THE CONVENIENCE OF FUNCTIONS ============================================================================ Functions are the most basic Python objects. They are also the simplest objects where one can apply the metaprogramming techniques that are the subject of this book. The tricks used in this chapter and the utility functions defined here will be used over all the book. Therefore this is an *essential* chapter. Since it is intended to be a gentle introduction, the tone will be informal. Introduction ------------- One could be surprised that a text on OOP begins with a chapter on the well known old-fashioned functions. In some sense, this is also against the spirit of an important trend in OOP, which tries to shift the focus from functions to data. In pure OOP languages, there are no more functions, only methods. [#]_ However, there are good reasons for that: 1. In Python, functions *are* objects. And particularly useful ones. 2. Python functions are pretty powerful and all their secrets are probably *not* well known to the average Python programmer. 3. In the solutions of many problems, you don't need the full apparatus of OOP: good old functions can be enough. Moreover, I am a believer in the multiparadigm approach to programming, in which you choose your tools according to your problem. With a bazooka you can kill a mosquito, yes, but this does not mean that you must use the bazooka *always*. In certain languages, you have no choice, and you must define a class (involving a lot of boiler plate code) even for the most trivial application. Python's philosophy is to keep simple things simple, but having the capability of doing even difficult things with a reasonable amount of effort. The message of this chapter will be: "use functions when you don't need classes". Functions are good because: 1. They are easy to write (no boiler plate); 2. They are easy to understand; 3. They can be reused in your code; 4. Functions are an essential building block in the construction of objects. Even if I think that OOP is an extremely effective strategy, with enormous advantages on design, maintanibility and reusability of code, nevertheless this book is *not* intended to be a panegyric of OOP. There are cases in which you don't need OOP. I think the critical parameter is the size of the program. These are the rules I follows usually (to be taken as indicative): 1. If I have to write a short script of 20-30 lines, that copies two or three files and prints some message, I use fast and dirty spaghetti-code; there is no use for OOP. 2. If your script grows to one-hundred lines or more, I structure it write a few routines and a main program: but still I can live without OOP. 3. If the script goes beyond the two hundred lines, I start collecting my routines in few classes. 4. If the script goes beyond the five hundred lines, I split the program in various files and modules and convert it to a package. 5. I never write a function longer than 50 lines, since 50 lines is more or less the size of a page in my editor, and I need to be able to see the entire function in a page. Of course your taste could be different and you could prefer to write a monolitic program of five thousand lines; however the average size of the modules in the Python standard library is of 111 lines. I think this is a *strong* suggestion towards a modular style of programming, which is *very* well supported in Python. The point is that OOP is especially useful for *large* programs: if you only use Python for short system administration scripts you may well live without OOP. Unfortunaly, as everybody knows, short scripts have an evil tendency to become medium size scripts, and medium size scripts have the even more evil tendency to become large scripts and possible even full featured applications ! For this reason it is very probable that at a certain moment you will feel the need for OOP. I remember my first big program, a long time ago: I wrote a program to draw mathematical functions in AmigaBasic. It was good and nice until it had size of few hundred lines; but when it passed a thousand of lines, it became rapidly unmanageable and unmaintenable. There where three problems: 1. I could not split the program in modules, as I wanted, due to the limitations of AmigaBasic; 2. I was missing OOP to keep the logic of the program all together, but at the time I didn't know that; 3. I was missing effective debugging techniques. 