The truth about super

Author: Michele Simionato
Date: June 2004
Status: Draft

super is a new built-in, first introduced in Python 2.2 and slightly improved and fixed in Python 2.3, which is little known to the average Python programmer. One of the reason for this fact is its poor documentation`: at the time of this writing (June 2004) super documentation is incomplete and in some parts misleading and even wrong. For instance, it was recently pointed out on comp.lang.python that the standard library (Python 2.3.4, section 2.1) still says:

super(type[, object-or-type])
  Return the superclass of type. If the second argument is omitted the 
  super object returned is unbound. If the second argument is an object, 
  isinstance(obj, type) must be true. If the second argument is a type, 
  issubclass(type2, type) must be true. super() only works for new-style 

The first sentence is just plain wrong. super does not return the superclass. There is no such a thing as "the" superclass in a Multiple Inheritance (MI) language. Also, the sentence about 'unbound' is misleading, since it may easily lead the programmer to think about bound and unbound methods, whereas it has nothing to do with that concept. Finally, there subtle pitfalls of super which are not at all mentioned. IMNSHO super is one of the most trickiest and surprising Python constructs, so it absolutely needs a document to share light on some of his secrets: the present article aims to fix the issues with the current documentation, and tell you the "truth" about super. At least the amount of truth I have discovered with my experimentations, which is certainly not the whole truth ;)

Here is the plan: first I will discuss the concept of superclass in a Multiple Inheritance (MI) world (there is no such a thing as "the" superclass!); second, I will show that super is a proxy object, able to dispatch to the right methods/attributes in the MRO; third,

recall some background on how the resolution of methods works on how descriptors work and (essentially pointing out to the standard references); then I will discuss the more common invocation of super - the invocation with two arguments - and finally I will discuss the most tricky part, i.e. invoking super with just one argument and I will discuss pitfalls.

Finally, a fair warning: this document is aimed to expert Pythonistas. It is not for the faint of heart ;)

First truth: there is no superclass in a MI world

Readers familiar will single inheritance languages, such as Java or Smalltalk, will have a clear concept of superclass in mind. This concept, however, has no useful meaning in Python or in other Multiple Inheritance languages. This fact was proved to me by Bjorn Pettersen in a thread on comp.lang.python in May 2003 (at that time I was mistakenly thinking that one could define a superclass concept in Python). Consider this example from that discussion:

       |  T  |
       |a = 0|
     /         \
    /           \
+-------+    +-------+
|   A   |    |   B   | 
|       |    | a = 2 |
+-------+    +-------+
    \           /
     \         /
       |  C  |
          :    instantiation
>>> class T(object):
...     a = 0
>>> class A(T):
...     pass
>>> class B(T):
...     a = 2
>>> class C(A,B):
...     pass
>>> c = C()

Who is the superclass of C? There are two direct superclasses (i.e. bases) of C: A and B. A comes before B, so one would naturally think that the superclass of C is A. A inherits the attribute 'a' from T, so if super(C,c) was returning the superclass of C, then it should return 'A'. 'A' inherits its attribute 'a' from T, where 'a' has the value 0, so super(C,c).a would return 0. This is NOT what happens. Instead, super(C,c).a walks trought the method resolution order [1] of the class of c (which is 'C') and retrieves the attribute from the first class above 'C' which defines it. In this example the MRO of 'C' is [C, A, B, T, object], so B is the first class above C which defines 'a' and super(C,c).a correctly returns the value 2, not 0:

>>> super(C,c).a

You may call 'A' the superclass of 'C', but this is not an useful concept since the methods are resolved by looking at the classes in the MRO of 'C', and not by looking at the classes in the MRO of A (which in this case is [A,T, object] and does not contain B).

So, using the word superclass in the standard doc is completely misleading and should be avoided altogether.

Second truth: super returns proxy objects

Having understood that super cannot return and does not return the mythical superclass, we ask ourselves what the hell is returning super ;) The truth is that super returns proxy objects. Informally speaking, a proxy object is an object with the ability to dispatch to methods of other classes via delegation.

Technically, super works by overriding the __getattribute__ method in such a way that its instances becomes proxy objects providing access to the methods in the MRO. The dispatch is done in such a way that

super(cls, instance-or-subclass).meth(*args, **kw)

corresponds to

<right method in the MRO>(instance-or-subclass, *args, **kw)

There is a caveat at this point: the second argument can be an instance of the first argument, or a subclass of it, but in both cases a bound method is returned (one could naivily think, instead, that when a subclass is passed one gets an unbound method).

For instance, in this example

>>> class B(object):
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return "<instance of %s>" % self.__class__.__name__
>>> class C(B):
...     pass
>>> class D(C):
...     pass
>>> d = D()


>>> print super(C,d).__repr__
<bound method D.__repr__ of <instance of D>>


>>> print super(C,D).__repr__
<bound method D.__repr__ of <class 'D'>>

returns bound methods. This means that when I call those methods, I get

>>> print super(C,d).__repr__()
<instance of D>

(here d, a D instance is being passed to __repr__) and

>>> print super(C,D).__repr__()
<instance of type>

(here D, an instance of the (meta)class type is being passed to __repr__).

