# Copyright © 2022 Collabora Ltd # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. project('mesa-demos', 'c', 'cpp', version : '8.5.0', meson_version : '>= 0.59', default_options: ['c_std=c11', 'cpp_std=c++17']) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp') null_dep = dependency('', required : false) demos_data_dir = '../data/' if get_option('with-system-data-files') demos_data_dir = get_option('prefix') / get_option('datadir') / 'mesa-demos/' endif add_project_arguments( '-DDEMOS_DATA_DIR="@0@"'.format(demos_data_dir), language: 'c') dep_m = cc.find_library('m', required : false) dep_winmm = cc.find_library('winmm', required : false) dep_gl = dependency('gl') dep_epoll = dependency('epoll-shim', required : false) dep_gles1 = dependency('glesv1_cm', required : get_option('gles1')) dep_gles2 = dependency('glesv2', required : get_option('gles2')) dep_osmesa = dependency('osmesa', required : get_option('osmesa')) dep_egl = dependency('egl', required : get_option('egl')) dep_vulkan = dependency('vulkan', required : get_option('vulkan')) dep_drm = dependency('libdrm', required : get_option('libdrm'), disabler : true ) dep_x11 = dependency('x11, xext', required : get_option('x11'), disabler : true ) dep_wayland = dependency('wayland-client, wayland-egl, xkbcommon', required : get_option('wayland'), disabler : true ) if dep_vulkan.found() dep_xcb = dependency('xcb, xkbcommon, xkbcommon-x11', required : get_option('x11'), disabler : true ) endif dep_libdecor = null_dep if dep_wayland.found() dep_wl_scanner = dependency('wayland-scanner', native: true) prog_wl_scanner = find_program(dep_wl_scanner.get_variable(pkgconfig : 'wayland_scanner')) if dep_wl_scanner.version().version_compare('>= 1.15') wl_scanner_arg = 'private-code' else wl_scanner_arg = 'code' endif dep_wl_protocols = dependency('wayland-protocols', version : '>= 1.12') wayland_xdg_shell_xml = join_paths( dep_wl_protocols.get_variable(pkgconfig : 'pkgdatadir'), 'stable', 'xdg-shell', 'xdg-shell.xml' ) dep_libdecor = dependency('libdecor-0', version : '>= 0.1') endif dep_threads = dependency('threads') dep_glu = dependency('glu', required : false) # GLU is part of OpenGL.Framework if not dep_glu.found() and host_machine.system() != 'darwin' _glu_name = 'GLU' if host_machine.system() == 'windows' _glu_name = 'glu32' endif dep_glu = cc.find_library(_glu_name, has_headers: 'GL/glu.h', required : dep_x11.found()) endif dep_glx = dependency('glx', required: false, disabler : true) if not dep_glx.found() and host_machine.system() == 'darwin' # xquartz doesn't have a glx.pc, but it does have the header. And all the # symbols reside in libGL, so let's just use that. if cc.check_header('GL/glx.h', dependencies: dep_x11) dep_glx = dep_gl endif endif # GBM is needed for EGL on KMS dep_gbm = dependency('gbm', required : false, disabler : true) dep_dl = null_dep if not cc.has_function('dlopen') dep_dl = cc.find_library('dl', required : host_machine.system() != 'windows') endif with_glut = get_option('with-glut') if with_glut != '' warning('with-glut is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release') glut_libdir = with_glut / 'lib' glut_incdir = include_directories(with_glut / 'include', is_system: true) _libglut = cc.find_library( 'glut', dirs: glut_libdir, has_headers: 'GL/glut.h', header_include_directories: glut_incdir) dep_glut = declare_dependency( dependencies: _libglut, include_directories: glut_incdir ) elif not get_option('glut').disabled() dep_glut = dependency('glut', required: false) if not dep_glut.found() dep_glut = cc.find_library( 'glut', has_headers: 'GL/glut.h', required: get_option('glut') ) endif else dep_glut = dependency('', required : false) endif if dep_glut.found() and cc.has_function('glutInitContextProfile', dependencies: [dep_glut], prefix : '#include ') add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_FREEGLUT', language : ['c', 'cpp']) endif if dep_vulkan.found() prog_glslang = find_program('glslangValidator') endif if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' add_project_arguments('-DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION', language: 'c') endif if cc.has_function('sincos', prefix: '#define _GNU_SOURCE\n#include ', dependencies: dep_m) add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_SINCOS', language: 'c') endif if ['linux', 'cygwin', 'gnu', 'freebsd', 'gnu/kfreebsd', 'haiku', 'android'].contains(host_machine.system()) add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language: ['c', 'cpp']) elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' add_project_arguments(['-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES'], language: ['c', 'cpp']) elif host_machine.system() == 'openbsd' add_project_arguments('-D_ISOC11_SOURCE', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif c_args = [] if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' c_args += '-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS' c_args += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '/wd4100', # 'var': unreferenced formal parameter '/wd4244', # conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data '/wd4305', # trancation from 'type1' to 'type2' '/wd4459', # declaration of 'var' hides global declaration ]) else c_args += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=return-type', '-Werror=empty-body', '-Wimplicit-fallthrough=3', '-Wmisleading-indentation', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-format-truncation', '-fno-math-errno', '-fno-trapping-math', '-Qunused-arguments', # Clang '-Wno-microsoft-enum-value', '-Wno-unused-function', ]) if host_machine.system() != 'darwin' c_args += cc.get_supported_arguments([ '-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types', '-Werror=int-conversion', ]) endif endif add_project_arguments(c_args, language: 'c') subdir('src')