4. I was missing effective refactoring tools. I am sure anybody who has ever written a large program has run in these limitations: and the biggest help of OOP is in overcoming these limitations. Obviously, miracles are impossible, and even object oriented programs can grow to a size where they become unmaintanable: the point is that the critical limit is much higher than the thousand lines of structured programs. I haven't yet reached the limit of unmanageability with Python. The fact that the standard library is 66492 lines long (as result from the total number of lines in ``/usr/local/lib/python2.2/``), but it is still manageable, give me an hope ;-) .. [#] However, one could argue that having functions distinguished from methods is the best thing to do, even in a strongly object-oriented world. For instance, generic functions can be used to implement multimethods. See for instance Lisp, Dylan and MultiJava. This latter is forced to introduce the concept of function outside a class, foreign to traditional Java, just to implement multimethods. A few useful functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is always a good idea to have a set of useful function collected in a user defined module. The first function we want to have in our module is the ``do_nothing`` function: :: # def do_nothing(*args,**kw): pass # This function accept a variable number of arguments and keywords (I defer the reader to the standard documentation if she is unfamiliar with these concept; this is *not* another Python tutorial ;-) and return ``None``. It is very useful for debugging purposes, when in a complex program you may want concentrate your attention to few crucial functions and set the non-relevant functions to ``do_nothing`` functions. A second function which is useful in developing programs is a timer function. Very ofter indeed, we may want to determine the bottleneck parts of a program, we are interested in profiling them and in seeing if we can improve the speed by improving the algorithm, or by using a Python "compiler" such as Psyco, or if really we need to write a C extension. In my experience, I never needed to write a C extension, since Python is fast enough. Nevertheless, to profile a program is always a good idea and Python provides a profiler module in the stardard library with this aim. Still, it is convenient to have a set of user defined functions to test the execution speed of few selected routines (whereas the standard profiler profiles everything). We see from the standard library documentation that the current time can be retrieved from the ``time`` module: [#]_ >>> import time >>> time.asctime() 'Wed Jan 15 12:46:03 2003' Since we are not interested in the date but only in the time, we need a function to extract it. This is easily implemented: :: # import time def get_time(): "Return the time of the system in the format HH:MM:SS" return time.asctime().split()[3] # >>> from oopp import get_time >>> get_time() '13:03:49' Suppose, for instance, we want to know how much it takes to Python to write a Gigabyte of data. This can be a quite useful benchmark to have an idea of the I/O bottlenecks in our system. Since to take in memory a file of a Gigabyte can be quite problematic, let me compute the time spent in writing 1024 files of one Megabyte each. To this aim we need a ``writefile`` function :: # def writefile(fname,data): f=file(fname,'w') f.write(data) f.close() # and timing function. The idea is to wrap the ``writefile`` function in a ``with_clock`` function as follows: :: # def with_clock(func,n=1): def _(*args,**kw): # this is a closure print "Process started on",get_time() print ' .. please wait ..' for i in range(n): func(*args,**kw) print "Process ended on",get_time() return _ # The wrapper function ``with_clock`` has converted the function ``writefile`` in a function ``with_clock(writefile)`` which has the same arguments of ``writefile``, but contains additional features: in this case timing capabilities. Technically speaking, the internal function ``_`` is called a *closure*. Closures are very common in functional languages and can be used in Python too, with very little effort [#]_. I will use closures very often in the following, and I will use the convention of denoting with "_" the inner function in the closure, since there is no reason of giving to it a descriptive name (the name 'with_clock' in the outer function is descriptive enough). For the same, reason I do not use a docstring for "_". If Python would allow multistatement lambda functions, "_" would be a good candidate for an anonymous function. Here is an example of usage: >>> from oopp import * >>> data='*'*1024*1024 #one megabyte >>> with_clock(writefile,n=1024)('datafile',data) #. Process started on 21:20:01 .. please wait .. Process ended on 21:20:57 This example shows that Python has written one Gigabyte of data (splitted in 1024 chunks of one Megabyte each) in less than a minute. However,the result depends very much on the filesystem. I always suggest people to profile their programs, since one *always* find surprises. For instance, I have checked the performance of my laptop, a dual machine Windows 98 SE/ Red Hat Linux 7.3. The results are collected in the following table: ================= ===================== ======================== Laptop Linux ext-3 FAT under Linux FAT under Windows 98 ================= ===================== ======================== 24-25 s 56-58 s 86-88 s ================= ===================== ======================== We see that Linux is *much* faster: more than three times faster than Windows, using the same machine! Notice that the FAT filesystem under Linux (where it is *not* native) is remarkably faster than the FAT under Windows 98, where it is native !! I think that now my readers can begin to understand why this book has been written under Linux and why I *never* use Windows for programming (actually I use it only to see the DVD's ;-). I leave as an exercise for the reader to check the results on this script on their machine. Since my laptop is quite old, you will probably have much better performances (for instance on my linux desktop I can write a Gigabyte in less than 12 seconds!). However, there are *always* surprises: my desktop is a dual Windows 2000 machine with three different filesystems, Linux ext-2, FAT and NTFS. Surprisingly enough, the NT filesystem is the more inefficient for writing, *ten times slower* than Linux! ================= ===================== ======================== Desktop Linux ext-2 FAT under Win2000 NTFS under Win2000 ================= ===================== ======================== 11-12 s 95-97 s 117-120 s ================= ===================== ======================== .. [#] Users of Python 2.3 can give a look to the new ``datetime`` module, if they are looking for a sophisticated clock/calendar. .. [#] There are good references on functional programming in Python; I suggest the Python Cookbook and the articles by David Mertz www.IBM.dW. Functions are objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we said in the first chapter, objects have attributes accessible with the dot notation. This is not surprising at all. However, it could be surprising to realize that since Python functions are objects, they can have attributes, too. This could be surprising since this feature is quite uncommon: typically or i) the language is not object-oriented, and therefore functions are not objects, or ii) the language is strongly object-oriented and does not have functions, only methods. Python is a multiparadigm language (which I prefer to the term "hybrid" language), therefore it has functions that are objects, as in Lisp and other functional languages. Consider for instance the ``get_time`` function. That function has at least an useful attribute, its doctring: >>> from oopp import get_time >>> print get_time.func_doc Return the time of the system in the format HH:MM:SS The docstring can also be obtained with the ``help`` function: >>> help(get_time) Help on function get_time in module oopp: get_time() Return the time of the system in the format HH:MM:SS Therefore ``help`` works on user-defined functions, too, not only on built-in functions. Notice that ``help`` also returns the argument list of the function. For instance, this is the help message on the ``round`` function that we will use in the following: >>> help(round) Help on built-in function round: round(...) round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).This always returns a floating point number. Precision may be negative. I strongly recommend Python programmers to use docstrings, not only for clarity sake during the development, but especially because it is possible to automatically generate nice HTML documentation from the docstrings, by using the standard tool "pydoc". One can easily add attributes to a function. For instance: >>> get_time.more_doc='get_time invokes the function time.asctime' >>> print get_time.more_doc get_time invokes the function time.asctime Attributes can be functions, too: >>> def IamAfunction(): print "I am a function attached to a function" >>> get_time.f=IamAfunction >>> get_time.f() I am a function attached to a function This is a quite impressive potentiality of Python functions, which has no direct equivalent in most other languages. One possible application is to fake C "static" variables. Suppose for instance we need a function remembering how may times it is called: we can simply use :: # def double(x): try: #look if double.counter is defined double.counter except AttributeError: double.counter=0 #first call double.counter+=1 return 2*x double(double(2)) print "double has been called %s times" % double.counter # with output ``double has been called 2 times``. A more elegant approach involves closures. A closure can enhance an ordinary function, providing to it the capability of remembering the results of its previous calls and avoiding the duplication of computations: :: # def withmemory(f): """This closure invokes the callable object f only if need there is""" argskw=[]; result=[] def _(*args,**kw): akw=args,kw try: # returns a previously stored result i=argskw.index(akw) except ValueError: # there is no previously stored result res=f(*args,**kw) # returns the new result argskw.append(akw) # update argskw result.append(res) # update result return res else: return result[i] _.argskw=argskw #makes the argskw list accessible outside _.result=result #makes the result list accessible outside return _ def memoize(f): """This closure remembers all f invocations""" argskw,result = [],[] def _(*args,**kw): akw=args,kw try: # returns a previously stored result return result[argskw.index(akw)] except ValueError: # there is no previously stored result argskw.append(akw) # update argskw result.append(f(*args,**kw)) # update result return result[-1] # return the new result _.argskw=argskw #makes the argskw list accessible outside _.result=result #makes the result list accessible outside return _ # Now, if we call the wrapped function ``f`` twice with the same arguments, Python can give the result without repeating the (possibly very long) computation. >>> def f(x): ... print 'called f' ... return x*x >>> wrapped_f=withmemory(f) >>> wrapped_f(2) #first call with the argument 2; executes the computation called f 4 >>> wrapped_f(2) #does not repeat the computation 4 >>> wrapped_f.result [4] >>> wrapped_f.argskw [((2,), {})] Profiling functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ``with_clock`` function provided before was intended to be pedagogical; as such it is a quite poor solution to the problem of profiling a Python routine. A better solution involves using two others functions in the time library, ``time.time()`` that gives that time in seconds elapsed from a given date, and ``time.clock()`` that gives the time spent by the CPU in a given computation. Notice that ``time.clock()`` has not an infinite precision (the precision depends on the system) and one should expect relatively big errors if the function runs in a very short time. That's the reason why it is convenient to execute multiple times short functions and divide the total time by the number of repetitions. Moreover, one should subtract the overhead do to the looping. This can be computed with the following routine: :: # def loop_overhead(N): "Computes the time spent in empty loop of N iterations" t0=time.clock() for i in xrange(N): pass return time.clock()-t0 # For instance, on my laptop an empty loop of one million of iterations is performed in 1.3 seconds. Typically the loop overhead is negligible, whereas the real problem is the function overhead. Using the attribute trick discussed above, we may define a ``with_timer`` function that enhances quite a bit ``with_clock``: :: # def with_timer(func, modulename='__main__', n=1, logfile=sys.stdout): """Wraps the function func and executes it n times (default n=1). The average time spent in one iteration, express in milliseconds, is stored in the attributes func.time and func.CPUtime, and saved in a log file which defaults to the standard output. """ def _(*args,**kw): # anonymous function time1=time.time() CPUtime1=time.clock() print 'Executing %s.%s ...' % (modulename,func.__name__), for i in xrange(n): res=func(*args,**kw) # executes func n times time2=time.time() CPUtime2=time.clock() func.time=1000*(time2-time1)/n func.CPUtime=1000*(CPUtime2-CPUtime1-loop_overhead(n))/n if func.CPUtime<10: r=3 #better rounding else: r=1 #default rounding print >> logfile, 'Real time: %s ms' % round(func.time,r), print >> logfile, ' CPU time: %s ms' % round(func.CPUtime,r) return res return _ # Here it is an example of application: >>> from oopp import with_timer,writefile >>> data='*'*1024*1024 #one megabyte >>> with_timer(writefile,n=1024)('datafile',data) #. Executing writefile ... Real time: 60.0 ms CPU time: 42.2 ms The CPU time can be quite different from the real time, as you can see in the following example: >>> import time >>> def sleep(): time.sleep(1) ... >>> with_timer(sleep)() #. Executing sleep ... Real time: 999.7 ms CPU time: 0.0 ms We see that Python has run for 999.7 ms (i.e. 1 second, up to approximation errors in the system clock) during which the CPU has worked for 0.0 ms (i.e. the CPU took a rest ;-). The CPU time is the relevant time to use with the purpose of benchmarking Python speed. I should notice that the approach pursued in ``with_timer`` is still quite simple. A better approach would be to plot the time versus the number of iteration, do a linear interpolation and extract the typical time for iteration from that. This allows to check visually that the machine is not doing something strange during the execution time and it is what I do in my personal benchmark routine; doing something similar is left as an exercise for the reader ;-). Another approach is to use the ```` module (new in Python 2.3, but works also with Python 2.2): :: # import timeit,__main__,warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'import \* only allowed at module level',SyntaxWarning) def timeit_(stmt,setup='from __main__ import *',n=1000): t=timeit.Timer(stmt,setup) try: print t.repeat(number=n) # class timeit 3 times except: t.print_exc() # It is often stated that Python is slow and quite ineffective in application involving hard computations. This is generally speaking true, but how bad is the situation ? To test the (in)efficiency of Python on number crunching, let me give a function to compute the Mandelbrot set, which I have found in the Python Frequently Asked Question (FAQ 4.15. *Is it possible to write obfuscated one-liners in Python?