HISTORY ---------- 0.8.2 Default values are now displayed in the help message if no help is specified (2011-05-29) 0.8.1 Removed a stray newline in the output of plac, as signaled by Daniele Pighin; fixed a bug in the doctest method raising non-existing exceptions; turned the notification messages into unicode strings; removed an ugly SystemExit message for invalid commands, signaled by Tuk Bredsdorff (2011-04-11) 0.8.0 Added a monitor framework and a TkMonitor (2011-02-16) 0.7.6 Fixed the error propagation in ``Interpreter.__exit__``. Added a note about commandline and marrow.script in the documentation (2011-01-13) 0.7.5 Fixed a bug with the help of subcommands, signaled by Paul Jacobson; added the ability to save the output of a command into a file; postponed the import of the readline module to avoid buffering issues; fixed a bug with the traceback when in multiprocessing mode (2011-01-01) 0.7.4 Fixed the plac_runner switches -i and -s; fixed a bug with multiline output and issue with nosetest (2010-09-04) 0.7.3 Put the documentation in a single document; added runp (2010-08-31) 0.7.2 Interpreter.call does not start an interpreter automagically anymore; better documented and added tests for the metavar concept (2010-08-31) 0.7.1 A few bug fixes (2010-08-11) 0.7.0 Improved and documented the support for parallel programming; added an asynchronous server; added plac.Interpreter.call (2010-08-07) 0.6.1 Fixed the history file location; added the ability to pass a split function; added two forgotten files; added a reference to cmd2 by Catherine Devlin (2010-07-12) 0.6.0 Improved the interactive experience with full readline support and custom help. Added support for long running command, via threads and processes (2010-07-11) 0.5.0 Gigantic release. Introduced smart options, added an Interpreter class and the command container concept. Made the split plac/plac_core/plac_ext and added a plac runner, able to run scripts, batch files and doctests. Removed the default formatter class (2010-06-20) 0.4.3 Fixed the installation procedure to automatically download argparse if needed (2010-06-11) 0.4.2 Added missing .help files, made the tests generative and added a note about Clap in the documentation (2010-06-04) 0.4.1 Changed the default formatter class and fixed a bug in the display of the default arguments. Added more stringent tests. (2010-06-03) 0.4.0 abbrev is now optional. Added a note about CLIArgs and opterate. Added keyword arguments recognition. ``plac.call`` now returns the the output of the main function. (2010-06-03) 0.3.0 Initial version. (2010-06-02)