THE MAGIC OF METACLASSES - PART I ========================================================================== .. line-block:: *Metaclasses are deeper magic than 99% of users should ever worry about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don't (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don't need an explanation about why).* --Tim Peters Python always had metaclasses, since they are inherent to its object model. However, before Python 2.2, metaclasses where tricky and their study could cause the programmer's brain to explode [#]_. Nowadays, the situation has changed, and the reader should be able to understand this chapter without risk for his/her brain (however I do not give any warranty ;) Put it shortly, metaclasses give to the Python programmer complete control on the creation of classes. This simple statement has far reaching consequences, since the ability of interfering with the process of class creation, enable the programmer to make miracles. In this and in the following chapters, I will show some of these miracles. This chapter will focus on subtle problems of metaclasses in inheritance and multiple inheritance, including multiple inheritance of metaclasses with classes and metaclasses with metaclasses. The next chapter will focus more on applications. .. [#] Metaclasses in Python 1.5 [A.k.a the killer joke] There is very little documentation about metaclasses, except Guido's essays and the papers by David Mertz and myself published in IBMdeveloperWorks Metaclasses as class factories ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the Python object model (inspired from the Smalltalk, that had metaclasses a quarter of century ago!) classes themselves are objects. Now, since objects are instances of classes, that means that classes themselves can be seen as instances of special classes called *metaclasses*. Notice that things get hairy soon, since by following this idea, one could say the metaclasses themselves are classes and therefore objects; that would mean than even metaclasses can be seen as instances of special classes called meta-metaclasses. On the other hand, meta-meta-classes can be seen as instances of meta-meta-metaclasses, etc. Now, it should be obvious why metaclasses have gained such a reputation of brain-exploders ;). However, fortunately, the situation is not so bad in practice, since the infinite recursion of metaclasses is avoided because there is a metaclass that is the "mother of all metaclasses": the built-in metaclass *type*. 'type' has the property of being its own metaclass, therefore the recursion stops. Consider for instance the following example: >>> class C(object): pass # a generic class >>> type(C) #gives the metaclass of C >>> type(type(C)) #gives the metaclass of type The recursion stops, since the metaclass of 'type' is 'type'. One cool consequence of classes being instances of 'type', is that since *type* is a subclass of object, >>> issubclass(type,object) True any Python class is not only a subclass of ``object``, but also an instance of 'object': >>> isinstance(C,type) True >>> isinstance(C,object) True >>> issubclass(C,object) True Notice that 'type' is an instance of itself (!) and therefore of 'object': >>> isinstance(type,type) # 'type' is an instance of 'type' True >>> isinstance(type,object) # therefore 'type' is an instance of 'object' True As it is well known, ``type(X)`` returns the type of ``X``; however, ``type`` has also a second form in which it acts as a class factory. The form is ``type(name,bases,dic)`` where ``name`` is the name of the new class to be created, bases is the tuple of its bases and dic is the class dictionary. Let me give a few examples: >>> C=type('C',(),{}) >>> C >>> C.__name__ 'C' >>> C.__bases__ (,) >>> C.__dict__ Notice that since all metaclasses inherits from ``type``, as a consequences all metaclasses can be used as class factories. A fairy tale example will help in understanding the concept and few subtle points on how attributes are transmitted from metaclasses to their instances. Let me start by defining a 'Nobility' metaclass : >>> class Nobility(type): attributes="Power,Richness,Beauty" instances of 'Nobility' are classes such 'Princes', 'Dukes', 'Barons', etc. >>> Prince=Nobility("Prince",(),{}) Instances of 'Nobility' inherits its attributes, just as instances of normal classes inherits the class docstring: >>> Prince.attributes 'Power,Richness,Beauty' Nevertheless, 'attributes' will not be retrieved by the ``dir`` function: >>> print dir(Prince) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__weakref__'] However, this is a limitation of ``dir``, in reality ``Prince.attributes`` is there. On the other hand, the situation is different for a