*). This function is due to Ulf Bartelt and you should ask him to know how does it work ;-) :: # def mandelbrot(row,col): "Computes the Mandelbrot set in one line" return (lambda Ru,Ro,Iu,Io,IM,Sx,Sy:reduce( lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda y,Iu=Iu,Io=Io,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,Sy=Sy,L= lambda yc,Iu=Iu,Io=Io,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro,i=IM, Sx=Sx,Sy=Sy:reduce( lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x,xc=Ru,yc=yc,Ru=Ru,Ro=Ro, i=i, Sx=Sx,F=lambda xc,yc,x,y,k,f=lambda xc,yc,x,y,k,f:(k<=0) or (x*x+y*y>=4.0) or 1+f(xc,yc,x*x-y*y+xc,2.0*x*y+yc,k-1,f): f(xc,yc,x,y,k,f):chr(64+F(Ru+x*(Ro-Ru)/Sx,yc,0,0,i)), range(Sx))):L(Iu+y*(Io-Iu)/Sy),range(Sy))))( -2.1, 0.7, -1.2, 1.2, 30, col, row) # \___ ___/ \___ ___/ | | |_ lines on screen # V V | |______ columns on screen # | | |__________ maximum of "iterations" # | |_________________ range on y axis # |____________________________ range on x axis # Here there is the benchmark on my laptop: >>> from oopp import mandelbrot,with_timer >>> row,col=24,75 >>> output=with_timer(mandelbrot,n=1)(row,col) Executing __main__.mandelbrot ... Real time: 427.9 ms CPU time: 410.0 ms >>> for r in range(row): print output[r*col:(r+1)*col] ... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCCCCCCCCCCCCCC BBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEFGYLFFFEEEEEDDDDDCCCCCCCCC BBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFGIKNJLLGEEEEEEDDDDDDCCCCC BBBBBBBBBCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFFGHJJR^QLIHGFFEEEEEEDDDDDDCC BBBBBBBBCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFGGGHIK_______LHGFFFFFEEEEDDDDDD BBBBBBBCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEFFFGHILIIIJJKMS_____PLJJIHGGGHJFEEDDDDD BBBBBBCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEFFFFFFGGGHMQ__T________________QLOUP[OGFEDDDD BBBBBCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEFFFFFFFFFGGGGHJNM________________________XLHGFFEEDD BBBBCDDDDDDDDDEEEEEFFGJKHHHHHHHHHHHHIKN[__________________________MJKGFEEDD BBBBDDDDEEEEEEEEFFFFGHIKPVPMNU_QMJJKKZ_____________________________PIGFEEED BBBCDEEEEEEEEFFFFFFHHHML___________PQ_______________________________TGFEEEE BBBDEEEEEEFGGGGHHHJPNQP^___________________________________________IGFFEEEE BBB_____________________________________________________________OKIHGFFEEEE BBBDEEEEEEFGGGGHHHJPNQP^___________________________________________IGFFEEEE BBBCDEEEEEEEEFFFFFFHHHML___________PQ_______________________________TGFEEEE BBBBDDDDEEEEEEEEFFFFGHIKPVPMNU_QMJJKKZ_____________________________PIGFEEED BBBBCDDDDDDDDDEEEEEFFGJKHHHHHHHHHHHHIKN[__________________________MJKGFEEDD BBBBBCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEFFFFFFFFFGGGGHJNM________________________XLHGFFEEDD BBBBBBCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEFFFFFFGGGHMQ__T________________QLOUP[OGFEDDDD BBBBBBBCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEFFFGHILIIIJJKMS_____PLJJIHGGGHJFEEDDDDD BBBBBBBBCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFGGGHIK_______LHGFFFFFEEEEDDDDDD BBBBBBBBBCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFFGHJJR^QLIHGFFEEEEEEDDDDDDCC BBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEFFFGIKNJLLGEEEEEEDDDDDDCCCCC BBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEFGYLFFFEEEEEDDDDDCCCCCCCCC I am willing to concede that this code is not typical Python code and actually it could be an example of *bad* code, but I wanted a nice ASCII picture on my book ... :) Also, this prove that Python is not necessarily readable and easy to understand ;-) I leave for the courageous reader to convert the previous algorithm to C and measure the difference in speed ;-) About Python speed --------------------------------------------------- The best way to improved the speed is to improve the algorithm; in this sense Python is an ideal language since it allows you to test many algorithms in an incredibly short time: in other words, the time you would spend fighting with the compiler in other languages, in Python can be used to improve the algorithm. However in some cases, there is little to