Attribute descriptors are important metaprogramming tools that allows the user to customize the behavior of attributes in custom classes. For instance, attribute descriptors (or descriptors for short) can be used as method wrappers, to modify or enhance methods (this is the case for the well known staticmethods and classmethods attribute descriptors); they can also be used as attribute wrappers, to change or restrict the access to attributes (this is the case for properties). Finally, descriptors allows the user to play with the resolution order of attributes: for instance, the super built-in object used in (multiple) inheritance hierarchies, is implemented as an attribute descriptor.

In this chapter, I will show how the user can define its own attribute descriptors and I will give some example of useful things you can do with them (in particular to add tracing and timing capabilities).


Attribute descriptors are a recent idea (they where first introduced in Python 2.2) nevertheless, under the hood, are everywhere in Python. It is a tribute to Guido's ability of hiding Python complications that the average user can easily miss they existence. If you need to do simple things, you can very well live without the knowledge of descriptors. On the other hand, if you need difficult things (such as tracing all the attribute access of your modules) attribute descriptors, allow you to perform impressive things. Let me start by showing why the knowledge of attribute descriptors is essential for any user seriously interested in metaprogramming applications. Suppose I want to trace the methods of a clock:

>>> import oopp
>>> clock=oopp.Clock()

This is easily done with the with_tracer closure of chapter 2:

>>> oopp.wrapfunctions(clock,oopp.with_tracer)
<oopp.Clock object at 0x4044c54c>
>>> clock.get_time()
[] Calling 'get_time' with arguments
(){} ...
-> '.get_time' called with result: 19:55:07

However, this approach fails if I try to trace the entire class:

>>> oopp.wrapfunctions(oopp.Clock,oopp.with_tracer)
<class 'oopp.Clock'>
>>> oopp.Clock.get_time() # error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 6, in ?
TypeError: unbound method _() must be called with Clock instance 
as first argument (got nothing instead)

The reason is that wrapfunctions sets the attributes of 'Clock' by invoking customize, which uses setattr. This converts '_' (i.e. the traced version of get_time) in a regular method, not in a staticmethod! In order to trace staticmethods, one has to understand the nature of attribute descriptors.

Functions versus methods

Attribute descriptors are essential for the implementation of one of the most basic Python features: the automatic conversion of functions in methods. As I already anticipated in chapter 1, there is a sort of magic when one writes Clock.get_time=lambda self: get_time() and Python automagically converts the right hand side, that is a function, to a left hand side that is a (unbound) method. In order to understand this magic, one needs a better comprehension of the relation between functions and methods. Actually, this relationship is quite subtle and has no analogous in mainstream programming languages. For instance, C is not OOP and has only functions, lacking the concept of method, whereas Java (as other OOP languages) has no functions, only methods. C++ has functions and methods, but functions are completely different from methods On the other hand, in Python, functions and methods can be transformed both ways.

To show how it works, let me start by defining a simple printing function:


import __main__ # gives access to the __main__ namespace from the module

def prn(s):
    """Given an evaluable string, print its value and its object reference.
    Notice that the evaluation is done in the __main__ dictionary."""
    try: obj=eval(s,__main__.__dict__)
    except: print 'problems in evaluating',s
    else: print s,'=',obj,'at',hex(id(obj))


Now, let me define a class with a method m equals to the identity function f:

>>> def f(x): "Identity function"; return x
>>> class C(object):
...    m=f
...    print m #here m is the function f
<function f at 0x401c2b1c>

We see that inside its defining class, m coincides with the function f (the object reference is the same):

>>> f
<function f at 0x401c2b1c>

We may retrieve m from outside the class via the class dictionary [1]:

>>> C.__dict__['m']
<function prn at 0x401c2b1c>

However, if we invoke m with the syntax C.m, then it (magically) becomes a (unbound) method:

>>> C.m #here m has become a method!
<unbound method C.f>

But why it is so? How comes that in the second syntax the function f is transformed in a (unbound) method? To answer that question, we have to understand how attributes are really invoked in Python, i.e. via attribute descriptors.

