Functional Programming For Dynamic Programmers - Part 3 ======================================================= :author: Michele Simionato :date: December 2007 This is the third of a series of articles on functional programming in statically typed languages. It is intended for dynamic programmers, i.e. for programmers with a background in dynamically typed languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, or languages in the Lisp family. The approch is eminently practical and example-based; the main goal is to see if we can stole some good idea from statically typed languages. In order to be concrete, I will consider languages in the ML family, because they are pretty nice and much easier to understand that Haskell. Writing your first module ------------------------------------------------------ Usually programs start small, but they have an unfortunate tendency to grow, getting larger and larger and eventually to explode. To control this tendency, programmers have invented various techniques, which are essentially all variations of a same idea: large programs should be decomposed in smaller, more manageable, conceptually connected units of code. These units of code go under various names, depending on the language you are using; common terms are structures, classes, namespaces, modules, packages, libraries, components etc. In this article I will focus on the ML terminology and tecniques. In SML, the basic mechanism of code control is the structure, which takes the place of what is called a module in other languages. We already encountered structures before, such as the ``TextIO`` structure, containing functions such as ``TextIO.openIn``, ``TextIO.closeIn`` etc. It is also possible to define custom structures. For instance, suppose we want to implement Python-like file-iteration in SML in order to be able to write things like `` print (Iter.file fname)`` to print all the lines in a text file. We can do so with the following structure:: - structure Iter = struct exception StopIteration fun app func iter = (while true do func (iter ())) handle StopIteration => () fun map func iter = fn () => func (iter ()) fun file fname = let val inp = TextIO.openIn fname in fn () => (case TextIO.inputLine inp of NONE => raise StopIteration | SOME line => line) handle err => (TextIO.closeIn inp; raise err) end end; structure Iter : sig exception StopIteration val app : ('a -> 'b) -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit val map : ('a -> 'b) -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit -> 'b val file : string -> unit -> string end We see many interesting things here. First of all, the REPL returns us a string representation of the so-called *signature* of the structure, i.e. a description of the types of the objects encapsulated by the structure. Iterators have been implemented as thunks, i.e. functions of type ``unit -> 'a``; in particular, ``file`` is a higher order function taking a filename and returning a string-value thunk: at each call of the closure``Iter.file fname`` we get a different line of the file. All types have been inferred correctly: ```` is an higher order function taking a generic function ``'a->'b`` (which means a function taking an unspecified type ``'a`` and returning an unspecified type ``'b``, possibly different from ``'a``) and converting it into a function ``iterator -> unit``, whereas ```` applies a generic function to an iterator and returns an iterator. For instance, suppose we want to define an utility to convert to upper case a text file, by applying the function [#]_ ``- fun upper str = String.implode (map Char.toUpper (String.explode str));`` to each line; we can test it by writing a file like the following:: $ cat three-lines.txt line 1 line 2 line 3 and by defining :: - val next = upper (Iter.file "three-lines.txt"); val next : unit -> string = _fn With this definitions, we get the same behavior as in Python [#]_ :: - next (); val it : string = " LINE 1\n" - next (); val it : string = " LINE 2\n" - next (); val it : string = " LINE 3\n" - next (); Uncaught exception StopIteration .. [#] In this example I am using the ``String`` and ``Char`` structures of the SML standard library, documented here and here .. [#] In Python we would have :: >>> it = itertools.imap(str.upper, file("three-lines.txt")) >>> ' LINE 1\n' >>> ' LINE 2\n' >>> ' LINE 3\n' >>> Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in StopIteration Importing modules ---------------------------------------------------- Structures in the standard library are automatically available; on the other hand, if you write your own structure and save it into a file, you need to import the file before you can use it. The simplest way to import a file is through the ``use`` expression:: - use ""; This simply includes the imported file in the current program, and everything is compiled together. In most SML implementation it is also possible to compile a file as a standalone component; the details vary with the implementation. In Alice you can just save the above structure into a file called ``iter.aml`` and compile it as ``alicec iter.aml`` This creates a bytecode compiled file called ``iter.alc``. The compiled structure can be imported in your programs with the line ``import structure Iter from "iter"`` assuming ``iter.alc`` is in the same directory as your main program. If you want to import in the program namespace all the objects defined inside the structure, you can open it: ``- open Iter;`` this is however actively discouraged, to prevent namespace pollution, i.e. name conflicts, since an exported name can shadow a pre-existent name. There is actually a good use case for opening a structure, i.e. inside another structure. In particular, it is possible to redefine structures, augmenting them with additional objects. For instance, we could supplement the ``Iter`` structure with a routine to read binary files in chunks:: - structure Iter = struct open Iter fun binfile (fname, chunksize) = let val inp = BinIO.openIn fname in fn () => let val vec = BinIO.inputN (inp, chunksize) (* read N bytes *) in if Word8Vector.length(vec) = 0 then raise StopIteration else vec handle err => (BinIO.closeIn inp; raise err) end end end; Notice that ``BinIO.inputN`` returns a vector of bytes, not a string; however, you can get a *bona fide* string by applying the standard library function Byte.bytesToString_ to the returned chunks. Here is an example:: - Byte.bytesToString (Iter.binfile("three-lines.txt", 40) ()); val it : string = " line 1\n line 2\n line 3\n" An importanting to notice is that *you can redefine even standard library structures*, augmenting them with new features, or replacing objects with others, even *with a different signature*. This is similar to what happens in Ruby, where you can add methods even to builtin classes, and should be