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4 files changed, 1011 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/mtraits/CHANGES.txt b/mtraits/CHANGES.txt
index 62e2444..b60c478 100644
--- a/mtraits/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/mtraits/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+0.5.0. Major rewriting: abandoned the original idea of traits as
+ mechanism to control namespace pollution and added support for
+ method cooperation (2008-08-31);
0.4.0. Added proper support for retrieving descriptors
0.3.0. Went back to TOS classes not instances of TOSMeta
0.2.0. Made all TOS classes instances of TOSMeta and managed
diff --git a/mtraits/README.txt b/mtraits/README.txt
index b76a86a..0559b62 100644
--- a/mtraits/README.txt
+++ b/mtraits/README.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-The mtrait module requires Python 2.4.
+The strait module requires Python 2.5.
-Unzip the package and put the module somewhere in your
+Unzip the package and put the module somewhere in your
Python path.
You may run the tests from the package directory as follows:
-$ python
+$ python
diff --git a/mtraits/ b/mtraits/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9326cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtraits/
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+r"""A simple implementation of traits in Python
+:Author: Michele Simionato
+:Date: XXX
+:Version: XXX
+:Download: XXX
+:Licence: BSD
+:Status: XXX
+ *I provide a simple implementation of
+ traits as units of composable behavior for Python, then I
+ argue that traits are better than multiple inheritance.
+ Implementing frameworks based on traits is left as an exercise
+ for the reader.*
+Multiple inheritance is a hotly debated topic.
+The supporters of multiple inheritance
+claim that it makes code shorter and easier
+to read, whereas the opposers claim that is makes
+code more coupled and more difficult to understand. I have
+spent some time in the past facing the intricacies of `multiple
+inheritance in Python`_ and I was one of its supporters once; however,
+since then I have worked with frameworks making
+large use of multiple inheritance (I mean Zope 2) and nowadays I am in
+the number of the people who oppose it. Therefore I
+am interested in alternatives.
+In recent years, the approach
+of traits_ has gained some traction in a few circles and I have
+decided to write a library to implement traits in Python, for
+experimentation purposes. The library is meant for framework builders,
+people who are thinking about writing a framework based on multiple
+inheritance - typically via the common mixin approach - but
+are not convinced that this is the best solution and would like to try
+an alternative. This library is also for authors of mixin-bases frameworks
+which are unsatisfied and would like to convert their
+framework to traits.
+Are traits a better solution than multiple inheritance and mixins? In
+theory I think so, otherwise I would not have written this library, but
+in practice (as always) things may be different. It may well be
+in practice that using traits or using mixins does not make a big
+difference and that the change of paradigm is not worth the effort; or the
+opposite may be true. The only way to know is to try, to build
+software based on traits and to see how it scale *in the large*.
+In the small, of course, more or less any approach works fine: it is only
+by programming in the large that you can see the differences.
+This is
+the reason why I am releasing this library with a liberal licence, so
+that people can try it out and see how it works. The library is meant
+to play well (when possible) with pre-existing frameworks.
+As an example, I will show
+here how you could rewrite Tkinter classes to use traits instead of mixins. Of
+course, I am not advocating rewriting Tkinter: it would be silly
+and pointless; but it may have sense (or
+not) to rewrite your own framework using traits, perhaps a framework
+which is used in house but has not been released yet.
+I am not the only one to have
+implemented traits for Python; after finishing my implementation
+I made a little research and discovered a few implementations. The
+biggest effort seems to be `Enthought Traits`_ which however
+seems to use the name to intend something very
+different (i.e. a sort of type checking). My implementation has no
+dependencies, is short and I am committed
+to keep it short even in the future, according to
+the principle of `less is more`_.
+There is also an hidden agenda behind this module: to popularize some
+advanced features of the Python object model which are little
+known. The ``mtrait`` module is actually a tribute to the
+metaprogramming capabilities of Python: such features are usually
+associated to languages with a strong academic tradition - Smalltalk,
+Scheme, Lisp - but actually the Python object model is no less
+powerful. For instance, changing the object system from a multiple
+inheritance one to a trait-based one, with *different* lookup rules,
+can be done *within* the fundamental object system. The reason is that
+the features that Guido used to implement the object system (special
+method hooks, descriptors, metaclasses) are there, available to the
+end user to build her own object system.
