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authorCharlie Swanson <>2022-03-31 13:11:42 +0000
committerEvergreen Agent <>2022-03-31 13:47:31 +0000
commitef615c3302e158865bd8afe1068dcc65abf653ae (patch)
parent1dd40ad6ed8aa8a636e7de003185444d04810f75 (diff)
SERVER-64260 Beef up testing stressing projection semantics
2 files changed, 541 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/projection.js b/jstests/core/projection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 99addb31fee..00000000000
--- a/jstests/core/projection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Tests for FieldMatcher (later renamed to Projection).
- */
-(function() {
-'use strict';
-const collNamePrefix = 'jstests_projection_';
-let collCount = 0;
-let res;
-// Test cases originally in fm1.js.
-let t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++);
-let doc = {_id: 0, foo: {bar: 1}};
-res = t.find({}, {foo: 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq(doc, res[0], tojson(res));
-res = t.find({}, {'': 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq(doc, res[0], tojson(res));
-res = t.find({}, {'baz': 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq({_id: 0}, res[0], tojson(res));
-res = t.find({}, {'baz.qux': 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq({_id: 0}, res[0], tojson(res));
-res = t.find({}, {'foo.qux': 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq({_id: 0, foo: {}}, res[0], tojson(res));
-// Test cases originally in fm2.js
-t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++);
-doc = {
- _id: 1,
- one: {two: {three: 'four'}}
-res = t.find({}, {'one.two': 1}).toArray();
-assert.eq(1, res.length, tojson(res));
-assert.docEq(doc, res[0], tojson(res));
-assert.eq(1, Object.keySet(res[0].one).length, tojson(res));
-// Test cases originally in fm3.js.
-t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++);
-assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [{c: {e: 1, f: 1}}, {d: 2}, 'z'], b: 1}));
-res = t.findOne({}, {a: 1});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{c: {e: 1, f: 1}}, {d: 2}, 'z'], "one a");
-assert.eq(res.b, undefined, "one b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {a: 0});
-assert.eq(res.a, undefined, "two a");
-assert.eq(res.b, 1, "two b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.d': 1});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{}, {d: 2}], "three a");
-assert.eq(res.b, undefined, "three b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.d': 0});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{c: {e: 1, f: 1}}, {}, 'z'], "four a");
-assert.eq(res.b, 1, "four b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.c': 1});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{c: {e: 1, f: 1}}, {}], "five a");
-assert.eq(res.b, undefined, "five b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.c': 0});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{}, {d: 2}, 'z'], "six a");
-assert.eq(res.b, 1, "six b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.c.e': 1});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{c: {e: 1}}, {}], "seven a");
-assert.eq(res.b, undefined, "seven b");
-res = t.findOne({}, {'a.c.e': 0});
-assert.eq(res.a, [{c: {f: 1}}, {d: 2}, 'z'], "eight a");
-assert.eq(res.b, 1, "eight b");
-// Test cases originally in fm4.js
-t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++);
-assert.commandWorked(t.insert({_id: 3, a: 1, b: 1}));
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 1}), {_id: 3}, "1");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 0}), {a: 1, b: 1}, "2");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 1, a: 1}), {_id: 3, a: 1}, "3");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 0, a: 1}), {a: 1}, "4");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 0, a: 0}), {b: 1}, "6");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {a: 0}), {_id: 3, b: 1}, "5");
-assert.docEq(t.findOne({}, {_id: 1, a: 0}), {_id: 3, b: 1}, "7");
diff --git a/jstests/core/projection_semantics.js b/jstests/core/projection_semantics.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ed50ac798a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/core/projection_semantics.js
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ * Tests the behavior of projection for dotted paths, including edge cases where the path only
+ * sometimes exists.
+ */
+(function() {
+"use strict";
+const coll = db[jsTestName()];
+// Tests that when 'projection' is applied to 'input', we get 'expectedOutput'.
+// Tests that this remains true if indexes are added, or if we use aggregation instead of find.
+function testInputOutput({input, projection, expectedOutput, interestingIndexes = []}) {
+ coll.drop();
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(input));
+ assert.docEq(coll.findOne({}, projection), expectedOutput);
+ for (let indexSpec of interestingIndexes) {
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex(indexSpec));
+ assert.docEq(coll.find({}, projection).hint(indexSpec).toArray()[0], expectedOutput);
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex(indexSpec));
+ }
+ assert.docEq(coll.aggregate([{$project: projection}]).toArray()[0], expectedOutput);
+// The basics: what happens when I include a top-level field?