do: for instance, in many problems one has to run lots of loops, and Python loops are horribly inefficients as compared to C loops. In this case the simplest possibility is to use Psyco. Psyco is a specialing Python compiler written by Armin Rigo. It works for 386 based processors and allows Python to run loops at C speed. Installing Psyco requires $0.00 and ten minutes of your time: nine minutes to find the program, download it, and install it; one minute to understand how to use it. The following script explains both the usage and the advantages of Psyco: :: # import oopp,sys def measure_loop_overhead(n): without=oopp.loop_overhead(n) print "Without Psyco:",without psyco.bind(oopp.loop_overhead) #compile the empty_loop with=oopp.loop_overhead(n) print "With Psyco:",with print 'Speedup = %sx' % round(without/with,1) try: import psyco measure_loop_overhead(1000000) except ImportError: print "Psyco is not installed, sorry." # The output is impressive: :: Without Psyco: 1.3 With Psyco: 0.02 Speedup = 65.0x Notice that repeating the test, you will obtain different speedups. On my laptop, the speedup for an empty loop of 10,000,000 of iteration is of the order of 70x, which is the same speed of a C loop, actually (I checked it). On my desktop, I have even found a speedup of 94x ! However, I must say that Psyco has some limitations. The problem is the function call overhead. Psyco enhances the overhead and in some programs it can even *worsen* the performance (this is way you should *never* use the ``psyco.jit()`` function that wraps all the functions of your program: you should only wrap the bottleneck loops). Generally speaking, you should expect a much more modest improvement, a factor of 2 or 3 is what I obtain usually in my programs. Look at this second example, which essentially measure the function call overhead by invoking the ``do_nothing`` function: :: # import oopp def measure2(n): def do_nothing_loop(n): for i in xrange(n): oopp.do_nothing() print "Without Psyco:" oopp.with_timer(do_nothing_loop,n=5)(n) #50,000 times print without=do_nothing_loop.CPUtime psyco.bind(do_nothing_loop) print "With Psyco:" oopp.with_timer(do_nothing_loop,n=5)(n) #50,000 times with=do_nothing_loop.CPUtime print 'Speedup = %sx' % round(without/with,1) try: import psyco measure2(10000) except ImportError: print "Psyco is not installed, sorry." # The output is less incredible: :: Without Psyco: Executing do_nothing_loop ... Real time: 138.2 ms CPU time: 130.0 ms With Psyco: Executing do_nothing_loop ... Real time: 70.0 ms CPU time: 68.0 ms Speedup = 1.9x However, this is still impressive, if you think that you can double the speed of your program by adding *a line* of code! Moreover this example is not fair since Psyco cannot improve very much the performance for loops invoking functions with a variable number of arguments. On the other hand, it can do quite a lot for loops invoking functions with a fixed number of arguments. I have checked that you can easily reach speedups of 20x (!). The only disadvantage is that a program invoking Psyco takes much more memory, than a normal Python program, but this is not a problem for most applications in nowadays computers. Therefore, often Psyco can save you the effort of going trough a C extension. In some cases, however, there is no hope: I leave as an exercise for the reader to check (at least the version 0.4.1 I am using now) is unable to improve the performance on the Mandelbrot set example. This proves that in the case bad code, there is no point in using a compiler: you have to improve the algorithm first ! # import math import psyco psyco.full() def erfc(x): exp = math.exp p = 0.3275911 a1 = 0.254829592 a2 = -0.284496736 a3 = 1.421413741 a4 = -1.453152027 a5 = 1.061405429 t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p*x) erfcx = ( (a1 + (a2 + (a3 + (a4 + a5*t)*t)*t)*t)*t ) * exp(-x*x) return erfcx def main(): erg = 0.0 for i in xrange(1000000): erg += erfc(0.456) print "%f" % erg main() # By the way, if you really want to go trough a C extension with a minimal departure from Python, you can use Pyrex by Greg Ewing. A Pyrex program is essentially a Python program with variable declarations that is automatically converted to C code. Alternatively, you can inline C functions is Python with ``weave`` of ... Finally, if you want to access C/C++ libraries, there tools like Swig, Booster and others. Tracing functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typically, a script contains many functions that call themselves each other when some conditions are satisfied. Also, typically during debugging things do not work the way we would like and it is not clear which functions are called, in which order they are called, and which parameters are passed. The best way to know all these informations, is to trace the functions in our script, and to write all the relevant informations in a log file. In order to keep the distinction between the traced functions and the original one, it is convenient to collect all the wrapped functions in a separate dictionary. The tracing of a single function can be done with a closure like this: :: # def with_tracer(function,namespace='__main__',output=sys.stdout, indent=[0]): """Closure returning traced functions. It is typically invoked trough an auxiliary function fixing the parameters of with_tracer.""" def _(*args,**kw): name=function.