path: root/HACKING
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+++ /dev/null
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-Window managers have a few ways in which they are significantly different
-from other applications. This file, combined with the code overview in
-doc/code-overview.txt, should hopefully provide a series of relatively
-quick pointers (hopefully only a few minutes each) to some of the places
-one can look to orient themselves and get started. Some of this will be
-general to window managers on X, much will be specific to Metacity, and
-there's probably some information that's common to programs in general but
-is nonetheless useful.
- Administrative issues
- Minimal Building/Testing Environment
- Relevant standards and X properties
- Debugging and testing
- Debugging logs
- Adding information to the log
- Valgrind
- Testing Utilities
- Technical gotchas to keep in mind
- Other important reading
- Extra reading
- Ideas for tasks to work on
-Administrative issues
- Don't commit substantive code in here without asking
- Adding translations, no-brainer typo fixes, etc. is fine.
- The code could use cleanup in a lot of places, feel free to do so.
- See for
- information on how to make a release. The only difference from those
- instructions is that the minor version number of a Metacity release
- should always be a number from the Fibonacci sequence.
-Minimal Building/Testing Environment
- You do not need to _install_ a development version of Metacity to
- build, run and test it; you can run it from some temporary
- directory. Also, you do not need to build all of Gnome in order to
- build a development version of Metacity -- odds are, you may be able
- to build metacity from CVS without building any other modules.
- As long as you have gtk+ >= 2.10 and GConf with your distro (gtk+ >=
- 2.6 if you manually revert the change from bug 348633), you should
- be able to install your distro's development packages
- (e.g. gtk2-devel, GConf2-devel, startup-notification-devel on
- Fedora; also, remember to install the gnome-common package which is
- needed for building cvs versions of Gnome modules like Metacity) as
- well as the standard development tools (gcc, autoconf, automake,
- pkg-config, intltool, and libtool) and be ready to build and test
- Metacity. Steps to do so:
- $ svn checkout metacity
- $ cd metacity
- $ ./ --prefix /usr
- $ make
- $ ./src/metacity --replace
- Again, note that you do not need to run 'make install'.
-Relevant standards and X properties
- There are two documents that describe some basics about how window
- managers should behave: the ICCCM (Inter-Client Communication Conventions
- Manual) and EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints). You can find these at
- the following locations:
- EWMH -
- The ICCCM is usually available in RPM or DEB format as well. There is
- actually an online version of the EWMH, but it is almost always woefully
- out of date. Just get it from cvs with these commands (the backslash
- means include the stuff from the next line):
- cvs -d login
- cvs -d \
- checkout wm-spec
- If you do, you'll probably end up catching up on your sleep instead of
- hacking on Metacity. ;-) Instead, just look at the table of contents and
- glance at a page or two to get an idea of what's in there. Then only
- refer to it if you see something weird in the code and you don't know
- what it is but has some funny looking name like you see in one of those
- two documents.
- You can refer to the COMPLIANCE file for additional information on these
- specifications and Metacity's compliance therewith.
- One of the major things those documents cover that are useful to learn
- about immediately are X properties. The right way to learn about those,
- though, is through hand on experimentation with the xprop command (and
- then look up things you find from xprop in those two manuals if you're
- curious enough). First, try running
- xprop
- in a terminal and click on one of the windows on your screen. That gives
- you the x properties for that window. Look through them and get a basic
- idea of what's there for kicks. Note that you can get rid of some of the
- verboseness by grepping out the _NET_WM_ICON stuff, i.e.
- xprop | grep -v _NET_WM_ICON
- Next, try running
- xprop -root
- in a terminal. There's all the properties of the root window (which you
- can think of as the "main" Xserver window). You can also manually
- specify individual windows that you want the properties of with
- xprop -id <id>
- if you know the id of the window in question. You can get the id of a
- given window by either running xwininfo, e.g.
- xwininfo | grep "Window id" | cut -f 4 -d ' '
- or by looking at the _NET_CLIENT_STACKING property of the root
- window. Finally, it can also be useful to add "-spy" (without the
- quotes) to the xprop command to get it to continually monitor that
- window and report any changes to you.
-Debugging information
- Trying to run a window manager under a typical debugger, such as gdb,
- unfortunately just doesn't work very well. So, we have to resort to
- other methods.
- Debugging logs
- First, note that you can start a new version of metacity to replace the
- existing one by running
- metacity --replace
- (which also comes in handy in the form "./src/metacity --replace" when
- trying to quickly test a small change while hacking on metacity without
- doing a full "make install", though I'm going off topic...) This will
- allow you to see any warnings printed at the terminal. Sometimes it's
- useful to have these directed to a logfile instead, which you can do by
- running
- METACITY_USE_LOGFILE=1 metacity --replace
- The logfile it uses will be printed in the terminal. Sometimes, it's
- useful to get more information than just warnings. You can set
- METACITY_VERBOSE to do that, like so:
- (note that METACITY_VERBOSE=1 can be problematic without
- METACITY_USE_LOGFILE=1; avoid it unless running in from something that
- won't be managed by the new Metacity--see bug 305091 for more details).
- There are also other flags, such as METACITY_DEBUG, most of which I
- haven't tried and don't know what they do. Go to the source code
- directory and run
- grep "METACITY_" * | grep getenv
- to find out what the other ones are.
