diff options
authorBrian Samek <>2016-11-03 14:51:00 -0400
committerBrian Samek <>2016-11-21 10:56:44 -0500
commit337df9553665d0a4a87ac66f6bd53159b87f67c0 (patch)
parent8edf38be766da31a778b3a8c24d90d45433957e4 (diff)
SERVER-27140 Linux package smoke testing
5 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/package_test/.kitchen.yml b/buildscripts/package_test/.kitchen.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9b6989d221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/package_test/.kitchen.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ name: ec2
+ region: us-east-1
+ subnet_id: <%= ENV['KITCHEN_SUBNET'] %>
+ security_group_ids:
+ aws_ssh_key_id: <%= ENV['KITCHEN_SSH_KEY_ID'] %>
+ interface: dns
+ associate_public_ip: true
+ name: inspec
+ sudo: true
+ name: chef_solo
+ require_chef_omnibus: 12.6.0
+ - name: amazon
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-c481fad3
+ transport:
+ username: ec2-user
+ - name: debian71
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-4b124a22
+ transport:
+ username: admin
+ - name: debian81
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-896d85e2
+ transport:
+ username: admin
+ - name: rhel62
+ driver:
+ # Use rhel 6.3 because chef-solo fails on rhel 6.2
+ image_id: ami-a35a33ca
+ transport:
+ username: root
+ - name: rhel70
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-60a1e808
+ transport:
+ username: root
+ - name: suse11
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-7f2e6015
+ transport:
+ username: ec2-user
+ - name: suse12
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-aeb532c6
+ transport:
+ username: ec2-user
+ - name: ubuntu1204
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-3fec7956
+ transport:
+ username: ubuntu
+ - name: ubuntu1404
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-1d8c9574
+ transport:
+ username: ubuntu
+ - name: ubuntu1604
+ driver:
+ image_id: ami-64140d0e
+ transport:
+ username: ubuntu
+ ssh_key: ~/.ssh/kitchen.pem
+ - name: service
+ run_list:
+ - recipe[package_test::install_mongodb]
+ attributes:
+ artifacts_url: <%= ENV['KITCHEN_ARTIFACTS_URL'] %>
diff --git a/buildscripts/package_test/metadata.rb b/buildscripts/package_test/metadata.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bbfb147acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/package_test/metadata.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+name 'package_test'
+version '0.1.0'
diff --git a/buildscripts/package_test/recipes/install_mongodb.rb b/buildscripts/package_test/recipes/install_mongodb.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28a2462afc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/package_test/recipes/install_mongodb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+artifacts_tarball = 'artifacts.tgz'
+user = node['current_user']
+homedir = node['etc']['passwd'][user]['dir']
+ruby_block 'allow sudo over tty' do
+ block do
+ file ='/etc/sudoers')
+ file.search_file_replace_line(/Defaults\s+requiretty/, '#Defaults requiretty')
+ file.search_file_replace_line(/Defaults\s+requiretty/, '#Defaults !visiblepw')
+ file.write_file
+ end
+# This file limits processes to 1024. It therefore interfereres with `ulimit -u` when present.
+if platform_family? 'rhel'
+ file '/etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf' do
+ action :delete
+ end
+remote_file "#{homedir}/#{artifacts_tarball}" do
+ source node['artifacts_url']
+execute 'extract artifacts' do
+ command "tar xzvf #{artifacts_tarball}"
+ cwd homedir
+if platform_family? 'debian'
+ execute 'apt-get update' do
+ command 'apt-get update'
+ end
+ package 'openssl'
+ # dpkg returns 1 if dependencies are not satisfied, which they will not be
+ # for enterprise builds. We install dependencies in the next block.
+ execute 'install mongod' do
+ command 'dpkg -i `find . -name "*server*.deb"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ returns [0, 1]
+ end
+ # yum and zypper fetch dependencies automatically, but dpkg does not.
+ # Installing the dependencies explicitly is fragile, so we reply on apt-get
+ # to install dependencies after the fact.
