diff options
authorChristian Dywan <>2018-08-21 17:49:46 +0200
committerGitHub <>2018-08-21 17:49:46 +0200
commit8d4981ad39c710333d658f52ad1daabcb9eba3ea (patch)
parent1d2b477bb39b39e20cf1fe85f8bc796200a4f0de (diff)
Enable loading of Python extensions via Peas (#5)
Via a `Plugins` subclass of `Peas.Engine`, any object can be exposed to extensions with a function call, adding boilerplate for `Peas.Activatable`. No Midori-specific API is exposed here but properties and signals can be accessed as-is. Any extensions supplying a .plugin file in ~/(snap/midori/current/).local/share/midori/extensions will be picked up and loaded immediately; the ability to enable, disable and configure extensions is beyond the scope of this task.
11 files changed, 181 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 7b67aa51..b2c25233 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ pkg_check_modules(DEPS_GTK REQUIRED
+ libpeas-gtk-1.0
-set(PKGS ${PKGS} gtk+-3.0 libsoup-2.4 gcr-ui-3)
+set(PKGS ${PKGS} gtk+-3.0 libsoup-2.4 gcr-ui-3 libpeas-gtk-1.0)
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ add_custom_target (uninstall
add_subdirectory (core)
+add_subdirectory (web)
add_subdirectory (tests)
add_subdirectory (po)
diff --git a/core/app.vala b/core/app.vala
index 1762464b..1fdd4d48 100644
--- a/core/app.vala
+++ b/core/app.vala
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
namespace Midori {
public class App : Gtk.Application {
+ public File? exec_path { get; protected set; default = null; }
public static bool incognito = false;
static bool version = false;
const OptionEntry[] options = {
@@ -30,6 +32,24 @@ namespace Midori {
add_main_option_entries (options);
+ public override bool local_command_line (ref weak string[] args, out int exit_status) {
+ exit_status = -1;
+ // Get the executable path
+ string executable = args[0];
+ try {
+ if (!Path.is_absolute (executable)) {
+ executable = Environment.find_program_in_path (executable);
+ if (FileUtils.test (executable, FileTest.IS_SYMLINK))
+ executable = FileUtils.read_link (executable);
+ }
+ } catch (FileError error) {
+ debug ("Failed to look up exec path: %s", error.message);
+ }
+ exec_path = File.new_for_path (executable);
+ return base.local_command_line (ref args, out exit_status);
+ }
public override void startup () {
base.startup ();
@@ -75,7 +95,14 @@ namespace Midori {
Environment.get_user_cache_dir (), Environment.get_prgname ());
string icons = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S, cache, "icondatabase");
context.set_favicon_database_directory (icons);
- context.set_web_extensions_directory ("web");
+ // Try and load web extensions from build folder
+ var web_path = exec_path.get_parent ().get_child ("web");
+ if (!web_path.query_exists (null)) {
+ // Alternatively look for an installed path
+ web_path = exec_path.get_parent ().get_parent ().get_child ("lib").get_child (Environment.get_prgname ());
+ }
+ context.set_web_extensions_directory (web_path.get_path ());
context.initialize_web_extensions.connect (() => {
context.set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data ("");
diff --git a/core/completion.vala b/core/completion.vala
index ab41df41..ddb9c0a3 100644
--- a/core/completion.vala
+++ b/core/completion.vala
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ namespace Midori {
} catch (DatabaseError error) {
debug ("Failed to initialize completion model: %s", error.message);
+ Plugins.get_default ().plug (this);
public Completion () {
diff --git a/core/plugins.vala b/core/plugins.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e10de4bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/plugins.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Dywan <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See the file COPYING for the full license text.