specific 'Prince' object >>> charles=Prince() >>> charles.attributes #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'Prince' object has no attribute 'attributes' The transmission of metaclass attributes is not transitive: instances of the metaclass inherits the attributes, but not the instances of the instances. This behavior is by design and is needed in order to avoid troubles with special methods. This point will be throughly explained in the last paragraph. For the moment, I my notice that the behaviour is reasonable, since the abstract qualities 'Power,Richness,Beauty' are more qualities of the 'Prince' class than of one specific representative. They can always be retrieved via the ``__class__`` attribute: >>> charles.__class__.attributes 'Power,Richness,Beauty' Le me now define a metaclass 'Froggyness': >>> class Frogginess(type): attributes="Powerlessness,Poverty,Uglyness" Instances of 'Frogginess' are classes like 'Frog', 'Toad', etc. >>> Frog=Frogginess("Frog",(),{}) >>> Frog.attributes 'Powerlessness,Poverty,Uglyness' However, in Python miracles can happen: >>> def miracle(Frog): Frog.__class__=Nobility >>> miracle(Frog); Frog.attributes 'Powerlessness,Richness,Beauty' In this example a miracle happened on the class 'Frog', by changing its (meta)class to 'Nobility'; therefore its attributes have changed accordingly. However, there is subtle point here. Suppose we explicitly specify the 'Frog' attributes, in such a way that it can be inherited by one of its specific representative: >>> Frog.attributes="poor, small, ugly" >>> jack=Frog(); jack.attributes 'poor, small, ugly' Then the miracle cannot work: :: # class Nobility(type): attributes="Power, Richness, Beauty" Prince=Nobility("Prince",(),{}) charles=Prince() class Frogginess(type): attributes="Inpuissance, Poverty, Uglyness" Frog=Frogginess("Frog",(),{}) Frog.attributes="poor, small, ugly" jack=Frog() def miracle(Frog): Frog.__class__=Nobility miracle(Frog) print "I am",Frog.attributes,"even if my class is",Frog.__class__ # Output: :: I am poor, small, ugly even if my class is The reason is that Python first looks at specific attributes of an object (in this case the object is the class 'Frog') an only if they are not found, it looks at the attributes of its class (here the metaclass 'Nobility').Since in this example the 'Frog' class has explicit attributes, the result is ``poor, small, ugly``. If you think a bit, it makes sense. Remark: In Python 2.3 there are restrictions when changing the ``__class__`` attribute for classes: >>> C=type('C',(),{}) >>> C.__class__ = Nobility #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? TypeError: __class__ assignment: only for heap types Here changing ``C.__class__`` is not allowed, since 'C' is an instance of the built-in metaclass 'type'. This restriction, i.e. the fact that the built-in metaclass cannot be changed, has been imposed for security reasons, in order to avoid dirty tricks with the built-in classes. For instance, if it was possible to change the metaclass of the 'bool' class, we could arbitrarily change the behavior of boolean objects. This could led to abuses. Thanks to this restriction, the programmer is always sure that built-in classes behaves as documented. This is also the reason why 'bool' cannot be subclassed: >>> print bool.__doc__ # in Python 2.2 would give an error bool(x) -> bool Returns True when the argument x is true, False otherwise. The builtins True and False are the only two instances of the class bool. The class bool is a subclass of the class int, and cannot be subclassed. In any case, changing the class of a class is not a good idea, since it does not play well with inheritance, i.e. changing the metaclass of a base class does not change the metaclass of its children: >>> class M1(type): f=lambda cls: 'M1.f' #metaclass1 >>> class M2(type): f=lambda cls: 'M2.f' #metaclass2 >>> B=M1('B',(),{}) # B receives M1.f >>> class C(B): pass #C receives M1.f >>> B.f() 'M1.f' B.__class__=M2 #change the metaclass >>> B.f() #B receives M2.f 'M2.f' C.f() #however C does *not* receive M2.f >>> C.f() 'M1.f' >>> type(B) >>> type(C) Metaclasses as class modifiers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The interpretation of metaclasses in terms of class factories is quite straightforward and I am sure that any Pythonista will be at home with the concept. However, metaclasses have such a reputation of black magic since their typical usage is *not* as class factories, but as *class modifiers*. This means that metaclasses are typically used to modify *in fieri* classes. The trouble is that the modification can be utterly magical. Here there is another fairy tale example showing the syntax (via the ``__metaclass__`` hook) and