false Show window content thumbnail in Alt-Tab If set to true, Metacity will show window content thumbnails in the Alt-Tab window instead of only icons. true Compositing Manager Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager. DEPRECATED: This key is deprecated, use the “compositor” instead. 'xrender' Compositor Compositor that Metacity will use for compositing. Possible values are “none”, “xrender” and “xpresent”. true Enable edge tiling when dropping windows on screen edges If enabled, dropping windows on vertical screen edges maximizes them vertically and resizes them horizontally to cover half of the available area. Dropping windows on the top screen edge maximizes them completely. 'smart' Window placement behavior Metacity's default window-placement behavior is smart (first-fit), similar to behaviors in some other window managers. It will try to tile windows so that they do not overlap. Set this option to "smart" for this behavior. This option can be set to "center" to place new windows in the centers of their workspaces, "origin" for the upper-left corners of the workspaces, or "random" to place new windows at random locations within their workspaces.