+ execute 'install dependencies' do
+ command 'apt-get update && apt-get -y -f install'
+ end
+ execute 'install mongo shell' do
+ command 'dpkg -i `find . -name "*shell*.deb"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ end
+if platform_family? 'rhel'
+ execute 'install mongod' do
+ command 'yum install -y `find . -name "*server*.rpm"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ end
+ execute 'install mongo shell' do
+ command 'yum install -y `find . -name "*shell*.rpm"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ end
+if platform_family? 'suse'
+ bash 'wait for zypper lock to be released' do
+ code <<-EOD
+ retry_counter=0
+ # We also need to make sure another instance of zypper isn't running while
+ # we do our install, so just run zypper refresh until it doesn't fail.
+ # Waiting for 2 minutes is copied from an internal project where we do this.
+ until [ "$retry_counter" -ge "12" ]; do
+ zypper refresh && exit 0
+ retry_counter=$(($retry_counter + 1))
+ [ "$retry_counter" = "12" ] && break
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ exit 1
+ end
+ execute 'install mongod' do
+ command 'zypper -n install `find . -name "*server*.rpm"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ end
+ execute 'install mongo' do
+ command 'zypper -n install `find . -name "*shell*.rpm"`'
+ cwd homedir
+ end
diff --git a/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb b/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb5cd0d7585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/package_test/test/recipes/service/install_mongodb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# This section verifies start, stop, and restart.
+# - stop mongod so that we begin testing from a stopped state
+# - verify start, stop, and restart
+# service is not in path for commands with sudo on suse
+service = os[:name] == 'suse' ? '/sbin/service' : 'service'
+describe command("#{service} mongod stop") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe command("#{service} mongod start") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should be_running }
+describe command("#{service} mongod stop") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should_not be_running }
+describe command("#{service} mongod restart") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+describe service('mongod') do
+ it { should be_running }
+# wait for a few seconds so that we are sure mongod has
+# written to its log and is ready to accept writes and reads
+describe command("sleep 5") do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+# This section verifies files, directories, and users
+# - files and directories exist and have correct attributes
+# - mongod user exists and has correct attributes
+# convenience variables for init system and package type
+upstart = (os[:name] == 'ubuntu' && os[:release][0..1] == '14') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'amazon')
+sysvinit = if (os[:name] == 'debian' && os[:release][0] == '7') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'redhat' && os[:release][0] == '6') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'suse' && os[:release][0..1] == '11') ||
+ (os[:name] == 'ubuntu' && os[:release][0..1] == '12')
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+systemd = !(upstart || sysvinit)
+rpm = if os[:name] == 'amazon' || os[:name] == 'redhat' || os[:name] == 'suse'
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+deb = !rpm
+# these files should exist on all systems
+ /etc/mongod.conf
+ /usr/bin/mongod
+ /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
+).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should be_file }
+ end
+if sysvinit
+ describe file('/etc/init.d/mongod') do
+ it { should be_file }
+ it { should be_executable }
+ end
+if systemd
+ describe file('/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service') do
+ it { should be_file }
+ end
+if rpm
+ %w(
+ /var/lib/mongo
+ /var/run/mongodb
+ ).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should be_directory }
+ end
+ end
+ describe user('mongod') do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('groups') { should include 'mongod' }
+ its('home') { should eq '/var/lib/mongo' }
+ its('shell') { should eq '/bin/false' }
+ end
+if deb
+ describe file('/var/lib/mongodb') do
+ it { should be_directory }
+ end
+ describe user('mongodb') do
+ it { should exist }
+ its('groups') { should include 'mongodb' }
+ its('shell') { should eq '/bin/false' }
+ end
+# This section verifies ulimits.
+ulimits = {
+ 'Max file size' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max cpu time' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max address space' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max open files' => '64000',
+ 'Max resident set' => 'unlimited',
+ 'Max processes' => '64000'
+ulimits_cmd = 'cat /proc/$(pgrep mongod)/limits'
+ulimits.each do |limit, value|
+ describe command("#{ulimits_cmd} | grep \"#{limit}\"") do
+ its('stdout') { should match(/#{limit}\s+#{value}/) }
+ end
+# This section verifies reads and writes.