the magic of the game: :: # class UglyDuckling(PrettyPrinted): "A plain, regular class" formatstring="Not beautiful, I am %s" class MagicallyTransformed(type): "Metaclass changing the formatstring of its instances" def __init__(cls,*args): cls.formatstring="Very beautiful, since I am %s" class TransformedUglyDuckling(PrettyPrinted): "A class metamagically modified" __metaclass__ = MagicallyTransformed formatstring="Not beautiful, I am %s" # will be changed # >>> from oopp import * >>> print UglyDuckling() Not beautiful, I am In this example, even if in 'TransformedUglyDuckling' we explicitely set the formatstring to "Not beautiful, I am %s", the metaclass changes it to "Very beautiful, even if I am %s" and thus >>> print TransformedUglyDuckling() # gives Very beautiful, since I am Notice that the ``__metaclass__`` hook passes to the metaclass ``MagicallyTransformed`` the name, bases and dictionary of the class being created, i.e. 'TransformedUglyDucking'. Metaclasses, when used as class modifiers, act *differently* from functions, when inheritance is involved. To clarify this subtle point, consider a subclass 'Swan' of 'UglyDuckling': >>> from oopp import * >>> class Swan(UglyDuckling): ... formatstring="Very beautiful, I am %s" >>> print Swan() Very beautiful, I am Now, let me define a simple function acting as a class modifier: >>> def magicallyTransform(cls): ... "Modifies the class formatstring" ... customize(cls,formatstring="Very beautiful, even if I am %s") ... return cls The function works: >>> magicallyTransform(UglyDuckling) >>> print UglyDuckling() Very beautiful, even if I am This approach is destructive, since we cannot have the original and the transformed class at the same time, and has potentially bad side effects in the derived classes. Nevertheless, in this case it works and it is not dangereous for the derived class 'Swan', since 'Swan' explicitly overrides the 'formatstring' attribute and doesn't care about the change in 'UglyDuckling.formatstring'. Therefore the output of >>> print Swan() Very beautiful, I am is still the same as before the action of the function ``magicallyTransform``. The situation is quite different if we use the 'MagicallyTransformed' metaclass: >>> from oopp import * >>> class Swan(TransformedUglyDuckling): ... formatstring="Very beautiful, I am %s" >>> print TransformedUglyDuckling() Very beautiful, since I am >>> print Swan() # does *not* print "Very beautiful, I am " Very beautiful, since I am Therefore, not only the metaclass has magically transformed the 'TransformedUglyDuckling.formatstring', it has also transformed the 'Swan.formatstring'! And that, despite the fact that 'Swan.formatstring' is explicitly set. The reason for this behaviour is that since 'UglyDuckling' is a base class with metaclass 'MagicallyTransformed', and since 'Swan' inherits from 'UglyDuckling', then 'Swan' inherits the metaclass 'MagicallyTransformed', which is automatically called at 'Swan' creation time. That's the reason why metaclasses are much more magical and much more dangerous than functions: functions do not override attributes in the derived classes, metaclasses do, since they are automagically called at the time of creation of the subclass. In other words, functions are explicit, metaclasses are implicit. Nevertheless, this behavior can be pretty useful in many circumstances, and it is a feature, not a bug. In the situations where this behavior is not intended, one should use a function, not a metaclass. In general, metaclasses are better than functions, since metaclasses are classes and as such they can inherit one from each other. This means that one can improve a basic metaclass trough (multiple) inheritance, with *reuse* of code. A few caveats about the usage of metaclasses ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let me start with some caveats about the ``__metaclass__`` hook, which commonly used and quite powerful, but also quite dangereous. Let's imagine a programmer not knowing about metaclasses and looking at the 'TransformedUglyDuckling' code (assuming there are no comments): she would probably think that "__metaclass__" is some special attribute used for introspection purposes only, with no other effects, and she would probably expect the output of the script to be "Not much, I am the class TransformedUglyDucking" whereas it is exacly the contrary! In other words, when metaclasses are involved, *what you see, is not what you get*. The situation is even more implicit when the metaclass is inherited from some base class, therefore lacking also the visual clue of the hook. For these reasons, metaclasses are something to be used with great care; they can easily make your code unreadable and confuse inexpert