+namespace Midori {
+ class Plugins : Peas.Engine, Loggable {
+ static Plugins? _default = null;
+ public static new Plugins get_default () {
+ if (_default == null) {
+ _default = new Plugins ();
+ }
+ return _default;
+ }
+ Plugins () {
+ enable_loader ("python");
+ string source_path = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
+ Environment.get_user_data_dir (), Environment.get_prgname (), "extensions");
+ debug ("Loading plugins from %s", source_path);
+ add_search_path (source_path, null);
+ foreach (var plugin in get_plugin_list ()) {
+ debug ("Found plugin %s", plugin.get_name ());
+ if (!try_load_plugin (plugin)) {
+ critical ("Failed to load plugin %s", plugin.get_module_name ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Plug the instance of the given object to make it extensible via Peas.
+ */
+ public void plug (Object object) {
+ var extensions = new Peas.ExtensionSet (this, typeof (Peas.Activatable), "object", object, null);
+ extensions.extension_added.connect ((info, extension) => { ((Peas.Activatable)extension).activate (); });
+ extensions.extension_removed.connect ((info, extension) => { ((Peas.Activatable)extension).deactivate (); });
+ extensions.foreach ((extensions, info, extension) => { extensions.extension_added (info, extension); });
+ object.set_data<Object> ("midori-plug", extensions);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/core/tab.vala b/core/tab.vala
index f80af75a..ef8916e7 100644
--- a/core/tab.vala
+++ b/core/tab.vala
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ namespace Midori {
if (pinned) {
load_uri (uri ?? "about:blank");
+ Plugins.get_default ().plug (this);
} else {
load_uri_delayed.begin (uri, title);
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ namespace Midori {
// Delayed load on focus
if (display_uri != uri) {
load_uri (display_uri);
+ Plugins.get_default ().plug (this);
return true;
diff --git a/po/ b/po/
index 27b71da3..0d733484 100644
--- a/po/
+++ b/po/
@@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ ui/shortcuts.ui
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip
index 8468b7fe..810789ee 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.skip
+++ b/po/POTFILES.skip
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
# List of source files containing translatable strings but should be ignored.
diff --git a/snap/snapcraft.yaml b/snap/snapcraft.yaml
index e097b463..8d49aa10 100644
--- a/snap/snapcraft.yaml
+++ b/snap/snapcraft.yaml
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ apps:
# No Netscape plugins
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ parts:
- libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
- libsoup-gnome2.4-dev
- libgcr-3-dev
+ - libpeas-dev
- libsqlite3-dev
- intltool
- ninja-build
@@ -78,6 +80,10 @@ parts:
- libgpm2
- libdb5.3
- libcanberra-gtk3-module
+ - libpeas-1.0-0-python2loader
+ - python-gi
+ - gir1.2-webkit2-4.0
+ - gir1.2-peas-1.0
- myspell-en-us
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
- gstreamer1.0-x
@@ -93,6 +99,7 @@ parts:
- -usr/share/doc/libcups2/changelog.Debian.gz
- -usr/lib/*/
- -usr/lib/*/
+ - -usr/lib/*/
- -usr/share/doc
- desktop-gtk3
diff --git a/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi b/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
index 6baed4db..f47320cf 100644
--- a/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
@@ -8,13 +8,10 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class Attr : WebKit.DOM.Node, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Attr ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_local_name ();
public string get_name ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_namespace_uri ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_owner_element ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_prefix ();
public bool get_specified ();
public string get_value ();
@@ -139,17 +136,11 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class ClientRect : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected ClientRect ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_bottom ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_height ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_left ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_right ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_top ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public float get_width ();
public float bottom { get; }
public float height { get; }
@@ -163,9 +154,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class ClientRectList : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected ClientRectList ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public ulong get_length ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public WebKit.DOM.ClientRect item (ulong index);
public ulong length { get; }
@@ -191,55 +180,30 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DOMSelection : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DOMSelection ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void add_range (WebKit.DOM.Range range);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void collapse (WebKit.DOM.Node node, ulong offset);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void collapse_to_end () throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void collapse_to_start () throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool contains_node (WebKit.DOM.Node node, bool allowPartial);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void delete_from_document ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void empty ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void extend (WebKit.DOM.Node node, ulong offset) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_anchor_node ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_anchor_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_base_node ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_base_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_extent_node ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_extent_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_focus_node ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_focus_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_is_collapsed ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.Range get_range_at (ulong index) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_range_count ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_selection_type ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void modify (string alter, string direction, string granularity);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void remove_all_ranges ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void select_all_children (WebKit.DOM.Node node);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_base_and_extent (WebKit.DOM.Node baseNode, ulong baseOffset, WebKit.DOM.Node extentNode, ulong extentOffset);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_position (WebKit.DOM.Node node, ulong offset);
public WebKit.DOM.Node anchor_node { get; }
public ulong anchor_offset { get; }
@@ -259,19 +223,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DOMTokenList : WebKit.DOM.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DOMTokenList ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool contains (string token);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_length ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_value ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string item (ulong index);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void replace (string token, string newToken) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_value (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool toggle (string token, bool force) throws GLib.Error;
public ulong length { get; }
public string value { owned get; set; }
@@ -281,105 +238,55 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DOMWindow : WebKit.DOM.Object, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DOMWindow ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void alert (string message);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void blur ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void capture_events ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void close ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool confirm (string message);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool find (string string, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards, bool wrap, bool wholeWord, bool searchInFrames, bool showDialog);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void focus ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_closed ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_computed_style (WebKit.DOM.Element element, string? pseudoElement);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_default_status ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public double get_device_pixel_ratio ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document get_document ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_frame_element ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_frames ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_inner_height ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_inner_width ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_length ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_name ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_offscreen_buffering ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_opener ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_orientation ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_outer_height ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_outer_width ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_page_x_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_page_y_offset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_parent ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_screen_left ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_screen_top ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_screen_x ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_screen_y ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_scroll_x ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public long get_scroll_y ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMSelection get_selection ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_self ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_status ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_top ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_window ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void move_by (float x, float y);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void move_to (float x, float y);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void print ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string prompt (string message, string defaultValue);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void release_events ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void resize_by (float x, float y);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void resize_to (float width, float height);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void scroll_by (double x, double y);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void scroll_to (double x, double y);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_default_status (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_name (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_status (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void stop ();
public bool webkit_message_handlers_post_message (string handler, string message);
public bool closed { get; }
@@ -417,7 +324,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Document ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node adopt_node (WebKit.DOM.Node source) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.Range caret_range_from_point (long x, long y);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr create_attribute (string name) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr create_attribute_ns (string? namespaceURI, string qualifiedName) throws GLib.Error;
@@ -427,8 +333,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentFragment create_document_fragment ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element create_element (string tagName) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element create_element_ns (string? namespaceURI, string qualifiedName) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.EntityReference create_entity_reference (string? name) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.Event create_event (string eventType) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.XPathExpression create_expression (string expression, WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver resolver) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.NodeIterator create_node_iterator (WebKit.DOM.Node root, ulong whatToShow, WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter? filter, bool expandEntityReferences) throws GLib.Error;
@@ -440,7 +344,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element element_from_point (long x, long y);
public WebKit.DOM.XPathResult evaluate (string expression, WebKit.DOM.Node contextNode, WebKit.DOM.XPathNSResolver? resolver, ushort type, WebKit.DOM.XPathResult? inResult) throws GLib.Error;
