""" usage: %prog [options] -r, --rst: make an .rst file only """ """ This script is able to include libraries in the IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH (with the @@NAME) syntax and to include snippets defined in the current file. """ import os, sys, re, webbrowser from docutils.core import publish_cmdline from ms.optionparser import OptionParser try: import sphinx.directives # enable code-block except ImportError: print 'Warning: sphinx is not installed' identifier = r'[-A-Z\d_!\?\+\-\*/]+' BIGCOMMENT = re.compile(r'#\|(.*)\|#(.*)', re.DOTALL) SNIPPET = re.compile(r'\n\s*;+\s*(%s)\s*\n(.*?)\n\s*;+\s*END' % identifier, re.DOTALL) SNIPPETNAME = re.compile(r'\n\$\$(%s)\n' % identifier) INCLUDE = re.compile(r'\$\$([-\w\d_\./]+):') INCLUDESNIPPET = re.compile(r'\$\$([-\w\d_\.]+):(%s)\n' % identifier) PATH = os.environ['IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH'] APS_PATH = os.path.join(PATH, 'aps') PATHS = '.', PATH, APS_PATH def include(fname, paths=PATHS, exts=('.ss', '.sls')): for path in paths: for ext in exts: try: return file(os.path.join(path, fname + ext)).read() except IOError, e: pass raise e def indent(text): return '\n'.join(' ' + ln for ln in text.splitlines()) class SnippetExtractor(object): """ Given some Scheme code, parses it to find snippets. Provides a .get method to extract a properly indented snippet and a cached .make classmethod to extract the code from a file name. """ _cache = {} @classmethod def make(cls, fname, codeblock=False): try: self = cls._cache[fname] except KeyError: self = cls._cache[fname] = cls(include(fname), codeblock) return self def __init__(self, code, codeblock): if codeblock: self.templ = '\n.. code-block:: scheme\n\n%s\n' else: self.templ = '\n::\n\n%s\n' self._dict = dict( (mo.group(1), mo.group(2)) for mo in SNIPPET.finditer(code)) def get(self, name): return self.templ % indent(self._dict.get(name, name)) def scheme2rst(fname, codeblock=False): mo = BIGCOMMENT.search(file(fname).read()) if mo is None: sys.exit('No #| ..|# found!') text, code = mo.groups() snippet = SnippetExtractor(code, codeblock) def repl(mo): "replace SNIPPETNAME with the content of the snippet dictionary" return snippet.get(mo.group(1)) def include_file(mo): return snippet.templ % indent(include(mo.group(1))) def include_snippet(mo): fname, name = mo.groups() snippet = SnippetExtractor.make(fname) return snippet.get(name) text = SNIPPETNAME.sub(repl, text) text = INCLUDESNIPPET.sub(include_snippet, text) text = INCLUDE.sub(include_file, text) rstfile = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.rst' file(rstfile, 'w').write(text) return rstfile if __name__ == "__main__": option, schemefiles = OptionParser(__doc__).parse_args() if not option and not schemefiles: OptionParser.exit("usage: python rst2st.py ") for schemefile in schemefiles: fname, ext = os.path.splitext(schemefile) assert ext in ('.ss', '.scm') rstfile = scheme2rst(schemefile) # generate .rst if not option.rst: # generate .html unless option -r was set htmlfile = fname + '.html' publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', argv=[rstfile, htmlfile]) webbrowser.open(htmlfile)