diff options
authormicheles <micheles@micheles-mac>2010-02-02 08:05:17 +0100
committermicheles <micheles@micheles-mac>2010-02-02 08:05:17 +0100
commitaa7077b22aa020b53264ad1bca0f8ba82b25348d (patch)
parentc9f5efede9d08a167b9b8b4bdae871f06284d6f6 (diff)
Added fourth paper about super, plus an update in super3 about Python 2.6
6 files changed, 625 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/artima/general/enterprise.txt b/artima/general/enterprise.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9c5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/artima/general/enterprise.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Enterprise programming means working with legacy code
+In a recent thread on Artima people argued about the productivity
+differences between working on a startup company and working in an
+old-fashioned enterprise company. Some people ascribe the improved
+productivity we see in startups to the methodology which is typically
+in such enviroments, in particular the reliance on Agile methods; on
+the other side some people question such analysis.
+I am also skeptical: it looks plain obvious to me that the reason why
+startups are so productive is not (much) the methodology they use, is the
+fact that they work mostly with new code whereas traditional
+enterprises mostly work with old code. That made most of the
+difference. Of course, the methology has its relevance, but I would
+say that it is not the most important parameter. My claim is that
+working with legacy code in an enterprise context is inherently more
+difficult than working with new code in a startup context, and that is
+independent from the methodology: even if the best of the possible
+cases, when you have a code base in good shape, in any case a company
+will have millions of lines of code written by developers which are no
+more there, answering requeriments that nobody remembers,
+whereas a startup (being born only recently, by
+definition) will have much less code and it will very likely be code
+written by the developers working there for customers which are still
+actively using the software.
+It should not be necessary to state the obvious, but perhaps there a few things
+which are not obvious to people that never worked in an enterprise context.
+Here by "enterprise" I will mean any company which has a (possibly long)
+history and a significant number of developers. The company were I work
+is only 10 years old the total number of developers who work or worked there
+is only 15: still, we have a lot of the troubles of enterprise programming
+and I can imagine what is going on in larger and older companies.
+In can split my programming career in three phases:
+ - solo scripter
+ - startup developer
+ - enterprise developer
+In the first phase I was just programming for personal projects, for
+the learning experience and to simplify my daily life with helper
+scripts. I was the only developer for such projects, I did not use a
+Version Control System and everything went smoothly and fine. Old code
+was just thrown out, libraries were written with time and ease, I had
+no time constraint and no problems at all. My productivity rocket. In
+the second phase I worked at a startup. All my code was new code, i.e.
+I had not to read other people code, except for what concerns the
+framework we used. And then the trouble lied, since the framework
+(Zope) was large and complex. I learned the whole Python and its
+standard library in a few months: but learning Zope and Plone would
+require a few years. This is the first difficulty of working in an
+enterprise world, having to learn enterprise-oriented frameworks with
+all their problems. Still, this is not yet working in an
+enterprise. When I started working as an enterprise developer, on top
+of studying third party software, I had to study our internal
+software, which is much bigger and much less documented and well
+structured. The reason is that frameworks released in the open are
+intended for third party consumption and are somewhat polished
+(sometimes this is not really true, but let it pass), whereas code
+written for internal usage is typically dirty. And there all the
+difficulty of working in an enterprise enters in the game. (of course, there are
+also other difficulties related to company policies and politics,
+which may be much more serious than coding-related issues but here I
+will focus only on the programming-related aspects).
+Let me be concrete: I have been spending the latest two months in a
+large refactoring project (which is only at the beginning, anyway) so
+I can be very much specific about the difficulties that every enterprise
+developer is facing every day.
+.. Working Effectively with Legacy Code
+.. persone a StatPro
+ 1 Adolfo
+ 2 Ametrano
+ 3 Gigi
+ 4 Marco
+ 5 Mario
+ 6 Enrico
+ 7 Michele
+ 8 Nicola
+ 9 Lawrence
+ 10 Antonio
+ 11 Matteo
+ 12 Alberto
+ 13 Silvia
+ 14 Andrea
+ 15 Paolo
diff --git a/artima/python/Makefile b/artima/python/Makefile
index afada1e..4d58c37 100644
--- a/artima/python/Makefile
+++ b/artima/python/Makefile
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ super2:
$(MINIDOC) -d super3; $(POST) /tmp/super3.rst 237121
+ $(MINIDOC) -d super4; $(POST) /tmp/super4.rst 281127
super: super.rst
$(RST) -tp super.rst
scp super.pdf
diff --git a/artima/python/ b/artima/python/
index 45a3226..c6c9be4 100644
--- a/artima/python/
+++ b/artima/python/
@@ -216,6 +216,32 @@ some old style classes mixing with new style classes: the result may
depend on the order of the base classes (see examples 2-2b and 2-3b
in `Super considered harmful`_).