+(function testTopLevelInclusion() {
+ // Test the basic "include a" projection. This should implicitly include the _id.
+ const testIncludeA = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {a: 1},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: [{_id: 1, a: 1}, {a: 1, _id: 1}]
+ });
+ // Test some basic "normal" cases.
+ testIncludeA({_id: 0, a: "demo", b: "other", x: "extra"}, {_id: 0, a: "demo"});
+ testIncludeA({_id: 1, a: "demo", aWSuffix: "other", 'a.b': "extra"}, {_id: 1, a: "demo"});
+ testIncludeA({_id: 2, a: null, b: "other", x: "extra"}, {_id: 2, a: null});
+ // Test including "a" when "a" is missing/not present.
+ // TODO SERVER-23229 this will return different results if there is a covering index, so here
+ // but not elsewhere we don't use any "interestingIndexes".
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, b: "other", x: "extra"},
+ projection: {a: 1},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0},
+ interestingIndexes: []
+ });
+ testInputOutput(
+ {input: {_id: 0}, projection: {a: 1}, expectedOutput: {_id: 0}, interestingIndexes: []});
+ // Test a range of interesting values for "a". We expect everything to be preserved unmodified.
+ const testIdentityInclusionA = (input) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {a: 1},
+ expectedOutput: input,
+ interestingIndexes: [{_id: 1, a: 1}, {a: 1, _id: 1}]
+ });
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 1, a: null});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 2, a: undefined});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 3, a: {}});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 4, a: []});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 5, a: {x: 1, b: "scalar"}});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 6, a: "scalar"});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 7, a: {b: {}}});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 8, a: [null]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 9, a: ["scalar"]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 10, a: [[]]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 11, a: [{}]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 12, a: [1, {}, 2]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 13, a: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]});
+ testIdentityInclusionA({_id: 14, a: [{b: "scalar"}]});
+ // Now test with the same documents but excluding the "_id" field.
+ const testIncludeOnlyA = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {a: 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ // Can't use {a: "hashed"} here because it doesn't support array values.
+ // Could use {a: "$**"}, but it can't be hinted without a query predicate so we'll leave
+ // that coverage for elsewhere rather than add complexity to get a valid query predicate.
+ interestingIndexes: [{a: 1}, {a: -1}]
+ });
+ // The "basics" again.
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 0, a: "demo", b: "other", x: "extra"}, {a: "demo"});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 1, a: "demo", aWSuffix: "other", 'a.b': "extra"}, {a: "demo"});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 2, a: null, b: "other", x: "extra"}, {a: null});
+ // Missing 'a' value again.
+ // TODO SERVER-23229 this will return different results if there is a covering index, so here
+ // but not elsewhere we don't use any "interestingIndexes".
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, b: "other", x: "extra"},
+ projection: {a: 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {},
+ interestingIndexes: []
+ });
+ testInputOutput(
+ {input: {_id: 0}, projection: {a: 1, _id: 0}, expectedOutput: {}, interestingIndexes: []});
+ // Just a couple of the cases above to confirm the same behavior just without the _id.
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 1, a: null}, {a: null});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 3, a: {}}, {a: {}});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 4, a: []}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 5, a: {x: 1, b: "scalar"}}, {a: {x: 1, b: "scalar"}});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 7, a: {b: {}}}, {a: {b: {}}});
+ testIncludeOnlyA({_id: 14, a: [{b: "scalar"}]}, {a: [{b: "scalar"}]});
+// Now test one level of nesting - a single "dot" in the path.
+(function testInclusionOneLevelOfNesting() {
+ // Test the basic "include a.b" projection. This should implicitly include the _id.
+ const testIncludeADotB = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {'a.b': 1},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: [{_id: 1, 'a.b': 1}, {'a.b': 1, _id: 1}]
+ });
+ // Test some basic "normal" cases.
+ // Test that it excludes extra fields at the root and at the sub-document.
+ testIncludeADotB({_id: 0, a: {b: "demo", y: "extra"}, x: "extra"}, {_id: 0, a: {b: "demo"}});
+ // Test that (at least for now) the dotted path doesn't work great here.
+ testIncludeADotB({_id: 1, a: {b: "demo"}, 'a.b': "extra"}, {_id: 1, a: {b: "demo"}});
+ // Test that '_id' within a sub-document is excluded.