+Such features are usually little used in the Python community, for
+many good reasons: most people feel that the object system is good
+enough as it is and there is no reason to change it; moreover there is
+a strong opposition to change the language, because Python programmers
+believe in uniformity and in using common idioms; finally, it is
+difficult for an application programmer to find a domain where these
+features are useful. An exception is the domain of the Object Relation
+Mappers, whereas the Python language is often stretched to mimic the
+SQL language, a famous example of this tendency being SQLAlchemy_).
+Still, I have never seen a perversion of the object model as big as
+the one implemented in the ``strait`` module, so I wanted to be the
+first one to perform that kind of abuse ;)
+.. _multiple inheritance in Python: MRO
+.. _less is more:
+.. _Enthought Traits:
+What are traits?
+The word *traits* has many meanings; I will refer to it in the sense
+of the paper `Traits - Composable Units of Behavior`_ which implements
+them in Squeak/Smalltalk. The paper appeared in 2003, but most of the
+ideas underlying traits have been floating around for at least 30
+years. There is also a trait implementation for `PLT Scheme`_ which is
+somewhat close in spirit (if not in practice) to what I am advocating here.
+The library you are reading about is by no means intended as a porting
+of the Smalltalk library: I am just stealing some of the ideas from
+that paper to implement a Pythonic alternative to mixins which, for
+lack of a better name, I have decided to call traits. I feel no
+obligation whatsoever to be consistent with the Smalltalk library. In
+doing so, I am following a long tradition, since a lot of languages
+use the name *traits* to mean something completely different from the
+Smalltalk meaning. For instance the languages Fortress and Scala use
+the name *trait* but they mean by it what is usually called a *mixin*.
+For me a trait is a bunch of methods and attributes with the following
+1. the methods/attributes in a trait go logically together;
+2. if a trait enhances a class, then all subclasses are enhanced too;
+3. if a trait has methods in common with the class, then the
+ methods defined in the class have the precedence;
+4. the ordering of traits is not important, i.e. enhancing a class
+ first with trait T1 and then with trait T2 or viceversa is the same;
+5. if traits T1 and T2 have names in common, enhancing a class both
+ with T1 and T2 raises an error;
+6. if a trait has methods in common with the base class, then the
+ trait methods have the precedence;
+7. a class can be seen both as a composition of traits and as an homogeneous
+ entity.
+Properties from 4 to 7 are the distinguishing properties of traits
+with respect to multiple inheritance and mixins. In particular,
+because of 4 and 5, all the complications with the Method Resolution
+Order disappear and the overriding is never implicit. Property 6 is
+mostly unusual: typically in Python the base class has the precedence
+over mixin classes. Property 7 has to be intended in the sense that a
+trait implementation must provide introspection facilities to make
+seemless the transition between classes viewed as atomic entities and
+as composed entities.
+A hands-on example
+Let me begin by showing how you could rewrite a
+Tkinter class to use traits instead of mixins. Consider the
+``Tkinter.Widget`` class, which is derived by the base class
+``BaseWidget`` and the mixin classes
+``Tkinter.Grid``, ``Tkinter.Pack`` and ``Tkinter.Place``: I want to
+rewrite it by using traits. The ``strait`` module
+provides a factory function named ``include`` that does the job.
+It is enough to replace the multiple inheritance syntax
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Widget(BaseWidget, Grid, Pack, Place):
+ pass
+with the ``__metaclass__`` hook:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class Widget(BaseWidget): # this syntax is backward-compatible
+ __metaclass__ = include(Pack, Place, Grid)
+I said that the conversion from mixins to traits was easy: but actually
+I lied since if you try to execute the code I just wrote you will
+get an ``OverridingError``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> from Tkinter import *
+ >>> class Widget(BaseWidget):
+ ... __metaclass__ = include(Pack, Place, Grid)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OverridingError: Pack overrides names in Place: {info, config, configure, slaves, forget}
+The reason for the error is clear: both ``Pack`` and ``Place`` provide
+methods called ``{info, config, configure, slaves, forget}``
+and the traits implementation cannot figure out
+which ones to use. This is a feature, since it forces you to be
+explicit. In this case, if we want to be consistent with
+multiple inheritance rules, clearly we want the methods coming from
+the first class (i.e. ``Pack``) to have precedence. That can be
+implemented by including directly those methods in the class namespace
+and relying on rule 3:
+Notice that we had to specify the ``propagate`` method too, since
+it is common between ``Pack`` and ``Grid``.
+You can check that the TOSWidget class works, for instance by defining a
+label widget as follows (remember that ``TOSWidget`` inherits its signature
+from ``BaseWidget``):
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> label = TOSWidget(master=None, widgetName='label',
+ ... cnf=dict(text="hello"))
+You may visualize the widget by calling the ``.pack`` method:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> label.pack()
+This should open a small window with the message "hello" inside it.