+UPDATE: the introduction of Python 2.6 made the
+special methods ``__new__`` and ``__init__`` even more brittle with respect to
+cooperative super calls.
+Starting from Python 2.6 the special methods ``__new__`` and
+``__init__`` of ``object`` do not take any argument, whereas
+previously the had a generic signature, but all the arguments were
+ignored. That means that it is very easy to get in trouble if your
+constructors take arguments. Here is an example:
+As you see, this cannot work: when ``self`` is an instance of ``C``,
+``super(A, self).__init__()`` will call ``B.__init__`` without
+arguments, resulting in a ``TypeError``. In older Python you could
+avoid that by passing ``a`` to the super calls, since
+``object.__init__`` could be called with any number of arguments.
+This problem was recently pointed out by `Menno Smits`_ in his blog
+and there is no way to solve it in Python 2.6, unless you change all
+of your classes to inherit from a custom ``Object`` class with an
+``__init__`` accepting all kind of arguments, i.e. basically reverting
+back to the Python 2.5 situation.
Conclusion: is there life beyond super?
@@ -265,13 +291,25 @@ series starts from here_ and it is a recommended reading if you ever
had troubles with mixins.
.. _here:
.. _Super considered harmful:
.. _fragility of super:
.. _traits:
+.. _Menno Smits:
import library_using_super, library_not_using_super, cooperation_ex
+class A(object):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super(A, self).__init__() # object.__init__ cannot take arguments
+class B(object):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super(B, self).__init__() # object.__init__ cannot take arguments
+class C(A, B):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super(C, self).__init__(a) # A.__init__ takes one argument
if __name__ == '__main__':
import __main__, doctest; doctest.testmod(__main__)
diff --git a/artima/python/ b/artima/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1d229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/artima/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+Most languages supporting inheritance support cooperative inheritance too,
+i.e. there is a language-supported way for children methods
+to dispatch to their parent method. Cooperation is usually implemented via a
+``super`` keyword. Things are easy when the language support single
+inheritance only, since each class has a single parent and there is an
+unique concept of super method. Things are difficult when the
+language support multiple inheritance: in that case there is no
+meaningful concept of super class and of super method, but the programmer
+has to understand the intricacies of so-called Method Resolution Order.
+Why cooperative hierarchies are tricky
+This paper is intended to be very practical, so I will explain
+cooperative multiple inheritance with an example. Consider the
+following hierarchy (in Python 3):
+What is the "superclass" of ``A``? In other words, when I create an
+instance of ``A``, which method will be called by
+``super().__init__()``? Notice that I am considering here generic
+instances of ``A``, not only direct instances: in particular, an
+instance of ``C`` is also an instance of ``A`` and instantiating ``C``
+will call ``super().__init__()`` in ``A.__init__`` at some point: the
+tricky point is to understand which method will be called
+for *indirect* instances of ``A``.
+In a single inheritance language there would be an unique answer both
+for direct and indirect instances (``object`` is the super class of
+``A`` and ``object.__init__`` is the method called by ``super().__init__()``)
+but in a multiple inheritance language there is no easy answer. It is
+better to say that there is no super class and it is impossible to
+know which method will be called by ``super().__init__()`` unless the
+entire hierarchy is known in advance. In this case let us assume that
+the entire hierarchy is known (i.e. there are no other subclasses
+defined in other modules). In particular, this is what happens when we
+instantiate ``C``:
+>>> c = C()
+As you see the super call in ``C`` dispatches to ``A.__init__`` and the super
+call there dispatches to ``B.__init__`` which in turns dispatches to
+``object.__init__``. Therefore *the same super call can dispatch to different
+methods*: when ``super().__init__()`` is called directly by instantiating
+``A`` it dispatches to ``object.__init__`` whereas when it is called indirectly
+by instantiating ``C`` it dispatches to ``B.__init__``. If somebody
+extends the hierarchy, adds subclasses of ``A`` and instantiated them,
+then the super call in ``A.__init__``
+can dispatch to an entirely different method: the super method call
+depends on the instance I am starting from. The precise algorithm
+specifying the order in which the methods are called by ``super`` is
+called the Method Resolution Order algorithm, or MRO for short and it
+is discussed in detail in an old essay I wrote years ago.
