FIRST THINGS, FIRST ============================================================================== This is an introductory chapter, with the main purpose of fixing the terminology used in the sequel. In particular, I give the definitions of objects, classes, attributes and methods. I discuss a few examples and I show some of the most elementary Python introspection features. What's an object? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. line-block:: *So Everything Is An object. I'm sure the Smalltalkers are very happy :)* -- Michael Hudson on comp.lang.python "What's an object" is the obvious question raised by anybody starting to learn Object Oriented Programming. The answer is simple: in Python, everything in an object! An operative definition is the following: an *object* is everything that can be labelled with an *object reference*. In practical terms, the object reference is implemented as the object memory address, that is an integer number which uniquely specify the object. There is a simple way to retrieve the object reference: to use the builtin ``id`` function. Informations on ``id`` can be retrieved via the ``help`` function [#]_: >>> help(id) Help on built-in function id: id(...) id(object) -> integer Return the identity of an object. This is guaranteed to be unique among simultaneously existing objects. (Hint: it's the object's memory address.) The reader is strongly encouraged to try the help function on everything (including help(help) ;-). This is the best way to learn how Python works, even *better* than reading the standard documentation, since the on-line help is often more update. Suppose for instance we wonder if the number ``1`` is an object: it is easy enough to ask Python for the answer: >>> id(1) 135383880 Therefore the number 1 is a Python object and it is stored at the memory address 135383880, at least in my computer and during the current session. Notice that the object reference is a dynamic thing; nevertheless it is guaranteed to be unique and constant for a given object during its lifetime (two objects whose lifetimes are disjunct may have the same id() value, though). Here there are other examples of built-in objects: >>> id(1L) # long 1074483312 >>> id(1.0) #float 135682468 >>> id(1j) # complex 135623440 >>> id('1') #string 1074398272 >>> id([1]) #list 1074376588 >>> id((1,)) #tuple 1074348844 >>> id({1:1}) # dict 1074338100 Even functions are objects: >>> def f(x): return x #user-defined function >>> id(f) 1074292020 >>> g=lambda x: x #another way to define functions >>> id(g) 1074292468 >>> id(id) #id itself is a built-in function 1074278668 Modules are objects, too: >>> import math >>> id(math) #module of the standard library 1074239068 >>> id(math.sqrt) #function of the standard library 1074469420 ``help`` itself is an object: >>> id(help) 1074373452 Finally, we may notice that the reserved keywords are not objects: >>> id(print) #error File "", line 1 id(print) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax The operative definition is convenient since it gives a practical way to check if something is an object and, more importantly, if two objects are the same or not: .. doctest >>> s1='spam' >>> s2='spam' >>> s1==s2 True >>> id(s1)==id(s2) True A more elegant way of spelling ``id(obj1)==id(obj2)`` is to use the keyword ``is``: >>> s1 is s2 True However, I should warn the reader that sometimes ``is`` can be surprising: >>> id([]) == id([]) True >>> [] is [] False This is happening because writing ``id([])`` dynamically creates an unique object (a list) which goes away when you're finished with it. So when an expression needs both at the same time (``[] is []``), two unique objects are created, but when an expression doesn't need both at the same time (``id([]) == id([])``), an object gets created with an ID, is destroyed, and then a second object is created with the same ID (since the last one just got reclaimed) and their IDs compare equal. In other words, "the ID is guaranteed to be unique *only* among simultaneously existing objects". Another surprise is the following: >>> a=1 >>> b=1 >>> a is b True >>> a=556 >>> b=556 >>> a is b False The reason is that integers between 0 and 99 are pre-instantiated by the interpreter, whereas larger integers are recreated each time. Notice the difference between '==' and 'is': >>> 1L==1 True but >>> 1L is 1 False since they are different objects: >>> id(1L) # long 1 135625536 >>> id(1) # int 1 135286080 The disadvantage of the operative definition is that it gives little understanding of what an object can be used for. To this aim, I must introduce the concept of *class*. .. [#] Actually ``help`` is not a function but a callable object. The difference will be