+A few caveats and warnings
+First of all, let me notice that, in spite of apparency, ``include``
+does not return a metaclass. Insted, it returns a class factory
+function with signature name, bases, dic:
+>>> print include(Pack, Place, Grid) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+<function include_Pack_Place_Grid at 0x...>
+This function will create the class by using a suitable
+>>> type(TOSWidget)
+<class 'strait.MetaTOS'>
+In simple cases the metaclass will be ``MetaTOS``, the main class
+of the trait object system, but in general it can be a different
+one not inheriting from ``MetaTOS``. The exact rules followed by
+``include`` to determine the right class will be discussed later.
+Here I want to remark that according to rule 6 traits take the precedence
+over the base class attributes. Consider the following example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> class Base(object):
+ ... a = 1
+ >>> class ATrait(object):
+ ... a = 2
+ >>> class Class(Base):
+ ... __metaclass__ = include(ATrait)
+ >>> Class.a
+ 2
+In regular multiple inheritance you would do the same by including
+``ATrait`` *before* ``Base``, i.e.
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> type('Class', (ATrait, Base), {}).a
+ 2
+Take care to not mix-up the order, otherwise you will get a different
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> type('Class', (Base, ATrait), {}).a
+ 1
+Therefore replacing mixin classes with traits can break your code if
+you rely on the order. Be careful!
+The Trait Object System
+The goal of the ``mtrait`` module it to modify the standard
+Python object model, turning it into a Trait Object System (TOS for short):
+TOS classes behave differently from regular
+classes. In particular TOS classes do not support multiple inheritance.
+If you try to multiple inherit from a TOS
+class and another class you will get a ``TypeError``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> class M:
+ ... "An empty class"
+ ...
+ >>> class Widget2(TOSWidget, M): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+ ... pass
+ ...
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TypeError: Multiple inheritance of bases (<class '__main__.TOSWidget'>, <class __main__.M at 0x...>) is forbidden for TOS classes
+This behavior is intentional: with this restriction you can simulate
+an ideal world in which Python did not support multiple
+inheritance. Suppose you want to claim that supporting multiple
+inheritance was a mistake and that Python would have been better off
+without it (which is the position I tend to have nowadays): how can
+you prove that claim? Simply by writing code that does not use
+multiple inheritance and it is clearer and more mantainable that code
+using multiple inheritance.
+I am releasing this trait implementation hoping you will help me to
+prove (or possibly disprove) the point. You may see traits as a
+restricted form of multiple inheritance without name clashes,
+without the complications of the method resolution, and with a
+limited cooperation between methods.
+Moreover the present implementation is slightly less dynamic
+than usual inheritance.
+A nice property of inheritance is that if you have a class ``C`` inheriting
+from class ``M`` and you change a method in ``M`` at runtime, after
+``C`` has been created and instantiated, automagically all instances
+of ``C`` gets the new version of the method, which is pretty useful
+for debugging purposes. This feature is lost in the trait implementation
+provided here. Actually, in a previous version, my trait implementation
+was fully dynamic and if you changed the mixin the instances would be
+changed too. However, I never used that feature in practice, and
+it was complicating the implementation and slowing doing the
+attribute access, so I removed it.
+I think these are acceptable restrictions since they give back
+in return many advantages in terms of simplicity: for instance,
+``super`` becomes trivial, since each class has a single superclass,
+whereas we all know that the `current super in Python`_ is very far
+from trivial.
+More importantly, many people use multiple inheritance incorrectly,
+confusing the ``is-a`` relation with the ``has-a`` relation; with
+traits, there is no confusion. Since there is a single base class, you
+can associate the ``is-a`` relation with the base class whereas the
+features coming from the traits correspond to ``has-a``: for instance
+in the Tkinter example a ``Widget`` *is* a ``BaseWidget`` but has the
+methods of the traits ``Pack``, ``Place`` and ``Grid``.
+.. _current super in Python:
+.. _elsewhere:
+.. _PloneSite hierarchy:
+The magic of ``include``
+Since the fundamental properties of TOS classes must be preserved under
+inheritance (i.e. the son of a TOS class must be a TOS class)
+the implementation necessarily requires metaclasses. As of now,
+the only fundamental property of a TOS class is that multiple
+inheritance is forbidden, so usually (*but not always*) TOS
+classes are instances of the metaclass ``MetaTOS``
+which implements a single inheritance check.
