diff options
authorDwight <>2008-06-06 09:43:15 -0400
committerDwight <>2008-06-06 09:43:15 -0400
commit3051b961cac30f9bf81ac72b816ddb5e8e3c2ee9 (patch)
parent877b72efcdd55f9fc9b271c707d4b489e551793d (diff)
37 files changed, 8785 insertions, 8785 deletions
diff --git a/db/btree.cpp b/db/btree.cpp
index 8e2b982d079..2cbfe9811b4 100644
--- a/db/btree.cpp
+++ b/db/btree.cpp
@@ -1,901 +1,901 @@
-// btree.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "btree.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-/* it is easy to do custom sizes for a namespace - all the same for now */
-const int BucketSize = 8192;
-const int KeyMax = BucketSize / 10;
-int ninserts = 0;
-extern int otherTraceLevel;
-int split_debug = 0;
-int insert_debug = 0;
-DiskLoc maxDiskLoc(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
-DiskLoc minDiskLoc(0, 1);
-inline KeyNode::KeyNode(BucketBasics& bb, _KeyNode &k) :
- prevChildBucket(k.prevChildBucket),
- recordLoc(k.recordLoc), key(
-{ }
-/* BucketBasics --------------------------------------------------- */
-inline void BucketBasics::setNotPacked() { flags &= ~Packed; }
-inline void BucketBasics::setPacked() { flags |= Packed; }
-void BucketBasics::_shape(int level, stringstream& ss) {
- for( int i = 0; i < level; i++ ) ss << ' ';
- ss << "*\n";
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- if( !k(i).prevChildBucket.isNull() )
- k(i).prevChildBucket.btree()->_shape(level+1,ss);
- if( !nextChild.isNull() )
- nextChild.btree()->_shape(level+1,ss);
-int bt_fv=0;
-int bt_dmp=0;
-void BucketBasics::dumpTree(DiskLoc thisLoc) {
- bt_dmp=1;
- fullValidate(thisLoc);
- bt_dmp=0;
-int BucketBasics::fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
- assertValid(true);
-// if( bt_fv==0 )
-// return;
- if( bt_dmp ) {
- cout << thisLoc.toString() << ' ';
- ((BtreeBucket *) this)->dump();
- }
- // keycount
- int kc = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- _KeyNode& kn = k(i);
- if( kn.isUsed() ) kc++;
- if( !kn.prevChildBucket.isNull() ) {
- DiskLoc left = kn.prevChildBucket;
- BtreeBucket *b = left.btree();
- wassert( b->parent == thisLoc );
- kc += b->fullValidate(kn.prevChildBucket);
- }
- }
- if( !nextChild.isNull() ) {
- BtreeBucket *b = nextChild.btree();
- wassert( b->parent == thisLoc );
- kc += b->fullValidate(nextChild);
- }
- return kc;
-int nDumped = 0;
-void BucketBasics::assertValid(bool force) {
- if( !debug && !force )
- return;
- wassert( n >= 0 && n < BucketSize );
- wassert( emptySize >= 0 && emptySize < BucketSize );
- wassert( topSize >= n && topSize <= BucketSize );
- wassert( Size == BucketSize );
- if( 1 ) {
- // slow:
- for( int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) {
- JSObj k1 = keyNode(i).key;
- JSObj k2 = keyNode(i+1).key;
- int z = k1.woCompare(k2); //OK
- if( z > 0 ) {
- cout << "ERROR: btree key order corrupt. Keys:" << endl;
- if( ++nDumped < 5 ) {
- for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
- cout << " " << keyNode(j).key.toString() << endl;
- }
- ((BtreeBucket *) this)->dump();
- }
- wassert(false);
- break;
- }
- else if( z == 0 ) {
- wassert( k(i).recordLoc < k(i+1).recordLoc );
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- //faster:
- if( n > 1 ) {
- JSObj k1 = keyNode(0).key;
- JSObj k2 = keyNode(n-1).key;
- int z = k1.woCompare(k2);
- wassert( z <= 0 );
- }
- }
-inline void BucketBasics::markUnused(int keypos) {
- assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos < n );
- k(keypos).setUnused();
-inline int BucketBasics::totalDataSize() const {
- return Size - (data-(char*)this);
-void BucketBasics::init(){
- parent.Null(); nextChild.Null();
- Size = BucketSize;
- flags = Packed;
- n = 0;
- emptySize = totalDataSize(); topSize = 0;
- reserved = 0;
-/* we allocate space from the end of the buffer for data.
- the keynodes grow from the front.
-inline int BucketBasics::_alloc(int bytes) {
- topSize += bytes;
- emptySize -= bytes;
- int ofs = totalDataSize() - topSize;
- assert( ofs > 0 );
- return ofs;
-void BucketBasics::_delKeyAtPos(int keypos) {
- assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos <= n );
- assert( childForPos(keypos).isNull() );
- n--;
- assert( n > 0 || nextChild.isNull() );
- for( int j = keypos; j < n; j++ )
- k(j) = k(j+1);
- emptySize += sizeof(_KeyNode);
- setNotPacked();
-/* add a key. must be > all existing. be careful to set next ptr right. */
-void BucketBasics::pushBack(const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc prevChild) {
- int bytesNeeded = key.objsize() + sizeof(_KeyNode);
- assert( bytesNeeded <= emptySize );
- assert( n == 0 || keyNode(n-1).key.woCompare(key) <= 0 );
- emptySize -= sizeof(_KeyNode);
- _KeyNode& kn = k(n++);
- kn.prevChildBucket = prevChild;
- kn.recordLoc = recordLoc;
- kn.setKeyDataOfs( (short) _alloc(key.objsize()) );
- char *p = dataAt(kn.keyDataOfs());
- memcpy(p, key.objdata(), key.objsize());
-bool BucketBasics::basicInsert(int keypos, const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key) {
- assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos <= n );
- int bytesNeeded = key.objsize() + sizeof(_KeyNode);
- if( bytesNeeded > emptySize ) {
- pack();
- if( bytesNeeded > emptySize )
- return false;
- }
- for( int j = n; j > keypos; j-- ) // make room
- k(j) = k(j-1);
- n++;
- emptySize -= sizeof(_KeyNode);
- _KeyNode& kn = k(keypos);
- kn.prevChildBucket.Null();
- kn.recordLoc = recordLoc;
- kn.setKeyDataOfs((short) _alloc(key.objsize()) );
- char *p = dataAt(kn.keyDataOfs());
- memcpy(p, key.objdata(), key.objsize());
- return true;
-/* when we delete things we just leave empty space until the node is
- full and then we repack it.
-void BucketBasics::pack() {
- if( flags & Packed )
- return;
- int tdz = totalDataSize();
- char temp[BucketSize];
- int ofs = tdz;
- topSize = 0;
- for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
- short ofsold = k(j).keyDataOfs();
- int sz = keyNode(j).key.objsize();
- ofs -= sz;
- topSize += sz;
- memcpy(temp+ofs, dataAt(ofsold), sz);
- k(j).setKeyDataOfsSavingUse( ofs );
- }
- int dataUsed = tdz - ofs;
- memcpy(data + ofs, temp + ofs, dataUsed);
- emptySize = tdz - dataUsed - n * sizeof(_KeyNode);
- assert( emptySize >= 0 );
- setPacked();
- assertValid();
-inline void BucketBasics::truncateTo(int N) {
- n = N;
- setNotPacked();
- pack();
-/* - BtreeBucket --------------------------------------------------- */
-/* return largest key in the subtree. */
-void BtreeBucket::findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey) {
- DiskLoc loc = thisLoc;
- while( 1 ) {
- BtreeBucket *b = loc.btree();
-// b->dump();
- if( !b->nextChild.isNull() ) {
- loc = b->nextChild;
- continue;
- }
- assert(b->n>0);
- largestLoc = loc;
- largestKey = b->n-1;
- break;
- }
-/* pos: for existing keys
- returns # it goes BEFORE. so key[pos-1] < key < key[pos]
- returns n if it goes after the last existing key.
- note result might be Unused!
-bool BtreeBucket::find(JSObj& key, DiskLoc recordLoc, int& pos) {
- /* binary search for this key */
- int l=0; int h=n-1;
- while( l <= h ) {
- int m = (l+h)/2;
- KeyNode M = keyNode(m);
- int x = key.woCompare(M.key);
- if( x == 0 )
- x =;
- if( x < 0 ) // key < M.key
- h = m-1;
- else if( x > 0 )
- l = m+1;
- else {
- // found it. however, if dup keys are here, be careful we might have
- // found one in the middle. we want find() to return the leftmost instance.
- while( m >= 1 && keyNode(m-1).key.woEqual(key) )
- m--;
- pos = m;
- DiskLoc ch = k(m).prevChildBucket;
- if( !ch.isNull() ) {
- // if dup keys, might be dups to the left.
- DiskLoc largestLoc;
- int largestKey;
- ch.btree()->findLargestKey(ch, largestLoc, largestKey);
- if( !largestLoc.isNull() ) {
- if( largestLoc.btree()->keyAt(largestKey).woEqual(key) )
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
-//? x = key.woCompare(M.key);
- }
- // not found
- pos = l;
- if( pos != n ) {
- JSObj keyatpos = keyNode(pos).key;
- wassert( key.woCompare(keyatpos) <= 0 );
- if( pos > 0 ) {
- wassert( keyNode(pos-1).key.woCompare(key) <= 0 );
- }
- }
- return false;
-void BtreeBucket::delBucket(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id) {
- assert( !isHead() );
- BtreeBucket *p = parent.btree();
- if( p->nextChild == thisLoc ) {
- p->nextChild.Null();
- }
- else {
- for( int i = 0; i < p->n; i++ ) {
- if( p->k(i).prevChildBucket == thisLoc ) {
- p->k(i).prevChildBucket.Null();
- goto found;
- }
- }
- cout << "ERROR: can't find ref to deleted bucket.\n";
- cout << "To delete:\n";
- dump();
- cout << "Parent:\n";
- p->dump();
- assert(false);
- }
- //defensive:
- n = -1;
- parent.Null();
- theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(id.indexNamespace().c_str(), thisLoc.rec(), thisLoc);
-/* note: may delete the entire bucket! this invalid upon return sometimes. */
-void BtreeBucket::delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p) {
- assert(n>0);
- DiskLoc left = childForPos(p);
- if( n == 1 ) {
- if( left.isNull() && nextChild.isNull() ) {
- if( isHead() )
- _delKeyAtPos(p); // we don't delete the top bucket ever
- else
- delBucket(thisLoc, id);
- return;
- }
- markUnused(p);
- return;
- }
- if( left.isNull() )
- _delKeyAtPos(p);
- else
- markUnused(p);
-int verbose = 0;
-int qqq = 0;
-bool BtreeBucket::unindex(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& key, const DiskLoc& recordLoc ) {
- if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
- problem() << "unindex: key too large to index, skipping " << id.indexNamespace() << ' ' << key.toString() << endl;
- return false;
- }
- int pos;
- bool found;
- DiskLoc loc = locate(thisLoc, key, pos, found, recordLoc, 1);
- if( found ) {
- loc.btree()->delKeyAtPos(loc, id, pos);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-BtreeBucket* BtreeBucket::allocTemp() {
- BtreeBucket *b = (BtreeBucket*) malloc(BucketSize);
- b->init();
- return b;
-inline void fix(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const DiskLoc& child) {
- if( !child.isNull() ) {
- if( insert_debug )
- cout << " " << child.toString() << ".parent=" << thisLoc.toString() << endl;
- child.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
- }
-/* this sucks. maybe get rid of parent ptrs. */
-void BtreeBucket::fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
- fix(thisLoc, nextChild);
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- fix(thisLoc, k(i).prevChildBucket);
-/* keypos - where to insert the key i3n range 0..n. 0=make leftmost, n=make rightmost.
-void BtreeBucket::insertHere(DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
- DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key,
- DiskLoc lchild, DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails& idx)
- if( insert_debug )
- cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << ".insertHere " << key.toString() << '/' << recordLoc.toString() << ' '
- << lchild.toString() << ' ' << rchild.toString() << " keypos:" << keypos << endl;
- DiskLoc oldLoc = thisLoc;
- if( basicInsert(keypos, recordLoc, key) ) {
- _KeyNode& kn = k(keypos);
- if( keypos+1 == n ) { // last key
- if( nextChild != lchild ) {
- cout << "ERROR nextChild != lchild" << endl;
- cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
- cout << " keyPos: " << keypos << " n:" << n << endl;
- cout << " nextChild: " << nextChild.toString() << " lchild: " << lchild.toString() << endl;
- cout << " recordLoc: " << recordLoc.toString() << " rchild: " << rchild.toString() << endl;
- cout << " key: " << key.toString() << endl;
- dump();
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- cout << "\n\nDUMPING FULL INDEX" << endl;
- bt_dmp=1;
- bt_fv=1;
- idx.head.btree()->fullValidate(idx.head);
- assert(false);
- }
- kn.prevChildBucket = nextChild;
- assert( kn.prevChildBucket == lchild );
- nextChild = rchild;
- if( !rchild.isNull() )
- rchild.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
- }
- else {
- k(keypos).prevChildBucket = lchild;
- if( k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket != lchild ) {
- cout << "ERROR k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket != lchild" << endl;
- cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
- cout << " keyPos: " << keypos << " n:" << n << endl;
- cout << " k(keypos+1).pcb: " << k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket.toString() << " lchild: " << lchild.toString() << endl;
- cout << " recordLoc: " << recordLoc.toString() << " rchild: " << rchild.toString() << endl;
- cout << " key: " << key.toString() << endl;
- dump();
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- cout << "\n\nDUMPING FULL INDEX" << endl;
- bt_dmp=1;
- bt_fv=1;
- idx.head.btree()->fullValidate(idx.head);
- assert(false);
- }
- k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket = rchild;
- if( !rchild.isNull() )
- rchild.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
- }
- return;
- }
- // split
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << ".split" << endl;
- int mid = n / 2;
- /* on duplicate key, we need to ensure that they all end up on the RHS */
- if( 0 ) {
- assert(mid>0);
- while( 1 ) {
- KeyNode mn = keyNode(mid);
- KeyNode left = keyNode(mid-1);
- if( left.key < mn.key )
- break;
- mid--;
- if( mid < 3 ) {
- problem() << "Assertion failure - mid<3: duplicate key bug not fixed yet" << endl;
- cout << "Assertion failure - mid<3: duplicate key bug not fixed yet" << endl;
- cout << " ns:" << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
- cout << " key:" << mn.key.toString() << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- BtreeBucket *r = allocTemp();
- DiskLoc rLoc;
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " mid:" << mid << ' ' << keyNode(mid).key.toString() << " n:" << n << endl;
- for( int i = mid+1; i < n; i++ ) {
- KeyNode kn = keyNode(i);
- if( i == keypos ) {
- // slip in the new one
- r->pushBack(recordLoc, key, kn.prevChildBucket);
- r->pushBack(kn.recordLoc, kn.key, rchild);
- }
- else
- r->pushBack(kn.recordLoc, kn.key, kn.prevChildBucket);
- }
- r->nextChild = nextChild;
- r->assertValid();
- rLoc = theDataFileMgr.insert(idx.indexNamespace().c_str(), r, r->Size, true);
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " new rLoc:" << rLoc.toString() << endl;
- free(r); r = 0;
- rLoc.btree()->fixParentPtrs(rLoc);
- {
- KeyNode middle = keyNode(mid);
- nextChild = middle.prevChildBucket; // middle key gets promoted, its children will be thisLoc (l) and rLoc (r)
- if( split_debug ) {
- //rLoc.btree()->dump();
- cout << " middle key:" << middle.key.toString() << endl;
- }
- // promote middle to a parent node
- if( parent.isNull() ) {
- // make a new parent if we were the root
- BtreeBucket *p = allocTemp();
- p->pushBack(middle.recordLoc, middle.key, thisLoc);
- p->nextChild = rLoc;
- p->assertValid();
- parent = idx.head = theDataFileMgr.insert(idx.indexNamespace().c_str(), p, p->Size, true);
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " we were root, making new root:" << hex << parent.getOfs() << dec << endl;
- free(p);
- rLoc.btree()->parent = parent;
- }
- else {
- /* set this before calling _insert - if it splits it will do fixParent() logic and fix the value,
- so we don't want to overwrite that if it happens.
- */
- rLoc.btree()->parent = parent;
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " promoting middle key " << middle.key.toString() << endl;
- parent.btree()->_insert(parent, middle.recordLoc, middle.key, false, thisLoc, rLoc, idx);
- }
- BtreeBucket *br = rLoc.btree();
- }
- // mark on left that we no longer have anything from midpoint on.
- bool highest = keypos == n;
- truncateTo(mid); // note this may trash middle.key! thus we had to promote it before finishing up here.
- // add our new key, there is room now
- {
- if( keypos <= mid ) {
-// if( keypos < mid ) {
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " keypos<mid, insertHere() the new key" << endl;
- insertHere(thisLoc, keypos, recordLoc, key, lchild, rchild, idx);
- } else if( highest ) {
- // else handled above already.
- int kp = keypos-mid-1; assert(kp>=0);
- rLoc.btree()->insertHere(rLoc, kp, recordLoc, key, lchild, rchild, idx);
-// set a bp here.
-// if( !lchild.isNull() ) cout << lchild.btree()->parent.toString() << endl;
-// if( !rchild.isNull() ) cout << rchild.btree()->parent.toString() << endl;
- }
- }
- if( split_debug )
- cout << " split end " << hex << thisLoc.getOfs() << dec << endl;
-DiskLoc BtreeBucket::addHead(IndexDetails& id) {
- BtreeBucket *p = allocTemp();
- DiskLoc loc = theDataFileMgr.insert(id.indexNamespace().c_str(), p, p->Size, true);
- return loc;
-DiskLoc BtreeBucket::getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
- DiskLoc p = thisLoc;
- while( !p.btree()->isHead() )
- p = p.btree()->parent;
- return p;
-DiskLoc BtreeBucket::advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller) {
- if( keyOfs < 0 || keyOfs >= n ) {
- cout << "ASSERT failure BtreeBucket::advance, caller: " << caller << endl;
- cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << endl;
- cout << " keyOfs: " << keyOfs << " n:" << n << " direction: " << direction << endl;
- cout << bucketSummary() << endl;
- assert( keyOfs >= 0 && keyOfs < n );
- }
- int adj = direction < 0 ? 1 : 0;
- int ko = keyOfs + direction;
- DiskLoc nextDown = childForPos(ko+adj);
- if( !nextDown.isNull() ) {
-// nextDown.btree()->dump();//TEMP:
- while( 1 ) {
- keyOfs = direction>0 ? 0 : nextDown.btree()->n - 1;
- DiskLoc loc= nextDown.btree()->childForPos(keyOfs + adj);
- if( loc.isNull() )
- break;
- nextDown = loc;
- }
- return nextDown;
- }
- if( ko < n && ko >= 0 ) {
- keyOfs = ko;
- return thisLoc;
- }
- // end of bucket. traverse back up.
- DiskLoc childLoc = thisLoc;
- DiskLoc ancestor = parent;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( ancestor.isNull() )
- break;
- BtreeBucket *an = ancestor.btree();
- for( int i = 0; i < an->n; i++ ) {
- if( an->childForPos(i+adj) == childLoc ) {
- keyOfs = i;
- return ancestor;
- }
- }
- assert( direction<0 || an->nextChild == childLoc );
- // parent exhausted also, keep going up
- childLoc = ancestor;
- ancestor = an->parent;
- }
- return DiskLoc();
-DiskLoc BtreeBucket::locate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, JSObj& key, int& pos, bool& found, DiskLoc recordLoc, int direction) {
- int p;
- found = find(key, recordLoc, p);
- if( found ) {
- pos = p;
- return thisLoc;
- }
- DiskLoc child = childForPos(p);
- if( !child.isNull() ) {
- DiskLoc l = child.btree()->locate(child, key, pos, found, recordLoc, direction);
- if( !l.isNull() )
- return l;
- }
- if( direction == -1 && p == n && n ) {
- p--;
- }
- pos = p;
- return pos == n ? DiskLoc() /*theend*/ : thisLoc;
-/* thisloc is the location of this bucket object. you must pass that in. */
-int BtreeBucket::_insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
- JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed,
- DiskLoc lChild, DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails& idx) {
- if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
- problem() << "ERROR: key too large len:" << key.objsize() << " max:" << KeyMax << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
- return 2;
- }
- assert( key.objsize() > 0 );
- int pos;
- bool found = find(key, recordLoc, pos);
- if( insert_debug ) {
- cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << '.' << "_insert " <<
- key.toString() << '/' << recordLoc.toString() <<
- " l:" << lChild.toString() << " r:" << rChild.toString() << endl;
- cout << " found:" << found << " pos:" << pos << " n:" << n << endl;
- }
- if( found ) {
- if( k(pos).isUnused() ) {
- cout << "an unused already occupying keyslot, write more code.\n";
- cout << " index may be corrupt (missing data) now.\n";
- }
- cout << "_insert(): key already exists in index\n";
- cout << " " << idx.indexNamespace().c_str() << " thisLoc:" << thisLoc.toString() << '\n';
- cout << " " << key.toString() << '\n';
- cout << " " << "recordLoc:" << recordLoc.toString() << " pos:" << pos << endl;
- cout << " old l r: " << childForPos(pos).toString() << ' ' << childForPos(pos+1).toString() << endl;
- cout << " new l r: " << lChild.toString() << ' ' << rChild.toString() << endl;
- assert(false);
- // on a dup key always insert on the right or else you will be broken.
-// pos++;
- // on a promotion, find the right point to update if dup keys.
- /* not needed: we always insert right after the first key so we are ok with just pos++...
- if( !rChild.isNull() ) {
- while( pos < n && k(pos).prevChildBucket != lchild ) {
- pos++;
- cout << "looking for the right dup key" << endl;
- }
- }
- */
- }
- DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: key: " << key.toString() << endl;
- DiskLoc& child = getChild(pos);
- if( insert_debug )
- cout << " getChild(" << pos << "): " << child.toString() << endl;
- if( child.isNull() || !rChild.isNull() /* means an 'internal' insert */ ) {
- insertHere(thisLoc, pos, recordLoc, key, lChild, rChild, idx);
- return 0;
- }
- return child.btree()->insert(child, recordLoc, key, dupsAllowed, idx, false);
-void BtreeBucket::dump() {
- cout << "DUMP btreebucket: ";
- cout << " parent:" << hex << parent.getOfs() << dec;
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- cout << '\n';
- KeyNode k = keyNode(i);
- cout << '\t' << i << '\t' << k.key.toString() << "\tleft:" << hex <<
- k.prevChildBucket.getOfs() << "\trec:" << k.recordLoc.getOfs() << dec;
- if( this->k(i).isUnused() )
- cout << " UNUSED";
- }
- cout << " right:" << hex << nextChild.getOfs() << dec << endl;
-JSObj *music = 0;
-void tempMusic(DiskLoc thisLoc)
- BtreeCursor c(thisLoc, *music, 1, true);
- while( c.ok() ) {
- KeyNode kn = c.currKeyNode();
- if( !kn.key.woEqual(*music) )
- break;
- if( kn.recordLoc.getOfs() == 0x4c8d7c0 ) {
- cout << "*** found it" << endl;
- // c.bucket.btree()->dump();
- return;
- }
- c.advance();
- }
- cout << "*** NOT FOUND" << endl;
-/* todo: meaning of return code unclear clean up */
-int BtreeBucket::insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
- JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel)
- if( toplevel ) {
- if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
- problem() << "Btree::insert: key too large to index, skipping " << idx.indexNamespace().c_str() << ' ' << key.toString() << '\n';
- return 3;
- }
- ++ninserts;
- /*
- if( ninserts % 1000 == 0 ) {
- cout << "ninserts: " << ninserts << endl;
- if( 0 && ninserts >= 127287 ) {
- cout << "debug?" << endl;
- split_debug = 1;
- }
- }
- */
- }
- bool chk = false;
- int x = _insert(thisLoc, recordLoc, key, dupsAllowed, DiskLoc(), DiskLoc(), idx);
- assertValid();
-/* if( toplevel ) {
- if( recordLoc.getOfs() == 0x4c8d7c0 ) {
- if( key.toString() == "{ _searchIndex: \"music\" }" ) {
- tempMusic(thisLoc);
- }
- }
- }
- return x;
-void BtreeBucket::shape(stringstream& ss) {
- _shape(0, ss);
-/* - BtreeCursor --------------------------------------------------- */
-BtreeCursor::BtreeCursor(DiskLoc head, JSObj& k, int _direction, bool sm) :
- direction(_direction), stopmiss(sm)
-//otherTraceLevel = 999;
- bool found;
- if( otherTraceLevel >= 12 ) {
- if( otherTraceLevel >= 200 ) {
- cout << "::BtreeCursor() qtl>200. validating entire index." << endl;
- head.btree()->fullValidate(head);
- }
- else {
- cout << "BTreeCursor(). dumping head bucket" << endl;
- head.btree()->dump();
- }
- }
- bucket = head.btree()->locate(head, k, keyOfs, found, direction > 0 ? minDiskLoc : maxDiskLoc, direction);
- checkUnused();
-int zzz = 0;
-/* skip unused keys. */
-void BtreeCursor::checkUnused() {
- int u = 0;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( !ok() )
- break;
- BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();
- _KeyNode& kn = b->k(keyOfs);
- if( kn.isUsed() )
- break;
- bucket = b->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "checkUnused");
- u++;
- }
- if( u > 10 && ++zzz % 16 == 0 )
- cout << "btree unused skipped:" << u << endl;
-/*DiskLoc BtreeCursor::currLoc() {
- assert( !bucket.isNull() );
- _KeyNode& kn = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs);
- assert( kn.isUsed() );
- return kn.recordLoc;
-bool BtreeCursor::advance() {
- if( bucket.isNull() )
- return false;
- bucket = bucket.btree()->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "BtreeCursor::advance");
- checkUnused();
- return !bucket.isNull();
-void BtreeCursor::noteLocation() {
- if( !eof() ) {
- JSObj o = bucket.btree()->keyAt(keyOfs).copy();
- keyAtKeyOfs = o;
- locAtKeyOfs = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs).recordLoc;
- }
-int clctr = 0;
-/* see if things moved around (deletes, splits, inserts) */
-void BtreeCursor::checkLocation() {
- try {
- if( eof() )
- return;
- BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();
- if( b->keyAt(keyOfs).woEqual(keyAtKeyOfs) &&
- b->k(keyOfs).recordLoc == locAtKeyOfs ) {
- if( !b->k(keyOfs).isUsed() )
- checkUnused();
- return;
- }
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- cout << "Caught exception in checkLocation(), that's maybe ok" << endl;
- }
- bool found;
- DiskLoc bold = bucket;
-/* TODO: Switch to keep indexdetails and do idx.head! */
- /* didn't find, check from the top */
- DiskLoc head = bold.btree()->getHead(bold);
- bucket = head.btree()->locate(head, keyAtKeyOfs, keyOfs, found, locAtKeyOfs, direction);
- if( clctr++ % 128 == 0 )
- cout << " key seems to have moved in the index, refinding. found:" << found << endl;
- if( found )
- checkUnused();
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-struct BtreeUnitTest {
- BtreeUnitTest() {
- assert( < 0 );
- }
-} btut;
+// btree.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+/* it is easy to do custom sizes for a namespace - all the same for now */
+const int BucketSize = 8192;
+const int KeyMax = BucketSize / 10;
+int ninserts = 0;
+extern int otherTraceLevel;
+int split_debug = 0;
+int insert_debug = 0;
+DiskLoc maxDiskLoc(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
+DiskLoc minDiskLoc(0, 1);
+inline KeyNode::KeyNode(BucketBasics& bb, _KeyNode &k) :
+ prevChildBucket(k.prevChildBucket),
+ recordLoc(k.recordLoc), key(
+{ }
+/* BucketBasics --------------------------------------------------- */
+inline void BucketBasics::setNotPacked() { flags &= ~Packed; }
+inline void BucketBasics::setPacked() { flags |= Packed; }
+void BucketBasics::_shape(int level, stringstream& ss) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < level; i++ ) ss << ' ';
+ ss << "*\n";
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ if( !k(i).prevChildBucket.isNull() )
+ k(i).prevChildBucket.btree()->_shape(level+1,ss);
+ if( !nextChild.isNull() )
+ nextChild.btree()->_shape(level+1,ss);
+int bt_fv=0;
+int bt_dmp=0;
+void BucketBasics::dumpTree(DiskLoc thisLoc) {
+ bt_dmp=1;
+ fullValidate(thisLoc);
+ bt_dmp=0;
+int BucketBasics::fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
+ assertValid(true);
+// if( bt_fv==0 )
+// return;
+ if( bt_dmp ) {
+ cout << thisLoc.toString() << ' ';
+ ((BtreeBucket *) this)->dump();
+ }
+ // keycount
+ int kc = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ _KeyNode& kn = k(i);
+ if( kn.isUsed() ) kc++;
+ if( !kn.prevChildBucket.isNull() ) {
+ DiskLoc left = kn.prevChildBucket;
+ BtreeBucket *b = left.btree();
+ wassert( b->parent == thisLoc );
+ kc += b->fullValidate(kn.prevChildBucket);
+ }
+ }
+ if( !nextChild.isNull() ) {
+ BtreeBucket *b = nextChild.btree();
+ wassert( b->parent == thisLoc );
+ kc += b->fullValidate(nextChild);
+ }
+ return kc;
+int nDumped = 0;
+void BucketBasics::assertValid(bool force) {
+ if( !debug && !force )
+ return;
+ wassert( n >= 0 && n < BucketSize );
+ wassert( emptySize >= 0 && emptySize < BucketSize );
+ wassert( topSize >= n && topSize <= BucketSize );
+ wassert( Size == BucketSize );
+ if( 1 ) {
+ // slow:
+ for( int i = 0; i < n-1; i++ ) {
+ JSObj k1 = keyNode(i).key;
+ JSObj k2 = keyNode(i+1).key;
+ int z = k1.woCompare(k2); //OK
+ if( z > 0 ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: btree key order corrupt. Keys:" << endl;
+ if( ++nDumped < 5 ) {
+ for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
+ cout << " " << keyNode(j).key.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ ((BtreeBucket *) this)->dump();
+ }
+ wassert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if( z == 0 ) {
+ wassert( k(i).recordLoc < k(i+1).recordLoc );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //faster:
+ if( n > 1 ) {
+ JSObj k1 = keyNode(0).key;
+ JSObj k2 = keyNode(n-1).key;
+ int z = k1.woCompare(k2);
+ wassert( z <= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+inline void BucketBasics::markUnused(int keypos) {
+ assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos < n );
+ k(keypos).setUnused();
+inline int BucketBasics::totalDataSize() const {
+ return Size - (data-(char*)this);
+void BucketBasics::init(){
+ parent.Null(); nextChild.Null();
+ Size = BucketSize;
+ flags = Packed;
+ n = 0;
+ emptySize = totalDataSize(); topSize = 0;
+ reserved = 0;
+/* we allocate space from the end of the buffer for data.
+ the keynodes grow from the front.
+inline int BucketBasics::_alloc(int bytes) {
+ topSize += bytes;
+ emptySize -= bytes;
+ int ofs = totalDataSize() - topSize;
+ assert( ofs > 0 );
+ return ofs;
+void BucketBasics::_delKeyAtPos(int keypos) {
+ assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos <= n );
+ assert( childForPos(keypos).isNull() );
+ n--;
+ assert( n > 0 || nextChild.isNull() );
+ for( int j = keypos; j < n; j++ )
+ k(j) = k(j+1);
+ emptySize += sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ setNotPacked();
+/* add a key. must be > all existing. be careful to set next ptr right. */
+void BucketBasics::pushBack(const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc prevChild) {
+ int bytesNeeded = key.objsize() + sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ assert( bytesNeeded <= emptySize );
+ assert( n == 0 || keyNode(n-1).key.woCompare(key) <= 0 );
+ emptySize -= sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ _KeyNode& kn = k(n++);
+ kn.prevChildBucket = prevChild;
+ kn.recordLoc = recordLoc;
+ kn.setKeyDataOfs( (short) _alloc(key.objsize()) );
+ char *p = dataAt(kn.keyDataOfs());
+ memcpy(p, key.objdata(), key.objsize());
+bool BucketBasics::basicInsert(int keypos, const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key) {
+ assert( keypos >= 0 && keypos <= n );
+ int bytesNeeded = key.objsize() + sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ if( bytesNeeded > emptySize ) {
+ pack();
+ if( bytesNeeded > emptySize )
+ return false;
+ }
+ for( int j = n; j > keypos; j-- ) // make room
+ k(j) = k(j-1);
+ n++;
+ emptySize -= sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ _KeyNode& kn = k(keypos);
+ kn.prevChildBucket.Null();
+ kn.recordLoc = recordLoc;
+ kn.setKeyDataOfs((short) _alloc(key.objsize()) );
+ char *p = dataAt(kn.keyDataOfs());
+ memcpy(p, key.objdata(), key.objsize());
+ return true;
+/* when we delete things we just leave empty space until the node is
+ full and then we repack it.
+void BucketBasics::pack() {
+ if( flags & Packed )
+ return;
+ int tdz = totalDataSize();
+ char temp[BucketSize];
+ int ofs = tdz;
+ topSize = 0;
+ for( int j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
+ short ofsold = k(j).keyDataOfs();
+ int sz = keyNode(j).key.objsize();
+ ofs -= sz;
+ topSize += sz;
+ memcpy(temp+ofs, dataAt(ofsold), sz);
+ k(j).setKeyDataOfsSavingUse( ofs );
+ }
+ int dataUsed = tdz - ofs;
+ memcpy(data + ofs, temp + ofs, dataUsed);
+ emptySize = tdz - dataUsed - n * sizeof(_KeyNode);
+ assert( emptySize >= 0 );
+ setPacked();
+ assertValid();
+inline void BucketBasics::truncateTo(int N) {
+ n = N;
+ setNotPacked();
+ pack();
+/* - BtreeBucket --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* return largest key in the subtree. */
+void BtreeBucket::findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey) {
+ DiskLoc loc = thisLoc;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ BtreeBucket *b = loc.btree();
+// b->dump();
+ if( !b->nextChild.isNull() ) {
+ loc = b->nextChild;
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert(b->n>0);
+ largestLoc = loc;
+ largestKey = b->n-1;
+ break;
+ }
+/* pos: for existing keys
+ returns # it goes BEFORE. so key[pos-1] < key < key[pos]
+ returns n if it goes after the last existing key.
+ note result might be Unused!
+bool BtreeBucket::find(JSObj& key, DiskLoc recordLoc, int& pos) {
+ /* binary search for this key */
+ int l=0; int h=n-1;
+ while( l <= h ) {
+ int m = (l+h)/2;
+ KeyNode M = keyNode(m);
+ int x = key.woCompare(M.key);
+ if( x == 0 )
+ x =;
+ if( x < 0 ) // key < M.key
+ h = m-1;
+ else if( x > 0 )
+ l = m+1;
+ else {
+ // found it. however, if dup keys are here, be careful we might have
+ // found one in the middle. we want find() to return the leftmost instance.
+ while( m >= 1 && keyNode(m-1).key.woEqual(key) )
+ m--;
+ pos = m;
+ DiskLoc ch = k(m).prevChildBucket;
+ if( !ch.isNull() ) {
+ // if dup keys, might be dups to the left.
+ DiskLoc largestLoc;
+ int largestKey;
+ ch.btree()->findLargestKey(ch, largestLoc, largestKey);
+ if( !largestLoc.isNull() ) {
+ if( largestLoc.btree()->keyAt(largestKey).woEqual(key) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+//? x = key.woCompare(M.key);
+ }
+ // not found
+ pos = l;
+ if( pos != n ) {
+ JSObj keyatpos = keyNode(pos).key;
+ wassert( key.woCompare(keyatpos) <= 0 );
+ if( pos > 0 ) {
+ wassert( keyNode(pos-1).key.woCompare(key) <= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void BtreeBucket::delBucket(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id) {
+ assert( !isHead() );
+ BtreeBucket *p = parent.btree();
+ if( p->nextChild == thisLoc ) {
+ p->nextChild.Null();
+ }
+ else {
+ for( int i = 0; i < p->n; i++ ) {
+ if( p->k(i).prevChildBucket == thisLoc ) {
+ p->k(i).prevChildBucket.Null();
+ goto found;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "ERROR: can't find ref to deleted bucket.\n";
+ cout << "To delete:\n";
+ dump();
+ cout << "Parent:\n";
+ p->dump();
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ //defensive:
+ n = -1;
+ parent.Null();
+ theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(id.indexNamespace().c_str(), thisLoc.rec(), thisLoc);
+/* note: may delete the entire bucket! this invalid upon return sometimes. */
+void BtreeBucket::delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p) {
+ assert(n>0);
+ DiskLoc left = childForPos(p);
+ if( n == 1 ) {
+ if( left.isNull() && nextChild.isNull() ) {
+ if( isHead() )
+ _delKeyAtPos(p); // we don't delete the top bucket ever
+ else
+ delBucket(thisLoc, id);
+ return;
+ }
+ markUnused(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( left.isNull() )
+ _delKeyAtPos(p);
+ else
+ markUnused(p);
+int verbose = 0;
+int qqq = 0;
+bool BtreeBucket::unindex(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& key, const DiskLoc& recordLoc ) {
+ if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
+ problem() << "unindex: key too large to index, skipping " << id.indexNamespace() << ' ' << key.toString() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int pos;
+ bool found;
+ DiskLoc loc = locate(thisLoc, key, pos, found, recordLoc, 1);
+ if( found ) {
+ loc.btree()->delKeyAtPos(loc, id, pos);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+BtreeBucket* BtreeBucket::allocTemp() {
+ BtreeBucket *b = (BtreeBucket*) malloc(BucketSize);
+ b->init();
+ return b;
+inline void fix(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const DiskLoc& child) {
+ if( !child.isNull() ) {
+ if( insert_debug )
+ cout << " " << child.toString() << ".parent=" << thisLoc.toString() << endl;
+ child.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
+ }
+/* this sucks. maybe get rid of parent ptrs. */
+void BtreeBucket::fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
+ fix(thisLoc, nextChild);
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ fix(thisLoc, k(i).prevChildBucket);
+/* keypos - where to insert the key i3n range 0..n. 0=make leftmost, n=make rightmost.
+void BtreeBucket::insertHere(DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
+ DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key,
+ DiskLoc lchild, DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails& idx)
+ if( insert_debug )
+ cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << ".insertHere " << key.toString() << '/' << recordLoc.toString() << ' '
+ << lchild.toString() << ' ' << rchild.toString() << " keypos:" << keypos << endl;
+ DiskLoc oldLoc = thisLoc;
+ if( basicInsert(keypos, recordLoc, key) ) {
+ _KeyNode& kn = k(keypos);
+ if( keypos+1 == n ) { // last key
+ if( nextChild != lchild ) {
+ cout << "ERROR nextChild != lchild" << endl;
+ cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ cout << " keyPos: " << keypos << " n:" << n << endl;
+ cout << " nextChild: " << nextChild.toString() << " lchild: " << lchild.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " recordLoc: " << recordLoc.toString() << " rchild: " << rchild.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " key: " << key.toString() << endl;
+ dump();
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ cout << "\n\nDUMPING FULL INDEX" << endl;
+ bt_dmp=1;
+ bt_fv=1;
+ idx.head.btree()->fullValidate(idx.head);
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ kn.prevChildBucket = nextChild;
+ assert( kn.prevChildBucket == lchild );
+ nextChild = rchild;
+ if( !rchild.isNull() )
+ rchild.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
+ }
+ else {
+ k(keypos).prevChildBucket = lchild;
+ if( k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket != lchild ) {
+ cout << "ERROR k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket != lchild" << endl;
+ cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ cout << " keyPos: " << keypos << " n:" << n << endl;
+ cout << " k(keypos+1).pcb: " << k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket.toString() << " lchild: " << lchild.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " recordLoc: " << recordLoc.toString() << " rchild: " << rchild.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " key: " << key.toString() << endl;
+ dump();
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ cout << "\n\nDUMPING FULL INDEX" << endl;
+ bt_dmp=1;
+ bt_fv=1;
+ idx.head.btree()->fullValidate(idx.head);
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ k(keypos+1).prevChildBucket = rchild;
+ if( !rchild.isNull() )
+ rchild.btree()->parent = thisLoc;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // split
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << ".split" << endl;
+ int mid = n / 2;
+ /* on duplicate key, we need to ensure that they all end up on the RHS */
+ if( 0 ) {
+ assert(mid>0);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ KeyNode mn = keyNode(mid);
+ KeyNode left = keyNode(mid-1);
+ if( left.key < mn.key )
+ break;
+ mid--;
+ if( mid < 3 ) {
+ problem() << "Assertion failure - mid<3: duplicate key bug not fixed yet" << endl;
+ cout << "Assertion failure - mid<3: duplicate key bug not fixed yet" << endl;
+ cout << " ns:" << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ cout << " key:" << mn.key.toString() << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BtreeBucket *r = allocTemp();
+ DiskLoc rLoc;
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " mid:" << mid << ' ' << keyNode(mid).key.toString() << " n:" << n << endl;
+ for( int i = mid+1; i < n; i++ ) {
+ KeyNode kn = keyNode(i);
+ if( i == keypos ) {
+ // slip in the new one
+ r->pushBack(recordLoc, key, kn.prevChildBucket);
+ r->pushBack(kn.recordLoc, kn.key, rchild);
+ }
+ else
+ r->pushBack(kn.recordLoc, kn.key, kn.prevChildBucket);
+ }
+ r->nextChild = nextChild;
+ r->assertValid();
+ rLoc = theDataFileMgr.insert(idx.indexNamespace().c_str(), r, r->Size, true);
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " new rLoc:" << rLoc.toString() << endl;
+ free(r); r = 0;
+ rLoc.btree()->fixParentPtrs(rLoc);
+ {
+ KeyNode middle = keyNode(mid);
+ nextChild = middle.prevChildBucket; // middle key gets promoted, its children will be thisLoc (l) and rLoc (r)
+ if( split_debug ) {
+ //rLoc.btree()->dump();
+ cout << " middle key:" << middle.key.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ // promote middle to a parent node
+ if( parent.isNull() ) {
+ // make a new parent if we were the root
+ BtreeBucket *p = allocTemp();
+ p->pushBack(middle.recordLoc, middle.key, thisLoc);
+ p->nextChild = rLoc;
+ p->assertValid();
+ parent = idx.head = theDataFileMgr.insert(idx.indexNamespace().c_str(), p, p->Size, true);
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " we were root, making new root:" << hex << parent.getOfs() << dec << endl;
+ free(p);
+ rLoc.btree()->parent = parent;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* set this before calling _insert - if it splits it will do fixParent() logic and fix the value,
+ so we don't want to overwrite that if it happens.