discussed in a following chapter. Objects and classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is convenient to think of an object as an element of a set. It you think a bit, this is the most general definition that actually grasps what we mean by object in the common language. For instance, consider this book, "Object Oriented Programming in Python": this book is an object, in the sense that it is a specific representative of the *class* of all possible books. According to this definition, objects are strictly related to classes, and actually we say that objects are *instances* of classes. Classes are nested: for instance this book belongs to the class of books about programming language, which is a subset of the class of all possible books; moreover we may further specify this book as a Python book; moreover we may specify this book as a Python 2.2+ book. There is no limit to the restrictions we may impose to our classes. On the other hand. it is convenient to have a "mother" class, such that any object belongs to it. All strongly Object Oriented Language have such a class [#]_; in Python it is called *object*. The relation between objects and classes in Python can be investigated trough the built-in function ``type`` [#]_ that gives the class of any Python object. Let me give some example: 1. Integers numbers are instances of the class ``int`` or ``long``: >>> type(1) >>> type(1L) 2. Floating point numbers are instances of the class ``float``: >>> type(1.0) 3. Complex numbers are instances of the class ``complex``: >>> type(1.0+1.0j) 4. Strings are instances of the class ``str``: >>> type('1') 5. List, tuples and dictionaries are instances of ``list``, ``tuple`` and ``dict`` respectively: >>> type('1') >>> type([1]) >>> type((1,)) >>> type({1:1}) 6. User defined functions are instances of the ``function`` built-in type >>> type(f) >>> type(g) All the previous types are subclasses of object: >>> for cl in int,long,float,str,list,tuple,dict: issubclass(cl,object) True True True True True True True However, Python is not a 100% pure Object Oriented Programming language and its object model has still some minor warts, due to historical accidents. Paraphrasing George Orwell, we may say that in Python 2.2-2.3, all objects are equal, but some objects are more equal than others. Actually, we may distinguish Python objects in new style objects, or rich man objects, and old style objects, or poor man objects. New style objects are instances of new style classes whereas old style objects are instances of old style classes. The difference is that new style classes are subclasses of object whereas old style classes are not. Old style classes are there for sake of compatibility with previous releases of Python, but starting from Python 2.2 practically all built-in classes are new style classes. Instance of old style classes are called old style objects. I will give few examples of old style objects in the future. In this tutorial with the term object *tout court* we will mean new style objects, unless the contrary is explicitely stated. .. [#] one may notice that C++ does not have such a class, but C++ is *not* a strongly object oriented language ;-) .. [#] Actually ``type`` is not a function, but a metaclass; nevertheless, since this is an advanced concept, discussed in the fourth chapter; for the time being it is better to think of ``type`` as a built-in function analogous to ``id``. Objects have attributes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All objects have attributes describing their characteristics, that may be accessed via the dot notation :: objectname.objectattribute The dot notation is common to most Object Oriented programming languages, therefore the reader with a little of experience should find it not surprising at all (Python strongly believes in the Principle of Least Surprise). However, Python objects also have special attributes denoted by the double-double underscore notation :: objectname.__specialattribute__ with the aim of helping the wonderful Python introspection features, that does not have correspondence in all OOP language. Consider for example the string literal "spam". We may discover its class by looking at its special attribute *__class__*: >>> 'spam'.__class__ Using the ``__class__`` attribute is not always equivalent to using the ``type`` function, but it works for all built-in types. Consider for instance the number *1*: we may extract its class as follows: >>> (1).__class__ Notice that the parenthesis are needed to avoid confusion between the integer 1 and the float (1.). The non-equivalence type/class is the key to distinguish new style objects from old style, since for old style objects ``type(obj)<>obj.