Functional Programming For Dynamic Programmers - Introduction =========================================================================== :author: Michele Simionato :date: December 2007 This is the first of a series of articles on functional programming in statically typed languages. It is intended for dynamic programmers, i.e. for programmers with a background in dynamically typed languages, such as Perl, Python, Ruby, or languages in the Lisp family. The approch is eminently practical and example-based; the main goal is to see if we can stole some good idea from statically typed languages. I will mostly consider languages in the ML family, because they are pretty nice and much easier to understand than Haskell. Declaration of intents ------------------------------- The title of this series of articles should make clear that the series is not intended for everybody, it is for dynamic programmers only. However, I have yet to specify what do I mean by dynamic programmer. For me a dynamic programmer is a non-believer, an heretic always ready to challenge the programming orthodoxia; moreover, it is a programmer with a Casanova complex, a person loving many languages and not marrying any one. A dynamic programmer is the kind of person who, when everbody says "the Earth is flat", will wonder: "is the Earth *really* flat?". When everybody says that object orientation is good and that inheritance is the best thing after sliced bread, a dynamic programmer will be suspicious of these claims and will seek for alternatives. Exactly in the same way he will escape from the enslaving by static typing in C-like languages, he will escape from the enslaving by dynamic typing languages, if he finds valid alternatives. ll never be loyal to a single language. The *forma mentis* of the dynamic programmer is very different from the *forma mentis* of the language evangelist: the dynamic programmer can be enhaumored of language for a while, but his love will not be exclusive. This premise is important in order to undestand the goals of this series of articles. The goal is not advocating functional programming. Others have taken this role. For instance, there is an infamous article written by John Hughes in 1984 and titled `Why Functional Programming Matters`_ which begins with the sentence *This paper is an attempt to demonstrate to the “real world” that functional programming is vitally important, and also to help functional programmers exploit its advantages to the full by making it clear what those advantages are.* This is *not* the goal of this series of articles. The goal is this series if merely educational, to broaden the view of the world of my readers, including myself (after all, I am the first of my readers ;) A pragmatic programmer may rightly wonder why to study functional languages, since their relevance in enterprise programming is negligible, they are practically unknown for system administration task, and unless you are a computer science researcher you have no need to know them. All that is true; on the other hand, if you believed it, you would not be a dynamic programmer, you would have stick with C and you would not be a reader of my papers. In particular, a dynamic programmer will judge academic languages worth of investigation: he may decided not to use them, but still he may get some good ideas from them. After all, Python stole the list comprehension idea from Haskell and iterators from Icon; Ruby stole many ideas from Scheme and Smalltalk; Perl stole from everybody. .. _Why Functional Programming Matters: Mutation, rebinding and side effects in imperative languages ------------------------------------------------------------------ Usually functional programming is introduced by discussing the drawbacks of imperative programming, in particular the drawbacks of mutation and side-effects. I will follow this tradition too (a dynamic programmer has no obbligation to be innovative at any cost, he may well decide to follow the traditional way). I will just add that I don't find the arguments against mutation and side effects terribly compelling. Certainy there are bugs due to mutation and side effects, but in my working experience they are relatively rare. Most of the bugs I have in my code are actually issue of business logic (I understood the specs incorrectly or the specs where incomplete); many others are due to an incomplete or wrong knowledge of the system I have work with; and others are due to the deadlines. I would have the same bugs even using a functional language. On the other hand, I have nothing against diminuishing the language-related bugs, even if they are a minority, so, let me contrast the functional way with the imperative way here. I will mostly use Python as an example of imperative language, because it is a language that I know well enough, and because it is so readable that the examples will be easy to understand even for programmers not familiar with Python. Let me begin by discussing the concept of mutation. When you write code like >>> lst = []; lst.append(1) in Python you are mutating the list ``lst``: originally it is empty, after the ``append`` operation it contains the number ``1``. Mutation is a potential source of bugs and there are various workaround to make the bugs less likely. For instance, Scheme and Ruby use the *bang convention*: the name of a function/method performing mutation ends with an exclamation mark, so that they are more visible to the programmer. Python has no bang, but there is the convention that mutating methods returns ``None`` and not the mutated object. Pure functional languages such as Haskell take a radication position and they just make everything immutable. Making everything immutable has big advantages especially in