- Adding information to the log
- Since we can't single step with a debugger, we often have to fall back to
- the primitive method of getting information we want to know: adding
- "print" statements. Metacity has a fairly structured way to do this,
- using the functions meta_warning, meta_topic, and meta_verbose. All
- three have the same basic format as printf, except that meta_topic also
- takes a leading enumeration parameter to specify the type of message
- being shown (makes it easier for grepping in a verbose log). You'll find
- tons of examples in the source code if you need them; just do a quick
- grep or look in most any file. Note that meta_topic and meta_verbose
- messages only appear if verbosity is turned on. I tend to frequently add
- temporary meta_warning statements (or switch meta_topic or meta_verbose
- ones to meta_warning ones) and then undo the changes once I've learned
- the info that I needed.
- There is also a meta_print_backtrace (which again is only active if
- verbosity is turned on) that can also be useful if you want to learn how
- a particular line of code gets called. And, of course, there's always
- g_assert if you want to make sure some section isn't executed (or isn't
- executed under certain conditions).
- Valgrind
- Valgrind is awesome for finding memory leaks or corruption and
- uninitialized variables. But I also tend to use it in a non-traditional
- way as a partial substitute for a normal debugger: it can provide me with
- a stack trace of where metacity is crashing if I made a change that
- caused it to do so, which is one of the major uses of debuggers. (And,
- what makes it cooler than a debugger is that there will also often be
- warnings pinpointing the cause of the crash from either some kind of
- simple memory corruption or an uninitialized variable). Sometimes, when
- I merely want to know what is calling a particular function I'll just
- throw in an "int i; printf("%d\n", i);" just because valgrind will give
- me a full stacktrace whenever it sees that uninitialized variable being
- used (yes, I could use meta_print_backtrace, but that means I have to
- turn verbosity on).
- To run metacity under valgrind, use options typical for any Gnome
- program, such as
- valgrind --log-file=metacity.log --tool=memcheck --num-callers=48 \
- --leak-check=yes --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes \
- ./src/metacity --replace
- where, again, the backslashes mean to join all the stuff on the following
- line with the previous one.
- However, there is a downside. Things run a little bit slowly, and it
- appears that you'll need about 1.5GB of ram, which unfortunately prevents
- most people from trying this.
- Testing Utilities
- src/
- The script src/ is useful to hack on the window manager.
- It runs metacity in an Xnest. e.g.:
- CLIENTS=3 ./
- or
- DEBUG=memprof ./
- or
- DEBUG_TEST=1 ./run-metacity-sh
- or whatever.
- metacity-message
- The tool metacity-message can be used as follows:
- metacity-message reload-theme
- metacity-message restart
- metacity-message enable-keybindings
- metacity-message disable-keybindings
- The first of these is useful for testing themes, the second is just
- another way (besides the --restart flag to metacity itself) of
- restarting metacity, and the third is useful for testing Metacity when
- running it under an Xnest (typically, the Metacity under the Xnest
- wouldn't get keybinding notifications--making keyboard navigation not
- work--but if you disable the keybindings for the global Metacity then
- the Metacity under the Xnest can then get those keybinding notifications).
- metacity-window-demo
- metacity-window-demo is good for trying behavior of various kinds
- of window without launching a full desktop.
-Technical gotchas to keep in mind
- Files that include gdk.h or gtk.h are not supposed to include
- display.h or window.h or other core files. Files in the core
- (display.[hc], window.[hc]) are not supposed to include gdk.h or
- gtk.h. Reasons:
- "Basically you don't want GDK most of the time. It adds
- abstractions that cause problems, because they aren't designed to
- be used in a WM where we do weird stuff (display grabs, and just
- being the WM). At best GDK adds inefficiency, at worst it breaks
- things in weird ways where you have to be a GDK guru to figure
- them out. Owen also told me that they didn't want to start adding
- a lot of hacks to GDK to let a WM use it; we both agreed back in
- the mists of time that metacity would only use it for the "UI"
- bits as it does.
- Having the split in the source code contains and makes very clear
- the interface between the WM and GDK/GTK. This keeps people from
- introducing extra GDK/GTK usage when it isn't needed or
- appropriate. Also, it speeds up the compilation a bit, though this
- was perhaps more relevant 5 years ago than it is now.
- There was also a very old worry that the GDK stuff might have to
- be in a separate process to work right; that turned out to be
- untrue. Though who knows what issues the CM will introduce."
- Remember that strings stored in X properties are not in UTF-8, and they
- have to end up in UTF-8 before we try putting them through Pango.
- If you make any X request involving a client window, you have to
- meta_error_trap_push() around the call; this is not necessary for X
- requests on the frame windows.
- Remember that not all windows have frames, and window->frame can be NULL.
-Other important reading & where to get started
- Extra reading
- There are some other important things to read to get oriented as well.
- These are:
- rationales.txt
- doc/code-overview.txt
- It pays to read in order
- to understand the philosophy of Metacity.
- The rationales.txt file has two things: (1) a list of design choices with
- links in the form of bugzilla bugs that discuss the issue, and (2) a list
- outstanding bug categories, each of which is tracked by a particular
- tracker bug in bugzilla from which you can find several closely related
- bug reports.
- doc/code-overview.txt provides a fairly good overview of the code,
- including coverage of the function of the various files, the main
- structures and their relationships, and places to start looking in the
- code tailored to general categories of tasks.
- Ideas for tasks to work on
- There are a variety of things you could work on in the code. You may
- have ideas of your own, but in case you don't, let me provide a list of
- ideas you could choose from:
- If you're ambitious, there's a list of things Havoc made that he'd really
- like to see tackled, which you can find at
- Be sure to double check with someone
- to make sure the item is still relevant if you're interested in one of
- these. Another place to look for ideas, of course, is bugzilla. One can
- just do queries and look for things that look fixable.
- However, perhaps the best way of getting ideas of related tasks to work
- on, is to look at the second half of the rationales.txt file, which tries
- to group bugs by type.