__name__ i=' '*indent[0]; indent[0]+=4 # increases indentation output.write("%s[%s] Calling '%s' with arguments\n" % (i,namespace,name)) output.write("%s %s ...\n" % (i,str(args)+str(kw))) res=function(*args,**kw) output.write("%s[%s.%s] called with result: %s\n" % (i,namespace,name,str(res))) indent[0]-=4 # restores indentation return res return _ # the traced function # Here is an example of usage: >>> from oopp import with_tracer >>> def fact(n): # factorial function ... if n==1: return 1 ... else: return n*fact(n-1) >>> fact=with_tracer(fact) >>> fact(3) [__main__] Calling 'fact' with arguments (3,){} ... [__main__] Calling 'fact' with arguments (2,){} ... [__main__] Calling 'fact' with arguments (1,){} ... [__main__.fact] called with result: 1 [__main__.fact] called with result: 2 [__main__.fact] called with result: 6 6 The logic behind ``with_tracer`` should be clear; the only trick is the usage of a default list as a way to store a global indentation parameter. Since ``indent`` is mutable, the value of ``indent[0]`` changes at any recursive call of the traced function, resulting in a nested display. Typically, one wants to trace all the functions in a given module; this can be done trough the following function: :: # from types import * isfunction=lambda f: isinstance(f,(FunctionType,BuiltinFunctionType)) def wrapfunctions(obj,wrapper,err=None,**options): "Traces the callable objects in an object with a dictionary" namespace=options.get('namespace',getattr(obj,'__name__','')) output=options.get('output',sys.stdout) dic=dict([(k,wrapper(v,namespace,output)) for k,v in attributes(obj).items() if isfunction(v)]) customize(obj,err,**dic) # Notice that 'wrapfunctions' accepts as first argument an object with a ``__dict__`` attribute (such as a module or a class) or with some explicit attributes (such as a simple object) and modifies it. One can trace a module as in this example: :: # import oopp,random oopp.wrapfunctions(random,oopp.with_tracer) random.random() # with output :: [random] Calling 'random' with arguments (){} ... -> 'random.random' called with result: 0.175450439202 The beauty of the present approach is its generality: 'wrap' can be used to add any kind of capabilities to a pre-existing module. For instance, we could time the functions in a module, with the purpose of looking at the bottlenecks. To this aim, it is enough to use a 'timer' nested closure: An example of calling is ``wrapfunction(obj,timer,iterations=1)``. We may also compose our closures; for instance one could define a ``with_timer_and_tracer`` closure: >>> with_timer_and_tracer=lambda f: with_timer(with_tracer(f)) It should be noticed that Python comes with a standard profiler (in my system it is located in ``/usr/local/lib/python2.2/``) that allows to profile a script or a module (try python /usr/local/lib/python2.2/ or >>> import profile; help(profile) and see the on-line documentation. Tracing objects ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, I will give a more sophisticated example, in which one can easily understand why the Python ability of changing methods and attributes during run-time, is so useful. As a preparation to the real example, let me first introduce an utility routine that allows the user to add tracing capabilities to a given object. Needless to say, this feature can be invaluable during debugging, or in trying to understand the behaviour of a program written by others. This routine is a little complex and needs some explanation. 1. The routine looks in the attributes of the object and try to access them. 2. If the access is possible, the routines looks for methods (methods are recognized trough the ``inspect.isroutine`` function in the standard library) and ignores regular attributes; 3. The routine try to override the original methods with improved ones, that possess tracing capabilities; 4. the traced method is obtained with the wrapping trick discussed before. I give now the real life example that I have anticipated before. Improvements and elaborations of this example can be useful to the professional programmer, too. Suppose you have an XML text you want to parse. Python provides excellent support for this kind of operation and various standard modules. One of the most common is the ``expat`` module (see the standard library