+If you build your TOS hierarchy starting from pre-existing classes,
+you should be aware of how ``include`` determines the metaclass:
+if your base class was an old-style
+class or a simple new style class (i.e. a direct instance of the
+``type`` metaclass), them ``include`` will change it to ``MetaTOS``:
+>>> type(TOSWidget)
+<class 'strait.MetaTOS'>
+In general you may need to build your Trait Based Framework
+on top of pre-existing classes possessing a nontrivial metaclass, for
+instance Zope classes; in that case ``include`` is smart
+enough to figure out the right metaclass to use. Here is an example:
+``include`` automatically generates the right metaclass as
+a subclass of ``AddGreetings``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> print type(PackWidget).__mro__
+ (<class 'strait._TOSAddGreetings'>, <class '__main__.AddGreetings'>, <type 'type'>, <type 'object'>)
+Incidentally, since TOS
+classes are guaranteed to be in a straight hierarchy, ``include`` is able
+to neatly avoid the dreaded `metaclass conflict`_
+The important point is that ``_TOSAddGreetings`` provides the same features of
+``MetaTOS``, even if it is not a subclass of it; on the
+other hand, ``_TOSMetaAddGreetings`` is a subclass of ``AddGreetings``
+which calls ``AddGreetings.__new__``, so the features provided by
+``AddGreetings`` are not lost either; in this example you may check
+that the greetings attribute is correctly set:
+ >>> PackWidget.greetings
+ 'hello!'
+The name of the generated metaclass
+is automatically generated from the name of the base
+metaclass; moreover, a register of the generated metaclasses
+is kept, so that metaclasses are reused if possible.
+If you want to understand the details, you are welcome
+to give a look at the implementation, which is pretty short
+and simple, compared to the general recipe to remove
+the metaclass conflict in a true multiple inheritance situation.
+.. _sqlalchemy:
+.. _metaclass conflict:
+Cooperative traits
+At first sight, the Trait Object System lacks an important feature of
+multiple inheritance as implemented in the ordinary Python object system,
+i.e. cooperative methods. Consider for instance the following
+In multiple inheritance ``LogOnInitMI`` can be mixed with other
+classes, giving to the children the ability to log on initialization;
+the same is true for ``RegisterOnInitMI``, which gives to its children
+the ability to populate a registry of instances. The important feature
+of the multiple inheritance system is that ``LogOnInitMI`` and
+``RegisterOnInitMI`` play well together: if you inherits from
+both of them, you get both features:
+>>> c = C_MI() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+Initializing <__main__.C_MI object at 0x...>
+Registering <__main__.C_MI object at 0x...>
+You cannot get the same behaviour if you use the trait object system
+>>> class C_MI(object):
+... __metaclass__ = include(LogOnInitMI, RegisterOnInitMI)
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+OverridingError: LogOnInitMI overrides names in RegisterOnInitMI: {__init__}
+This is a feature, of course, since the trait object system is designed
+to avoid name clashes. However, the situation is worse than that and
+even if you try to mixin a single class you will run into trouble:
+>>> class C_MI(object):
+... __metaclass__ = include(LogOnInitMI)
+>>> c = C_MI()
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type
+What's happening here? The situation is clear if you notice that in
+this case ``type`` is ``LogOnInitMI`` whereas ``obj`` is an instance
+of ``C``, which is not a subclass of ``LogOnInitMI``. That explains the
+error message, but does not explain how to solve the issue. It seems
+that method cooperation using ``super`` is impossible for TOS
+Actually this is not the case: single inheritance cooperation
+is possible and it is enough as we will show in a
+minute. But for the moment let me notice that I have argued elsewhere
+that cooperative methods are not necessarily a good idea. They are
+fragile and cause all of your classes to be strictly coupled. My usual
+advice if that you should not use a design based on method
+cooperation if you can avoid it.
+Having said that, there are situations (very rare) where you
+really want method cooperation. The ``strait`` module provide
+support for those situations via the ``__super`` attribute.