programmers. Moreover, it is more difficult to debug programs involving metaclasses, since methods are magically transformed by routines defined in the metaclass, and the code you see in the class is *not* what Python sees. I think the least confusing way of using metaclasses, is to concentrate all the dynamics on them and to write empty classes except for the metaclass hook. If you write a class with no methods such as :: class TransformedUglyDuckling(object): __metaclass__=MagicallyTransformed then the only place to look at, is the metaclass. I have found extremely confusing to have some of the methods defined in the class and some in the metaclass, especially during debugging. Another point to make, is that the ``__metaclass__`` hook should not be used to modify pre-existing classes, since it requires modifying the source code (even if it is enough to change one line only). Moreover, it is confusing, since adding a ``__metaclass__`` attribute *after* the class creation would not do the job: >>> from oopp import UglyDuckling, MagicallyTransformed >>> UglyDuckling.__metaclass__=MagicallyTransformed >>> print UglyDuckling() "Not much, I am the class UglyDuckling" The reason is that we have to think of UglyDuckling as an instance of ``type``, the built-in metaclasses; merely adding a ``__metaclass__`` attribute does not re-initialize the class. The problem is elegantly solved by avoiding the hook and creating an enhanced copy of the original class trough ``MagicallyTransformed`` used as a class factory. >>> name=UglyDuckling.__name__ >>> bases=UglyDuckling.__bases__ >>> dic=UglyDuckling.__dict__.copy() >>> UglyDuckling=MagicallyTransformed(name,bases,dic) Notice that I have recreated 'UglyDuckling', giving to the new class the old identifier. >>> print UglyDuckling() Very beautiful, since I am > The metaclass of this new 'UglyDuckling' has been specified and will accompanies all future children of 'UglyDuckling': >>> class Swan(UglyDuckling): pass ... >>> type(Swan) Another caveat, is in the overridding of `` __init__`` in the metaclass. This is quite common in the case of metaclasses called trough the ``__metaclass__`` hook mechanism, since in this case the class has been already defined (if not created) in the class statement, and we are interested in initializing it, more than in recreating it (which is still possible, by the way). The problem is that overriding ``__init__`` has severe limitations with respect to overriding ``__new__``, since the 'name', 'bases' and 'dic' arguments cannot be directly changed. Let me show an example: :: # from oopp import * class M(type): "Shows that dic cannot be modified in __init__, only in __new__" def __init__(cls,name,bases,dic): name='C name cannot be changed in __init__' bases='cannot be changed' dic['changed']=True class C(object): __metaclass__=M changed=False print C.__name__ # => C print C.__bases__ # => (,) print C.changed # => False # The output of this script is ``False``: the dictionary cannot be changed in ``__init__`` method. However, replacing ``dic['changed']=True`` with ``cls.changed=True`` would work. Analougously, changing ``cls.__name__`` would work. On the other hand, ``__bases__`` is a read-only attribute and cannot be changed once the class has been created, therefore there is no way it can be touched in ``__init__``. However, ``__bases__`` could be changed in ``__new__`` before the class creation. Metaclasses and inheritance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is easy to get confused about the difference between a metaclass and a mix-in class in multiple inheritance, since both are denoted by adjectives and both share the same idea of enhancing a hierarchy. Moreover, both mix-in classes and metaclasses can be inherited in the whole hierarchy. Nevertheless, they behaves differently and there are various subtle point to emphasize. We have already noticed in the first section that attributes of a metaclass are transmitted to its instances, but not to the instances of the instances, whereas the normal inheritance is transitive: the grandfather transmits its attributes to the children and to the grandchild too. The difference can be represented with the following picture, where 'M' is the metaclass, 'B' a base class, 'C' a children of 'B' and c an instance of 'C': :: M (attr) B (attr) : | C (attr) C (attr) : : c () c (attr) Notice that here the relation of instantiation is denoted by a dotted line. This picture is valid when C has metaclass M but not base class, on when C has base class but not metaclass. However, what happens whrn the class C has both a metaclass M and a base class B ? >>> class M(type): a='M.a' >>> class B(object): a='B.a' >>> class C(B): __metaclass__=M >>> c=C() The situation