+Interested readers are referred to it.
+Here I will take the easy way and I will ask Python.
+Given any class, it is possibly to extract its linearization, i.e. the
+ordered list of its ancestors plus the class itself: the super call
+follow such list to decide which is the right method to dispatch
+to. For instance, if you are considering a direct instance of ``A``,
+``object`` is the only class the super call can dispatch to:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> A.mro()
+ [<class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>]
+If you are considering a direct instance of ``C``, ``super`` looks at the
+linearization of ``C``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> C.mro()
+ [<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class 'object'>]
+A super call in ``C`` will look first at ``A``, then at ``B`` and finally at
+``object``. Finding out the linearization is non-trivial; just to give
+an example suppose we add to our hierarchy three classes ``D``, ``E`` and ``F``
+in this way:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> class D: pass
+ >>> class E(A, D): pass
+ >>> class F(E, C): pass
+ >>> for c in F.mro():
+ ... print(c.__name__)
+ F
+ E
+ C
+ A
+ D
+ B
+ object
+As you see, for an instance of ``F`` a super call in ``A.__init__``
+will dispatch at ``D.__init__`` and not directly at ``B.__init__``!
+The problem with incompatible signatures
+I have just shown that one cannot tell in advance
+where the supercall will dispatch, unless one knows the whole hierarchy:
+this is quite different from the single inheritance situation and it is
+also very much error prone and brittle.
+When you design a hierarchy you will expect for instance that
+``A.__init__`` will call ``B.__init__``, but adding classes (and such
+classes may be added by a third party) may change the method chain. In this
+case ``A.__init__`` (when invoked by an ``F`` instance) will call
+``D.__init__``: if the behavior of your code depends on the ordering of the
+methods you may get in trouble. Things are worse if one of the methods
+in the cooperative chain does not have a compatible signature.
+This problem is not theoretical and it happens even in very trivial
+hierarchies. For instance, here is an example of incompatible
+signatures in the ``__init__`` method (this affects even Python 2.6,
+not only Python 3.X):
+.. code-block:: python
+ class X(object):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super().__init__()
+ class Y(object):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super().__init__()
+ class Z(X, Y):
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ super().__init__(a)
+Here instantiating ``X`` and ``Y`` works fine, but as soon as you
+introduce ``Z`` you get in trouble since ``super().__init__(a)`` in
+``Z.__init__`` will call ``super().__init__()`` in ``X`` which in
+turns will call ``Y.__init__`` with no arguments, resulting in a
+``TypeError``! In older Python versions (from 2.2 to 2.5) such
+problem can be avoided by leveraging on the fact that
+``object.__init__`` accepts any number of arguments (ignoring them) and
+thus replacing ``super().__init__()`` with ``super().__init__(a)``. In Python
+2.6+ instead there is no real solution for this problem, except avoiding
+``super`` in the constructor or avoiding multiple inheritance.
+In general you should use ``super`` only when all the
+cooperative methods have consistent signature: that means that you
+will not use super in ``__init__`` and ``__new__`` since likely your
+constructors will have custom arguments whereas ``object.__init__``
+and ``object.__new__`` have no arguments. However, in practice, you may
+inherits from third party classes which do not obey this rule, or
+others could derive from your classes without following this rule and
+breakage may occur. For instance, I have used ``super`` for years in my
+``__init__`` methods and I never had problems because in older Python
+versions ``object.__init__`` accepted any number of arguments: but in Python 3
+all that code is fragile under multiple inheritance. I am left with
+two choices: removing ``super`` or telling people that
+those classes are not intended to be used in multiple inheritance
+situations, i.e. the constructors will break if they do that.
+Nowadays I tend to favor the second choice.
+Luckily, usually multiple inheritance is used with mixin classes, and mixins do
+not have constructors, so that in practice the problem is mitigated.
+The intended usage for super
+Even if ``super`` has its shortcomings, there are meaningful use cases for
+it, assuming you think multiple inheritance is a legitimate design technique.
+For instance, if you use metaclasses and you want to support multiple
+inheritance, you *must* use ``super`` in the ``__new__`` and ``__init__``
+methods: there is no problem in doing so, since the constructor for
+metaclasses has a fixed signature *(name, bases, dictionary)*. But metaclasses
+are extremely rare, so let me give a more meaningful example for an application
+programmer where a design bases on cooperative
+multiple inheritances could be reasonable.