+ testIncludeADotB({_id: 2, a: {b: "demo", _id: "extra"}}, {_id: 2, a: {b: "demo"}});
+ // Test array use case.
+ testIncludeADotB({_id: 3, a: [{b: 1, c: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}], x: "extra"},
+ {_id: 3, a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}]});
+ // Test that a missing field within an object in an array will show up as an empty object.
+ testIncludeADotB({_id: 4, a: [{b: 1, c: 1}, {c: 2}], x: "extra"}, {_id: 4, a: [{b: 1}, {}]});
+ // Test including "a.b" when "a.b" is missing/not present.
+ //
+ // TODO SERVER-23229 this will return different results if there is a covering index, so here
+ // but not elsewhere we don't use any "interestingIndexes".
+ // If there's a covered plan we will always construct {a: {b: null}} when we don't see an "a.b"
+ // value, which is not always correct.
+ //
+ // Interestingly, this bug disappears if the index is multikey ('a' or 'a.b' are arrays), since
+ // we will need to add a fetch to reconstruct the array anyway and will figure out the correct
+ // answer in the process.
+ const testADotBNoIndexes = (input, output) => testInputOutput(
+ {input: input, projection: {'a.b': 1}, expectedOutput: output, interestingIndexes: []});
+ testADotBNoIndexes({_id: 0, b: "other", x: "extra"}, {_id: 0});
+ testADotBNoIndexes({_id: 1}, {_id: 1});
+ testADotBNoIndexes({_id: 2, a: {}}, {_id: 2, a: {}});
+ testADotBNoIndexes({_id: 3, a: "scalar"}, {_id: 3});
+ const testIncludeOnlyADotB = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {'a.b': 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: [{'a.b': 1}, {'a.b': -1}]
+ });
+ // The "basics" again - no _id this time.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 0, a: {b: "demo", y: "extra"}, x: "extra"}, {a: {b: "demo"}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 1, a: {b: "demo"}, 'a.b': "extra"}, {a: {b: "demo"}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 2, a: {b: "demo", _id: "extra"}}, {a: {b: "demo"}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 3, a: [{b: 1, c: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}], x: "extra"},
+ {a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 4, a: [{b: 1, c: 1}, {c: 2}], x: "extra"}, {a: [{b: 1}, {}]});
+ // More cases where 'a.b' doesn't exist - but with arrays this time.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 4, a: [], x: "extra"}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 5, a: [{}, {}], x: "extra"}, {a: [{}, {}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 6, a: ["scalar", "scalar"], x: "extra"}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 7, a: [null]}, {a: []});
+ // This is an interesting case: the scalars are ignored but the shadow documents are preserved.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 8, a: ["scalar", {}, "scalar", {c: 1}], x: "extra"}, {a: [{}, {}]});
+ // Further interest: the array within the array is preserved.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 9, a: [[]]}, {a: [[]]});
+ // But not the scalar elements of it.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 10, a: [[1, 2, 3]]}, {a: [[]]});
+ // But if there's a "b" again we see that.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 10, a: [[1, {b: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, "scalar"]]},
+ {a: [[{b: 1}, {b: 2}]]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({
+ _id: 10,
+ a: [
+ ["x", {b: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, "x"],
+ [[{b: 1}]],
+ [{b: 1}, [{b: 2}], [[{b: [2]}]]],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ a: [
+ [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
+ [[{b: 1}]],
+ [{b: 1}, [{b: 2}], [[{b: [2]}]]],
+ ]
+ });
+ testIncludeOnlyADotB({_id: 11, a: [[], [[], [], [1], [{c: 1}]], {b: 1}]}, {
+ a: [
+ [],
+ [[], [], [], [{}]],
+ {b: 1},
+ ]
+ });
+(function testInclusionLevelsOfNesting() {
+ // Test the basic "include a.b.c" projection. We've seen the implicit '_id' behavior above so
+ // we'll always project _id out for these tests.
+ const testIncludeADotBDotC = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {'a.b.c': 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: [{'a.b.c': 1}, {'a.b.c': -1}]
+ });
+ // Test some basic "normal" cases.
+ // Test that it excludes extra fields at the root and at the sub-document
+ testIncludeADotBDotC({a: {b: {c: "demo", z: "extra"}, y: "extra"}, x: "extra"},
+ {a: {b: {c: "demo"}}});
+ // Test array use cases.