+ */
+ rLoc.btree()->parent = parent;
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " promoting middle key " << middle.key.toString() << endl;
+ parent.btree()->_insert(parent, middle.recordLoc, middle.key, false, thisLoc, rLoc, idx);
+ }
+ BtreeBucket *br = rLoc.btree();
+ }
+ // mark on left that we no longer have anything from midpoint on.
+ bool highest = keypos == n;
+ truncateTo(mid); // note this may trash middle.key! thus we had to promote it before finishing up here.
+ // add our new key, there is room now
+ {
+ if( keypos <= mid ) {
+// if( keypos < mid ) {
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " keypos<mid, insertHere() the new key" << endl;
+ insertHere(thisLoc, keypos, recordLoc, key, lchild, rchild, idx);
+ } else if( highest ) {
+ // else handled above already.
+ int kp = keypos-mid-1; assert(kp>=0);
+ rLoc.btree()->insertHere(rLoc, kp, recordLoc, key, lchild, rchild, idx);
+// set a bp here.
+// if( !lchild.isNull() ) cout << lchild.btree()->parent.toString() << endl;
+// if( !rchild.isNull() ) cout << rchild.btree()->parent.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if( split_debug )
+ cout << " split end " << hex << thisLoc.getOfs() << dec << endl;
+DiskLoc BtreeBucket::addHead(IndexDetails& id) {
+ BtreeBucket *p = allocTemp();
+ DiskLoc loc = theDataFileMgr.insert(id.indexNamespace().c_str(), p, p->Size, true);
+ return loc;
+DiskLoc BtreeBucket::getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) {
+ DiskLoc p = thisLoc;
+ while( !p.btree()->isHead() )
+ p = p.btree()->parent;
+ return p;
+DiskLoc BtreeBucket::advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller) {
+ if( keyOfs < 0 || keyOfs >= n ) {
+ cout << "ASSERT failure BtreeBucket::advance, caller: " << caller << endl;
+ cout << " thisLoc: " << thisLoc.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " keyOfs: " << keyOfs << " n:" << n << " direction: " << direction << endl;
+ cout << bucketSummary() << endl;
+ assert( keyOfs >= 0 && keyOfs < n );
+ }
+ int adj = direction < 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ int ko = keyOfs + direction;
+ DiskLoc nextDown = childForPos(ko+adj);
+ if( !nextDown.isNull() ) {
+// nextDown.btree()->dump();//TEMP:
+ while( 1 ) {
+ keyOfs = direction>0 ? 0 : nextDown.btree()->n - 1;
+ DiskLoc loc= nextDown.btree()->childForPos(keyOfs + adj);
+ if( loc.isNull() )
+ break;
+ nextDown = loc;
+ }
+ return nextDown;
+ }
+ if( ko < n && ko >= 0 ) {
+ keyOfs = ko;
+ return thisLoc;
+ }
+ // end of bucket. traverse back up.
+ DiskLoc childLoc = thisLoc;
+ DiskLoc ancestor = parent;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( ancestor.isNull() )
+ break;
+ BtreeBucket *an = ancestor.btree();
+ for( int i = 0; i < an->n; i++ ) {
+ if( an->childForPos(i+adj) == childLoc ) {
+ keyOfs = i;
+ return ancestor;
+ }
+ }
+ assert( direction<0 || an->nextChild == childLoc );
+ // parent exhausted also, keep going up
+ childLoc = ancestor;
+ ancestor = an->parent;
+ }
+ return DiskLoc();
+DiskLoc BtreeBucket::locate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, JSObj& key, int& pos, bool& found, DiskLoc recordLoc, int direction) {
+ int p;
+ found = find(key, recordLoc, p);
+ if( found ) {
+ pos = p;
+ return thisLoc;
+ }
+ DiskLoc child = childForPos(p);
+ if( !child.isNull() ) {
+ DiskLoc l = child.btree()->locate(child, key, pos, found, recordLoc, direction);
+ if( !l.isNull() )
+ return l;
+ }
+ if( direction == -1 && p == n && n ) {
+ p--;
+ }
+ pos = p;
+ return pos == n ? DiskLoc() /*theend*/ : thisLoc;
+/* thisloc is the location of this bucket object. you must pass that in. */
+int BtreeBucket::_insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
+ JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed,
+ DiskLoc lChild, DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails& idx) {
+ if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
+ problem() << "ERROR: key too large len:" << key.objsize() << " max:" << KeyMax << ' ' << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ assert( key.objsize() > 0 );
+ int pos;
+ bool found = find(key, recordLoc, pos);
+ if( insert_debug ) {
+ cout << " " << thisLoc.toString() << '.' << "_insert " <<
+ key.toString() << '/' << recordLoc.toString() <<
+ " l:" << lChild.toString() << " r:" << rChild.toString() << endl;
+ cout << " found:" << found << " pos:" << pos << " n:" << n << endl;
+ }
+ if( found ) {
+ if( k(pos).isUnused() ) {
+ cout << "an unused already occupying keyslot, write more code.\n";
+ cout << " index may be corrupt (missing data) now.\n";
+ }
+ cout << "_insert(): key already exists in index\n";
+ cout << " " << idx.indexNamespace().c_str() << " thisLoc:" << thisLoc.toString() << '\n';
+ cout << " " << key.toString() << '\n';
+ cout << " " << "recordLoc:" << recordLoc.toString() << " pos:" << pos << endl;
+ cout << " old l r: " << childForPos(pos).toString() << ' ' << childForPos(pos+1).toString() << endl;
+ cout << " new l r: " << lChild.toString() << ' ' << rChild.toString() << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ // on a dup key always insert on the right or else you will be broken.
+// pos++;
+ // on a promotion, find the right point to update if dup keys.
+ /* not needed: we always insert right after the first key so we are ok with just pos++...
+ if( !rChild.isNull() ) {
+ while( pos < n && k(pos).prevChildBucket != lchild ) {
+ pos++;
+ cout << "looking for the right dup key" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: key: " << key.toString() << endl;
+ DiskLoc& child = getChild(pos);
+ if( insert_debug )
+ cout << " getChild(" << pos << "): " << child.toString() << endl;
+ if( child.isNull() || !rChild.isNull() /* means an 'internal' insert */ ) {
+ insertHere(thisLoc, pos, recordLoc, key, lChild, rChild, idx);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return child.btree()->insert(child, recordLoc, key, dupsAllowed, idx, false);
+void BtreeBucket::dump() {
+ cout << "DUMP btreebucket: ";
+ cout << " parent:" << hex << parent.getOfs() << dec;
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ cout << '\n';
+ KeyNode k = keyNode(i);
+ cout << '\t' << i << '\t' << k.key.toString() << "\tleft:" << hex <<
+ k.prevChildBucket.getOfs() << "\trec:" << k.recordLoc.getOfs() << dec;
+ if( this->k(i).isUnused() )
+ cout << " UNUSED";
+ }
+ cout << " right:" << hex << nextChild.getOfs() << dec << endl;
+JSObj *music = 0;
+void tempMusic(DiskLoc thisLoc)
+ BtreeCursor c(thisLoc, *music, 1, true);
+ while( c.ok() ) {
+ KeyNode kn = c.currKeyNode();
+ if( !kn.key.woEqual(*music) )
+ break;
+ if( kn.recordLoc.getOfs() == 0x4c8d7c0 ) {
+ cout << "*** found it" << endl;
+ // c.bucket.btree()->dump();
+ return;
+ }
+ c.advance();
+ }
+ cout << "*** NOT FOUND" << endl;
+/* todo: meaning of return code unclear clean up */
+int BtreeBucket::insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
+ JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel)
+ if( toplevel ) {
+ if( key.objsize() > KeyMax ) {
+ problem() << "Btree::insert: key too large to index, skipping " << idx.indexNamespace().c_str() << ' ' << key.toString() << '\n';
+ return 3;
+ }
+ ++ninserts;
+ /*
+ if( ninserts % 1000 == 0 ) {
+ cout << "ninserts: " << ninserts << endl;
+ if( 0 && ninserts >= 127287 ) {
+ cout << "debug?" << endl;
+ split_debug = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ bool chk = false;
+ int x = _insert(thisLoc, recordLoc, key, dupsAllowed, DiskLoc(), DiskLoc(), idx);
+ assertValid();
+/* if( toplevel ) {
+ if( recordLoc.getOfs() == 0x4c8d7c0 ) {
+ if( key.toString() == "{ _searchIndex: \"music\" }" ) {
+ tempMusic(thisLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return x;
+void BtreeBucket::shape(stringstream& ss) {
+ _shape(0, ss);
+/* - BtreeCursor --------------------------------------------------- */
+BtreeCursor::BtreeCursor(DiskLoc head, JSObj& k, int _direction, bool sm) :
+ direction(_direction), stopmiss(sm)
+//otherTraceLevel = 999;
+ bool found;
+ if( otherTraceLevel >= 12 ) {
+ if( otherTraceLevel >= 200 ) {
+ cout << "::BtreeCursor() qtl>200. validating entire index." << endl;
+ head.btree()->fullValidate(head);
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << "BTreeCursor(). dumping head bucket" << endl;
+ head.btree()->dump();
+ }
+ }
+ bucket = head.btree()->locate(head, k, keyOfs, found, direction > 0 ? minDiskLoc : maxDiskLoc, direction);
+ checkUnused();
+int zzz = 0;
+/* skip unused keys. */
+void BtreeCursor::checkUnused() {
+ int u = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( !ok() )
+ break;
+ BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();
+ _KeyNode& kn = b->k(keyOfs);
+ if( kn.isUsed() )
+ break;
+ bucket = b->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "checkUnused");
+ u++;
+ }
+ if( u > 10 && ++zzz % 16 == 0 )
+ cout << "btree unused skipped:" << u << endl;
+/*DiskLoc BtreeCursor::currLoc() {
+ assert( !bucket.isNull() );
+ _KeyNode& kn = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs);
+ assert( kn.isUsed() );
+ return kn.recordLoc;
+bool BtreeCursor::advance() {
+ if( bucket.isNull() )
+ return false;
+ bucket = bucket.btree()->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "BtreeCursor::advance");
+ checkUnused();
+ return !bucket.isNull();
+void BtreeCursor::noteLocation() {
+ if( !eof() ) {
+ JSObj o = bucket.btree()->keyAt(keyOfs).copy();
+ keyAtKeyOfs = o;
+ locAtKeyOfs = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs).recordLoc;
+ }
+int clctr = 0;
+/* see if things moved around (deletes, splits, inserts) */
+void BtreeCursor::checkLocation() {
+ try {
+ if( eof() )
+ return;
+ BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();
+ if( b->keyAt(keyOfs).woEqual(keyAtKeyOfs) &&
+ b->k(keyOfs).recordLoc == locAtKeyOfs ) {
+ if( !b->k(keyOfs).isUsed() )
+ checkUnused();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ cout << "Caught exception in checkLocation(), that's maybe ok" << endl;
+ }
+ bool found;
+ DiskLoc bold = bucket;
+/* TODO: Switch to keep indexdetails and do idx.head! */
+ /* didn't find, check from the top */
+ DiskLoc head = bold.btree()->getHead(bold);
+ bucket = head.btree()->locate(head, keyAtKeyOfs, keyOfs, found, locAtKeyOfs, direction);
+ if( clctr++ % 128 == 0 )
+ cout << " key seems to have moved in the index, refinding. found:" << found << endl;
+ if( found )
+ checkUnused();
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct BtreeUnitTest {
+ BtreeUnitTest() {
+ assert( < 0 );
+ }
+} btut;
diff --git a/db/btree.h b/db/btree.h
index 407a954ca27..063196f67b4 100644
--- a/db/btree.h
+++ b/db/btree.h
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
-// btree.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "storage.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct _KeyNode {
- DiskLoc prevChildBucket;
- DiskLoc recordLoc;
- short keyDataOfs() { return (short) _kdo; }
- unsigned short _kdo;
- void setKeyDataOfs(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); }
- void setKeyDataOfsSavingUse(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); }
- void setUnused() { recordLoc.GETOFS() |= 1; }
-// void setUsed() { _kdo &= 0x7fff; }
- int isUnused() { return (recordLoc.getOfs() & 1); }
- int isUsed() { return !isUnused(); }
-#pragma pack(pop)
-class BucketBasics;
-/* wrapper - this is our in memory representation of the key. _KeyNode is the disk representation. */
-class KeyNode {
- KeyNode(BucketBasics& bb, _KeyNode &k);
- DiskLoc& prevChildBucket;
- DiskLoc& recordLoc;
- JSObj key;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-/* this class is all about the storage management */
-class BucketBasics {
- friend class KeyNode;
- void dumpTree(DiskLoc thisLoc);
- bool isHead() { return parent.isNull(); }
- void assertValid(bool force = false);
- int fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc); /* traverses everything */
- DiskLoc& getChild(int pos) {
- assert( pos >= 0 && pos <= n );
- return pos == n ? nextChild : k(pos).prevChildBucket;
- }
- KeyNode keyNode(int i) {
- assert( i < n );
- return KeyNode(*this, k(i));
- }
- char * dataAt(short ofs) { return data + ofs; }
- void init(); // initialize a new node
- /* returns false if node is full and must be split
- keypos is where to insert -- inserted after that key #. so keypos=0 is the leftmost one.
- */
- bool basicInsert(int keypos, const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key);
- void pushBack(const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc prevChild);
- void _delKeyAtPos(int keypos); // low level version that doesn't deal with child ptrs.
- /* !Packed means there is deleted fragment space within the bucket.
- We "repack" when we run out of space before considering the node
- to be full.
- */
- enum Flags { Packed=1 };
- DiskLoc childForPos(int p) {
- return p == n ? nextChild : k(p).prevChildBucket;
- }
- int totalDataSize() const;
- void pack(); void setNotPacked(); void setPacked();
- int _alloc(int bytes);
- void truncateTo(int N);
- void markUnused(int keypos);
- DiskLoc parent;
- string bucketSummary() const {
- stringstream ss;
- ss << " Bucket info:" << endl;
- ss << " n: " << n << endl;
- ss << " parent: " << parent.toString() << endl;
- ss << " nextChild: " << parent.toString() << endl;
- ss << " Size: " << Size << " flags:" << flags << endl;
- ss << " emptySize: " << emptySize << " topSize: " << topSize << endl;
- return ss.str();
- }
- void _shape(int level, stringstream&);
- DiskLoc nextChild; // child bucket off and to the right of the highest key.
- int Size; // total size of this btree node in bytes. constant.
- int flags;
- int emptySize; // size of the empty region
- int topSize; // size of the data at the top of the bucket (keys are at the beginning or 'bottom')
- int n; // # of keys so far.
- int reserved;
- _KeyNode& k(int i) { return ((_KeyNode*)data)[i]; }
- char data[4];
-class BtreeBucket : public BucketBasics {
- friend class BtreeCursor;
- void dump();
- static DiskLoc addHead(IndexDetails&); /* start a new index off, empty */
- int insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
- JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel);
- bool unindex(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& key, const DiskLoc& recordLoc);
- /* locate may return an "unused" key that is just a marker. so be careful.
- looks for a key:recordloc pair.
- */
- DiskLoc locate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, JSObj& key, int& pos, bool& found, DiskLoc recordLoc, int direction=1);
- /* advance one key position in the index: */
- DiskLoc advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller);
- DiskLoc getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc);
- /* get tree shape */
- void shape(stringstream&);
- void fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc& thisLoc);
- void delBucket(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails&);
- void delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p);
- JSObj keyAt(int keyOfs) { return keyOfs >= n ? JSObj() : keyNode(keyOfs).key; }
- static BtreeBucket* allocTemp(); /* caller must release with free() */
- void insertHere(DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
- DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key,
- DiskLoc lchild, DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails&);
- int _insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
- JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed,
- DiskLoc lChild, DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails&);
- bool find(JSObj& key, DiskLoc recordLoc, int& pos);
- static void findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey);
-class BtreeCursor : public Cursor {
- friend class BtreeBucket;
- BtreeCursor(DiskLoc head, JSObj& startKey, int direction, bool stopmiss);
- virtual bool ok() { return !bucket.isNull(); }
- bool eof() { return !ok(); }
- virtual bool advance();
- virtual bool tempStopOnMiss() { return stopmiss; }
- virtual void noteLocation(); // updates keyAtKeyOfs...
- virtual void checkLocation();
- _KeyNode& _currKeyNode() {
- assert( !bucket.isNull() );
- _KeyNode& kn = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs);
- assert( kn.isUsed() );
- return kn;
- }
- KeyNode currKeyNode() {
- assert( !bucket.isNull() );
- return bucket.btree()->keyNode(keyOfs);
- }
- virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { return !bucket.isNull() ? _currKeyNode().recordLoc : DiskLoc(); }
- virtual Record* _current() { return currLoc().rec(); }
- virtual JSObj current() { return JSObj(_current()); }
- virtual const char * toString() { return "BtreeCursor"; }
- void checkUnused();
- DiskLoc bucket;
- int keyOfs;
- int direction; // 1=fwd,-1=reverse
- bool stopmiss;
- JSObj keyAtKeyOfs; // so we can tell if things moved around on us between the query and the getMore call
- DiskLoc locAtKeyOfs;
-#pragma pack(pop)
+// btree.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "storage.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct _KeyNode {
+ DiskLoc prevChildBucket;
+ DiskLoc recordLoc;
+ short keyDataOfs() { return (short) _kdo; }
+ unsigned short _kdo;
+ void setKeyDataOfs(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); }
+ void setKeyDataOfsSavingUse(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); }
+ void setUnused() { recordLoc.GETOFS() |= 1; }
+// void setUsed() { _kdo &= 0x7fff; }
+ int isUnused() { return (recordLoc.getOfs() & 1); }
+ int isUsed() { return !isUnused(); }
+#pragma pack(pop)
+class BucketBasics;
+/* wrapper - this is our in memory representation of the key. _KeyNode is the disk representation. */
+class KeyNode {
+ KeyNode(BucketBasics& bb, _KeyNode &k);
+ DiskLoc& prevChildBucket;
+ DiskLoc& recordLoc;
+ JSObj key;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+/* this class is all about the storage management */
+class BucketBasics {
+ friend class KeyNode;
+ void dumpTree(DiskLoc thisLoc);
+ bool isHead() { return parent.isNull(); }
+ void assertValid(bool force = false);
+ int fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc); /* traverses everything */
+ DiskLoc& getChild(int pos) {
+ assert( pos >= 0 && pos <= n );
+ return pos == n ? nextChild : k(pos).prevChildBucket;
+ }
+ KeyNode keyNode(int i) {
+ assert( i < n );
+ return KeyNode(*this, k(i));
+ }
+ char * dataAt(short ofs) { return data + ofs; }
+ void init(); // initialize a new node
+ /* returns false if node is full and must be split
+ keypos is where to insert -- inserted after that key #. so keypos=0 is the leftmost one.
+ */
+ bool basicInsert(int keypos, const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key);
+ void pushBack(const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc prevChild);
+ void _delKeyAtPos(int keypos); // low level version that doesn't deal with child ptrs.
+ /* !Packed means there is deleted fragment space within the bucket.
+ We "repack" when we run out of space before considering the node
+ to be full.
+ */
+ enum Flags { Packed=1 };
+ DiskLoc childForPos(int p) {
+ return p == n ? nextChild : k(p).prevChildBucket;
+ }
+ int totalDataSize() const;
+ void pack(); void setNotPacked(); void setPacked();
+ int _alloc(int bytes);
+ void truncateTo(int N);
+ void markUnused(int keypos);
+ DiskLoc parent;
+ string bucketSummary() const {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << " Bucket info:" << endl;
+ ss << " n: " << n << endl;
+ ss << " parent: " << parent.toString() << endl;
+ ss << " nextChild: " << parent.toString() << endl;
+ ss << " Size: " << Size << " flags:" << flags << endl;
+ ss << " emptySize: " << emptySize << " topSize: " << topSize << endl;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ void _shape(int level, stringstream&);
+ DiskLoc nextChild; // child bucket off and to the right of the highest key.
+ int Size; // total size of this btree node in bytes. constant.
+ int flags;
+ int emptySize; // size of the empty region
+ int topSize; // size of the data at the top of the bucket (keys are at the beginning or 'bottom')
+ int n; // # of keys so far.
+ int reserved;
+ _KeyNode& k(int i) { return ((_KeyNode*)data)[i]; }
+ char data[4];
+class BtreeBucket : public BucketBasics {
+ friend class BtreeCursor;
+ void dump();
+ static DiskLoc addHead(IndexDetails&); /* start a new index off, empty */
+ int insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
+ JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel);
+ bool unindex(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& key, const DiskLoc& recordLoc);
+ /* locate may return an "unused" key that is just a marker. so be careful.
+ looks for a key:recordloc pair.
+ */
+ DiskLoc locate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, JSObj& key, int& pos, bool& found, DiskLoc recordLoc, int direction=1);
+ /* advance one key position in the index: */
+ DiskLoc advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller);
+ DiskLoc getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc);
+ /* get tree shape */
+ void shape(stringstream&);
+ void fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc& thisLoc);
+ void delBucket(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails&);
+ void delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p);
+ JSObj keyAt(int keyOfs) { return keyOfs >= n ? JSObj() : keyNode(keyOfs).key; }
+ static BtreeBucket* allocTemp(); /* caller must release with free() */
+ void insertHere(DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
+ DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key,
+ DiskLoc lchild, DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails&);
+ int _insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc,
+ JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed,
+ DiskLoc lChild, DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails&);
+ bool find(JSObj& key, DiskLoc recordLoc, int& pos);
+ static void findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey);
+class BtreeCursor : public Cursor {
+ friend class BtreeBucket;
+ BtreeCursor(DiskLoc head, JSObj& startKey, int direction, bool stopmiss);
+ virtual bool ok() { return !bucket.isNull(); }
+ bool eof() { return !ok(); }
+ virtual bool advance();
+ virtual bool tempStopOnMiss() { return stopmiss; }
+ virtual void noteLocation(); // updates keyAtKeyOfs...
+ virtual void checkLocation();
+ _KeyNode& _currKeyNode() {
+ assert( !bucket.isNull() );
+ _KeyNode& kn = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs);
+ assert( kn.isUsed() );
+ return kn;
+ }
+ KeyNode currKeyNode() {
+ assert( !bucket.isNull() );
+ return bucket.btree()->keyNode(keyOfs);
+ }
+ virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { return !bucket.isNull() ? _currKeyNode().recordLoc : DiskLoc(); }
+ virtual Record* _current() { return currLoc().rec(); }
+ virtual JSObj current() { return JSObj(_current()); }
+ virtual const char * toString() { return "BtreeCursor"; }
+ void checkUnused();
+ DiskLoc bucket;
+ int keyOfs;
+ int direction; // 1=fwd,-1=reverse
+ bool stopmiss;
+ JSObj keyAtKeyOfs; // so we can tell if things moved around on us between the query and the getMore call
+ DiskLoc locAtKeyOfs;
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/db/clientcursor.cpp b/db/clientcursor.cpp
index c9d21d48aa8..d90762b90c5 100644
--- a/db/clientcursor.cpp
+++ b/db/clientcursor.cpp
@@ -1,214 +1,214 @@
-// clientcursor.cpp
-/* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors.
- ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our client
- application's perspective.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "query.h"
-#include "introspect.h"
-#include <time.h>
-/* TODO: FIX cleanup of clientCursors when hit the end. (ntoreturn insufficient) */
-typedef map<DiskLoc, ClientCursor*> DiskToCC;
-map<DiskLoc, ClientCursor*> byLocation;
-//HashTable<DiskLoc,ClientCursor*> byLocation(malloc(10000000), 10000000, "bylocation");
-CCMap clientCursors;
-class CursInspector : public SingleResultObjCursor {
- Cursor* clone() {
- return new CursInspector();
- }
-// Cursor* clone() { return new CursInspector(*this); }
- void fill() {
- b.append("byLocation_size", byLocation.size());
- b.append("clientCursors_size", clientCursors.size());
- stringstream ss;
- ss << '\n';
- int x = 40;
- DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.begin();
- while( it != byLocation.end() ) {
- DiskLoc dl = it->first;
- ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
- ss << dl.toString() << " -> \n";
- while( cc ) {
- ss << " cid:" << cc->cursorid << ' ' << cc->ns << " pos:" << cc->pos << " LL:" << cc->lastLoc.toString();
- try {
- setClient(cc->ns.c_str());
- Record *r = dl.rec();
- ss << " lwh:" << hex << r->lengthWithHeaders << " nxt:" << r->nextOfs << " prv:" << r->prevOfs << dec << ' ' << cc->c->toString();
- if( r->nextOfs >= 0 && r->nextOfs < 16 )
- ss << " DELETED??? (!)";
- }
- catch(...) {
- ss << " EXCEPTION";
- }
- ss << "\n";
- cc = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
- }
- if( --x <= 0 ) {
- ss << "only first 40 shown\n" << endl;
- break;
- }
- it++;
- }
- b.append("dump", ss.str().c_str());
- }
- CursInspector() { reg("intr.cursors"); }
-} _ciproto;
-/* must call this when a btree node is updated */
-void removedKey(const DiskLoc& btreeLoc, int keyPos) {
-// TODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-/* must call this on a delete so we clean up the cursors. */
-void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl) {
- DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.find(dl);
-// cout << "atd:" << dl.toString() << endl;
- if( it != byLocation.end() ) {
- ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
- byLocation.erase(it);
- assert( cc != 0 );
- int z = 0;
- while( cc ) {
- z++;
-// cout << "cc: " << cc->ns << endl;
- ClientCursor *nxt = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
- cc->nextAtThisLocation = 0; // updateLocation will manipulate linked list ptrs, so clean that up first.
- cc->c->checkLocation();
- cc->c->advance();
- cc->lastLoc.Null(); // so updateLocation doesn't try to remove, just to be faster -- we handled that.
- cc->updateLocation();
- cc = nxt;
- }
-// cout << "z:" << z << endl;
- }
-void ClientCursor::cleanupByLocation(DiskLoc loc, long long cursorid) {
- if( loc.isNull() )
- return;
- DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.find(loc);
- if( it != byLocation.end() ) {
- ClientCursor *first = it->second;
- ClientCursor *cc = first;
- ClientCursor *prev = 0;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( cc == 0 )
- break;
- if( cc->cursorid == cursorid ) {
- // found one to remove.
- if( prev == 0 ) {
- if( cc->nextAtThisLocation )
- it->second = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
- else
- byLocation.erase(it);
- }
- else {
- prev->nextAtThisLocation = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
- }
- cc->nextAtThisLocation = 0;
- return;
- }
- cc = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
- }
- }
- // not found!
- //cout << "Assertion failure - cleanupByLocation: not found " << cursorid << endl;
-ClientCursor::~ClientCursor() {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- cout << "~clientcursor " << cursorid << endl;
- assert( pos != -2 );
- cleanupByLocation(lastLoc, cursorid);
- assert( pos != -2 );
- // defensive
- lastLoc.Null();
- cursorid = -1;
- pos = -2;
- nextAtThisLocation = 0;
-// note this doesn't set lastLoc -- caller should.
-void ClientCursor::addToByLocation(DiskLoc cl) {
- assert( cursorid );
- if( nextAtThisLocation ) {
- wassert( nextAtThisLocation == 0 );
- return;
- }
- DiskToCC::iterator j = byLocation.find(cl);
- nextAtThisLocation = j == byLocation.end() ? 0 : j->second;
- byLocation[cl] = this;
-void ClientCursor::updateLocation() {
- assert( cursorid );
- DiskLoc cl = c->currLoc();
- // cout<< " TEMP: updateLocation last:" << lastLoc.toString() << " cl:" << cl.toString() << '\n';
- if( !lastLoc.isNull() )
- cleanupByLocation(lastLoc, cursorid);
- if( !cl.isNull() )
- addToByLocation(cl);
- lastLoc = cl;
- c->noteLocation();
-/* report to us that a new clientcursor exists so we can track it.
- note you still must call updateLocation (which likely should be changed)
-void ClientCursor::add(ClientCursor* cc) {
- clientCursors[cc->cursorid] = cc;
-// todo: delete the ClientCursor.
-// todo: other map
-bool ClientCursor::erase(long long id) {
- CCMap::iterator it = clientCursors.find(id);
- if( it != clientCursors.end() ) {
- ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
- it->second = 0; // defensive
- clientCursors.erase(it);
- delete cc; // destructor will fix byLocation map
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-long long allocCursorId() {
- long long x;
- while( 1 ) {
- x = (((long long)rand()) << 32);
- x = x | (int) curTimeMillis() | 0x80000000; // OR to make sure not zero
- if( clientCursors.count(x) == 0 )
- break;
- }
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- cout << "alloccursorid " << x << endl;
- return x;
+// clientcursor.cpp
+/* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors.
+ ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our client
+ application's perspective.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "query.h"
+#include "introspect.h"
+#include <time.h>
+/* TODO: FIX cleanup of clientCursors when hit the end. (ntoreturn insufficient) */
+typedef map<DiskLoc, ClientCursor*> DiskToCC;
+map<DiskLoc, ClientCursor*> byLocation;
+//HashTable<DiskLoc,ClientCursor*> byLocation(malloc(10000000), 10000000, "bylocation");
+CCMap clientCursors;
+class CursInspector : public SingleResultObjCursor {
+ Cursor* clone() {
+ return new CursInspector();
+ }
+// Cursor* clone() { return new CursInspector(*this); }
+ void fill() {
+ b.append("byLocation_size", byLocation.size());
+ b.append("clientCursors_size", clientCursors.size());
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << '\n';
+ int x = 40;
+ DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.begin();
+ while( it != byLocation.end() ) {
+ DiskLoc dl = it->first;
+ ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
+ ss << dl.toString() << " -> \n";
+ while( cc ) {
+ ss << " cid:" << cc->cursorid << ' ' << cc->ns << " pos:" << cc->pos << " LL:" << cc->lastLoc.toString();
+ try {
+ setClient(cc->ns.c_str());
+ Record *r = dl.rec();
+ ss << " lwh:" << hex << r->lengthWithHeaders << " nxt:" << r->nextOfs << " prv:" << r->prevOfs << dec << ' ' << cc->c->toString();
+ if( r->nextOfs >= 0 && r->nextOfs < 16 )
+ ss << " DELETED??? (!)";
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ ss << " EXCEPTION";
+ }
+ ss << "\n";
+ cc = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
+ }
+ if( --x <= 0 ) {
+ ss << "only first 40 shown\n" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ it++;
+ }
+ b.append("dump", ss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ CursInspector() { reg("intr.cursors"); }
+} _ciproto;
+/* must call this when a btree node is updated */
+void removedKey(const DiskLoc& btreeLoc, int keyPos) {
+// TODO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+/* must call this on a delete so we clean up the cursors. */
+void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.find(dl);
+// cout << "atd:" << dl.toString() << endl;
+ if( it != byLocation.end() ) {
+ ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
+ byLocation.erase(it);
+ assert( cc != 0 );
+ int z = 0;
+ while( cc ) {
+ z++;
+// cout << "cc: " << cc->ns << endl;
+ ClientCursor *nxt = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
+ cc->nextAtThisLocation = 0; // updateLocation will manipulate linked list ptrs, so clean that up first.
+ cc->c->checkLocation();
+ cc->c->advance();
+ cc->lastLoc.Null(); // so updateLocation doesn't try to remove, just to be faster -- we handled that.
+ cc->updateLocation();
+ cc = nxt;
+ }
+// cout << "z:" << z << endl;
+ }
+void ClientCursor::cleanupByLocation(DiskLoc loc, long long cursorid) {
+ if( loc.isNull() )
+ return;
+ DiskToCC::iterator it = byLocation.find(loc);
+ if( it != byLocation.end() ) {
+ ClientCursor *first = it->second;
+ ClientCursor *cc = first;
+ ClientCursor *prev = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( cc == 0 )
+ break;
+ if( cc->cursorid == cursorid ) {
+ // found one to remove.
+ if( prev == 0 ) {
+ if( cc->nextAtThisLocation )
+ it->second = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
+ else
+ byLocation.erase(it);
+ }
+ else {
+ prev->nextAtThisLocation = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
+ }
+ cc->nextAtThisLocation = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ cc = cc->nextAtThisLocation;
+ }
+ }
+ // not found!
+ //cout << "Assertion failure - cleanupByLocation: not found " << cursorid << endl;
+ClientCursor::~ClientCursor() {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ cout << "~clientcursor " << cursorid << endl;
+ assert( pos != -2 );
+ cleanupByLocation(lastLoc, cursorid);
+ assert( pos != -2 );
+ // defensive
+ lastLoc.Null();
+ cursorid = -1;
+ pos = -2;
+ nextAtThisLocation = 0;
+// note this doesn't set lastLoc -- caller should.
+void ClientCursor::addToByLocation(DiskLoc cl) {
+ assert( cursorid );
+ if( nextAtThisLocation ) {
+ wassert( nextAtThisLocation == 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ DiskToCC::iterator j = byLocation.find(cl);
+ nextAtThisLocation = j == byLocation.end() ? 0 : j->second;
+ byLocation[cl] = this;
+void ClientCursor::updateLocation() {
+ assert( cursorid );
+ DiskLoc cl = c->currLoc();
+ // cout<< " TEMP: updateLocation last:" << lastLoc.toString() << " cl:" << cl.toString() << '\n';
+ if( !lastLoc.isNull() )
+ cleanupByLocation(lastLoc, cursorid);
+ if( !cl.isNull() )
+ addToByLocation(cl);
+ lastLoc = cl;
+ c->noteLocation();
+/* report to us that a new clientcursor exists so we can track it.
+ note you still must call updateLocation (which likely should be changed)
+void ClientCursor::add(ClientCursor* cc) {
+ clientCursors[cc->cursorid] = cc;
+// todo: delete the ClientCursor.
+// todo: other map
+bool ClientCursor::erase(long long id) {
+ CCMap::iterator it = clientCursors.find(id);
+ if( it != clientCursors.end() ) {
+ ClientCursor *cc = it->second;
+ it->second = 0; // defensive
+ clientCursors.erase(it);
+ delete cc; // destructor will fix byLocation map
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+long long allocCursorId() {
+ long long x;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ x = (((long long)rand()) << 32);
+ x = x | (int) curTimeMillis() | 0x80000000; // OR to make sure not zero
+ if( clientCursors.count(x) == 0 )
+ break;
+ }
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ cout << "alloccursorid " << x << endl;
+ return x;
diff --git a/db/db.cpp b/db/db.cpp
index ebdedc8ce50..c50c5769420 100644
--- a/db/db.cpp
+++ b/db/db.cpp
@@ -1,757 +1,757 @@
-// db.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "db.h"
-#include "../grid/message.h"
-#include "../util/mmap.h"
-#include "../util/hashtab.h"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "javajs.h"
-#include "query.h"
-#include "introspect.h"
-extern const char *dbpath;
-extern int curOp;
-boost::mutex dbMutex;
-struct MyStartupTests {
- MyStartupTests() {
- assert( sizeof(OID) == 12 );
- }
-} mystartupdbcpp;
-/* example for
- var zz = { x: 3, y: "foo", v: { z:5, arr: [1, 2] } }
- zz.v.arr.prop = "zoo";
-void quicktest() {
- cout << "quicktest()\n";
- MemoryMappedFile mmf;
- char *m = (char *)"/tmp/quicktest", 16384);
- // cout << "mmf reads: " << m << endl;
- strcpy_s(m, 1000, "hello worldz");
-void pdfileInit();
-class DbMessage {
- DbMessage(Message& _m) : m(_m) {
- theEnd =>_data +>dataLen();
- int *r = (int *)>_data;
- reserved = *r;
- r++;
- data = (const char *) r;
- nextjsobj = data;
- }
- const char * getns() { return data; }
- void getns(Namespace& ns) {
- ns = data;
- }
- int pullInt() {
- if( nextjsobj == data )
- nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
- int i = *((int *)nextjsobj);
- nextjsobj += 4;
- return i;
- }
- long long pullInt64() {
- if( nextjsobj == data )
- nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
- long long i = *((long long *)nextjsobj);
- nextjsobj += 8;
- return i;
- }
- OID* getOID() {
- return (OID *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); // skip namespace
- }
- void getQueryStuff(const char *&query, int& ntoreturn) {
- int *i = (int *) (data + strlen(data) + 1);
- ntoreturn = *i;
- i++;
- query = (const char *) i;
- }
- /* for insert and update msgs */
- bool moreJSObjs() { return nextjsobj != 0; }
- JSObj nextJsObj() {
- if( nextjsobj == data )
- nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
- JSObj js(nextjsobj);
- assert( js.objsize() < ( theEnd - data ) );
- if( js.objsize() <= 0 )
- nextjsobj = null;
- else {
- nextjsobj += js.objsize();
- if( nextjsobj >= theEnd )
- nextjsobj = 0;
- }
- return js;
- }
- Message& m;
- int reserved;
- const char *data;
- const char *nextjsobj;
- const char *theEnd;
-void killCursors(int n, long long *ids);
-void receivedKillCursors(Message& m) {
- int *x = (int *)>_data;
- x++; // reserved
- int n = *x++;
- assert( n >= 1 );
- if( n > 2000 ) {
- problem() << "Assertion failure, receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl;
- cout << "Assertion failure, receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl;
- assert( n < 30000 );
- }
- killCursors(n, (long long *) x);
-void receivedUpdate(Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
- DbMessage d(m);
- const char *ns = d.getns();
- assert(*ns);
- setClient(ns);
- if( client->profile )
- ss << ns << ' ';
- int flags = d.pullInt();
- JSObj query = d.nextJsObj();
- assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
- assert( query.objsize() <>dataLen() );
- JSObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj();
- assert( toupdate.objsize() <>dataLen() );
- assert( query.objsize() + toupdate.objsize() <>dataLen() );
- updateObjects(ns, toupdate, query, flags & 1, ss);
-void receivedDelete(Message& m) {
- DbMessage d(m);
- const char *ns = d.getns();
- assert(*ns);
- setClient(ns);
- int flags = d.pullInt();
- assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
- JSObj pattern = d.nextJsObj();
- deleteObjects(ns, pattern, flags & 1);
-void receivedQuery(AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
- DbMessage d(m);
- const char *ns = d.getns();
- setClient(ns);
- int ntoskip = d.pullInt();
- int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
- JSObj query = d.nextJsObj();
- auto_ptr< set<string> > fields;
- if( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
- fields = auto_ptr< set<string> >(new set<string>());
- d.nextJsObj().getFieldNames(*fields);
- }
- QueryResult* msgdata;
- try {
- msgdata = runQuery(ns, ntoskip, ntoreturn, query, fields, ss);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- ss << " exception ";
- problem() << " Caught Assertion in runQuery " << ns << endl;
- cout << " Caught Assertion in runQuery, continuing" << endl;
- cout << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn << endl;
- cout << " ns:" << ns << endl;
- cout << " query:" << query.toString() << endl;
- msgdata = (QueryResult*) malloc(sizeof(QueryResult));
- QueryResult *qr = msgdata;
- qr->_data[0] = 0;
- qr->_data[1] = 0;
- qr->_data[2] = 0;
- qr->_data[3] = 0;
- qr->len = sizeof(QueryResult);
- qr->operation = opReply;
- qr->cursorId = 0;
- qr->startingFrom = 0;
- qr->nReturned = 0;
- }
- Message resp;
- resp.setData(msgdata, true); // transport will free
- if( client ) {
- if( client->profile )
- ss << " bytes:" <<>dataLen();
- }
- else {
- cout << "ERROR: client is null; ns=" << ns << endl;
- }
- dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
-void receivedGetMore(AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
- DbMessage d(m);
- const char *ns = d.getns();
- ss << ns;
- setClient(ns);
- int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
- long long cursorid = d.pullInt64();
- ss << " cid:" << cursorid;
- ss << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
- QueryResult* msgdata = getMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid);
- Message resp;
- resp.setData(msgdata, true);
- ss << " bytes:" <<>dataLen();
- ss << " nreturned:" << msgdata->nReturned;
- dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
-void receivedInsert(Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
-// cout << "GOT MSG id:" <<>id << endl;
- DbMessage d(m);
- while( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
- JSObj js = d.nextJsObj();
-// cout << " temp dbinsert: got js object, size=" << js.objsize() << " ns:" << d.getns() << endl;
- const char *ns = d.getns();
- assert(*ns);
- setClient(ns);
- ss << ns;
- theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
- }
-void testTheDb() {
- stringstream ss;
- setClient("sys.unittest.pdfile");
- /* this is not validly formatted, if you query this namespace bad things will happen */
- theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13);
- theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13);
- JSObj j1((const char *) &js1);
- deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false);
- theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.delete", &js1, sizeof(js1));
- deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false);
- updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, true,ss);
- updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, false,ss);
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll("sys.unittest.pdfile");
- while( c->ok() ) {
- Record* r = c->_current();
- c->advance();
- }
- cout << endl;
- client = 0;
-int port = DBPort;
-MessagingPort *grab = 0;
-void connThread();
-class OurListener : public Listener {
- OurListener(int p) : Listener(p) { }
- virtual void accepted(MessagingPort *mp) {
- assert( grab == 0 );
- grab = mp;
- boost::thread thr(connThread);
- while( grab )
- sleepmillis(1);
- }
-void listen(int port) {
- const char *Version = "db version: 110 2jun2008 embedded obj queries";
- problem() << Version << endl;
- cout << Version << endl;
- pdfileInit();
- testTheDb();
- cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " waiting for connections on port " << port << " ...\n" << endl;
- OurListener l(port);
- l.listen();
-int ctr = 0;
-extern int callDepth;
-class JniMessagingPort : public AbstractMessagingPort {
- JniMessagingPort(Message& _container) : container(_container) { }
- void reply(Message& received, Message& response) {
- container = response;
- }
- Message & container;
-/* a call from java/js to the database locally.