+Suppose you have a bunch of ``Manager`` classes which
+share many common methods and which are intended to manage different resources,
+such as databases, FTP sites, etc. To be concrete, suppose there are
+two common methods: ``getinfolist`` which returns a list of strings
+describing the managed resorce (containing infos such as the URI, the
+tables in the database or the files in the site, etc.) and ``close``
+which closes the resource (the database connection or the FTP connection).
+You can model the hierarchy with a ``Manager`` abstract base class
+and two concrete classes ``DbManager`` and ``FtpManager``:
+Now suppose you need to manage both a database and an FTP site and suppose that
+you think multiple inheritance is a good idea: then you can define a
+``MultiManager`` as follows:
+Everything works: calling ``MultiManager.close`` will in turn call
+``DbManager.close`` and ``FtpManager.close``. There is no risk of
+running in trouble with the signature since the ``close`` and ``getinfolist``
+methods have all the same signature (actually they take no arguments at all).
+Notice also that I did not use ``super`` in the constructor.
+You see that ``super`` is *essential* in this design: without it,
+only ``DbManager.close`` would be called and your FTP connection would leak.
+The ``getinfolist`` method works similarly: forgetting ``super`` would
+mean losing some information. An alternative not using ``super`` would require
+defining an explicit method ``close`` in the ``MultiManager``, calling
+``DbManager.close`` and ``FtpManager.close`` explicitly, and an explicit
+method ``getinfolist`` calling ```DbManager.getinfolist`` and
+This would less elegant but probably clearer and safer so you can always
+decide not to use ``super`` if you really hate it. However, if you have
+``N`` common methods, there is some boiler plate to write; moreover, every time
+you add a ``Manager`` class you must add it to the ``N`` common methods, which
+is ugly. Here ``N`` is just 2, so not using ``super`` may work well,
+but in general it is clear that the cooperative approach is more elegant.
+Actually, I strongly believe (and always had) that ``super`` and the
+MRO are the *right* way to do multiple inheritance: but I also believe
+that multiple inheritance itself is *wrong*. For instance, in the
+``MultiManager`` example I would not use multiple
+inheritance but composition and I would probably use a generalization
+such as the following:
+There are languages that do not provide inheritance (even single
+inheritance!) and are perfectly fine, so you should keep an open
+mind. There are always many options and the design space is rather
+large. Personally, I always use ``super`` but I use
+single-inheritance only, so that my cooperative hierarchies are
+The magic of super in Python 3
+Deep down, ``super`` in Python 3 is the same as in Python 2.X.
+However, on the surface - at the syntactic level, not at the semantic level -
+there is a big difference: Python 3 super is smart enough to figure out
+*the class it is invoked from and the first argument of the containing
+method*. Actually it is so smart that it works also for inner classes
+and even if the first argument is not called ``self``.
+In Python 2.X ``super`` is dumber and you must tell the class and the
+argument explicitly: for instance our first example must be written
+.. code-block:: python
+ class A(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ print('A.__init__')
+ super(A, self).__init__()
+By the way, this syntax works both in Python 3 *and* in Python 2, this is
+why I said that deep down ``super`` is the same. The new feature in
+Python 3 is that there is a shortcut notation ``super()`` for
+``super(A, self)``. In Python 3 the (bytecode) compiler is smart enough
+to recognize that the supercall is performed inside the class ``A`` so
+that it inserts the reference to ``A`` automagically; moreover it inserts
+the reference to the first argument of the current method too. Typically
+the first argument of the current method is ``self``, but it may be
+``cls`` or any identifier: ``super`` will work fine in any case.
+Since ``super()`` knows the class it is invoked from and the class of
+the original caller, it can walk the MRO correctly. Such information
+is stored in the attributes ``.__thisclass__`` and ``.__self_class__``
+and you may understand how it works with the following example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> child = Child()
+ <class '__main__.Mother'>
+ <class '__main__.Child'>
+Here ``.__self__class__`` is just the clas<s of the first argument (``self``)
+but this not always the case. The exception is the case of classmethods and
+staticmethods taking a class as first argument, such as ``__new__``.
+Specifically, ``super(cls, x)`` checks if ``x`` is an instance
+of ``cls`` and then sets ``.__self_class__`` to ``x.__class__``; otherwise
+(and that happens for classmethods and for ``__new__``) it checks if ``x``
+is a subclass of ``cls`` and then sets ``.__self_class__`` to ``x`` directly.