+Let me explain how it works. When you mix-in a trait ``T`` into a
+class ``C``, ``include`` adds an attribute ``_T__super``
+to ``C``, which is a ``super`` object that dispatches to the
+attributes of the superclass of ``C``. The important thing is that
+there is a well defined superclass, since the trait object system
+uses single inheritance only. Since the hierarchy is straight, the
+cooperation mechanism is much simpler to understand than in multiple
+inheritance. Here is an example. First of all, let me rewrite
+``LogOnInit`` and ``RegisterOnInit`` to use ``__super`` instead of
+Now you can include the ``RegisterOnInit`` functionality as follows:
+>>> _ = C_Register() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+Registering <__main__.C_Register object at 0x...>
+Everything works because ``include`` has added the right attribute:
+>>> C_Register._RegisterOnInit__super
+<super: <class 'C_Register'>, <C_Register object>>
+Moreover, you can also include the ``LogOnInit`` functionality:
+>>> _ = C_LogAndRegister() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+Initializing <__main__.C_LogAndRegister object at 0x...>
+Registering <__main__.C_LogAndRegister object at 0x...>
+As you see, the cooperation mechanism works just fine. I will call
+*cooperative trait* a class intended for inclusion in other classes
+and making use of the ``__super`` trick. A class using the
+regular ``super`` directly cannot be used as a cooperative trait, since it
+must satisfy inheritance constraints, nevertherless it is easy enough to
+convert it to use ``__super``. After all, the ``strait`` module is
+intended for framework writers, so it assumes you can change the
+source code of your framework if you want. On the other hand, if
+are trying to re-use a mixin class coming from a third party
+framework and using ``super``, you will have to rewrite the
+parts of it. That is unfortunate, but I cannot make miracles.
+You may see ``__super`` as a clever hack to use
+``super`` indirectly. Notice that since the hierarchy is straight,
+there is room for optimization at the core language
+level. The ``__super`` trick as implemented in pure Python is a hack leveraging
+on the name mangling mechanism, and follows closely the famous
+`autosuper recipe`_, with some improvement. Anyway,
+if you have two traits with the same
+name, you will run into trouble. To solve this and to have a nicer
+syntax, one would need more support from the language, but the
+``__super`` trick is good enough for a prototype and
+has the serious advantage of working right now for current Python.
+.. _autosuper recipe:
+Cooperation at the metaclass level
+In my experience, the cases where you need method cooperation
+in multiple inheritance situations are exceedingly rare,
+unless you are a language implementor or a designer of
+very advanced frameworks. In such a realm you have a need for
+cooperative methods; it is not a pressing need, in the sense that
+you can always live without them, but they are a nice feature to have if you
+care about elegance and extensibility. For instance, as P. J. Eby
+points it out in this `thread on python-dev`_:
+*A major use case for co-operative super() is in the implementation of
+metaclasses. The __init__ and __new__ signatures are fixed, multiple
+inheritance is possible, and co-operativeness is a must (as the base
+class methods* must *be called). I'm hard-pressed to think of a
+metaclass constructor or initializer that I've written in the last
+half-decade or more where I didn't use super() to make it
+co-operative. That, IMO, is a compelling use case even if there were
+not a single other example of the need for super.*
+I have always felt the same. So, even if I have been unhappy with multiple
+inheritance for years, I could never dismiss it entirely
+because of the concerns for this use case. It is only after discovering
+the ``__super`` trick that I felt that traits are powerful enough
+to replace multiple inheritance without losing anything I care about.
+Multiple inheritance at the metaclass level is comes out here and
+again when you are wearing the language implementor hat. For instance,
+if you try to implement an object system based on traits, you will have to do
+so at the metaclass level and there method cooperation has its place.
+In particular, if you look at the source code of the ``strait`` module -
+which is around 100 lines, a tribute to the power of Python -
+you will see that the ``MetaTOS`` metaclass is implemented
+as a cooperative trait, so that it can be mixed-in with other metaclasses,
+in the case you are interoperating with a framework with a non-trivial
+meta object protocol. This is performed internally by ``include``.
+Metaclass cooperation is there to make your life easier. Suppose one
+of you, users of the ``strait`` module, wants to enhance the ``include``
+mechanism using another a metaclass coming for a third party framework
+and therefore not inheriting from ``MetaTOS``:
+The way to go is simple. First, you should mix-in ``MetaTOS`` in the
+third party class:
+Then, you can define your own enhanced include as follows:
+The syntax ``**{'MetaTOS': ExtendedMetaTOS}`` is ugly, but if you
+upgrade to Python 2.6 you will be able to use ``MetaTOS=ExtendedMetaTOS``
+since the parsing of keyword arguments has been improved.
+In simple cases using directly ``ThirdPartyMeta`` may work, but I strongly
+recommend to replace the call to super with ``__super`` even in
+``ThirdPartyMeta`` to make the cooperation robust.
+.. _thread on python-dev:
+Discussion of some design decisions and future work
+The decision of having TOS classes which are not instances of
+required some thought. That was my original idea in version 0.1 of
+``strait``; however in version 0.2 I wanted to see what would happen
+if I made all TOS classes instances of ``MetaTOS``.