+ // 'a' is an array.
+ testIncludeADotBDotC({a: [{b: {c: 1, d: 1}}, {b: {c: 2, d: 2}}]},
+ {a: [{b: {c: 1}}, {b: {c: 2}}]});
+ // 'a.b' is an array.
+ testIncludeADotBDotC({a: {b: [{c: 1, d: 1}, {c: 2, d: 2}]}}, {a: {b: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}]}});
+ // 'a' and 'a.b' are arrays.
+ testIncludeADotBDotC(
+ {a: [{b: [{c: 1, d: 1}, {c: 2, d: 2}]}, {b: [{c: 3, d: 3}, {c: 4, d: 4}]}]},
+ {a: [{b: [{c: 1}, {c: 2}]}, {b: [{c: 3}, {c: 4}]}]});
+ // 'a' and 'a.b' and 'a.b.c' are arrays.
+ testIncludeADotBDotC(
+ {
+ a: [
+ {b: [{c: [1, 2, 3], d: 1}, {c: [2, 3, 4], d: 2}]},
+ {b: [{c: [3, 4, 5], d: 3}, {c: [4, 5, 6], d: 4}]}
+ ]
+ },
+ {a: [{b: [{c: [1, 2, 3]}, {c: [2, 3, 4]}]}, {b: [{c: [3, 4, 5]}, {c: [4, 5, 6]}]}]});
+ // Test that when the path is missing we preserve the structure.
+ testIncludeADotBDotC({
+ a: [
+ // No 'b' here.
+ {bPrime: [{c: "x"}, {c: "x"}]},
+ // No 'c' anywhere
+ {b: [{cPrime: "x", d: 1}, {cPrime: "x", d: 2}]},
+ // Only some 'c's
+ {b: [{c: 3, d: 3}, {cPrime: "x", d: 4}, {c: 5}]},
+ // One more without a 'b' to prove we get trailing empty objects.
+ {bPrime: {somethingDifferent: "just because"}},
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ a: [
+ {/* bPrime was here */},
+ {b: [{}, {} /* all cPrimes */]},
+ {b: [{c: 3}, {/*cPrime was here */}, {c: 5}]},
+ {/* bPrime again */}
+ ]
+ });
+ // Test including "a.b.c" when "a.b.c" is missing/not present.
+ //
+ // TODO SERVER-23229 this will return different results if there is a covering index, so here
+ // but not elsewhere we don't use any "interestingIndexes".
+ // If there's a covered plan we will always construct {a: {b: {c: null}}} when we don't see an
+ // "a.b.c" value, which is not always correct.
+ //
+ // Interestingly, this bug disappears if the index is multikey ('a.b.c' or any parent is an
+ // array), since we will need to add a fetch to reconstruct the array anyway and will figure out
+ // the correct answer in the process.
+ const testADotBDotCNoIndexes = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {'a.b.c': 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: []
+ });
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({}, {});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({b: "other", x: "extra"}, {});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: "scalar"}, {});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: null}, {});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: {}}, {a: {}});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: {bPrime: {c: 1}}}, {a: {}});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: {b: "scalar"}}, {a: {}});
+ testADotBDotCNoIndexes({a: {b: {x: 1, y: 1}}}, {a: {b: {}}});
+ const testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC = (input, output) => testInputOutput({
+ input: input,
+ projection: {'a.b.c': 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: output,
+ interestingIndexes: [{'a.b.c': 1}, {'a.b.c': -1}]
+ });
+ // More cases where 'a.b.c' doesn't exist - but with arrays this time.
