# this module should be kept Python 2.3 compatible import re, sys, inspect, argparse if sys.version >= '3': from inspect import getfullargspec else: class getfullargspec(object): "A quick and dirty replacement for getfullargspec for Python 2.X" def __init__(self, f): self.args, self.varargs, self.varkw, self.defaults = \ inspect.getargspec(f) self.annotations = getattr(f, '__annotations__', {}) try: set except NameError: # Python 2.3 from sets import Set as set from gettext import gettext as _ def getargspec(callableobj): """Given a callable return an object with attributes .args, .varargs, .varkw, .defaults. It tries to do the "right thing" with functions, methods, classes and generic callables.""" if inspect.isfunction(callableobj): argspec = getfullargspec(callableobj) elif inspect.ismethod(callableobj): argspec = getfullargspec(callableobj) del argspec.args[0] # remove first argument elif inspect.isclass(callableobj): if callableobj.__init__ is object.__init__: # to avoid an error argspec = getfullargspec(lambda self: None) else: argspec = getfullargspec(callableobj.__init__) del argspec.args[0] # remove first argument elif hasattr(callableobj, '__call__'): argspec = getfullargspec(callableobj.__call__) del argspec.args[0] # remove first argument else: raise TypeError(_('Could not determine the signature of ') + str(callableobj)) return argspec def annotations(**ann): """ Returns a decorator annotating a function with the given annotations. This is a trick to support function annotations in Python 2.X. """ def annotate(f): fas = getfullargspec(f) args = fas.args if fas.varargs: args.append(fas.varargs) if fas.varkw: args.append(fas.varkw) for argname in ann: if argname not in args: raise NameError( _('Annotating non-existing argument: %s') % argname) f.__annotations__ = ann return f return annotate def is_annotation(obj): """ An object is an annotation object if it has the attributes help, kind, abbrev, type, choices, metavar. """ return (hasattr(obj, 'help') and hasattr(obj, 'kind') and hasattr(obj, 'abbrev') and hasattr(obj, 'type') and hasattr(obj, 'choices') and hasattr(obj, 'metavar')) class Annotation(object): def __init__(self, help="", kind="positional", abbrev=None, type=None, choices=None, metavar=None): assert kind in ('positional', 'option', 'flag'), kind if kind == "positional": assert abbrev is None, abbrev self.help = help self.kind = kind self.abbrev = abbrev self.type = type self.choices = choices self.metavar = metavar def from_(cls, obj): "Helper to convert an object into an annotation, if needed" if is_annotation(obj): return obj # do nothing elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, basestring): return cls(*obj) return cls(obj) from_ = classmethod(from_) NONE = object() # sentinel use to signal the absence of a default PARSER_CFG = getfullargspec(argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__).args[1:] # the default arguments accepted by an ArgumentParser object def pconf(obj): "Extracts the configuration of the underlying ArgumentParser from obj" cfg = dict(description=obj.__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) for name in dir(obj): if name in PARSER_CFG: # argument of ArgumentParser cfg[name] = getattr(obj, name) return cfg parser_registry = {} def parser_from(obj, **confparams): """ obj can be a callable or an object with a .commands attribute. Returns an ArgumentParser. """ try: # the underlying parser has been generated already return parser_registry[obj] except KeyError: # generate a new parser pass conf = pconf(obj).copy() conf.update(confparams) parser_registry[obj] = parser = ArgumentParser(**conf) parser.obj = obj parser.case_sensitive = confparams.get( 'case_sensitive', getattr(obj, 'case_sensitive', True)) if hasattr(obj, 'commands') and obj.commands and not inspect.isclass(obj): # a command container instance parser.addsubcommands(obj.commands, obj, 'subcommands') else: parser.populate_from(obj) return parser def _extract_kwargs(args): "Returns two lists: regular args and name=value args" arglist = [] kwargs = {} for arg in args: match = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)=', arg) if match: name = match.group(1) kwargs[name] = arg[len(name)+1:] else: arglist.append(arg) return arglist, kwargs def _match_cmd(abbrev, commands, case_sensitive=True): "Extract the command name from an abbreviation or raise a NameError" if not case_sensitive: abbrev = abbrev.upper(); commands = [c.upper() for c in commands] perfect_matches = [name for name in commands if name == abbrev] if len(perfect_matches) == 1: return perfect_matches[0] matches = [name for name in commands if name.startswith(abbrev)] n = len(matches) if n == 1: return matches[0] elif n > 1: raise NameError( _('Ambiguous command %r: matching %s' % (abbrev, matches))) class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ An ArgumentParser with .func and .argspec attributes, and possibly .commands and .subparsers. """ case_sensitive = True def consume(self, args): """Call the underlying