Functional Programming For Dynamic Programmers - Part 2 ======================================================= :author: Michele Simionato :date: December 2007 This is the second of a series of articles on functional programming in statically typed languages. It is intended for dynamic programmers, i.e. for programmers with a background in dynamically typed languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, or languages in the Lisp family. The approch is eminently practical and example-based; the main goal is to see if we can stole some good idea from statically typed languages. In order to be concrete, I will consider languages in the ML family, because they are pretty nice and much easier to understand that Haskell. Functional programming and Input/Output ----------------------------------------------------- Input/output is the black ship of functional programming and it is often relegated at the end of tutorials and sometimes even omitted, as if shameful. Sometime, it is not even standardized and implementation-dependent. On the other hand, *all* programs must perform some kind of input/output, or at least of output, otherwise we would have no way to see what a program did. Therefore input/output *must* be explained at the beginning of any tutorial, not at the end. I always hated books not telling me how to read a file until the appendix! In this section I will explain how you can read a file in SML. Reading a file is for some reason seen as "inpure" since it is not functional. Let me explain that a bit more: in mathematics, a function takes an argument in input, and returns an output; if I call twice the function with the same argument, I get twice the *same* output. In programming, a procedure reading a line from a file returns a *different* line at each invocation, even if called with the same arguments (the arguments maybe simply the empty tuple), so it is not a function in the mathematical sense. On the other hand, a procedure writing a line into a file, is also impure, since it is modifying an object, the file itself. In strict functional programming there is no mutation, objects are declared once and for all times they do not change. Functional programming in its purest form is therefore useless: notice that even the paradigmatic "Hello world" program is not a functional program, since the "Hello world" string is printed via an imperative side effect. In other words, every functional programming language must find a non-functional way to manage input-output. Haskell tries very hard to hide non-functional constructs into monads; SML just uses traditional imperative constructs to perform input/output. We already saw the ``print`` function to write on stdout; to read from stdin, you can define the following utility:: - fun input prompt = (print prompt; getOpt(TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn, "")) val input : string -> string = _fn The parenthesis here are needed since the right hand side of a function definition must be an expression, and the parenthesis (plus the expression separator ";") allows you to compose expressions in a single expression returning as value the value of the last expression. ``TextIO`` is a module in the standard library managing textual I/O and ``TextIO.inputLine inputFile`` is a function returning a line wrapped into an option object or NONE if we arrived at the end of the input file. In particular, in the case of standard input, we arrive at the end when we give CTRL-D (in a Unix-like system); in this case ``input`` will return the empty string, otherwise it returns the input line, comprehensive of the newline character. Here is an example of usage:: - input "Enter a string: "; Enter a string: hello val it : string = "hello\n" - input "Enter CTRL-D "; - Enter CTRL-D val it : string = "" I we want to read a text file (assuming it fits in memory) the simplest way is to use ``TextIO.inputAll``:: - fun fileToString filename = let val file = TextIO.openIn filename in TextIO.inputAll file finally TextIO.closeIn file end Conversely, if we want to write a text on a file we can define:: - fun saveFile (fname, content) = let val out = TextIO.openOut fname in TextIO.output(out, content) finally TextIO.closeOut out end; The examples here use the standard *let* expression, which has the form:: let in end and returns as value the value of the last expression. Moreover, the examples here use the *finally* construct, which is an Alice extension to SML, and works as you would expect:: finally the finally clause if executed always, even if there is an exception in the first expression. The examples here are very simple and do not address the issue or reading or writing large files which do not fit in memory. But don't worry, I will address those situations in the next issues. In order to do so, however, I need to perform a digression on two of the most common programming techniques in functional languages, recursion and higher order functions. You, as a dynamic programmer, will probably already know both concepts, but in languages such are Python, Perl, or even Common Lisp they are not as pervasive as in truly functional languages. Recursion ---------------------------------------------------- Perhaps the most common construct in imperative programming is the *for* loop; in spite of that, *for* loops are usually missing in functional languages. In this section I will explain and the way to work around this omission. To start with a practical example, suppose we want to define a function to count the number of lines in a text file, something akin to the following Python code [#]_:: def countLines(fname): counter = 0 with file(fname) as f: for line in f: counter += 1 return counter .. [#] We are using here the ``with`` statement, available in Python 2.5 by importing it from the future: ``from __future__ import with_statement``. How can we implement it without a *for* loop? One solution is to cheat and to use a *while* loop, which exists in SML:: fun countLines fname = let val counter = ref 0 val inp = TextIO.openIn fname in while not (TextIO.endOfStream inp) do (TextIO.inputLine inp; counter := !counter + 1) finally TextIO.closeIn inp; !counter end Some explanation about ML references is in order here. ML does not allow to mutate a variable directly (as a matter of fact most types in ML are immutable); if you want to increment an integer, you must wrap it into a reference object, and you must mutate the reference. Some simple experiment at the prompt should give you the gist of what references are. Put the integer 0 into a memory location and returns a reference to it:: - val counter = ref 0; val counter : int ref = ref 0 Return the value in the location pointed by the reference:: - !counter; val it : int = 0 Put in that location the value 0+1; return the empty tuple:: - counter := !counter + 1; val it : unit = () Return the new value of the counter:: - !counter val it : int = 1 From this explanation, it should be obvious what ``countLines`` does; the implementation works, but it is very ugly and strongly discouraged. I show it here, to prove that SML can be used in an imperative way, not to suggest to code in this way. However, it may be not obvious to re-implement ``countLines`` without mutation, unless you have already coded in functional languages. There