__class__``. We may use this knowledge to make and utility function that discovers if an object is a "real" object (i.e. new style) or a poor man object: :: # def isnewstyle(obj): try: #some objects may lack a __class__ attribute obj.__class__ except AttributeError: return False else: #look if there is unification type/class return type(obj) is obj.__class__ # Let us check this with various examples: >>> from oopp import isnewstyle >>> isnewstyle(1) True >>> isnewstyle(lambda x:x) True >>> isnewstyle(id) True >>> isnewstyle(type) True >>> isnewstyle(isnewstyle) True >>> import math >>> isnewstyle(math) True >>> isnewstyle(math.sqrt) True >>> isnewstyle('hello') True It is not obvious to find something which is not a real object, between the built-in objects, however it is possible. For instance, the ``help`` "function" is an old style object: >>> isnewstyle(help) False since >>> help.__class__ is different from >>> type(help) Regular expression objects are even poorer objects with no ``__class__`` attribute: >>> import re >>> reobj=re.compile('somestring') >>> isnewstyle(reobj) False >>> type(reobj) >>> reobj.__class__ #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: __class__ There other special attributes other than ``__class__``; a particularly useful one is ``__doc__``, that contains informations on the class it refers to. Consider for instance the ``str`` class: by looking at its ``__doc__`` attribute we can get information on the usage of this class: >>> str.__doc__ str(object) -> string Return a nice string representation of the object. If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object. From that docstring we learn how to convert generic objects in strings; for instance we may convert numbers, lists, tuples and dictionaries: >>> str(1) '1' >>> str([1]) '[1]' >>> str((1,)) (1,)' >>> str({1:1}) '{1: 1}' ``str`` is implicitely called each time we use the ``print`` statement, since ``print obj`` is actually syntactic sugar for ``print str(obj)``. Classes and modules have another interesting special attribute, the ``__dict__`` attribute that gives the content of the class/module. For instance, the contents of the standard ``math`` module can be retrieved as follows: >>> import math >>> for key in math.__dict__: print key, ... fmod atan pow __file__ cosh ldexp hypot sinh __name__ tan ceil asin cos e log fabs floor tanh sqrt __doc__ frexp atan2 modf exp acos pi log10 sin Alternatively, one can use the built-in function ``vars``: >>> vars(math) is math.__dict__ True This identity is true for any object with a ``__dict__`` attribute. Two others interesting special attributes are ``__doc__`` >>> print math.__doc__ This module is always available. It provides access to the mathematical functions defined by the C standard. and ``__file__``: >>> math.__file__ #gives the file associated with the module '/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/' Objects have methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to attributes, objects also have *methods*, i.e. functions attached to their classes [#]_. Methods are also invoked with the dot notation, but they can be distinguished by attributes because they are typically called with parenthesis (this is a little simplistic, but it is enough for an introductory chapter). As a simple example, let me show the invocation of the ``split`` method for a string object: >>> s='hello world!' >>> s.split() ['hello', 'world!'] In this example ``s.split`` is called a *bount method*, since it is applied to the string object ``s``: >>> s.split An *unbound method*, instead, is applied to the class: in this case the unbound version of ``split`` is applied to the ``str`` class: >>> str.split A bound method is obtained from its corresponding unbound method by providing the object to the unbound method: for instance by providing ``s`` to ``str.split`` we obtain the same effect of `s.split()`: >>> str.split(s) ['hello', 'world!'] This operation is called *binding* in the Python literature: when write ``str.split(s)`` we bind the unbound method ``str.split`` to the object ``s``. It is interesting to recognize that the bound and unbound methods are *different* objects: >>> id(str.split) # unbound method reference 135414364 >>> id(s.split) # this is a different object! 135611408 The unbound method (and therefore the bound method) has a ``__doc__`` attribute explaining how it works: >>> print str.split.__doc__ S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the delimiter string. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string is a separator. .. [#] A precise definition will be given in chapter 5 that introduces the concept of attribute descriptors. There are subtle differences between functions and methods. Summing objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a pure object-oriented world, there are no functions and everything is done trough methods. Python is not a pure OOP language, however quite a lot is done trough methods. For instance, it is quite interesting to analyze what happens when an apparently trivial statement such as >>> 1+1 2 is executed in an object-oriented world. The key to understand, is to notice that the number 1 is an object, specifically an instance of class ``int``: this means that that 1 inherits all the methods of the ``int`` class. In particular it inherits a special method called ``__add__``: this means 1+1 is actually syntactic sugar for >>> (1).__add__(1) 2 which in turns is syntactic sugar for >>> int.__add__(1,1) 2 The same is true for subtraction, multiplication, division and other binary operations. >>> 'hello'*2 'hellohello' >>> (2).__mul__('hello') 'hellohello' >>> str.__mul__('hello',2) 'hellohello' However, notice that >>> str.__mul__(2,'hello') #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? TypeError: descriptor '__mul__' requires a 'str' object but received a 'int' The fact that operators are implemented as methods, is the key to *operator overloading*: in Python (as well as in other OOP languages) the user can redefine the operators. This is already done by default for some operators: for instance the operator ``+`` is overloaded and works both for integers, floats, complex numbers and for strings. Inspecting objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Python it is possible to retrieve most of the attributes and methods of an object by using the built-in function ``dir()`` (try ``help(dir)`` for more information). Let me consider the simplest case of a generic object: >>> obj=object() >>> dir(obj) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__'] As we see, there are plenty of attributes available even to a do nothing object; many of them are special attributes providing introspection capabilities which are not common to all programming languages. We have already discussed the meaning of some of the more obvious special attributes. The meaning of some of the others is quite non-obvious, however. The docstring is invaluable in providing some clue. Notice that there are special *hidden* attributes that cannot be retrieved with ``dir()``. For instance the ``__name__`` attribute, returning the name of the object (defined for classes, modules and functions) and the ``__subclasses__`` method, defined for classes and returning the list of immediate subclasses of a class: >>> str.__name__ 'str' >>> str.__subclasses__.__doc__ '__subclasses__() -> list of immediate subclasses' >>> str.__subclasses__() # no subclasses of 'str' are currently defined [] For instance by doing >>> obj.__getattribute__.__doc__ "x.__getattribute__('name') <==>" we discover that the expression ```` is syntactic sugar for ``x.__getattribute__('name')`` Another equivalent form which is more often used is ``getattr(x,'name')`` We may use this trick to make a function that retrieves all the attributes of an object except the special ones: :: # def special(name): return name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') def attributes(obj,condition=lambda n,v: not special(n)): """Returns a dictionary containing the accessible attributes of an object. By default, returns the non-special attributes only.""" dic={} for attr in dir(obj): try: v=getattr(obj,attr) except: continue #attr is not accessible if condition(attr,v): dic[attr]=v return dic getall = lambda n,v: True # Notice that certain attributes may be unaccessible (we will see how to make attributes unaccessible in a following chapter) and in this case they are simply ignored. For instance you may retrieve the regular (i.e. non special) attributes of the built-in functions: >>> from oopp import attributes >>> attributes(f).keys() ['func_closure', 'func_dict', 'func_defaults', 'func_name', 'func_code', 'func_doc', 'func_globals'] In the same vein of the ``getattr`` function, there is a built-in ``setattr`` function (that actually calls the ``__setattr__`` built-in method), that allows the user to change the attributes and methods of and object. Informations on ``setattr`` can be retrieved from the help function: :: >>> help(setattr) Help on built-in function setattr: setattr(...) setattr(object, name, value) Set a named attribute on an object; setattr(x, 'y', v) is equivalent to ``x.y = v''. ``setattr`` can be used to add attributes to an object: :: # import sys def customize(obj,errfile=None,**kw): """Adds attributes to an object, if possible. If not, writes an error message on 'errfile'. If errfile is None, skips the exception.""" for