- m - inbound message
- out - outbound message, if there is any, will be set here.
- if there is one, will be non-null on return.
- The buffer will automatically clean up when out
- goes out of scope (out.freeIt==true)
- note we should already be in the mutex lock from connThread() at this point.
-void jniCallback(Message& m, Message& out)
- Client *clientOld = client;
- JniMessagingPort jmp(out);
- callDepth++;
- int curOpOld = curOp;
- try {
- stringstream ss;
- char buf[64];
- time_t_to_String(time(0), buf);
- buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year
- ss << buf << " dbjs ";
- {
- Timer t;
- bool log = false;
- curOp =>operation;
- if(>operation == dbQuery ) {
- receivedQuery(jmp, m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbInsert ) {
- ss << "insert ";
- receivedInsert(m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbUpdate ) {
- ss << "update ";
- receivedUpdate(m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbDelete ) {
- ss << "remove ";
- receivedDelete(m);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbGetMore ) {
- log = true;
- ss << "getmore ";
- receivedGetMore(jmp, m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbKillCursors ) {
- try {
- log = true;
- ss << "killcursors ";
- receivedKillCursors(m);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- problem() << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
- cout << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
- ss << " exception ";
- }
- }
- else {
- cout << " jnicall: operation isn't supported: " <<>operation << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- int ms = t.millis();
- log = log || ctr++ % 128 == 0;
- if( log || ms > 100 ) {
- ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms";
- cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
- }
- if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) {
- if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) {
- // profile it
- profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- problem() << "Caught AssertionException in jniCall()" << endl;
- cout << "Caught AssertionException in jniCall()" << endl;
- }
- curOp = curOpOld;
- callDepth--;
- if( client != clientOld ) {
- client = clientOld;
- wassert(false);
- }
-void connThread()
- try {
- MessagingPort& dbMsgPort = *grab;
- grab = 0;
- Message m;
- while( 1 ) {
- m.reset();
- stringstream ss;
- if( !dbMsgPort.recv(m) ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): returned false" << endl;
- dbMsgPort.shutdown();
- break;
- }
- char buf[64];
- time_t_to_String(time(0), buf);
- buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year
- ss << buf;
- // ss << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' ';
- {
- lock lk(dbMutex);
- Timer t;
- client = 0;
- curOp = 0;
- bool log = false;
- curOp =>operation;
- if(>operation == dbMsg ) {
- ss << "msg ";
- char *p =>_data;
- int len = strlen(p);
- if( len > 400 )
- cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 <<
- " long msg received, len:" << len <<
- " ends with: " << p + len - 10 << endl;
- bool end = strcmp("end", p) == 0;
- Message resp;
- resp.setData(opReply, "i am fine");
- dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
- if( end ) {
- cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " end msg" << endl;
- dbMsgPort.shutdown();
- sleepmillis(500);
- problem() << "exiting end msg" << endl;
- }
- }
- else if(>operation == dbQuery ) {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- log = true;
- receivedQuery(dbMsgPort, m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbInsert ) {
- try {
- ss << "insert ";
- receivedInsert(m, ss);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- problem() << " Caught Assertion insert, continuing" << endl;
- cout << "Caught Assertion, continuing" << endl;
- ss << " exception ";
- }
- }
- else if(>operation == dbUpdate ) {
- try {
- ss << "update ";
- receivedUpdate(m, ss);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- problem() << " Caught Assertion update, continuing" << endl;
- cout << "Caught Assertion update, continuing" << endl;
- ss << " exception ";
- }
- }
- else if(>operation == dbDelete ) {
- try {
- ss << "remove ";
- receivedDelete(m);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- problem() << " Caught Assertion receviedDelete, continuing" << endl;
- cout << "Caught Assertion receviedDelete, continuing" << endl;
- ss << " exception ";
- }
- }
- else if(>operation == dbGetMore ) {
- log = true;
- ss << "getmore ";
- receivedGetMore(dbMsgPort, m, ss);
- }
- else if(>operation == dbKillCursors ) {
- try {
- log = true;
- ss << "killcursors ";
- receivedKillCursors(m);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- cout << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
- problem() << " Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
- ss << " exception ";
- }
- }
- else {
- cout << " operation isn't supported: " <<>operation << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- int ms = t.millis();
- log = log || ctr++ % 128 == 0;
- if( log || ms > 100 ) {
- ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms";
- cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
- }
- if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) {
- if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) {
- // profile it
- profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- cout << "Caught AssertionException, terminating" << endl;
- problem() << "Caught AssertionException, terminating" << endl;
- exit(-7);
- }
-void msg(const char *m, const char *address, int port, int extras = 0) {
- SockAddr db(address, port);
-// SockAddr db("", DBPort);
-// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
-// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
-// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
- MessagingPort p;
- if( !p.connect(db) )
- return;
- for( int q = 0; q < 3; q++ ) {
- Message send;
- Message response;
- send.setData( dbMsg , m);
- int len =>dataLen();
- for( int i = 0; i < extras; i++ )
- p.say(db, send);
- Timer t;
- bool ok =, send, response);
- double tm = t.micros() + 1;
- cout << " ****ok." << ok << " time:" << tm / 1000.0 << "ms " <<
- ((double) len) * 8 / 1000000 / (tm/1000000) << "Mbps" << endl;
- if( q+1 < 3 ) {
- cout << "\t\tSLEEP 8 then sending again" << endl;
- sleepsecs(8);
- }
- }
- p.shutdown();
-void msg(const char *m, int extras = 0) {
- msg(m, "", DBPort, extras);
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
-#include <signal.h>
-void pipeSigHandler( int signal ) {
- psignal( signal, "Signal Received : ");
-void segvhandler(int x) {
- cout << "got SIGSEGV " << x << ", terminating :-(" << endl;
- problem() << "got SIGSEGV " << x << ", terminating :-(" << endl;
- exit(-9);
+// db.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "../grid/message.h"
+#include "../util/mmap.h"
+#include "../util/hashtab.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "javajs.h"
+#include "query.h"
+#include "introspect.h"
+extern const char *dbpath;
+extern int curOp;
+boost::mutex dbMutex;
+struct MyStartupTests {
+ MyStartupTests() {
+ assert( sizeof(OID) == 12 );
+ }
+} mystartupdbcpp;
+/* example for
+ var zz = { x: 3, y: "foo", v: { z:5, arr: [1, 2] } }
+ zz.v.arr.prop = "zoo";
+void quicktest() {
+ cout << "quicktest()\n";
+ MemoryMappedFile mmf;
+ char *m = (char *)"/tmp/quicktest", 16384);
+ // cout << "mmf reads: " << m << endl;
+ strcpy_s(m, 1000, "hello worldz");
-void mysighandler(int x) {
- // [dm] not working. why?
- // [gmj] because the VM catches sig 3 to do a thread dump
- cout << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", terminating" << endl;
- problem() << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", terminating" << endl;
- exit(0);
-void setupSignals() {
- cout << "SETUPSIGNALS " << signal(SIGINT, mysighandler) << endl;
+void pdfileInit();
+class DbMessage {
+ DbMessage(Message& _m) : m(_m) {
+ theEnd =>_data +>dataLen();
+ int *r = (int *)>_data;
+ reserved = *r;
+ r++;
+ data = (const char *) r;
+ nextjsobj = data;
+ }
+ const char * getns() { return data; }
+ void getns(Namespace& ns) {
+ ns = data;
+ }
+ int pullInt() {
+ if( nextjsobj == data )
+ nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
+ int i = *((int *)nextjsobj);
+ nextjsobj += 4;
+ return i;
+ }
+ long long pullInt64() {
+ if( nextjsobj == data )
+ nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
+ long long i = *((long long *)nextjsobj);
+ nextjsobj += 8;
+ return i;
+ }
+ OID* getOID() {
+ return (OID *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); // skip namespace
+ }
+ void getQueryStuff(const char *&query, int& ntoreturn) {
+ int *i = (int *) (data + strlen(data) + 1);
+ ntoreturn = *i;
+ i++;
+ query = (const char *) i;
+ }
+ /* for insert and update msgs */
+ bool moreJSObjs() { return nextjsobj != 0; }
+ JSObj nextJsObj() {
+ if( nextjsobj == data )
+ nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace
+ JSObj js(nextjsobj);
+ assert( js.objsize() < ( theEnd - data ) );
+ if( js.objsize() <= 0 )
+ nextjsobj = null;
+ else {
+ nextjsobj += js.objsize();
+ if( nextjsobj >= theEnd )
+ nextjsobj = 0;
+ }
+ return js;
+ }
+ Message& m;
+ int reserved;
+ const char *data;
+ const char *nextjsobj;
+ const char *theEnd;
+void killCursors(int n, long long *ids);
+void receivedKillCursors(Message& m) {
+ int *x = (int *)>_data;
+ x++; // reserved
+ int n = *x++;
+ assert( n >= 1 );
+ if( n > 2000 ) {
+ problem() << "Assertion failure, receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl;
+ cout << "Assertion failure, receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl;
+ assert( n < 30000 );
+ }
+ killCursors(n, (long long *) x);
+void receivedUpdate(Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ assert(*ns);
+ setClient(ns);
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << ns << ' ';
+ int flags = d.pullInt();
+ JSObj query = d.nextJsObj();
+ assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
+ assert( query.objsize() <>dataLen() );
+ JSObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj();
+ assert( toupdate.objsize() <>dataLen() );
+ assert( query.objsize() + toupdate.objsize() <>dataLen() );
+ updateObjects(ns, toupdate, query, flags & 1, ss);
+void receivedDelete(Message& m) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ assert(*ns);
+ setClient(ns);
+ int flags = d.pullInt();
+ assert( d.moreJSObjs() );
+ JSObj pattern = d.nextJsObj();
+ deleteObjects(ns, pattern, flags & 1);
+void receivedQuery(AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ setClient(ns);
+ int ntoskip = d.pullInt();
+ int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
+ JSObj query = d.nextJsObj();
+ auto_ptr< set<string> > fields;
+ if( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
+ fields = auto_ptr< set<string> >(new set<string>());
+ d.nextJsObj().getFieldNames(*fields);
+ }
+ QueryResult* msgdata;
+ try {
+ msgdata = runQuery(ns, ntoskip, ntoreturn, query, fields, ss);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ ss << " exception ";
+ problem() << " Caught Assertion in runQuery " << ns << endl;
+ cout << " Caught Assertion in runQuery, continuing" << endl;
+ cout << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn << endl;
+ cout << " ns:" << ns << endl;
+ cout << " query:" << query.toString() << endl;
+ msgdata = (QueryResult*) malloc(sizeof(QueryResult));
+ QueryResult *qr = msgdata;
+ qr->_data[0] = 0;
+ qr->_data[1] = 0;
+ qr->_data[2] = 0;
+ qr->_data[3] = 0;
+ qr->len = sizeof(QueryResult);
+ qr->operation = opReply;
+ qr->cursorId = 0;
+ qr->startingFrom = 0;
+ qr->nReturned = 0;
+ }
+ Message resp;
+ resp.setData(msgdata, true); // transport will free
+ if( client ) {
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << " bytes:" <<>dataLen();
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << "ERROR: client is null; ns=" << ns << endl;
+ }
+ dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
+void receivedGetMore(AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ ss << ns;
+ setClient(ns);
+ int ntoreturn = d.pullInt();
+ long long cursorid = d.pullInt64();
+ ss << " cid:" << cursorid;
+ ss << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
+ QueryResult* msgdata = getMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid);
+ Message resp;
+ resp.setData(msgdata, true);
+ ss << " bytes:" <<>dataLen();
+ ss << " nreturned:" << msgdata->nReturned;
+ dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
+void receivedInsert(Message& m, stringstream& ss) {
+// cout << "GOT MSG id:" <<>id << endl;
+ DbMessage d(m);
+ while( d.moreJSObjs() ) {
+ JSObj js = d.nextJsObj();
+// cout << " temp dbinsert: got js object, size=" << js.objsize() << " ns:" << d.getns() << endl;
+ const char *ns = d.getns();
+ assert(*ns);
+ setClient(ns);
+ ss << ns;
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
+ }
+void testTheDb() {
+ stringstream ss;
+ setClient("sys.unittest.pdfile");
+ /* this is not validly formatted, if you query this namespace bad things will happen */
+ theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13);
+ theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13);
+ JSObj j1((const char *) &js1);
+ deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false);
+ theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.delete", &js1, sizeof(js1));
+ deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false);
+ updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, true,ss);
+ updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, false,ss);
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll("sys.unittest.pdfile");
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ Record* r = c->_current();
+ c->advance();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ client = 0;
+int port = DBPort;
+MessagingPort *grab = 0;
+void connThread();
+class OurListener : public Listener {
+ OurListener(int p) : Listener(p) { }
+ virtual void accepted(MessagingPort *mp) {
+ assert( grab == 0 );
+ grab = mp;
+ boost::thread thr(connThread);
+ while( grab )
+ sleepmillis(1);
+ }
+void listen(int port) {
+ const char *Version = "db version: 110 2jun2008 embedded obj queries";
+ problem() << Version << endl;
+ cout << Version << endl;
+ pdfileInit();
+ testTheDb();
+ cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " waiting for connections on port " << port << " ...\n" << endl;
+ OurListener l(port);
+ l.listen();
+int ctr = 0;
+extern int callDepth;
+class JniMessagingPort : public AbstractMessagingPort {
+ JniMessagingPort(Message& _container) : container(_container) { }
+ void reply(Message& received, Message& response) {
+ container = response;
+ }
+ Message & container;
+/* a call from java/js to the database locally.
+ m - inbound message
+ out - outbound message, if there is any, will be set here.
+ if there is one, will be non-null on return.
+ The buffer will automatically clean up when out
+ goes out of scope (out.freeIt==true)
+ note we should already be in the mutex lock from connThread() at this point.
+void jniCallback(Message& m, Message& out)
+ Client *clientOld = client;
+ JniMessagingPort jmp(out);
+ callDepth++;
+ int curOpOld = curOp;
+ try {
+ stringstream ss;
+ char buf[64];
+ time_t_to_String(time(0), buf);
+ buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year
+ ss << buf << " dbjs ";
+ {
+ Timer t;
+ bool log = false;
+ curOp =>operation;
+ if(>operation == dbQuery ) {
+ receivedQuery(jmp, m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbInsert ) {
+ ss << "insert ";
+ receivedInsert(m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbUpdate ) {
+ ss << "update ";
+ receivedUpdate(m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbDelete ) {
+ ss << "remove ";
+ receivedDelete(m);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbGetMore ) {
+ log = true;
+ ss << "getmore ";
+ receivedGetMore(jmp, m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbKillCursors ) {
+ try {
+ log = true;
+ ss << "killcursors ";
+ receivedKillCursors(m);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ problem() << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
+ cout << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
+ ss << " exception ";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << " jnicall: operation isn't supported: " <<>operation << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ int ms = t.millis();
+ log = log || ctr++ % 128 == 0;
+ if( log || ms > 100 ) {
+ ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms";
+ cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) {
+ if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) {
+ // profile it
+ profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ problem() << "Caught AssertionException in jniCall()" << endl;
+ cout << "Caught AssertionException in jniCall()" << endl;
+ }
+ curOp = curOpOld;
+ callDepth--;
+ if( client != clientOld ) {
+ client = clientOld;
+ wassert(false);
+ }
+void connThread()
+ try {
+ MessagingPort& dbMsgPort = *grab;
+ grab = 0;
+ Message m;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ m.reset();
+ stringstream ss;
+ if( !dbMsgPort.recv(m) ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): returned false" << endl;
+ dbMsgPort.shutdown();
+ break;
+ }
+ char buf[64];
+ time_t_to_String(time(0), buf);
+ buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year
+ ss << buf;
+ // ss << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' ';
+ {
+ lock lk(dbMutex);
+ Timer t;
+ client = 0;
+ curOp = 0;
+ bool log = false;
+ curOp =>operation;
+ if(>operation == dbMsg ) {
+ ss << "msg ";
+ char *p =>_data;
+ int len = strlen(p);
+ if( len > 400 )
+ cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 <<
+ " long msg received, len:" << len <<
+ " ends with: " << p + len - 10 << endl;
+ bool end = strcmp("end", p) == 0;
+ Message resp;
+ resp.setData(opReply, "i am fine");
+ dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp);
+ if( end ) {
+ cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " end msg" << endl;
+ dbMsgPort.shutdown();
+ sleepmillis(500);
+ problem() << "exiting end msg" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbQuery ) {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ log = true;
+ receivedQuery(dbMsgPort, m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbInsert ) {
+ try {
+ ss << "insert ";
+ receivedInsert(m, ss);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ problem() << " Caught Assertion insert, continuing" << endl;
+ cout << "Caught Assertion, continuing" << endl;
+ ss << " exception ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbUpdate ) {
+ try {
+ ss << "update ";
+ receivedUpdate(m, ss);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ problem() << " Caught Assertion update, continuing" << endl;
+ cout << "Caught Assertion update, continuing" << endl;
+ ss << " exception ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbDelete ) {
+ try {
+ ss << "remove ";
+ receivedDelete(m);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ problem() << " Caught Assertion receviedDelete, continuing" << endl;
+ cout << "Caught Assertion receviedDelete, continuing" << endl;
+ ss << " exception ";
+ }
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbGetMore ) {
+ log = true;
+ ss << "getmore ";
+ receivedGetMore(dbMsgPort, m, ss);
+ }
+ else if(>operation == dbKillCursors ) {
+ try {
+ log = true;
+ ss << "killcursors ";
+ receivedKillCursors(m);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ cout << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
+ problem() << " Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl;
+ ss << " exception ";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << " operation isn't supported: " <<>operation << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ int ms = t.millis();
+ log = log || ctr++ % 128 == 0;
+ if( log || ms > 100 ) {
+ ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms";
+ cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) {
+ if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) {
+ // profile it
+ profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ cout << "Caught AssertionException, terminating" << endl;
+ problem() << "Caught AssertionException, terminating" << endl;
+ exit(-7);
+ }
+void msg(const char *m, const char *address, int port, int extras = 0) {
+ SockAddr db(address, port);
+// SockAddr db("", DBPort);
+// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
+// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
+// SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort);
+ MessagingPort p;
+ if( !p.connect(db) )
+ return;
+ for( int q = 0; q < 3; q++ ) {
+ Message send;
+ Message response;
+ send.setData( dbMsg , m);
+ int len =>dataLen();
+ for( int i = 0; i < extras; i++ )
+ p.say(db, send);
+ Timer t;
+ bool ok =, send, response);
+ double tm = t.micros() + 1;
+ cout << " ****ok." << ok << " time:" << tm / 1000.0 << "ms " <<
+ ((double) len) * 8 / 1000000 / (tm/1000000) << "Mbps" << endl;
+ if( q+1 < 3 ) {
+ cout << "\t\tSLEEP 8 then sending again" << endl;
+ sleepsecs(8);
+ }
+ }
+ p.shutdown();
+void msg(const char *m, int extras = 0) {
+ msg(m, "", DBPort, extras);
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+#include <signal.h>
+void pipeSigHandler( int signal ) {
+ psignal( signal, "Signal Received : ");
+void segvhandler(int x) {
+ cout << "got SIGSEGV " << x << ", terminating :-(" << endl;
+ problem() << "got SIGSEGV " << x << ", terminating :-(" << endl;
+ exit(-9);
+void mysighandler(int x) {
+ // [dm] not working. why?
+ // [gmj] because the VM catches sig 3 to do a thread dump
+ cout << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", terminating" << endl;
+ problem() << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", terminating" << endl;
+ exit(0);
+void setupSignals() {
+ cout << "SETUPSIGNALS " << signal(SIGINT, mysighandler) << endl;
// assert( signal(SIGINT, mysighandler) != SIG_ERR );
assert( signal(SIGTERM, mysighandler) != SIG_ERR );
assert( signal(SIGQUIT, mysighandler) != SIG_ERR );
assert( signal(SIGSEGV, segvhandler) != SIG_ERR );
-void setupSignals() {}
-void initAndListen(int listenPort, const char *dbPath, const char *appserverLoc = null) {
- setupSignals();
- /*
- * ensure that the dbpath ends w/ '/' as that's key in preventing things like
- * /data/dbadmin.ns
- */
- if (dbPath && dbPath[strlen(dbPath)-1] != '/') {
- char *t = (char *) malloc(strlen(dbPath) + 2);
- strcpy(t, dbPath);
- strcat(t, "/");
- dbPath = t;
- }
- dbpath = dbPath;
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
- pid_t pid = 0;
- pid = getpid();
- int pid=0;
- cout << "10Gen DB : starting : pid = " << pid << " port = " << port << " dbpath = " << dbpath << endl;
- problem() << "10Gen DB : starting : pid = " << pid << " port = " << port << " dbpath = " << dbpath << endl;
- JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl(appserverLoc);
- javajstest();
- listen(listenPort);
-ofstream problems("dbproblems.log", ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[], char *envp[] )
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
- signal(SIGPIPE, pipeSigHandler);
- srand(curTimeMillis());
- if( argc >= 2 ) {
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "quicktest") == 0 ) {
- quicktest();
- return 0;
- }
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "msg") == 0 ) {
- // msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping");
- const char *m = "ping";
- int thePort = DBPort;
- if (argc >= 3) {
- m = argv[2];
- if (argc > 3) {
- thePort = atoi(argv[3]);
- }
- }
- msg(m, "", thePort);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "msglots") == 0 ) {
- msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping", 1000);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "dev") == 0 ) {
- dbpath = "/home/dwight/db/";
- cout << "dev mode: expect db files in " << dbpath << endl;
- quicktest();
- port++;
- cout << "listening on port " << port << endl;
- listen(port);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "run") == 0 ) {
- initAndListen(port, dbpath);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if( strcmp(argv[1], "longmsg") == 0 ) {
- char buf[800000];
- memset(buf, 'a', 799999);
- buf[799999] = 0;
- buf[799998] = 'b';
- buf[0] = 'c';
- msg(buf);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * *** POST STANDARD SWITCH METHOD - if we don't satisfy, we switch to a
- * slightly different mode where "run" is assumed and we can set values
- */
- char *appsrvPath = null;
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- char *s = argv[i];
- if (s && strcmp(s, "--port") == 0) {
- port = atoi(argv[++i]);
- }
- else if (s && strcmp(s, "--dbpath") == 0) {
- dbpath = argv[++i];
- }
- else if (s && strcmp(s, "--appsrvpath") == 0) {
- appsrvPath = argv[++i];
- }
- }
- initAndListen(port, dbpath, appsrvPath);
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
- }
- cout << "usage:\n";
- cout << " quicktest just check basic assertions and exit" << endl;
- cout << " msg [msg] [port] send a request to the db server listening on port (or default)" << endl;
- cout << " msg end [port] shut down db server listening on port (or default)" << endl;
- cout << " run run db" << endl;
- cout << " dev run in dev mode (diff db loc, diff port #)" << endl;
- cout << " longmsg send a long test message to the db server" << endl;
- cout << " msglots send a bunch of test messages, and then wait for answer on the last one" << endl;
- cout << endl << "Alternate Usage :" << endl;
- cout << " --port <portno> --dbpath <root> --appsrvpath <root of appsrv>" << endl << endl;
- goingAway = true;
- return 0;
-//#if !defined(_WIN32)
-//int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) {
-// return _tmain(argc, 0);
+void setupSignals() {}
+void initAndListen(int listenPort, const char *dbPath, const char *appserverLoc = null) {
+ setupSignals();
+ /*
+ * ensure that the dbpath ends w/ '/' as that's key in preventing things like
+ * /data/dbadmin.ns
+ */
+ if (dbPath && dbPath[strlen(dbPath)-1] != '/') {
+ char *t = (char *) malloc(strlen(dbPath) + 2);
+ strcpy(t, dbPath);
+ strcat(t, "/");
+ dbPath = t;
+ }
+ dbpath = dbPath;
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+ pid_t pid = 0;
+ pid = getpid();
+ int pid=0;
+ cout << "10Gen DB : starting : pid = " << pid << " port = " << port << " dbpath = " << dbpath << endl;
+ problem() << "10Gen DB : starting : pid = " << pid << " port = " << port << " dbpath = " << dbpath << endl;
+ JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl(appserverLoc);
+ javajstest();
+ listen(listenPort);
+ofstream problems("dbproblems.log", ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[], char *envp[] )
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+ signal(SIGPIPE, pipeSigHandler);
+ srand(curTimeMillis());
+ if( argc >= 2 ) {
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "quicktest") == 0 ) {
+ quicktest();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "msg") == 0 ) {
+ // msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping");
+ const char *m = "ping";
+ int thePort = DBPort;
+ if (argc >= 3) {
+ m = argv[2];
+ if (argc > 3) {
+ thePort = atoi(argv[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ msg(m, "", thePort);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "msglots") == 0 ) {
+ msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping", 1000);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "dev") == 0 ) {
+ dbpath = "/home/dwight/db/";
+ cout << "dev mode: expect db files in " << dbpath << endl;
+ quicktest();
+ port++;
+ cout << "listening on port " << port << endl;
+ listen(port);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "run") == 0 ) {
+ initAndListen(port, dbpath);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( strcmp(argv[1], "longmsg") == 0 ) {
+ char buf[800000];
+ memset(buf, 'a', 799999);
+ buf[799999] = 0;
+ buf[799998] = 'b';
+ buf[0] = 'c';
+ msg(buf);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * *** POST STANDARD SWITCH METHOD - if we don't satisfy, we switch to a
+ * slightly different mode where "run" is assumed and we can set values
+ */
+ char *appsrvPath = null;
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ char *s = argv[i];
+ if (s && strcmp(s, "--port") == 0) {
+ port = atoi(argv[++i]);
+ }
+ else if (s && strcmp(s, "--dbpath") == 0) {
+ dbpath = argv[++i];
+ }
+ else if (s && strcmp(s, "--appsrvpath") == 0) {
+ appsrvPath = argv[++i];
+ }
+ }
+ initAndListen(port, dbpath, appsrvPath);
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cout << "usage:\n";
+ cout << " quicktest just check basic assertions and exit" << endl;
+ cout << " msg [msg] [port] send a request to the db server listening on port (or default)" << endl;
+ cout << " msg end [port] shut down db server listening on port (or default)" << endl;
+ cout << " run run db" << endl;
+ cout << " dev run in dev mode (diff db loc, diff port #)" << endl;
+ cout << " longmsg send a long test message to the db server" << endl;
+ cout << " msglots send a bunch of test messages, and then wait for answer on the last one" << endl;
+ cout << endl << "Alternate Usage :" << endl;
+ cout << " --port <portno> --dbpath <root> --appsrvpath <root of appsrv>" << endl << endl;
+ goingAway = true;
+ return 0;
+//#if !defined(_WIN32)
+//int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) {
+// return _tmain(argc, 0);
diff --git a/db/db.h b/db/db.h
index 11df40dca97..bf5f46e3c88 100644
--- a/db/db.h
+++ b/db/db.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "../grid/message.h"
-void jniCallback(Message& m, Message& out);
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "../grid/message.h"
+void jniCallback(Message& m, Message& out);
diff --git a/db/introspect.cpp b/db/introspect.cpp
index 95bbc73879a..34db42a143d 100644
--- a/db/introspect.cpp
+++ b/db/introspect.cpp
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-// introspect.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "introspect.h"
-#include "../util/builder.h"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-typedef map<string,Cursor*> StringToCursor;
-StringToCursor *specialNamespaces;
-auto_ptr<Cursor> getSpecialCursor(const char *ns) {
- StringToCursor::iterator it = specialNamespaces->find(ns);
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>
- (it == specialNamespaces->end() ?
- 0 : it->second->clone());
-void SingleResultObjCursor::reg(const char *as) {
- if( specialNamespaces == 0 )
- specialNamespaces = new StringToCursor();
- if( specialNamespaces->count(as) == 0 ) {
- (*specialNamespaces)[as] = this;
- }
-void profile(const char *str,
- int millis)
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.appendDate("ts", jsTime());
- b.append("info", str);
- b.append("millis", (double) millis);
- JSObj p = b.done();
- theDataFileMgr.insert(client->profileName.c_str(),
- p.objdata(), p.objsize(), true);
+// introspect.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "introspect.h"
+#include "../util/builder.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+typedef map<string,Cursor*> StringToCursor;
+StringToCursor *specialNamespaces;
+auto_ptr<Cursor> getSpecialCursor(const char *ns) {
+ StringToCursor::iterator it = specialNamespaces->find(ns);
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>
+ (it == specialNamespaces->end() ?
+ 0 : it->second->clone());
+void SingleResultObjCursor::reg(const char *as) {
+ if( specialNamespaces == 0 )
+ specialNamespaces = new StringToCursor();
+ if( specialNamespaces->count(as) == 0 ) {
+ (*specialNamespaces)[as] = this;
+ }
+void profile(const char *str,
+ int millis)
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.appendDate("ts", jsTime());
+ b.append("info", str);
+ b.append("millis", (double) millis);
+ JSObj p = b.done();
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(client->profileName.c_str(),
+ p.objdata(), p.objsize(), true);
diff --git a/db/introspect.h b/db/introspect.h
index 10bcfd96925..1dd7f3c8ee4 100644
--- a/db/introspect.h
+++ b/db/introspect.h
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-// introspect.h
-// system management stuff.
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-auto_ptr<Cursor> getSpecialCursor(const char *ns);
-class SingleResultObjCursor : public Cursor {
- int i;
- JSObjBuilder b;
- void reg(const char *as); /* register as a certain namespace */
- SingleResultObjCursor() { i = 0; }
- virtual bool ok() { return i == 0; }
- virtual Record* _current() { assert(false); return 0; }
- virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { assert(false); return DiskLoc(); }
- virtual void fill() = 0;
- virtual JSObj current() {
- assert(i == 0);
- fill();
- return b.done();
- }
- virtual bool advance() {
- i++;
- return false;
- }
- virtual const char * toString() { return "SingleResultObjCursor"; }
-/* --- profiling --------------------------------------------
- do when client->profile is set
-void profile(const char *str,
- int millis);
+// introspect.h
+// system management stuff.
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+auto_ptr<Cursor> getSpecialCursor(const char *ns);
+class SingleResultObjCursor : public Cursor {
+ int i;
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ void reg(const char *as); /* register as a certain namespace */
+ SingleResultObjCursor() { i = 0; }
+ virtual bool ok() { return i == 0; }
+ virtual Record* _current() { assert(false); return 0; }
+ virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { assert(false); return DiskLoc(); }
+ virtual void fill() = 0;
+ virtual JSObj current() {
+ assert(i == 0);
+ fill();
+ return b.done();
+ }
+ virtual bool advance() {
+ i++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual const char * toString() { return "SingleResultObjCursor"; }
+/* --- profiling --------------------------------------------
+ do when client->profile is set
+void profile(const char *str,
+ int millis);
diff --git a/db/javajs.cpp b/db/javajs.cpp
index 5ad2aa1f7ad..86a0a9a2ac1 100644
--- a/db/javajs.cpp
+++ b/db/javajs.cpp
@@ -24,27 +24,27 @@ using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace std;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-/* [dm] this being undefined without us adding it here means there is
- no tss cleanup on windows for boost lib?
- we don't care for now esp on windows only
- the boost source says:
- This function's sole purpose is to cause a link error in cases where
- automatic tss cleanup is not implemented by Boost.Threads as a
- reminder that user code is responsible for calling the necessary
- functions at the appropriate times (and for implementing an a
- tss_cleanup_implemented() function to eliminate the linker's
- missing symbol error).
- If Boost.Threads later implements automatic tss cleanup in cases
- where it currently doesn't (which is the plan), the duplicate
- symbol error will warn the user that their custom solution is no
- longer needed and can be removed.
-extern "C" void tss_cleanup_implemented(void) {
- //cout << "tss_cleanup_implemented called" << endl;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+/* [dm] this being undefined without us adding it here means there is
+ no tss cleanup on windows for boost lib?
+ we don't care for now esp on windows only
+ the boost source says:
+ This function's sole purpose is to cause a link error in cases where
+ automatic tss cleanup is not implemented by Boost.Threads as a
+ reminder that user code is responsible for calling the necessary
+ functions at the appropriate times (and for implementing an a
+ tss_cleanup_implemented() function to eliminate the linker's
+ missing symbol error).
+ If Boost.Threads later implements automatic tss cleanup in cases
+ where it currently doesn't (which is the plan), the duplicate
+ symbol error will warn the user that their custom solution is no
+ longer needed and can be removed.
+extern "C" void tss_cleanup_implemented(void) {
+ //cout << "tss_cleanup_implemented called" << endl;
diff --git a/db/jsobj.cpp b/db/jsobj.cpp
index 26a9881fccf..e55de77d335 100644
--- a/db/jsobj.cpp
+++ b/db/jsobj.cpp
@@ -1,810 +1,810 @@
-// jsobj.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-#include "javajs.h"
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include <hash_map>
-using namespace stdext;
-typedef const char * MyStr;
-struct less_str {
- bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const {
- if ( strcmp(x, y) > 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
-typedef hash_map<const char*, int, hash_compare<const char *, less_str> > strhashmap;
-#include <ext/hash_map>
-using namespace __gnu_cxx;
-typedef const char * MyStr;
-struct eq_str {
- bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const {
- if ( strcmp(x, y) == 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
-typedef hash_map<const char*, int, hash<const char *>, eq_str > strhashmap;
-#include "minilex.h"
-MiniLex minilex;
-class Where {
- Where() { codeCopy = 0; }
- ~Where() {
- JavaJS->scopeFree(scope);
- delete codeCopy;
- scope = 0; func = 0; codeCopy = 0;
- }
- jlong scope, func;
- strhashmap fields;
-// map<string,int> fields;
- bool fullObject;
- int nFields;
- char *codeCopy;
- void setFunc(const char *code) {
- codeCopy = new char[strlen(code)+1];
- strcpy(codeCopy,code);
- func = JavaJS->functionCreate( code );
- minilex.grabVariables(codeCopy, fields);
- // if user references db, eg,
- // we make sure we have the whole thing.
- fullObject = fields.count("fullObject") +
- fields.count("db") > 0;
- nFields = fields.size();
- }
- void buildSubset(JSObj& src, JSObjBuilder& dst) {
- JSElemIter it(src);
- int n = 0;
- if( !it.more() ) return;
- while( 1 ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- if( //n == 0 &&
- fields.find(e.fieldName()) != fields.end()
- //fields.count(e.fieldName())
- ) {
- dst.append(e);
- if( ++n >= nFields )
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-JSMatcher::~JSMatcher() {
- for( int i = 0; i < nBuilders; i++ )
- delete builders[i];
- delete where;
-Element nullElement;
-string Element::toString() {
- stringstream s;
- switch( type() ) {
- case EOO:
- return "EOO";
- case Date:
- s << fieldName() << ": Date(" << hex << date() << ')'; break;
- case Number:
- s << fieldName() << ": " << number(); break;
- case Bool:
- s << fieldName() << ": " << boolean() ? "true" : "false"; break;
- case Object:
- case Array:
- s << fieldName() << ": " << embeddedObject().toString(); break;
- case Undefined:
- s << fieldName() << ": undefined"; break;
- case jstNULL:
- s << fieldName() << ": null"; break;
- case MaxKey:
- s << fieldName() << ": MaxKey"; break;
- case Code:
- s << fieldName() << ": ";
- if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
- s << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...";
- else {
- s << valuestr();
- }
- break;
- case String:
- s << fieldName() << ": ";
- if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
- s << '"' << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...\"";
- else {
- s << '"' << valuestr() << '"';
- }
- break;
- case jstOID:
- s << fieldName() << " : ObjId(";
- s << hex << oid().a << hex << oid().b << ')';
- break;
- default:
- s << fieldName() << ": ?type=" << type();
- break;
- }
- return s.str();
-int Element::size() {
- if( totalSize >= 0 )
- return totalSize;
- int x = 1;
- switch( type() ) {
- case EOO:
- case Undefined:
- case jstNULL:
- case MaxKey:
- break;
- case Bool:
- x = 2;
- break;
- case Date:
- case Number:
- x = 9;
- break;
- case jstOID:
- x = 13;
- break;
- case Code:
- case String:
- x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1;
- break;
- case DBRef:
- x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 12 + 1;
- break;
- case Object:
- case Array:
- x = objsize() + 1;
- break;
- case BinData:
- x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1 + 1/*subtype*/;
- break;
- case RegEx:
- {
- const char *p = value();
- int len1 = strlen(p);
- p = p + len1 + 1;
- x = 1 + len1 + strlen(p) + 2;
- }
- break;
- default:
- cout << "Element: bad type " << (int) type() << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- totalSize = x + fieldNameSize;
- if( !eoo() ) {
- const char *next = data + totalSize;
- if( *next < 0 || *next > JSTypeMax ) {
- // bad type.
- cout << "*********************************************\n";
- cout << "Bad data or size in Element::size()" << endl;
- cout << "bad type:" << (int) *next << endl;
- cout << "totalsize:" << totalSize << " fieldnamesize:" << fieldNameSize << endl;
- cout << "lastrec:" << endl;
- dumpmemory(data, totalSize + 15);
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- return totalSize;
-/* must be same type! */
-inline int compareElementValues(Element& l, Element& r) {
- int f;
- double x;
- switch( l.type() ) {
- case EOO:
- case Undefined:
- case jstNULL:
- case MaxKey:
- f = l.type() - r.type();
- if( f<0 ) return -1;
- return f==0 ? 0 : 1;
- case Bool:
- return *l.value() - *r.value();
- case Date:
- if( < )
- return -1;
- return == ? 0 : 1;
- case Number:
- x = l.number() - r.number();
- if( x < 0 ) return -1;
- return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
- case jstOID:
- return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), 12);
- case Code:
- case String:
- /* todo: utf version */
- return strcmp(l.valuestr(), r.valuestr());
- case Object:
- case Array:
- case DBRef:
- {
- int lsz = l.valuesize();
- int rsz = r.valuesize();
- if( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
- return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), lsz);
- }
- case BinData:
- case RegEx:
- cout << "compareElementValues: can't compare this type:" << (int) l.type() << endl;
- assert(false);
- break;
- default:
- cout << "compareElementValues: bad type " << (int) l.type() << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- return -1;
-/* JSMatcher --------------------------------------*/
-// If the element is something like:
-// a : { $gt : 3 }
-// we append
-// a : 3
-// else we just append the element.
-void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e) {
- if( e.type() == Object ) {
- Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
- const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
- if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
- b.appendAs(fe, e.fieldName());
- return;
- }
- }
- b.append(e);
-int getGtLtOp(Element& e) {
- int op = JSMatcher::Equality;
- if( e.type() != Object )
- return op;
- Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
- const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
- if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
- if( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
- if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GT;
- else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GTE;
- }
- else if( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
- if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LT;
- else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LTE;
- }
- }
- return op;
-#include "pdfile.h"
-JSMatcher::JSMatcher(JSObj &_jsobj) :
- where(0), jsobj(_jsobj), nRegex(0)
- nBuilders = 0;
- JSElemIter i(jsobj);
- n = 0;
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- if( e.type() == Code && strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$where")==0 ) {
- // $where: function()...
