diff options
authorKyle Erf <>2015-05-25 21:35:38 -0400
committerKyle Erf <>2015-05-28 12:28:23 -0400
commit110a8ba6607f65af2e0e5566701274bda91b5411 (patch)
parente3d718cb71de38286a4a536d6eaf066d8332ad4c (diff)
TOOLS-754 prevent applyOps from overflowing maximum message size
2 files changed, 66 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/mongorestore/oplog.go b/mongorestore/oplog.go
index de2014b4d65..95ed1bf8da1 100644
--- a/mongorestore/oplog.go
+++ b/mongorestore/oplog.go
@@ -14,7 +14,11 @@ import (
-const oplogMaxCommandSize = 1024 * 1024 * 16.5
+// oplogMaxCommandSize sets the maximum size for multiple buffered ops in the
+// applyOps command. This is to prevent pathological cases where the array overhead
+// of many small operations can overflow the maximum command size.
+// Note that ops > 8MB will still be buffered, just as single elements.
+const oplogMaxCommandSize = 1024 * 1024 * 8
// RestoreOplog attempts to restore a MongoDB oplog.
func (restore *MongoRestore) RestoreOplog() error {
diff --git a/test/qa-tests/jstests/restore/oplog_replay_size_safety.js b/test/qa-tests/jstests/restore/oplog_replay_size_safety.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b37b9f0d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/qa-tests/jstests/restore/oplog_replay_size_safety.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(function() {
+ if (typeof getToolTest === 'undefined') {
+ load('jstests/configs/plain_28.config.js');
+ }
+ var commonToolArgs = getCommonToolArguments();
+ var dumpTarget = 'oplog_replay_sizes';
+ // Helper for using mongorestore with --oplogReplay and a large oplog.bson
+ function tryOplogReplay(oplogSize, documentSize) {
+ var toolTest = getToolTest('oplog_replay_sizes');
+ // the test db and collections we'll be using
+ var testDB = toolTest.db.getSiblingDB('test_oplog');
+ var testColl = testDB.oplog;
+ var testRestoreDB = toolTest.db.getSiblingDB('test');
+ var testRestoreColl = testRestoreDB.op;
+ resetDbpath(dumpTarget);
+ var debugString = 'with ' + oplogSize + ' ops of size ' + documentSize;
+ jsTest.log('Testing --oplogReplay ' + debugString);
+ // create a fake oplog consisting of a large number of inserts
+ var xStr = new Array(documentSize).join("x"); // ~documentSize bytes string
+ for (var i = 0; i < oplogSize; i++) {
+ testColl.insert({ts: new Timestamp(0,i), op: "i",
+ o: {_id:i, x: xStr}, "ns":"test.op"});
+ }
+ // dump the fake oplog
+ var ret = toolTest.runTool.apply(
+ toolTest,
+ ['dump', '--db', 'test_oplog', '-c', 'oplog', '--out', dumpTarget].concat(commonToolArgs)
+ );
+ assert.eq(0, ret, "dump operation failed " + debugString);
+ // create the test.op collection
+ testRestoreColl.drop();
+ testRestoreDB.createCollection("op");
+ assert.eq(0, testRestoreColl.count());
+ // trick restore into replaying the "oplog" we forged above
+ ret = toolTest.runTool.apply(
+ toolTest,
+ ['restore', '--oplogReplay', dumpTarget+'/test_oplog'].concat(commonToolArgs)
+ );
+ assert.eq(0, ret, "restore operation failed " + debugString);
+ assert.eq(oplogSize, testRestoreColl.count(),
+ "all oplog entries should be inserted " + debugString);
+ toolTest.stop();
+ }
+ // run the test on various oplog and op sizes
+ tryOplogReplay(1024, 1024); // sanity check
+ tryOplogReplay(1024*1024, 1); // millions of micro ops
+ tryOplogReplay(8, 16*1024*1023); // 8 ~16MB ops
+ tryOplogReplay(32, 1024*1024); // 32 ~1MB ops
+ tryOplogReplay(32*1024, 1024); // many ~1KB ops