+ // The cases from above with just 'a.b' are mostly the same for 'a.b.c':
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [], x: "extra"}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{}, {}], x: "extra"}, {a: [{}, {}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: ["scalar", "scalar"], x: "extra"}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [null]}, {a: []});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: ["scalar", {}, "scalar", {c: 1}], x: "extra"}, {a: [{}, {}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[]]}, {a: [[]]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2, 3]]}, {a: [[]]});
+ // Now some with 'a.b' existing but no 'a.b.c'.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: []}}, {a: {b: []}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: ["scalar"]}}, {a: {b: []}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: [[]]}}, {a: {b: [[]]}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: "scalar"}]}, {a: [{}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: []}]}, {a: [{b: []}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: ["scalar"]}]}, {a: [{b: []}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [[]]}]}, {a: [{b: [[]]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: {x: 1}}]}, {a: [{b: {}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [{}]}]}, {a: [{b: [{}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, {b: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, "scalar"]]}, {a: [[{}, {}]]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}, 2]}, {a: [{b: [[], [{}]]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2], [{b: [[1, 2], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}], 2]}], 2]},
+ {a: [[], [{b: [[], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}]]}]]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({
+ a: [
+ ["x", {b: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, "x"],
+ [[{b: 1}]],
+ [{b: 1}, [{b: 2}], [[{b: [2]}]]],
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ a: [
+ [{}, {}],
+ [[{}]],
+ [{}, [{}], [[{b: []}]]],
+ ]
+ });
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[], [[], [], [1], [{x: 1}]], {b: 1}]}, {
+ a: [
+ [],
+ [[], [], [], [{}]],
+ {},
+ ]
+ });
+ // Now some new cases where 'a.b.c' sometimes exists.
+ // One array path.
+ // 'a' is array.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: {x: 1, c: "scalar"}}]}, {a: [{b: {c: "scalar"}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: {c: {x: 1}}}, 2]}, {a: [{b: {c: {x: 1}}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: {x: 1, c: "scalar"}}, 2]}, {a: [{b: {c: "scalar"}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2], [{b: {x: 1, c: "scalar"}}], 2]},
+ {a: [[], [{b: {c: "scalar"}}]]});
+ // 'b' is array.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: [{c: "scalar"}, {c: "scalar2"}]}},
+ {a: {b: [{c: "scalar"}, {c: "scalar2"}]}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: [1, {c: "scalar"}, 2]}}, {a: {b: [{c: "scalar"}]}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: [[1, 2], [{c: "scalar"}], 2]}},
+ {a: {b: [[], [{c: "scalar"}]]}});
+ // 'c' is array.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {x: 1, b: {x: 1, c: ["scalar"]}}}, {a: {b: {c: ["scalar"]}}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {b: {c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}}}, {a: {b: {c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}}});
+ // Two arrays.
+ // 'b' and 'c' are arrays.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {x: 1, b: [1, {c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}, 2]}},
+ {a: {b: [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}]}});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: {x: 1, b: [[1, 2], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}], 2]}},
+ {a: {b: [[], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}]]}});
+ // 'a' and 'b' are arrays.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [{c: "scalar"}]}]}, {a: [{b: [{c: "scalar"}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: [{c: {x: 1}}]}, 2]}, {a: [{b: [{c: {x: 1}}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: [1, {c: "scalar"}, 2]}, 2]}, {a: [{b: [{c: "scalar"}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: [[1, 2], [{c: "scalar"}], 2]}, 2]},
+ {a: [{b: [[], [{c: "scalar"}]]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2], [{b: [1, {c: "scalar"}, 2]}], 2]},
+ {a: [[], [{b: [{c: "scalar"}]}]]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2], [{b: [[1, 2], [{c: "scalar"}], 2]}], 2]},
+ {a: [[], [{b: [[], [{c: "scalar"}]]}]]});
+ // 'a' and 'c' are arrays.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: {c: [1, {}, 2]}}, 2]}, {a: [{b: {c: [1, {}, 2]}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: {x: 1, c: [[]]}}, 2]}, {a: [{b: {c: [[]]}}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: {x: 1, c: [1, {}, 2]}}, 2]}, {a: [{b: {c: [1, {}, 2]}}]});
+ // Three arrays.
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [{c: ["scalar"]}]}]}, {a: [{b: [{c: ["scalar"]}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [1, {c: ["scalar"]}, 2]}]}, {a: [{b: [{c: ["scalar"]}]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [{b: [[1, 2], [{c: ["scalar"]}], 2]}]},
+ {a: [{b: [[], [{c: ["scalar"]}]]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [1, {b: [[1, 2], [{c: [1, {}, 2]}], 2]}, 2]},
+ {a: [{b: [[], [{c: [1, {}, 2]}]]}]});
+ testIncludeOnlyADotBDotC({a: [[1, 2], [{b: [[1, 2], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}], 2]}], 2]},
+ {a: [[], [{b: [[], [{c: [[1, 2], [{}], 2]}]]}]]});
+// Now test the exclusion semantics. This part is a lot smaller since a lot of the behaviors mirror
+// inclusion projection.
