/schemas/apps/metacity/general/mouse_button_modifier /apps/metacity/general/mouse_button_modifier metacity string <Alt> Modifier to use for modified window click actions Clicking a window while holding down this modifier key will move the window (left click), resize the window (middle click), or show the window menu (right click). The middle and right click operations may be swapped using the "resize_with_right_button" key. Modifier is expressed as "<Alt>" or "<Super>" for example. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/resize_with_right_button /apps/metacity/general/resize_with_right_button metacity bool false Whether to resize with the right button Set this to true to resize with the right button and show a menu with the middle button while holding down the key given in "mouse_button_modifier"; set it to false to make it work the opposite way around. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/button_layout /apps/metacity/general/button_layout metacity string :minimize,maximize,close Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar Arrangement of buttons on the titlebar. The value should be a string, such as "menu:minimize,maximize,spacer,close"; the colon separates the left corner of the window from the right corner, and the button names are comma-separated. Duplicate buttons are not allowed. Unknown button names are silently ignored so that buttons can be added in future metacity versions without breaking older versions. A special spacer tag can be used to insert some space between two adjacent buttons. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/focus_mode /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode metacity string click Window focus mode The window focus mode indicates how windows are activated. It has three possible values; "click" means windows must be clicked in order to focus them, "sloppy" means windows are focused when the mouse enters the window, and "mouse" means windows are focused when the mouse enters the window and unfocused when the mouse leaves the window. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/focus_new_windows /apps/metacity/general/focus_new_windows metacity string smart Control how new windows get focus This option provides additional control over how newly created windows get focus. It has two possible values; "smart" applies the user's normal focus mode, and "strict" results in windows started from a terminal not being given focus. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/raise_on_click /apps/metacity/general/raise_on_click metacity bool true Whether raising should be a side-effect of other user interactions Setting this option to false can lead to buggy behavior, so users are strongly discouraged from changing it from the default of true. Many actions (e.g. clicking in the client area, moving or resizing the window) normally raise the window as a side-effect. Setting this option to false, which is strongly discouraged, will decouple raising from other user actions, and ignore raise requests generated by applications. See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445447#c6. Even when this option is false, windows can still be raised by an alt-left-click anywhere on the window, a normal click on the window decorations, or by special messages from pagers, such as activation requests from tasklist applets. This option is currently disabled in click-to-focus mode. Note that the list of ways to raise windows when raise_on_click is false does not include programmatic requests from applications to raise windows; such requests will be ignored regardless of the reason for the request. If you are an application developer and have a user complaining that your application does not work with this setting disabled, tell them it is _their_ fault for breaking their window manager and that they need to change this option back to true or live with the "bug" they requested. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/action_double_click_titlebar /apps/metacity/general/action_double_click_titlebar metacity string toggle_maximize Action on title bar double-click This option determines the effects of double-clicking on the title bar. Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, 'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, 'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/action_middle_click_titlebar /apps/metacity/general/action_middle_click_titlebar metacity string lower Action on title bar middle-click This option determines the effects of middle-clicking on the title bar. Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, 'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, 'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/action_right_click_titlebar /apps/metacity/general/action_right_click_titlebar metacity string menu Action on title bar right-click This option determines the effects of right-clicking on the title bar. Current valid options are 'toggle_shade', which will shade/unshade the window, 'toggle_maximize' which will maximize/unmaximize the window, 'toggle_maximize_horizontally' and 'toggle_maximize_vertically' which will maximize/unmaximize the window in that direction only, 'minimize' which will minimize the window, 'shade' which will roll the window up, 'menu' which will display the window menu, 'lower' which will put the window behind all the others, and 'none' which will not do anything. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/auto_raise /apps/metacity/general/auto_raise metacity bool false Automatically raises the focused window If set to true, and the focus mode is either "sloppy" or "mouse" then the focused window will be automatically raised after a delay specified by the auto_raise_delay key. This is not related to clicking on a window to raise it, nor to entering a window during drag-and-drop. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/auto_raise_delay /apps/metacity/general/auto_raise_delay metacity int 500 Delay in milliseconds for the auto raise option The time delay before raising a window if auto_raise is set to true. The delay is given in thousandths of a second. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/theme /apps/metacity/general/theme metacity string Adwaita Current theme The theme determines the appearance of window borders, titlebar, and so forth. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/titlebar_uses_system_font /apps/metacity/general/titlebar_uses_system_font metacity bool false Use standard system font in window titles If true, ignore the titlebar_font option, and use the standard application font for window titles. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font /apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font metacity string Cantarell Bold 11 Window title font A font description string describing a font for window titlebars. The size from the description will only be used if the titlebar_font_size option is set to 0. Also, this option is disabled if the titlebar_uses_desktop_font option is set to true. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces metacity int 4 Number of workspaces Number of workspaces. Must be more than zero, and has a fixed maximum to prevent making the desktop unusable by accidentally asking for too many workspaces. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/visual_bell /apps/metacity/general/visual_bell metacity bool false Enable Visual Bell Turns on a visual indication when an application or the system issues a 'bell' or 'beep'; useful for the hard-of-hearing and for use in noisy environments. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/audible_bell /apps/metacity/general/audible_bell metacity bool true System Bell is Audible Determines whether applications or the system can generate audible 'beeps'; may be used in conjunction with 'visual bell' to allow silent 'beeps'. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/visual_bell_type /apps/metacity/general/visual_bell_type metacity string fullscreen Visual Bell Type Tells Metacity how to implement the visual indication that the system bell or another application 'bell' indicator has been rung. Currently there are two valid values, "fullscreen", which causes a fullscreen white-black flash, and "frame_flash" which causes the titlebar of the application which sent the bell signal to flash. If the application which sent the bell is unknown (as is usually the case for the default "system beep"), the currently focused window's titlebar is flashed. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager metacity bool false Compositing Manager Determines whether Metacity is a compositing manager. /schemas/apps/metacity/workspace_names/name /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_1 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_2 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_3 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_4 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_5 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_6 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_7 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_8 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_9 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_10 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_11 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_12 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_13 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_14 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_15 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_16 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_17 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_18 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_19 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_20 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_21 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_22 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_23 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_24 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_25 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_26 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_27 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_28 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_29 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_30 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_31 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_32 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_33 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_34 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_35 /apps/metacity/workspace_names/name_36 metacity metacity string Name of workspace The name of a workspace. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources metacity bool false If true, trade off usability for less resource usage If true, metacity will give the user less feedback by using wireframes, avoiding animations, or other means. This is a significant reduction in usability for many users, but may allow legacy applications to continue working, and may also be a useful tradeoff for terminal servers. However, the wireframe feature is disabled when accessibility is on. /schemas/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_1 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_2 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_3 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_4 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_5 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_6 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_7 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_8 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_10 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_11 /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_12 metacity string disabled Run a defined command The keybinding that runs the correspondingly-numbered command in /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands The format looks like "<Control>a" or "<Shift><Alt>F1". The parser is fairly liberal and allows lower or upper case, and also abbreviations such as "<Ctl>" and "<Ctrl>". If you set the option to the special string "disabled", then there will be no keybinding for this action. /schemas/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_2 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_3 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_4 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_5 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_6 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_7 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_8 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_10 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_11 /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_12 metacity string Commands to run in response to keybindings The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_N keys define keybindings that correspond to these commands. Pressing the keybinding for run_command_N will execute command_N. /schemas/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_screenshot /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_screenshot metacity string gnome-screenshot The screenshot command The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_screenshot key defines a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting to be invoked. /schemas/apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_window_screenshot /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_window_screenshot metacity string gnome-screenshot --window The window screenshot command The /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_window_screenshot key defines a keybinding which causes the command specified by this setting to be invoked. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/application_based /apps/metacity/general/application_based metacity bool false (Not implemented) Navigation works in terms of applications not windows If true, then Metacity works in terms of applications rather than windows. The concept is a bit abstract, but in general an application-based setup is more like the Mac and less like Windows. When you focus a window in application-based mode, all the windows in the application will be raised. Also, in application-based mode, focus clicks are not passed through to windows in other applications. Application-based mode is, however, largely unimplemented at the moment. /schemas/apps/metacity/general/disable_workarounds /apps/metacity/general/disable_workarounds metacity bool false Disable misfeatures that are required by old or broken applications Some applications disregard specifications in ways that result in window manager misfeatures. This option puts Metacity in a rigorously correct mode, which gives a more consistent user interface, provided one does not need to run any misbehaving applications.