diff options
authorJussi Pakkanen <>2021-04-04 00:32:03 +0300
committerJussi Pakkanen <>2021-04-04 00:32:03 +0300
commitd78dba08a731af7ebbad1c15c7715afd028d7345 (patch)
parent87f1007ba76be2e59690c6c144ae64c268b0193a (diff)
Convert a few more.
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/mesonbuild/backend/ b/mesonbuild/backend/
index a9ffb3905..98c6be180 100644
--- a/mesonbuild/backend/
+++ b/mesonbuild/backend/
@@ -213,16 +213,16 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXAggregateTarget section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildFile section'))
- self.generate_pbx_build_file()
+ self.generate_pbx_build_file(objects_dict)
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildFile section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildStyle section'))
- self.generate_pbx_build_style()
+ self.generate_pbx_build_style(objects_dict)
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildStyle section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
- self.generate_pbx_container_item_proxy()
+ self.generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(objects_dict)
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFileReference section'))
- self.generate_pbx_file_reference()
+ self.generate_pbx_file_reference(objects_dict)
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXFileReference section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section'))
@@ -402,31 +402,42 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
objects_dict.add_item(t[0], agt_dict, name)
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXAggregateTarget section */\n')
- def generate_pbx_build_file(self):
+ def generate_pbx_build_file(self, objects_dict):
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */\n')
templ = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %s /* %s */; settings = { COMPILER_FLAGS = "%s"; }; };\n'
otempl = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %s /* %s */;};\n'
+ ftempl = '{} /* {}.framework in Frameworks */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {} /* {}.framework */; }};\n'
for t in
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ # FIXME not ported
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
for f in dep.frameworks:
- self.write_line('{} /* {}.framework in Frameworks */ = {{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = {} /* {}.framework */; }};\n'.format(self.native_frameworks[f], f, self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f))
+ self.write_line(ftempl.format(self.native_frameworks[f], f, self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f))
for s in t.sources:
+ sdict = PbxDict()
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
if isinstance(s, str):
s = os.path.join(t.subdir, s)
+ sdict = PbxDict()
idval = self.buildmap[s]
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s)
fileref = self.filemap[s]
fullpath2 = fullpath
compiler_args = ''
self.write_line(templ % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2, compiler_args))
+ sdict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ sdict.add_item('fileRef', fileref, fullpath2)
+ settingdict = PbxDict()
+ settingdict.add_item('COMPILER_FLAGS', '"' + compiler_args + '"')
+ sdict.add_item('settings', settingdict)
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, sdict)
for o in t.objects:
+ # FIXME, not ported
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
idval = self.buildmap[o]
fileref = self.filemap[o]
@@ -435,53 +446,78 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
self.write_line(otempl % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2))
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXBuildFile section */\n')
- def generate_pbx_build_style(self):
+ def generate_pbx_build_style(self, objects_dict):
# FIXME: Xcode 9 and later does not uses PBXBuildStyle and it gets removed. Maybe we can remove this part.
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXBuildStyle section */\n')
for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items():
+ styledict = PbxDict()
self.write_line(f'{idval} /* {name} */ = {{\n')
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, styledict, name)
self.indent_level += 1
self.write_line('isa = PBXBuildStyle;\n')
+ styledict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildStyle')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
self.write_line('buildSettings = {\n')
+ styledict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
self.indent_level += 1
self.write_line('COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO;\n')
+ settings_dict.add_item('COPY_PHASE_STRIP', 'NO')
self.indent_level -= 1
self.write_line('name = "%s";\n' % name)
+ styledict.add_item('name', name)
self.indent_level -= 1
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXBuildStyle section */\n')
- def generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(self):
+ def generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, objects_dict):
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */\n')
for t in
+ proxy_dict = PbxDict()
self.write_line('%s /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {' % self.containerproxy_map[t])
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.containerproxy_map[t], proxy_dict, 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
self.indent_level += 1
self.write_line('isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
self.write_line('containerPortal = %s /* Project object */;' % self.project_uid)
+ proxy_dict.add_item('containerPortal', self.project_uid, 'Project object')
self.write_line('proxyType = 1;')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('proxyType', '1')
self.write_line('remoteGlobalIDString = %s;' % self.native_targets[t])
+ proxy_dict.add_item('remoteGlobalIDString', self.native_targets[t])
self.write_line('remoteInfo = "%s";' % t)
+ proxy_dict.add_item('remoteInfo', '"' + t + '"')
self.indent_level -= 1
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */\n')
- def generate_pbx_file_reference(self):
+ def generate_pbx_file_reference(self, objects_dict):
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\n')
for t in
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
for f in dep.frameworks:
+ # FIXME not ported
self.write_line('{} /* {}.framework */ = {{isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = {}.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/{}.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; }};\n'.format(self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f, f, f))
src_templ = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "%s"; fileEncoding = 4; name = "%s"; path = "%s"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };\n'
for fname, idval in self.filemap.items():
+ src_dict = PbxDict()
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), fname)
xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(fname)
name = os.path.basename(fname)
path = fname
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, src_dict, fullpath)
self.write_line(src_templ % (idval, fullpath, xcodetype, name, path))
+ src_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ src_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
+ src_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('path', '"' + path + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
target_templ = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "%s"; path = %s; refType = %d; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n'
for tname, idval in self.target_filemap.items():
+ target_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, target_dict, tname)
t =[tname]
fname = t.get_filename()
reftype = 0
@@ -495,6 +531,11 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(fname)
path = '"%s"' % t.get_filename()
self.write_line(target_templ % (idval, tname, typestr, path, reftype))
+ target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ target_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
+ target_dict.add_item('path', path)
+ target_dict.add_item('refType', reftype)
+ target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR')
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXFileReference section */\n')
def generate_pbx_frameworks_buildphase(self):