+That implied that if
+your original class had a nontrivial metaclass, then the TOS class had
+to inherit both from the original metaclass *and* ``MetaTOS``,
+i.e. multiple inheritance and cooperation of methods was required at
+the metaclass level.
+I did not like it, since I was arguing that
+you can do everything without multiple inheritance; moreover using
+multiple inheritance at the metaclass level
+meant that one had to solve the metaclass conflict in a general
+way. I did so, by using my own cookbook recipe, and all my tests
+Neverthess, at the end, in version 0.3 I decided to go back to the
+original design. The metaclass conflict recipe is too complex, and I
+see it as a code smell - *if the implementation is hard to explain,
+it's a bad idea* - just another indication that multiple inheritance
+is bad. In the original design it is possible to add the features of
+``MetaTOS`` to the original metaclass by subclassing it with *single*
+inheritance and thus avoiding the conflict.
+The price to pay is that now a TOS class is no more an instance of
+``MetaTOS``, but this is a non-issue: the important
+thing is that TOS classes perform the dispatch on their traits as
+``MetaTOS`` would dictate. Moreover, starting from
+Python 2.6, thanks to `Abstract Base Classes`_, you may satisfy the
+``isinstance(obj, cls)`` check even if ``obj`` is not an instance of
+``cls``, by registering a suitable base class (similarly for
+``issubclass``). In our situation, that means that it is enough to
+register ``MetaTOS`` as base class of the original
+Version 0.4 was much more complex that the current version (still
+short, it was under 300 lines of pure Python), since it had the more
+ambitious goal of solving the namespace pollution problem. I have
+discussed the issue elsewhere_: if you keep injecting methods into a
+class (both directly or via inheritance) you may end up having
+hundreds of methods flattened at the same level.
+A picture is worth a
+thousand words, so have a look at the `PloneSite hierarchy`_ if you
+want to understand the horror I wanted to avoid with traits (the
+picture shows the number of nonspecial attributes defined per class in
+square brackets): in the Plone Site hierarchy there are 38 classes, 88
+overridden names, 42 special names, 648 non-special attributes and
+methods. It is a nighmare.
+Originally I wanted to prevent this kind
+of abuse, but that made my implementation more complex, whereas
+my main goal was to keep the implementation simple. As a consequence
+this version assume the prosaic attitude that you cannot stop
+programmers from bad design anyway, so if they want to go the Zope
+way they can.
+In previous versions I did provide some syntactic sugar for ``include``
+so that it was possible to write something like the following
+(using a trick discussed here_)::
+ class C(Base):
+ include(Trait1, Trait2)
+In version 0.5 I decided to remove this feature. Now the plumbing
+(i.e. the ``__metaclass__`` hook) is exposed to the user, some magic
+has been removed and it is easier for the user to write its own
+``include`` factory if she wants to.
+Where to go from here? For the moment, I have no clear idea about the
+future. The Smalltalk implementation of traits provides method
+renaming out of the box. The Python implementation has no facilities
+in this sense. In the future I may decide to give some support for
+renaming, or I may not. At the present you can just rename your
+methods by hand. Also, in the future I may decide to add some kind of
+adaptation mechanism or I may not: after all the primary goal of this
+implementation is semplicity and I don't want to clutter it with too
+many features.
+I am very open to feedback and criticism: I am releasing this module
+with the hope that it will be used in real life situations to gather
+experience with the traits concept. Clearly I am not proposing that
+Python should remove multiple inheritance in favor of traits:
+considerations of backward compatibily would kill the proposal right
+from the start. I am just looking for a few adventurous volunteers
+wanting to experiment with traits; if the experiment goes well, and
+people start using (multiple) inheritance less than they do now, I
+will be happy.