multithreaded programming, since different threads cannot interfere each other and you can just forget about locks. On the other hand, various programming patterns based on mutability (for instance keeping a dynamic registry of callbacks) becames impossible. Another very common operation in imperative languages is rebinding a variable. When you write code like >>> i = 1; i = i+1 in Python, you are explicitely rebinding the name ``i`` which originally points to the value ``1``, making it to point to the value ``2``. This looks like an harmless operation. It is however not so harmless and it may be the source of subtle bugs. Consider for instance the following example >>> f1, f2, f3 = [lambda : i for i in (1, 2, 3)] Here I am definiting three function without argument (thunks); at each iteration in the ``for`` loop the index ``i`` is rebound; at the end of the loop, ``i`` points to the value ``3``, so all thunks return ``3``: >>> f1() 3 >>> f2() 3 >>> f3() 3 In Haskell, where there is no rebinding, the corresponding list comprehension would return three thunks, the first one returning ``1``, the second ``2``, the third ``3`` [#]_. .. [#] To get the same in Python you can recur to the default argument hack, i.e. you can rewrite ``f1, f2, f3 = [lambda i=i: i for i in (1, 2, 3)]``. Finally, let me discuss the side effects issue. To be concrete, consider the following function with side effects:: def square(x): print "Called function square with argument %s" % x result = x * x return result Each time the function ``square`` is called, you get a log message as side effect. Unfortunaly, side effects do not play well with memoization techniques and if you cache the result of ``square`` with a suitable decorator:: square = memoize(square) the log message will not be printed the second time you call the function. Generally speaking, programs relying on side effects cannot perform some kind of optimization that functional programs cannot perform. Functional programs have also various formal properties which are appealing for language theorists. I will say something more on that on the following articles. The world of functional languages ------------------------------------------------------------ Often functional languages are classified according to their "purity", i.e. according to how hard they try to avoid mutation and side effects. That means that f unctional languages are not all equal: some are purer that others. There are languages which have some support for functional programming, but are not considered functional (Python being an example); others, like Lisp, the grandfather of functional languages, that are pretty much regarded as impure nowadays; Scheme is somewhat perceived as more functional than Common Lisp, but this is debatable, and in any case it is not very pure; Standard ML (SML) is often perceived as purer than Scheme, but mostly because of syntactical convenience, not of technical merit; Haskell is possibly the purest functional language commonly used, but still can be used in an imperative way. This classification is sloppy and wrong in more than one way; nevertheless it is useful (in my personal opinion) in the sense that it gives and indication of how much the language departs from a mainstream imperative language, and how difficult it is to learn it. Notice that there are no pure functional languages in use, since an absolutely pure language would have to rule out input and output and it would be pretty much useless. As always, one must be careful when distinguing the real benefits of purity (i.e. fewer bugs, simpler concurrency, better optimizations) versus religious thinking (remember OOP bigots?). There are always tradeoffs and by no means you should believe *the purest the better*. The important things in a language are things like simplicity of use, readability, interactivity, debuggability and of course the existence of good implementations and good libraries. Still, it is nice to have a clean language, if possible. The world of functional languages is split in two: on one side there are the dynamically typed functional languages (Lisp, Scheme, Erlang ...) on the other side there are the statically typed functional languages (SML, OCaml, Haskell ...) . To decide if the dynamically type languages are better than the statically typed ones or viceversa is an hot debate. For sure, dynamically typed languages are more used and better known. Programmers used to dynamic typing (i.e Pythonistas, Rubystas, etc) will have less trouble to understand dynamically typed functional language than statically types ones. Still I think it is interesting to look at statically typed languages. After all, I think a programmer should have at least a statically typed language in his toolbox (C++ and Java do not count ;) Also, I should notice that there are often issues of terminology when talking about types. Most people coming from the dynamic world will say that their language is strongly typed, contrasting it with weakly typed languages such as C or Assembly, where characters are the same as short integers, or with Perl, where 2+"3" is a valid expression and returns 5. On the other hand, people from the static world will say than dynamically typed languages are untyped, since you can change the type of a variable. For instance, the following is valid Scheme code:: (define a 1) (set! a "hello") In a statically typed language, if a variable is of type integer, it stays of type integer, it cannot magically turn into a string. SML is the simplest statically language out there, so l decided to start with it. In the next installment I will show you "hello world" in SML as well as a few other things, stay tuned! ---- *A long journey starts with the first step* -- old Chinese saying