Reading the docs,one could think that in order to get unbound methods, she needs to switch to the alternative syntax of super, the single argument syntax. This is actually completely WRONG.

Third truth: the 'unbound' syntax does not access unbound methods

Suppose 'B' has a method called 'meth' like this:

>>> B.meth = lambda self :'You called B.meth with first argument %s' % self

Then B.meth is an unbound method and, mislead by the documentation, one could expect to be able to access it with the syntax super(C).meth. This is not the case. You get an error instead:

>>> super(C).meth
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'meth'

The truth is that unbound super objects cannot be accessed directly, they must be converted to bound objects in order to make them to dispatch properly. Unbound super objects can be converted to bound super objects via the descriptor protocol. For instance, in this example I can convert super(C) in a super object bound to the instance 'd' in this way:

>>> boundsuper = super(C).__get__(d, D) # this is the same as super(C,d)

Now I can access the bound method 'd.meth':

>>> print boundsuper.meth
<bound method D.<lambda> of <instance of D>>

To really access the unbound method 'D.meth' is tricky; it could be done in this way:

>>> print boundsuper.meth.__get__(None,D)
<unbound method D.<lambda>>

All those tricks requires a good grasp of descriptors (see next paragraph). Here I would like just to point out that in my opinion having an unbound syntax for descriptors is generating more confusion than needed. First of all, there is a problem of poor documentation.

The distinction bound/unbound can easily be confused with the distinction between bound and unbound methods. So you could expect super(C).meth to be an unbound method of the superclass of C (superclass here is intended in some nebolous way). This is not that dangerous when you get an error; it is much more dangerous when you don't get an error, but you get a result which is not what you expect. This happens for special methods which are already defined in super. For instance super(C).__repr__ does not give any error, but it is not returning a proxy to D.__repr__, it is returning super.__repr__ bound to the (unbound) super object super(C):

>>> print super(C).__repr__() # same as repr(super(C))
<super: <class 'C'>, NULL>

Very tricky. Notice that super also redefines __new__, __init, __get__, __getattribute, as well as inheriting other special attributes from object. So you will dispatch to these methods in super and not to the right methods defined in the hierarchy at hand. On the other hand, the two-argument syntax does not have this problem. For instance

>>> print super(C,C).__repr__()
<instance of type>

does the right thing. There is a single use case for the single argument syntax of super that I am aware of, but I think it gives more troubles than advantages. The use case is the implementation of "autosuper" made by Guido on his essay about new-style classes.

The idea there is to use the unbound super objects as private attributes. For instance, in our example, we could define the private attribute __sup in the class C as the unbound super object super(C):

>>> C._C__sup = super(C)

With this definition inside the methods the syntax self.__sup.meth(arg) can be used as an alternative to super(C, self).meth(arg), and the advantage is that you avoid to repeat the name of the class in the calling syntax, since that name is hidden in the mangling mechanism of private names. The creation of the __sup attributes can be hidden in a metaclass and made automatic. So, all this seems to work: but actually this not the case. Things may wrong in various case, for instance for classmethods, as in this example:


class B(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<instance of %s>' % self.__class__.__name__
    def meth(self):
        print "B.meth(%s)" % self
    meth = classmethod(meth)

class C(B):
    def meth(self):
        print "C.meth(%s)" % self
    meth = classmethod(meth)

C._C__super = super(C)

class D(C):

D._D__super = super(D)




The last line raises an AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'meth'.

So, using a __super unbound super object is not a robust solution (notice that everything would work by substituting self.__super.meth() with super(C,self).meth(). There are other ways to avoid repeating the class name, see for instance my cookbook recipe.

If it was me, I would just remove the single argument syntax of super, making it illegal. But this would probably break someone code, so I don't think it will ever happen. Another solution would be just to deprecate it. There is no need for this syntax, one can always circumvent it.

Forth truth: super returns descriptor objects

Descriptors (more properly I should speak of the descriptor protocol) were introduced in Python 2.2 by Guido van Rossum. Their primary motivation is technical, since they were needed to implement the new-style object system. Descriptors were also used to introduce new standard concepts in Python, such as classmethods, staticmethods and properties. Moreover, according to the traditional transparency policy of Python, descriptors were exposed to the application programmer, giving him/her the freedom to write custom descriptors. [2] Any serious Python programmer should have a look at descriptors: luckily they are now very well documented (which was not the case when I first studied them :-/) thanks to the beautiful essay of Raimond Hettinger [3]. You should read it before continuing this article, since it explains all the details. However, for the sake of our discussion of super, it is enough to say that a descriptor class is just a regular new-style class which implements a .``__get__`` method with signature __get__(self, obj, objtyp = None). A descriptor object is just an instance of a descriptor class.

Descriptor objects are intended to be used as attributes (hence their complete name attribute descriptors). Suppose that 'descr' is a given descriptor object used as attribute of a given class C. Then the syntax C.descr is actually implemented by Python as a call to descr.__get__(None, C), whereas the same syntax for an instance of C corresponds to a call to descr.__get__(c, type(c)).