+(function testExclusionSemantics() {
+ // Test some basic top-level flat examples.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1, c: 1},
+ projection: {a: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, b: 1, c: 1}
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1, c: 1},
+ projection: {a: 0, b: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, c: 1}
+ });
+ // Test some dotted examples.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: {b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, x: {y: 1, z: 1}},
+ projection: {"a.b": 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: {c: 1, d: 1}, x: {y: 1, z: 1}}
+ });
+ // One notable difference between inclusion and exclusion projections is that parent's scalar
+ // values remain untouched during an exclusion projection. The "scalar" here remains. In an
+ // inclusion projection, these would disappear.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: ["scalar", {b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: ["scalar", {c: 1, d: 1}, {c: 2}, {}]}
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [{b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": 0, "a.c": 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: [{d: 1}, {}, {}]}
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [{b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": 0, "a.c": 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: [{d: 1}, {}, {}]}
+ });
+ testInputOutput(
+ {input: {_id: 0, a: []}, projection: {"a.b": 0}, expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: []}});
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [[], [{b: [[1, 2], {c: 1, d: 1}]}]]},
+ projection: {"a.b.c": 0},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: [[], [{b: [[1, 2], {d: 1}]}]]}
+ });
+// Now test the semantics of projecting a computed field. Again this is fairly similar to inclusion
+// projections but with a few interesting twists.
+(function testComputedProjections() {
+ // Test some basic top-level flat examples.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1, c: 1},
+ projection: {a: {$literal: 0}},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: 0}
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1, c: 1},
+ projection: {a: {$literal: 0}, b: "string"},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: 0, b: "string"}
+ });
+ // Test some dotted examples.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: {b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, x: {y: 1, z: 1}},
+ projection: {"a.b": "new value"},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: {b: "new value"}}
+ });
+ // One notable difference for computed projections is that they overwrite scalars rather than
+ // ignoring or removing them.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: ["scalar", {b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": "new value"},
+ expectedOutput:
+ {_id: 0, a: [{b: "new value"}, {b: "new value"}, {b: "new value"}, {b: "new value"}]}
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [{b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": "new value", "a.c": "new C"},
+ expectedOutput: {
+ _id: 0,
+ a: [
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"},
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"},
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"}
+ ]
+ }
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [{b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}, {b: 2, c: 2}, {b: 3}]},
+ projection: {"a.b": "new value", "a.c": "new C"},
+ expectedOutput: {
+ _id: 0,
+ a: [
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"},
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"},
+ {b: "new value", c: "new C"}
+ ]
+ }
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: []},
+ projection: {"a.b": "new value"},
+ expectedOutput: {_id: 0, a: []}
+ });
+ // Computed projections will traverse through double arrays and preserve structure. For example,
+ // we preserve two brackets inside the existing 'b: [[1,2]]' and leave the empty array in 'a'
+ // untouched rather than replace it with {b: {c: "new value"}}.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: [[], [{b: [[1, 2], {c: 1, d: 1}]}]]},
+ projection: {"a.b.c": "new value"},
+ expectedOutput:
+ {_id: 0, a: [[], [{b: [[{c: "new value"}, {c: "new value"}], {c: "new value"}]}]]}
+ });
+// Test some miscellaneous properties of projections.
+(function testMiscellaneousProjections() {
+ // Test including and excluding _id only.
+ testInputOutput({input: {_id: 0}, projection: {_id: 1}, expectedOutput: {_id: 0}});
+ testInputOutput({input: {_id: 0}, projection: {_id: 0}, expectedOutput: {}});
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {_id: 0, a: 1, b: 1},
+ projection: {_id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {a: 1, b: 1},
+ });
+ // Test that you can specify nested paths with dots or as sub-objects and it'll mean the
+ // same thing.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7, humidity: 0.4, time: new Date()}},
+ projection: {'measurements.temperature': 1, 'measurements.pressure': 1, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7}},
+ interestingIndexes: [{'measurements.temperature': 1, 'measurements.pressure': 1}]
+ });
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7, humidity: 0.4, time: new Date()}},
+ projection: {measurements: {temperature: 1, pressure: 1}, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7}},
+ interestingIndexes: [{'measurements.temperature': 1, 'measurements.pressure': 1}]
+ });
+ // Now with an exclusion projection.
+ testInputOutput({
+ input: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7, humidity: 0.4, time: new Date()}},
+ projection: {measurements: {humidity: 0, time: 0}, _id: 0},
+ expectedOutput: {measurements: {temperature: 20, pressure: 0.7}},
+ });