public bool exec_command (string command, bool userInterface, string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void exit_pointer_lock ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_active_element ();
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_anchors ();
@@ -448,86 +351,53 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement get_body ();
public string get_character_set ();
public string get_charset ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_child_element_count ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_compat_mode ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_content_type ();
public string get_cookie () throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLScriptElement get_current_script ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_default_charset ();
public WebKit.DOM.DOMWindow get_default_view ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_design_mode ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_dir ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentType get_doctype ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_document_element ();
public string get_document_uri ();
public string get_domain ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_element_by_id (string elementId);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string class_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_class_name_as_html_collection (string classNames);
public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_name (string elementName);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tag_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_as_html_collection (string tagname);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespace_uri, string tag_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_as_html_collection (string namespaceURI, string localName);
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_embeds ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_first_element_child ();
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_forms ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.HTMLHeadElement get_head ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_hidden ();
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_images ();
public WebKit.DOM.DOMImplementation get_implementation ();
public string get_input_encoding ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_last_element_child ();
public string get_last_modified ();
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_links ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_origin ();
public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_override_style (WebKit.DOM.Element element, string? pseudoElement);
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_plugins ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_pointer_lock_element ();
public string get_preferred_stylesheet_set ();
public string get_ready_state ();
public string get_referrer ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_scripts ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_scrolling_element ();
public string get_selected_stylesheet_set ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.StyleSheetList get_style_sheets ();
public string get_title ();
public string get_url ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_visibility_state ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_webkit_current_fullscreen_element ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_webkit_fullscreen_element ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_webkit_fullscreen_enabled ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_webkit_fullscreen_keyboard_input_allowed ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_webkit_is_fullscreen ();
public string get_xml_encoding ();
public bool get_xml_standalone ();
@@ -544,18 +414,14 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_body (WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_charset (string value);
public void set_cookie (string value) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public void set_design_mode (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_dir (string value);
public void set_document_uri (string value);
public void set_selected_stylesheet_set (string value);
public void set_title (string value);
public void set_xml_standalone (bool value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_xml_version (string value) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void webkit_cancel_fullscreen ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void webkit_exit_fullscreen ();
public WebKit.DOM.Element active_element { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection anchors { owned get; }
@@ -620,19 +486,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class DocumentFragment : WebKit.DOM.Node, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected DocumentFragment ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public ulong get_child_element_count ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_element_by_id (string elementId);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_first_element_child ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_last_element_child ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element query_selector (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public ulong child_element_count { get; }
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection children { owned get; }
@@ -663,7 +522,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Element ();
public void blur ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element closest (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public void focus ();
public string get_attribute (string name);
@@ -671,40 +529,23 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr get_attribute_node_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
public string get_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap get_attributes ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public WebKit.DOM.ClientRect get_bounding_client_rect ();
public ulong get_child_element_count ();
- [Version (since = "2.10")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMTokenList get_class_list ();
public string get_class_name ();
public double get_client_height ();
public double get_client_left ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public WebKit.DOM.ClientRectList get_client_rects ();
public double get_client_top ();
public double get_client_width ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_class_name (string class_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_class_name_as_html_collection (string name);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name (string tag_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_as_html_collection (string name);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_elements_by_tag_name_ns (string namespace_uri, string tag_name);
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_elements_by_tag_name_ns_as_html_collection (string namespaceURI, string localName);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_first_element_child ();
public string get_id ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public string get_inner_html ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_last_element_child ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_local_name ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_namespace_uri ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_next_element_sibling ();
public double get_offset_height ();
@@ -712,9 +553,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_offset_parent ();
public double get_offset_top ();
public double get_offset_width ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public string get_outer_html ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_prefix ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_previous_element_sibling ();
public long get_scroll_height ();
@@ -723,27 +562,20 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long get_scroll_width ();
public WebKit.DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration get_style ();
public string get_tag_name ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.20")]
public string get_webkit_region_overset ();
public bool has_attribute (string name);
public bool has_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
public bool has_attributes ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element insert_adjacent_element (string where, WebKit.DOM.Element element) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void insert_adjacent_html (string where, string html) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void insert_adjacent_text (string where, string text) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool matches (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element query_selector (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
public WebKit.DOM.NodeList query_selector_all (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void remove () throws GLib.Error;
public void remove_attribute (string name);
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Attr remove_attribute_node (WebKit.DOM.Attr oldAttr) throws GLib.Error;
public void remove_attribute_ns (string namespaceURI, string localName);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void request_pointer_lock ();
public void scroll_by_lines (long lines);
public void scroll_by_pages (long pages);
@@ -755,15 +587,11 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_attribute_ns (string? namespaceURI, string qualifiedName, string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_class_name (string value);
public void set_id (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public void set_inner_html (string value) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public void set_outer_html (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_scroll_left (long value);
public void set_scroll_top (long value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool webkit_matches_selector (string selectors) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void webkit_request_fullscreen ();
public WebKit.DOM.NamedNodeMap attributes { owned get; }
public ulong child_element_count { get; }
@@ -893,7 +721,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_search (string value);
public void set_shape (string value);
public void set_target (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_text (string value);
public void set_type_attr (string value);
public string charset { owned get; set; }
@@ -976,19 +803,13 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_alt (string value);
public void set_coords (string value);
public void set_hash (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_host (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_hostname (string value);
public void set_href (string value);
public void set_no_href (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_pathname (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_port (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_protocol (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_search (string value);
public void set_shape (string value);
public void set_target (string value);
@@ -1032,18 +853,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class HTMLBaseFontElement : WebKit.DOM.HTMLElement, WebKit.DOM.EventTarget {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected HTMLBaseFontElement ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public string get_color ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public string get_face ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public long get_size ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public void set_color (string value);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public void set_face (string value);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public void set_size (long value);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_dom_html_body_element_get_type ()")]
[GIR (name = "DOMHTMLBodyElement")]
@@ -1154,27 +963,15 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void close ();
public string get_alink_color ();
public string get_bg_color ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_compat_mode ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_design_mode ();
public string get_dir ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_embeds ();
public string get_fg_color ();
public long get_height ();
public string get_link_color ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_plugins ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_scripts ();
public string get_vlink_color ();
public long get_width ();
public void release_events ();
public void set_alink_color (string value);
public void set_bg_color (string value);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public void set_design_mode (string value);
public void set_dir (string value);
public void set_fg_color (string value);
public void set_link_color (string value);
@@ -1195,51 +992,31 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected HTMLElement ();
public void click ();
public string get_access_key ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.10")]
- public WebKit.DOM.HTMLCollection get_children ();
public string get_content_editable ();