This explanation is relevant in order to understand how the super built-in works when it is called with only one argument, i.e. in the unbound form. In this case super(C) returns a descriptor which is intended to be used as an attribute in other classes. This is an example:

>>> class D(C):
...     sup = super(C)
>>> d = D()
>>> d.sup.a

This works since d.sup.a calls

[1]Descriptors gives an enormous power to the application programmer, especially when combined with metaclasses. For instance, using descriptors I did implement a prototype-based object system for Python in few lines: see of course this was an hack, only useful as proof of concept.

Fifth truth: super does not work with meta-attributes

If you start using super intensively, soon or latter you will find a number of subtilities. One of these is the fact that super does not work well with the __name__ special attribute. Consider this example:

>>> class B(object):
...     "This is class B"
>>> class C(B):
...     pass

Here the special class attribute __doc__ is retrieved as you would expect:

>>> super(C,C).__doc__ == super(C,C()).__doc__ == B.__doc__

On the other hand, the special attribute __name__ is not retrieved correctly:

>>> super(C,C).__name__ # one would expect it to be 'B'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__name__'

The problem is that __name__ is not just a plain class attribute: it is actually a "getset descriptor" defined on the metaclass "type" (try to run help(type.__dict__['__name__']) and you will see for yourself). More in general, super has problems with meta-attributes, i.e. class attributes of metaclasses. Meta-attributes differs from regular attributes since they are not transmitted to the instances of the instances.You can find the rationale for this behaviour elsewhere [4]: here I am only interested to the issues with super. Consider this example:


class M(type):
"A metaclass with a class attribute 'a'." a = 1
class B:
"An instance of M with a meta-attribute 'a'." __metaclass__ = M
class C(B):
"An instance of M with the same meta-attribute 'a'"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print B.a, C.a # => 1 1 print super(C,C).a #=> attribute error


If you run this, you will get an attribute error. This is a case where super is doing the right thing, since 'a' is not inherited from B, but it comes directly from the metaclass (again, look at my second article with David Mertz to understand why it is so), so 'a' is not in the MRO of C. A similar thing happens for the "__name__" attribute (the fact that it is a descriptor and not a plain attribute does not matter), so super is working correctly, but still it may seems surprising at first.

The final truth: there are other bugs and pitfalls

There are various super pitfalls currently undocumented and that experienced Python programmers should be aware of.

The unbound form of super does not play well with pydoc. The problems is still there in Python 2.3.4 (see bug report SF729103)

>>> class B(object): pass
>>> class C:
...     s=super(B)
>>> help(C)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  ... lots of stuff here
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1198, in docother
   chop = maxlen - len(line)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'classobj' and 'int'

I have not yet clear what the cause is, but it is certainly quite tricky.

There is also another subtle pitfall which is not directly related to super but which is often encountered working with super. This came up at least three or four times in the newsgroup, and there are various independent bug reports on sourceforge about it, so possibly you may face it too. Bjorn Pettersen was the first one who pointed out the problem to me (see also bug report SF 729913): the issue is that

super(MyCls, self).__getitem__(5)

works, but not

super(MyCls, self)[5].

The problem is general to all special methods, not only to __getitem__, and the explanation for that has to do with the implementation of attribute lookup for special methods. Clear explanations of what is going on are provided by Michael Hudson as a comment to the bug report: SF789262 and by Raymond Hetting as a comment to the bug report SF805304. Shortly put, this is not a problem of super per se, the problem is that (using __getitem__ as example)

x[5] == type(x).__getitem__(x,5)

only if __getitem__ is explicitely defined in type(x). If type(x) does not define __getitem__ directly, but only indirectly via delegation (i.e. overriding __getattribute__), then the second form works but not the first one, i.e. the [] syntax is not automatically converted to the second form, the working one.

This restriction will likely stay in Python because it would involve a really big change and a loss of performances, so it has to be considered just a documentation bug, since nowhere in the docs it is mentioned that special calling syntaxes (such as the [] call, the iter call, the repr call, etc. etc.) are special and bypass __getattribute__. Guido advice is: just use the more explicit form and everything will work.

Finally, there may be other bugs and pitfalls I am not aware of. Certainly there are many other issues and bugs in previous versions of Python that I have not mentioned here, since they have been fixed, but that you may encounter if you use Python 2.2 (and maybe even in 2.3).

The final truth: when it comes to super don't trust even Guido himself!

In order to explain how super works, Guido describes a "fully functional implementation of the super() built-in class in pure Python" in "Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2". Unfortunately, that implemenentation is more harmful than helpful, since the current super DOES NOT work in the same way :-( Take for instance this example:

>>> class C(object):
...    f='C.f'
>>> class D(C):
...    f='D.f'

Here the super works fine, df

>>> print super(D,D()).f 

but the class Super described by Guido will raise an attribute error when invoked as Super(D,D()).f. Therefore Super is NOT equivalent to the currently implemented super built-in


[2]I wrote an essay on Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order which you may find here:
[3]Raymond Hetting wrote a beautiful essay on descriptors here:
[4]David Mertz and me wrote a couple of articles on metaclasses; the second one is the relevant one for the issues discussed here: