diff options
authorBlake Oler <>2019-05-02 12:27:07 -0400
committerBlake Oler <>2019-05-28 17:54:20 -0400
commit76f671c7a714378951dc7d4d5e22073e45882633 (patch)
parent530167637e22f2cff3ddd8551f3229db6ed97824 (diff)
SERVER-39844 Add shard key update and migration concurrency testing
2 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_base.js b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_base.js
index a630d83093c..bbafcd93a94 100644
--- a/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_base.js
+++ b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_base.js
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ var $config = extendWorkload($config, function($config, $super) {
let chosenThread = Random.randInt(this.threadCount);
choseThisThread = choseThisThread || chosenThread === tid;
+ // If this is the last document being inserted into the partition, and no document
+ // from this partition has yet been assigned to the current thread, assign this
+ // document to the current thread.
if (i === partition.upper - 1 && !choseThisThread) {
chosenThread = tid;
diff --git a/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_update_shard_key.js b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_update_shard_key.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fcafa31ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/concurrency/fsm_workloads/random_moveChunk_update_shard_key.js
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+'use strict';
+ * Performs updates that will change a document's shard key while migrating chunks. Uses both
+ * retryable writes and multi-statement transactions.
+ *
+ * @tags: [requires_sharding, assumes_balancer_off, assumes_autosplit_off,
+ * requires_non_retryable_writes, uses_transactions];
+ */
+var $config = extendWorkload($config, function($config, $super) {
+ $config.threadCount = 5;
+ $config.iterations = 50;
+ // Number of documents per partition. Note that there is one chunk per partition and one
+ // partition per thread.
+ $ = 200;
+ // The counter values associated with each owned id. Used to verify updates aren't double
+ // applied.
+ $ = {};
+ // A moveChunk may fail with a WriteConflict when clearing orphans on the destination shard if
+ // any of them are concurrently written to by a broadcast transaction operation. The error
+ // message and top-level code may be different depending on where the failure occurs.
+ //
+ // TODO SERVER-39141: Don't ignore WriteConflict error message once the range deleter retries on
+ // write conflict exceptions.
+ //
+ // Additionally, because updates don't have a shard filter stage, a migration may fail if a
+ // broadcast update is operating on orphans from a previous migration in the range being
+ // migrated back in. The particular error code is replaced with a more generic one, so this is
+ // identified by the failed migration's error message.
+ $ = (err) => {
+ return err.message &&
+ (err.message.indexOf("WriteConflict") > -1 ||
+ err.message.indexOf("CommandFailed") > -1 ||
+ err.message.indexOf("Documents in target range may still be in use"));
+ };
+ // These errors below may arrive due to expected scenarios that occur with concurrent
+ // migrations and shard key updates. These include transient transaction errors (targeting
+ // issues, lock timeouts, etc) and duplicate key errors that are triggered during normal
+ // execution, likely due to orphan documents.
+ //
+ // Current server code does not retry on these errors, but the errors do not represent an
+ // unrecoverable state. If an update fails in one of the above-described scenarios, we assert
+ // that the document remains in the pre-updated state. After doing so, we may continue the
+ // concurrency test.
+ $ = (errCode, errMsg, errorLabels) => {
+ if (!errMsg) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (errorLabels && errorLabels.includes("TransientTransactionError")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const failureInRetryableWriteToTxnConversionMsg =
+ "Cannot retry a retryable write that has been converted";
+ const duplicateKeyInChangeShardKeyMsg = "Failed to update document's shard key field";
+ const otherErrorsInChangeShardKeyMsg = "was converted into a distributed transaction";
+ if (errMsg.includes(failureInRetryableWriteToTxnConversionMsg) ||
+ errMsg.includes(duplicateKeyInChangeShardKeyMsg)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Some return paths will strip out the TransientTransactionError label. We want to still
+ // filter out those errors.