Methods versus functions

First of all, let me point out the differences between methods and functions. Here, C.m does not coincides with C.__dict__['m'] i.e. f, since its object reference is different:

>>> from oopp import prn,attributes
>>> prn('C.m')
C.m = <unbound method C.prn> at 0x81109b4

The difference is clear since methods and functions have different attributes:

>>> attributes(f).keys()
['func_closure', 'func_dict', 'func_defaults', 'func_name', 
'func_code', 'func_doc', 'func_globals']


>>> attributes(C.m).keys()
['im_func', 'im_class', 'im_self']

We discussed few of the functions attributes in the chapter on functions. The instance method attributes are simpler: im_self returns the object to which the method is attached,

>>> print C.m.im_self #unbound method, attached to the class
>>> C().m.im_self #bound method, attached to C()
<__main__.C object at 0x81bf4ec> 

im_class returns the class to which the method is attached

>>> C.m.im_class #class of the unbound method
<class '__main__.C'>
>>> C().m.im_class #class of the bound method,
<class '__main__.C'>

and im_func returns the function equivalent to the method.

>>> C.m.im_func
<function m at 0x8157f44>
>>> C().m.im_func # the same
<function m at 0x8157f44>

As the reference manual states, calling m(*args,**kw) is completely equivalent to calling m.im_func(m.im_self, *args,**kw)".

As a general rule, an attribute descriptor is an object with a __get__ special method. The most used descriptors are the good old functions: they have a __get__ special method returning a method-wrapper object

>>> f.__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x815cdc4>

method-wrapper objects can be transformed in (both bound and unbound) methods:

>>> f.__get__(None,C)
<unbound method C.f>
>>> f.__get__(C(),C)
<bound method C.f of <__main__.C object at 0x815cdc4>>

The general calling syntax for method-wrapper objects is .__get__(obj,cls=None), where the first argument is an instance object or None and the second (optional) argument is the class (or a generic superclass) of the first one.

Now we see what happens when we use the syntax C.m: Python interprets this as a shortcut for C.__dict['m'].__get__(None,C) (if m is in the 'C' dictionary, otherwise it looks for ancestor dictionaries). We may check that everything is correct by observing that f.__get__(None,C) has exactly the same object reference than C.m, therefore they are the same object:

>>> hex(id(f.__get__(None,C))) # same as hex(id(C.m))

The process works equally well for the syntax getattr:

>>> print getattr(C,'m'), hex(id(getattr(C,'m')))
<unbound method C.f> 0x811095c

and for bound methods: if

>>> c=C()

is an instance of the class C, then the syntax

>>> getattr(c,'m') #same as c.m
<bound method C.f of <__main__.C object at 0x815cdc4>>

is a shortcut for

>>> type(c).__dict__['m'].__get__(c,C) # or f.__get__(c,C)
<bound method C.f of <__main__.C object at 0x815cdc4>>

(notice that the object reference for c.m and f.__get__(c,C) is the same, they are exactly the same object).

Both the unbound method C.m and the bound method c.m refer to the same object at hexadecimal address 0x811095c. This object is common to all other instances of C:

>>> c2=C()
>>> print c2.m,hex(id(c2.m)) #always the same method
<bound method C.m of <__main__.C object at 0x815768c>> 0x811095c

One can also omit the second argument:

>>> c.m.__get__(c)
<bound method ?.m of <__main__.C object at 0x81597dc>>

Finally, let me point out that methods are attribute descriptors too, since they have a __get__ attribute returning a method-wrapper object:

>>> C.m.__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x815d51c>

Notice that this method wrapper is not the same than the f.__get__ method wrapper.

[1]If C.__dict['m'] is not defined, Python looks if m is defined in some ancestor of C. For instance if B is the base of C, it looks in B.__dict['m'], etc., by following the MRO.

