Taste Python (EuroPython 2005)

Hi Harald,

I was looking at your suggestions again:

a) some real "hello world" stuff
b) tricks and powers of the interactive console
c) dynamic modules taken from
- web scraping with python (beautifull soup, urllib..)
- database access (WITHOUT sqlobject, which is presented seperately)
- some basic system Administration Stuff
- do a PDF

I think we should decide how to split this stuff between us and also have an idea of the time needed. I could do

  1. A superfast toor of IPython (10 minutes)
  2. reStructuredText, how to make Web pages and PDFs (15 minutes)
  3. Twill, i.e. how to interact with the Web the easy way (10 minutes)

The time are indicatives i.e. they could easily become longer (but not much shorter, unless we kill something). According to the interests of people times and topics could change at run time, but I think its is best if we have prepared at least a provisional program. BTW, if you don't know about Twill, here is a reference:


It is so easy to use that it makes a good candidate even for a total beginner course and on the other hand it is useful even to the expert Web developer. I am writing a paper on it for O'Reilly, so I am already prepared ;)

Michele Simionato