+# - insert a document into the database
+# - verify that findOne() returns a matching document
+describe command('mongo --eval "db.smoke.insert({answer: 42})"') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ its('stdout') { should match(/.+WriteResult\({ "nInserted" : 1 }\).+/m) }
+# read a document from the db
+describe command('mongo --eval "db.smoke.findOne()"') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ its('stdout') { should match(/.+"answer" : 42.+/m) }
+# This section verifies uninstall.
+if rpm
+ describe command('rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep "mongodb.*server" | awk \'{print $1}\')') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ end
+elsif deb
+ describe command('dpkg -r $(dpkg -l | grep "mongodb.*server" | awk \'{print $2}\')') do
+ its('exit_status') { should eq 0 }
+ end
+# make sure we cleaned up
+ /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service
+ /usr/bin/mongod
+).each do |filename|
+ describe file(filename) do
+ it { should_not exist }
+ end
diff --git a/etc/evergreen.yml b/etc/evergreen.yml
index 1a5b10be056..c50e1e9c0f1 100644
--- a/etc/evergreen.yml
+++ b/etc/evergreen.yml
@@ -711,6 +711,59 @@ functions:
kill_process "$process"
+ "set up kitchen credentials":
+ command: shell.exec
+ params:
+ silent: true
+ script: |
+ set -o errexit
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh ~/.aws
+ echo -n "${kitchen_private_key}" > ~/.ssh/kitchen.pem
+ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/kitchen.pem
+ cat <<EOF > ~/.aws/config
+ [default]
+ region = us-east-1
+ cat <<EOF > ~/.aws/credentials
+ [default]
+ aws_access_key_id = ${kitchen_aws_key}
+ aws_secret_access_key = ${kitchen_aws_secret}
+ "run kitchen":
+ command: shell.exec
+ type: test
+ params:
+ working_dir: src/buildscripts/package_test
+ script: |
+ set -o errexit
+ export KITCHEN_ARTIFACTS_URL="${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}.tgz"
+ export KITCHEN_SECURITY_GROUP="${kitchen_security_group}"
+ export KITCHEN_SSH_KEY_ID="${kitchen_ssh_key_id}"
+ export KITCHEN_SUBNET="${kitchen_subnet}"
+ kitchen_variant=${packager_distro}
+ # `kitchen test` will test all variants if $kitchen_variant is empty, so exit early if $kitchen_variant is empty
+ if [ -z "$kitchen_variant" ]; then
+ echo "could not find a variant name, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # run `kitchen destroy` after we run `kitchen verify`, and exit with the `kitchen verify` exit status
+ finish () {
+ ret=$?
+ kitchen destroy "$kitchen_variant"
+ exit $ret
+ }
+ trap finish EXIT
+ kitchen verify "$kitchen_variant"
- command: shell.track
- func: "kill processes"
@@ -2602,6 +2655,14 @@ tasks:
resmoke_args: --suites=views_rs --storageEngine=wiredTiger
run_multiple_jobs: true
+- name: package
+ depends_on:
+ - name: compile
+ commands:
+ - func: "fetch artifacts"
+ - func: "set up kitchen credentials"
+ - func: "run kitchen"
- name: push
patchable: false
@@ -3614,6 +3675,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: ubuntu1404
@@ -3742,6 +3806,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: ubuntu1604
@@ -3861,6 +3928,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: enterprise-ubuntu1604-arm64
@@ -4278,6 +4348,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: amazon
@@ -4400,6 +4473,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -5525,6 +5601,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-coverage
@@ -5786,6 +5865,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -5907,6 +5989,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: rhel70
@@ -6043,6 +6128,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: enterprise-rhel-71-ppc64le
@@ -6376,6 +6464,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -6440,6 +6531,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -6495,6 +6589,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -6571,6 +6668,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -6784,6 +6884,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -6838,6 +6941,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
- name: enterprise-suse11-s390x
@@ -7045,6 +7151,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -7196,6 +7305,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -7251,6 +7363,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: ssl
- name: sslSpecial
- name: unittests
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -7373,6 +7488,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push
@@ -7495,6 +7613,9 @@ buildvariants:
- name: views_WT
- name: views_rs
- name: views_rs_WT
+ - name: package
+ distros:
+ - ubuntu1604-packer
- name: push