- assert( where == 0 );
- where = new Where();
- const char *code = e.valuestr();
- assert( JavaJS );
- where->scope = JavaJS->scopeCreate();
- JavaJS->scopeSetString(where->scope, "$client", client->name.c_str());
- where->setFunc(code);
- continue;
- }
- if( e.type() == RegEx ) {
- if( nRegex >= 4 ) {
- cout << "ERROR: too many regexes in query" << endl;
- }
- else {
- pcrecpp::RE_Options options;
- options.set_utf8(true);
- const char *flags = e.regexFlags();
- while( flags && *flags ) {
- if( *flags == 'i' )
- options.set_caseless(true);
- else if( *flags == 'm' )
- options.set_multiline(true);
- else if( *flags == 'x' )
- options.set_extended(true);
- flags++;
- }
- regexs[nRegex].re = new pcrecpp::RE(e.regex(), options);
- regexs[nRegex].fieldName = e.fieldName();
- nRegex++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // greater than / less than...
- // { a : { $gt: 3 } }
- if( e.type() == Object ) {
- Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
- const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
- if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
- int op = Equality;
- if( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
- if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = GT;
- else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = GTE;
- }
- else if( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
- if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = LT;
- else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = LTE;
- }
- if( op && nBuilders < 8) {
- JSObjBuilder *b = new JSObjBuilder();
- builders[nBuilders++] = b;
- b->appendAs(fe, e.fieldName());
- toMatch.push_back( b->done().firstElement() );
- compareOp.push_back(op);
- n++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- toMatch.push_back(e);
- compareOp.push_back(Equality);
- n++;
- }
- }
-inline int JSMatcher::valuesMatch(Element& l, Element& r, int op) {
- if( op == 0 )
- return l.valuesEqual(r);
- if( l.type() != r.type() )
- return false;
- int c = compareElementValues(l, r);
- int z = 1 << (c+1);
- return (op & z);
-/* return value
- -1 mismatch
- 0 missing element
- 1 match
-int JSMatcher::matchesDotted(const char *fieldName, Element& toMatch, JSObj& obj, int compareOp, bool *deep, bool isArr) {
- {
- const char *p = strchr(fieldName, '.');
- if( p ) {
- string left(fieldName, p-fieldName);
- Element e = obj.getField(left.c_str());
- if( e.eoo() )
- return 0;
- if( e.type() != Object && e.type() != Array )
- return -1;
- JSObj eo = e.embeddedObject();
- return matchesDotted(p+1, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep, e.type() == Array);
- }
- }
- Element e = obj.getField(fieldName);
- if( valuesMatch(e, toMatch, compareOp) ) {
- return 1;
- }
- else if( e.type() == Array ) {
- JSElemIter ai(e.embeddedObject());
- while( ai.more() ) {
- Element z =;
- if( valuesMatch( z, toMatch, compareOp) ) {
- if( deep )
- *deep = true;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else if( isArr ) {
- JSElemIter ai(obj);
- while( ai.more() ) {
- Element z =;
- if( z.type() == Object ) {
- JSObj eo = z.embeddedObject();
- int cmp = matchesDotted(fieldName, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep);
- if( cmp > 0 ) {
- if( deep ) *deep = true;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if( e.eoo() ) {
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-/* deep means we looked into arrays for a match */
-bool JSMatcher::matches(JSObj& jsobj, bool *deep) {
- if( deep )
- *deep = false;
- /* assuming there is usually only one thing to match. if more this
- could be slow sometimes. */
- for( int r = 0; r < nRegex; r++ ) {
- RegexMatcher& rm = regexs[r];
- Element e = jsobj.getFieldDotted(rm.fieldName);
- if( e.eoo() )
- return false;
- {
- char buf[64];
- const char *p = buf;
- if( e.type() == String )
- p = e.valuestr();
- else if( e.type() == Number ) {
- sprintf(buf, "%f", e.number());
- }
- else if( e.type() == Date ) {
- unsigned long long d =;
- time_t t = (d/1000);
- time_t_to_String(t, buf);
- }
- else
- return false;
- if( !>PartialMatch(p) )
- return false;
- }
- }
- // check normal non-regex cases:
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- Element& m = toMatch[i];
- int cmp = matchesDotted(toMatch[i].fieldName(), toMatch[i], jsobj, compareOp[i], deep);
- /* missing is ok iff we were looking for null */
- if( cmp < 0 )
- return false;
- if( cmp == 0 && (m.type() != jstNULL && m.type() != Undefined ) )
- return false;
- }
- Element e = jsobj.getFieldDotted(m.fieldName(), arrayElName);
- if( !e.eoo() ) {
- if( valuesMatch(e, m, compareOp[i]) ) {
- goto ok;
- }
- else if( e.type() == Array ) {
- JSElemIter ai(e.embeddedObject());
- while( ai.more() ) {
- Element z =;
- if( valuesMatch( z, m, compareOp[i]) ) {
- if( deep )
- *deep = true;
- goto ok;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* missing. that is ok iff we were looking for null */
-// if( m.type() == jstNULL || m.type() == Undefined )
-// ;
-////// else
-// return false;
-// ;
-// }
- if( where ) {
- if( where->func == 0 )
- return false; // didn't compile
- if( jsobj.objsize() < 200 || where->fullObject ) {
- JavaJS->scopeSetObject(where->scope, "obj", &jsobj);
- } else {
- JSObjBuilder b;
- where->buildSubset(jsobj, b);
- JSObj temp = b.done();
- JavaJS->scopeSetObject(where->scope, "obj", &temp);
- }
- if( JavaJS->invoke(where->scope, where->func) )
- return false;
- return JavaJS->scopeGetBoolean(where->scope, "return") != 0;
- }
- return true;
-/* JSObj ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-string JSObj::toString() const {
- stringstream s;
- s << "{ ";
- JSElemIter i(*this);
- Element e =;
- if( !e.eoo() )
- while( 1 ) {
- s << e.toString();
- e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- s << ", ";
- }
- s << " }";
- return s.str();
-/* well ordered compare */
-int JSObj::woCompare(const JSObj& r) const {
- assert( _objdata );
- if( isEmpty() )
- return r.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1;
- if( r.isEmpty() )
- return 1;
- JSElemIter i(*this);
- JSElemIter j(r);
- while( 1 ) {
- // so far, equal...
- Element l =;
- Element r =;
- if( l == r ) {
- if( l.eoo() )
- return 0;
- continue;
- }
- int x = (int) l.type() - (int) r.type();
- if( x != 0 )
- return x;
- x = strcmp(l.fieldName(), r.fieldName());
- if( x != 0 )
- return x;
- x = compareElementValues(l, r);
- assert(x != 0);
- return x;
- }
- return -1;
-/* return has eoo() true if no match
- supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
-Element JSObj::getFieldDotted(const char *name) {
- {
- const char *p = strchr(name, '.');
- if( p ) {
- string left(name, p-name);
- JSObj sub = getObjectField(left.c_str());
- return sub.isEmpty() ? nullElement : sub.getFieldDotted(p+1);
- }
- }
- JSElemIter i(*this);
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
- return e;
- }
- return nullElement;
-Element JSObj::getField(const char *name) {
- JSElemIter i(*this);
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
- return e;
- }
- return nullElement;
-/* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
- fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
- if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
- n^2 implementation bad if pattern and object have lots
- of fields - normally pattern doesn't so should be fine.
-JSObj JSObj::extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b) {
- JSElemIter i(pattern);
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- Element x = getField(e.fieldName());
- if( x.eoo() )
- return JSObj();
- b.append(x);
- }
- return b.done();
-const char * JSObj::getStringField(const char *name) {
- Element e = getField(name);
- return e.type() == String ? e.valuestr() : 0;
-JSObj JSObj::getObjectField(const char *name) {
- Element e = getField(name);
- JSType t = e.type();
- return t == Object || t == Array ? e.embeddedObject() : JSObj();
-int JSObj::getFieldNames(set<string>& fields) {
- int n = 0;
- JSElemIter i(*this);
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- fields.insert(e.fieldName());
- n++;
- }
- return n;
-/* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified
- returns n added not counting _id unless requested.
-int JSObj::addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields) {
- assert( _objdata == 0 ); /* partial implementation for now... */
- JSObjBuilder b;
- int N = fields.size();
- int n = 0;
- JSElemIter i(from);
- bool gotId = false;
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- const char *fname = e.fieldName();
- if( fields.count(fname) ) {
- b.append(e);
- ++n;
- gotId = gotId || strcmp(fname, "_id")==0;
- if( n == N && gotId )
- break;
- } else if( strcmp(fname, "_id")==0 ) {
- b.append(e);
- gotId = true;
- if( n == N && gotId )
- break;
- }
- }
- if( n ) {
- _objdata = b.decouple(_objsize);
- iFree = true;
- }
- return n;
-/*-- test things ----------------------------------------------------*/
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct MaxKeyData {
- MaxKeyData() { totsize=7; maxkey=MaxKey; name=0; eoo=EOO; }
- int totsize;
- char maxkey;
- char name;
- char eoo;
-} maxkeydata;
-JSObj maxKey((const char *) &maxkeydata);
-struct JSObj0 {
- JSObj0() { totsize = 5; eoo = EOO; }
- int totsize;
- char eoo;
-} js0;
-Element::Element() {
- data = &js0.eoo;
- fieldNameSize = 0;
- totalSize = -1;
-struct JSObj1 js1;
-struct JSObj2 {
- JSObj2() {
- totsize=sizeof(JSObj2);
- s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10;
- strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO;
- }
- unsigned totsize;
- char s;
- char sname[7];
- unsigned slen;
- char sval[10];
- char eoo;
-} js2;
-struct JSUnitTest {
- JSUnitTest() {
- JSObj j1((const char *) &js1);
- JSObj j2((const char *) &js2);
- JSMatcher m(j2);
- assert( m.matches(j1) );
- js2.sval[0] = 'z';
- assert( !m.matches(j1) );
- JSMatcher n(j1);
- assert( n.matches(j1) );
- assert( !n.matches(j2) );
- JSObj j0((const char *) &js0);
- JSMatcher p(j0);
- assert( p.matches(j1) );
- assert( p.matches(j2) );
- }
-} jsunittest;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-struct RXTest {
- RXTest() {
- /*
- static const boost::regex e("(\\d{4}[- ]){3}\\d{4}");
- static const boost::regex b(".....");
- cout << "regex result: " << regex_match("hello", e) << endl;
- cout << "regex result: " << regex_match("abcoo", b) << endl;
- */
- pcrecpp::RE re1(")({a}h.*o");
- pcrecpp::RE re("h.llo");
- assert( re.FullMatch("hello") );
- assert( !re1.FullMatch("hello") );
- pcrecpp::RE_Options options;
- options.set_utf8(true);
- pcrecpp::RE part("dwi", options);
- assert( part.PartialMatch("dwight") );
- }
-} rxtest;
+// jsobj.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "javajs.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <hash_map>
+using namespace stdext;
+typedef const char * MyStr;
+struct less_str {
+ bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const {
+ if ( strcmp(x, y) > 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+typedef hash_map<const char*, int, hash_compare<const char *, less_str> > strhashmap;
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+using namespace __gnu_cxx;
+typedef const char * MyStr;
+struct eq_str {
+ bool operator()(const MyStr & x, const MyStr & y) const {
+ if ( strcmp(x, y) == 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+typedef hash_map<const char*, int, hash<const char *>, eq_str > strhashmap;
+#include "minilex.h"
+MiniLex minilex;
+class Where {
+ Where() { codeCopy = 0; }
+ ~Where() {
+ JavaJS->scopeFree(scope);
+ delete codeCopy;
+ scope = 0; func = 0; codeCopy = 0;
+ }
+ jlong scope, func;
+ strhashmap fields;
+// map<string,int> fields;
+ bool fullObject;
+ int nFields;
+ char *codeCopy;
+ void setFunc(const char *code) {
+ codeCopy = new char[strlen(code)+1];
+ strcpy(codeCopy,code);
+ func = JavaJS->functionCreate( code );
+ minilex.grabVariables(codeCopy, fields);
+ // if user references db, eg,
+ // we make sure we have the whole thing.
+ fullObject = fields.count("fullObject") +
+ fields.count("db") > 0;
+ nFields = fields.size();
+ }
+ void buildSubset(JSObj& src, JSObjBuilder& dst) {
+ JSElemIter it(src);
+ int n = 0;
+ if( !it.more() ) return;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ if( //n == 0 &&
+ fields.find(e.fieldName()) != fields.end()
+ //fields.count(e.fieldName())
+ ) {
+ dst.append(e);
+ if( ++n >= nFields )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+JSMatcher::~JSMatcher() {
+ for( int i = 0; i < nBuilders; i++ )
+ delete builders[i];
+ delete where;
+Element nullElement;
+string Element::toString() {
+ stringstream s;
+ switch( type() ) {
+ case EOO:
+ return "EOO";
+ case Date:
+ s << fieldName() << ": Date(" << hex << date() << ')'; break;
+ case Number:
+ s << fieldName() << ": " << number(); break;
+ case Bool:
+ s << fieldName() << ": " << boolean() ? "true" : "false"; break;
+ case Object:
+ case Array:
+ s << fieldName() << ": " << embeddedObject().toString(); break;
+ case Undefined:
+ s << fieldName() << ": undefined"; break;
+ case jstNULL:
+ s << fieldName() << ": null"; break;
+ case MaxKey:
+ s << fieldName() << ": MaxKey"; break;
+ case Code:
+ s << fieldName() << ": ";
+ if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
+ s << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...";
+ else {
+ s << valuestr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case String:
+ s << fieldName() << ": ";
+ if( valuestrsize() > 80 )
+ s << '"' << string(valuestr()).substr(0, 70) << "...\"";
+ else {
+ s << '"' << valuestr() << '"';
+ }
+ break;
+ case jstOID:
+ s << fieldName() << " : ObjId(";
+ s << hex << oid().a << hex << oid().b << ')';
+ break;
+ default:
+ s << fieldName() << ": ?type=" << type();
+ break;
+ }
+ return s.str();
+int Element::size() {
+ if( totalSize >= 0 )
+ return totalSize;
+ int x = 1;
+ switch( type() ) {
+ case EOO:
+ case Undefined:
+ case jstNULL:
+ case MaxKey:
+ break;
+ case Bool:
+ x = 2;
+ break;
+ case Date:
+ case Number:
+ x = 9;
+ break;
+ case jstOID:
+ x = 13;
+ break;
+ case Code:
+ case String:
+ x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1;
+ break;
+ case DBRef:
+ x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 12 + 1;
+ break;
+ case Object:
+ case Array:
+ x = objsize() + 1;
+ break;
+ case BinData:
+ x = valuestrsize() + 4 + 1 + 1/*subtype*/;
+ break;
+ case RegEx:
+ {
+ const char *p = value();
+ int len1 = strlen(p);
+ p = p + len1 + 1;
+ x = 1 + len1 + strlen(p) + 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ cout << "Element: bad type " << (int) type() << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ totalSize = x + fieldNameSize;
+ if( !eoo() ) {
+ const char *next = data + totalSize;
+ if( *next < 0 || *next > JSTypeMax ) {
+ // bad type.
+ cout << "*********************************************\n";
+ cout << "Bad data or size in Element::size()" << endl;
+ cout << "bad type:" << (int) *next << endl;
+ cout << "totalsize:" << totalSize << " fieldnamesize:" << fieldNameSize << endl;
+ cout << "lastrec:" << endl;
+ dumpmemory(data, totalSize + 15);
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ return totalSize;
+/* must be same type! */
+inline int compareElementValues(Element& l, Element& r) {
+ int f;
+ double x;
+ switch( l.type() ) {
+ case EOO:
+ case Undefined:
+ case jstNULL:
+ case MaxKey:
+ f = l.type() - r.type();
+ if( f<0 ) return -1;
+ return f==0 ? 0 : 1;
+ case Bool:
+ return *l.value() - *r.value();
+ case Date:
+ if( < )
+ return -1;
+ return == ? 0 : 1;
+ case Number:
+ x = l.number() - r.number();
+ if( x < 0 ) return -1;
+ return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ case jstOID:
+ return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), 12);
+ case Code:
+ case String:
+ /* todo: utf version */
+ return strcmp(l.valuestr(), r.valuestr());
+ case Object:
+ case Array:
+ case DBRef:
+ {
+ int lsz = l.valuesize();
+ int rsz = r.valuesize();
+ if( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
+ return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), lsz);
+ }
+ case BinData:
+ case RegEx:
+ cout << "compareElementValues: can't compare this type:" << (int) l.type() << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ cout << "compareElementValues: bad type " << (int) l.type() << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* JSMatcher --------------------------------------*/
+// If the element is something like:
+// a : { $gt : 3 }
+// we append
+// a : 3
+// else we just append the element.
+void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e) {
+ if( e.type() == Object ) {
+ Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
+ const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
+ if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
+ b.appendAs(fe, e.fieldName());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ b.append(e);
+int getGtLtOp(Element& e) {
+ int op = JSMatcher::Equality;
+ if( e.type() != Object )
+ return op;
+ Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
+ const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
+ if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
+ if( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
+ if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GT;
+ else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::GTE;
+ }
+ else if( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
+ if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LT;
+ else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = JSMatcher::LTE;
+ }
+ }
+ return op;
+#include "pdfile.h"
+JSMatcher::JSMatcher(JSObj &_jsobj) :
+ where(0), jsobj(_jsobj), nRegex(0)
+ nBuilders = 0;
+ JSElemIter i(jsobj);
+ n = 0;
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ if( e.type() == Code && strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$where")==0 ) {
+ // $where: function()...
+ assert( where == 0 );
+ where = new Where();
+ const char *code = e.valuestr();
+ assert( JavaJS );
+ where->scope = JavaJS->scopeCreate();
+ JavaJS->scopeSetString(where->scope, "$client", client->name.c_str());
+ where->setFunc(code);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( e.type() == RegEx ) {
+ if( nRegex >= 4 ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: too many regexes in query" << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ pcrecpp::RE_Options options;
+ options.set_utf8(true);
+ const char *flags = e.regexFlags();
+ while( flags && *flags ) {
+ if( *flags == 'i' )
+ options.set_caseless(true);
+ else if( *flags == 'm' )
+ options.set_multiline(true);
+ else if( *flags == 'x' )
+ options.set_extended(true);
+ flags++;
+ }
+ regexs[nRegex].re = new pcrecpp::RE(e.regex(), options);
+ regexs[nRegex].fieldName = e.fieldName();
+ nRegex++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // greater than / less than...
+ // { a : { $gt: 3 } }
+ if( e.type() == Object ) {
+ Element fe = e.embeddedObject().firstElement();
+ const char *fn = fe.fieldName();
+ if( fn[0] == '$' && fn[1] && fn[2] == 't' ) {
+ int op = Equality;
+ if( fn[1] == 'g' ) {
+ if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = GT;
+ else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = GTE;
+ }
+ else if( fn[1] == 'l' ) {
+ if( fn[3] == 0 ) op = LT;
+ else if( fn[3] == 'e' && fn[4] == 0 ) op = LTE;
+ }
+ if( op && nBuilders < 8) {
+ JSObjBuilder *b = new JSObjBuilder();
+ builders[nBuilders++] = b;
+ b->appendAs(fe, e.fieldName());
+ toMatch.push_back( b->done().firstElement() );
+ compareOp.push_back(op);
+ n++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ toMatch.push_back(e);
+ compareOp.push_back(Equality);
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+inline int JSMatcher::valuesMatch(Element& l, Element& r, int op) {
+ if( op == 0 )
+ return l.valuesEqual(r);
+ if( l.type() != r.type() )
+ return false;
+ int c = compareElementValues(l, r);
+ int z = 1 << (c+1);
+ return (op & z);
+/* return value
+ -1 mismatch
+ 0 missing element
+ 1 match
+int JSMatcher::matchesDotted(const char *fieldName, Element& toMatch, JSObj& obj, int compareOp, bool *deep, bool isArr) {
+ {
+ const char *p = strchr(fieldName, '.');
+ if( p ) {
+ string left(fieldName, p-fieldName);
+ Element e = obj.getField(left.c_str());
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ return 0;
+ if( e.type() != Object && e.type() != Array )
+ return -1;
+ JSObj eo = e.embeddedObject();
+ return matchesDotted(p+1, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep, e.type() == Array);
+ }
+ }
+ Element e = obj.getField(fieldName);
+ if( valuesMatch(e, toMatch, compareOp) ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if( e.type() == Array ) {
+ JSElemIter ai(e.embeddedObject());
+ while( ai.more() ) {
+ Element z =;
+ if( valuesMatch( z, toMatch, compareOp) ) {
+ if( deep )
+ *deep = true;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( isArr ) {
+ JSElemIter ai(obj);
+ while( ai.more() ) {
+ Element z =;
+ if( z.type() == Object ) {
+ JSObj eo = z.embeddedObject();
+ int cmp = matchesDotted(fieldName, toMatch, eo, compareOp, deep);
+ if( cmp > 0 ) {
+ if( deep ) *deep = true;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( e.eoo() ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* deep means we looked into arrays for a match */
+bool JSMatcher::matches(JSObj& jsobj, bool *deep) {
+ if( deep )
+ *deep = false;
+ /* assuming there is usually only one thing to match. if more this
+ could be slow sometimes. */
+ for( int r = 0; r < nRegex; r++ ) {
+ RegexMatcher& rm = regexs[r];
+ Element e = jsobj.getFieldDotted(rm.fieldName);
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ return false;
+ {
+ char buf[64];
+ const char *p = buf;
+ if( e.type() == String )
+ p = e.valuestr();
+ else if( e.type() == Number ) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%f", e.number());
+ }
+ else if( e.type() == Date ) {
+ unsigned long long d =;
+ time_t t = (d/1000);
+ time_t_to_String(t, buf);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ if( !>PartialMatch(p) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // check normal non-regex cases:
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ Element& m = toMatch[i];
+ int cmp = matchesDotted(toMatch[i].fieldName(), toMatch[i], jsobj, compareOp[i], deep);
+ /* missing is ok iff we were looking for null */
+ if( cmp < 0 )
+ return false;
+ if( cmp == 0 && (m.type() != jstNULL && m.type() != Undefined ) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ Element e = jsobj.getFieldDotted(m.fieldName(), arrayElName);
+ if( !e.eoo() ) {
+ if( valuesMatch(e, m, compareOp[i]) ) {
+ goto ok;
+ }
+ else if( e.type() == Array ) {
+ JSElemIter ai(e.embeddedObject());
+ while( ai.more() ) {
+ Element z =;
+ if( valuesMatch( z, m, compareOp[i]) ) {
+ if( deep )
+ *deep = true;
+ goto ok;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* missing. that is ok iff we were looking for null */
+// if( m.type() == jstNULL || m.type() == Undefined )
+// ;
+////// else
+// return false;
+// ;
+// }
+ if( where ) {
+ if( where->func == 0 )
+ return false; // didn't compile
+ if( jsobj.objsize() < 200 || where->fullObject ) {
+ JavaJS->scopeSetObject(where->scope, "obj", &jsobj);
+ } else {
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ where->buildSubset(jsobj, b);
+ JSObj temp = b.done();
+ JavaJS->scopeSetObject(where->scope, "obj", &temp);
+ }
+ if( JavaJS->invoke(where->scope, where->func) )
+ return false;
+ return JavaJS->scopeGetBoolean(where->scope, "return") != 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+/* JSObj ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+string JSObj::toString() const {
+ stringstream s;
+ s << "{ ";
+ JSElemIter i(*this);
+ Element e =;
+ if( !e.eoo() )
+ while( 1 ) {
+ s << e.toString();
+ e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ s << ", ";
+ }
+ s << " }";
+ return s.str();
+/* well ordered compare */
+int JSObj::woCompare(const JSObj& r) const {
+ assert( _objdata );
+ if( isEmpty() )
+ return r.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1;
+ if( r.isEmpty() )
+ return 1;
+ JSElemIter i(*this);
+ JSElemIter j(r);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ // so far, equal...
+ Element l =;
+ Element r =;
+ if( l == r ) {
+ if( l.eoo() )
+ return 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ int x = (int) l.type() - (int) r.type();
+ if( x != 0 )
+ return x;
+ x = strcmp(l.fieldName(), r.fieldName());
+ if( x != 0 )
+ return x;
+ x = compareElementValues(l, r);
+ assert(x != 0);
+ return x;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* return has eoo() true if no match
+ supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
+Element JSObj::getFieldDotted(const char *name) {
+ {
+ const char *p = strchr(name, '.');
+ if( p ) {
+ string left(name, p-name);
+ JSObj sub = getObjectField(left.c_str());
+ return sub.isEmpty() ? nullElement : sub.getFieldDotted(p+1);
+ }
+ }
+ JSElemIter i(*this);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
+ return e;
+ }
+ return nullElement;
+Element JSObj::getField(const char *name) {
+ JSElemIter i(*this);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name) == 0 )
+ return e;
+ }
+ return nullElement;
+/* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
+ fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
+ if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
+ n^2 implementation bad if pattern and object have lots
+ of fields - normally pattern doesn't so should be fine.
+JSObj JSObj::extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b) {
+ JSElemIter i(pattern);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ Element x = getField(e.fieldName());
+ if( x.eoo() )
+ return JSObj();
+ b.append(x);
+ }
+ return b.done();
+const char * JSObj::getStringField(const char *name) {
+ Element e = getField(name);
+ return e.type() == String ? e.valuestr() : 0;
+JSObj JSObj::getObjectField(const char *name) {
+ Element e = getField(name);
+ JSType t = e.type();
+ return t == Object || t == Array ? e.embeddedObject() : JSObj();
+int JSObj::getFieldNames(set<string>& fields) {
+ int n = 0;
+ JSElemIter i(*this);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ fields.insert(e.fieldName());
+ n++;
+ }
+ return n;
+/* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified
+ returns n added not counting _id unless requested.
+int JSObj::addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields) {
+ assert( _objdata == 0 ); /* partial implementation for now... */
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ int N = fields.size();
+ int n = 0;
+ JSElemIter i(from);
+ bool gotId = false;
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ const char *fname = e.fieldName();
+ if( fields.count(fname) ) {
+ b.append(e);
+ ++n;
+ gotId = gotId || strcmp(fname, "_id")==0;
+ if( n == N && gotId )
+ break;
+ } else if( strcmp(fname, "_id")==0 ) {
+ b.append(e);
+ gotId = true;
+ if( n == N && gotId )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( n ) {
+ _objdata = b.decouple(_objsize);
+ iFree = true;
+ }
+ return n;
+/*-- test things ----------------------------------------------------*/
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct MaxKeyData {
+ MaxKeyData() { totsize=7; maxkey=MaxKey; name=0; eoo=EOO; }
+ int totsize;
+ char maxkey;
+ char name;
+ char eoo;
+} maxkeydata;
+JSObj maxKey((const char *) &maxkeydata);
+struct JSObj0 {
+ JSObj0() { totsize = 5; eoo = EOO; }
+ int totsize;
+ char eoo;
+} js0;
+Element::Element() {
+ data = &js0.eoo;
+ fieldNameSize = 0;
+ totalSize = -1;
+struct JSObj1 js1;
+struct JSObj2 {
+ JSObj2() {
+ totsize=sizeof(JSObj2);
+ s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10;
+ strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO;
+ }
+ unsigned totsize;
+ char s;
+ char sname[7];
+ unsigned slen;
+ char sval[10];
+ char eoo;
+} js2;
+struct JSUnitTest {
+ JSUnitTest() {
+ JSObj j1((const char *) &js1);
+ JSObj j2((const char *) &js2);
+ JSMatcher m(j2);
+ assert( m.matches(j1) );
+ js2.sval[0] = 'z';
+ assert( !m.matches(j1) );
+ JSMatcher n(j1);
+ assert( n.matches(j1) );
+ assert( !n.matches(j2) );
+ JSObj j0((const char *) &js0);
+ JSMatcher p(j0);
+ assert( p.matches(j1) );
+ assert( p.matches(j2) );
+ }
+} jsunittest;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+struct RXTest {
+ RXTest() {
+ /*
+ static const boost::regex e("(\\d{4}[- ]){3}\\d{4}");
+ static const boost::regex b(".....");
+ cout << "regex result: " << regex_match("hello", e) << endl;
+ cout << "regex result: " << regex_match("abcoo", b) << endl;
+ */
+ pcrecpp::RE re1(")({a}h.*o");
+ pcrecpp::RE re("h.llo");
+ assert( re.FullMatch("hello") );
+ assert( !re1.FullMatch("hello") );
+ pcrecpp::RE_Options options;
+ options.set_utf8(true);
+ pcrecpp::RE part("dwi", options);
+ assert( part.PartialMatch("dwight") );
+ }
+} rxtest;
diff --git a/db/jsobj.h b/db/jsobj.h
index f441064a97e..faa4d9f159a 100644
--- a/db/jsobj.h
+++ b/db/jsobj.h
@@ -1,514 +1,514 @@
-// jsobj.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "../util/builder.h"
-//#include "javajs.h"
-#include <set>
-class JSObj;
-class Record;
-class JSObjBuilder;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-/* BinData = binary data types.
- EOO = end of object
-enum JSType { EOO = 0, Number=1, String=2, Object=3, Array=4, BinData=5,
- Undefined=6, jstOID=7, Bool=8, Date=9 , jstNULL=10, RegEx=11 ,
- DBRef=12, Code=13, JSTypeMax=13, MaxKey=127 };
-/* subtypes of BinData.
- bdtCustom and above are ones that the JS compiler understands, but are
- opaque to the database.
-enum BinDataType { Function=1, ByteArray=2, bdtCustom=128 };
-/* Object id's are optional for JSObjects.
- When present they should be the first object member added.
-struct OID {
- long long a;
- unsigned b;
- bool operator==(const OID& r) { return a==r.a&&b==r.b; }
- void out(){ cout << hex << a << hex << b << endl; };
-/* marshalled js object format:
- <unsigned totalSize> {<byte JSType><cstring FieldName><Data>}* EOO
- totalSize includes itself.
- Data:
- Bool: <byte>
- EOO: nothing follows
- Undefined: nothing follows
- OID: an OID object
- Number: <double>
- String: <unsigned32 strsizewithnull><cstring>
- Date: <8bytes>
- Regex: <cstring regex><cstring options>
- Object: a nested object, leading with its entire size, which terminates with EOO.
- Array: same as object
- BinData:
- <int len>
- <byte subtype>
- <byte[len] data>
-/* db operation message format
- unsigned opid; // arbitary; will be echoed back
- byte operation;
- dbInsert:
- int reserved;
- string collection;
- a series of JSObjects terminated with a null object (i.e., just EOO)
- dbUpdate: see query.h
- dbDelete: see query.h
- dbQuery: see query.h
-#pragma pack(pop)
-/* <type><fieldName ><value>
- -------- size() ------------
- -fieldNameSize-
- value()
- type()
-class Element {
- friend class JSElemIter;
- friend class JSObj;
- string toString();
- JSType type() { return (JSType) *data; }
- bool eoo() { return type() == EOO; }
- int size();
- // wrap this element up as a singleton object.
- JSObj wrap();
- const char * fieldName() {
- if( eoo() ) return ""; // no fieldname for it.
- return data + 1;
- }
- // raw data be careful:
- const char * value() const { return (data + fieldNameSize + 1); }
- int valuesize() { return size() - fieldNameSize - 1; }
- bool boolean() { return *value() ? true : false; }
- unsigned long long date() { return *((unsigned long long*) value()); }
- double& number() { return *((double *) value()); }
- OID& oid() { return *((OID*) value()); }
- // for strings
- int valuestrsize() {
- return *((int *) value());
- }
- // for objects the size *includes* the size of the size field
- int objsize() {
- return *((int *) value());
- }
- // for strings. also gives you start of the real data for an embedded object
- const char * valuestr() { return value() + 4; }
- JSObj embeddedObject();
- const char *regex() { assert(type() == RegEx); return value(); }
- const char *regexFlags() {
- const char *p = regex();
- return p + strlen(p) + 1;
- }
- /* like operator== but doesn't check the fieldname,
- just the value.
- */
- bool valuesEqual(Element& r) {
- bool match= valuesize() == r.valuesize() &&
- memcmp(value(),r.value(),valuesize()) == 0;
- return match;
- // todo: make "0" == 0.0, undefined==null
- }
- bool operator==(Element& r) {
- if( strcmp(fieldName(), r.fieldName()) != 0 )
- return false;
- return valuesEqual(r);
- int sz = size();
- return sz == r.size() &&
- memcmp(data,, sz) == 0;
- }
- const char * rawdata() { return data; }
- Element();
- Element(const char *d) : data(d) {
- fieldNameSize = eoo() ? 0 : strlen(fieldName()) + 1;
- totalSize = -1;
- }
- const char *data;
- int fieldNameSize;
- int totalSize;
-class JSObj {
- friend class JSElemIter;
- JSObj(const char *msgdata, bool ifree = false) : iFree(ifree) {
- _objdata = msgdata;
- _objsize = *((int*) _objdata);
- }
- JSObj(Record *r);
- JSObj() : _objsize(0), _objdata(0), iFree(false) { }
- ~JSObj() { if( iFree ) { free((void*)_objdata); _objdata=0; } }
- void iWillFree() {
- assert(!iFree); iFree = true;
- }
- string toString() const;
- /* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified */
- int addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields); /* returns n added */
- int getFieldNames(set<string>& fields);
- /* return has eoo() true if no match
- supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
- */
- Element getFieldDotted(const char *name);
- Element getField(const char *name); /* return has eoo() true if no match */
- const char * getStringField(const char *name);
- JSObj getObjectField(const char *name);
- /* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
- fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
- if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
- */
- JSObj extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b);
- const char *objdata() const { return _objdata; }
- int objsize() const { return _objsize; } // includes the embedded size field
- bool isEmpty() const { return objsize() <= 5; }
- /* this is broken if elements aren't in the same order. */
- bool operator<(const JSObj& r) const { return woCompare(r) < 0; }
- /* -1: l<r. 0:l==r. 1:l>r
- wo='well ordered'. fields must be in same order in each object.
- */
- int woCompare(const JSObj& r) const;
- bool woEqual(const JSObj& r) const {
- return _objsize==r._objsize && memcmp(_objdata,r._objdata,_objsize)==0;
- }
- bool operator==(const JSObj& r) const {
- return this->woEqual(r);*this == r;
- }
- Element firstElement() {
- return Element(objdata() + 4);
- }
- Element findElement(const char *name);
- OID* getOID() {
- Element e = firstElement();
- if( e.type() != jstOID )
- return 0;
- return &e.oid();
- }
- JSObj(const JSObj& r) {
- _objsize = r._objsize;
- _objdata = r._objdata;
- iFree = r.iFree;
- if( iFree ) {
- ((JSObj&)r)._objdata = 0;
- ((JSObj&)r).iFree = false;
- }
- assert( _objsize == 0 || _objdata );
- }
- JSObj& operator=(JSObj& r) {
- if( iFree ) free((void*)_objdata);
- _objsize = r._objsize;
- _objdata = r._objdata;
- iFree = r.iFree;
- /* kind of like auto_ptrs here. note we leave objsize as it was
- so you'll get notified if you try to use the object, instead of just
- thinking it is empty.
- */
- if( iFree ) { r._objdata = 0; r.iFree = false; }
- return *this;
- }
- /* makes a copy of the object. Normally, a jsobj points to data "owned"
- by something else. this is a useful way to get your own copy of the buffer
- data (which is freed when the new jsobj destructs).
- */
- JSObj copy() const;
- int hash() const {
- unsigned x = 0;
- const char *p = _objdata;
- for( int i = 0; i < _objsize; i++ )
- x = x * 131 + p[i];
- return (x & 0x7fffffff) | 0x8000000; // must be > 0
- }
- bool iFree;
- int _objsize;
- const char *_objdata;
-class JSObjBuilder {
- JSObjBuilder() { b.skip(4); /*leave room for size field*/ }
- /* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
- void appendElements(JSObj x);
- void append(Element& e) { b.append((void*) e.rawdata(), e.size()); }
- /* append an element but with a new name */
- void appendAs(Element& e, const char *as) {
- b.append((char) e.type());
- b.append(as);
- b.append((void *) e.value(), e.valuesize());
- }
- /* add a subobject as a member */
- void append(const char *fieldName, JSObj subObj) {
- b.append((char) Object);
- b.append(fieldName);
- b.append((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
- }
- void appendBool(const char *fieldName, int val) {
- b.append((char) Bool);
- b.append(fieldName);
- b.append((char) (val?1:0));
- }
- void append(const char *fieldName, double n) {
- b.append((char) Number);
- b.append(fieldName);
- b.append(n);
- }
- void appendDate(const char *fieldName, unsigned long long dt) {
- b.append((char) Date);
- b.append(fieldName);
- b.append(dt);
- }
- void append(const char *fieldName, const char *str) {
- b.append((char) String);
- b.append(fieldName);
- b.append((int) strlen(str)+1);
- b.append(str);
- }
- JSObj doneAndDecouple() {
- int l;
- return JSObj(decouple(l), true);
- }
- /* this version, jsobjbuilder still frees the jsobj
- when the builder goes out of scope. use it this way
- by default, that's simplest.
- */
- JSObj done() {
- return JSObj(_done());
- }
- /* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it (with free()) */
- char* decouple(int& l) {
- char *x = _done();
- assert( x );
- l = b.len();
- b.decouple();
- return x;
- }
- void decouple() { b.decouple(); } // post done() call version. be sure jsobj frees...
- char* _done() {
- b.append((char) EOO);
- char *data = b.buf();
- *((int*)data) = b.len();
- return data;
- }
- BufBuilder b;
-class JSElemIter {
- JSElemIter(const JSObj& jso) {
- pos = jso.objdata() + 4;
- theend = jso.objdata() + jso.objsize();
- }
- bool more() { return pos < theend; }
- Element next() {
- Element e(pos);
- pos += e.size();
- return e;
- }
- const char *pos;
- const char *theend;
-#include <pcrecpp.h>
-class RegexMatcher {
- const char *fieldName;
- pcrecpp::RE *re;
- RegexMatcher() { re = 0; }
- ~RegexMatcher() { delete re; }
-// SQL where clause equivalent
-class Where;
-/* For when a js object is a query pattern.
- e.g.
- { a : 3 } );
- { a : 3 } is the pattern object.
- GT/LT:
- { a : { $gt
-class JSMatcher {
- int matchesDotted(
- const char *fieldName,
- Element& toMatch, JSObj& obj,
- int compareOp, bool *deep, bool isArr = false);
- enum {
- Equality = 0,
- LT = 0x1,
- LTE = 0x3,
- GTE = 0x6,
- GT = 0x4
- };
- static int opDirection(int op) {
- return op <= LTE ? -1 : 1;
- }
- JSMatcher(JSObj& pattern);
- ~JSMatcher();
- /* deep means we looked into arrays for a match */
- bool matches(JSObj& j, bool *deep = 0);
- int getN() { return n; }
- int valuesMatch(Element& l, Element& r, int op);
- Where *where;
- JSObj& jsobj;
- vector<Element> toMatch;
- vector<int> compareOp;
- int n;
- RegexMatcher regexs[4];
- int nRegex;
- // so we delete the mem when we're done:
- JSObjBuilder *builders[8];
- int nBuilders;
-extern JSObj maxKey;
-/*- just for testing -- */
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct JSObj1 {
- JSObj1() {
- totsize=sizeof(JSObj1);
- n = Number; strcpy_s(nname, 5, "abcd"); N = 3.1;
- s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10;
- strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO;
- }
- unsigned totsize;
- char n;
- char nname[5];
- double N;
- char s;
- char sname[7];
- unsigned slen;
- char sval[10];
- char eoo;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-extern JSObj1 js1;
-inline JSObj Element::embeddedObject() {
- assert( type()==Object || type()==Array );
- return JSObj(value());
-inline JSObj JSObj::copy() const {
- if( _objsize == 0 )
- return *this;
- char *p = (char*) malloc(_objsize);
- memcpy(p, _objdata, _objsize);
- return JSObj(p, true);
-// wrap this element up as a singleton object.
-inline JSObj Element::wrap() {
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.append(*this);
- return b.doneAndDecouple();
-inline Element JSObj::findElement(const char *name) {
- JSElemIter it(*this);
- while( it.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( strcmp(name, e.fieldName()) == 0 )
- return e;
- }
- return Element();
-/* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
-inline void JSObjBuilder::appendElements(JSObj x) {
- JSElemIter it(x);
- while( it.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() ) break;
- append(e);
- }
+// jsobj.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "../util/builder.h"
+//#include "javajs.h"
+#include <set>
+class JSObj;
+class Record;
+class JSObjBuilder;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+/* BinData = binary data types.