can be represented by in the following graph, :: (M.a) M B (B.a) : / : / (?) C : : (?) c Here the metaclass M and the base class B are fighting one against the other. Who wins ? C should inherit the attribute 'B.a' from its base B, however, the metaclass would like to induce an attribute 'M.a'. The answer is that the inheritance constraint wins on the metaclass contraint: >>> C.a 'B.a' >>> c.a 'B.a' The reason is the same we discussed in the fairy tale example: 'M.a' is an attribute of the metaclass, if its instance C has already a specified attributed C.a (in this case specified trough inheritance from B), then the attribute is not modified. However, one could *force* the modification: >>> class M(type): ... def __init__(cls,*args): cls.a='M.a' >>> class C(B): __metaclass__=M >>> C.a 'M.a' In this case the metaclass M would win on the base class B. Actually, this is not surprising, since it is explicit. What could be surprising, had we not explained why inheritance silently wins, is that >>> c.a 'B.a' This explain the behaviour for special methods like ``__new__,__init__,__str__``, etc. which are defined both in the class and the metaclass with the same name (in both cases,they are inherited from ``object``). In the chapter on objects, we learned that the printed representation of an object can be modified by overring the ``__str__`` methods of its class. In the same sense, the printed representation of a class can be modified by overring the ``__str__`` methods of its metaclass. Let me show an example: :: # class Printable(PrettyPrinted,type): """Apparently does nothing, but actually makes PrettyPrinted acting as a metaclass.""" # Instances of 'Printable' are classes with a nice printable representation: >>> from oopp import Printable >>> C=Printable('Classname',(),{}) >>> print C Classname However, the internal string representation stays the same: >>> C # invokes Printable.__repr__ Notice that the name of class 'C' is ``Classname`` and not 'C' ! Consider for instance the following code: >>> class M(type): ... def __str__(cls): ... return cls.__name__ ... def method(cls): ... return cls.__name__ ... >>> class C(object): ... __metaclass__=M >>> c=C() In this case the ``__str__`` method in ``M`` cannot override the ``__str__`` method in C, which is inherited from ``object``. Moreover, if you experiment a little, you will see that >>> print C # is equivalent to print M.__str__(C) C >>> print c # is equivalent to print C.__str__(c) <__main__.C object at 0x8158f54> The first ``__str__`` is "attached" to the metaclass and the second to the class. Consider now the standard method "method". It is both attached to the metaclass >>> print M.method(C) C and to the class >>> print C.method() #in a sense, this is a class method, i.e. it receives C #the class as first argument Actually it can be seen as a class method of 'C' (cfr. Guido van Rossum "Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2". When he discusses classmethods he says: *"Python also has real metaclasses, and perhaps methods defined in a metaclass have more right to the name "class method"; but I expect that most programmers won't be using metaclasses"*). Actually, this is the SmallTalk terminology, Unfortunately, in Python the word ``classmethod`` denotes an attribute descriptor, therefore it is better to call the methods defined in a metaclass *metamethods*, in order to avoid any possible confusion. The difference between ``method`` and ``__str__`` is that you cannot use the syntax >>> print C.__str__() #error TypeError: descriptor '__str__' of 'object' object needs an argument because of the confusion with the other __str__; you can only use the syntax >>> print M.__str__(C) Suppose now I change C's definition by adding a method called "method": :: class C(object): __metaclass__=M def __str__(self): return "instance of %s" % self.__class__ def method(self): return "instance of %s" % self.__class__ If I do so, then there is name clashing and the previously working statement print C.method() gives now an error: :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 24, in ? TypeError: unbound method method() must be called with C instance as first argument (got nothing instead) Conclusion: ``__str__, __new__, __init__`` etc. defined in the metaclass have name clashing with the standard methods defined in the class, therefore they must be invoked with the extended syntax (ex. ``M.