+ const transientTransactionErrors = [
+ ErrorCodes.StaleConfig,
+ ErrorCodes.WriteConflict,
+ ErrorCodes.LockTimeout,
+ ErrorCodes.PreparedTransactionInProgress
+ ];
+ // Failed in the document shard key path, but not with a duplicate key error
+ if (errMsg.includes(otherErrorsInChangeShardKeyMsg)) {
+ return transientTransactionErrors.includes(errCode);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ $ = function calculateShardKeyUpdateValues(
+ collection, shardKeyField, moveAcrossChunks) {
+ const idToUpdate = this.getIdForThread();
+ const randomDocToUpdate = collection.findOne({_id: idToUpdate});
+ assertWhenOwnColl.neq(randomDocToUpdate, null);
+ print("Updating the shard key field for this document: " + tojson(randomDocToUpdate));
+ const currentShardKey = randomDocToUpdate[shardKeyField];
+ const partitionSizeHalf = Math.floor(this.partitionSize / 2);
+ const partitionMedian = partitionSizeHalf + this.partition.lower;
+ // If moveAcrossChunks is true, move the randomly generated shardKey to the other
+ // half of the partition, which will be on the other chunk owned by this thread.
+ let newShardKey = this.partition.lower + Math.floor(Math.random() * partitionSizeHalf);
+ if (moveAcrossChunks || currentShardKey >= partitionMedian) {
+ newShardKey += partitionSizeHalf;
+ }
+ return {
+ idToUpdate: idToUpdate,
+ currentShardKey: currentShardKey,
+ newShardKey: newShardKey,
+ counterForId: this.expectedCounters[idToUpdate]
+ };
+ };
+ $ = function generateRandomUpdateStyle(
+ currentId, newShardKey, counterForId) {
+ const replacementStyle = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0);
+ if (replacementStyle) {
+ return {_id: currentId, skey: newShardKey, counter: counterForId + 1};
+ } else {
+ // Op style
+ return {$set: {skey: newShardKey}, $inc: {counter: 1}};
+ }
+ };
+ $ = function runInTransactionOrRetryableWrite(
+ functionToRun, wrapInTransaction) {
+ if (wrapInTransaction) {
+ withTxnAndAutoRetry(this.session, functionToRun);
+ } else {
+ functionToRun();
+ }
+ };
+ $ = function logTestIterationStart(commandName,
+ wrapInTransaction,
+ moveAcrossChunks,
+ idToUpdate,
+ currentShardKey,
+ newShardKey,
+ counterForId) {
+ let logString = "Running " + commandName;
+ logString += wrapInTransaction ? " inside a multi-statement transaction. "
+ : " as a retryable write. ";
+ logString += "The document will ";
+ logString += moveAcrossChunks ? "move across chunks. " : "stay within the same chunk. \n";
+ logString += "Original document values -- id: " + idToUpdate + ", shardKey: " +
+ currentShardKey + ", counter: " + counterForId + "\n";
+ logString += "Intended new document values -- shardKey: " + newShardKey + ", counter: " +
+ (counterForId + 1);
+ jsTestLog(logString);
+ };
+ $ = function findAndLogUpdateResults(
+ collection, idToUpdate, currentShardKey, newShardKey) {
+ let logString = "Going to print post-update state for id: " + idToUpdate +
+ ", currentShardKey: " + currentShardKey + ", newShardKey: " + newShardKey + "\n";
+ logString += "Find by old shard key (should be empty): " +
+ tojson(collection.find({skey: currentShardKey}).toArray()) + "\n";
+ logString += "Find by _id: " + tojson(collection.find({_id: idToUpdate}).toArray()) + "\n";
+ logString += "Find by new shard key: " +
+ tojson(collection.find({skey: newShardKey}).toArray()) + "\n";
+ jsTestLog(logString);
+ };
+ $ = function findAndModifyShardKey(
+ db, collName, {wrapInTransaction, moveAcrossChunks} = {}) {
+ const collection = this.session.getDatabase(db.getName()).getCollection(collName);