public string get_dir ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_draggable ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_hidden ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.8")]
- public string get_inner_html ();
public string get_inner_text ();
public bool get_is_content_editable ();
public string get_lang ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.8")]
- public string get_outer_html ();
public string get_outer_text ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_spellcheck ();
public long get_tab_index ();
public string get_title ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_translate ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public string get_webkitdropzone ();
public void set_access_key (string value);
public void set_content_editable (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_dir (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_draggable (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_hidden (bool value);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.8")]
- public void set_inner_html (string contents) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_inner_text (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_lang (string value);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.8")]
- public void set_outer_html (string contents) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_outer_text (string value) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_spellcheck (bool value);
public void set_tab_index (long value);
public void set_title (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_translate (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_webkitdropzone (string value);
public string access_key { owned get; set; }
@@ -1538,12 +1315,8 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_accept ();
public string get_align ();
public string get_alt ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_auto_filled ();
public bool get_autofocus ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public bool get_capture ();
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public string get_capture_type ();
public bool get_checked ();
public bool get_default_checked ();
@@ -1557,7 +1330,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public long get_max_length ();
public bool get_multiple ();
public string get_name ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public bool get_read_only ();
public ulong get_size ();
public string get_src ();
@@ -1570,17 +1342,13 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_accept (string value);
public void set_align (string value);
public void set_alt (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_auto_filled (bool value);
public void set_autofocus (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_capture_type (string value);
public void set_checked (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_default_checked (bool value);
public void set_default_value (string value);
public void set_disabled (bool value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_editing_value (string value);
public void set_files (WebKit.DOM.FileList value);
public void set_height (ulong value);
@@ -1672,7 +1440,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_rel ();
public string get_rev ();
public WebKit.DOM.StyleSheet get_sheet ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public WebKit.DOM.DOMTokenList get_sizes ();
public string get_target ();
public string get_type_attr ();
@@ -1683,7 +1450,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void set_media (string value);
public void set_rel (string value);
public void set_rev (string value);
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_sizes (string value);
public void set_target (string value);
public void set_type_attr (string value);
@@ -1945,7 +1711,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public string get_src ();
public string get_text ();
public string get_type_attr ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void set_charset (string value);
public void set_defer (bool value);
public void set_event (string value);
@@ -2374,9 +2139,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Node ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node append_child (WebKit.DOM.Node newChild) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node clone_node (bool deep) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.14")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node clone_node_with_error (bool deep) throws GLib.Error;
public ushort compare_document_position (WebKit.DOM.Node other);
public bool contains (WebKit.DOM.Node other);
@@ -2384,10 +2146,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public WebKit.DOM.NodeList get_child_nodes ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_first_child ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_last_child ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_local_name ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_namespace_uri ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_next_sibling ();
public string get_node_name ();
public ushort get_node_type ();
@@ -2395,8 +2153,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document get_owner_document ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Element get_parent_element ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_parent_node ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public string get_prefix ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_previous_sibling ();
public string get_text_content ();
public bool has_child_nodes ();
@@ -2411,8 +2167,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node remove_child (WebKit.DOM.Node oldChild) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node replace_child (WebKit.DOM.Node newChild, WebKit.DOM.Node oldChild) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_node_value (string value) throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public void set_prefix (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public void set_text_content (string value) throws GLib.Error;
public string base_uri { owned get; }
public WebKit.DOM.NodeList child_nodes { owned get; }
@@ -2436,8 +2190,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected NodeIterator ();
public void detach ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public bool get_expand_entity_references ();
public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
public bool get_pointer_before_reference_node ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_reference_node ();
@@ -2493,7 +2245,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentFragment create_contextual_fragment (string html) throws GLib.Error;
public void delete_contents () throws GLib.Error;
public void detach () throws GLib.Error;