+ EOO = end of object
+enum JSType { EOO = 0, Number=1, String=2, Object=3, Array=4, BinData=5,
+ Undefined=6, jstOID=7, Bool=8, Date=9 , jstNULL=10, RegEx=11 ,
+ DBRef=12, Code=13, JSTypeMax=13, MaxKey=127 };
+/* subtypes of BinData.
+ bdtCustom and above are ones that the JS compiler understands, but are
+ opaque to the database.
+enum BinDataType { Function=1, ByteArray=2, bdtCustom=128 };
+/* Object id's are optional for JSObjects.
+ When present they should be the first object member added.
+struct OID {
+ long long a;
+ unsigned b;
+ bool operator==(const OID& r) { return a==r.a&&b==r.b; }
+ void out(){ cout << hex << a << hex << b << endl; };
+/* marshalled js object format:
+ <unsigned totalSize> {<byte JSType><cstring FieldName><Data>}* EOO
+ totalSize includes itself.
+ Data:
+ Bool: <byte>
+ EOO: nothing follows
+ Undefined: nothing follows
+ OID: an OID object
+ Number: <double>
+ String: <unsigned32 strsizewithnull><cstring>
+ Date: <8bytes>
+ Regex: <cstring regex><cstring options>
+ Object: a nested object, leading with its entire size, which terminates with EOO.
+ Array: same as object
+ BinData:
+ <int len>
+ <byte subtype>
+ <byte[len] data>
+/* db operation message format
+ unsigned opid; // arbitary; will be echoed back
+ byte operation;
+ dbInsert:
+ int reserved;
+ string collection;
+ a series of JSObjects terminated with a null object (i.e., just EOO)
+ dbUpdate: see query.h
+ dbDelete: see query.h
+ dbQuery: see query.h
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/* <type><fieldName ><value>
+ -------- size() ------------
+ -fieldNameSize-
+ value()
+ type()
+class Element {
+ friend class JSElemIter;
+ friend class JSObj;
+ string toString();
+ JSType type() { return (JSType) *data; }
+ bool eoo() { return type() == EOO; }
+ int size();
+ // wrap this element up as a singleton object.
+ JSObj wrap();
+ const char * fieldName() {
+ if( eoo() ) return ""; // no fieldname for it.
+ return data + 1;
+ }
+ // raw data be careful:
+ const char * value() const { return (data + fieldNameSize + 1); }
+ int valuesize() { return size() - fieldNameSize - 1; }
+ bool boolean() { return *value() ? true : false; }
+ unsigned long long date() { return *((unsigned long long*) value()); }
+ double& number() { return *((double *) value()); }
+ OID& oid() { return *((OID*) value()); }
+ // for strings
+ int valuestrsize() {
+ return *((int *) value());
+ }
+ // for objects the size *includes* the size of the size field
+ int objsize() {
+ return *((int *) value());
+ }
+ // for strings. also gives you start of the real data for an embedded object
+ const char * valuestr() { return value() + 4; }
+ JSObj embeddedObject();
+ const char *regex() { assert(type() == RegEx); return value(); }
+ const char *regexFlags() {
+ const char *p = regex();
+ return p + strlen(p) + 1;
+ }
+ /* like operator== but doesn't check the fieldname,
+ just the value.
+ */
+ bool valuesEqual(Element& r) {
+ bool match= valuesize() == r.valuesize() &&
+ memcmp(value(),r.value(),valuesize()) == 0;
+ return match;
+ // todo: make "0" == 0.0, undefined==null
+ }
+ bool operator==(Element& r) {
+ if( strcmp(fieldName(), r.fieldName()) != 0 )
+ return false;
+ return valuesEqual(r);
+ int sz = size();
+ return sz == r.size() &&
+ memcmp(data,, sz) == 0;
+ }
+ const char * rawdata() { return data; }
+ Element();
+ Element(const char *d) : data(d) {
+ fieldNameSize = eoo() ? 0 : strlen(fieldName()) + 1;
+ totalSize = -1;
+ }
+ const char *data;
+ int fieldNameSize;
+ int totalSize;
+class JSObj {
+ friend class JSElemIter;
+ JSObj(const char *msgdata, bool ifree = false) : iFree(ifree) {
+ _objdata = msgdata;
+ _objsize = *((int*) _objdata);
+ }
+ JSObj(Record *r);
+ JSObj() : _objsize(0), _objdata(0), iFree(false) { }
+ ~JSObj() { if( iFree ) { free((void*)_objdata); _objdata=0; } }
+ void iWillFree() {
+ assert(!iFree); iFree = true;
+ }
+ string toString() const;
+ /* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified */
+ int addFields(JSObj& from, set<string>& fields); /* returns n added */
+ int getFieldNames(set<string>& fields);
+ /* return has eoo() true if no match
+ supports "." notation to reach into embedded objects
+ */
+ Element getFieldDotted(const char *name);
+ Element getField(const char *name); /* return has eoo() true if no match */
+ const char * getStringField(const char *name);
+ JSObj getObjectField(const char *name);
+ /* makes a new JSObj with the fields specified in pattern.
+ fields returned in the order they appear in pattern.
+ if any field missing, you get back an empty object overall.
+ */
+ JSObj extractFields(JSObj pattern, JSObjBuilder& b);
+ const char *objdata() const { return _objdata; }
+ int objsize() const { return _objsize; } // includes the embedded size field
+ bool isEmpty() const { return objsize() <= 5; }
+ /* this is broken if elements aren't in the same order. */
+ bool operator<(const JSObj& r) const { return woCompare(r) < 0; }
+ /* -1: l<r. 0:l==r. 1:l>r
+ wo='well ordered'. fields must be in same order in each object.
+ */
+ int woCompare(const JSObj& r) const;
+ bool woEqual(const JSObj& r) const {
+ return _objsize==r._objsize && memcmp(_objdata,r._objdata,_objsize)==0;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const JSObj& r) const {
+ return this->woEqual(r);*this == r;
+ }
+ Element firstElement() {
+ return Element(objdata() + 4);
+ }
+ Element findElement(const char *name);
+ OID* getOID() {
+ Element e = firstElement();
+ if( e.type() != jstOID )
+ return 0;
+ return &e.oid();
+ }
+ JSObj(const JSObj& r) {
+ _objsize = r._objsize;
+ _objdata = r._objdata;
+ iFree = r.iFree;
+ if( iFree ) {
+ ((JSObj&)r)._objdata = 0;
+ ((JSObj&)r).iFree = false;
+ }
+ assert( _objsize == 0 || _objdata );
+ }
+ JSObj& operator=(JSObj& r) {
+ if( iFree ) free((void*)_objdata);
+ _objsize = r._objsize;
+ _objdata = r._objdata;
+ iFree = r.iFree;
+ /* kind of like auto_ptrs here. note we leave objsize as it was
+ so you'll get notified if you try to use the object, instead of just
+ thinking it is empty.
+ */
+ if( iFree ) { r._objdata = 0; r.iFree = false; }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /* makes a copy of the object. Normally, a jsobj points to data "owned"
+ by something else. this is a useful way to get your own copy of the buffer
+ data (which is freed when the new jsobj destructs).
+ */
+ JSObj copy() const;
+ int hash() const {
+ unsigned x = 0;
+ const char *p = _objdata;
+ for( int i = 0; i < _objsize; i++ )
+ x = x * 131 + p[i];
+ return (x & 0x7fffffff) | 0x8000000; // must be > 0
+ }
+ bool iFree;
+ int _objsize;
+ const char *_objdata;
+class JSObjBuilder {
+ JSObjBuilder() { b.skip(4); /*leave room for size field*/ }
+ /* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
+ void appendElements(JSObj x);
+ void append(Element& e) { b.append((void*) e.rawdata(), e.size()); }
+ /* append an element but with a new name */
+ void appendAs(Element& e, const char *as) {
+ b.append((char) e.type());
+ b.append(as);
+ b.append((void *) e.value(), e.valuesize());
+ }
+ /* add a subobject as a member */
+ void append(const char *fieldName, JSObj subObj) {
+ b.append((char) Object);
+ b.append(fieldName);
+ b.append((void *) subObj.objdata(), subObj.objsize());
+ }
+ void appendBool(const char *fieldName, int val) {
+ b.append((char) Bool);
+ b.append(fieldName);
+ b.append((char) (val?1:0));
+ }
+ void append(const char *fieldName, double n) {
+ b.append((char) Number);
+ b.append(fieldName);
+ b.append(n);
+ }
+ void appendDate(const char *fieldName, unsigned long long dt) {
+ b.append((char) Date);
+ b.append(fieldName);
+ b.append(dt);
+ }
+ void append(const char *fieldName, const char *str) {
+ b.append((char) String);
+ b.append(fieldName);
+ b.append((int) strlen(str)+1);
+ b.append(str);
+ }
+ JSObj doneAndDecouple() {
+ int l;
+ return JSObj(decouple(l), true);
+ }
+ /* this version, jsobjbuilder still frees the jsobj
+ when the builder goes out of scope. use it this way
+ by default, that's simplest.
+ */
+ JSObj done() {
+ return JSObj(_done());
+ }
+ /* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it (with free()) */
+ char* decouple(int& l) {
+ char *x = _done();
+ assert( x );
+ l = b.len();
+ b.decouple();
+ return x;
+ }
+ void decouple() { b.decouple(); } // post done() call version. be sure jsobj frees...
+ char* _done() {
+ b.append((char) EOO);
+ char *data = b.buf();
+ *((int*)data) = b.len();
+ return data;
+ }
+ BufBuilder b;
+class JSElemIter {
+ JSElemIter(const JSObj& jso) {
+ pos = jso.objdata() + 4;
+ theend = jso.objdata() + jso.objsize();
+ }
+ bool more() { return pos < theend; }
+ Element next() {
+ Element e(pos);
+ pos += e.size();
+ return e;
+ }
+ const char *pos;
+ const char *theend;
+#include <pcrecpp.h>
+class RegexMatcher {
+ const char *fieldName;
+ pcrecpp::RE *re;
+ RegexMatcher() { re = 0; }
+ ~RegexMatcher() { delete re; }
+// SQL where clause equivalent
+class Where;
+/* For when a js object is a query pattern.
+ e.g.
+ { a : 3 } );
+ { a : 3 } is the pattern object.
+ GT/LT:
+ { a : { $gt
+class JSMatcher {
+ int matchesDotted(
+ const char *fieldName,
+ Element& toMatch, JSObj& obj,
+ int compareOp, bool *deep, bool isArr = false);
+ enum {
+ Equality = 0,
+ LT = 0x1,
+ LTE = 0x3,
+ GTE = 0x6,
+ GT = 0x4
+ };
+ static int opDirection(int op) {
+ return op <= LTE ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ JSMatcher(JSObj& pattern);
+ ~JSMatcher();
+ /* deep means we looked into arrays for a match */
+ bool matches(JSObj& j, bool *deep = 0);
+ int getN() { return n; }
+ int valuesMatch(Element& l, Element& r, int op);
+ Where *where;
+ JSObj& jsobj;
+ vector<Element> toMatch;
+ vector<int> compareOp;
+ int n;
+ RegexMatcher regexs[4];
+ int nRegex;
+ // so we delete the mem when we're done:
+ JSObjBuilder *builders[8];
+ int nBuilders;
+extern JSObj maxKey;
+/*- just for testing -- */
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct JSObj1 {
+ JSObj1() {
+ totsize=sizeof(JSObj1);
+ n = Number; strcpy_s(nname, 5, "abcd"); N = 3.1;
+ s = String; strcpy_s(sname, 7, "abcdef"); slen = 10;
+ strcpy_s(sval, 10, "123456789"); eoo = EOO;
+ }
+ unsigned totsize;
+ char n;
+ char nname[5];
+ double N;
+ char s;
+ char sname[7];
+ unsigned slen;
+ char sval[10];
+ char eoo;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+extern JSObj1 js1;
+inline JSObj Element::embeddedObject() {
+ assert( type()==Object || type()==Array );
+ return JSObj(value());
+inline JSObj JSObj::copy() const {
+ if( _objsize == 0 )
+ return *this;
+ char *p = (char*) malloc(_objsize);
+ memcpy(p, _objdata, _objsize);
+ return JSObj(p, true);
+// wrap this element up as a singleton object.
+inline JSObj Element::wrap() {
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.append(*this);
+ return b.doneAndDecouple();
+inline Element JSObj::findElement(const char *name) {
+ JSElemIter it(*this);
+ while( it.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( strcmp(name, e.fieldName()) == 0 )
+ return e;
+ }
+ return Element();
+/* add all the fields from the object specified to this object */
+inline void JSObjBuilder::appendElements(JSObj x) {
+ JSElemIter it(x);
+ while( it.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() ) break;
+ append(e);
+ }
diff --git a/db/minilex.h b/db/minilex.h
index 64c98fb9ff8..b63228f4822 100644
--- a/db/minilex.h
+++ b/db/minilex.h
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
-// minilex.h
-// mini js lexical analyzer. idea is to be dumb and fast.
-struct MiniLex {
- strhashmap reserved;
- bool ic[256]; // ic=Identifier Character
- bool starter[256];
- // dm: very dumb about comments and escaped quotes -- but we are faster then at least,
- // albeit returning too much (which is ok for jsbobj current usage).
- void grabVariables(char *code /*modified and must stay in scope*/, strhashmap& vars) {
- char *p = code;
- char last = 0;
- while( *p ) {
- if( starter[*p] ) {
- char *q = p+1;
- while( *q && ic[*q] ) q++;
- const char *identifier = p;
- bool done = *q == 0;
- *q = 0;
- if( !reserved.count(identifier) ) {
- // we try to be smart about 'obj' but have to be careful as obj.obj
- // can happen; this is so that nFields is right for simplistic where cases
- // so we can stop scanning in jsobj when we find the field of interest.
- if( strcmp(identifier,"obj")==0 && p>code && p[-1] != '.' )
- ;
- else
- vars[identifier] = 1;
- }
- if( done )
- break;
- p = q + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if( *p == '\'' ) {
- p++;
- while( *p && *p != '\'' ) p++;
- }
- else if( *p == '"' ) {
- p++;
- while( *p && *p != '"' ) p++;
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- MiniLex() {
- strhashmap atest;
- atest["foo"] = 3;
- assert( atest.count("bar") == 0 );
- assert( atest.count("foo") == 1 );
- assert( atest["foo"] == 3 );
- for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
- ic[i] = starter[i] = false;
- }
- for( int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++ )
- ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
- for( int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++ )
- ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
- for( int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++ )
- ic[i] = true;
- for( int i = 128; i < 256; i++ )
- ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
- ic['$'] = starter['$'] = true;
- ic['_'] = starter['_'] = true;
- reserved["break"] = true;
- reserved["case"] = true;
- reserved["catch"] = true;
- reserved["continue"] = true;
- reserved["default"] = true;
- reserved["delete"] = true;
- reserved["do"] = true;
- reserved["else"] = true;
- reserved["finally"] = true;
- reserved["for"] = true;
- reserved["function"] = true;
- reserved["if"] = true;
- reserved["in"] = true;
- reserved["instanceof"] = true;
- reserved["new"] = true;
- reserved["return"] = true;
- reserved["switch"] = true;
- reserved["this"] = true;
- reserved["throw"] = true;
- reserved["try"] = true;
- reserved["typeof"] = true;
- reserved["var"] = true;
- reserved["void"] = true;
- reserved["while"] = true;
- reserved["with "] = true;
- }
+// minilex.h
+// mini js lexical analyzer. idea is to be dumb and fast.
+struct MiniLex {
+ strhashmap reserved;
+ bool ic[256]; // ic=Identifier Character
+ bool starter[256];
+ // dm: very dumb about comments and escaped quotes -- but we are faster then at least,
+ // albeit returning too much (which is ok for jsbobj current usage).
+ void grabVariables(char *code /*modified and must stay in scope*/, strhashmap& vars) {
+ char *p = code;
+ char last = 0;
+ while( *p ) {
+ if( starter[*p] ) {
+ char *q = p+1;
+ while( *q && ic[*q] ) q++;
+ const char *identifier = p;
+ bool done = *q == 0;
+ *q = 0;
+ if( !reserved.count(identifier) ) {
+ // we try to be smart about 'obj' but have to be careful as obj.obj
+ // can happen; this is so that nFields is right for simplistic where cases
+ // so we can stop scanning in jsobj when we find the field of interest.
+ if( strcmp(identifier,"obj")==0 && p>code && p[-1] != '.' )
+ ;
+ else
+ vars[identifier] = 1;
+ }
+ if( done )
+ break;
+ p = q + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( *p == '\'' ) {
+ p++;
+ while( *p && *p != '\'' ) p++;
+ }
+ else if( *p == '"' ) {
+ p++;
+ while( *p && *p != '"' ) p++;
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ MiniLex() {
+ strhashmap atest;
+ atest["foo"] = 3;
+ assert( atest.count("bar") == 0 );
+ assert( atest.count("foo") == 1 );
+ assert( atest["foo"] == 3 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
+ ic[i] = starter[i] = false;
+ }
+ for( int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++ )
+ ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
+ for( int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++ )
+ ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
+ for( int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++ )
+ ic[i] = true;
+ for( int i = 128; i < 256; i++ )
+ ic[i] = starter[i] = true;
+ ic['$'] = starter['$'] = true;
+ ic['_'] = starter['_'] = true;
+ reserved["break"] = true;
+ reserved["case"] = true;
+ reserved["catch"] = true;
+ reserved["continue"] = true;
+ reserved["default"] = true;
+ reserved["delete"] = true;
+ reserved["do"] = true;
+ reserved["else"] = true;
+ reserved["finally"] = true;
+ reserved["for"] = true;
+ reserved["function"] = true;
+ reserved["if"] = true;
+ reserved["in"] = true;
+ reserved["instanceof"] = true;
+ reserved["new"] = true;
+ reserved["return"] = true;
+ reserved["switch"] = true;
+ reserved["this"] = true;
+ reserved["throw"] = true;
+ reserved["try"] = true;
+ reserved["typeof"] = true;
+ reserved["var"] = true;
+ reserved["void"] = true;
+ reserved["while"] = true;
+ reserved["with "] = true;
+ }
diff --git a/db/namespace.h b/db/namespace.h
index ed9613d58f4..6caefc633f3 100644
--- a/db/namespace.h
+++ b/db/namespace.h
@@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
-// namespace.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../util/hashtab.h"
-#include "../util/mmap.h"
-class Cursor;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-class Namespace {
- Namespace(const char *ns) {
- *this = ns;
- }
- Namespace& operator=(const char *ns) {
- memset(buf, 0, 128); /* this is just to keep stuff clean in the files for easy dumping and reading */
- strcpy_s(buf, 128, ns); return *this;
- }
- void kill() {
- buf[0] = 0x7f;
- }
- bool operator==(const Namespace& r) { return strcmp(buf, r.buf) == 0; }
- int hash() const {
- unsigned x = 0;
- const char *p = buf;
- while( *p ) {
- x = x * 131 + *p;
- p++;
- }
- return (x & 0x7fffffff) | 0x8000000; // must be > 0
- }
- char buf[128];
-const int Buckets = 19;
-const int MaxBucket = 18;
-const int MaxIndexes = 10;
-class IndexDetails {
- DiskLoc head; /* btree head */
- /* index info object.
- { name:"nameofindex", ns:"parentnsname", key: {keypattobject} }
- */
- DiskLoc info;
- /* pull out the relevant key objects from obj, so we
- can index them. Note that the set is multiple elements
- only when it's a "multikey" array.
- keys will be left empty if key not found in the object.
- */
- void getKeysFromObject(JSObj& obj, set<JSObj>& keys);
- // returns name of this index's storage area
- // client.table.$index
- string indexNamespace() {
- JSObj io = info.obj();
- string s;
- s.reserve(128);
- s = io.getStringField("ns");
- assert( !s.empty() );
- s += ".$";
- s += io.getStringField("name");
- return s;
- }
-extern int bucketSizes[];
-class NamespaceDetails {
- NamespaceDetails() {
- datasize = nrecords = 0;
- lastExtentSize = 0;
- nIndexes = 0;
- capped = 0;
- max = 0x7fffffff;
- memset(reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved));
- }
- DiskLoc firstExtent;
- DiskLoc lastExtent;
- DiskLoc deletedList[Buckets];
- long long datasize;
- long long nrecords;
- int lastExtentSize;
- int nIndexes;
- IndexDetails indexes[MaxIndexes];
- int capped;
- int max; // max # of objects for a capped table.
- char reserved[256-16-4-4-8*MaxIndexes-8-8];
- //returns offset in indexes[]
- int findIndexByName(const char *name) {
- for( int i = 0; i < nIndexes; i++ ) {
- if( strcmp(indexes[i].info.obj().getStringField("name"),name) == 0 )
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* return which "deleted bucket" for this size object */
- static int bucket(int n) {
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ )
- if( bucketSizes[i] > n )
- return i;
- return Buckets-1;
- }
- DiskLoc alloc(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc, DiskLoc& extentLoc);
- void addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc);
- void dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents = 0);
- DiskLoc __stdAlloc(int len);
- DiskLoc _alloc(const char *ns, int len);
- void compact();
-#pragma pack(pop)
-class NamespaceIndex {
- friend class NamespaceCursor;
- NamespaceIndex() { }
- void init(const char *dir, const char *client) {
- string path = dir;
- path += client;
- path += ".ns";
- const int LEN = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
- void *p =, LEN);
- if( p == 0 ) {
- problem() << "couldn't open namespace.idx " << path.c_str() << " terminating" << endl;
- exit(-3);
- }
- ht = new HashTable<Namespace,NamespaceDetails>(p, LEN, "namespace index");
- }
- void add(const char *ns, DiskLoc& loc) {
- Namespace n(ns);
- NamespaceDetails details;
- details.lastExtent = details.firstExtent = loc;
- ht->put(n, details);
- }
- NamespaceDetails* details(const char *ns) {
- Namespace n(ns);
- return ht->get(n);
- }
- void kill(const char *ns) {
- Namespace n(ns);
- ht->kill(n);
- }
- bool find(const char *ns, DiskLoc& loc) {
- NamespaceDetails *l = details(ns);
- if( l ) {
- loc = l->firstExtent;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- MemoryMappedFile f;
- HashTable<Namespace,NamespaceDetails> *ht;
-extern const char *dbpath;
-class NamespaceIndexMgr {
- NamespaceIndexMgr() { }
- NamespaceIndex* get(const char *client) {
- map<string,NamespaceIndex*>::iterator it = m.find(client);
- if( it != m.end() )
- return it->second;
- NamespaceIndex *ni = new NamespaceIndex();
- ni->init(dbpath, client);
- m[client] = ni;
- return ni;
- }
- map<string,NamespaceIndex*> m;
-extern NamespaceIndexMgr namespaceIndexMgr;
-// "client.a.b.c" -> "client"
-inline void nsToClient(const char *ns, char *client) {
- const char *p = ns;
- char *q = client;
- while( *p != '.' ) {
- if( *p == 0 ) {
- assert(false);
- *client = 0;
- return;
- }
- *q++ = *p++;
- }
- *q = 0;
- assert(q-client<256);
-inline NamespaceIndex* nsindex(const char *ns) {
- char client[256];
- nsToClient(ns, client);
- return namespaceIndexMgr.get(client);
-inline NamespaceDetails* nsdetails(const char *ns) {
- return nsindex(ns)->details(ns);
-//auto_ptr<Cursor> makeNamespaceCursor();
+// namespace.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../util/hashtab.h"
+#include "../util/mmap.h"
+class Cursor;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+class Namespace {
+ Namespace(const char *ns) {
+ *this = ns;
+ }
+ Namespace& operator=(const char *ns) {
+ memset(buf, 0, 128); /* this is just to keep stuff clean in the files for easy dumping and reading */
+ strcpy_s(buf, 128, ns); return *this;
+ }
+ void kill() {
+ buf[0] = 0x7f;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Namespace& r) { return strcmp(buf, r.buf) == 0; }
+ int hash() const {
+ unsigned x = 0;
+ const char *p = buf;
+ while( *p ) {
+ x = x * 131 + *p;
+ p++;
+ }
+ return (x & 0x7fffffff) | 0x8000000; // must be > 0
+ }
+ char buf[128];
+const int Buckets = 19;
+const int MaxBucket = 18;
+const int MaxIndexes = 10;
+class IndexDetails {
+ DiskLoc head; /* btree head */
+ /* index info object.
+ { name:"nameofindex", ns:"parentnsname", key: {keypattobject} }
+ */
+ DiskLoc info;
+ /* pull out the relevant key objects from obj, so we
+ can index them. Note that the set is multiple elements
+ only when it's a "multikey" array.
+ keys will be left empty if key not found in the object.
+ */
+ void getKeysFromObject(JSObj& obj, set<JSObj>& keys);
+ // returns name of this index's storage area
+ // client.table.$index
+ string indexNamespace() {
+ JSObj io = info.obj();
+ string s;
+ s.reserve(128);
+ s = io.getStringField("ns");
+ assert( !s.empty() );
+ s += ".$";
+ s += io.getStringField("name");
+ return s;
+ }
+extern int bucketSizes[];
+class NamespaceDetails {
+ NamespaceDetails() {
+ datasize = nrecords = 0;
+ lastExtentSize = 0;
+ nIndexes = 0;
+ capped = 0;
+ max = 0x7fffffff;
+ memset(reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved));
+ }
+ DiskLoc firstExtent;
+ DiskLoc lastExtent;
+ DiskLoc deletedList[Buckets];
+ long long datasize;
+ long long nrecords;
+ int lastExtentSize;
+ int nIndexes;
+ IndexDetails indexes[MaxIndexes];
+ int capped;
+ int max; // max # of objects for a capped table.
+ char reserved[256-16-4-4-8*MaxIndexes-8-8];
+ //returns offset in indexes[]
+ int findIndexByName(const char *name) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ if( strcmp(indexes[i].info.obj().getStringField("name"),name) == 0 )
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* return which "deleted bucket" for this size object */
+ static int bucket(int n) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ )
+ if( bucketSizes[i] > n )
+ return i;
+ return Buckets-1;
+ }
+ DiskLoc alloc(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc, DiskLoc& extentLoc);
+ void addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc);
+ void dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents = 0);
+ DiskLoc __stdAlloc(int len);
+ DiskLoc _alloc(const char *ns, int len);
+ void compact();
+#pragma pack(pop)
+class NamespaceIndex {
+ friend class NamespaceCursor;
+ NamespaceIndex() { }
+ void init(const char *dir, const char *client) {
+ string path = dir;
+ path += client;
+ path += ".ns";
+ const int LEN = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
+ void *p =, LEN);
+ if( p == 0 ) {
+ problem() << "couldn't open namespace.idx " << path.c_str() << " terminating" << endl;
+ exit(-3);
+ }
+ ht = new HashTable<Namespace,NamespaceDetails>(p, LEN, "namespace index");
+ }
+ void add(const char *ns, DiskLoc& loc) {
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ NamespaceDetails details;
+ details.lastExtent = details.firstExtent = loc;
+ ht->put(n, details);
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails* details(const char *ns) {
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ return ht->get(n);
+ }
+ void kill(const char *ns) {
+ Namespace n(ns);
+ ht->kill(n);
+ }
+ bool find(const char *ns, DiskLoc& loc) {
+ NamespaceDetails *l = details(ns);
+ if( l ) {
+ loc = l->firstExtent;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ MemoryMappedFile f;
+ HashTable<Namespace,NamespaceDetails> *ht;
+extern const char *dbpath;
+class NamespaceIndexMgr {
+ NamespaceIndexMgr() { }
+ NamespaceIndex* get(const char *client) {
+ map<string,NamespaceIndex*>::iterator it = m.find(client);
+ if( it != m.end() )
+ return it->second;
+ NamespaceIndex *ni = new NamespaceIndex();
+ ni->init(dbpath, client);
+ m[client] = ni;
+ return ni;
+ }
+ map<string,NamespaceIndex*> m;
+extern NamespaceIndexMgr namespaceIndexMgr;
+// "client.a.b.c" -> "client"
+inline void nsToClient(const char *ns, char *client) {
+ const char *p = ns;
+ char *q = client;
+ while( *p != '.' ) {
+ if( *p == 0 ) {
+ assert(false);
+ *client = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ *q++ = *p++;
+ }
+ *q = 0;
+ assert(q-client<256);
+inline NamespaceIndex* nsindex(const char *ns) {
+ char client[256];
+ nsToClient(ns, client);
+ return namespaceIndexMgr.get(client);
+inline NamespaceDetails* nsdetails(const char *ns) {
+ return nsindex(ns)->details(ns);
+//auto_ptr<Cursor> makeNamespaceCursor();
diff --git a/db/objwrappers.h b/db/objwrappers.h
index afd3a5b479d..8868e9e7d4e 100644
--- a/db/objwrappers.h
+++ b/db/objwrappers.h
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-// objwrappers.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
+// objwrappers.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
diff --git a/db/pdfile.cpp b/db/pdfile.cpp
index c063d91b1c1..ddf74adf615 100644
--- a/db/pdfile.cpp
+++ b/db/pdfile.cpp
@@ -1,969 +1,969 @@
-// pdfile.cpp
-_ manage deleted records. bucket?
-_ use deleted on inserts!
-_ quantize allocations
-_ table scans must be sequential, not next/prev pointers
-_ regex support
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-#include "db.h"
-#include "../util/mmap.h"
-#include "../util/hashtab.h"
-#include "objwrappers.h"
-#include "btree.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <list>
-const char *dbpath = "/data/db/";
-DataFileMgr theDataFileMgr;
-map<string,Client*> clients;
-Client *client;
-const char *curNs = "";
-int MAGIC = 0x1000;
-int curOp = -2;
-int callDepth = 0;
-extern int otherTraceLevel;
-void sayDbContext(const char *errmsg) {
- if( errmsg ) {
- cout << errmsg << '\n';
- problem() << errmsg << endl;
- }
- cout << " client: " << (client ? client->name.c_str() : "null");
- cout << " op:" << curOp << ' ' << callDepth << endl;
- if( client )
- cout << " ns: " << curNs << endl;
-JSObj::JSObj(Record *r) {
- _objdata = r->data;
- _objsize = *((int*) _objdata);
- if( _objsize > r->netLength() ) {
- cout << "About to assert fail _objsize <= r->netLength()" << endl;
- cout << " _objsize: " << _objsize << endl;
- cout << " netLength(): " << r->netLength() << endl;
- cout << " extentOfs: " << r->extentOfs << endl;
- cout << " nextOfs: " << r->nextOfs << endl;
- cout << " prevOfs: " << r->prevOfs << endl;
- assert( _objsize <= r->netLength() );
- }
- iFree = false;
-int bucketSizes[] = {
- 32, 64, 128, 256, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000,
- 0x8000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000, 0x200000,
- 0x400000, 0x800000
-//NamespaceIndexMgr namespaceIndexMgr;
-void NamespaceDetails::addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc) {
- DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: add deleted rec " << dloc.toString() << ' ' << hex << d->extentOfs << endl;
- int b = bucket(d->lengthWithHeaders);
- DiskLoc& list = deletedList[b];
- DiskLoc oldHead = list;
- list = dloc;
- d->nextDeleted = oldHead;
-/* lenToAlloc is WITH header
-DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::alloc(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc, DiskLoc& extentLoc) {
- lenToAlloc = (lenToAlloc + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
- DiskLoc loc = _alloc(ns, lenToAlloc);
- if( loc.isNull() )
- return loc;
- DeletedRecord *r = loc.drec();
- /* note we want to grab from the front so our next pointers on disk tend
- to go in a forward direction which is important for performance. */
- int regionlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
- extentLoc.set(loc.a(), r->extentOfs);
- DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: alloc() returns " << loc.toString() << ' ' << ns << " lentoalloc:" << lenToAlloc << " ext:" << extentLoc.toString() << endl;
- int left = regionlen - lenToAlloc;
- if( left < 24 || (left < (lenToAlloc >> 3) && capped == 0) ) {
- // you get the whole thing.
- return loc;
- }
- /* split off some for further use. */
- r->lengthWithHeaders = lenToAlloc;
- DiskLoc newDelLoc = loc;
- DeletedRecord *newDel = newDelLoc.drec();
- newDel->extentOfs = r->extentOfs;
- newDel->lengthWithHeaders = left;
- newDel->nextDeleted.Null();
- addDeletedRec(newDel, newDelLoc);
- return loc;
-/* for non-capped collections.
- returned item is out of the deleted list upon return
-DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__stdAlloc(int len) {
- DiskLoc *prev;
- DiskLoc *bestprev = 0;
- DiskLoc bestmatch;
- int bestmatchlen = 0x7fffffff;
- int b = bucket(len);
- DiskLoc cur = deletedList[b]; prev = &deletedList[b];
- int extra = 5; // look for a better fit, a little.
- int chain = 0;
- while( 1 ) {
- {
- int a = cur.a();
- if( a < -1 || a >= 100000 ) {
- problem() << "Assertion failure - a() out of range in _alloc() " << a << endl;
- cout << "Assertion failure - a() out of range in _alloc() " << a << '\n';
- sayDbContext();
- if( cur == *prev )
- prev->Null();
- cur.Null();
- }
- }
- if( cur.isNull() ) {
- // move to next bucket. if we were doing "extra", just break
- if( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff )
- break;
- b++;
- if( b > MaxBucket ) {
- // out of space. alloc a new extent.
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- cur = deletedList[b]; prev = &deletedList[b];
- continue;
- }
- DeletedRecord *r = cur.drec();
- if( r->lengthWithHeaders >= len &&
- r->lengthWithHeaders < bestmatchlen ) {
- bestmatchlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
- bestmatch = cur;
- bestprev = prev;
- }
- if( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff && --extra <= 0 )
- break;
- if( ++chain > 30 && b < MaxBucket ) {
- // too slow, force move to next bucket to grab a big chunk
- b++;
- chain = 0;
- cur.Null();
- }
- else {
- cur = r->nextDeleted; prev = &r->nextDeleted;
- }
- }
- /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
- *bestprev = bestmatch.drec()->nextDeleted;
- return bestmatch;
-void NamespaceDetails::dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents) {
-// cout << "DUMP deleted chains" << endl;
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
-// cout << " bucket " << i << endl;
- DiskLoc dl = deletedList[i];
- while( !dl.isNull() ) {
- DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
- DiskLoc extLoc(dl.a(), r->extentOfs);
- if( extents == 0 || extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 ) {
- cout << " bucket " << i << endl;
- cout << " " << dl.toString() << " ext:" << extLoc.toString();
- if( extents && extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 )
- cout << '?';
- cout << " len:" << r->lengthWithHeaders << endl;
- }
- dl = r->nextDeleted;
- }
- }
-// cout << endl;
-/* combine adjacent deleted records
- this is O(n^2) but we call it for capped tables where typically n==1 or 2!
- (or 3...there will be a little unused sliver at the end of the extent.)
-void NamespaceDetails::compact() {
- assert(capped);
- list<DiskLoc> drecs;
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
- DiskLoc dl = deletedList[i];
- deletedList[i].Null();
- while( !dl.isNull() ) {
- DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
- drecs.push_back(dl);
- dl = r->nextDeleted;
- }
- }
- drecs.sort();
- list<DiskLoc>::iterator j = drecs.begin();
- assert( j != drecs.end() );
- DiskLoc a = *j;
- while( 1 ) {
- j++;
- if( j == drecs.end() ) {
- DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: compact adddelrec\n";
- addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
- break;
- }
- DiskLoc b = *j;
- while( a.a() == b.a() && a.getOfs() + a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders == b.getOfs() ) {
- // a & b are adjacent. merge.
- a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders += b.drec()->lengthWithHeaders;
- j++;
- if( j == drecs.end() ) {
- DEBUGGING cout << "temp: compact adddelrec2\n";
- addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
- return;
- }
- b = *j;
- }
- DEBUGGING cout << "temp: compact adddelrec3\n";
- addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
- a = b;
- }
-DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::_alloc(const char *ns, int len) {
- if( !capped )
- return __stdAlloc(len);
- assert( len < 400000000 );
- int passes = 0;
- DiskLoc loc;
- // delete records until we have room and the max # objects limit achieved.
- while( 1 ) {
- if( nrecords < max ) {
- loc = __stdAlloc(len);
- if( !loc.isNull() )
- break;
- }
- DiskLoc fr = firstExtent.ext()->firstRecord;
- if( fr.isNull() ) {
- cout << "couldn't make room for new record in capped ns\n";
- cout << " ns:" << ns;
- cout << "\n len: " << len << endl;
- assert(false);
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, fr.rec(), fr, true);
- compact();
- assert( ++passes < 5000 );
- }
- return loc;
-class NamespaceCursor : public Cursor {
- virtual bool ok() { return i >= 0; }
- virtual Record* _current() { assert(false); return 0; }
- virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { assert(false); return DiskLoc(); }
- virtual JSObj current() {
- NamespaceDetails &d =>nodes[i].value;
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.append("name",>nodes[i].k.buf);
- return b.done();
- }
- virtual bool advance() {
- while( 1 ) {
- i++;
- if( i >=>n )
- break;
- if(>nodes[i].inUse() )
- return true;
- }
- i = -1000000;
- return false;
- }
- NamespaceCursor() {
- i = -1;
- advance();
- }
- int i;
-auto_ptr<Cursor> makeNamespaceCursor() {
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new NamespaceCursor());
-void newNamespace(const char *ns) {
- cout << "New namespace: " << ns << endl;
- if( strstr(ns, "system.namespaces") == 0 ) {
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.append("name", ns);
- JSObj j = b.done();
- char client[256];
- nsToClient(ns, client);
- string s = client;
- s += ".system.namespaces";
- theDataFileMgr.insert(s.c_str(), j.objdata(), j.objsize(), true);
- }
-int initialExtentSize(int len) {
- long long sz = len * 16;
- if( len < 1000 ) sz = len * 64;
- if( sz > 1000000000 )
- sz = 1000000000;
- int z = ((int)sz) & 0xffffff00;
- assert( z > len );
- cout << "initialExtentSize(" << len << ") returns " << z << endl;
- return z;
-// { ..., capped: true, size: ..., max: ... }
-bool userCreateNS(const char *ns, JSObj& j) {
- if( nsdetails(ns) )
- return false;
- cout << j.toString() << endl;
- newNamespace(ns);
- int ies = initialExtentSize(128);
- Element e = j.findElement("size");
- if( e.type() == Number ) {
- ies = (int) e.number();
- ies += 256;
- ies &= 0xffffff00;
- if( ies > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 256 ) return false;
- }
- client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, ies);
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- assert(d);
- e = j.findElement("capped");
- if( e.type() == Bool && e.boolean() ) {
- d->capped = 1;
- e = j.findElement("max");
- if( e.type() == Number ) {
- int mx = (int) e.number();
- if( mx > 0 )
- d->max = mx;
- }
- }
- return true;
-void PhysicalDataFile::open(int fn, const char *filename) {
- int length;
- if( fn <= 4 ) {
- length = (64*1024*1024) << fn;
- if( strstr(filename, "alleyinsider") && length < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
- length = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
- } else
- length = 0x7ff00000;
- assert( length >= 64*1024*1024 && length % 4096 == 0 );
- assert(fn == fileNo);
- header = (PDFHeader *), length);
- assert(header);
- header->init(fileNo, length);
-/* prev - previous extent for this namespace. null=this is the first one. */
-Extent* PhysicalDataFile::newExtent(const char *ns, int approxSize, int loops) {
- assert( approxSize >= 0 && approxSize <= 0x7ff00000 );
- int ExtentSize = approxSize <= header->unusedLength ? approxSize : header->unusedLength;
- DiskLoc loc;
- if( ExtentSize <= 0 ) {
- if( loops > 8 ) {
- assert(false);
- return 0;
- }
- cout << "INFO: newExtent(): file full, adding a new file " << ns << endl;
- return client->addAFile()->newExtent(ns, approxSize, loops+1);
- }
- int offset = header->unused.getOfs();
- header->unused.setOfs( fileNo, offset + ExtentSize );
- header->unusedLength -= ExtentSize;
- loc.setOfs(fileNo, offset);
- Extent *e = _getExtent(loc);
- DiskLoc emptyLoc = e->init(ns, ExtentSize, fileNo, offset);
- DiskLoc oldExtentLoc;
- NamespaceIndex *ni = nsindex(ns);
- NamespaceDetails *details = ni->details(ns);
- if( details ) {
- assert( !details->firstExtent.isNull() );
- e->xprev = details->lastExtent;
- details->lastExtent.ext()->xnext = loc;
- details->lastExtent = loc;
- }
- else {
- ni->add(ns, loc);
- details = ni->details(ns);
- }
- details->lastExtentSize = approxSize;
- DEBUGGING cout << "temp: newextent adddelrec " << ns << endl;
- details->addDeletedRec(emptyLoc.drec(), emptyLoc);
- cout << "new extent size: 0x" << hex << ExtentSize << " loc: 0x" << hex << offset << dec;
- cout << " emptyLoc:" << hex << emptyLoc.getOfs() << dec;
- cout << ' ' << ns << endl;
- return e;
-/* assumes already zeroed -- insufficient for block 'reuse' perhaps */
-DiskLoc Extent::init(const char *nsname, int _length, int _fileNo, int _offset) {
- magic = 0x41424344;
- myLoc.setOfs(_fileNo, _offset);
- xnext.Null(); xprev.Null();
- ns = nsname;
- length = _length;
- firstRecord.Null(); lastRecord.Null();
- DiskLoc emptyLoc = myLoc;
- (extentData-(char*)this) );
- DeletedRecord *empty1 = (DeletedRecord *) extentData;
- DeletedRecord *empty = (DeletedRecord *) getRecord(emptyLoc);
- assert( empty == empty1 );
- empty->lengthWithHeaders = _length - (extentData - (char *) this);
- empty->extentOfs = myLoc.getOfs();
- return emptyLoc;
-Record* Extent::newRecord(int len) {
- if( firstEmptyRegion.isNull() )
- return 0;
- assert(len > 0);
- int newRecSize = len + Record::HeaderSize;
- DiskLoc newRecordLoc = firstEmptyRegion;
- Record *r = getRecord(newRecordLoc);
- int left = r->netLength() - len;
- if( left < 0 ) {
- //
- firstEmptyRegion.Null();
- return 0;
- }
- DiskLoc nextEmpty = r->next.getNextEmpty(firstEmptyRegion);
- r->lengthWithHeaders = newRecSize;
- r->next.markAsFirstOrLastInExtent(this); // we're now last in the extent
- if( !lastRecord.isNull() ) {
- assert(getRecord(lastRecord)->next.lastInExtent()); // it was the last one
- getRecord(lastRecord)->next.set(newRecordLoc); // until now
- r->prev.set(lastRecord);
- }
- else {
- r->prev.markAsFirstOrLastInExtent(this); // we are the first in the extent
- assert( firstRecord.isNull() );
- firstRecord = newRecordLoc;
- }
- lastRecord = newRecordLoc;
- if( left < Record::HeaderSize + 32 ) {
- firstEmptyRegion.Null();
- }
- else {
- Record *empty = getRecord(firstEmptyRegion);
- empty->next.set(nextEmpty); // not for empty records, unless in-use records, next and prev can be null.
- empty->prev.Null();
- empty->lengthWithHeaders = left;
- }
- return r;
-auto_ptr<Cursor> DataFileMgr::findAll(const char *ns) {
- DiskLoc loc;
- bool found = nsindex(ns)->find(ns, loc);
- if( !found ) {
- // cout << "info: findAll() namespace does not exist: " << ns << endl;
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor(DiskLoc()));
- }
- Extent *e = getExtent(loc);
- cout << "temp: listing extents for " << ns << endl;
- DiskLoc tmp = loc;
- set<DiskLoc> extents;
- while( 1 ) {
- Extent *f = getExtent(tmp);
- cout << "extent: " << tmp.toString() << endl;
- extents.insert(tmp);
- tmp = f->xnext;
- if( tmp.isNull() )
- break;
- f = f->getNextExtent();
- }
- cout << endl;
- nsdetails(ns)->dumpDeleted(&extents);
- }
- while( e->firstRecord.isNull() && !e->xnext.isNull() ) {
- OCCASIONALLY cout << "info DFM::findAll(): extent " << loc.toString() << " was empty, skipping ahead" << endl;
- // find a nonempty extent
- // it might be nice to free the whole extent here! but have to clean up free recs then.
- e = e->getNextExtent();
- }
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor( e->firstRecord ));
-/* get a table scan cursor, but can be forward or reverse direction */
-auto_ptr<Cursor> findTableScan(const char *ns, JSObj& order) {
- Element el = order.findElement("$natural");
- if( el.type() != Number || el.number() >= 0 )
- return DataFileMgr::findAll(ns);
- // "reverse natural order" // "reverse natural order"
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( !d )
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor(DiskLoc()));
- Extent *e = d->lastExtent.ext();
- while( e->lastRecord.isNull() && !e->xprev.isNull() ) {
- OCCASIONALLY cout << " findTableScan: extent empty, skipping ahead" << endl;
- e = e->getPrevExtent();
- }
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new ReverseCursor( e->lastRecord ));
-void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl);
-/* pull out the relevant key objects from obj, so we
- can index them. Note that the set is multiple elements
- only when it's a "multikey" array.
- keys will be left empty if key not found in the object.
-void IndexDetails::getKeysFromObject(JSObj& obj, set<JSObj>& keys) {
- JSObj keyPattern = info.obj().getObjectField("key");
- JSObjBuilder b;
- JSObj key = obj.extractFields(keyPattern, b);
- if( key.isEmpty() )
- return;
- Element f = key.firstElement();
- if( f.type() != Array ) {
- b.decouple();
- key.iWillFree();
- keys.insert(key);
- return;
- }
- JSObj arr = f.embeddedObject();
-// cout << arr.toString() << endl;
- JSElemIter i(arr);
- while( i.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() ) break;
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.appendAs(e, f.fieldName());
- JSObj o = b.doneAndDecouple();
- assert( o.objdata() );
- keys.insert(o);
- }
-int nUnindexes = 0;
-void _unindexRecord(const char *ns, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& obj, const DiskLoc& dl) {
- set<JSObj> keys;
- id.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
- for( set<JSObj>::iterator i=keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ ) {
- JSObj j = *i;
-// cout << "UNINDEX: j:" << j.toString() << " head:" << id.head.toString() << dl.toString() << endl;
- if( otherTraceLevel >= 5 ) {
- cout << "_unindexRecord() " << obj.toString();
- cout << "\n unindex:" << j.toString() << endl;
- }
- nUnindexes++;
- bool ok = false;
- try {
- ok = id.head.btree()->unindex(id.head, id, j, dl);
- }
- catch(AssertionException) {
- cout << " caught assertion _unindexRecord " << id.indexNamespace() << '\n';
- problem() << "Assertion failure: _unindex failed " << id.indexNamespace() << endl;
- cout << "Assertion failure: _unindex failed" << '\n';
- cout << " obj:" << obj.toString() << '\n';
- cout << " key:" << j.toString() << '\n';
- cout << " dl:" << dl.toString() << endl;
- sayDbContext();
- }
- if( !ok ) {
- cout << "unindex failed (key too big?) " << id.indexNamespace() << '\n';
- }
- }
-void unindexRecord(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl) {
- if( d->nIndexes == 0 ) return;
- JSObj obj(todelete);
- for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
- _unindexRecord(ns, d->indexes[i], obj, dl);
- }
-void DataFileMgr::deleteRecord(const char *ns, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK)
- int tempextofs = todelete->extentOfs;
- NamespaceDetails* d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( d->capped && !cappedOK ) {
- cout << "failing remove on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
- return;
- }
- /* check if any cursors point to us. if so, advance them. */
- aboutToDelete(dl);
- unindexRecord(ns, d, todelete, dl);
- /* remove ourself from the record next/prev chain */
- {
- if( todelete->prevOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
- todelete->getPrev(dl).rec()->nextOfs = todelete->nextOfs;
- if( todelete->nextOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
- todelete->getNext(dl).rec()->prevOfs = todelete->prevOfs;
- }
- /* remove ourself from extent pointers */
- {
- Extent *e = todelete->myExtent(dl);
- if( e->firstRecord == dl ) {
- if( todelete->nextOfs == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
- e->firstRecord.Null();
- else
- e->firstRecord.setOfs(dl.a(), todelete->nextOfs);
- }
- if( e->lastRecord == dl ) {
- if( todelete->prevOfs == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
- e->lastRecord.Null();
- else
- e->lastRecord.setOfs(dl.a(), todelete->prevOfs);
- }
- }
- /* add to the free list */
- {
- d->nrecords--;
- d->datasize -= todelete->netLength();
-/// DEBUGGING << "temp: dddelrec deleterecord " << ns << endl;
-// if( todelete->extentOfs == 0xaca500 ) {
-// cout << "break\n";
-// }
-TEMP: add deleted rec 0:aca5b0 aca500
-temp: adddelrec deleterecord
-TEMP: add deleted rec 0:b9e750 b6a500
-temp: adddelrec deleterecord
- d->addDeletedRec((DeletedRecord*)todelete, dl);
- }
-void setDifference(set<JSObj>& l, set<JSObj>& r, vector<JSObj*> &diff) {
- set<JSObj>::iterator i = l.begin();
- set<JSObj>::iterator j = r.begin();
- while( 1 ) {
- if( i == l.end() )
- break;
- while( j != r.end() && *j < *i )
- j++;
- if( j == r.end() || !i->woEqual(*j) ) {
- const JSObj *jo = &*i;
- diff.push_back( (JSObj *) jo );
- }
- i++;
- }
-/** Note: as written so far, if the object shrinks a lot, we don't free up space. */
-void DataFileMgr::update(
- const char *ns,
- Record *toupdate, const DiskLoc& dl,
- const char *buf, int len, stringstream& ss)
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( toupdate->netLength() < len ) {
- if( d && d->capped ) {
- ss << " failing a growing update on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
- return;
- }
- // doesn't fit.
- if( client->profile )
- ss << " moved ";
- deleteRecord(ns, toupdate, dl);
- insert(ns, buf, len);
- return;
- }
- /* has any index keys changed? */
- {
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( d->nIndexes ) {
- JSObj newObj(buf);
- JSObj oldObj = dl.obj();
- for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
- IndexDetails& idx = d->indexes[i];
- JSObj idxKey ="key");
- set<JSObj> oldkeys;
- set<JSObj> newkeys;
- idx.getKeysFromObject(oldObj, oldkeys);
- idx.getKeysFromObject(newObj, newkeys);
- vector<JSObj*> removed;
- setDifference(oldkeys, newkeys, removed);
- string idxns = idx.indexNamespace();
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < removed.size(); i++ ) {
- try {
- idx.head.btree()->unindex(idx.head, idx, *removed[i], dl);
- }
- catch(AssertionException) {
- ss << " exception update unindex ";
- cout << " caught assertion update unindex " << idxns.c_str() << '\n';
- problem() << " caught assertion update unindex " << idxns.c_str() << endl;
- }
- }
- vector<JSObj*> added;
- setDifference(newkeys, oldkeys, added);
- assert( !dl.isNull() );
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < added.size(); i++ ) {
- try {
- idx.head.btree()->insert(
- idx.head,
- dl, *added[i], false, idx, true);
- }
- catch(AssertionException) {
- ss << " exception update index ";
- cout << " caught assertion update index " << idxns.c_str() << '\n';
- problem() << " caught assertion update index " << idxns.c_str() << endl;
- }
- }
- if( client->profile )
- ss << "<br>" << added.size() << " key updates ";
- }
- }
- }
- // update in place
- memcpy(toupdate->data, buf, len);
-int followupExtentSize(int len, int lastExtentLen) {
- int x = initialExtentSize(len);
- int y = (int) (lastExtentLen < 4000000 ? lastExtentLen * 4.0 : lastExtentLen * 1.2);
- int sz = y > x ? y : x;
- sz = ((int)sz) & 0xffffff00;
- assert( sz > len );
- return sz;
-int deb=0;
-/* add keys to indexes for a new record */
-void _indexRecord(IndexDetails& idx, JSObj& obj, DiskLoc newRecordLoc) {
- set<JSObj> keys;
- idx.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
- for( set<JSObj>::iterator i=keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ ) {
- assert( !newRecordLoc.isNull() );
- try {
-// DEBUGGING << "temp index: " << newRecordLoc.toString() << obj.toString() << endl;
- idx.head.btree()->insert(idx.head, newRecordLoc,
- (JSObj&) *i, false, idx, true);
- }
- catch(AssertionException) {
- cout << " caught assertion _indexRecord " << idx.indexNamespace() << '\n';
- problem() << " caught assertion _indexRecord " << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
- }
- }
-/* note there are faster ways to build an index in bulk, that can be
- done eventually */
-void addExistingToIndex(const char *ns, IndexDetails& idx) {
- cout << "Adding all existing records for " << ns << " to new index" << endl;
- int n = 0;
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
- while( c->ok() ) {
- JSObj js = c->current();
- _indexRecord(idx, js, c->currLoc());
- c->advance();
- n++;
- };
- cout << " indexing complete for " << n << " records" << endl;
-/* add keys to indexes for a new record */
-void indexRecord(NamespaceDetails *d, const void *buf, int len, DiskLoc newRecordLoc) {
- JSObj obj((const char *)buf);
- for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
- _indexRecord(d->indexes[i], obj, newRecordLoc);
- }
-DiskLoc DataFileMgr::insert(const char *ns, const void *buf, int len, bool god) {
- bool addIndex = false;
- const char *sys = strstr(ns, "system.");
- if( sys ) {
- if( sys == ns ) {
- cout << "ERROR: attempt to insert for invalid client 'system': " << ns << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
- if( strstr(ns, ".system.indexes") )
- addIndex = true;
- else if( !god ) {
- cout << "ERROR: attempt to insert in system namespace " << ns << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- }
- }
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( d == 0 ) {
- newNamespace(ns);
- client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, initialExtentSize(len));
- d = nsdetails(ns);
- }
- NamespaceDetails *tableToIndex = 0;
- const char *tabletoidxns = 0;
- if( addIndex ) {
- JSObj io((const char *) buf);
- const char *name = io.getStringField("name"); // name of the index
- tabletoidxns = io.getStringField("ns"); // table it indexes
- JSObj key = io.getObjectField("key");
- if( name == 0 || *name == 0 || tabletoidxns == 0 || key.isEmpty() || key.objsize() > 2048 ) {
- cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt name:" << (name?name:"") << " ns:" <<
- (tabletoidxns?tabletoidxns:"") << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- tableToIndex = nsdetails(tabletoidxns);
- if( tableToIndex == 0 ) {
- cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt, no such table(ns):" << tabletoidxns << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- if( tableToIndex->nIndexes >= MaxIndexes ) {
- cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt, too many indexes for:" << tabletoidxns << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- if( tableToIndex->findIndexByName(name) >= 0 ) {
- //cout << "INFO: index:" << name << " already exists for:" << tabletoidxns << endl;
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- //indexFullNS = tabletoidxns;
- //indexFullNS += ".$";
- //indexFullNS += name; // client.table.$index -- note this doesn't contain jsobjs, it contains BtreeBuckets.
- }
- DiskLoc extentLoc;
- int lenWHdr = len + Record::HeaderSize;
- DiskLoc loc = d->alloc(ns, lenWHdr, extentLoc);
- if( loc.isNull() ) {
- // out of space
- if( d->capped == 0 ) { // size capped doesn't grow
- cout << "allocating new extent for " << ns << endl;
- client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, followupExtentSize(len, d->lastExtentSize));
- loc = d->alloc(ns, lenWHdr, extentLoc);
- }
- if( loc.isNull() ) {
- cout << "out of space in datafile. capped:" << d->capped << endl;
- assert(d->capped);
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- }
- Record *r = loc.rec();
- assert( r->lengthWithHeaders >= lenWHdr );
- memcpy(r->data, buf, len);
- Extent *e = r->myExtent(loc);
- if( e->lastRecord.isNull() ) {
- e->firstRecord = e->lastRecord = loc;
- r->prevOfs = r->nextOfs = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
- }
- else {
- Record *oldlast = e->lastRecord.rec();
- r->prevOfs = e->lastRecord.getOfs();
- r->nextOfs = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
- oldlast->nextOfs = loc.getOfs();
- e->lastRecord = loc;
- }
- d->nrecords++;
- d->datasize += r->netLength();
- if( tableToIndex ) {
- IndexDetails& idxinfo = tableToIndex->indexes[tableToIndex->nIndexes];
- = loc;
- idxinfo.head = BtreeBucket::addHead(idxinfo);
- tableToIndex->nIndexes++;
- /* todo: index existing records here */
- addExistingToIndex(tabletoidxns, idxinfo);
- }
- /* add this record to our indexes */
- if( d->nIndexes )
- indexRecord(d, buf, len, loc);
-// cout << " inserted at loc:" << hex << loc.getOfs() << " lenwhdr:" << hex << lenWHdr << dec << ' ' << ns << endl;
- return loc;
-void DataFileMgr::init(const char *dir) {
-/* string path = dir;
- path += "temp.dat";
-, 64 * 1024 * 1024);
-void pdfileInit() {
-// namespaceIndex.init(dbpath);
- theDataFileMgr.init(dbpath);
+// pdfile.cpp
+_ manage deleted records. bucket?
+_ use deleted on inserts!
+_ quantize allocations
+_ table scans must be sequential, not next/prev pointers
+_ regex support
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "db.h"
+#include "../util/mmap.h"
+#include "../util/hashtab.h"
+#include "objwrappers.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+const char *dbpath = "/data/db/";
+DataFileMgr theDataFileMgr;
+map<string,Client*> clients;
+Client *client;
+const char *curNs = "";
+int MAGIC = 0x1000;
+int curOp = -2;
+int callDepth = 0;
+extern int otherTraceLevel;
+void sayDbContext(const char *errmsg) {
+ if( errmsg ) {
+ cout << errmsg << '\n';
+ problem() << errmsg << endl;
+ }
+ cout << " client: " << (client ? client->name.c_str() : "null");
+ cout << " op:" << curOp << ' ' << callDepth << endl;
+ if( client )
+ cout << " ns: " << curNs << endl;
+JSObj::JSObj(Record *r) {
+ _objdata = r->data;
+ _objsize = *((int*) _objdata);
+ if( _objsize > r->netLength() ) {
+ cout << "About to assert fail _objsize <= r->netLength()" << endl;
+ cout << " _objsize: " << _objsize << endl;
+ cout << " netLength(): " << r->netLength() << endl;
+ cout << " extentOfs: " << r->extentOfs << endl;
+ cout << " nextOfs: " << r->nextOfs << endl;
+ cout << " prevOfs: " << r->prevOfs << endl;
+ assert( _objsize <= r->netLength() );
+ }
+ iFree = false;
+int bucketSizes[] = {
+ 32, 64, 128, 256, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000,
+ 0x8000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000, 0x200000,
+ 0x400000, 0x800000
+//NamespaceIndexMgr namespaceIndexMgr;
+void NamespaceDetails::addDeletedRec(DeletedRecord *d, DiskLoc dloc) {
+ DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: add deleted rec " << dloc.toString() << ' ' << hex << d->extentOfs << endl;
+ int b = bucket(d->lengthWithHeaders);
+ DiskLoc& list = deletedList[b];
+ DiskLoc oldHead = list;
+ list = dloc;
+ d->nextDeleted = oldHead;
+/* lenToAlloc is WITH header
+DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::alloc(const char *ns, int lenToAlloc, DiskLoc& extentLoc) {
+ lenToAlloc = (lenToAlloc + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
+ DiskLoc loc = _alloc(ns, lenToAlloc);
+ if( loc.isNull() )
+ return loc;
+ DeletedRecord *r = loc.drec();
+ /* note we want to grab from the front so our next pointers on disk tend
+ to go in a forward direction which is important for performance. */
+ int regionlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
+ extentLoc.set(loc.a(), r->extentOfs);
+ DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: alloc() returns " << loc.toString() << ' ' << ns << " lentoalloc:" << lenToAlloc << " ext:" << extentLoc.toString() << endl;
+ int left = regionlen - lenToAlloc;
+ if( left < 24 || (left < (lenToAlloc >> 3) && capped == 0) ) {
+ // you get the whole thing.
+ return loc;
+ }
+ /* split off some for further use. */
+ r->lengthWithHeaders = lenToAlloc;
+ DiskLoc newDelLoc = loc;
+ DeletedRecord *newDel = newDelLoc.drec();
+ newDel->extentOfs = r->extentOfs;
+ newDel->lengthWithHeaders = left;
+ newDel->nextDeleted.Null();
+ addDeletedRec(newDel, newDelLoc);
+ return loc;
+/* for non-capped collections.
+ returned item is out of the deleted list upon return
+DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__stdAlloc(int len) {
+ DiskLoc *prev;
+ DiskLoc *bestprev = 0;
+ DiskLoc bestmatch;
+ int bestmatchlen = 0x7fffffff;
+ int b = bucket(len);
+ DiskLoc cur = deletedList[b]; prev = &deletedList[b];
+ int extra = 5; // look for a better fit, a little.
+ int chain = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ {
+ int a = cur.a();
+ if( a < -1 || a >= 100000 ) {
+ problem() << "Assertion failure - a() out of range in _alloc() " << a << endl;
+ cout << "Assertion failure - a() out of range in _alloc() " << a << '\n';
+ sayDbContext();
+ if( cur == *prev )
+ prev->Null();
+ cur.Null();
+ }
+ }
+ if( cur.isNull() ) {
+ // move to next bucket. if we were doing "extra", just break
+ if( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff )
+ break;
+ b++;
+ if( b > MaxBucket ) {
+ // out of space. alloc a new extent.
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ cur = deletedList[b]; prev = &deletedList[b];
+ continue;
+ }
+ DeletedRecord *r = cur.drec();
+ if( r->lengthWithHeaders >= len &&
+ r->lengthWithHeaders < bestmatchlen ) {
+ bestmatchlen = r->lengthWithHeaders;
+ bestmatch = cur;
+ bestprev = prev;
+ }
+ if( bestmatchlen < 0x7fffffff && --extra <= 0 )
+ break;
+ if( ++chain > 30 && b < MaxBucket ) {
+ // too slow, force move to next bucket to grab a big chunk
+ b++;
+ chain = 0;
+ cur.Null();
+ }
+ else {
+ cur = r->nextDeleted; prev = &r->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
+ *bestprev = bestmatch.drec()->nextDeleted;
+ return bestmatch;
+void NamespaceDetails::dumpDeleted(set<DiskLoc> *extents) {
+// cout << "DUMP deleted chains" << endl;
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+// cout << " bucket " << i << endl;
+ DiskLoc dl = deletedList[i];
+ while( !dl.isNull() ) {
+ DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
+ DiskLoc extLoc(dl.a(), r->extentOfs);
+ if( extents == 0 || extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 ) {
+ cout << " bucket " << i << endl;
+ cout << " " << dl.toString() << " ext:" << extLoc.toString();
+ if( extents && extents->count(extLoc) <= 0 )
+ cout << '?';
+ cout << " len:" << r->lengthWithHeaders << endl;
+ }
+ dl = r->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+// cout << endl;
+/* combine adjacent deleted records
+ this is O(n^2) but we call it for capped tables where typically n==1 or 2!
+ (or 3...there will be a little unused sliver at the end of the extent.)
+void NamespaceDetails::compact() {
+ assert(capped);
+ list<DiskLoc> drecs;
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ DiskLoc dl = deletedList[i];
+ deletedList[i].Null();
+ while( !dl.isNull() ) {
+ DeletedRecord *r = dl.drec();
+ drecs.push_back(dl);
+ dl = r->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ drecs.sort();
+ list<DiskLoc>::iterator j = drecs.begin();
+ assert( j != drecs.end() );
+ DiskLoc a = *j;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ j++;
+ if( j == drecs.end() ) {
+ DEBUGGING cout << "TEMP: compact adddelrec\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ break;
+ }
+ DiskLoc b = *j;
+ while( a.a() == b.a() && a.getOfs() + a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders == b.getOfs() ) {
+ // a & b are adjacent. merge.
+ a.drec()->lengthWithHeaders += b.drec()->lengthWithHeaders;
+ j++;
+ if( j == drecs.end() ) {
+ DEBUGGING cout << "temp: compact adddelrec2\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ return;
+ }
+ b = *j;
+ }
+ DEBUGGING cout << "temp: compact adddelrec3\n";
+ addDeletedRec(a.drec(), a);
+ a = b;
+ }
+DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::_alloc(const char *ns, int len) {
+ if( !capped )
+ return __stdAlloc(len);
+ assert( len < 400000000 );
+ int passes = 0;
+ DiskLoc loc;
+ // delete records until we have room and the max # objects limit achieved.
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( nrecords < max ) {
+ loc = __stdAlloc(len);
+ if( !loc.isNull() )
+ break;
+ }
+ DiskLoc fr = firstExtent.ext()->firstRecord;
+ if( fr.isNull() ) {
+ cout << "couldn't make room for new record in capped ns\n";
+ cout << " ns:" << ns;
+ cout << "\n len: " << len << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, fr.rec(), fr, true);
+ compact();
+ assert( ++passes < 5000 );
+ }
+ return loc;
+class NamespaceCursor : public Cursor {
+ virtual bool ok() { return i >= 0; }
+ virtual Record* _current() { assert(false); return 0; }
+ virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { assert(false); return DiskLoc(); }
+ virtual JSObj current() {
+ NamespaceDetails &d =>nodes[i].value;
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.append("name",>nodes[i].k.buf);
+ return b.done();
+ }
+ virtual bool advance() {
+ while( 1 ) {
+ i++;
+ if( i >=>n )
+ break;
+ if(>nodes[i].inUse() )
+ return true;
+ }
+ i = -1000000;
+ return false;
+ }
+ NamespaceCursor() {
+ i = -1;
+ advance();
+ }
+ int i;
+auto_ptr<Cursor> makeNamespaceCursor() {
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new NamespaceCursor());
+void newNamespace(const char *ns) {
+ cout << "New namespace: " << ns << endl;
+ if( strstr(ns, "system.namespaces") == 0 ) {
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.append("name", ns);
+ JSObj j = b.done();
+ char client[256];
+ nsToClient(ns, client);
+ string s = client;
+ s += ".system.namespaces";
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(s.c_str(), j.objdata(), j.objsize(), true);
+ }
+int initialExtentSize(int len) {
+ long long sz = len * 16;
+ if( len < 1000 ) sz = len * 64;
+ if( sz > 1000000000 )
+ sz = 1000000000;
+ int z = ((int)sz) & 0xffffff00;
+ assert( z > len );
+ cout << "initialExtentSize(" << len << ") returns " << z << endl;
+ return z;
+// { ..., capped: true, size: ..., max: ... }
+bool userCreateNS(const char *ns, JSObj& j) {
+ if( nsdetails(ns) )
+ return false;
+ cout << j.toString() << endl;
+ newNamespace(ns);
+ int ies = initialExtentSize(128);
+ Element e = j.findElement("size");
+ if( e.type() == Number ) {
+ ies = (int) e.number();
+ ies += 256;
+ ies &= 0xffffff00;
+ if( ies > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 256 ) return false;
+ }
+ client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, ies);
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ assert(d);
+ e = j.findElement("capped");
+ if( e.type() == Bool && e.boolean() ) {
+ d->capped = 1;
+ e = j.findElement("max");
+ if( e.type() == Number ) {
+ int mx = (int) e.number();
+ if( mx > 0 )
+ d->max = mx;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void PhysicalDataFile::open(int fn, const char *filename) {
+ int length;
+ if( fn <= 4 ) {
+ length = (64*1024*1024) << fn;
+ if( strstr(filename, "alleyinsider") && length < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
+ length = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ } else
+ length = 0x7ff00000;
+ assert( length >= 64*1024*1024 && length % 4096 == 0 );
+ assert(fn == fileNo);
+ header = (PDFHeader *), length);
+ assert(header);
+ header->init(fileNo, length);
+/* prev - previous extent for this namespace. null=this is the first one. */
+Extent* PhysicalDataFile::newExtent(const char *ns, int approxSize, int loops) {
+ assert( approxSize >= 0 && approxSize <= 0x7ff00000 );
+ int ExtentSize = approxSize <= header->unusedLength ? approxSize : header->unusedLength;
+ DiskLoc loc;
+ if( ExtentSize <= 0 ) {
+ if( loops > 8 ) {
+ assert(false);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cout << "INFO: newExtent(): file full, adding a new file " << ns << endl;
+ return client->addAFile()->newExtent(ns, approxSize, loops+1);
+ }
+ int offset = header->unused.getOfs();
+ header->unused.setOfs( fileNo, offset + ExtentSize );
+ header->unusedLength -= ExtentSize;
+ loc.setOfs(fileNo, offset);
+ Extent *e = _getExtent(loc);
+ DiskLoc emptyLoc = e->init(ns, ExtentSize, fileNo, offset);
+ DiskLoc oldExtentLoc;
+ NamespaceIndex *ni = nsindex(ns);
+ NamespaceDetails *details = ni->details(ns);
+ if( details ) {
+ assert( !details->firstExtent.isNull() );
+ e->xprev = details->lastExtent;
+ details->lastExtent.ext()->xnext = loc;
+ details->lastExtent = loc;
+ }
+ else {
+ ni->add(ns, loc);
+ details = ni->details(ns);
+ }
+ details->lastExtentSize = approxSize;
+ DEBUGGING cout << "temp: newextent adddelrec " << ns << endl;
+ details->addDeletedRec(emptyLoc.drec(), emptyLoc);
+ cout << "new extent size: 0x" << hex << ExtentSize << " loc: 0x" << hex << offset << dec;
+ cout << " emptyLoc:" << hex << emptyLoc.getOfs() << dec;
+ cout << ' ' << ns << endl;
+ return e;
+/* assumes already zeroed -- insufficient for block 'reuse' perhaps */
+DiskLoc Extent::init(const char *nsname, int _length, int _fileNo, int _offset) {
+ magic = 0x41424344;
+ myLoc.setOfs(_fileNo, _offset);
+ xnext.Null(); xprev.Null();
+ ns = nsname;
+ length = _length;
+ firstRecord.Null(); lastRecord.Null();
+ DiskLoc emptyLoc = myLoc;
+ (extentData-(char*)this) );
+ DeletedRecord *empty1 = (DeletedRecord *) extentData;
+ DeletedRecord *empty = (DeletedRecord *) getRecord(emptyLoc);
+ assert( empty == empty1 );
+ empty->lengthWithHeaders = _length - (extentData - (char *) this);
+ empty->extentOfs = myLoc.getOfs();
+ return emptyLoc;
+Record* Extent::newRecord(int len) {
+ if( firstEmptyRegion.isNull() )
+ return 0;
+ assert(len > 0);
+ int newRecSize = len + Record::HeaderSize;
+ DiskLoc newRecordLoc = firstEmptyRegion;
+ Record *r = getRecord(newRecordLoc);
+ int left = r->netLength() - len;
+ if( left < 0 ) {
+ //
+ firstEmptyRegion.Null();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DiskLoc nextEmpty = r->next.getNextEmpty(firstEmptyRegion);
+ r->lengthWithHeaders = newRecSize;
+ r->next.markAsFirstOrLastInExtent(this); // we're now last in the extent
+ if( !lastRecord.isNull() ) {
+ assert(getRecord(lastRecord)->next.lastInExtent()); // it was the last one
+ getRecord(lastRecord)->next.set(newRecordLoc); // until now
+ r->prev.set(lastRecord);
+ }
+ else {
+ r->prev.markAsFirstOrLastInExtent(this); // we are the first in the extent
+ assert( firstRecord.isNull() );
+ firstRecord = newRecordLoc;
+ }
+ lastRecord = newRecordLoc;
+ if( left < Record::HeaderSize + 32 ) {
+ firstEmptyRegion.Null();
+ }
+ else {
+ Record *empty = getRecord(firstEmptyRegion);
+ empty->next.set(nextEmpty); // not for empty records, unless in-use records, next and prev can be null.
+ empty->prev.Null();
+ empty->lengthWithHeaders = left;
+ }
+ return r;
+auto_ptr<Cursor> DataFileMgr::findAll(const char *ns) {
+ DiskLoc loc;
+ bool found = nsindex(ns)->find(ns, loc);
+ if( !found ) {
+ // cout << "info: findAll() namespace does not exist: " << ns << endl;
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor(DiskLoc()));
+ }
+ Extent *e = getExtent(loc);
+ cout << "temp: listing extents for " << ns << endl;
+ DiskLoc tmp = loc;
+ set<DiskLoc> extents;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ Extent *f = getExtent(tmp);
+ cout << "extent: " << tmp.toString() << endl;
+ extents.insert(tmp);
+ tmp = f->xnext;
+ if( tmp.isNull() )
+ break;
+ f = f->getNextExtent();
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ nsdetails(ns)->dumpDeleted(&extents);
+ }
+ while( e->firstRecord.isNull() && !e->xnext.isNull() ) {
+ OCCASIONALLY cout << "info DFM::findAll(): extent " << loc.toString() << " was empty, skipping ahead" << endl;
+ // find a nonempty extent
+ // it might be nice to free the whole extent here! but have to clean up free recs then.
+ e = e->getNextExtent();
+ }
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor( e->firstRecord ));
+/* get a table scan cursor, but can be forward or reverse direction */
+auto_ptr<Cursor> findTableScan(const char *ns, JSObj& order) {
+ Element el = order.findElement("$natural");
+ if( el.type() != Number || el.number() >= 0 )
+ return DataFileMgr::findAll(ns);
+ // "reverse natural order" // "reverse natural order"
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( !d )
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BasicCursor(DiskLoc()));
+ Extent *e = d->lastExtent.ext();
+ while( e->lastRecord.isNull() && !e->xprev.isNull() ) {
+ OCCASIONALLY cout << " findTableScan: extent empty, skipping ahead" << endl;
+ e = e->getPrevExtent();
+ }
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new ReverseCursor( e->lastRecord ));
+void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl);
+/* pull out the relevant key objects from obj, so we
+ can index them. Note that the set is multiple elements
+ only when it's a "multikey" array.
+ keys will be left empty if key not found in the object.
+void IndexDetails::getKeysFromObject(JSObj& obj, set<JSObj>& keys) {
+ JSObj keyPattern = info.obj().getObjectField("key");
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ JSObj key = obj.extractFields(keyPattern, b);
+ if( key.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ Element f = key.firstElement();
+ if( f.type() != Array ) {
+ b.decouple();
+ key.iWillFree();
+ keys.insert(key);
+ return;
+ }
+ JSObj arr = f.embeddedObject();
+// cout << arr.toString() << endl;
+ JSElemIter i(arr);
+ while( i.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() ) break;
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.appendAs(e, f.fieldName());
+ JSObj o = b.doneAndDecouple();
+ assert( o.objdata() );
+ keys.insert(o);
+ }
+int nUnindexes = 0;
+void _unindexRecord(const char *ns, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& obj, const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ set<JSObj> keys;
+ id.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
+ for( set<JSObj>::iterator i=keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ ) {
+ JSObj j = *i;
+// cout << "UNINDEX: j:" << j.toString() << " head:" << id.head.toString() << dl.toString() << endl;
+ if( otherTraceLevel >= 5 ) {
+ cout << "_unindexRecord() " << obj.toString();
+ cout << "\n unindex:" << j.toString() << endl;
+ }
+ nUnindexes++;
+ bool ok = false;
+ try {
+ ok = id.head.btree()->unindex(id.head, id, j, dl);
+ }
+ catch(AssertionException) {
+ cout << " caught assertion _unindexRecord " << id.indexNamespace() << '\n';
+ problem() << "Assertion failure: _unindex failed " << id.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ cout << "Assertion failure: _unindex failed" << '\n';
+ cout << " obj:" << obj.toString() << '\n';
+ cout << " key:" << j.toString() << '\n';
+ cout << " dl:" << dl.toString() << endl;
+ sayDbContext();
+ }
+ if( !ok ) {
+ cout << "unindex failed (key too big?) " << id.indexNamespace() << '\n';
+ }
+ }
+void unindexRecord(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ if( d->nIndexes == 0 ) return;
+ JSObj obj(todelete);
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ _unindexRecord(ns, d->indexes[i], obj, dl);
+ }
+void DataFileMgr::deleteRecord(const char *ns, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK)
+ int tempextofs = todelete->extentOfs;
+ NamespaceDetails* d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( d->capped && !cappedOK ) {
+ cout << "failing remove on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* check if any cursors point to us. if so, advance them. */
+ aboutToDelete(dl);
+ unindexRecord(ns, d, todelete, dl);
+ /* remove ourself from the record next/prev chain */
+ {
+ if( todelete->prevOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
+ todelete->getPrev(dl).rec()->nextOfs = todelete->nextOfs;
+ if( todelete->nextOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
+ todelete->getNext(dl).rec()->prevOfs = todelete->prevOfs;
+ }
+ /* remove ourself from extent pointers */
+ {
+ Extent *e = todelete->myExtent(dl);
+ if( e->firstRecord == dl ) {
+ if( todelete->nextOfs == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
+ e->firstRecord.Null();
+ else
+ e->firstRecord.setOfs(dl.a(), todelete->nextOfs);
+ }
+ if( e->lastRecord == dl ) {
+ if( todelete->prevOfs == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
+ e->lastRecord.Null();
+ else
+ e->lastRecord.setOfs(dl.a(), todelete->prevOfs);
+ }
+ }
+ /* add to the free list */
+ {
+ d->nrecords--;
+ d->datasize -= todelete->netLength();
+/// DEBUGGING << "temp: dddelrec deleterecord " << ns << endl;
+// if( todelete->extentOfs == 0xaca500 ) {
+// cout << "break\n";
+// }
+TEMP: add deleted rec 0:aca5b0 aca500
+temp: adddelrec deleterecord
+TEMP: add deleted rec 0:b9e750 b6a500
+temp: adddelrec deleterecord
+ d->addDeletedRec((DeletedRecord*)todelete, dl);
+ }
+void setDifference(set<JSObj>& l, set<JSObj>& r, vector<JSObj*> &diff) {
+ set<JSObj>::iterator i = l.begin();
+ set<JSObj>::iterator j = r.begin();
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( i == l.end() )
+ break;
+ while( j != r.end() && *j < *i )
+ j++;
+ if( j == r.end() || !i->woEqual(*j) ) {
+ const JSObj *jo = &*i;
+ diff.push_back( (JSObj *) jo );
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+/** Note: as written so far, if the object shrinks a lot, we don't free up space. */
+void DataFileMgr::update(
+ const char *ns,
+ Record *toupdate, const DiskLoc& dl,
+ const char *buf, int len, stringstream& ss)
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( toupdate->netLength() < len ) {
+ if( d && d->capped ) {
+ ss << " failing a growing update on a capped ns " << ns << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // doesn't fit.
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << " moved ";
+ deleteRecord(ns, toupdate, dl);
+ insert(ns, buf, len);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* has any index keys changed? */
+ {
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( d->nIndexes ) {
+ JSObj newObj(buf);
+ JSObj oldObj = dl.obj();
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ IndexDetails& idx = d->indexes[i];
+ JSObj idxKey ="key");
+ set<JSObj> oldkeys;
+ set<JSObj> newkeys;
+ idx.getKeysFromObject(oldObj, oldkeys);
+ idx.getKeysFromObject(newObj, newkeys);
+ vector<JSObj*> removed;
+ setDifference(oldkeys, newkeys, removed);
+ string idxns = idx.indexNamespace();
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < removed.size(); i++ ) {
+ try {
+ idx.head.btree()->unindex(idx.head, idx, *removed[i], dl);
+ }
+ catch(AssertionException) {
+ ss << " exception update unindex ";
+ cout << " caught assertion update unindex " << idxns.c_str() << '\n';
+ problem() << " caught assertion update unindex " << idxns.c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ vector<JSObj*> added;
+ setDifference(newkeys, oldkeys, added);
+ assert( !dl.isNull() );
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < added.size(); i++ ) {
+ try {
+ idx.head.btree()->insert(
+ idx.head,
+ dl, *added[i], false, idx, true);
+ }
+ catch(AssertionException) {
+ ss << " exception update index ";
+ cout << " caught assertion update index " << idxns.c_str() << '\n';
+ problem() << " caught assertion update index " << idxns.c_str() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << "<br>" << added.size() << " key updates ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // update in place
+ memcpy(toupdate->data, buf, len);
+int followupExtentSize(int len, int lastExtentLen) {
+ int x = initialExtentSize(len);
+ int y = (int) (lastExtentLen < 4000000 ? lastExtentLen * 4.0 : lastExtentLen * 1.2);
+ int sz = y > x ? y : x;
+ sz = ((int)sz) & 0xffffff00;
+ assert( sz > len );
+ return sz;
+int deb=0;
+/* add keys to indexes for a new record */
+void _indexRecord(IndexDetails& idx, JSObj& obj, DiskLoc newRecordLoc) {
+ set<JSObj> keys;
+ idx.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
+ for( set<JSObj>::iterator i=keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ ) {
+ assert( !newRecordLoc.isNull() );
+ try {
+// DEBUGGING << "temp index: " << newRecordLoc.toString() << obj.toString() << endl;
+ idx.head.btree()->insert(idx.head, newRecordLoc,
+ (JSObj&) *i, false, idx, true);
+ }
+ catch(AssertionException) {
+ cout << " caught assertion _indexRecord " << idx.indexNamespace() << '\n';
+ problem() << " caught assertion _indexRecord " << idx.indexNamespace() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+/* note there are faster ways to build an index in bulk, that can be
+ done eventually */
+void addExistingToIndex(const char *ns, IndexDetails& idx) {
+ cout << "Adding all existing records for " << ns << " to new index" << endl;
+ int n = 0;
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ JSObj js = c->current();
+ _indexRecord(idx, js, c->currLoc());
+ c->advance();
+ n++;
+ };
+ cout << " indexing complete for " << n << " records" << endl;
+/* add keys to indexes for a new record */
+void indexRecord(NamespaceDetails *d, const void *buf, int len, DiskLoc newRecordLoc) {
+ JSObj obj((const char *)buf);
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ _indexRecord(d->indexes[i], obj, newRecordLoc);
+ }
+DiskLoc DataFileMgr::insert(const char *ns, const void *buf, int len, bool god) {
+ bool addIndex = false;
+ const char *sys = strstr(ns, "system.");
+ if( sys ) {
+ if( sys == ns ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: attempt to insert for invalid client 'system': " << ns << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
+ if( strstr(ns, ".system.indexes") )
+ addIndex = true;
+ else if( !god ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: attempt to insert in system namespace " << ns << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( d == 0 ) {
+ newNamespace(ns);
+ client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, initialExtentSize(len));
+ d = nsdetails(ns);
+ }
+ NamespaceDetails *tableToIndex = 0;
+ const char *tabletoidxns = 0;
+ if( addIndex ) {
+ JSObj io((const char *) buf);
+ const char *name = io.getStringField("name"); // name of the index
+ tabletoidxns = io.getStringField("ns"); // table it indexes
+ JSObj key = io.getObjectField("key");
+ if( name == 0 || *name == 0 || tabletoidxns == 0 || key.isEmpty() || key.objsize() > 2048 ) {
+ cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt name:" << (name?name:"") << " ns:" <<
+ (tabletoidxns?tabletoidxns:"") << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ tableToIndex = nsdetails(tabletoidxns);
+ if( tableToIndex == 0 ) {
+ cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt, no such table(ns):" << tabletoidxns << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ if( tableToIndex->nIndexes >= MaxIndexes ) {
+ cout << "user warning: bad add index attempt, too many indexes for:" << tabletoidxns << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ if( tableToIndex->findIndexByName(name) >= 0 ) {
+ //cout << "INFO: index:" << name << " already exists for:" << tabletoidxns << endl;
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ //indexFullNS = tabletoidxns;
+ //indexFullNS += ".$";
+ //indexFullNS += name; // client.table.$index -- note this doesn't contain jsobjs, it contains BtreeBuckets.
