); }