import sys, threading, itertools, string from operator import attrgetter try: from collections import namedtuple except ImportError: from sqlplain.namedtuple import namedtuple from sqlplain.uri import URI from sqlplain.sql_support import get_args_templ from decorator import decorator class NotFoundError(Exception): pass @decorator def retry(func, conn, *args, **kw): """ A decorator making a function taking a connection as first argument to retry in case of errors """ try: return func(conn, *args, **kw) except conn.driver.Error, e: conn.close() # retry with a fresh connection return func(conn, *args, **kw) Field = namedtuple( 'Field', 'name type_code display_size internal_size precision scale null_ok'.split()) counter = itertools.count(1) def noname(): return 'noname%d' % class TupleList(list): "Used as result of LazyConn.execute" header = None rowcount = None descr = None class Transaction(object): """ A wrapper around database actions with signature (conn, *args, **kw). """ def __init__(self, action, conn, *args, **kw): self.action = action self.conn = conn self.args = args = kw def run(self, conn=None, args=None, kw=None, commit=True): "Execute the action in a transaction" conn = conn or self.conn args = args or self.args kw = kw or try: return self.action(conn, *args, **kw) except Exception, e: conn.rollback() raise e.__class__, e, sys.exc_info()[2] else: if commit: conn.commit() else: conn.rollback() class _Storage(object): "A place where to store the low level connection and cursor" @classmethod def new(cls, connect, args): "Make a subclass of _Storage and instantiate it" subc = type('%sSubclass' % cls.__name__, (cls,), dict(connect=staticmethod(connect), args=args)) return subc() @property def conn(self): "Return the low level connection" conn = getattr(self, '_conn', None) if conn is None: connect, args = self.__class__.connect, self.__class__.args conn = self._conn = connect(*args) return conn @property def curs(self): "Return the low level cursor" curs = getattr(self, '_curs', None) if curs is None: curs = self._curs = self.conn.cursor() return curs def close(self): """The next time you will call an active method, a fresh new connection will be instantiated""" if getattr(self, '_curs', False): try: self._curs.close() except: # ignore if already closed pass self._curs = None if getattr(self, '_conn', False): try: self._conn.close() except: # ignore if already closed pass self._conn = None class _ThreadLocalStorage(threading.local, _Storage): "A threadlocal object where to store low level connection and cursor" class LazyConnection(object): """ A lazy connection object. It is lazy since the database connection is performed at execution time, not at inizialization time. Notice that this class does not manage any kind of logging, on purpose. There is however a chatty method for easy of debugging. """ def __init__(self, uri, isolation_level=None, threadlocal=False, params='SEQUENCE'): if params not in ('SEQUENCE', 'MAPPING'): raise TypeError("params must be 'SEQUENCE' or 'MAPPING', you " "passed %s" % params) self.params = params self.uri = URI(uri) = self.uri['database'] self.dbtype = self.uri['dbtype'] self.driver, params = self.uri.get_driver_params() connect = self.driver.connect args = params, isolation_level self.chatty = False self.isolation_level = isolation_level self.threadlocal = threadlocal if threadlocal: self._storage =, args) else: self._storage =, args) def _raw_execute(self, templ, args): """ Call a dbapi2 cursor; return the rowcount or a list of tuples, plus an header (None in the case of the rowcount). """ cursor = self._storage.curs try: # this special casing is needed for psycopg2 if args: cursor.execute(templ, args) else: cursor.execute(templ) except Exception, e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise e.__class__, '%s\nQUERY WAS:%s%s' % (e, templ, args), tb descr = cursor.description if descr is None: # after an update return None, cursor.rowcount else: # after a select return descr, cursor.fetchall() def execute(self, templ, args=(), ntuple=None, scalar=False): "args must be a sequence, not a dictionary" if self.dbtype == 'mssql': # converts unicode arguments to utf8 lst = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, bool): lst.append(int(a)) elif isinstance(a, unicode): lst.append(a.encode('utf8')) else: lst.append(a) args = tuple(lst) if self.driver.placeholder: # the template has to be interpolated argnames, templ = get_args_templ(templ, self.driver.placeholder) if len(argnames) != len(args): # especially useful for mssql raise TypeError( "TypeError when executing %s\nExpected %d arguments (%s), got %d %s" % (templ, len(argnames), ', '.join(argnames), len(args), args)) if self.params == 'MAPPING': # replace the passed dictionary with the corresponding tuple args = tuple(args[name] for name in argnames) descr, res = self._raw_execute(templ, args) cursor = self._storage.curs # needed to make the reset work if self.chatty: print(cursor.rowcount, templ, args) if scalar: # you expected a scalar result if not res: raise NotFoundError( "No result\nQUERY WAS: %s%s\n" % (templ, args)) elif len(res) > 1: raise ValueError( "Expected to get a scalar result, got %s\nQUERY WAS:%s%s\n" % (res, templ, args)) return res[0][0] if descr: # the query was a SELECT fields = [Field(d) for d in descr] header = [ or noname() for f in fields] if ntuple is None: Ntuple = namedtuple('DBTuple', header) elif isinstance(ntuple, str): Ntuple = namedtuple(ntuple, header) else: Ntuple = ntuple res = TupleList(Ntuple(row) for row in res) res.descr = fields res.header = Ntuple(header) return res def executescript(self, sql, *dicts, **kw): "A driver-independent method to execute sql templates" d = {} for dct in dicts + (kw,): d.update(dct) if d: sql = string.Template(sql).substitute(d) if self.dbtype == 'sqlite': self._storage.curs.executescript(sql) else: # psycopg and pymssql are already able to execute chunks self.execute(sql) def cursor(self): "Return a new cursor at each call. Here for DB API 2 compatibility" return self._storage.conn.cursor() def open(self): "Return the low level underlying connection" return self._storage.conn def close(self): """The next time you will call an active method, a fresh new connection will be instantiated""" self._storage.close() def rollback(self): return self._storage.conn.rollback() def commit(self): return self._storage.conn.commit() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_class, exc, tb): if exc_class: self.rollback() raise exc_class, exc, tb else: self.commit() def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s, isolation_level=%s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.uri, self.isolation_level) @property def rowcount(self): return self._storage.curs.rowcount class RetryingConnection(LazyConnection): """A LazyConnection which retries once in case of execution errors. It makes sense for long running applications in autocommit mode.""" _raw_execute = retry(LazyConnection._raw_execute.im_func) class NullObject(object): '''Implements the NullObject pattern. >>> n = NullObject() >>> n.dosomething(1,2,3) ''' def __getattr__(self, name): return lambda *a, **k: None def __repr__(self): return 'None' def __nonzero__(self): return False def __iter__(self): return () def __call__(self, *a, **k): return None class FakeConnection(object): def __init__(self, iodict): self.iodict = iodict self._storage = NullObject() def execute(self, templ, args=()): return self.iodict[(templ,) + args] def executescript(self, templ, *dicts, **kw): pass def commit(self): pass def rollback(self): pass def close(self): pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit_(self, exctype=None, exc=None, tb=None): pass