/* Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Dywan This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for the full license text. */ namespace Midori { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/ui/urlbar.ui")] public class Urlbar : Gtk.Entry { public string? key { get; protected set; } public Regex? regex { get; protected set; } public string? location { get; protected set; } string _uri; public string uri { get { return _uri; } set { _uri = value; location = value; // Treat about:blank specially text = blank ? "" : value; set_position (-1); update_icon (); } } bool _secure = false; public bool secure { get { return _secure; } set { _secure = value; update_icon (); } } bool blank { get { return uri == "about:blank" || uri == "internal:speed-dial"; } } [GtkChild] Gtk.Popover? suggestions; [GtkChild] Gtk.ListBox listbox; Gtk.ListBoxRow? selected_row { get; protected set; default = null; } [GtkChild] Gtk.Popover security; [GtkChild] Gtk.Box security_box; [GtkChild] Gtk.Label security_status; Gcr.CertificateWidget? details = null; construct { size_allocate.connect (resize); suggestions.hide.connect (() => { Gtk.grab_remove (suggestions); }); listbox.row_selected.connect ((row) => { selected_row = row; }); listbox.row_activated.connect ((row) => { popdown (); var suggestion = (SuggestionRow)row; uri = suggestion.item.uri; }); insert_text.connect_after ((new_text, new_position, ref position) => { update_key (text); }); delete_text.connect_after ((start_pos, end_pos) => { update_key (text); }); icon_press.connect (icon_pressed); } public Gtk.Widget create_row (Object item) { var suggestion = new SuggestionRow ((DatabaseItem)item); suggestion.key = key; bind_property ("key", suggestion, "key"); suggestion.regex = regex; bind_property ("regex", suggestion, "regex"); suggestion.location = location; bind_property ("location", suggestion, "location"); return suggestion; } protected override bool key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event) { // Listbox if (suggestions.visible) { bool has_shift = (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK) != 0; switch (event.keyval) { case Gdk.Key.Tab: case Gdk.Key.ISO_Left_Tab: case Gdk.Key.Down: case Gdk.Key.KP_Down: listbox.move_cursor (Gtk.MovementStep.DISPLAY_LINES, has_shift ? -1 : 1); return true; case Gdk.Key.Up: case Gdk.Key.KP_Up: listbox.move_cursor (Gtk.MovementStep.DISPLAY_LINES, -1); return true; case Gdk.Key.Left: case Gdk.Key.KP_Left: case Gdk.Key.Right: case Gdk.Key.KP_Right: popdown (); return base.key_press_event (event); case Gdk.Key.Delete: case Gdk.Key.KP_Delete: var suggestion_row = (SuggestionRow)selected_row; if (suggestion_row != null && !suggestion_row.item.database.readonly) { listbox.move_cursor (Gtk.MovementStep.DISPLAY_LINES, -1); suggestion_row.item.delete.begin (); } return true; case Gdk.Key.Escape: popdown (); return true; } // The list receives events first, then the popover if (!listbox.key_press_event (event)) { if (suggestions.key_press_event (event)) { return true; } } } // Entry switch (event.keyval) { case Gdk.Key.Tab: case Gdk.Key.ISO_Left_Tab: return false; case Gdk.Key.ISO_Enter: case Gdk.Key.KP_Enter: case Gdk.Key.Return: bool has_ctrl = (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) != 0; if (has_ctrl) { popdown (); bool has_shift = (event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK) != 0; if (has_shift) { Application.get_default ().activate_action ("win-new", text); } else { var browser = ((Browser)get_toplevel ()); browser.add (new Tab (null, browser.web_context, text)); } } else { listbox.activate_cursor_row (); } return true; case Gdk.Key.Down: case Gdk.Key.KP_Down: complete (); return true; case Gdk.Key.Escape: text = blank ? "" : uri; set_position (-1); // Propagate to allow Escape to stop loading return false; } // No completion on control characters unichar character = Gdk.keyval_to_unicode (event.keyval); if (character != 0 && event.is_modifier == 0) { complete (); } return base.key_press_event (event); } void update_key (string text) { location = magic_uri (text); try { key = text; regex = new Regex ("(%s)".printf (Regex.escape_string (key)), RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS); } catch (RegexError error) { regex = null; debug ("Failed to create regex: %s", error.message); } } string? magic_uri (string text) { if (" " in text) { return null; } else if (Path.is_absolute (text)) { try { return Filename.to_uri (text); } catch (ConvertError error ) { debug ("Failed to convert URI to filename: %s", error.message); return text; } } else if (FileUtils.test (text, FileTest.EXISTS | FileTest.IS_REGULAR)) { return File.new_for_commandline_arg (text).get_uri (); }else if (is_external (text)) { return text; } else if (text.has_prefix ("geo:")) { // Parse URI geo:48.202778,16.368472;crs=wgs84;u=40 as location return text; } else if (is_location (text)) { return text; } else if (is_ip_address (text)) { return "http://" + text; } else if (text == "localhost" || "." in text) { return "http://" + text; } else if (text == "") { return "about:blank"; } // This seems to be keywords for a search return null; } bool is_location (string uri) { /* file:// is not considered a location for security reasons */ return uri.has_prefix ("about:") || uri.has_prefix ("http://") || uri.has_prefix ("https://") || (uri.has_prefix ("data:") && (";" in uri)) || uri.has_prefix ("javascript:"); } bool is_external (string uri) { if (uri.has_prefix ("file://")) { return true; } var scheme = Uri.parse_scheme (uri); return scheme != null && AppInfo.get_default_for_uri_scheme (scheme) != null; } bool is_ip_address (string uri) { /* Quick check for IPv4 or IPv6, no validation. hostname_is_ip_address () is not used because we'd have to separate the path from the URI first. */ /* Skip leading user/ password */ if ("@" in uri) return is_ip_address (uri.split ("@")[1]); /* IPv4 */ if (uri[0] != '0' && uri[0].isdigit () && "." in uri) return true; /* IPv6 */ if (uri[0].isalnum () && uri[1].isalnum () && uri[2].isalnum () && uri[3].isalnum () && uri[4] == ':' && (uri[5] == ':' || uri[5].isalnum ())) return true; return false; } protected override bool focus_out_event (Gdk.EventFocus event) { popdown (); return base.focus_out_event (event); } public void popdown () { // Note: Guard against popover being destroyed before popdown if (suggestions != null) { suggestions.hide (); } } void resize (Gtk.Allocation allocation) { // 2/3 of window size int width; ((Gtk.Window)(get_toplevel ())).get_size (out width, null); width = (int)(width / 1.5); listbox.set_size_request (width, -1); } void complete () { if (!suggestions.visible) { suggestions.set_default_widget (this); suggestions.relative_to = this; var completion = new Completion (((Browser)get_toplevel ()).tab.web_context.is_ephemeral ()); bind_property ("key", completion, "key"); listbox.bind_model (completion, create_row); } suggestions.show (); Gtk.grab_add (suggestions); suggestions.grab_focus (); } void update_icon () { if (blank) { primary_icon_name = null; } else { primary_icon_name = secure ? "channel-secure-symbolic" : "channel-insecure-symbolic"; } primary_icon_activatable = !blank; } void icon_pressed (Gtk.EntryIconPosition position, Gdk.Event event) { TlsCertificate tls; TlsCertificateFlags flags; ((Browser)get_toplevel ()).tab.get_tls_info (out tls, out flags); var certificate = tls != null ? new Gcr.SimpleCertificate (tls.certificate.data) : null; if (details == null) { var icon_area = get_icon_area (position); security.relative_to = this; security.pointing_to = icon_area; // Clicking expander causes an assertion: // Gtk.Widget.is_ancestor: is Gtk.Widget // Override popdown here to avoid that problem. security.button_press_event.connect ((event) => { var widget = Gtk.get_event_widget (event); if (widget != this && !widget.is_ancestor (security)) { security.hide (); } return true; }); // Insert widget here because Gtk.Builder won't recognize the type details = new Gcr.CertificateWidget (null); security_box.add (details); } details.visible = tls != null; details.certificate = certificate; security_status.visible = !secure; security.show (); } } }