+ }
+ DiskLoc extentLoc;
+ int lenWHdr = len + Record::HeaderSize;
+ DiskLoc loc = d->alloc(ns, lenWHdr, extentLoc);
+ if( loc.isNull() ) {
+ // out of space
+ if( d->capped == 0 ) { // size capped doesn't grow
+ cout << "allocating new extent for " << ns << endl;
+ client->newestFile()->newExtent(ns, followupExtentSize(len, d->lastExtentSize));
+ loc = d->alloc(ns, lenWHdr, extentLoc);
+ }
+ if( loc.isNull() ) {
+ cout << "out of space in datafile. capped:" << d->capped << endl;
+ assert(d->capped);
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ }
+ Record *r = loc.rec();
+ assert( r->lengthWithHeaders >= lenWHdr );
+ memcpy(r->data, buf, len);
+ Extent *e = r->myExtent(loc);
+ if( e->lastRecord.isNull() ) {
+ e->firstRecord = e->lastRecord = loc;
+ r->prevOfs = r->nextOfs = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
+ }
+ else {
+ Record *oldlast = e->lastRecord.rec();
+ r->prevOfs = e->lastRecord.getOfs();
+ r->nextOfs = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
+ oldlast->nextOfs = loc.getOfs();
+ e->lastRecord = loc;
+ }
+ d->nrecords++;
+ d->datasize += r->netLength();
+ if( tableToIndex ) {
+ IndexDetails& idxinfo = tableToIndex->indexes[tableToIndex->nIndexes];
+ = loc;
+ idxinfo.head = BtreeBucket::addHead(idxinfo);
+ tableToIndex->nIndexes++;
+ /* todo: index existing records here */
+ addExistingToIndex(tabletoidxns, idxinfo);
+ }
+ /* add this record to our indexes */
+ if( d->nIndexes )
+ indexRecord(d, buf, len, loc);
+// cout << " inserted at loc:" << hex << loc.getOfs() << " lenwhdr:" << hex << lenWHdr << dec << ' ' << ns << endl;
+ return loc;
+void DataFileMgr::init(const char *dir) {
+/* string path = dir;
+ path += "temp.dat";
+, 64 * 1024 * 1024);
+void pdfileInit() {
+// namespaceIndex.init(dbpath);
+ theDataFileMgr.init(dbpath);
diff --git a/db/pdfile.h b/db/pdfile.h
index bb94089d917..f88f11d704f 100644
--- a/db/pdfile.h
+++ b/db/pdfile.h
@@ -1,456 +1,456 @@
-/* pdfile.h
- Files:
- client.ns - namespace index
- client.1 - data files
- client.2
- ...
-#pragma once
-// see version, versionMinor, below.
-const int VERSION = 4;
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "../util/mmap.h"
-#include "storage.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "namespace.h"
-class PDFHeader;
-class Extent;
-class Record;
-class Cursor;
-class PDFHeader;
-class PhysicalDataFile {
- friend class DataFileMgr;
- friend class BasicCursor;
- PhysicalDataFile(int fn) : fileNo(fn) { }
- void open(int fileNo, const char *filename);
- Extent* newExtent(const char *ns, int approxSize, int loops = 0);
- Extent* getExtent(DiskLoc loc);
- Extent* _getExtent(DiskLoc loc);
- Record* recordAt(DiskLoc dl);
- MemoryMappedFile mmf;
- PDFHeader *header;
-int __unUsEd;
-// int length;
- int fileNo;
-class DataFileMgr {
- friend class BasicCursor;
- void init(const char *);
- void update(
- const char *ns,
- Record *toupdate, const DiskLoc& dl,
- const char *buf, int len, stringstream& profiling);
- DiskLoc insert(const char *ns, const void *buf, int len, bool god = false);
- void deleteRecord(const char *ns, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK = false);
- static auto_ptr<Cursor> findAll(const char *ns);
- static Extent* getExtent(const DiskLoc& dl);
- static Record* getRecord(const DiskLoc& dl);
- vector<PhysicalDataFile *> files;
-extern DataFileMgr theDataFileMgr;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-class DeletedRecord {
- int lengthWithHeaders;
- int extentOfs;
- DiskLoc nextDeleted;
-class Record {
- enum { HeaderSize = 16 };
- int lengthWithHeaders;
- int extentOfs;
- int nextOfs;
- int prevOfs;
- char data[4];
- int netLength() { return lengthWithHeaders - HeaderSize; }
- //void setNewLength(int netlen) { lengthWithHeaders = netlen + HeaderSize; }
- /* use this when a record is deleted. basically a union with next/prev fields */
- DeletedRecord& asDeleted() { return *((DeletedRecord*) this); }
- Extent* myExtent(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
- return DataFileMgr::getExtent(DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), extentOfs));
- }
- /* get the next record in the namespace, traversing extents as necessary */
- DiskLoc getNext(const DiskLoc& myLoc);
- DiskLoc getPrev(const DiskLoc& myLoc);
-/* extents are regions where all the records within the region
- belong to the same namespace.
-class Extent {
- unsigned magic;
- DiskLoc myLoc;
- DiskLoc xnext, xprev; /* next/prev extent for this namespace */
- Namespace ns; /* which namespace this extent is for. this is just for troubleshooting really */
- int length; /* size of the extent, including these fields */
- // DiskLoc firstEmptyRegion;
- DiskLoc firstRecord, lastRecord;
- char extentData[4];
- bool validates() {
- return !(firstRecord.isNull() ^ lastRecord.isNull()) &&
- length >= 0 && !myLoc.isNull();
- }
- void dump(iostream& s) {
- s << " loc:" << myLoc.toString() << " xnext:" << xnext.toString() << " xprev:" << xprev.toString() << '\n';
- s << " ns:" << ns.buf << '\n';
- s << " size:" << length << " firstRecord:" << firstRecord.toString() << " lastRecord:" << lastRecord.toString() << '\n';
- }
- /* assumes already zeroed -- insufficient for block 'reuse' perhaps
- Returns a DeletedRecord location which is the data in the extent ready for us.
- Caller will need to add that to the freelist structure in namespacedetail.
- */
- DiskLoc init(const char *nsname, int _length, int _fileNo, int _offset);
- void assertOk() { assert(magic == 0x41424344); }
- Record* newRecord(int len);
- Record* getRecord(DiskLoc dl) {
- assert( !dl.isNull() );
- assert( dl.sameFile(myLoc) );
- int x = dl.getOfs() - myLoc.getOfs();
- assert( x > 0 );
- return (Record *) (((char *) this) + x);
- }
- Extent* getNextExtent() { return xnext.isNull() ? 0 : DataFileMgr::getExtent(xnext); }
- Extent* getPrevExtent() { return xprev.isNull() ? 0 : DataFileMgr::getExtent(xprev); }
- ----------------------
- Header
- ----------------------
- Extent (for a particular namespace)
- Record
- ...
- Record (some chained for unused space)
- ----------------------
- more Extents...
- ----------------------
-/* data file header */
-class PDFHeader {
- int version;
- int versionMinor;
- int fileLength;
- DiskLoc unused; /* unused is the portion of the file that doesn't belong to any allocated extents. -1 = no more */
- int unusedLength;
- char reserved[8192 - 4*4 - 8];
- char data[4];
- static int headerSize() { return sizeof(PDFHeader) - 4; }
- bool uninitialized() { if( version == 0 ) return true; assert(version == VERSION); return false; }
- Record* getRecord(DiskLoc dl) {
- int ofs = dl.getOfs();
- assert( ofs >= headerSize() );
- return (Record*) (((char *) this) + ofs);
- }
- void init(int fileno, int filelength) {
- if( uninitialized() ) {
- assert(filelength > 32768 );
- assert( headerSize() == 8192 );
- fileLength = filelength;
- version = VERSION;
- versionMinor = 0;
- unused.setOfs( fileno, headerSize() );
- assert( (data-(char*)this) == headerSize() );
- unusedLength = fileLength - headerSize() - 16;
- memcpy(data+unusedLength, " \nthe end\n", 16);
- }
- }
-#pragma pack(pop)
-inline Extent* PhysicalDataFile::_getExtent(DiskLoc loc) {
- loc.assertOk();
- Extent *e = (Extent *) (((char *)header) + loc.getOfs());
- return e;
-inline Extent* PhysicalDataFile::getExtent(DiskLoc loc) {
- Extent *e = _getExtent(loc);
- e->assertOk();
- return e;
-class Cursor {
- virtual bool ok() = 0;
- bool eof() { return !ok(); }
- virtual Record* _current() = 0;
- virtual JSObj current() = 0;
- virtual DiskLoc currLoc() = 0;
- virtual bool advance() = 0; /*true=ok*/
- /* optional to implement. if implemented, means 'this' is a prototype */
- virtual Cursor* clone() { return 0; }
- virtual bool tempStopOnMiss() { return false; }
- /* called after every query block is iterated -- i.e. between getMore() blocks
- so you can note where we are, if necessary.
- */
- virtual void noteLocation() { }
- /* called before query getmore block is iterated */
- virtual void checkLocation() { }
- virtual const char * toString() { return "abstract?"; }
- /* used for multikey index traversal to avoid sending back dups. see JSMatcher::matches() */
- set<DiskLoc> dups;
- bool dup(DiskLoc loc) {
- /* to save mem only call this when there is risk of dups (e.g. when 'deep'/multikey) */
- if( dups.count(loc) > 0 )
- return true;
- dups.insert(loc);
- return false;
- }
-class BasicCursor : public Cursor {
- bool ok() { return !curr.isNull(); }
- Record* _current() {
- assert( ok() );
- return curr.rec();
- }
- JSObj current() {
- Record *r = _current();
- JSObj j(r);
- return j;
- }
- virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { return curr; }
- bool advance() {
- if( eof() )
- return false;
- Record *r = _current();
- curr = r->getNext(curr);
- return ok();
- }
- BasicCursor(DiskLoc dl) : curr(dl) { }
- BasicCursor() { }
- virtual const char * toString() { return "BasicCursor"; }
- DiskLoc curr;
-class ReverseCursor : public BasicCursor {
- bool advance() {
- if( eof() )
- return false;
- Record *r = _current();
- curr = r->getPrev(curr);
- return ok();
- }
- ReverseCursor(DiskLoc dl) : BasicCursor(dl) { }
- ReverseCursor() { }
- virtual const char * toString() { return "ReverseCursor"; }
-inline Record* PhysicalDataFile::recordAt(DiskLoc dl) { return header->getRecord(dl); }
-void sayDbContext(const char *msg = 0);
-inline DiskLoc Record::getNext(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
- if( nextOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
- /* defensive */
- if( nextOfs >= 0 && nextOfs < 10 ) {
- sayDbContext("Assertion failure - Record::getNext() referencing a deleted record?");
- return DiskLoc();
- }
- return DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), nextOfs);
- }
- Extent *e = myExtent(myLoc);
- while( 1 ) {
- if( e->xnext.isNull() )
- return DiskLoc(); // end of table.
- e = e->xnext.ext();
- if( !e->firstRecord.isNull() )
- break;
- // entire extent could be empty, keep looking
- }
- return e->firstRecord;
-inline DiskLoc Record::getPrev(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
- if( prevOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
- return DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), prevOfs);
- Extent *e = myExtent(myLoc);
- if( e->xprev.isNull() )
- return DiskLoc();
- return e->xprev.ext()->lastRecord;
-inline Record* DiskLoc::rec() const {
- return DataFileMgr::getRecord(*this);
-inline JSObj DiskLoc::obj() const {
- return JSObj(rec());
-inline DeletedRecord* DiskLoc::drec() const {
- assert( fileNo != -1 );
- return (DeletedRecord*) rec();
-inline Extent* DiskLoc::ext() const {
- return DataFileMgr::getExtent(*this);
-inline BtreeBucket* DiskLoc::btree() const {
- assert( fileNo != -1 );
- return (BtreeBucket*) rec()->data;
-inline Bucket* DiskLoc::bucket() const {
- assert( fileNo != -1 );
- return (Bucket*) rec()->data;
-// customer, or rather a customer's database -- i guess down the line
-// there might be more than one for a cust, we'll see.
-class Client {
- Client(const char *nm) : name(nm) {
- namespaceIndex = new NamespaceIndex();
- namespaceIndex->init(dbpath, nm);
- profile = 0;
- profileName = name + ".system.profile";
- }
- PhysicalDataFile* getFile(int n) {
- assert(this);
- if( n < 0 || n >= 10000 ) {
- cout << "getFile(): n=" << n << endl;
- assert( n >= 0 && n < 10000 );
- }
-#if defined(_DEBUG)
- if( n > 100 )
- cout << "getFile(): n=" << n << "?" << endl;
- while( n >= (int) files.size() )
- files.push_back(0);
- PhysicalDataFile* p = files[n];
- if( p == 0 ) {
- p = new PhysicalDataFile(n);
- files[n] = p;
- stringstream out;
- out << dbpath << name << '.' << n;
- p->open(n, out.str().c_str());
- }
- return p;
- }
- PhysicalDataFile* addAFile() {
- int n = (int) files.size();
- return getFile(n);
- }
- PhysicalDataFile* newestFile() {
- int n = (int) files.size();
- if( n > 0 ) n--;
- return getFile(n);
- }
- vector<PhysicalDataFile*> files;
- string name; // "alleyinsider"
- NamespaceIndex *namespaceIndex;
- int profile; // 0=off.
- string profileName; // "alleyinsider.system.profile"
-// tempish...move to TLS or pass all the way down as a parm
-extern map<string,Client*> clients;
-extern Client *client;
-extern const char *curNs;
-inline void setClient(const char *ns) {
- char cl[256];
- curNs = ns;
- nsToClient(ns, cl);
- map<string,Client*>::iterator it = clients.find(cl);
- if( it != clients.end() ) {
- client = it->second;
- return;
- }
- Client *c = new Client(cl);
- clients[cl] = c;
- client = c;
-inline NamespaceIndex* nsindex(const char *ns) {
-#if defined(_DEBUG)
- char buf[256];
- nsToClient(ns, buf);
- if( client->name != buf ) {
- cout << "ERROR: attempt to write to wrong database client\n";
- cout << " ns:" << ns << '\n';
- cout << " client->name:" << client->name << endl;
- assert( client->name == buf );
- }
- return client->namespaceIndex;
-inline NamespaceDetails* nsdetails(const char *ns) {
- return nsindex(ns)->details(ns);
-inline PhysicalDataFile& DiskLoc::pdf() const {
- assert( fileNo != -1 );
- return *client->getFile(fileNo);
-inline Extent* DataFileMgr::getExtent(const DiskLoc& dl) {
- assert( dl.a() != -1 );
- return client->getFile(dl.a())->getExtent(dl);
-inline Record* DataFileMgr::getRecord(const DiskLoc& dl) {
- assert( dl.a() != -1 );
- return client->getFile(dl.a())->recordAt(dl);
+/* pdfile.h
+ Files:
+ client.ns - namespace index
+ client.1 - data files
+ client.2
+ ...
+#pragma once
+// see version, versionMinor, below.
+const int VERSION = 4;
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "../util/mmap.h"
+#include "storage.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "namespace.h"
+class PDFHeader;
+class Extent;
+class Record;
+class Cursor;
+class PDFHeader;
+class PhysicalDataFile {
+ friend class DataFileMgr;
+ friend class BasicCursor;
+ PhysicalDataFile(int fn) : fileNo(fn) { }
+ void open(int fileNo, const char *filename);
+ Extent* newExtent(const char *ns, int approxSize, int loops = 0);
+ Extent* getExtent(DiskLoc loc);
+ Extent* _getExtent(DiskLoc loc);
+ Record* recordAt(DiskLoc dl);
+ MemoryMappedFile mmf;
+ PDFHeader *header;
+int __unUsEd;
+// int length;
+ int fileNo;
+class DataFileMgr {
+ friend class BasicCursor;
+ void init(const char *);
+ void update(
+ const char *ns,
+ Record *toupdate, const DiskLoc& dl,
+ const char *buf, int len, stringstream& profiling);
+ DiskLoc insert(const char *ns, const void *buf, int len, bool god = false);
+ void deleteRecord(const char *ns, Record *todelete, const DiskLoc& dl, bool cappedOK = false);
+ static auto_ptr<Cursor> findAll(const char *ns);
+ static Extent* getExtent(const DiskLoc& dl);
+ static Record* getRecord(const DiskLoc& dl);
+ vector<PhysicalDataFile *> files;
+extern DataFileMgr theDataFileMgr;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+class DeletedRecord {
+ int lengthWithHeaders;
+ int extentOfs;
+ DiskLoc nextDeleted;
+class Record {
+ enum { HeaderSize = 16 };
+ int lengthWithHeaders;
+ int extentOfs;
+ int nextOfs;
+ int prevOfs;
+ char data[4];
+ int netLength() { return lengthWithHeaders - HeaderSize; }
+ //void setNewLength(int netlen) { lengthWithHeaders = netlen + HeaderSize; }
+ /* use this when a record is deleted. basically a union with next/prev fields */
+ DeletedRecord& asDeleted() { return *((DeletedRecord*) this); }
+ Extent* myExtent(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
+ return DataFileMgr::getExtent(DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), extentOfs));
+ }
+ /* get the next record in the namespace, traversing extents as necessary */
+ DiskLoc getNext(const DiskLoc& myLoc);
+ DiskLoc getPrev(const DiskLoc& myLoc);
+/* extents are regions where all the records within the region
+ belong to the same namespace.
+class Extent {
+ unsigned magic;
+ DiskLoc myLoc;
+ DiskLoc xnext, xprev; /* next/prev extent for this namespace */
+ Namespace ns; /* which namespace this extent is for. this is just for troubleshooting really */
+ int length; /* size of the extent, including these fields */
+ // DiskLoc firstEmptyRegion;
+ DiskLoc firstRecord, lastRecord;
+ char extentData[4];
+ bool validates() {
+ return !(firstRecord.isNull() ^ lastRecord.isNull()) &&
+ length >= 0 && !myLoc.isNull();
+ }
+ void dump(iostream& s) {
+ s << " loc:" << myLoc.toString() << " xnext:" << xnext.toString() << " xprev:" << xprev.toString() << '\n';
+ s << " ns:" << ns.buf << '\n';
+ s << " size:" << length << " firstRecord:" << firstRecord.toString() << " lastRecord:" << lastRecord.toString() << '\n';
+ }
+ /* assumes already zeroed -- insufficient for block 'reuse' perhaps
+ Returns a DeletedRecord location which is the data in the extent ready for us.
+ Caller will need to add that to the freelist structure in namespacedetail.
+ */
+ DiskLoc init(const char *nsname, int _length, int _fileNo, int _offset);
+ void assertOk() { assert(magic == 0x41424344); }
+ Record* newRecord(int len);
+ Record* getRecord(DiskLoc dl) {
+ assert( !dl.isNull() );
+ assert( dl.sameFile(myLoc) );
+ int x = dl.getOfs() - myLoc.getOfs();
+ assert( x > 0 );
+ return (Record *) (((char *) this) + x);
+ }
+ Extent* getNextExtent() { return xnext.isNull() ? 0 : DataFileMgr::getExtent(xnext); }
+ Extent* getPrevExtent() { return xprev.isNull() ? 0 : DataFileMgr::getExtent(xprev); }
+ ----------------------
+ Header
+ ----------------------
+ Extent (for a particular namespace)
+ Record
+ ...
+ Record (some chained for unused space)
+ ----------------------
+ more Extents...
+ ----------------------
+/* data file header */
+class PDFHeader {
+ int version;
+ int versionMinor;
+ int fileLength;
+ DiskLoc unused; /* unused is the portion of the file that doesn't belong to any allocated extents. -1 = no more */
+ int unusedLength;
+ char reserved[8192 - 4*4 - 8];
+ char data[4];
+ static int headerSize() { return sizeof(PDFHeader) - 4; }
+ bool uninitialized() { if( version == 0 ) return true; assert(version == VERSION); return false; }
+ Record* getRecord(DiskLoc dl) {
+ int ofs = dl.getOfs();
+ assert( ofs >= headerSize() );
+ return (Record*) (((char *) this) + ofs);
+ }
+ void init(int fileno, int filelength) {
+ if( uninitialized() ) {
+ assert(filelength > 32768 );
+ assert( headerSize() == 8192 );
+ fileLength = filelength;
+ version = VERSION;
+ versionMinor = 0;
+ unused.setOfs( fileno, headerSize() );
+ assert( (data-(char*)this) == headerSize() );
+ unusedLength = fileLength - headerSize() - 16;
+ memcpy(data+unusedLength, " \nthe end\n", 16);
+ }
+ }
+#pragma pack(pop)
+inline Extent* PhysicalDataFile::_getExtent(DiskLoc loc) {
+ loc.assertOk();
+ Extent *e = (Extent *) (((char *)header) + loc.getOfs());
+ return e;
+inline Extent* PhysicalDataFile::getExtent(DiskLoc loc) {
+ Extent *e = _getExtent(loc);
+ e->assertOk();
+ return e;
+class Cursor {
+ virtual bool ok() = 0;
+ bool eof() { return !ok(); }
+ virtual Record* _current() = 0;
+ virtual JSObj current() = 0;
+ virtual DiskLoc currLoc() = 0;
+ virtual bool advance() = 0; /*true=ok*/
+ /* optional to implement. if implemented, means 'this' is a prototype */
+ virtual Cursor* clone() { return 0; }
+ virtual bool tempStopOnMiss() { return false; }
+ /* called after every query block is iterated -- i.e. between getMore() blocks
+ so you can note where we are, if necessary.
+ */
+ virtual void noteLocation() { }
+ /* called before query getmore block is iterated */
+ virtual void checkLocation() { }
+ virtual const char * toString() { return "abstract?"; }
+ /* used for multikey index traversal to avoid sending back dups. see JSMatcher::matches() */
+ set<DiskLoc> dups;
+ bool dup(DiskLoc loc) {
+ /* to save mem only call this when there is risk of dups (e.g. when 'deep'/multikey) */
+ if( dups.count(loc) > 0 )
+ return true;
+ dups.insert(loc);
+ return false;
+ }
+class BasicCursor : public Cursor {
+ bool ok() { return !curr.isNull(); }
+ Record* _current() {
+ assert( ok() );
+ return curr.rec();
+ }
+ JSObj current() {
+ Record *r = _current();
+ JSObj j(r);
+ return j;
+ }
+ virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { return curr; }
+ bool advance() {
+ if( eof() )
+ return false;
+ Record *r = _current();
+ curr = r->getNext(curr);
+ return ok();
+ }
+ BasicCursor(DiskLoc dl) : curr(dl) { }
+ BasicCursor() { }
+ virtual const char * toString() { return "BasicCursor"; }
+ DiskLoc curr;
+class ReverseCursor : public BasicCursor {
+ bool advance() {
+ if( eof() )
+ return false;
+ Record *r = _current();
+ curr = r->getPrev(curr);
+ return ok();
+ }
+ ReverseCursor(DiskLoc dl) : BasicCursor(dl) { }
+ ReverseCursor() { }
+ virtual const char * toString() { return "ReverseCursor"; }
+inline Record* PhysicalDataFile::recordAt(DiskLoc dl) { return header->getRecord(dl); }
+void sayDbContext(const char *msg = 0);
+inline DiskLoc Record::getNext(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
+ if( nextOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
+ /* defensive */
+ if( nextOfs >= 0 && nextOfs < 10 ) {
+ sayDbContext("Assertion failure - Record::getNext() referencing a deleted record?");
+ return DiskLoc();
+ }
+ return DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), nextOfs);
+ }
+ Extent *e = myExtent(myLoc);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( e->xnext.isNull() )
+ return DiskLoc(); // end of table.
+ e = e->xnext.ext();
+ if( !e->firstRecord.isNull() )
+ break;
+ // entire extent could be empty, keep looking
+ }
+ return e->firstRecord;
+inline DiskLoc Record::getPrev(const DiskLoc& myLoc) {
+ if( prevOfs != DiskLoc::NullOfs )
+ return DiskLoc(myLoc.a(), prevOfs);
+ Extent *e = myExtent(myLoc);
+ if( e->xprev.isNull() )
+ return DiskLoc();
+ return e->xprev.ext()->lastRecord;
+inline Record* DiskLoc::rec() const {
+ return DataFileMgr::getRecord(*this);
+inline JSObj DiskLoc::obj() const {
+ return JSObj(rec());
+inline DeletedRecord* DiskLoc::drec() const {
+ assert( fileNo != -1 );
+ return (DeletedRecord*) rec();
+inline Extent* DiskLoc::ext() const {
+ return DataFileMgr::getExtent(*this);
+inline BtreeBucket* DiskLoc::btree() const {
+ assert( fileNo != -1 );
+ return (BtreeBucket*) rec()->data;
+inline Bucket* DiskLoc::bucket() const {
+ assert( fileNo != -1 );
+ return (Bucket*) rec()->data;
+// customer, or rather a customer's database -- i guess down the line
+// there might be more than one for a cust, we'll see.
+class Client {
+ Client(const char *nm) : name(nm) {
+ namespaceIndex = new NamespaceIndex();
+ namespaceIndex->init(dbpath, nm);
+ profile = 0;
+ profileName = name + ".system.profile";
+ }
+ PhysicalDataFile* getFile(int n) {
+ assert(this);
+ if( n < 0 || n >= 10000 ) {
+ cout << "getFile(): n=" << n << endl;
+ assert( n >= 0 && n < 10000 );
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ if( n > 100 )
+ cout << "getFile(): n=" << n << "?" << endl;
+ while( n >= (int) files.size() )
+ files.push_back(0);
+ PhysicalDataFile* p = files[n];
+ if( p == 0 ) {
+ p = new PhysicalDataFile(n);
+ files[n] = p;
+ stringstream out;
+ out << dbpath << name << '.' << n;
+ p->open(n, out.str().c_str());
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ PhysicalDataFile* addAFile() {
+ int n = (int) files.size();
+ return getFile(n);
+ }
+ PhysicalDataFile* newestFile() {
+ int n = (int) files.size();
+ if( n > 0 ) n--;
+ return getFile(n);
+ }
+ vector<PhysicalDataFile*> files;
+ string name; // "alleyinsider"
+ NamespaceIndex *namespaceIndex;
+ int profile; // 0=off.
+ string profileName; // "alleyinsider.system.profile"
+// tempish...move to TLS or pass all the way down as a parm
+extern map<string,Client*> clients;
+extern Client *client;
+extern const char *curNs;
+inline void setClient(const char *ns) {
+ char cl[256];
+ curNs = ns;
+ nsToClient(ns, cl);
+ map<string,Client*>::iterator it = clients.find(cl);
+ if( it != clients.end() ) {
+ client = it->second;
+ return;
+ }
+ Client *c = new Client(cl);
+ clients[cl] = c;
+ client = c;
+inline NamespaceIndex* nsindex(const char *ns) {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ char buf[256];
+ nsToClient(ns, buf);
+ if( client->name != buf ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: attempt to write to wrong database client\n";
+ cout << " ns:" << ns << '\n';
+ cout << " client->name:" << client->name << endl;
+ assert( client->name == buf );
+ }
+ return client->namespaceIndex;
+inline NamespaceDetails* nsdetails(const char *ns) {
+ return nsindex(ns)->details(ns);
+inline PhysicalDataFile& DiskLoc::pdf() const {
+ assert( fileNo != -1 );
+ return *client->getFile(fileNo);
+inline Extent* DataFileMgr::getExtent(const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ assert( dl.a() != -1 );
+ return client->getFile(dl.a())->getExtent(dl);
+inline Record* DataFileMgr::getRecord(const DiskLoc& dl) {
+ assert( dl.a() != -1 );
+ return client->getFile(dl.a())->recordAt(dl);
diff --git a/db/query.cpp b/db/query.cpp
index 80f4bbf316c..bd19ea653dd 100644
--- a/db/query.cpp
+++ b/db/query.cpp
@@ -1,854 +1,854 @@
-// query.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "query.h"
-#include "pdfile.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "../util/builder.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include "introspect.h"
-#include "btree.h"
-#include "../util/lruishmap.h"
-#include "javajs.h"
-LRUishMap<JSObj,DiskLoc,5> lrutest(123);
-int nextCursorId = 1;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct EmptyObject {
- EmptyObject() { len = 5; jstype = EOO; }
- int len;
- char jstype;
-} emptyObject;
-#pragma pack(pop)
-JSObj emptyObj((char *) &emptyObject);
-int getGtLtOp(Element& e);
-void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e);
-/* todo: _ cache query plans
- _ use index on partial match with the query
- parameters
- query - the query, e.g., { name: 'joe' }
- order - order by spec, e.g., { name: 1 } 1=ASC, -1=DESC
-auto_ptr<Cursor> getIndexCursor(const char *ns, JSObj& query, JSObj& order) {
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
- if( d == 0 ) return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
- // queryFields, e.g. { 'name' }
- set<string> queryFields;
- query.getFieldNames(queryFields);
- if( !order.isEmpty() ) {
- set<string> orderFields;
- order.getFieldNames(orderFields);
- // order by
- for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
- JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
- assert( strcmp(ns, idxInfo.getStringField("ns")) == 0 );
- JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
- set<string> keyFields;
- idxKey.getFieldNames(keyFields);
- if( keyFields == orderFields ) {
- bool reverse =
- order.firstElement().type() == Number &&
- order.firstElement().number() < 0;
- JSObjBuilder b;
- /* todo: start with the right key, not just beginning of index, when query is also
- specified!
- */
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i].head, reverse ? maxKey : emptyObj, reverse ? -1 : 1, false));
- }
- }
- }
- // regular query without order by
- for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
- JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
- JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
- set<string> keyFields;
- idxKey.getFieldNames(keyFields);
- if( keyFields == queryFields ) {
- JSObjBuilder b;
- JSObj q = query.extractFields(idxKey, b);
- /* regexp: only supported if form is /^text/ */
- JSObjBuilder b2;
- JSElemIter it(q);
- bool first = true;
- while( it.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( e.eoo() )
- break;
- // GT/LT
- if( e.type() == Object ) {
- int op = getGtLtOp(e);
- if( op ) {
- if( !first || ! ) {
- // compound keys with GT/LT not supported yet via index.
- goto fail;
- }
- int direction = - JSMatcher::opDirection(op);
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>( new BtreeCursor(
- d->indexes[i].head,
- direction == 1 ? emptyObj : maxKey,
- direction,
- true) );
- }
- }
- first = false;
- if( e.type() == RegEx ) {
- if( *e.regexFlags() )
- goto fail;
- const char *re = e.regex();
- const char *p = re;
- if( *p++ != '^' ) goto fail;
- while( *p ) {
- if( *p == ' ' || (*p>='0'&&*p<='9') || (*p>='@'&&*p<='Z') || (*p>='a'&&*p<='z') )
- ;
- else
- goto fail;
- p++;
- }
- if( it.more() && ! ) // we must be the last part of the key (for now until we are smarter)
- goto fail;
- // ok!
- b2.append(e.fieldName(), re+1);
- break;
- }
- else {
- b2.append(e);
- //appendElementHandlingGtLt(b2, e);
- }
- }
- JSObj q2 = b2.done();
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>(
- new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i].head, q2, 1, true));
- }
- }
- return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
-void deleteObjects(const char *ns, JSObj pattern, bool justOne) {
-// cout << "TEMP delete ns:" << ns << " queryobjsize:" <<
-// pattern.objsize() << endl;
- if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
- if( strstr(ns, ".system.namespaces") ){
- cout << "WARNING: delete on system namespace " << ns << endl;
- }
- else if( strstr(ns, ".system.indexes") ) {
- cout << "WARNING: delete on system namespace " << ns << endl;
- }
- else {
- cout << "ERROR: attempt to delete in system namespace " << ns << endl;
- return;
- }
- }
- JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
- JSObj order;
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
- if( c.get() == 0 )
- c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
- Cursor &tempDebug = *c;
- int temp = 0;
- int tempd = 0;
-DiskLoc _tempDelLoc;
- while( c->ok() ) {
- temp++;
- Record *r = c->_current();
- DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
- c->advance(); // must advance before deleting as the next ptr will die
- JSObj js(r);
- //cout << "TEMP: " << js.toString() << endl;
- bool deep;
- if( !matcher.matches(js, &deep) ) {
- if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
- break;
- }
- else {
- assert( !deep || !c->dup(rloc) ); // can't be a dup, we deleted it!
-// cout << " found match to delete" << endl;
- if( !justOne )
- c->noteLocation();
-_tempDelLoc = rloc;
- theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, r, rloc);
- tempd = temp;
- if( justOne )
- return;
- c->checkLocation();
- }
- }
-struct Mod {
- const char *fieldName;
- double n;
-void applyMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj obj) {
- for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ ) {
- Mod& m = *i;
- Element e = obj.findElement(m.fieldName);
- if( e.type() == Number ) {
- e.number() += m.n;
- }
- }
-/* get special operations like $inc
- { $inc: { a:1, b:1 } }
-void getMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj from) {
- JSElemIter it(from);
- while( it.more() ) {
- Element e =;
- if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$inc") == 0 && e.type() == Object ) {
- JSObj j = e.embeddedObject();
- JSElemIter jt(j);
- while( jt.more() ) {
- Element f =;
- if( f.eoo() )
- break;
- Mod m;
- m.fieldName = f.fieldName();
- if( f.type() == Number ) {
- m.n = f.number();
- mods.push_back(m);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- smart requery find record immediately
-void updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss) {
-//cout << "TEMP BAD";
- int profile = client->profile;
- // cout << "update ns:" << ns << " objsize:" << updateobj.objsize() << " queryobjsize:" <<
- // pattern.objsize();
- if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
- cout << "\nERROR: attempt to update in system namespace " << ns << endl;
- ss << " can't update system namespace ";
- return;
- }
- int nscanned = 0;
- {
- JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
- JSObj order;
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
- if( c.get() == 0 )
- c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
- while( c->ok() ) {
- Record *r = c->_current();
- nscanned++;
- JSObj js(r);
- if( !matcher.matches(js) ) {
- if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
- break;
- }
- else {
- /* note: we only update one row and quit. if you do multiple later,
- be careful or multikeys in arrays could break things badly. best
- to only allow updating a single row with a multikey lookup.
- */
- if( profile )
- ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
- /* look for $inc etc. note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
- regular ones at the moment. */
- if( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
- vector<Mod> mods;
- getMods(mods, updateobj);
- applyMods(mods, c->currLoc().obj());
- if( profile )
- ss << " fastmod ";
- return;
- }
- theDataFileMgr.update(ns, r, c->currLoc(), updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), ss);
- return;
- }
- c->advance();
- }
- }
- if( profile )
- ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
- if( upsert ) {
- if( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
- /* upsert of an $inc. build a default */
- vector<Mod> mods;
- getMods(mods, updateobj);
- JSObjBuilder b;
- b.appendElements(pattern);
- for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ )
- b.append(i->fieldName, i->n);
- JSObj obj = b.done();
- theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());
- if( profile )
- ss << " fastmodinsert ";
- return;
- }
- if( profile )
- ss << " upsert ";
- theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize());
- }
-int queryTraceLevel = 0;
-int otherTraceLevel = 0;
-int initialExtentSize(int len);
-void clean(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ )
- d->deletedList[i].Null();
-string validateNS(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
- bool valid = true;
- stringstream ss;
- ss << "\nvalidate\n";
- if( d->capped )
- ss << " capped:" << d->capped << " max:" << d->max << '\n';
- ss << " firstExtent:" << d->firstExtent.toString() << " lastExtent:" << d->lastExtent.toString() << '\n';
- ss << " datasize?:" << d->datasize << " nrecords?:" << d->nrecords << " lastExtentSize:" << d->lastExtentSize << '\n';
- try {
- {
- ss << " first extent:\n";
- d->firstExtent.ext()->dump(ss);
- valid = valid && d->firstExtent.ext()->validates();
- }
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
- int n = 0;
- long long len = 0;
- long long nlen = 0;
- while( c->ok() ) {
- n++;
- Record *r = c->_current();
- len += r->lengthWithHeaders;
- nlen += r->netLength();
- c->advance();
- }
- ss << " " << n << " objects found, nobj:" << d->nrecords << "\n";
- ss << " " << len << " bytes record data w/headers\n";
- ss << " " << nlen << " bytes record data wout/headers\n";
- ss << " deletedList: ";
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
- ss << (d->deletedList[i].isNull() ? '0' : '1');
- }
- ss << endl;
- int ndel = 0;
- long long delSize = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
- DiskLoc loc = d->deletedList[i];
- while( !loc.isNull() ) {
- ndel++;
- DeletedRecord *d = loc.drec();
- delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders;
- loc = d->nextDeleted;
- }
- }
- ss << " deleted: n: " << ndel << " size: " << delSize << endl;
- int idxn = 0;
- try {
- ss << " nIndexes:" << d->nIndexes << endl;
- for( ; idxn < d->nIndexes; idxn++ ) {
- ss << " " << d->indexes[idxn].indexNamespace() << " keys:" <<
- d->indexes[idxn].head.btree()->fullValidate(d->indexes[idxn].head) << endl;
- }
- }
- catch(...) {
- ss << "\n exception during index validate idxn:" << idxn << endl;
- }
- }
- catch(AssertionException) {
- ss << "\n exception during validate\n" << endl;
- }
- if( !valid )
- ss << " ns corrupt, requires dbchk\n";
- return ss.str();
-bool userCreateNS(const char *ns, JSObj& j);
-const int edebug=1;
-bool dbEval(JSObj& cmd, JSObjBuilder& result) {
- Element e = cmd.firstElement();
- assert( e.type() == Code );
- const char *code = e.valuestr();
- if ( ! JavaJS )
- JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl();
- jlong f = JavaJS->functionCreate(code);
- if( f == 0 ) {
- result.append("errmsg", "compile failed");
- return false;
- }
- Scope s;
- s.setString("$client", client->name.c_str());
- Element args = cmd.findElement("args");
- if( args.type() == Array ) {
- JSObj eo = args.embeddedObject();
- if( edebug ) {
- cout << "args:" << eo.toString() << endl;
- cout << "code:\n" << code << endl;
- }
- s.setObject("args", eo);
- }
- int res = s.invoke(f);
- if( res ) {
- result.append("errno", (double) res);
- result.append("errmsg", "invoke failed");
- return false;
- }
- int type = s.type("return");
- if( type == Object || type == Array )
- result.append("retval", s.getObject("return"));
- else if( type == Number )
- result.append("retval", s.getNumber("return"));
- else if( type == String )
- result.append("retval", s.getString("return").c_str());
- else if( type == Bool ) {
- result.appendBool("retval", s.getBoolean("return"));
- }
- return true;
-// e.g.
