diff options
authorEtienne Petrel <>2023-02-13 21:33:06 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2023-02-14 03:28:52 +0000
commit31c588da81046b5ce855048c5b2840ddde54e6f5 (patch)
parent8108e9dc78642d64333963832014f44680ae2205 (diff)
Import wiredtiger: cb132beb37743fd2e6b237ef006371b1ac26bf45 from branch mongodb-master
ref: 6c8c5c49ee..cb132beb37 for: 7.0.0-rc0 WT-10513 gcp unit testing for connection class
2 files changed, 253 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/ext/storage_sources/gcp_store/test/test_gcp_connection.cpp b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/ext/storage_sources/gcp_store/test/test_gcp_connection.cpp
index e303ab35da2..0fef6e7e730 100644
--- a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/ext/storage_sources/gcp_store/test/test_gcp_connection.cpp
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/ext/storage_sources/gcp_store/test/test_gcp_connection.cpp
@@ -27,8 +27,258 @@
+#include "gcp_connection.h"
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include "gcp_connection.h"
+namespace gcs = google::cloud::storage;
+using namespace gcs;
+static std::string
+create_file(const std::string file_name, const std::string payload)
+ std::ofstream file(file_name);
+ file << payload;
+ file.close();
+ return file_name;
+static auto
+upload_file(gcs::Client client, std::string bucket_name, const std::string bucket_prefix,
+ const std::string file_name, const std::string object_name)
+ auto metadata = client.UploadFile("./" + file_name, bucket_name, bucket_prefix + object_name);
+ return metadata;
+static bool
+file_exists_in_bucket(gcs::Client client, std::string bucket_name, const std::string bucket_prefix,
+ const std::string object_name)
+ auto metadata = client.GetObjectMetadata(bucket_name, bucket_prefix + object_name);
+ // Metadata ok implies that the file is present.
+ return metadata.ok();
+static int
+num_objects_in_bucket(gcs::Client client, std::string bucket_name, const std::string bucket_prefix)
+ auto objects_iterator = client.ListObjects(bucket_name, gcs::Prefix(bucket_prefix));
+ return std::distance(objects_iterator.begin(), objects_iterator.end());
+// Concatenates a random suffix to the prefix being used for the test object keys. Example of
+// generated test prefix: "gcptest/unit/2022-31-01-16-34-10/623843294/".
+static std::string
+ std::string prefix = "gcptest/unit/";
+ char time_str[100];
+ std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
+ REQUIRE(std::strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%F-%H-%M-%S", std::localtime(&t)) != 0);
+ prefix += time_str;
+ // Create a random device and use it to generate a random seed to initialize the generator.
+ std::random_device my_random_device;
+ unsigned seed = my_random_device();
+ std::default_random_engine my_random_engine(seed);
+ prefix += "/" + std::to_string(my_random_engine()) + "/";
+ return prefix;
+TEST_CASE("Testing class gcpConnection", "gcp-connection")
+ std::string test_bucket_name = "unit_testing_gcp";
+ // Set up the test environment.
+ std::string test_bucket_prefix = generate_test_prefix();
+ gcp_connection conn(test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix);
+ const std::string object_name = "test_object";
+ const std::string file_name = object_name + ".txt";
+ const std::string non_existant_object_name = "test_non_exist";
+ const std::string non_existant_file_name = non_existant_object_name + ".txt";
+ const bool list_single = true;
+ std::vector<std::string> objects;
+ gcs::Client client = gcs::Client();
+ std::string payload = "Test payload :)";
+ create_file(file_name, payload);
+ SECTION("Simple list test", "[gcp-connection]")
+ {
+ // No matching objects. Objects list should be empty.
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, false) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.empty());
+ // No matching objects with list_single. Objects list should be empty.
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, list_single) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.empty());
+ // Upload 1 file to the bucket and test list_objects function.
+ // List_objects should return an objects list with size 1.
+ upload_file(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, file_name, object_name).ok());
+ REQUIRE(file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, false) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.size() == 1);
+ objects.clear();
+ // Delete the object we uploaded and test list_objects function.
+ // List_objects should return an empty objects list.
+ client.DeleteObject(test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix + object_name);
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, false) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.empty());
+ objects.clear();
+ // Upload multiple files and test list.
+ const int32_t total_objects = 20;
+ for (int i = 0; i < total_objects; i++) {
+ std::string multi_file_name = object_name + std::to_string(i);
+ upload_file(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, file_name, multi_file_name)
+ .ok());
+ }
+ // List objects should return a list with size total_objects.
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, false) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.size() == total_objects);
+ objects.clear();
+ // Test if list single correctly returns one object.
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, list_single) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.size() == 1);
+ objects.clear();
+ // Delete all object we uploaded.