Static methods and class methods

Whereas functions and methods are implicit attribute descriptors, static methods and class methods are examples of explicit descriptors. They allow to convert regular functions to specific descriptor objects. Let me show a trivial example. Given the identity function

>>> def f(x): return x

we may convert it to a staticmethod object

>>> sm=staticmethod(f)
>>> sm
<staticmethod object at 0x4018a0a0>

or to a classmethod object

>>> cm=classmethod(f)
>>> cm
<classmethod object at 0x4018a0b0>

In both cases the __get__ special method returns a method-wrapper object

>>> sm.__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x401751ec>
>>> cm.__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x4017524c>

However the static method wrapper is quite different from the class method wrapper. In the first case the wrapper returns a function:

>>> sm.__get__(C(),C)
<function f at 0x4027a8b4>
>>> sm.__get__(C())
<function f at 0x4027a8b4>

in the second case it returns a method

>>> cm.__get__(C(),C)
<bound method type.f of <class '__main__.C'>>

Let me discuss more in detail the static methods, first.

It is always possible to extract the function from the static method via the syntaxes sm.__get__(a) and sm.__get__(a,b) with ANY valid a and b, i.e. the result does not depend on a and b. This is correct, since static methods are actually function that have nothing to do with the class and the instances to which they are bound.

This behaviour of the method wrapper makes clear why the relation between methods and functions is inversed for static methods with respect to regular methods:

>>> class C(object):
...     s=staticmethod(lambda : None)
...     print s
<staticmethod object at 0x8158ec8>

Static methods are non-trivial objects inside the class, whereas they are regular functions outside the class:

>>> C.s
<function <lambda> at 0x8158e7c>
>>> C().s
<function <lambda> at 0x8158e7c>

The situation is different for classmethods: inside the class they are non-trivial objects, just as static methods,

>>> class C(object):
...     cm=classmethod(lambda cls: None)
...     print cm
<classmethod object at 0x8156100>

but outside the class they are methods bound to the class,

>>> c=C()
>>> prn('') 
<bound method type.<lambda> of <class '__main__.C'>> 

and not to the instance 'c'. The reason is that the __get__ wrapper method can be invoked with the syntax __get__(a,cls) which is only sensitive to the second argument or with the syntax __get__(obj) which is only sensitive to the type of the first argument:

>>> cm.__get__('whatever',C) # the first argument is ignored
<bound method type.f of <class '__main__.C'>>

sensitive to the type of 'whatever':

>>> cm.__get__('whatever') # in Python 2.2 would give a serious error
<bound method type.f of <type 'str'>>

Notice that the class method is actually bound to C's class, i.e. to 'type'.

Just as regular methods (and differently from static methods) classmethods have attributes im_class, im_func, and im_self. In particular one can retrieve the function wrapped inside the classmethod with

>>> cm.__get__('whatever','whatever').im_func 
<function f at 0x402c2534>

The difference with regular methods is that im_class returns the class of 'C' whereas im_self returns 'C' itself.

>>> # a classmethod is attached to the class
<class '__main__.C'>
>>> #the class of C
<type 'type'>

Remark: Python 2.2.0 has a bug in classmethods (fixed in newer versions): when the first argument of __get__ is None, then one must specify the second argument (otherwise segmentation fault :-()


Properties are a more general kind of attribute descriptors than staticmethods and classmethods, since their effect can be customized trough arbitrary get/set/del functions. Let me give an example:

>>> def getp(self): return 'property' # get function
>>> p=property(getp) # property object
>>> p
<property object at 0x815855c>

p has a __get__ special method returning a method-wrapper object, just as it happens for other descriptors:

>>> p.__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x8158a7c>

The difference is that

>>> p.__get__(None,type(p))
<property object at 0x4017016c>
>>> p.__get__('whatever')
>>> p.__get__('whatever','whatever')

As for static methods, the __get__ method wrapper is independent from its arguments, unless the first one is None: in such a case it returns the property object, in all other circumstances it returns the result of getp. This explains the behavior

>>> class C(object): p=p
>>> C.p
<property object at 0x815855c>
>>> C().p

Properties are a dangerous feature, since they change the semantics of the language. This means that apparently trivial operations can have any kind of side effects:

>>> def get(self):return 'You gave me the order to destroy your hard disk!!'
>>> class C(object): x=property(get) 
>>> C().x
'You gave me the order to destroy your hard disk!!'

Invoking 'C.x' could very well invoke an external program who is going to do anything! It is up to the programmer to not abuse properties. The same is true for user defined attribute descriptors.