+For instance, in the following example
+the attribute ``.__self_class__`` is *not* the class of the first argument
+(which would be ``type`` the metaclass of all classes) but simply the first
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> C2.c()
+ __thisclass__ <class '__main__.C1'>
+ __selfclass__ <class '__main__.C2'>
+ called classmethod C0.c
+So take care that ``__selfclass__`` is not the class of ``self``, if ``self``
+is a subclass of ``__thisclass__``.
+There is a lot of magic going on, and even more. For instance, this
+is a syntax that cannot work:
+If you try to run this code you will get a
+``SystemError: super(): __class__ cell not found`` and the reason is
+obvious: since the ``__init__`` method is external to the class the
+compiler cannot infer to which class it will be attached at runtime.
+On the other hand, if you are completely explicit and you use the full
+syntax, by writing the external method as
+everything will work because we are explicitly telling than the method
+will be attached to the class ``C``.
+There is also a wart of Python 3, pointed out by `Armin Ronacher`_ and
+others: the fact that ``super`` should be a keyword but it is
+not. Therefore horrors like the following are possible:
+DON'T DO THAT! Here the called ``__init__`` is the ``__init__`` method
+of the object ``None``!!
+Also, ``super`` is special and it will not work if
+you change its name as in this example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ # see
+ _super = super
+ class Foo(Bar):
+ def foo(self):
+ _super().foo()
+This is unfortunate, since we missed the opportunity to make it a keyword
+in Python 3, without good reasons (Python 3 was expected to break compatibility
+There is plenty of material about super and multiple inheritance. You
+should probably start from the `MRO paper`_, then read `Super
+considered harmful`_ by James Knight. A lot of the issues with
+``super``, especially in old versions of Python are covered in `Things
+to know about super`_. I did spent some time thinking about ways to
+avoid multiple inheritance; you may be interested in reading my series
+`Mixins considered harmful`_.
+.. _MRO paper:
+.. _new style classes:
+.. _Super considered harmful:
+.. _Menno Smits:
+.. _Things to know about super:
+.. _Mixins considered harmful:
+.. _Armin Ronacher:
+.. _warts in Python 3:
+import super_external, super_horrors
+class A(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ print('A.__init__')
+ super().__init__()
+class B(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ print('B.__init__')
+ super().__init__()
+class C(A, B):
+ def __init__(self):
+ print('C.__init__')
+ super().__init__()
+class Manager(object):
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def getinfolist(self):
+ return []
+class DbManager(Manager):
+ def __init__(self, dsn):
+ self.conn = DBConn(dsn)
+ def close(self):
+ super().close()
+ self.conn.close()
+ def getinfolist(self):
+ return super().getinfolist() + ['db info']
+class FtpManager(Manager):
+ def __init__(self, url):
+ self.ftp = FtpSite(url)
+ def close(self):
+ super().close()
+ self.ftp.close()
+ def getinfolist(self):
+ return super().getinfolist() + ['ftp info']
+class MultiManager(DbManager, FtpManager):
+ def __init__(self, dsn, url):
+ DbManager.__init__(dsn)
+ FtpManager.__init__(url)
+def close(self):
+ DbManager.close(self)
+ FtpManager.close(self)
+def getinfolist(self):
+ return DbManager.getinfolist(self) + FtpManager.getinfolist(self)
+class MyMultiManager(Manager):
+ def __init__(self, *managers):
+ self.managers = managers
+ def close(self):
+ for mngr in self.managers:
+ mngr.close()
+ def getinfolist(self):
+ return sum(mngr.getinfolist() for mngr in self.managers)
+class Mother(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ sup = super()
+ print(sup.__thisclass__)
+ print(sup.__self_class__)
+ sup.__init__()
+class Child(Mother):
+ pass
+class C0(object):
+ @classmethod
+ def c(cls):
+ print('called classmethod C0.c')
+class C1(C0):
+ @classmethod
+ def c(cls):
+ sup = super()
+ print('__thisclass__', sup.__thisclass__)
+ print('__selfclass__', sup.__self_class__)
+ sup.c()
+class C2(C1):
+ pass
+def __init__(self):
+ print('calling __init__')
+ super(C, self).__init__()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest; doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/artima/python/ b/artima/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f4cb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/artima/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+def __init__(self):
+ print('calling __init__')
+ super().__init__()
+class C(object):
+ __init__ = __init__
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ c = C()
diff --git a/artima/python/ b/artima/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400cbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/artima/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+def super():
+ print("I am evil, you are NOT calling the supermethod!")
+class C(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ c = C() # prints "I am evil, you are NOT calling the supermethod!"