+ const shardKeyField = $;
+ const {idToUpdate, currentShardKey, newShardKey, counterForId} =
+ this.calculateShardKeyUpdateValues(collection, shardKeyField, moveAcrossChunks);
+ this.logTestIterationStart("findAndModify",
+ wrapInTransaction,
+ moveAcrossChunks,
+ idToUpdate,
+ currentShardKey,
+ newShardKey,
+ counterForId);
+ let performFindAndModify = () => {
+ try {
+ const modifiedDoc = collection.findAndModify({
+ query: {_id: idToUpdate, skey: currentShardKey},
+ update: this.generateRandomUpdateStyle(idToUpdate, newShardKey, counterForId),
+ upsert: true,
+ new: true
+ });
+ assertWhenOwnColl.neq(modifiedDoc, null);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(collection.findOne({_id: idToUpdate, skey: newShardKey}),
+ modifiedDoc);
+ this.expectedCounters[idToUpdate] = counterForId + 1;
+ } catch (e) {
+ const msg = e.errmsg ? e.errmsg : e.message;
+ if (this.isUpdateShardKeyErrorAcceptable(e.code, msg, e.errorLabels)) {
+ print("Ignoring acceptable updateShardKey error attempting to update the" +
+ "document with _id: " + idToUpdate + " and shardKey: " + currentShardKey +
+ ": " + e);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.neq(
+ collection.findOne({_id: idToUpdate, skey: currentShardKey}), null);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(
+ collection.findOne(
+ {_id: idToUpdate, skey: newShardKey, counter: counterForId}),
+ null);
+ return;
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ };
+ this.runInTransactionOrRetryableWrite(performFindAndModify, wrapInTransaction);
+ this.findAndLogUpdateResults(collection, idToUpdate, currentShardKey, newShardKey);
+ };
+ $ = function updateShardKey(
+ db, collName, {moveAcrossChunks, wrapInTransaction} = {}) {
+ const collection = this.session.getDatabase(db.getName()).getCollection(collName);
+ const shardKeyField = $;
+ const {idToUpdate, currentShardKey, newShardKey, counterForId} =
+ this.calculateShardKeyUpdateValues(collection, shardKeyField, moveAcrossChunks);
+ this.logTestIterationStart("update",
+ wrapInTransaction,
+ moveAcrossChunks,
+ idToUpdate,
+ currentShardKey,
+ newShardKey,
+ counterForId);
+ let performUpdate = () => {
+ const updateResult = collection.update(
+ {_id: idToUpdate, skey: currentShardKey},
+ this.generateRandomUpdateStyle(idToUpdate, newShardKey, counterForId),
+ {multi: false});
+ try {
+ assertWhenOwnColl.writeOK(updateResult);
+ this.expectedCounters[idToUpdate] = counterForId + 1;
+ } catch (e) {
+ const err = updateResult instanceof WriteResult ? updateResult.getWriteError()
+ : updateResult;
+ if (this.isUpdateShardKeyErrorAcceptable(err.code, err.errmsg, err.errorLabels)) {
+ print("Ignoring acceptable updateShardKey error attempting to update the" +
+ "document with _id: " + idToUpdate + " and shardKey: " + currentShardKey +
+ ": " + tojson(updateResult));
+ assertWhenOwnColl.neq(
+ collection.findOne({_id: idToUpdate, skey: currentShardKey}), null);
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(
+ collection.findOne(
+ {_id: idToUpdate, skey: newShardKey, counter: counterForId}),
+ null);
+ return;
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ };
+ this.runInTransactionOrRetryableWrite(performUpdate, wrapInTransaction);
+ this.findAndLogUpdateResults(collection, idToUpdate, currentShardKey, newShardKey);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The following states are enumerations of these options:
+ * 1. Run a findAndModify or update command.
+ * 2. Run under a multi-statement transaction or a retryable write.