There are situations in which they are quite handy, however. For instance, properties can be used to trace the access data attributes. This can be especially useful during debugging, or for logging purposes.

Notice that this approach has the problem that now data attributes cannot no more be called trough their class, but only though their instances. Moreover properties do not work well with super in cooperative methods.

User-defined attribute descriptors

As we have seen, there are plenty of predefined attribute descriptors, such as staticmethods, classmethods and properties (the built-in super is also an attribute descriptor which, for sake of convenience, will be discussed in the next section). In addition to them, the user can also define customized attribute descriptors, simply trough classes with a __get__ special method. Let me give an example:


class ChattyAttr(object):
    """Chatty descriptor class; descriptor objects are intended to be 
    used as attributes in other classes"""
    def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
        binding=obj is not None
        if  binding:
            return 'You are binding %s to %s' % (self,obj)
            return 'Calling %s from %s' % (self,cls)

class C(object):


print c.d # <=> type(c).__dict__['d'].__get__(c,type(c))
print C.d # <=> C.__dict__['d'].__get__(None,C)


with output:

You are binding <ChattyAttr object at 0x401bc1cc> to 
<C object at 0x401bc2ec>
Calling <ChattyAttr object at 0x401bc1cc> from <class 'C'>

Invoking a method with the syntax C.d or c.d involves calling __get__. The __get__ signature is fixed: it is `` __get__=__get__(self,obj,cls=None)``, since the notation self.descr_attr automatically passes self and self.__class__ to __get__.

Custom descriptors can be used to restrict the access to objects in a more general way than trough properties. For instance, suppose one wants to raise an error if a given attribute 'a' is accessed, both from the class and from the instance: a property cannot help here, since it works only from the instance. The solution is the following custom descriptor:


class AccessError(object):
    """Descriptor raising an AttributeError when the attribute is 
    accessed""" #could be done with a property
    def __init__(self,errormessage):
    def __get__(self,obj,cls=None):
        raise AttributeError(self.msg)


>>> from oopp import AccessError
>>> class C(object):
...    a=AccessError("'a' cannot be accessed")
>>> c=C()
>>> c.a #error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 313, in __get__
    raise AttributeError(self.msg)
AttributeError: 'a' cannot be accessed
>>> C.a #error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 313, in __get__
    raise AttributeError(self.msg)
AttributeError: 'a' cannot be accessed

It is always possibile to convert plain attributes (i.e. attributes without a "__get__" method) to descriptor objects:


class convert2descriptor(object):
    """To all practical means, this class acts as a function that, given an
    object, adds to it a __get__ method if it is not already there. The 
    added __get__ method is trivial and simply returns the original object, 
    independently from obj and cls."""
    def __new__(cls,a):
        if hasattr(a,"__get__"): # do nothing
            return a # a is already a descriptor
        else: # creates a trivial attribute descriptor
            return object.__new__(cls)
    def __get__(self,obj,cls=None):
        "Returns self.a independently from obj and cls"
        return self.a


This example also shows the magic of __new__, that allows to use a class as a function. The output of 'convert2descriptor(a)' can be both an instance of 'convert2descriptor' (in this case 'convert2descriptor' acts as a normal class, i.e. as an object factory) or 'a' itself (if 'a' is already a descriptor): in this case 'convert2descriptor' acts as a function.

For instance, a string is converted to a descriptor

>>> from oopp import convert2descriptor
>>> a2=convert2descriptor('a')
>>> a2
<oopp.convert2descriptor object at 0x4017506c>
>>> a2.__get__('whatever')

whereas a function is untouched:

>>> def f(): pass
>>> f2=convert2descriptor(f) # does nothing
>>> f2
<function f at 0x4019110c>

Data descriptors

It is also possible to specify a __set__ method (descriptors with a __set__ method are typically data descriptors) with the signature __set__(self,obj,value) as in the following example:


class DataDescriptor(object):
    def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
        if obj is None: obj=cls
        print "Getting",obj,"value =",self.value
        return self.value
    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        print "Setting",obj,"value =",value

class C(object):


c.d=1 #calls C.__dict__['d'].__set__(c,1)
c.d   #calls C.__dict__['d'].__get__(c,C)
C.d   #calls C.__dict__['d'].__get__(None,C)
C.d=0 #does *not* call __set__
print "C.d =",C.d


With output:

Setting <C object at 0x401bc1ec> value = 1
Getting <C object at 0x401bc42c> value = 1
Getting <class 'C'> value = 1      
C.d = 0

With this knowledge, we may now reconsider the clock example given in chapter 3. #NO!??

