Functional Programming For Dynamic Programmers - Part 4 ======================================================= :author: Michele Simionato :date: December 2007 This is the fourth of a series of articles on functional programming in statically typed languages. It is intended for dynamic programmers, i.e. for programmers with a background in dynamically typed languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, or languages in the Lisp family. The approch is eminently practical and example-based; the main goal is to see if we can stole some good idea from statically typed languages. In order to be concrete, I will consider languages in the ML family, because they are pretty nice and much easier to understand that Haskell. Academic languages vs enterprise languages ----------------------------------------------------------- There is a widespread misconception that academic languages are clean but unpractical, whereas enterprise languages are practical but dirty. I never bought that argument, since I have seen examples of the opposite, and also because I always believed that a language can be both clean *and* practical. For instance in my opinion both Python and Ruby are reasonably clean and reasonably practical and this is part of the reason why they are having so much success lately. I believe the reason why they are so clean is that from the beginning they managed to stay away from optimization, the root of all evil. On the other hand, I am also convinced that it possible to write a language which is both practical, clean and fast. Unfortunately, such a language does not exist yet. SML is fast and somewhat clean but it is definitely not practical. Here by practical I mean enterprise-ready. There is an irriducible aporia_ between enterprise programmers and academics: people working on enterprise are facing every day problems that are already solved; to them, the importanting thing is to avoid reinventing the wheel. Given two languages, one that provides a solution to a problem they have, and one providing the tools to build the solution themselves, they prefer the first one. This is natural since in an enterprise environment one has deadlines and it is essential to be as productive as possible; of course the best way to be productive is to *not write* code, and to re-use code written by others. On the other hand, in academia one has to do with new problems, or with new techniques to solve old problems: the proof of concept is more important than the practical implementation. Also, academics are (rightly) interested in writing papers, not in writing code. For all these reasons it is clear that you cannot face an academic language such as SML with an enterprise mindset. For instance, if you come from an enterprise environment you will be used to expect ready availabity of a nearly infinite number of libraries doing everything you may need and more. This is certainly the situation for all enterprise-level languages such as C, C++, Java, C#, Perl, Python and now even Ruby, which is younger but rapidly spreading. As I said many time, I assume that my readers are dynamic programmers, well acquainted with scripting languages; I feel the urge warn them that the situation in SML is very different than in Perl, Python or Ruby [#]_ . Here are a few differences. 1. Scripting languages have a dominant (sometimes unique) implementation; ML has dozens of implementations, each with useful features which are not in the standard, so that different implementations provides incompatible extensions. 2. Scripting languages have a BDFL_ (Benevolent Dictator For Life, i.e. Guido van Rossum for Python, Larry Wall for Perl, Yukihiro Matsumoto for Ruby) whereas SML is a language designed by committee. That means that a scripting language can evolve much *much* faster than a language designed by committee. Also, languages designed by committee are compromises whereas single-person languages are much more consistent. 3. SML has a very small community: the support you can have in newsgroup and mailing lists is simply not comparable to the support you can get in the scripting languages mailing list and newsgroups. if Andreas Rossberg won the first price at the lottery and decided to leave for a tropical paradise, nobody would provide support for Alice ML on the mailing list 4. SML is a deserted language, even compared to non-mainstream languages as OCaml, Haskell, Scheme, Common Lisp, Smalltalk, Tcl, ...; it is perhaps the least used language I have ever seen and this is a pity. 5. Generally speaking, if you want bindings for external libraries you have to write it yourself; there are no standard bindings for GUI toolkits, database drivers, scientific programming libraries. 6. Scripting languages have traditionally a strong support for Web programming which is next to absent in SML. All the issues I have just listed are just accidental, not structural: in principle one could just solve them by writing code; in principle a DHH_ could take an SML implementation and make it the next Ruby on Rails. However that has not happened yet, so if you want to work with SML right now you will be forced to reinvent the wheel. In this article I will reinvent a few wheels, just to be able to give some meaninful example to the enterprise programmer in the next articles. .. _aporia: .. _BDFL: .. _DHH: .. [#] Notice that I put Perl, Python and Ruby in the mainstream languages, since even if the number of dynamic programmers is inferior the number of say C/C++, Java or .NET programmers, in practice scripting programmers have available nearly everything the other languages have available, and much better languages. String interpolation the practical way -------------------------------------------------------- Every language has some builtin mechanism to do string interpolation: C has ``sprintf``, Python has the ``%`` operator, Lisp has ``format``, but SML has none. Therefore I will provide here a very simple interpolation library for SML, so that I will be able to provide more interesting examples later. The library provides a single higher order function ``format: string -> string list -> string`` converting a template string into a 'string list -> string' function replacing the template with the provided list of arguments. For instance ``format "The square of $ is $\n" ["3", "9"]`` returns ``"The square of 3 is 9"`` For sake of simplicity, we will not implement any mechanism to escape dollar signs, so if the format strings contains dollar signs for other reasons (for instance there is money involved) the library will not work. The library is heavily based on list processing. Lists are the most common data structures in functional languages (they formed the core of Lisp at its beginning) . You should look at the `basis library`_ to see what you can do with lists. Here I will just say that SML lists are