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public void expand (string unit) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.DocumentFragment extract_contents () throws GLib.Error;
public bool get_collapsed () throws GLib.Error;
@@ -2567,8 +2318,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Text ();
public string get_whole_text ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.14")]
- public unowned WebKit.DOM.Text replace_whole_text (string content) throws GLib.Error;
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Text split_text (ulong offset) throws GLib.Error;
public string whole_text { owned get; }
@@ -2579,8 +2328,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
protected TreeWalker ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node first_child ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_current_node ();
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.12")]
- public bool get_expand_entity_references ();
public WebKit.DOM.NodeFilter get_filter ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_root ();
public ulong get_what_to_show ();
@@ -2790,52 +2537,36 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_ACCEPT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_ACCEPT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_REJECT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_REJECT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ALL")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ALL;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ATTRIBUTE")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_CDATA_SECTION")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_COMMENT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_COMMENT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_DOCUMENT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_DOCUMENT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ELEMENT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ELEMENT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ENTITY")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ENTITY;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_NOTATION")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_NOTATION;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SHOW_TEXT")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SHOW_TEXT;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_FILTER_SKIP")]
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public const int _NODE_FILTER_SKIP;
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cname = "WEBKIT_DOM_NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE")]
@@ -2881,19 +2612,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "webkit_console_message_get_type ()")]
public class ConsoleMessage {
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.ConsoleMessage copy ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public void free ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.ConsoleMessageLevel get_level ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public uint get_line ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public WebKit.ConsoleMessageSource get_source ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public unowned string get_source_id ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public unowned string get_text ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_get_type ()")]
@@ -2905,7 +2629,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem get_item_at_position (uint position);
public unowned GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> get_items ();
public uint get_n_items ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public unowned GLib.Variant get_user_data ();
public void insert (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item, int position);
public unowned WebKit.ContextMenuItem last ();
@@ -2913,7 +2636,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public void prepend (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
public void remove (WebKit.ContextMenuItem item);
public void remove_all ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public void set_user_data (GLib.Variant user_data);
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
public ContextMenu.with_items (GLib.List<WebKit.ContextMenuItem> items);
@@ -2921,18 +2643,11 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_context_menu_item_get_type ()")]
public class ContextMenuItem : GLib.InitiallyUnowned {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.18")]
- public ContextMenuItem (Gtk.Action action);
- [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public ContextMenuItem.from_gaction (GLib.Action action, string label, GLib.Variant? target);
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action);
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
public ContextMenuItem.from_stock_action_with_label (WebKit.ContextMenuAction action, string label);
- [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "2.18")]
- public unowned Gtk.Action get_action ();
- [Version (since = "2.18")]
public unowned GLib.Action get_gaction ();
public WebKit.ContextMenuAction get_stock_action ();
public unowned WebKit.ContextMenu get_submenu ();
@@ -2947,13 +2662,9 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class Frame : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected Frame ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public unowned JS.GlobalContext get_javascript_context_for_script_world (WebKit.ScriptWorld world);
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public unowned JS.GlobalContext get_javascript_global_context ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public unowned string get_uri ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public bool is_main_frame ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_hit_test_result_get_type ()")]
@@ -2965,7 +2676,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public bool context_is_link ();
public bool context_is_media ();
public bool context_is_scrollbar ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public bool context_is_selection ();
public uint get_context ();
public unowned string get_image_uri ();
@@ -2983,11 +2693,8 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_script_world_get_type ()")]
public class ScriptWorld : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public ScriptWorld ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public static unowned WebKit.ScriptWorld get_default ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public signal void window_object_cleared (WebKit.WebPage page, WebKit.Frame frame);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_uri_request_get_type ()")]
@@ -2995,7 +2702,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