+``strait`` officially stands for ``Simple Trait`` Object System, however
+the name is also a pun on the world "straight", since the difference
+between multiple inheritance hierarchies and TOS hierarchies is that
+TOS hierarchies are straight. Moreover, nobody will stop you from
+thinking that the ``s`` also stands for Simionato ;)
+.. _Abstract Base Classes:
+.. _traits:
+.. _Traits - Composable Units of Behavior:
+.. _PLT Scheme:
+.. _here:
+import time
+import cPickle as pickle
+from strait import *
+from Tkinter import *
+#Tkinter.BaseWidget.__bases__ = (LogOnInit, Tkinter.Misc)
+class TOSWidget(BaseWidget):
+ __metaclass__ = include(Pack, Place, Grid)
+ info =
+ config = Pack.config.im_func
+ configure = Pack.configure.im_func
+ slaves = Pack.slaves.im_func
+ forget = Pack.forget.im_func
+ propagate = Pack.propagate.im_func
+class HTTP(object):
+ def GET(self):
+ print 'calling HTTP.GET from %s' % self
+ def POST(self):
+ print 'calling HTTP.POST from %s' % self
+ @classmethod
+ def cm(cls):
+ print 'calling from %s' % cls
+class FTP(object):
+ def SEND(self):
+ print 'calling FTP.SEND from %s' % self
+ def RECV(self):
+ print 'calling FTP.RECV from %s' % self
+ @staticmethod
+ def sm():
+ print 'calling staticmethod'
+class AddGreetings(type):
+ "A metaclass adding a 'greetings' attribute for exemplification purposes"
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ dic['greetings'] = 'hello!'
+ return super(AddGreetings, mcl).__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+class WidgetWithGreetings(BaseWidget, object):
+ __metaclass__ = AddGreetings
+class PackWidget(WidgetWithGreetings):
+ __metaclass__ = include(Pack)
+def test_multi_include():
+ class B(WidgetWithGreetings):
+ __metaclass__ = include(FTP)
+ class C(B):
+ __metaclass__ = include(HTTP)
+ def __init__(self, a):
+ self.a = a
+ class D(C):
+ pass
+ x = D(1)
+ x.a
+ print type(B), type(C)
+def timethis(thunk, N=10000):
+ t0 = time.time()
+ for i in xrange(N):
+ thunk()
+ return time.time() - t0
+def test_speed():
+ t1 = timethis(lambda : TOSWidget.size)
+ t2 = timethis(lambda : Widget.size)
+ print 'TOS lookup:', t1, 'Regular lookup', t2, 'Slowdown', int(t1/t2)
+class Mixin(object):
+ def _helper(self):
+ return 1
+ def method(self):
+ return self._helper() + 1
+class A(object):
+ def save(self):
+ print ''
+class AM(A):
+ __metaclass__ = include(Mixin)
+assert AM().method() == 2
+class ThirdPartyMeta(type):
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ print 'Using ThirdPartyMeta to create %s' % name
+ return super(ThirdPartyMeta, mcl).__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+class ExtendedMetaTOS(ThirdPartyMeta):
+ __metaclass__ = include(MetaTOS)
+def enhanced_include(*traits):
+ return include(*traits, **{'MetaTOS': ExtendedMetaTOS})
+class FrameworkMeta(type): # example metaclass
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ print "Adding framework features to %s" % name
+ return type.__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+class DebugMeta(type): # mixin metaclass
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ print "Adding debugging features to %s" % name
+ return mcl.__super.__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+class RemotableMeta(type): # another mixin metaclass
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ print "Adding remoting features to %s" % name
+ return mcl.__super.__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+class FrameworkClass(object):
+ __metaclass__ = FrameworkMeta
+class DebugFrameworkMeta(FrameworkMeta):
+ __metaclass__ = enhanced_include(DebugMeta)
+print '**************** creating DebugFrameworkClass'
+class DebugFrameworkClass(FrameworkClass):
+ __metaclass__ = DebugFrameworkMeta
+class RemotableDebugFrameworkMeta(DebugFrameworkMeta):
+ __metaclass__ = enhanced_include(RemotableMeta)
+print '**************** creating RemotableDebugFrameworkClass'
+class RemotableDebugFrameworkClass(FrameworkClass):
+ __metaclass__ = RemotableDebugFrameworkMeta
+## cooperation in Multiple Inheritance
+class LogOnInitMI(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ print 'Initializing %s' % self
+ super(LogOnInitMI, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+class RegisterOnInitMI(object):
+ register = []
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ print 'Registering %s' % self
+ self.register.append(self)
+ super(RegisterOnInitMI, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
+class C_MI(LogOnInitMI, RegisterOnInitMI):
+ pass
+## cooperation in TOS
+class LogOnInit(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ print 'Initializing %s' % self
+ self.__super.__init__(*args, **kw)
+class RegisterOnInit(object):
+ register = []
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ print 'Registering %s' % self
+ self.register.append(self)
+ self.__super.__init__(*args, **kw)
+class C_Register(object):
+ __metaclass__ = include(RegisterOnInit)
+class C_LogAndRegister(C_Register):
+ __metaclass__ = include(LogOnInit)
+## run tests
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest; doctest.testmod()
+ try:
+ import nose
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ nose.runmodule()
diff --git a/mtraits/ b/mtraits/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0489c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtraits/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+__all__ = ['include', 'MetaTOS']
+import re, sys, inspect, types, warnings
+class OverridingError(NameError):
+ pass
+class OverridingWarning(Warning):
+ pass
+class Super(object):
+ # this is needed to fix a shortcoming of unbound super objects
+ def __init__(self, thisclass):
+ self.__thisclass__ = thisclass
+ def __get__(self, obj, objcls):
+ return super(self.__thisclass__, obj or objcls)
+def oldstyle(*bases):
+ "Return True if there are no bases or all bases are old-style"
+ return not bases or set(map(type, bases)) == set([types.ClassType])
+class Namespace(dict):
+ "A named dictionary containing the attribute of a class and its ancestors"
+ @classmethod
+ def from_cls(klass, cls):
+ if oldstyle(cls):
+ mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
+ else:
+ mro = cls.__mro__[:-1] # all except object
+ dic = merge(subc.__dict__ for subc in reversed(mro))
+ return klass(cls.__name__, dic)
+ def __init__(self, name, attrs):
+ self.__name__ = name
+ self.update(attrs)
+def merge(dicts):
+ """Merge a sequence of dictionaries. In case of name clashes,
+ the last dict in the sequence wins."""
