import web class inputmethod(object): """ A descriptor passing web.input() as first argument to the inner function. """ def __init__(self, func): self._func = func def __get__(self, obj, objcls): return self._func.__get__(web.input()) def identity(func): "A do nothing decorator" return func class Register(object): """ Each instance is a decorator associated to a application. Each application adds a RESTful resource. """ def __init__(self, dec=identity): self.dec = dec = web.application([]) # is the empty list self.mapping = {} def __call__(self, path): def dec(func): chunks = func.__name__.split('_') name = '_'.join(chunks[:-1]) meth = chunks[-1] assert meth in ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), meth func = self.dec(func) # decorate the original function self._addcls(path, name, meth, inputmethod(func)) return func return dec def _addcls(self, path, name, method, meth): if path not in self.mapping: cls = type(name, (), dict(path=path)) self.mapping[path] = cls[path, cls]) else: cls = self.mapping[path] setattr(cls, method, meth) if __name__ == '__main__': resource = Register() @resource('/b') def book_GET(): pass @resource('/c') def book_POST(): pass @resource('/d') def book_PUT(): pass @resource('/e') def book_DELETE(): pass print, resource.mapping