__str__(C)``), whereas normal methods in the metaclass with no name clashing with the methods of the class can be used as class methods (ex. ``C.method()`` instead of ``M.method(C)``). Metaclass methods are always bound to the metaclass, they bind to the class (receiving the class as first argument) only if there is no name clashing with already defined methods in the class. Which is the case for ``__str__``, ``___init__``, etc. Conflicting metaclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consider a class 'A' with metaclass 'M_A' and a class 'B' with metaclass 'M_B'; suppose I derive 'C' from 'A' and 'B'. The question is: what is the metaclass of 'C' ? Is it 'M_A' or 'M_B' ? The correct answer (see "Putting metaclasses to work" for a thought discussion) is 'M_C', where 'M_C' is a metaclass that inherits from 'M_A' and 'M_B', as in the following graph: .. figure:: fig1.gif However, Python is not yet that magic, and it does not automatically create 'M_C'. Instead, it will raise a ``TypeError``, warning the programmer of the possible confusion: >>> class M_A(type): pass >>> class M_B(type): pass >>> A=M_A('A',(),{}) >>> B=M_B('B',(),{}) >>> class C(A,B): pass #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? TypeError: metatype conflict among bases This is an example where the metaclasses 'M_A' and 'M_B' fight each other to generate 'C' instead of cooperating. The metatype conflict can be avoided by assegning the correct metaclass to 'C' by hand: >>> class C(A,B): __metaclass__=type("M_AM_B",(M_A,M_B),{}) >>> type(C) In general, a class A(B, C, D , ...) can be generated without conflicts only if type(A) is a subclass of each of type(B), type(C), ... In order to avoid conflicts, the following function, that generates the correct metaclass by looking at the metaclasses of the base classes, is handy: :: # metadic={} def _generatemetaclass(bases,metas,priority): trivial=lambda m: sum([issubclass(M,m) for M in metas],m is type) # hackish!! m is trivial if it is 'type' or, in the case explicit # metaclasses are given, if it is a superclass of at least one of them metabs=tuple([mb for mb in map(type,bases) if not trivial(mb)]) metabases=(metabs+metas, metas+metabs)[priority] if metabases in metadic: # already generated metaclass return metadic[metabases] elif not metabases: # trivial metabase meta=type elif len(metabases)==1: # single metabase meta=metabases[0] else: # multiple metabases metaname="_"+''.join([m.__name__ for m in metabases]) meta=makecls()(metaname,metabases,{}) return metadic.setdefault(metabases,meta) # This function is particularly smart since: 1. Avoid duplications .. 2. Remember its results. We may generate the child of a tuple of base classes with a given metaclass and avoiding metatype conflicts thanks to the following ``child`` function: :: # def makecls(*metas,**options): """Class factory avoiding metatype conflicts. The invocation syntax is makecls(M1,M2,..,priority=1)(name,bases,dic). If the base classes have metaclasses conflicting within themselves or with the given metaclasses, it automatically generates a compatible metaclass and instantiate it. If priority is True, the given metaclasses have priority over the bases' metaclasses""" priority=options.get('priority',False) # default, no priority return lambda n,b,d: _generatemetaclass(b,metas,priority)(n,b,d) # Here is an example of usage: >>> class C(A,B): __metaclass__=makecls() >>> print C,type(C) Notice that the automatically generated metaclass does not pollute the namespace: >>> _M_A_M_B #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? NameError: name '_M_A_M_B' is not defined It can only be accessed as ``type(C)``. Put it shortly, the ``child`` function allows to generate a child from bases enhanced by different custom metaclasses, by generating under the hood a compatibile metaclass via multiple inheritance from the original metaclasses. However, this logic can only work if the original metaclasses are cooperative, i.e. their methods are written in such a way to avoid collisions. This can be done by using the cooperative the ``super`` call mechanism discussed in chapter 4. Cooperative metaclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section I will discuss how metaclasses can be composed with classes and with metaclasses, too. Since we will discuss even complicated hierarchies, it is convenient to have an utility routine printing the MRO of a given class: :: # def MRO(cls): count=0; out=["MRO of %s:" % cls.__name__] for c in cls.__mro__: name=c.__name__ bases=','.join([b.__name__ for b in c.__bases__]) s=" %s - %s(%s)" % (count,name,bases) if type(c) is not type: s+="[%s]" % type(c).__name__ out.append(s); count+=1 return '\n'.join(out) # Notice that ``MRO`` also prints the metaclass' name in square brackets, for classes enhanced by a non-trivial metaclass. Consider for instance the following hierarchy: >>> from oopp import MRO >>> class B(object): pass >>> class M(B,type): pass >>> class C(B): __metaclass__=M Here 'M' is a metaclass that inherits from 'type' and the base class 'B' and 'C' is both an instance of 'M' and a child of 'B'. The inheritance graph can be draw as :: object / \ B type | \ / | M \ : \ : C Suppose now we want to retrieve the ``__new__`` method of B's superclass with respect to the MRO of C: obviously, this is ``object.