>>> import oopp
>>> class Clock(object): pass
>>> myclock=Clock()
>>> myclock.get_time=oopp.get_time # this is a function
>>> Clock.get_time=lambda self : oopp.get_time() # this is a method 

In this example, myclock.get_time, which is attached to the myclock object, is a function, whereas Clock.get_time, which is attached to the Clock class is a method. We may also check this by using the type function:

>>> type(myclock.get_time)
<type 'function'>


>>> type(Clock.get_time) 
<type 'instance method'>

It must be remarked that user-defined attribute descriptors, just as properties, allow to arbitrarily change the semantics of the language and should be used with care.

The super attribute descriptor

super has also a second form, where it is more used as a descriptor.

super objects are attribute descriptors, too, with a __get__ method returning a method-wrapper object:

>>> super(C,C()).__get__
<method-wrapper object at 0x8161074>

Here I give some example of acceptable call:

>>> super(C,C()).__get__('whatever')
<super: <class 'C'>, <C object>>
>>> super(C,C()).__get__('whatever','whatever')
<super: <class 'C'>, <C object>>

Unfortunately, for the time being (i.e. for Python 2.3), the super mechanism has various limitations. To show the issues, let me start by considering the following base class:


class ExampleBaseClass(PrettyPrinted):
    """Contains a regular method 'm', a staticmethod 's', a classmethod 
    'c', a property 'p' and a data attribute 'd'."""
    m=lambda self: 'regular method of %s' % self
    s=staticmethod(lambda : 'staticmethod')
    c=classmethod(lambda cls: 'classmethod of %s' % cls)
    p=property(lambda self: 'property of %s' % self)
    a=AccessError('Expected error')


Now, let me derive a new class C from ExampleBaseClass:

>>> from oopp import ExampleBaseClass
>>> class C(ExampleBaseClass): pass
>>> c=C()

Ideally, we would like to retrieve the methods and attributes of ExampleBaseClass from C, by using the super mechanism.

  1. We see that super works without problems for regular methods, staticmethods and classmethods:
>>> super(C,c).m()
'regular method of <C>'
>>> super(C,c).s()
>>> super(C,c).c()
"classmethod of <class '__main__.C'>"

It also works for user defined attribute descriptors:

>>> super(C,c).a # access error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 340, in __get__
    raise AttributeError(self.msg)
AttributeError: Expected error

and for properties (only for Python 2.3+):

>>> ExampleBaseClass.p
<property object at 0x81b30fc>

In Python 2.2 one would get an error, instead

>>> super(C,c).p #error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'p'

3. Moreover, certain attributes of the superclass, such as its __name__, cannot be retrieved:

>>> ExampleBaseClass.__name__
>>> super(C,c).__name__ #error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__name__'
  1. There is no direct way to retrieve the methods of the super-superclass (i.e. the grandmother class, if you wish) or in general the furthest ancestors, since super does not chain.
  2. Finally, there are some subtle issues with the super(cls) syntax:
>>> super(C).m #(2) error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'm'

means super(C).__get__(None,C), but only super(C).__get__(c,C).m==super(C,c) works.

On the other hand,
>>> super(C).__init__  #(1) 
<built-in method __init__ of type object at 0x80e6fc0>
>>> super(C).__new__  #(1) 
<built-in method __init__ of type object at 0x80e6fc0>
seems to work, whereas in reality does not. The reason is that since super objects are instances of object, they inherit object's methods, and in particular __init__ ; therefore the __init__ method in (1) is not the ExampleBaseClass.__init__ method. The point is that super objects are attribute descriptors and not references to the superclass.

