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authorThomas Thurman <>2009-10-23 15:57:27 -0400
committerThomas Thurman <>2009-10-23 15:57:27 -0400
commit619d9aea808b835c5a6660517f13259ab67e6c8d (patch)
parentee65cec6f31a9d1399ad2e699acf31d2aa7f4dff (diff)
move title drawing out of draw_rectangle to its caller
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/theme.c b/src/ui/theme.c
index 9dcb791d..d751fdd6 100644
--- a/src/ui/theme.c
+++ b/src/ui/theme.c
@@ -330,70 +330,6 @@ get_number_from_style (ccss_style_t *style,
return result;
-static void
-reduce_by_padding_borders_and_margins (ccss_stylesheet_t *stylesheet,
- CopperClasses style_id,
- int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h,
- gboolean honour_margins,
- gboolean reverse)
- ccss_style_t *style = ccss_stylesheet_query (stylesheet,
- (ccss_node_t*) &cowbell_nodes[style_id]);
- int bt=0, br=0, bb=0, bl=0, pt=0, pr=0, pb=0, pl=0;
- if (!style) return;
- /* FIXME this is silly; libccss should do this for us */
- /* FIXME maybe it does if we get the property rather than the number */
- if (get_number_from_style (style, "border-width", NULL, &bl))
- {
- bt = br = bb = bl;
- }
- else
- {
- get_number_from_style (style, "border-top-width", NULL, &bt);
- get_number_from_style (style, "border-right-width", NULL, &br);
- get_number_from_style (style, "border-bottom-width", NULL, &bb);
- get_number_from_style (style, "border-left-width", NULL, &bl);
- }
- if (get_number_from_style (style, "padding", NULL, &pl))
- {
- pt = pr = pb = pl;
- }
- else
- {
- get_number_from_style (style, "padding-top", NULL, &pt);
- get_number_from_style (style, "padding-right", NULL, &pr);
- get_number_from_style (style, "padding-bottom", NULL, &pb);
- get_number_from_style (style, "padding-left", NULL, &pl);
- }
- /* FIXME honour honour_margins */
- bt += pt;
- br += pr;
- bb += pb;
- bl += pl;
- if (reverse)
- {
- if (x) *x -= bl;
- if (y) *y -= bt;
- if (w) *w += (bl+br);
- if (h) *h += (bt+bb);
- }
- else
- {
- if (x) *x += bl;
- if (y) *y += bt;
- if (w) *w -= (bl+br);
- if (h) *h -= (bt+bb);
- }
- ccss_style_destroy (style);
* FIXME: This is only called in one place;
* shd possibly be inlined
@@ -474,24 +410,6 @@ draw_rectangle (ccss_stylesheet_t *stylesheet,
ccss_cairo_style_draw_rectangle (style, cr, x, y, w, h);
- /* FIXME do this in the caller */
- if (style_id==CC_TITLE)
- {
- /* may be worth moving this inline? */
- cowbell_style_title_text (stylesheet, layout, cr);
- /* XXX use edges, not RBPBAM */
- reduce_by_padding_borders_and_margins (stylesheet, CC_TITLE,
- &x, &y, &w, &h,
- cairo_translate (cr, x, y);
- pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);
- cairo_translate (cr, -x, -y);
- }
ccss_style_destroy (style);
return full_width;
@@ -600,6 +518,17 @@ meta_theme_draw_frame_with_style (MetaTheme *theme,
+ /* may be worth moving this inline? */
+ cowbell_style_title_text (stylesheet, title_layout, cr);
+ cairo_translate (cr,
+ fgeom.areas[CC_TITLE].x + fgeom.areas[CC_TITLE].left_edge,
+ fgeom.areas[CC_TITLE].y + fgeom.areas[CC_TITLE].top_edge);
+ pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, title_layout);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);