is a standard tecnique to solve this kind of problem, i.e. the conversion of an imperative loop into a functional recursion: *the accumulator tecnique*. The accumulator is the mutating parameter in the imperative loop, in this case, the counter. The accumulator tecnique consists in rewriting the loop as a recursive function, promoting the accumulator to the rank of additional parameter in the function signature:: - fun countLines' (file, counter) = case TextIO.inputLine file of NONE => counter | SOME line => countLines'(file, counter + 1); val countLines' : TextIO.instream * int -> int = _fn As you see, ``countLines'`` is a recursive function calling itself with an incremented counter, until the file is read completely, then it returns the final value of the accumulator. You can then rewrite the original function as :: - fun countLines (fname) = let val file = TextIO.openIn fname in countLines' (file, 0) finally TextIO.closeIn file end; val countLines : string -> int = _fn Recursion and accumulators are ubiquitous in functional programming, so the time spent understanding this example is worth it. I will close this paragraph by noting that the accumulator tecnique is also used to convert non-tail-call recursive functions like the good old factorial:: - fun fact 0 = 1 | fact n = n*fact (n-1); into a tail-call recursive function, i.e. a function returning either a value without making a recursive call, or directly the result of a recursive call:: - fun fact n = fact' (n, 1) and fact' (0, acc) = acc | fact' (n, acc) = fact' (n-1, acc*n); Here I have use the ``and`` syntax to define two or more conceptually connected functions in a single step. Tail-call recursive functions are equivalent to imperative loops, in this case to the Python code:: def fact(n): acc = 1 while n > 0: acc = acc*n n = n-1 return acc Internally, the compiler of functional languages are able to translate tail-call recursive functions back to imperative loops, so that the implementation is very efficient. In a language like Python instead, which is not a truly functional language, it is possible to write:: def fact(n, acc): if n == 0: return acc else: return fact(n-1, acc*n) but this function is not converted into a loop, you will have a loss of performance and you will incur in the recursion limit if try to compute the factorial of a large enough integer (say 1000) [#]_ . .. [#] Notice that Python does not make tail call optimization *on purpose*, essentially for two reasons: 1) the language has a philosophy of preferring iteration over recursion; 2) keeping the recursive calls in the stack gives more informative tracebacks and helps debugging. Since I am at that, let me notice that Python error reporting and debugging features are infinitely superior to the ones of any SML or Scheme implementation I have seen. This is not because of lack of tail call optimization, it is because as a general philosophy Python does not care about speed but cares about programmer; moreover, despite the fact that SML and Scheme are twice as old as Python, a lot more of work went into Python than in SML/Scheme for what concerns practical issues. Higher order functions --------------------------------------------------------- Just as recursion is pervasive in functional programming, so are higher order functions. You may judge how much functional is a language by measuring how good is the support for recursion and for higher order functions. In this respect, ML shines since it has a particularly elegant syntax to define higher order functions i.e. functions returning functions. .. higher order functions: The canonical example of higher order function is the adder:: - fun adder n = fn x => x+n; val adder : int -> int -> int = _fn The notation ``fn x => x+n`` denotes what is usually called a lambda function, according to the Lisp tradition; in this example it means that the ``adder`` returns a function which adds *n* to any integer number; for instance:: - val add1 = adder 1; (* adds 1 to any number *) val add1 : int -> int = _fn - add1 1; val it : int = 2 Notice that ML use the notation ``int -> int -> int`` to denote the type of the adder, which should be read as ``int -> (int -> int)`` i.e. *the arrow associates on the right* and should be interpreted as "the adder is a function taking an *int* and returning a function *int->int*". On the other hand, *function application associates on the left* and `` adder 1 2`` should be read as ``(adder 1) 2`` An equivalent, but cleaner notation for the adder is :: - fun adder n x = x+n; val adder : int -> int -> int = _fn Notice the difference betwen ``adder(n, x)``, denoting a function of two arguments, and ``adder n x`` denoting an higher order function, so that ``adder n`` is a function itself. The ``adder`` is a simple example, but it does not make justice to the usefulness of higher order functions. To give a practical example, we may consider the problem of avoiding the boilerplate when opening/closing a file. Lisp use for that a few macros (``with-input-from-file``, ``with-output-to-file``) whereas Python use a special syntax (the ``with`` statement); in ML it is quite natural to define a higher order function such as the following:: - fun ` manage fname = let val file = TextIO.openIn fname in manage file finally TextIO.closeIn file end; val ` : (TextIO.instream -> 'a) -> string -> 'a = _fn Here ````` is just an identifier for the higher order function; I could have used for it a longer name, such as ``higherOrderFunctionAddingAutomaticOpenCloseFunctionality``, but I am lazy, and also I wanted to show that in ML one has a considerable freedom in the choice of valid identifiers. The action of ````` is clear: it takes a function which operates on objects (i.e. text files) and converts it into a function that operates on strings (i.e. file names) and has opening/closing functionality embedded. The type of the return value is not specified at this stage, and this is indicated by the notation *'a* (to be read alpha), which denotes a generic type. Using ````` the ``fileToString`` function defined in the first article of this series could be written as simply as:: - val fileToString = `TextIO.inputAll; val fileToString : string -> string = _fn whereas ``countLines`` could be written as:: - val countLines = `(fn file => countLines'(file, 0)) val countLines : string -> int = _fn You should begin to appreciate the power of higher order functions, now ;) An evident weakness of the approach used here, is that it works only for text files (actually only for files opened for input; we would need to define a different higher order function for files opened for output); if we wanted to wrap binary files, we would need to define equivalent higher order functions using the ``BinIO`` library instead of ``TextIO``; then, if we wanted to use it for sockets, we would need to define yet another higher order function; in general there are infinite resources which can be opened and closed, and we could define an infinite number of higher order functions doing all the same thing. This is bad; fortunately this potentially infinite code duplication can be solved using functors, but you will have to wait for the next articles to see how to do it ;) ---- *Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.* -- Brian W. Kernighan