Probably, in future versions of Python the super mechanism will be improved. However, for the time being, one must provide a workaround for dealing with these issues. This will be discussed in the next chapter.

Method wrappers

One of the most typical applications of attribute descriptors is their usage as method wrappers.

Suppose, for instance, one wants to add tracing capabilities to the methods of a class for debugging purposes. The problem can be solved with a custom descriptor class:


import inspect

class wrappedmethod(Customizable):
    """Customizable method factory intended for derivation.
    The wrapper method is overridden in the children."""

    logfile=sys.stdout # default
    namespace='' # default

    def __new__(cls,meth): # meth is a descriptor
        if isinstance(meth,FunctionType):
            kind=0 # regular method
        elif isinstance(meth,staticmethod):
            kind=1 # static method
        elif isinstance(meth,classmethod):
            kind=2 # class method
        elif isinstance(meth,wrappedmethod): # already wrapped
            return meth # do nothing
        elif inspect.ismethoddescriptor(meth):
            kind=0; func=meth # for many builtin methods 
            return meth # do nothing
        self.kind=kind; self.func=func # pre-initialize
        return self

    def __init__(self,meth): # meth not used
        self.logfile=self.logfile # default values
        self.namespace=self.namespace # copy the current

    def __get__(self,obj,cls): # closure 
        def _(*args,**kw):
            if obj is None: o=() # unbound method call
            else: o=(obj,) # bound method call
            return self.wrapper()(*allargs,**kw)
        return _ # the wrapped function
        # allargs is the only nontrivial line in _; it adds
        # 0 - obj if meth is a regular method
        # 1 - nothing if meth is a static method
        # 2 - cls if meth is a class method

    def wrapper(self): return self.func # do nothing, to be overridden


This class is intended for derivation: the wrapper method has to be overridden in the children in order to introduce the wanted feature. If I want to implement the capability of tracing methods, I can reuse the with_tracer closure introduced in chapter 2:


class tracedmethod(wrappedmethod):
    def wrapper(self):
        return with_tracer(self.func,self.namespace,self.logfile)

Nothing prevents me from introducing timing features by reusing the with_timer closure:


class timedmethod(wrappedmethod):
    iterations=1 # additional default parameter

    def __init__(self,meth):
        self.iterations=self.iterations # copy

    def wrapper(self):
        return with_timer(self.func,self.namespace,


Here there is an example of usage:

The dictionary of wrapped functions is then built from an utility function


def wrap(obj,wrapped,condition=lambda k,v: True, err=None):
    "Retrieves obj's dictionary and wraps it"
    if isinstance(obj,dict): # obj is a dictionary 
        dic=getattr(obj,'__dict__',{}).copy() # avoids dictproxy objects
        if not dic: dic=attributes(obj) # for simple objects
    for name,attr in dic.iteritems(): # modify dic
        if condition(name,attr): dic[name]=wrapped(attr)
    if not isinstance(obj,dict): # modify obj


from oopp import *

class C(object): 
    "Class with traced methods"

    def f(self): return self 




#unbound calls

#bound calls



[C] Calling 'f' with arguments
(<C object at 0x402042cc>,){} ...
-> 'C.f' called with result: <C object at 0x402042cc>

[C] Calling '<lambda>' with arguments
(){} ...
-> 'C.<lambda>' called with result: None

[C] Calling 'do_nothing' with arguments
(<class 'C'>,){} ...
-> 'C.do_nothing' called with result: None

[C] Calling 'f' with arguments
(<C object at 0x402042cc>,){} ...
-> 'C.f' called with result: <C object at 0x402042cc>

[C] Calling '<lambda>' with arguments
(){} ...
-> 'C.<lambda>' called with result: None

[C] Calling 'do_nothing' with arguments
(<class 'C'>,){} ...
-> 'C.do_nothing' called with result: None

The approach in '' works, but it is far from being elegant, since I had to explicitly wrap each method in the class by hand.

Both problems can be avoided.

>>> from oopp import *
>>> wrap(Clock,tracedmethod)
>>> Clock.get_time()
[Clock] Calling 'get_time' with arguments
(){} ...
-> 'Clock.get_time' called with result: 21:56:52