+ dic = {}
+ for d in dicts:
+ dic.update(d)
+ return dic
+class MetaTOS(type):
+ "The metaclass of the Trait Object System"
+ def __new__(mcl, name, bases, dic):
+ if len(bases) > 1:
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'Multiple inheritance of bases %s is forbidden for TOS classes'
+ % str(bases))
+ elif oldstyle(*bases): # converts into new-style
+ bases += (object,)
+ cls = mcl.__super.__new__(mcl, name, bases, dic)
+ setattr(cls, '_%s__super' % name, Super(cls))
+ return cls
+MetaTOS._MetaTOS__super = Super(MetaTOS)
+def find_common_names(namespaces):
+ "Perform n*(n-1)/2 namespace overlapping checks on a set of n namespaces"
+ n = len(namespaces)
+ if n <= 1: return
+ names = map(set, namespaces)
+ for i in range(0, n):
+ for j in range(i+1, n):
+ ci, cj = namespaces[i], namespaces[j]
+ common = names[i] & names[j]
+ if common:
+ yield common, ci, cj
+def check_overridden(namespaces, exclude=frozenset(), raise_='error'):
+ "Raise an OverridingError for common names not in the exclude set"
+ for common, n1, n2 in find_common_names(namespaces):
+ overridden = ', '.join(common - exclude)
+ if overridden:
+ msg = '%s overrides names in %s: {%s}' % (
+ n1.__name__, n2.__name__, overridden)
+ if raise_ == 'error':
+ raise OverridingError(msg)
+ elif raise_ == 'warning':
+ warnings.warn(msg, OverridingWarning, stacklevel=2)
+known_metas = set([MetaTOS])
+def get_right_meta(metatos, bases):
+ # there is only one base because of the single-inheritance constraint
+ try:
+ base = bases[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ base = object
+ meta = type(base)
+ if meta in (types.ClassType, type):
+ return metatos
+ elif any(issubclass(meta, m) for m in known_metas):
+ return meta
+ newmeta = type(
+ '_TOS' + meta.__name__, (meta,), dict(__new__=metatos.__new__))
+ setattr(newmeta, '_%s__super' % metatos.__name__, Super(newmeta))
+ known_metas.add(newmeta)
+ return newmeta
+exclude_attrs = set('__doc__ __module__ __dict__ __weakref__'.split())
+def new(metatos, name, bases, attrs, traits):
+ # traits as in Squeak take the precedence over the base class
+ # but they are overridden by attributes in the class
+ namespaces = map(Namespace.from_cls, traits)
+ check_overridden(namespaces, exclude=set(attrs)|exclude_attrs)
+ meta = get_right_meta(metatos, bases)
+ cls = meta(name, bases, merge(namespaces + [Namespace(name, attrs)]))
+ cls.__traits__ = traits
+ for t in traits:
+ setattr(cls, '_%s__super' % t.__name__, Super(cls))
+ return cls
+def include(*traits, **kw):
+ "Class decorator factory"
+ metatos = kw.get('MetaTOS', MetaTOS) # other kw free for future extensions
+ def makecls(name, bases, dic):
+ return new(metatos, name, bases, dic, traits)
+ makecls.__name__ = 'include_%s' % '_'.join(m.__name__ for m in traits)
+ return makecls