diff options
authorDaniel Moody <>2022-10-03 10:34:07 -0500
committerDaniel Moody <>2022-10-03 10:34:07 -0500
commitd2ef7650b63737bf5c29eebe25084bfa87470c80 (patch)
parent6239752e2ce22c84c27ca5ebb47a1d7ec147b7e0 (diff)
some more final fixups
2 files changed, 44 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/site_scons/site_tools/ b/site_scons/site_tools/
index 3a524ba671b..07db17d92ff 100644
--- a/site_scons/site_tools/
+++ b/site_scons/site_tools/
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ def temporary_filename(suffix=None):
def get_gen_type_and_dir(env, gen_type):
# Utility function for parsing out the gen type and desired gen dir
if SCons.Util.is_String(gen_type):
- gen_out_dir = "."
+ gen_out_dir = None
elif SCons.Util.is_List(gen_type) and len(gen_type) == 1:
gen_type = gen_type[0]
- gen_out_dir = "."
+ gen_out_dir = None
elif SCons.Util.is_List(gen_type) and len(gen_type) == 2:
gen_out_dir = gen_type[1]
gen_type = gen_type[0]
@@ -68,30 +68,46 @@ def get_gen_type_and_dir(env, gen_type):
def protoc_emitter(target, source, env):
- base_file_name = os.path.split(SCons.Util.splitext(str(target[0]))[0])[1]
- new_targets = []
- for gen_type in env.subst_list('$PROTOC_GEN_TYPES', target=target, source=source):
+ new_targets = []
+ gen_types = env.subst_list('$PROTOC_GEN_TYPES', target=target, source=source)
+ base_file_name = os.path.splitext(target[0].get_path())[0]
+ for gen_type in gen_types:
# Check for valid requested gen type.
gen_type, gen_out_dir = get_gen_type_and_dir(env, gen_type)
if gen_type not in env['_PROTOC_SUPPORTED_GEN_TYPES']:
raise ValueError(f"Requested protoc gen output of {gen_type}, but only {env['_PROTOC_SUPPORTED_GEN_TYPES']} are currenlty supported.")
+ if gen_out_dir:
+ base_file_name = os.path.join(env.Dir(gen_out_dir).get_path(), os.path.split(SCons.Util.splitext(target[0].get_path())[0])[1])
# Create the targets by extensions list for this type in the desired gen dir.
exts = env['_PROTOC_SUPPORTED_GEN_TYPES'][gen_type]
- new_targets += [env.Dir(gen_out_dir).File(f"{base_file_name}{ext}") for ext in exts]
+ new_targets += [env.File(f"{base_file_name}{ext}") for ext in exts]
+ if gen_types:
+ # Setup the dependency file.
+ # This is little weird currently, because of the limitation of ninja and multiple
+ # outputs. The base file name can change for each gen type, so in this case we are
+ # taking the last one. This works if all gen outs are in the same dir and makes ninja
+ # happy, but if there are multiple gen_out dirs, then in a scons only build the deps
+ # is gened to the last in the list, which is awkward, but because this is only refernced
+ # as a target throughout the rest of tool, it works fine in scons build.
+ dep_file = env.File(f"{base_file_name}.protodeps")
+ new_targets += [dep_file]
# Create targets for any listed plugins.
plugins = env.get('PROTOC_PLUGINS', [])
for name in plugins:
- out_dir = plugins[name].get('gen_out', '.')
+ out_dir = plugins[name].get('gen_out')
exts = plugins[name].get('exts', [])
- new_targets += [env.Dir(out_dir).File(f"{base_file_name}{ext}") for ext in exts]
- # Setup the dependency file.
- dep_file = env.File(os.path.split(source[0].get_path())[1]+".protodeps")
- new_targets += [dep_file]
+ if out_dir:
+ base_file_name = os.path.join(env.Dir(out_dir).get_path(), os.path.split(SCons.Util.splitext(target[0].get_path())[0])[1])
+ new_targets += [env.File(f"{base_file_name}{ext}") for ext in exts]
env.Alias("generated-sources", new_targets)
@@ -299,9 +315,7 @@ def generate(env):
def protobuf_provider(env, node, action, targets, sources, executor=None):
provided_rule, variables, tool_command = env.NinjaGetGenericShellCommand(node, action, targets, sources, executor)
t_dirs = [os.path.dirname(t.get_path()) for t in targets]
- print(t_dirs)
if len(set(t_dirs)) > 1:
raise SCons.Errors.BuildError(node=node, errstr="Due to limitations with ninja tool and using phonies for multiple targets, protoc must generate all generated output for a single command to the same directory.")
for t in targets:
@@ -349,7 +363,7 @@ def generate(env):
# 'grpc': {
# 'plugin': '$PROTOC_GRPC_PLUGIN',
# 'options': ['generate_mock_code=true'],
- # 'gen_dir': "$BUILD_DIR/grpc_gen"
+ # 'gen_out': "$BUILD_DIR/grpc_gen"
# 'exts': ['', '.grpc.pb.h'],
# },
# 'my_plugin': {
diff --git a/src/third_party/grpc/SConscript b/src/third_party/grpc/SConscript
index 29a839558e4..a01d58bf4f4 100644
--- a/src/third_party/grpc/SConscript
+++ b/src/third_party/grpc/SConscript
@@ -890,8 +890,23 @@ lib_node = grpcxx_env.Library(
-grpc_unittest_env = grpcxx_env.Clone()
+grpc_unittest_env = grpc_env.Clone()
grpc_unittest_env.InjectThirdParty(libraries=['fmt', 'variant', 'boost', 'safeint'])
+# purposely changing the gen dir as an example and to excerise setting gen dirs
+ PROTOC_GEN_TYPES=[['cpp', grpc_unittest_env.Dir('.')]],
+ 'grpc': {
+ 'plugin': '$PROTOC_GRPC_PLUGIN',
+ 'options': ['generate_mock_code=true'],
+ 'gen_out': grpc_unittest_env.Dir('.'),
+ 'exts': ['', '.grpc.pb.h'],
+ },
+ },
+ CPPPATH=[grpc_unittest_env.Dir('.')]
@@ -904,7 +919,6 @@ grpc_unittest_env.CppUnitTest(
- 'dist/examples/protos/keyvaluestore.proto',