k in kw: try: setattr(obj,k,kw[k]) except: # setting error if errfile: print >> errfile,"Error: %s cannot be set" % k # The attributes of built-in objects cannot be set, however: >>> from oopp import customize,sys >>> customize(object(),errfile=sys.stdout,newattr='hello!') #error AttributeError: newattr cannot be set On the other hand, the attributes of modules can be set: >>> import time >>> customize(time,newattr='hello!') >>> time.newattr 'hello!' Notice that this means we may enhances modules at run-time, but adding new routines, not only new data attributes. The ``attributes`` and ``customize`` functions work for any kind of objects; in particular, since classes are a special kind of objects, they work for classes, too. Here are the attributes of the ``str``, ``list`` and ``dict`` built-in types: >>> from oopp import attributes >>> attributes(str).keys() ['startswith', 'rjust', 'lstrip', 'swapcase', 'replace','encode', 'endswith', 'splitlines', 'rfind', 'strip', 'isdigit', 'ljust', 'capitalize', 'find', 'count', 'index', 'lower', 'translate','join', 'center', 'isalnum','title', 'rindex', 'expandtabs', 'isspace', 'decode', 'isalpha', 'split', 'rstrip', 'islower', 'isupper', 'istitle', 'upper'] >>> attributes(list).keys() ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] >>> attributes(dict).keys() ['clear','copy','fromkeys', 'get', 'has_key', 'items','iteritems', 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values'] Classes and modules have a special attribute ``__dict__`` giving the dictionary of their attributes. Since it is often a quite large dictionary, it is convenient to define an utility function printing this dictionary in a nice form: :: # def pretty(dic): "Returns a nice string representation for the dictionary" keys=dic.keys(); keys.sort() # sorts the keys return '\n'.join(['%s = %s' % (k,dic[k]) for k in keys]) # I encourage the use of this function in order to retrieve more information about the modules of the standard library: >>> from oopp import pretty >>> import time #look at the 'time' standard library module >>> print pretty(vars(time)) __doc__ = This module provides various functions to manipulate time values. There are two standard representations of time. One is the number of seconds since the Epoch, in UTC (a.k.a. GMT). It may be an integer or a floating point number (to represent fractions of seconds). The Epoch is system-defined; on Unix, it is generally January 1st, 1970. The actual value can be retrieved by calling gmtime(0). The other representation is a tuple of 9 integers giving local time. The tuple items are: year (four digits, e.g. 1998) month (1-12) day (1-31) hours (0-23) minutes (0-59) seconds (0-59) weekday (0-6, Monday is 0) Julian day (day in the year, 1-366) DST (Daylight Savings Time) flag (-1, 0 or 1) If the DST flag is 0, the time is given in the regular time zone; if it is 1, the time is given in the DST time zone; if it is -1, mktime() should guess based on the date and time. Variables: timezone -- difference in seconds between UTC and local standard time altzone -- difference in seconds between UTC and local DST time daylight -- whether local time should reflect DST tzname -- tuple of (standard time zone name, DST time zone name) Functions: time() -- return current time in seconds since the Epoch as a float clock() -- return CPU time since process start as a float sleep() -- delay for a number of seconds given as a float gmtime() -- convert seconds since Epoch to UTC tuple localtime() -- convert seconds since Epoch to local time tuple asctime() -- convert time tuple to string ctime() -- convert time in seconds to string mktime() -- convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch strftime() -- convert time tuple to string according to format specification strptime() -- parse string to time tuple according to format specification __file__ = /usr/local/lib/python2.3/lib-dynload/ __name__ = time accept2dyear = 1 altzone = 14400 asctime = clock = ctime = daylight = 1 gmtime = localtime = mktime = newattr = hello! sleep = strftime = strptime = struct_time = time = timezone = 18000 tzname = ('EST', 'EDT') The list of the built-in Python types can be found in the ``types`` module: >>> import types >>> t_dict=dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in vars(types).iteritems() ... if k.endswith('Type')]) >>> for t in t_dict: print t, ... DictType IntType TypeType FileType CodeType XRangeType EllipsisType SliceType BooleanType ListType MethodType TupleType ModuleType FrameType StringType LongType BuiltinMethodType BufferType FloatType ClassType DictionaryType BuiltinFunctionType UnboundMethodType UnicodeType LambdaType DictProxyType ComplexType GeneratorType ObjectType FunctionType InstanceType NoneType TracebackType For a pedagogical account of the most elementary Python introspection features, Patrick O' Brien: Built-in objects: iterators and generators --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the last section , I have used the ``iteritems`` method of the dictionary, which returns an iterator: >>> dict.iteritems.