diff options
authorBenety Goh <>2020-05-07 09:57:37 -0400
committerEvergreen Agent <>2020-05-07 14:35:42 +0000
commitf1b99df506fdd4dbb45a12f042fff6b2defc91da (patch)
parentdeebdeecd08b5e0063fa4fd275752eebe4c27bda (diff)
SERVER-38961 remove characterize_index_builds_on_restart.js
This test is only applicable when there is no support for two phase index builds.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/characterize_index_builds_on_restart.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/characterize_index_builds_on_restart.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 00cb58c592b..00000000000
--- a/jstests/noPassthrough/characterize_index_builds_on_restart.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
- * Characterizes the actions (rebuilds or drops the index) taken upon unfinished indexes when
- * restarting mongod from (standalone -> standalone) and (replica set member -> standalone).
- *
- * @tags: [
- * requires_majority_read_concern,
- * requires_persistence,
- * requires_replication,
- * ]
- */
-(function() {
-'use strict';
-const dbName = "testDb";
-const collName = "testColl";
-const firstIndex = "firstIndex";
-const secondIndex = "secondIndex";
-const thirdIndex = "thirdIndex";
-const fourthIndex = "fourthIndex";
-const indexesToBuild = [
- {key: {i: 1}, name: firstIndex, background: true},
- {key: {j: 1}, name: secondIndex, background: true},
- {key: {i: 1, j: 1}, name: thirdIndex, background: true},
- {key: {i: -1, j: 1, k: -1}, name: fourthIndex, background: true},
-function startStandalone() {
- let mongod = MongoRunner.runMongod({cleanData: true});
- let db = mongod.getDB(dbName);
- db.dropDatabase();
- return mongod;
-function restartStandalone(old) {
- jsTest.log("Restarting mongod");
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(old);
- return MongoRunner.runMongod({restart: true, dbpath: old.dbpath, cleanData: false});
-function shutdownStandalone(mongod) {
- MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod);
-function startReplSet() {
- let replSet = new ReplSetTest({name: "indexBuilds", nodes: 2, nodeOptions: {syncdelay: 1}});
- let nodes = replSet.nodeList();
- // We need an arbiter to ensure that the primary doesn't step down when we restart the
- // secondary
- replSet.startSet({startClean: true});
- replSet.initiate(
- {_id: "indexBuilds", members: [{_id: 0, host: nodes[0]}, {_id: 1, host: nodes[1]}]});
- replSet.getPrimary().getDB(dbName).dropDatabase();
- return replSet;
-function stopReplSet(replSet) {
- replSet.stopSet();
-function addTestDocuments(db) {
- let size = 100;
- jsTest.log("Creating " + size + " test documents.");
- var bulk = db.getCollection(collName).initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
- for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- bulk.insert({i: i, j: i * i, k: 1});
- }
- assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute());
-function startIndexBuildOnSecondaryAndLeaveUnfinished(primaryDB, writeConcern, secondaryDB) {
- jsTest.log("Starting an index build on the secondary and leaving it unfinished.");
- assert.commandWorked(secondaryDB.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: "leaveIndexBuildUnfinishedForShutdown", mode: "alwaysOn"}));
- try {
- let res = assert.commandWorked(primaryDB.runCommand(
- {createIndexes: collName, indexes: indexesToBuild, writeConcern: {w: writeConcern}}));
- // Before two phase index builds, index creation requests are replicated using a single
- // createIndexes for each index spec. When two phase index builds are in effect, all four
- // index specs are built using the same builder, so we should expect to see only one fail
- // point log message instead of four.
- const expectedFailPointMessageCount =
- IndexBuildTest.supportsTwoPhaseIndexBuild(primaryDB.getMongo()) ? 1 : 4;
- // Wait till all index builds hang.
- checkLog.containsWithCount(
- secondaryDB,
- "Index build interrupted due to \'leaveIndexBuildUnfinishedForShutdown\' " +
- "failpoint. Mimicking shutdown error code.",
- expectedFailPointMessageCount);
- // Wait until the secondary has a recovery timestamp beyond the index oplog entry. On
- // restart, replication recovery will not replay the createIndex oplog entries.
- jsTest.log("Waiting for unfinished index build to be in checkpoint.");
- assert.soon(() => {
- let replSetStatus = assert.commandWorked(
- secondaryDB.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand({replSetGetStatus: 1}));
- if (replSetStatus.lastStableRecoveryTimestamp >= res.operationTime)
- return true;
- });
- } finally {
- assert.commandWorked(secondaryDB.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: "leaveIndexBuildUnfinishedForShutdown", mode: "off"}));
- }
-function checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, indexName, shouldExist) {
- let adminDB = mongod.getDB("admin");
- let collDB = mongod.getDB(dbName);
- let logs = adminDB.runCommand({getLog: "global"});
- let rebuildIndexLogEntry = false;
- let dropIndexLogEntry = false;
- /**
- * The log should contain the following lines if it rebuilds or drops the index:
- * Rebuilding index. Collection: `collNss` Index: `indexName`
- * Dropping unfinished index. Collection: `collNss` Index: `indexName`
- */
- let rebuildIndexRegExp =
- new RegExp("Rebuilding index. Collection:.*" + dbName + "." + collName + ".*" + indexName);
- let dropIndexRegExp = new RegExp("Dropping unfinished index. Collection: .*" + dbName + "." +
- collName + ".*" + indexName);
- for (let line = 0; line < logs.log.length; line++) {
- if (logs.log[line].search(rebuildIndexRegExp) != -1)
- rebuildIndexLogEntry = true;
- else if (logs.log[line].search(dropIndexRegExp) != -1)
- dropIndexLogEntry = true;
- }
- // Can't be either missing both entries or have both entries for the given index name.