+ * 3. Target the update to move chunks or remain on the same chunk.
+ */
+ $config.states.findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks =
+ function findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.findAndModifyShardKey(
+ db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: false, moveAcrossChunks: true});
+ };
+ $config.states.findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk =
+ function findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.findAndModifyShardKey(
+ db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: false, moveAcrossChunks: false});
+ };
+ $config.states.findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks =
+ function findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.findAndModifyShardKey(db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: true, moveAcrossChunks: true});
+ };
+ $config.states.findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk =
+ function findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.findAndModifyShardKey(
+ db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: true, moveAcrossChunks: false});
+ };
+ $config.states.updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks =
+ function updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.updateShardKey(db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: false, moveAcrossChunks: true});
+ };
+ $config.states.updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk =
+ function updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk(db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.updateShardKey(db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: false, moveAcrossChunks: false});
+ };
+ $config.states.updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks = function updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks(
+ db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.updateShardKey(db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: true, moveAcrossChunks: true});
+ };
+ $config.states.updateWithTransactionWithinChunk = function updateWithTransactionWithinChunk(
+ db, collName, connCache) {
+ this.updateShardKey(db, collName, {wrapInTransaction: true, moveAcrossChunks: false});
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets up the base workload, starts a session, and gives each document assigned to this thread
+ * a counter value that is tracked in-memory.
+ */
+ $config.states.init = function init(db, collName, connCache) {
+ $super.states.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.session = db.getMongo().startSession({causalConsistency: false, retryWrites: true});
+ // Assign a default counter value to each document owned by this thread.
+ db[collName].find({tid: this.tid}).forEach(doc => {
+ this.expectedCounters[doc._id] = 0;
+ assert.writeOK(db[collName].update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {counter: 0}}));
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets up the collection so each thread's partition is a single chunk, with partitionSize
+ * documents within it, randomly assigning each document to a thread, ensuring at least one
+ * document is given to each one.
+ */
+ $config.setup = function setup(db, collName, cluster) {
+ db.setLogLevel(3);
+ const ns = db[collName].getFullName();
+ for (let tid = 0; tid < this.threadCount; ++tid) {
+ // Find the thread's partition.
+ const partition = this.makePartition(ns, tid, this.partitionSize);
+ const medianIdForThread = partition.lower + Math.floor(this.partitionSize / 2);
+ let bulk = db[collName].initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
+ for (let i = partition.lower; i < medianIdForThread; ++i) {
+ bulk.insert({_id: i, skey: i, tid: tid});
+ }
+ assertAlways.writeOK(bulk.execute());
+ // Create a chunk with boundaries matching the partition's. The low chunk's lower bound
+ // is minKey, so a split is not necessary.
+ if (!partition.isLowChunk) {
+ assertAlways.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {skey: partition.lower}}));
+ }
+ assertAlways.commandWorked(
+ db.adminCommand({split: ns, middle: {skey: medianIdForThread}}));
+ }
+ db.printShardingStatus();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Asserts all documents assigned to this thread match their expected values.
+ */
+ $config.states.verifyDocuments = function verifyDocuments(db, collName, connCache) {
+ const docs = db[collName].find({tid: this.tid}).toArray();
+ docs.forEach(doc => {
+ const expectedCounter = this.expectedCounters[doc._id];
+ assertWhenOwnColl.eq(expectedCounter, doc.counter, () => {
+ return 'unexpected counter value, doc: ' + tojson(doc);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $config.transitions = {
+ init: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.1,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.1,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.1,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.1,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.1,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.1,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.1,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.1
+ },
+ moveChunk: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ verifyDocuments: {
+ moveChunk: 0.2,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ findAndModifyWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithRetryableWriteWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionAcrossChunks: 0.075,
+ updateWithTransactionWithinChunk: 0.075,
+ verifyDocuments: 0.2
+ },
+ };
+ return $config;
+}); \ No newline at end of file