function with the args. Works also for command containers, by dispatching to the right subparser.""" arglist = list(args) cmd = None if hasattr(self, 'subparsers'): subp, cmd = self._extract_subparser_cmd(arglist) if subp is None and cmd is not None: return cmd, self.missing(cmd) elif subp is not None: # use the subparser self = subp if hasattr(self, 'argspec') and self.argspec.varkw: arglist, kwargs = _extract_kwargs(arglist) # modify arglist! else: kwargs = {} if hasattr(self, 'argspec') and self.argspec.varargs: # ignore unrecognized arguments ns, extraopts = self.parse_known_args(arglist) else: ns, extraopts = self.parse_args(arglist), [] # may raise an exit args = [getattr(ns, a) for a in self.argspec.args] varargs = getattr(ns, self.argspec.varargs or '', []) collision = set(self.argspec.args) & set(kwargs) if collision: self.error( _('colliding keyword arguments: %s') % ' '.join(collision)) return cmd, self.func(*(args + varargs + extraopts), **kwargs) def _extract_subparser_cmd(self, arglist): "Extract the right subparser from the first recognized argument" optprefix = self.prefix_chars[0] name_parser_map = self.subparsers._name_parser_map for i, arg in enumerate(arglist): if not arg.startswith(optprefix): cmd = _match_cmd(arg, name_parser_map, self.case_sensitive) del arglist[i] return name_parser_map.get(cmd), cmd or arg return None, None def addsubcommands(self, commands, obj, title=None, cmdprefix=''): "Extract a list of subcommands from obj and add them to the parser" if hasattr(obj, cmdprefix) and obj.cmdprefix in self.prefix_chars: raise ValueError(_('The prefix %r is already taken!' % cmdprefix)) if not hasattr(self, 'subparsers'): self.subparsers = self.add_subparsers(title=title) elif title: self.add_argument_group(title=title) # populate ._action_groups prefixlen = len(getattr(obj, 'cmdprefix', '')) add_help = getattr(obj, 'add_help', True) for cmd in commands: func = getattr(obj, cmd[prefixlen:]) # strip the prefix self.subparsers.add_parser( cmd, add_help=add_help, help=func.__doc__, **pconf(func) ).populate_from(func) def _set_func_argspec(self, obj): """Extracts the signature from a callable object and adds an .argspec attribute to the parser. Also adds a .func reference to the object.""" self.func = obj self.argspec = getargspec(obj) parser_registry[obj] = self def populate_from(self, func): """ Extract the arguments from the attributes of the passed function and return a populated ArgumentParser instance. """ self._set_func_argspec(func) f = self.argspec defaults = f.defaults or () n_args = len(f.args) n_defaults = len(defaults) alldefaults = (NONE,) * (n_args - n_defaults) + defaults prefix = self.prefix = getattr(func, 'prefix_chars', '-')[0] for name, default in zip(f.args, alldefaults): ann = f.annotations.get(name, ()) a = Annotation.from_(ann) metavar = a.metavar if default is NONE: dflt = None else: dflt = default if a.kind in ('option', 'flag'): if a.abbrev: shortlong = (prefix + a.abbrev, prefix*2 + name) else: shortlong = (prefix + name,) elif default is NONE: # required argument self.add_argument(name, help=a.help, type=a.type, choices=a.choices, metavar=metavar) else: # default argument self.add_argument( name, nargs='?', help=a.help, default=dflt, type=a.type, choices=a.choices, metavar=metavar) if a.kind == 'option': if default is not NONE: metavar = metavar or str(default) self.add_argument( help=a.help, default=dflt, type=a.type, choices=a.choices, metavar=metavar, *shortlong) elif a.kind == 'flag': if default is not NONE and default is not False: raise TypeError(_('Flag %r wants default False, got %r') % (name, default)) self.add_argument(action='store_true', help=a.help, *shortlong) if f.varargs: a = Annotation.from_(f.annotations.get(f.varargs, ())) self.add_argument(f.varargs, nargs='*', help=a.help, default=[], type=a.type, metavar=a.metavar) if f.varkw: a = Annotation.from_(f.annotations.get(f.varkw, ())) self.add_argument(f.varkw, nargs='*', help=a.help, default={}, type=a.type, metavar=a.metavar) def missing(self, name): miss = getattr(self.obj, '__missing__', lambda name: self.error('No command %r' % name)) return miss(name) def help_cmd(self, cmd): "Return the help message for a subcommand" p = self.subparsers._name_parser_map.get(cmd) if p is None: return _('Unknown command %s' % cmd) else: return p.format_help() def print_actions(self): "Useful for debugging" print(self) for a in self._actions: print(a) def iterable(obj): "Any object with an __iter__ method which is not a string" return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, basestring) def call(obj, arglist=sys.argv[1:], eager=True): """ If obj is a function or a bound method, parse the given arglist by using the parser inferred from the annotations of obj and call obj with the parsed arguments. If obj is an object with attribute .commands, dispatch to the associated subparser. """ cmd, result = parser_from(obj).consume(arglist) if iterable(result) and eager: # listify the result return list(result) return result