done with care. .. _Byte.bytesToString: Structures are not first class values ----------------------------------------------------------- The problem with structures is that they are not first class values, i.e. they cannot be passed to functions and they cannot be inspected. This is the reason why giving at the prompt the name of a structure does not work:: - TextIO; 1.0-1.6: unknown value or constructor `TextIO' ``TextIO`` is not recognized as the name of a know value. Structures live in a completely separate namespace [#]_, so that you can associate any value to the name ``TextIO`` and still you can access the contents of the structure without any problem:: - val TextIO = "astring"; 1.4-1.10: warning: value identifier `TextIO' violates standard naming conventions, which suggest value names of the form foo, foo', fooBar val TextIO : string = "astring" - TextIO.print; val it : string -> unit = _lazy Notice the warning about violating standard naming conventions, since a regular value such as a string should be denoted with a non-capitalized identitifier, whereas capitalized identitifiers should be reserved to structures. Structures can be given name and aliases via the ``structure`` declaration; for instance, if you want to give a shorter alias to ``TextIO`` you can define ``- structure T = TextIO;`` Structures can be arbitrarily nested, i.e they can contain substructures at any level of nesting. For instance, if you want to extract the substructure ``StreamIO`` from ``TextIO`` you can define ``- structure S = TextIO.StreamIO;`` The lack of first class structures is motivated by reasons of (premature) optimization. Suppose structure where first class values: then you could write things like ``val S = if someRuntimeCondition() then struct ... end else struct ... end`` and that would make life pretty hard for the compiler: basically, it would be impossible to compile the structure once and for all, and you would be forced to recompile it at runtime. In these days of just-in-time compilation this is less of an issue than in the past, and in particular Alice ML allows you to do that, by wrapping structures in packages. But in order to discuss that, we must first discuss signatures, which is the SML name for interfaces. .. [#] Readers familiar with Common Lisp will be familiar with the concept of having separate namespaces for different kind of objects. Abstract signatures and abstract types --------------------------------------- Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to define signatures for your own structures, since even if you do not specify a signature, the compiler is able to figure out the complete signature, thanks to type inference. The problem is exactly that: the compiler extracts the *complete* signature, a.k.a. the *principal* signature of you library, which is too much. Typically, you don't want to expose all the objects in your structure, for safety reason (your structure may contain private functions which should not be exported to client code), for sake of simplicity (you may want to implement the `facade pattern`_) or for code reuse. Using computer science buzzwords, we may say that `information hiding`_ is implemented in SML by defining *abstract signatures*, as opposed to the *concrete* (or principal) signatures we saw until now. To give a concrete example, let me consider the ``List`` and ``Vector`` structures in the standard library: the ``List`` structure defines the type ``list``, whereas the ``Vector`` structure defines the type ``vector``; both types have a common alias ``t``. ``list`` and ``vector`` are container types, in the sense that a list/vector may contain objects of any type, as long as all the elements are homegenous, so you may have a ``string list``, an ``int list``, a ``string list list``, etc [#]_:: - val lst = [0,1,2]; val lst : int list = [0, 1, 2] - val vec = #[0,1,2]; val vec : int vector = #[0, 1, 2] - val lst = [["hello", "world"]]; val lst : string list list = [["hello", "world"]] Both ``List`` and ``Vector`` provide a function ``length`` returning the number of elements of the list/vector, and a function ``sub`` return the i-th element of the list/vector:: - List.length(lst); val it : int = 3 - Vector.length(vec); val it : int = 3 -List.sub(lst, 1) (*) take the second element of the list val it : int = 1 -Vector.sub(vec, 1) (*) take the second element of the vector val it : int = 1 We may abstract this common behavior by defining an abstract signature:: - signature SIMPLE_SEQUENCE = sig type 'a t val length: 'a t -> int val sub: 'a t * int -> 'a end sig type 'a t val length : 'a t -> int val sub : 'a t * int -> 'a end Here the type t is *abstract*: it becomes concrete only if you *ascribe* the signature to a concrete structure:: - structure L=List:SIMPLE_SEQUENCE; structure L : sig type t = list val length : 'a List.t -> int val sub : 'a List.t * int -> 'a end = List - structure V=Vector:SIMPLE_SEQUENCE; structure V : sig type t = vector val length : 'a Vector.t -> int val sub : 'a Vector.t * int -> 'a end = Vector i.e. the abstract type ``t`` is replaced by the concrete type ``list`` when the signature is ascribed to the ``List`` structure and by the concrete type ``vector`` when the signature is ascribed to the ``Vector`` structure. Moreover, having ascribed the ``SIMPLE_SEQUENCE`` signature to the structures ``L`` and ``V``, we have automatically hidden all the additional functionality of the original structures, so that for instance ```` and ```` are not accessible, even if ```` and ```` do exists:: - 1.2-1.5: unknown value or constructor `map' -; 1.2-1.5: unknown value or constructor `map' In a sense, you may see ascribing the signature as a way of importing a selected subset of the functionality of the original structure; you could even import a subset of the names defined in the original structures in the current namespace by opening the ascribed structure:: - open Vector:SIMPLE_SEQUENCE; structure _id20 : sig type t = vector val length : 'a Vector.t -> int val sub : 'a Vector.t * int -> 'a end = Vector val sub : 'a Vector.t * int -> 'a = _fn val length : 'a Vector.t -> int = _fn type t = Vector.t Signatures allows much more than that, and the practical usage of abstract signatures in SML will become clear once we will introduce the concept of functors and packages. Nevertheless, I am sure that the expert object oriented programmer has already understood the point behind abstract signatures: they are nothing else than interfaces. Code written to work with a ``SIMPLE_SEQUENCE`` interface will automatically work with lists, vectors, and any data structure (builtin *and* custom) satisfying the interface. .. [#] Notice that since SML is a functional language, both lists and vectors are immutable. .. _information hiding: .. _facade pattern: ---- *divide et impera* -- old Roman saying