__doc__ 'D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D' Iterators (and generators) are new features of Python 2.2 and could not be familiar to all readers. However, since they are unrelated to OOP, they are outside the scope of this book and will not be discussed here in detail. Nevertheless, I will give a typical example of use of a generator, since this construct will be used in future chapters. At the syntactical level, a generator is a "function" with (at least one) ``yield`` statement (notice that in Python 2.2 the ``yield`` statement is enabled trough the ``from __future__ import generators`` syntax): :: # import re def generateblocks(regexp,text): "Generator splitting text in blocks according to regexp" start=0 for MO in regexp.finditer(text): beg,end=MO.span() yield text[start:beg] # actual text yield text[beg:end] # separator start=end lastblock=text[start:] if lastblock: yield lastblock; yield '' # In order to understand this example, the reader my want to refresh his/her understanding of regular expressions; since this is not a subject for this book, I simply remind the meaning of ``finditer``: >>> import re >>> help(re.finditer) finditer(pattern, string) Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches in the string. For each match, the iterator returns a match object. Empty matches are included in the result. Generators can be thought of as resumable functions that stop at the ``yield`` statement and resume from the point where they left. >>> from oopp import generateblocks >>> text='Python_Rules!' >>> g=generateblocks(re.compile('_'),text) >>> g >>> dir(g) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'next'] Generator objects can be used as iterators in a ``for`` loop. In this example the generator takes a text and a regular expression describing a fixed delimiter; then it splits the text in blocks according to the delimiter. For instance, if the delimiter is '_', the text 'Python Rules!' is splitted as 'Python', '_' and 'Rules!': >>> for n, block in enumerate(g): print n, block ... 0 Python 1 2 Rules! 3 This example also show the usage of the new Python 2.3 built-in ``enumerate``. Under the hood the ``for`` loop is calling the generator via its ``next`` method, until the ``StopIteration`` exception is raised. For this reason a new call to the ``for`` loop will have no effect: >>> for n, block in enumerate(g): print n, block ... The point is that the generator has already yield its last element: >>> # error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration ``generateblocks`` always returns an even number of blocks; odd blocks are delimiters whereas even blocks are the intertwining text; there may be empty blocks, corresponding to the null string ''. It must be remarked the difference with the 'str.split' method >>> 'Python_Rules!'.split('_') ['Python', 'Rules!'] and the regular expression split method: >>> re.compile('_').split('Python_Rules!') ['Python', 'Rules!'] both returns lists with an odd number of elements and both miss the separator. The regular expression split method can catch the separator, if wanted, >>> re.compile('(_)').split('Python_Rules!') ['Python', '_', 'Rules!'] but still is different from the generator, since it returns a list. The difference is relevant if we want to split a very large text, since the generator avoids to build a very large list and thus it is much more memory efficient (it is faster, too). Moreover, ``generateblocks`` works differently in the case of multiple groups: >>> delim=re.compile('(_)|(!)') #delimiter is space or exclamation mark >>> for n, block in enumerate(generateblocks(delim,text)): ... print n, block 0 Python 1 _ 2 Rules 3 ! whereas >>> delim.split(text) ['Python', '_', None, 'Rules', None, '!', ''] gives various unwanted ``None`` (which could be skipped with ``[x for x in delim.split(text) if x is not None]``); notice, that there are no differences (apart from the fact that ``delim.split(text)`` has an odd number of elements) when one uses a single group regular expression: >>> delim=re.compile('(_|!)') >>> delim.split(text) ['Python', '_', 'Rules', '!', ''] The reader unfamiliar with iterators and generators is encouraged to look at the standard documentation and other references. For instance, there are Alex Martelli's notes on iterators at and there is a good article on generators by David Mertz