documentation for more). If you are just starting using the module, it is certainly useful to have a way of tracing its behaviour; this is especially true if you you find some unexpected error during the parsing of a document (and this may happens even if you are an experience programmer ;-). The tracing routine just defined can be used to trace the parser, as it is exemplified in the following short script: :: # import oopp, xml.parsers.expat, sys # text to be parsed text_xml="""\ Text goes here """ # a few do nothing functions def start(*args): pass def end(*args): pass def handler(*args): pass # a parser object p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate() p.StartElementHandler = start p.EndElementHandler = end p.CharacterDataHandler = handler #adds tracing capabilities to p oopp.wrapfunctions(p,oopp.with_tracer, err=sys.stdout) p.Parse(text_xml) # The output is: :: Error: SetBase cannot be set Error: Parse cannot be set Error: ParseFile cannot be set Error: GetBase cannot be set Error: SetParamEntityParsing cannot be set Error: ExternalEntityParserCreate cannot be set Error: GetInputContext cannot be set [] Calling 'start' with arguments (u'parent', {u'id': u'dad'}){} ... [.start] called with result: None [] Calling 'handler' with arguments (u'\n',){} ... [.handler] called with result: None [] Calling 'start' with arguments (u'child', {u'name': u'kid'}){} ... [.start] called with result: None [] Calling 'handler' with arguments (u'Text goes here',){} ... [.handler] called with result: None [] Calling 'end' with arguments (u'child',){} ... [.end] called with result: None [] Calling 'handler' with arguments (u'\n',){} ... [.handler] called with result: None [] Calling 'end' with arguments (u'parent',){} ... [.end] called with result: None This is a case where certain methods cannot be managed with ``getattr/setattr``, because they are internally coded in C: this explain the error messages at the beginning. I leave as an exercise for the reader to understand the rest ;-) Inspecting functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Python wonderful introspection features are really impressive when applied to functions. It is possible to extract a big deal of informations from a Python function, by looking at its associated *code object*. For instance, let me consider my, ``do_nothing`` function: its associated code object can be extracted from the ``func_code`` attribute: >>> from oopp import * >>> co=do_nothing.func_code # extracts the code object >>> co >>> type(co) The code object is far being trivial: the docstring says it all: >>> print type(co).__doc__ code(argcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, codestring, constants, names, varnames, filename, name, firstlineno, lnotab[, freevars[, cellvars]]) Create a code object. Not for the faint of heart. In the case of my ``do_nothing`` function, the code object possesses the following attributes: >>> print pretty(attributes(co)) co_argcount = 0 co_cellvars = () co_code = dS co_consts = (None,) co_filename = co_firstlineno = 48 co_flags = 15 co_freevars = () co_lnotab = co_name = do_nothing co_names = () co_nlocals = 2 co_stacksize = 1 co_varnames = ('args', 'kw') Some of these arguments are pretty technical and implementation dependent; however, some of these are pretty clear and useful: - co_argcount is the total number of arguments - co_filename is the name of the file where the function is defined - co_firstlineno is the line number where the function is defined - co_name is the name of the function - co_varnames are the names The programmer that it is not a "faint of heart" can study the built-in documentation on code objects; s/he should try :: for k,v in attributes(co).iteritems(): print k,':',v.__doc__,'\n' :: add=[lambda x,i=i: x+i for i in range(10)] >>> def f(y): ... return lambda x: x+y ... >>> f(1).func_closure #closure cell object (,) func.defaults, closure, etc. #how to extract (non-default) arguments as help does. print (lambda:None).func_code.co_filename One cannot change the name of a function: >>> def f(): pass ... >>> f.__name__='ciao' # error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? TypeError: readonly attribute However, one can create a copy with a different name: :: # def copyfunc(f,newname=None): # works under Python 2.3 if newname is None: newname=f.func_name # same name return FunctionType(f.func_code, globals(), newname, f.func_defaults, f.func_closure) # >>> copyfunc(f,newname='f2') Notice that the ``copy`` module would not do the job: >>> import copy >>> copy.copy(f) # error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/", line 84, in copy y = _reconstruct(x, reductor(), 0) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/", line 57, in _reduce raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__ TypeError: can't pickle function objects