+ for (int i = 0; i < total_objects; i++) {
+ client.DeleteObject(
+ test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix + object_name + std::to_string(i));
+ }
+ // Bucket should be cleared.
+ REQUIRE(conn.list_objects(objects, false) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(objects.empty());
+ }
+ SECTION("Simple put test", "[gcp-connection]")
+ {
+ // Upload a file that does not exist locally - should fail.
+ REQUIRE(conn.put_object(non_existant_object_name, non_existant_file_name) == ENOENT);
+ // Check number of files with the given prefix that are currently in the bucket.
+ REQUIRE(num_objects_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix) == 0);
+ // Upload a test file.
+ REQUIRE(conn.put_object(object_name, "./" + file_name) == 0);
+ // Check the bucket contains the uploaded file.
+ REQUIRE(file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ // Delete the uploaded file.
+ client.DeleteObject(test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix + object_name);
+ }
+ SECTION("Simple delete test", "[gcp-connection]")
+ {
+ // Delete a file that does not exist in the bucket - should fail.
+ REQUIRE(conn.delete_object(non_existant_object_name) == ENOENT);
+ // Upload a test file.
+ upload_file(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, file_name, object_name).ok());
+ REQUIRE(file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ // Delete the uploaded file.
+ REQUIRE(conn.delete_object(object_name) == 0);
+ // Check that the file has been deleted.
+ file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ }
+ SECTION("Simple object exists test", "[gcp-connection]")
+ {
+ bool exists;
+ size_t size;
+ REQUIRE(conn.object_exists(object_name, exists, size) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(exists == false);
+ REQUIRE(size == 0);
+ // Upload a test file.
+ upload_file(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, file_name, object_name).ok());
+ REQUIRE(num_objects_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix) == 1);
+ // Check the bucket contains the uploaded file.
+ REQUIRE(conn.object_exists(object_name, exists, size) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(exists);
+ REQUIRE(size != 0);
+ // Delete the uploaded file.
+ auto dl_metadata = client.DeleteObject(test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix + object_name);
+ REQUIRE(dl_metadata.ok());
+ // Check that the file has been deleted.
+ file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ // Check for a file that is not in the bucket.
+ // Object exists should modify the exists variable and set it to false.
+ REQUIRE(conn.object_exists(object_name, exists, size) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(exists == false);
+ REQUIRE(size == 0);
+ }
+ SECTION("Read tests", "[gcp-connection]")
+ {
+ // Upload a test file.
+ upload_file(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, file_name, object_name).ok());
+ REQUIRE(file_exists_in_bucket(client, test_bucket_name, test_bucket_prefix, object_name));
+ // Read GCP objects under the test bucket with no offset.
+ char buf[1024];
+ REQUIRE(conn.read_object(object_name, 0, payload.length(), buf) == 0);
+ REQUIRE( == 0);
+ memset(buf, 0, 1000);
+ // Read GCP objects under the test bucket with offset.
+ const int str_len = payload.length() - payload.find(" ");
+ REQUIRE(conn.read_object(object_name, payload.find(" "), str_len, buf) == 0);
+ REQUIRE(payload.substr(payload.find(" "), str_len).compare(buf) == 0);
+ memset(buf, 0, 1000);
+ // Read GCP objects under the test bucket with len > file length.
+ REQUIRE(conn.read_object(object_name, 0, 100000, buf) == EINVAL);
+ // Read GCP objects under the test bucket with offset < 0.
+ REQUIRE(conn.read_object(object_name, -5, 15, buf) == EINVAL);
+ // Read GCP objects under the test bucket with offset > file length.
+ REQUIRE(conn.read_object(object_name, 1000, 15, buf) == EINVAL);
+ }
-TEST_CASE("Testing class gcpConnection", "gcp-connection") {}
+ // Cleanup
+ // List and loop through objects with prefix.
+ for (auto &&object_metadata :
+ client.ListObjects(test_bucket_name, gcs::Prefix(test_bucket_prefix))) {
+ // Delete the test file.
+ if (object_metadata) {
+ auto dl_metadata =
+ client.DeleteObject(test_bucket_name, object_metadata.value().name());
+ REQUIRE(dl_metadata.ok());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/
index a1a175e4512..a9a85d0abbd 100644
--- a/src/third_party/wiredtiger/
+++ b/src/third_party/wiredtiger/
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
"vendor": "wiredtiger",
"github": "wiredtiger/wiredtiger.git",
"branch": "mongodb-master",
- "commit": "6c8c5c49eec2b71b05baa871eed9cf97160874b5"
+ "commit": "cb132beb37743fd2e6b237ef006371b1ac26bf45"