linked lists in the same sense of Lisp or Scheme (with the difference that they are immutable) and not as in Python (Python lists are actually arrays, Python is abusing the name). Just as in Scheme, where ``(list 1 2)`` is a shortcut for ``(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))`` in ML ``[1, 2]`` is a shortcut for ``1::2::[]`` and ``::`` is the *cons* operator (short for constructor). If you don't know Scheme, a SML lists should be thought of as of a nested Python list, i.e. ``[1, 2] (SML) => [1, [2, []]] (Python)`` .. _basis library: The core of the algorithm used in the interpolation library is a recursive function which takes a list of N+1 terms ``t_1 ... t_{N+1}`` and a list of N arguments ``a_1 .. a_N`` and returns the string obtained by interspersing the terms with the arguments, ``t_1 ^ a_1 ^ ... _tN ^ a_N ^ t_{N+1}`` For instance, we will be interspersing ``["The square of ", " is ", "\n"]`` with ``["3", "9"]``. Here is the code:: $ cat format.aml .. include:: format.aml :literal: A few comments are in order. 1. We used the ability to define exceptions with a value: ``exception ArityError of string`` means that ``ArityError`` accepts a string argument (the error message). 2. We used the standard library ``String.fields`` utility, which splits a string according to a delimiter; in our case ``String.fields (fn c => c = #"$") templ`` splits the template into a list a strings using the character ``$`` as delimiter. In SML characters are specified with a sharp notation, so the character ``$`` is written ``#"$"``. 3. The builtin ``concat`` concatenates a list of strings whereas ``rev`` reverts a list; you are advised to read the documentation or any book on SML for more. String interpolation the SML way ------------------------------------------------- Functional languages have a reputation for abstractness but in this series of articles I have focused solely on very concrete earth-bound aspects. To correct the balance, in this section I will discuss a few programming techniques which are quite common in functional languages, but unheard of in "regular" languages, and that require a mathematically-inclined mind to be understood. I am doing so because these tricks are actually used a lot in functional languages, and I don't want to give a false impression by ignoring them and just discussing the easy things. For instance, you should not believe that functional programming is just about functions; there is an higher order approach to functional programming, in which the primary objects are not functions, but operators operating on functions, the so called *combinators*. For people with a background in Physics, I will say this is exactly analogous to the switch from the Schroedinger picture, in which the emphasis is on the wave functions, to the Heisenberg picture, in which the emphasis is on the quantum operators. Having warned my readers that this section is not for the faint of heart (but you may safely skip it if you don't feel adventurous) I will start from the concatenation operator :: ^ : string * string -> string which satifies the properties:: a ^ (b ^ c) = (a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ b ^ c a ^ "" = "" ^ a = a Mathematically speaking, the set of strings in SML is a monoid_ with respect to concatenation and the empty string "" is the identity element. .. _monoid: .. _group: .. _group representations: If you have a background in Mathematics or in Physics you will be familiar with the theory of `group representations`_; in particular groups (and monoids too) can be represented with operators operating on function spaces. In the case at hand, I can define a lift transformation converting plain strings into operators by preserving the composition law:: - fun L s f s' = f (s' ^ s); val L : string -> (string -> 'a) -> string -> 'a = _fn (this is the same as ``fun L s = fn f => fn s' => f (s' ^ s)``). In other words, ``L s`` is an operator (combinator) taking a function and returning a function, with the property ``L (s1 ^ s2) = (L s1) o (L s2)`` where ``o`` denotes the composition of operators. Just as ``L`` is an upgrade operation, promoving a plain simple string to the celestial world of operators in function spaces, I can define a downgrade operation ``l``, demoving celestial operators back to earthly strings:: - fun l O = O Fn. id ""; val l : (('a -> 'a) -> string -> 'b) -> 'b = _fn ``l`` takes the operator, applies it to the identity function and returns a function which is then applied to the empty string, finally bringing back at home a plain string; ``l`` is the inverse of ``L``, i.e. ``l o L`` is the identity in the space of strings where ``L o l`` is the identity in the space of operators. You can try yourself at the prompt that :: - l(L"a" o L"b"); val it : string = "ab" so we succeded in making simple things hard and abstract. But not happy with that, we are going to make things harder and more abstract, by defining another combinator taking a function and returning an higher order function:: - fun str f s s' = f (s ^ s') val str : (string -> 'a) -> string -> string -> 'a = _fn (this is the same as ``fun str f = fn s => fn s' => f ( s ^ s')``). This combinator is so abstract than even when lift back to the mortal world it is more than a mere string, it is actually the identity function on strings:: - l str; val it : string -> string = _fn - (l str) "hello"; val it : string = "hello" The ``str`` combinator can be composed in the celestial word: when lift back to the mortal world, it returns a higher order version of the concatenation operator:: - l (str o str); val it : string -> string -> string = _fn - l (str o str) "hello" " world"; val it : string = "hello world" We can also compose ``str`` with other combinators and we can write things like:: - l( L"a" o str o L"b" o str o L"c") "?" ":"; val it : string = "a?b:c" In other words, we have reinvented string interpolation the difficult way. Still, there is at least an advantage of this approach with respect to the approach we used in the previous paragraph: combinator-based string interpolation happens at compile type and *mistakes are discovered by the compiler*, not at runtime. Moreover, the approach can be easily extended to manage different types: for instance, if we have to do with numbers, we can define the combinators:: - fun int f s n = f (s ^ (Int.toString n)) val str : (string -> 'a) -> string -> string -> 'a = _fn - fun real f s n = f (s ^ (Real.toString n)) val real : (string -> 'a) -> string -> real -> 'a = _fn and use them as follows:: - print (l(int o L" / " o int o L" = " o real o L"\n") 5 2 2.5); 5 / 2 = 2.5 val it : unit = () If you make a mistake like using an int instead of a real, or if you forget an argument, you will get a compile time type error. ---- *Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.* -- Chinese proverb