__new__``, since >>> print MRO(C) MRO of C: 0 - C(B)[M] 1 - B(object) 2 - object() This allows to create an instance of 'C' in this way: >>> super(B, C).__new__(C) <__main__.C object at 0x4018750c> It is interesting to notice that this would not work in Python 2.2, due to a bug in the implementation of ``super``, therefore do not try this trick with older version of Python. Notice that everything works only because ``B`` inherits the ``object.__new__`` staticmethod that is cooperative and it turns out that it calls ``type.__new__``. However, if I give to 'B' a non-cooperative method >>> B.__new__=staticmethod(lambda cls,*args: object.__new__(cls)) things do not work: >>> M('D',(),{}) #error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 1, in TypeError: object.__new__(M) is not safe, use type.__new__() A cooperative method would solve the problem: >>> B.__new__=staticmethod(lambda m,*args: super(B,m).__new__(m,*args)) >>> M('D',(),{}) # calls B.__new__(M,'D',(),{}) Cooperation between classes and metaclasses is pretty tricky. This is why autosuper is so difficult to get right. Consider this example, with object and type instances of MetaSuper:: class B(object): def __init__(self, *args): print "B.__init__" self.__super.__init__(*args) class M(B, type): def __init__(self, n, b, d): print "M.__init__" self.__super.__init__(n, b, d) class C(B): __metaclass__ = M def __init__(self): print "C.__init__" self.__super.__init__() What happens here at C creation? The metaclass _MMetaSuper is generated, with ancestors M, B, superobject, supertype, MetaSuper, safetype, type, which calls M.__init_(C, )_ and then B.__init__(C) which calls the *unbound* method superobject.__init__(C ..) and NOT the *bound* method MetaSuper.__init__(C, ) which would be the "right" thing to do in this situation (but not in other situations). So C._C__super is NOT initialized :-( Metamethods vs class methods ------------------------------------------------------------------- Meta-methods, i.e. methods defined in a metaclass. Python has already few built-in metamethods such as ``.mro()``, ``__subclass__()``, ``__delattr__`` and possibly others. Moreover ``__name__`` is an example of meta-descriptor. These are methods of the metaclass 'type' and there of any of its sub-metaclasses. >>> dir(type) ['__base__', '__bases__', '__basicsize__', '__call__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dictoffset__', '__doc__', '__flags__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__itemsize__', '__module__', '__mro__', '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__subclasses__', '__weakrefoffset__', 'mro'] >>> print type.mro.__doc__ mro() -> list return a type's method resolution order >>> print type.__subclasses__.__doc__ __subclasses__() -> list of immediate subclasses >>> class A(object): pass >>> class B(A): pass >>> B.mro() [, , ] >>> A.__subclasses__() [] Notice that ``mro()`` and ``__subclasses__`` are not retrieved by ``dir``. Let me constrast metamethods with the more traditional classmethods. In many senses, the to concepts are akin: >>> class M(type): ... "Metaclass with a (meta)method mm" ... def mm(cls): return cls >>> D=M('D',(),{'cm':classmethod(lambda cls: cls)}) >>> # instance of M with a classmethod cm >>> # the metamethod > >>> # the classmethod > Notice the similarities between the classmethod and the metamethod: >>>, # the same (, ) >>>, # still the same (, ) There are no surprises for ``im_func``: >>>, (, at 0x402c280c>) Nevertheless, there are differences: metamethods are not bounded to instances of the class >>> D().cm() # the classmethod works fine >>> D().mm() # the metamethod does not: error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'D' object has no attribute 'mm' and they are not retrieved by ``dir``: >>> from oopp import * >>> attributes(D).keys() # mm is not retrieved, only cm ['cm'] >>> cm.__get__('whatever') #under Python 2.2.0 would give a serious error Segmentation fault >>> cm.__get__(None) #under Python 2.3 there is no error of > Moreover metamethods behaves differently with respect to multiple inheritance. If a class A define a classmethod cA and a class B defines a classmethod cB, then the class C(A,B) inherits both the classmethods cA and cB. In the case of metamethods defined in M_A and M_B, the same is true only if one resolves the meta-type conflict by hand, by generating the metaclass M_C(M_A,M_B). In this sense, classmethods are simpler to use than metamethods.