public URIRequest (string uri);
public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_http_headers ();
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public unowned string get_http_method ();
public unowned string get_uri ();
public void set_uri (string uri);
@@ -3006,14 +2712,12 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected URIResponse ();
public uint64 get_content_length ();
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public unowned Soup.MessageHeaders get_http_headers ();
public unowned string get_mime_type ();
public uint get_status_code ();
public unowned string get_suggested_filename ();
public unowned string get_uri ();
public uint64 content_length { get; }
- [Version (since = "2.6")]
public Soup.MessageHeaders http_headers { get; }
public string mime_type { get; }
public uint status_code { get; }
@@ -3024,9 +2728,7 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class WebEditor : GLib.Object {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected WebEditor ();
- [Version (since = "2.10")]
public unowned WebKit.WebPage get_page ();
- [Version (since = "2.10")]
public signal void selection_changed ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", type_id = "webkit_web_extension_get_type ()")]
@@ -3040,7 +2742,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
public class WebHitTestResult : WebKit.HitTestResult {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected WebHitTestResult ();
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Node get_node ();
public WebKit.DOM.Node node { get; construct; }
@@ -3049,26 +2750,18 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
protected WebPage ();
public unowned WebKit.DOM.Document get_dom_document ();
- [Version (since = "2.10")]
public unowned WebKit.WebEditor get_editor ();
public uint64 get_id ();
- [Version (since = "2.2")]
public unowned WebKit.Frame get_main_frame ();
public unowned string get_uri ();
public string uri { get; }
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public signal void console_message_sent (WebKit.ConsoleMessage console_message);
- [Version (since = "2.8")]
public signal bool context_menu (WebKit.ContextMenu context_menu, WebKit.WebHitTestResult hit_test_result);
public signal void document_loaded ();
- [Version (since = "2.16")]
public signal void form_controls_associated (GLib.GenericArray<WebKit.DOM.Element> elements);
public signal bool send_request (WebKit.URIRequest request, WebKit.URIResponse redirected_response);
- [Version (since = "2.20")]
- public signal void will_submit_form (WebKit.DOM.Element form, WebKit.FormSubmissionStep step, WebKit.Frame source_frame, WebKit.Frame target_frame, GLib.GenericArray<string> text_field_names, GLib.GenericArray<string> text_field_values);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_LEVEL_", type_id = "webkit_console_message_level_get_type ()")]
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public enum ConsoleMessageLevel {
@@ -3077,7 +2770,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_CONSOLE_MESSAGE_SOURCE_", type_id = "webkit_console_message_source_get_type ()")]
- [Version (since = "2.12")]
public enum ConsoleMessageSource {
@@ -3133,12 +2825,6 @@ namespace WebKit {
- [CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_FORM_SUBMISSION_WILL_", type_id = "webkit_form_submission_step_get_type ()")]
- [Version (since = "2.20")]
- public enum FormSubmissionStep {
- }
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", cprefix = "WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_", has_type_id = false)]
public enum HitTestResultContext {
@@ -3153,6 +2839,5 @@ namespace WebKit {
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", has_target = false)]
public delegate void WebExtensionInitializeFunction (WebKit.WebExtension extension);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "webkit2/webkit-web-extension.h", has_target = false)]
- [Version (since = "2.4")]
public delegate void WebExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction (WebKit.WebExtension extension, GLib.Variant user_data);
diff --git a/web/CMakeLists.txt b/web/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48cd1fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Christian Dywan <>
+ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/core"
+ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core"
+ )
+ if (${UNIT_SRC} MATCHES "(.vala)$")
+ string(REPLACE ".vala" "" UNIT ${UNIT_SRC})
+ include(ValaPrecompile)
+ vala_precompile(UNIT_SRC_C ${UNIT}
+ libsoup-2.4 libpeas-1.0
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/config.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/javascriptcoregtk-4.0.vapi
+ )
+ add_library(${UNIT} MODULE ${UNIT_SRC_C})
+ set_target_properties(${UNIT} PROPERTIES
+ )
+ else()
+ string(REPLACE ".c" "" UNIT ${UNIT_SRC})
+ add_library(${UNIT} MODULE ${UNIT_SRC})
+ set_target_properties(${UNIT} PROPERTIES
+ )
+ endif()
+ target_link_libraries(${UNIT}
+ )
+ install(TARGETS ${UNIT}
+ )
+endforeach ()
diff --git a/web/plugins.vala b/web/plugins.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d18fe4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/plugins.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Dywan <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See the file COPYING for the full license text.
+namespace Midori {
+ public class Plugins : Peas.Engine {
+ public Plugins (WebKit.WebExtension extension, Variant user_data) {
+ enable_loader ("python");
+ string source_path = Path.build_path (Path.DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
+ Environment.get_user_data_dir (), Config.PROJECT_NAME, "extensions");
+ debug ("Loading plugins from %s", source_path);
+ add_search_path (source_path, null);
+ foreach (var plugin in get_plugin_list ()) {
+ debug ("Found plugin %s", plugin.get_name ());
+ if (!try_load_plugin (plugin)) {
+ critical ("Failed to load plugin %s", plugin.get_module_name ());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void plug (Object object) {
+ var extensions = new Peas.ExtensionSet (this, typeof (Peas.Activatable), "object", object, null);
+ extensions.extension_added.connect ((info, extension) => { ((Peas.Activatable)extension).activate (); });
+ extensions.extension_removed.connect ((info, extension) => { ((Peas.Activatable)extension).deactivate (); });
+ extensions.foreach ((extensions, info, extension) => { extensions.extension_added (info, extension); });
+ object.set_data<Object> ("midori-plug", extensions);
+ }
+ }
+Midori.Plugins? plugins;
+public void webkit_web_extension_initialize_with_user_data (WebKit.WebExtension extension, Variant user_data) {
+ plugins = new Midori.Plugins (extension, user_data);
+ extension.page_created.connect ((page) => {
+ plugins.plug (page);
+ });