- assert.neq(rebuildIndexLogEntry, dropIndexLogEntry);
- // Ensure the index either exists or doesn't exist in the collection depending on the result
- // of the log.
- let collIndexes = collDB.getCollection(collName).getIndexes();
- let foundIndexEntry = false;
- for (let index = 0; index < collIndexes.length; index++) {
- if (collIndexes[index].name == indexName) {
- foundIndexEntry = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If the log claims it rebuilt an unfinished index, the index must exist.
- assert.eq(rebuildIndexLogEntry, foundIndexEntry);
- // If the log claims it dropped an unfinished index, the index must not exist.
- assert.eq(dropIndexLogEntry, !foundIndexEntry);
- // Ensure our characterization matches the outcome of the index build.
- assert.eq(foundIndexEntry, (shouldExist ? true : false));
- if (foundIndexEntry)
- jsTest.log("Rebuilt unfinished index. Collection: " + dbName + "." + collName +
- " Index: " + indexName);
- else
- jsTest.log("Dropped unfinished index. Collection: " + dbName + "." + collName +
- " Index: " + indexName);
-function standaloneToStandaloneTest() {
- let mongod = startStandalone();
- let collDB = mongod.getDB(dbName);
- if (IndexBuildTest.supportsTwoPhaseIndexBuild(mongod)) {
- jsTestLog(
- '[standaloneToStandaloneTest] Two phase index builds not supported, skipping test.');
- shutdownStandalone(mongod);
- return;
- }
- addTestDocuments(collDB);
- jsTest.log("Starting an index build on a standalone and leaving it unfinished.");
- assert.commandWorked(collDB.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: "leaveIndexBuildUnfinishedForShutdown", mode: "alwaysOn"}));
- try {
- assert.commandFailedWithCode(
- collDB.runCommand({createIndexes: collName, indexes: indexesToBuild}),
- ErrorCodes.InterruptedAtShutdown);
- } finally {
- assert.commandWorked(collDB.adminCommand(
- {configureFailPoint: "leaveIndexBuildUnfinishedForShutdown", mode: "off"}));
- }
- mongod = restartStandalone(mongod);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, firstIndex, /*shouldExist=*/false);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, secondIndex, /*shouldExist=*/false);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, thirdIndex, /*shouldExist=*/false);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, fourthIndex, /*shouldExist=*/false);
- shutdownStandalone(mongod);
-function secondaryToStandaloneTest() {
- let replSet = startReplSet();
- let primary = replSet.getPrimary();
- let secondary = replSet.getSecondary();
- if (IndexBuildTest.supportsTwoPhaseIndexBuild(primary)) {
- jsTestLog(
- '[secondaryToStandaloneTest] Two phase index builds not supported, skipping test.');
- replSet.stopSet();
- return;
- }
- let primaryDB = primary.getDB(dbName);
- let secondaryDB = secondary.getDB(dbName);
- addTestDocuments(primaryDB);
- // Make sure the documents get replicated on the secondary.
- replSet.awaitReplication();
- startIndexBuildOnSecondaryAndLeaveUnfinished(primaryDB, /*writeConcern=*/2, secondaryDB);
- // Don't validate data because the index build state will be inconsistent between primary and
- // secondary.
- TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = true;
- replSet.stopSet(/*signal=*/null, /*forRestart=*/true);
- TestData.skipCheckDBHashes = false;
- let mongod = restartStandalone(secondary);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, firstIndex, /*shouldExist=*/true);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, secondIndex, /*shouldExist=*/true);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, thirdIndex, /*shouldExist=*/true);
- checkForIndexRebuild(mongod, fourthIndex, /*shouldExist=*/true);
- shutdownStandalone(mongod);
- mongod = restartStandalone(primary);
- let specs = mongod.getDB(dbName).getCollection(collName).getIndexes();
- assert.eq(specs.length, 5);
- shutdownStandalone(mongod);
-/* Begin tests */
-jsTest.log("Restarting nodes as standalone with unfinished indexes.");
-// Standalone restarts as standalone
-jsTest.log("Restarting standalone mongod.");
-// Replica set node restarts as standalone
-jsTest.log("Restarting replica set node mongod.");