-// system.cmd$.find( { queryTraceLevel: 2 } );
-// returns true if ran a cmd
-inline bool _runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilderForYa) {
- const char *p = strchr(ns, '.');
- if( !p ) return false;
- if( strcmp(p, ".$cmd") != 0 ) return false;
- bool ok = false;
- bool valid = false;
- //cout << jsobj.toString() << endl;
- Element e;
- e = jsobj.firstElement();
- if( e.eoo() ) goto done;
- if( e.type() == Code ) {
- valid = true;
- ok = dbEval(jsobj, anObjBuilderForYa);
- }
- else if( e.type() == Number ) {
- if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "profile") == 0 ) {
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("was", (double) client->profile);
- int p = (int) e.number();
- valid = true;
- if( p == -1 )
- ok = true;
- else if( p >= 0 && p <= 2 ) {
- ok = true;
- client->profile = p;
- }
- else {
- ok = false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if( strncmp(ns, "admin", p-ns) != 0 ) // admin only
- return false;
- if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"queryTraceLevel") == 0 ) {
- valid = ok = true;
- queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
- } else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"traceAll") == 0 ) {
- valid = ok = true;
- queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
- otherTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
- }
- }
- }
- else if( e.type() == String ) {
- string us(ns, p-ns);
- if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "create") == 0 ) {
- valid = true;
- string ns = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
- ok = userCreateNS(ns.c_str(), jsobj);
- }
- else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "clean") == 0 ) {
- valid = true;
- string dropNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(dropNs.c_str());
- cout << "CMD: clean " << dropNs << endl;
- if( d ) {
- ok = true;
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", dropNs.c_str());
- clean(dropNs.c_str(), d);
- }
- else {
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
- }
- }
- else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "drop") == 0 ) {
- valid = true;
- string dropNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(dropNs.c_str());
- cout << "CMD: clean " << dropNs << endl;
- if( d ) {
- ok = true;
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", dropNs.c_str());
- client->namespaceIndex->kill(dropNs.c_str());
- }
- else {
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
- }
- }
- else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "validate") == 0 ) {
- valid = true;
- string toValidateNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toValidateNs.c_str());
- cout << "CMD: validate " << toValidateNs << endl;
- if( d ) {
- ok = true;
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", toValidateNs.c_str());
- string s = validateNS(toValidateNs.c_str(), d);
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("result", s.c_str());
- }
- else {
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
- }
- }
- else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"deleteIndexes") == 0 ) {
- valid = true;
- /* note: temp implementation. space not reclaimed! */
- string toDeleteNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
- NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toDeleteNs.c_str());
- cout << "CMD: deleteIndexes " << toDeleteNs << endl;
- if( d ) {
- Element f = jsobj.findElement("index");
- if( !f.eoo() ) {
- // delete a specific index
- if( f.type() == String ) {
- const char *idxName = f.valuestr();
- if( *idxName == '*' && idxName[1] == 0 ) {
- ok = true;
- cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("msg", "all indexes deleted for collection");
- cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed" << endl;
- d->nIndexes = 0;
- }
- else {
- // delete just one index
- int x = d->findIndexByName(idxName);
- if( x >= 0 ) {
- cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
- d->nIndexes--;
- for( int i = x; i < d->nIndexes; i++ )
- d->indexes[i] = d->indexes[i+1];
- ok=true;
- cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed" << endl;
- } else {
- cout << "deleteIndexes: " << idxName << " not found" << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
- }
- }
- }
- if( !valid )
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "no such cmd");
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("ok", ok?1.0:0.0);
- JSObj x = anObjBuilderForYa.done();
- b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
- return true;
-bool runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilderForYa) {
- try {
- return _runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, anObjBuilderForYa);
- }
- catch( AssertionException ) {
- ;
- }
- ss << " assertion ";
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "db assertion failure");
- anObjBuilderForYa.append("ok", 0.0);
- JSObj x = anObjBuilderForYa.done();
- b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
- return true;
-int nCaught = 0;
-void killCursors(int n, long long *ids) {
- int k = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- if( ClientCursor::erase(ids[i]) )
- k++;
- }
- cout << "killCursors: found " << k << " of " << n << endl;
-auto_ptr<Cursor> findTableScan(const char *ns, JSObj& order);
-QueryResult* runQuery(const char *ns, int ntoskip, int _ntoreturn, JSObj jsobj,
- auto_ptr< set<string> > filter, stringstream& ss)
- bool wantMore = true;
- int ntoreturn = _ntoreturn;
- if( _ntoreturn < 0 ) {
- ntoreturn = -_ntoreturn;
- wantMore = false;
- }
- ss << "query " << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
- if( ntoskip )
- ss << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip;
- if( client->profile )
- ss << "<br>query: " << jsobj.toString() << ' ';
- int n = 0;
- BufBuilder b(32768);
- JSObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
- long long cursorid = 0;
- b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult));
- /* we assume you are using findOne() for running a cmd... */
- if( ntoreturn == 1 && runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, cmdResBuf) ) {
- n = 1;
- }
- else {
- JSObj query = jsobj.getObjectField("query");
- JSObj order = jsobj.getObjectField("orderby");
- if( query.isEmpty() && order.isEmpty() )
- query = jsobj;
- auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query));
- JSMatcher &debug1 = *matcher;
- assert( debug1.getN() < 5000 );
- int nscanned = 0;
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getSpecialCursor(ns);
- /*try*/{
- if( c.get() == 0 ) {
- c = getIndexCursor(ns, query, order);
- }
- if( c.get() == 0 ) {
- //c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
- c = findTableScan(ns, order);
- }
- while( c->ok() ) {
- JSObj js = c->current();
- if( queryTraceLevel >= 50 )
- cout << " checking against:\n " << js.toString() << endl;
- nscanned++;
- bool deep;
-JSMatcher &debug = *matcher;
-assert( debug.getN() < 5000 );
- if( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
- if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
- break;
- }
- else if( !deep || !c->dup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
- // got a match.
- if( ntoskip > 0 ) {
- ntoskip--;
- }
- else {
- bool ok = true;
- assert( js.objsize() >= 0 ); //defensive for segfaults
- if( filter.get() ) {
- // we just want certain fields from the object.
- JSObj x;
- ok = x.addFields(js, *filter) > 0;
- if( ok )
- b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
- }
- else {
- b.append((void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
- }
- if( ok ) {
- n++;
- if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > 16*1024*1024)) ||
- (ntoreturn==0 && b.len()>1*1024*1024) ) {
- /* if only 1 requested, no cursor saved for efficiency...we assume it is findOne() */
- if( wantMore && ntoreturn != 1 ) {
- c->advance();
- if( c->ok() ) {
- // save a cursor
- ClientCursor *cc = new ClientCursor();
- cc->c = c;
- cursorid = allocCursorId();
- cc->cursorid = cursorid;
- cc->matcher = matcher;
- cc->ns = ns;
- cc->pos = n;
- ClientCursor::add(cc);
- cc->updateLocation();
- cc->filter = filter;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- c->advance();
- }
- if( client->profile )
- ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned << ' ';
- }
- /*catch( AssertionException e ) {
- if( n )
- throw e;
- if( nCaught++ >= 1000 ) {
- cout << "Too many query exceptions, terminating" << endl;
- exit(-8);
- }
- cout << " Assertion running query, returning an empty result" << endl;
- }*/
- }
- QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
- qr->_data[0] = 0;
- qr->_data[1] = 0;
- qr->_data[2] = 0;
- qr->_data[3] = 0;
- qr->len = b.len();
- ss << " reslen:" << b.len();
- // qr->channel = 0;
- qr->operation = opReply;
- qr->cursorId = cursorid;
- qr->startingFrom = 0;
- qr->nReturned = n;
- b.decouple();
- ss << " nreturned:" << n;
- return qr;
-QueryResult* getMore(const char *ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid) {
-// cout << "getMore ns:" << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn << " cursorid:" <<
-// cursorid << endl;
- BufBuilder b(32768);
- ClientCursor *cc = ClientCursor::find(cursorid);
- b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult));
- int start = 0;
- int n = 0;
- if( cc ) {
- start = cc->pos;
- Cursor *c = cc->c.get();
- while( 1 ) {
- if( !c->ok() ) {
- // done! kill cursor.
- bool ok = ClientCursor::erase(cursorid);
- assert(ok);
- cursorid = 0;
- cc = 0;
- break;
- }
- JSObj js = c->current();
- bool deep;
- if( !cc->matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
- if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
- goto done;
- }
- else if( !deep || !c->dup(c->currLoc()) ) {
- bool ok = true;
- if( cc->filter.get() ) {
- JSObj x;
- ok = x.addFields(js, *cc->filter) > 0;
- if( ok )
- b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
- }
- else {
- b.append((void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
- }
- if( ok ) {
- n++;
- if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > 16*1024*1024)) ||
- (ntoreturn==0 && b.len()>1*1024*1024) ) {
- c->advance();
- cc->pos += n;
- cc->updateLocation();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- c->advance();
- }
- }
- QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
- qr->cursorId = cursorid;
- qr->startingFrom = start;
- qr->len = b.len();
- // qr->reserved = 0;
- qr->operation = opReply;
- qr->nReturned = n;
- b.decouple();
- return qr;
+// query.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "query.h"
+#include "pdfile.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "../util/builder.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include "introspect.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "../util/lruishmap.h"
+#include "javajs.h"
+LRUishMap<JSObj,DiskLoc,5> lrutest(123);
+int nextCursorId = 1;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct EmptyObject {
+ EmptyObject() { len = 5; jstype = EOO; }
+ int len;
+ char jstype;
+} emptyObject;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+JSObj emptyObj((char *) &emptyObject);
+int getGtLtOp(Element& e);
+void appendElementHandlingGtLt(JSObjBuilder& b, Element& e);
+/* todo: _ cache query plans
+ _ use index on partial match with the query
+ parameters
+ query - the query, e.g., { name: 'joe' }
+ order - order by spec, e.g., { name: 1 } 1=ASC, -1=DESC
+auto_ptr<Cursor> getIndexCursor(const char *ns, JSObj& query, JSObj& order) {
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(ns);
+ if( d == 0 ) return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
+ // queryFields, e.g. { 'name' }
+ set<string> queryFields;
+ query.getFieldNames(queryFields);
+ if( !order.isEmpty() ) {
+ set<string> orderFields;
+ order.getFieldNames(orderFields);
+ // order by
+ for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
+ assert( strcmp(ns, idxInfo.getStringField("ns")) == 0 );
+ JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
+ set<string> keyFields;
+ idxKey.getFieldNames(keyFields);
+ if( keyFields == orderFields ) {
+ bool reverse =
+ order.firstElement().type() == Number &&
+ order.firstElement().number() < 0;
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ /* todo: start with the right key, not just beginning of index, when query is also
+ specified!
+ */
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i].head, reverse ? maxKey : emptyObj, reverse ? -1 : 1, false));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // regular query without order by
+ for(int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; i++ ) {
+ JSObj idxInfo = d->indexes[i].info.obj(); // { name:, ns:, key: }
+ JSObj idxKey = idxInfo.getObjectField("key");
+ set<string> keyFields;
+ idxKey.getFieldNames(keyFields);
+ if( keyFields == queryFields ) {
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ JSObj q = query.extractFields(idxKey, b);
+ /* regexp: only supported if form is /^text/ */
+ JSObjBuilder b2;
+ JSElemIter it(q);
+ bool first = true;
+ while( it.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( e.eoo() )
+ break;
+ // GT/LT
+ if( e.type() == Object ) {
+ int op = getGtLtOp(e);
+ if( op ) {
+ if( !first || ! ) {
+ // compound keys with GT/LT not supported yet via index.
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ int direction = - JSMatcher::opDirection(op);
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>( new BtreeCursor(
+ d->indexes[i].head,
+ direction == 1 ? emptyObj : maxKey,
+ direction,
+ true) );
+ }
+ }
+ first = false;
+ if( e.type() == RegEx ) {
+ if( *e.regexFlags() )
+ goto fail;
+ const char *re = e.regex();
+ const char *p = re;
+ if( *p++ != '^' ) goto fail;
+ while( *p ) {
+ if( *p == ' ' || (*p>='0'&&*p<='9') || (*p>='@'&&*p<='Z') || (*p>='a'&&*p<='z') )
+ ;
+ else
+ goto fail;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if( it.more() && ! ) // we must be the last part of the key (for now until we are smarter)
+ goto fail;
+ // ok!
+ b2.append(e.fieldName(), re+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ b2.append(e);
+ //appendElementHandlingGtLt(b2, e);
+ }
+ }
+ JSObj q2 = b2.done();
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>(
+ new BtreeCursor(d->indexes[i].head, q2, 1, true));
+ }
+ }
+ return auto_ptr<Cursor>();
+void deleteObjects(const char *ns, JSObj pattern, bool justOne) {
+// cout << "TEMP delete ns:" << ns << " queryobjsize:" <<
+// pattern.objsize() << endl;
+ if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
+ if( strstr(ns, ".system.namespaces") ){
+ cout << "WARNING: delete on system namespace " << ns << endl;
+ }
+ else if( strstr(ns, ".system.indexes") ) {
+ cout << "WARNING: delete on system namespace " << ns << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << "ERROR: attempt to delete in system namespace " << ns << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
+ JSObj order;
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
+ if( c.get() == 0 )
+ c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
+ Cursor &tempDebug = *c;
+ int temp = 0;
+ int tempd = 0;
+DiskLoc _tempDelLoc;
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ temp++;
+ Record *r = c->_current();
+ DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
+ c->advance(); // must advance before deleting as the next ptr will die
+ JSObj js(r);
+ //cout << "TEMP: " << js.toString() << endl;
+ bool deep;
+ if( !matcher.matches(js, &deep) ) {
+ if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert( !deep || !c->dup(rloc) ); // can't be a dup, we deleted it!
+// cout << " found match to delete" << endl;
+ if( !justOne )
+ c->noteLocation();
+_tempDelLoc = rloc;
+ theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, r, rloc);
+ tempd = temp;
+ if( justOne )
+ return;
+ c->checkLocation();
+ }
+ }
+struct Mod {
+ const char *fieldName;
+ double n;
+void applyMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj obj) {
+ for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ ) {
+ Mod& m = *i;
+ Element e = obj.findElement(m.fieldName);
+ if( e.type() == Number ) {
+ e.number() += m.n;
+ }
+ }
+/* get special operations like $inc
+ { $inc: { a:1, b:1 } }
+void getMods(vector<Mod>& mods, JSObj from) {
+ JSElemIter it(from);
+ while( it.more() ) {
+ Element e =;
+ if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "$inc") == 0 && e.type() == Object ) {
+ JSObj j = e.embeddedObject();
+ JSElemIter jt(j);
+ while( jt.more() ) {
+ Element f =;
+ if( f.eoo() )
+ break;
+ Mod m;
+ m.fieldName = f.fieldName();
+ if( f.type() == Number ) {
+ m.n = f.number();
+ mods.push_back(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ smart requery find record immediately
+void updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss) {
+//cout << "TEMP BAD";
+ int profile = client->profile;
+ // cout << "update ns:" << ns << " objsize:" << updateobj.objsize() << " queryobjsize:" <<
+ // pattern.objsize();
+ if( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
+ cout << "\nERROR: attempt to update in system namespace " << ns << endl;
+ ss << " can't update system namespace ";
+ return;
+ }
+ int nscanned = 0;
+ {
+ JSMatcher matcher(pattern);
+ JSObj order;
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getIndexCursor(ns, pattern, order);
+ if( c.get() == 0 )
+ c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ Record *r = c->_current();
+ nscanned++;
+ JSObj js(r);
+ if( !matcher.matches(js) ) {
+ if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* note: we only update one row and quit. if you do multiple later,
+ be careful or multikeys in arrays could break things badly. best
+ to only allow updating a single row with a multikey lookup.
+ */
+ if( profile )
+ ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
+ /* look for $inc etc. note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
+ regular ones at the moment. */
+ if( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
+ vector<Mod> mods;
+ getMods(mods, updateobj);
+ applyMods(mods, c->currLoc().obj());
+ if( profile )
+ ss << " fastmod ";
+ return;
+ }
+ theDataFileMgr.update(ns, r, c->currLoc(), updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), ss);
+ return;
+ }
+ c->advance();
+ }
+ }
+ if( profile )
+ ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned;
+ if( upsert ) {
+ if( updateobj.firstElement().fieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
+ /* upsert of an $inc. build a default */
+ vector<Mod> mods;
+ getMods(mods, updateobj);
+ JSObjBuilder b;
+ b.appendElements(pattern);
+ for( vector<Mod>::iterator i = mods.begin(); i != mods.end(); i++ )
+ b.append(i->fieldName, i->n);
+ JSObj obj = b.done();
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) obj.objdata(), obj.objsize());
+ if( profile )
+ ss << " fastmodinsert ";
+ return;
+ }
+ if( profile )
+ ss << " upsert ";
+ theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize());
+ }
+int queryTraceLevel = 0;
+int otherTraceLevel = 0;
+int initialExtentSize(int len);
+void clean(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ )
+ d->deletedList[i].Null();
+string validateNS(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d) {
+ bool valid = true;
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "\nvalidate\n";
+ if( d->capped )
+ ss << " capped:" << d->capped << " max:" << d->max << '\n';
+ ss << " firstExtent:" << d->firstExtent.toString() << " lastExtent:" << d->lastExtent.toString() << '\n';
+ ss << " datasize?:" << d->datasize << " nrecords?:" << d->nrecords << " lastExtentSize:" << d->lastExtentSize << '\n';
+ try {
+ {
+ ss << " first extent:\n";
+ d->firstExtent.ext()->dump(ss);
+ valid = valid && d->firstExtent.ext()->validates();
+ }
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
+ int n = 0;
+ long long len = 0;
+ long long nlen = 0;
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ n++;
+ Record *r = c->_current();
+ len += r->lengthWithHeaders;
+ nlen += r->netLength();
+ c->advance();
+ }
+ ss << " " << n << " objects found, nobj:" << d->nrecords << "\n";
+ ss << " " << len << " bytes record data w/headers\n";
+ ss << " " << nlen << " bytes record data wout/headers\n";
+ ss << " deletedList: ";
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ ss << (d->deletedList[i].isNull() ? '0' : '1');
+ }
+ ss << endl;
+ int ndel = 0;
+ long long delSize = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
+ DiskLoc loc = d->deletedList[i];
+ while( !loc.isNull() ) {
+ ndel++;
+ DeletedRecord *d = loc.drec();
+ delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders;
+ loc = d->nextDeleted;
+ }
+ }
+ ss << " deleted: n: " << ndel << " size: " << delSize << endl;
+ int idxn = 0;
+ try {
+ ss << " nIndexes:" << d->nIndexes << endl;
+ for( ; idxn < d->nIndexes; idxn++ ) {
+ ss << " " << d->indexes[idxn].indexNamespace() << " keys:" <<
+ d->indexes[idxn].head.btree()->fullValidate(d->indexes[idxn].head) << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...) {
+ ss << "\n exception during index validate idxn:" << idxn << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(AssertionException) {
+ ss << "\n exception during validate\n" << endl;
+ }
+ if( !valid )
+ ss << " ns corrupt, requires dbchk\n";
+ return ss.str();
+bool userCreateNS(const char *ns, JSObj& j);
+const int edebug=1;
+bool dbEval(JSObj& cmd, JSObjBuilder& result) {
+ Element e = cmd.firstElement();
+ assert( e.type() == Code );
+ const char *code = e.valuestr();
+ if ( ! JavaJS )
+ JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl();
+ jlong f = JavaJS->functionCreate(code);
+ if( f == 0 ) {
+ result.append("errmsg", "compile failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Scope s;
+ s.setString("$client", client->name.c_str());
+ Element args = cmd.findElement("args");
+ if( args.type() == Array ) {
+ JSObj eo = args.embeddedObject();
+ if( edebug ) {
+ cout << "args:" << eo.toString() << endl;
+ cout << "code:\n" << code << endl;
+ }
+ s.setObject("args", eo);
+ }
+ int res = s.invoke(f);
+ if( res ) {
+ result.append("errno", (double) res);
+ result.append("errmsg", "invoke failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ int type = s.type("return");
+ if( type == Object || type == Array )
+ result.append("retval", s.getObject("return"));
+ else if( type == Number )
+ result.append("retval", s.getNumber("return"));
+ else if( type == String )
+ result.append("retval", s.getString("return").c_str());
+ else if( type == Bool ) {
+ result.appendBool("retval", s.getBoolean("return"));
+ }
+ return true;
+// e.g.
+// system.cmd$.find( { queryTraceLevel: 2 } );
+// returns true if ran a cmd
+inline bool _runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilderForYa) {
+ const char *p = strchr(ns, '.');
+ if( !p ) return false;
+ if( strcmp(p, ".$cmd") != 0 ) return false;
+ bool ok = false;
+ bool valid = false;
+ //cout << jsobj.toString() << endl;
+ Element e;
+ e = jsobj.firstElement();
+ if( e.eoo() ) goto done;
+ if( e.type() == Code ) {
+ valid = true;
+ ok = dbEval(jsobj, anObjBuilderForYa);
+ }
+ else if( e.type() == Number ) {
+ if( strcmp(e.fieldName(), "profile") == 0 ) {
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("was", (double) client->profile);
+ int p = (int) e.number();
+ valid = true;
+ if( p == -1 )
+ ok = true;
+ else if( p >= 0 && p <= 2 ) {
+ ok = true;
+ client->profile = p;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if( strncmp(ns, "admin", p-ns) != 0 ) // admin only
+ return false;
+ if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"queryTraceLevel") == 0 ) {
+ valid = ok = true;
+ queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
+ } else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"traceAll") == 0 ) {
+ valid = ok = true;
+ queryTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
+ otherTraceLevel = (int) e.number();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( e.type() == String ) {
+ string us(ns, p-ns);
+ if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "create") == 0 ) {
+ valid = true;
+ string ns = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
+ ok = userCreateNS(ns.c_str(), jsobj);
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "clean") == 0 ) {
+ valid = true;
+ string dropNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(dropNs.c_str());
+ cout << "CMD: clean " << dropNs << endl;
+ if( d ) {
+ ok = true;
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", dropNs.c_str());
+ clean(dropNs.c_str(), d);
+ }
+ else {
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "drop") == 0 ) {
+ valid = true;
+ string dropNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(dropNs.c_str());
+ cout << "CMD: clean " << dropNs << endl;
+ if( d ) {
+ ok = true;
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", dropNs.c_str());
+ client->namespaceIndex->kill(dropNs.c_str());
+ }
+ else {
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "validate") == 0 ) {
+ valid = true;
+ string toValidateNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toValidateNs.c_str());
+ cout << "CMD: validate " << toValidateNs << endl;
+ if( d ) {
+ ok = true;
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("ns", toValidateNs.c_str());
+ string s = validateNS(toValidateNs.c_str(), d);
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("result", s.c_str());
+ }
+ else {
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(e.fieldName(),"deleteIndexes") == 0 ) {
+ valid = true;
+ /* note: temp implementation. space not reclaimed! */
+ string toDeleteNs = us + '.' + e.valuestr();
+ NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(toDeleteNs.c_str());
+ cout << "CMD: deleteIndexes " << toDeleteNs << endl;
+ if( d ) {
+ Element f = jsobj.findElement("index");
+ if( !f.eoo() ) {
+ // delete a specific index
+ if( f.type() == String ) {
+ const char *idxName = f.valuestr();
+ if( *idxName == '*' && idxName[1] == 0 ) {
+ ok = true;
+ cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("msg", "all indexes deleted for collection");
+ cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed" << endl;
+ d->nIndexes = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ // delete just one index
+ int x = d->findIndexByName(idxName);
+ if( x >= 0 ) {
+ cout << " d->nIndexes was " << d->nIndexes << endl;
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("nIndexesWas", (double)d->nIndexes);
+ d->nIndexes--;
+ for( int i = x; i < d->nIndexes; i++ )
+ d->indexes[i] = d->indexes[i+1];
+ ok=true;
+ cout << " alpha implementation, space not reclaimed" << endl;
+ } else {
+ cout << "deleteIndexes: " << idxName << " not found" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "ns not found");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !valid )
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "no such cmd");
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("ok", ok?1.0:0.0);
+ JSObj x = anObjBuilderForYa.done();
+ b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
+ return true;
+bool runCommands(const char *ns, JSObj& jsobj, stringstream& ss, BufBuilder &b, JSObjBuilder& anObjBuilderForYa) {
+ try {
+ return _runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, anObjBuilderForYa);
+ }
+ catch( AssertionException ) {
+ ;
+ }
+ ss << " assertion ";
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("errmsg", "db assertion failure");
+ anObjBuilderForYa.append("ok", 0.0);
+ JSObj x = anObjBuilderForYa.done();
+ b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
+ return true;
+int nCaught = 0;
+void killCursors(int n, long long *ids) {
+ int k = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ if( ClientCursor::erase(ids[i]) )
+ k++;
+ }
+ cout << "killCursors: found " << k << " of " << n << endl;
+auto_ptr<Cursor> findTableScan(const char *ns, JSObj& order);
+QueryResult* runQuery(const char *ns, int ntoskip, int _ntoreturn, JSObj jsobj,
+ auto_ptr< set<string> > filter, stringstream& ss)
+ bool wantMore = true;
+ int ntoreturn = _ntoreturn;
+ if( _ntoreturn < 0 ) {
+ ntoreturn = -_ntoreturn;
+ wantMore = false;
+ }
+ ss << "query " << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn;
+ if( ntoskip )
+ ss << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip;
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << "<br>query: " << jsobj.toString() << ' ';
+ int n = 0;
+ BufBuilder b(32768);
+ JSObjBuilder cmdResBuf;
+ long long cursorid = 0;
+ b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult));
+ /* we assume you are using findOne() for running a cmd... */
+ if( ntoreturn == 1 && runCommands(ns, jsobj, ss, b, cmdResBuf) ) {
+ n = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ JSObj query = jsobj.getObjectField("query");
+ JSObj order = jsobj.getObjectField("orderby");
+ if( query.isEmpty() && order.isEmpty() )
+ query = jsobj;
+ auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher(new JSMatcher(query));
+ JSMatcher &debug1 = *matcher;
+ assert( debug1.getN() < 5000 );
+ int nscanned = 0;
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c = getSpecialCursor(ns);
+ /*try*/{
+ if( c.get() == 0 ) {
+ c = getIndexCursor(ns, query, order);
+ }
+ if( c.get() == 0 ) {
+ //c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
+ c = findTableScan(ns, order);
+ }
+ while( c->ok() ) {
+ JSObj js = c->current();
+ if( queryTraceLevel >= 50 )
+ cout << " checking against:\n " << js.toString() << endl;
+ nscanned++;
+ bool deep;
+JSMatcher &debug = *matcher;
+assert( debug.getN() < 5000 );
+ if( !matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
+ if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
+ break;
+ }
+ else if( !deep || !c->dup(c->currLoc()) ) { // i.e., check for dups on deep items only
+ // got a match.
+ if( ntoskip > 0 ) {
+ ntoskip--;
+ }
+ else {
+ bool ok = true;
+ assert( js.objsize() >= 0 ); //defensive for segfaults
+ if( filter.get() ) {
+ // we just want certain fields from the object.
+ JSObj x;
+ ok = x.addFields(js, *filter) > 0;
+ if( ok )
+ b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
+ }
+ else {
+ b.append((void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
+ }
+ if( ok ) {
+ n++;
+ if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > 16*1024*1024)) ||
+ (ntoreturn==0 && b.len()>1*1024*1024) ) {
+ /* if only 1 requested, no cursor saved for efficiency...we assume it is findOne() */
+ if( wantMore && ntoreturn != 1 ) {
+ c->advance();
+ if( c->ok() ) {
+ // save a cursor
+ ClientCursor *cc = new ClientCursor();
+ cc->c = c;
+ cursorid = allocCursorId();
+ cc->cursorid = cursorid;
+ cc->matcher = matcher;
+ cc->ns = ns;
+ cc->pos = n;
+ ClientCursor::add(cc);
+ cc->updateLocation();
+ cc->filter = filter;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c->advance();
+ }
+ if( client->profile )
+ ss << " nscanned:" << nscanned << ' ';
+ }
+ /*catch( AssertionException e ) {
+ if( n )
+ throw e;
+ if( nCaught++ >= 1000 ) {
+ cout << "Too many query exceptions, terminating" << endl;
+ exit(-8);
+ }
+ cout << " Assertion running query, returning an empty result" << endl;
+ }*/
+ }
+ QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
+ qr->_data[0] = 0;
+ qr->_data[1] = 0;
+ qr->_data[2] = 0;
+ qr->_data[3] = 0;
+ qr->len = b.len();
+ ss << " reslen:" << b.len();
+ // qr->channel = 0;
+ qr->operation = opReply;
+ qr->cursorId = cursorid;
+ qr->startingFrom = 0;
+ qr->nReturned = n;
+ b.decouple();
+ ss << " nreturned:" << n;
+ return qr;
+QueryResult* getMore(const char *ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid) {
+// cout << "getMore ns:" << ns << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn << " cursorid:" <<
+// cursorid << endl;
+ BufBuilder b(32768);
+ ClientCursor *cc = ClientCursor::find(cursorid);
+ b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult));
+ int start = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ if( cc ) {
+ start = cc->pos;
+ Cursor *c = cc->c.get();
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( !c->ok() ) {
+ // done! kill cursor.
+ bool ok = ClientCursor::erase(cursorid);
+ assert(ok);
+ cursorid = 0;
+ cc = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ JSObj js = c->current();
+ bool deep;
+ if( !cc->matcher->matches(js, &deep) ) {
+ if( c->tempStopOnMiss() )
+ goto done;
+ }
+ else if( !deep || !c->dup(c->currLoc()) ) {
+ bool ok = true;
+ if( cc->filter.get() ) {
+ JSObj x;
+ ok = x.addFields(js, *cc->filter) > 0;
+ if( ok )
+ b.append((void*) x.objdata(), x.objsize());
+ }
+ else {
+ b.append((void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize());
+ }
+ if( ok ) {
+ n++;
+ if( (ntoreturn>0 && (n >= ntoreturn || b.len() > 16*1024*1024)) ||
+ (ntoreturn==0 && b.len()>1*1024*1024) ) {
+ c->advance();
+ cc->pos += n;
+ cc->updateLocation();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ c->advance();
+ }
+ }
+ QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf();
+ qr->cursorId = cursorid;
+ qr->startingFrom = start;
+ qr->len = b.len();
+ // qr->reserved = 0;
+ qr->operation = opReply;
+ qr->nReturned = n;
+ b.decouple();
+ return qr;
diff --git a/db/query.h b/db/query.h
index 44180f8c98c..b0f7a503fcb 100644
--- a/db/query.h
+++ b/db/query.h
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
-// query.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "../grid/message.h"
-#include "jsobj.h"
-#include "storage.h"
-/* requests:
- dbDelete
- int reserved=0;
- string collection;
- int flags=0; // 1=DeleteSingle
- JSObject query;
- dbUpdate:
- int reserved;
- string collection;
- int flags; // 1=upsert
- JSObject query;
- JSObject objectToUpdate;
- objectToUpdate may include { $inc: <field> }.
- dbQuery:
- int reserved;
- string collection;
- int nToSkip;
- int nToReturn; // how many you want back as the beginning of the cursor data
- JSObject query;
- [JSObject fieldsToReturn]
- dbGetMore:
- int reserved;
- string collection; // redundant, might use for security.
- int nToReturn;
- int64 cursorID;
- dbKillCursors=2007:
- int reserved;
- int n;
- int64 cursorIDs[n];
- Note that on Update, there is only one object, which is different
- from insert where you can pass a list of objects to insert in the db.
- Note that the update field layout is very similar layout to Query.
-/* db response format
- Query or GetMore:
- int reserved;
- int64 cursorID;
- int startingFrom;
- int nReturned; // 0=infinity
- list of marshalled JSObjects;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct QueryResult : public MsgData {
- long long cursorId;
- int startingFrom;
- int nReturned;
- const char *data() { return (char *) (((int *)&nReturned)+1); }
-#pragma pack(pop)
-QueryResult* getMore(const char *ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid);
-// caller must free() returned QueryResult.
-QueryResult* runQuery(const char *ns, int ntoskip, int ntoreturn,
- JSObj j, auto_ptr< set<string> > fieldFilter,
- stringstream&);
-void updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss);
-void deleteObjects(const char *ns, JSObj pattern, bool justOne);
-class ClientCursor;
-typedef map<long long, ClientCursor*> CCMap;
-extern CCMap clientCursors; /* cursorid -> ClientCursor */
-/* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors.
- ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our client
- application's perspective.
-class Cursor;
-class ClientCursor {
- friend class CursInspector;
- ClientCursor() {
- cursorid=0; pos=0; nextAtThisLocation=0;
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- cout << "clientcursor() " << cursorid << endl;
- }
- ~ClientCursor();
- long long cursorid;
- string ns;
- auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher;
- auto_ptr<Cursor> c;
- int pos;
- DiskLoc lastLoc;
- auto_ptr< set<string> > filter;
- /* report to us that a new clientcursor exists so we can track it. You still
- do the initial updateLocation() yourself.
- */
- static void add(ClientCursor*);
- static bool erase(long long cursorid);
- static ClientCursor* find(long long id) {
- CCMap::iterator it = clientCursors.find(id);
- if( it == clientCursors.end() ) {
- cout << "ClientCursor::find(): cursor not found in map " << id << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- return it->second;
- }
- /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the
- cursorsbylocation map. if you are locked and internally iterating, only
- need to call when you are ready to "unlock".
- */
- void updateLocation();
- void addToByLocation(DiskLoc cl);
- static void cleanupByLocation(DiskLoc loc, long long cursorid);
- ClientCursor *nextAtThisLocation;
-long long allocCursorId();
+// query.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "../grid/message.h"
+#include "jsobj.h"
+#include "storage.h"
+/* requests:
+ dbDelete
+ int reserved=0;
+ string collection;
+ int flags=0; // 1=DeleteSingle
+ JSObject query;
+ dbUpdate:
+ int reserved;
+ string collection;
+ int flags; // 1=upsert
+ JSObject query;
+ JSObject objectToUpdate;
+ objectToUpdate may include { $inc: <field> }.
+ dbQuery:
+ int reserved;
+ string collection;
+ int nToSkip;
+ int nToReturn; // how many you want back as the beginning of the cursor data
+ JSObject query;
+ [JSObject fieldsToReturn]
+ dbGetMore:
+ int reserved;
+ string collection; // redundant, might use for security.
+ int nToReturn;
+ int64 cursorID;
+ dbKillCursors=2007:
+ int reserved;
+ int n;
+ int64 cursorIDs[n];
+ Note that on Update, there is only one object, which is different
+ from insert where you can pass a list of objects to insert in the db.
+ Note that the update field layout is very similar layout to Query.
+/* db response format
+ Query or GetMore:
+ int reserved;
+ int64 cursorID;
+ int startingFrom;
+ int nReturned; // 0=infinity
+ list of marshalled JSObjects;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct QueryResult : public MsgData {
+ long long cursorId;
+ int startingFrom;
+ int nReturned;
+ const char *data() { return (char *) (((int *)&nReturned)+1); }
+#pragma pack(pop)
+QueryResult* getMore(const char *ns, int ntoreturn, long long cursorid);
+// caller must free() returned QueryResult.
+QueryResult* runQuery(const char *ns, int ntoskip, int ntoreturn,
+ JSObj j, auto_ptr< set<string> > fieldFilter,
+ stringstream&);
+void updateObjects(const char *ns, JSObj updateobj, JSObj pattern, bool upsert, stringstream& ss);
+void deleteObjects(const char *ns, JSObj pattern, bool justOne);
+class ClientCursor;
+typedef map<long long, ClientCursor*> CCMap;
+extern CCMap clientCursors; /* cursorid -> ClientCursor */
+/* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors.
+ ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our client
+ application's perspective.
+class Cursor;
+class ClientCursor {
+ friend class CursInspector;
+ ClientCursor() {
+ cursorid=0; pos=0; nextAtThisLocation=0;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ cout << "clientcursor() " << cursorid << endl;
+ }
+ ~ClientCursor();
+ long long cursorid;
+ string ns;
+ auto_ptr<JSMatcher> matcher;
+ auto_ptr<Cursor> c;
+ int pos;
+ DiskLoc lastLoc;
+ auto_ptr< set<string> > filter;
+ /* report to us that a new clientcursor exists so we can track it. You still
+ do the initial updateLocation() yourself.
+ */
+ static void add(ClientCursor*);
+ static bool erase(long long cursorid);
+ static ClientCursor* find(long long id) {
+ CCMap::iterator it = clientCursors.find(id);
+ if( it == clientCursors.end() ) {
+ cout << "ClientCursor::find(): cursor not found in map " << id << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the
+ cursorsbylocation map. if you are locked and internally iterating, only
+ need to call when you are ready to "unlock".
+ */
+ void updateLocation();
+ void addToByLocation(DiskLoc cl);
+ static void cleanupByLocation(DiskLoc loc, long long cursorid);
+ ClientCursor *nextAtThisLocation;
+long long allocCursorId();
diff --git a/db/resource.h b/db/resource.h
index 6fafd161abb..3041137c21a 100644
--- a/db/resource.h
+++ b/db/resource.h
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
-// Used by db.rc
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
+// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
+// Used by db.rc
+// Next default values for new objects
+#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
+#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
diff --git a/db/storage.h b/db/storage.h
index 78d1dbf1a5e..fbeed51091b 100644
--- a/db/storage.h
+++ b/db/storage.h
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-/* storage.h
- Storage subsystem management.
- Lays out our datafiles on disk, manages disk space.
-#pragma once
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-class Record;
-class DeletedRecord;
-class Extent;
-class BtreeBucket;
-class JSObj;
-class PhysicalDataFile;
-class Bucket;
-class DiskLoc {
- int fileNo; /* this will be volume, file #, etc. */
- int ofs;
- enum { NullOfs = -1 };
- int a() const { return fileNo; }
- DiskLoc(int a, int b) : fileNo(a), ofs(b) {
- assert(ofs!=0);
- }
- DiskLoc() { fileNo = -1; ofs = NullOfs; }
- DiskLoc(const DiskLoc& l) { fileNo=l.fileNo; ofs=l.ofs; }
- bool isNull() const { return ofs == NullOfs; }
- void Null() { fileNo = -1; ofs = NullOfs; }
- void assertOk() { assert(!isNull()); }
- string toString() const {
- if( isNull() )
- return "null";
- stringstream ss;
- ss << hex << fileNo << ':' << ofs;
- return ss.str();
- }
- int& GETOFS() { return ofs; }
- int getOfs() const { return ofs; }
- void set(int a, int b) { fileNo=a; ofs=b; }
- void setOfs(int _fileNo, int _ofs) {
- fileNo = _fileNo;
- ofs = _ofs;
- }
- void inc(int amt) {
- assert( !isNull() );
- ofs += amt;
- }
- bool sameFile(DiskLoc b) { return fileNo == b.fileNo; }
- bool operator==(const DiskLoc& b) const { return fileNo==b.fileNo && ofs == b.ofs; }
- bool operator!=(const DiskLoc& b) const { return !(*this==b); }
- const DiskLoc& operator=(const DiskLoc& b) {
- fileNo=b.fileNo; ofs = b.ofs;
- assert(ofs!=0);
- return *this;
- }
- int compare(const DiskLoc& b) const {
- int x = fileNo - b.fileNo;
- if( x )
- return x;
- if( ofs == b.ofs ) return 0;
- return ofs < b.ofs ? -1 : 1;
- }
- bool operator<(const DiskLoc& b) const {
- if( fileNo == b.fileNo )
- return ofs < b.ofs;
- return fileNo < b.fileNo;
- }
- JSObj obj() const;
- Record* rec() const;
- DeletedRecord* drec() const;
- Extent* ext() const;
- BtreeBucket* btree() const;
- Bucket* bucket() const;
- PhysicalDataFile& pdf() const;
-#pragma pack(pop)
+/* storage.h
+ Storage subsystem management.
+ Lays out our datafiles on disk, manages disk space.
+#pragma once
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+class Record;
+class DeletedRecord;
+class Extent;
+class BtreeBucket;
+class JSObj;
+class PhysicalDataFile;
+class Bucket;
+class DiskLoc {
+ int fileNo; /* this will be volume, file #, etc. */
+ int ofs;
+ enum { NullOfs = -1 };
+ int a() const { return fileNo; }
+ DiskLoc(int a, int b) : fileNo(a), ofs(b) {
+ assert(ofs!=0);
+ }
+ DiskLoc() { fileNo = -1; ofs = NullOfs; }
+ DiskLoc(const DiskLoc& l) { fileNo=l.fileNo; ofs=l.ofs; }
+ bool isNull() const { return ofs == NullOfs; }
+ void Null() { fileNo = -1; ofs = NullOfs; }
+ void assertOk() { assert(!isNull()); }
+ string toString() const {
+ if( isNull() )
+ return "null";
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << hex << fileNo << ':' << ofs;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ int& GETOFS() { return ofs; }
+ int getOfs() const { return ofs; }
+ void set(int a, int b) { fileNo=a; ofs=b; }
+ void setOfs(int _fileNo, int _ofs) {
+ fileNo = _fileNo;
+ ofs = _ofs;
+ }
+ void inc(int amt) {
+ assert( !isNull() );
+ ofs += amt;
+ }
+ bool sameFile(DiskLoc b) { return fileNo == b.fileNo; }
+ bool operator==(const DiskLoc& b) const { return fileNo==b.fileNo && ofs == b.ofs; }
+ bool operator!=(const DiskLoc& b) const { return !(*this==b); }
+ const DiskLoc& operator=(const DiskLoc& b) {
+ fileNo=b.fileNo; ofs = b.ofs;
+ assert(ofs!=0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ int compare(const DiskLoc& b) const {
+ int x = fileNo - b.fileNo;
+ if( x )
+ return x;
+ if( ofs == b.ofs ) return 0;
+ return ofs < b.ofs ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const DiskLoc& b) const {
+ if( fileNo == b.fileNo )
+ return ofs < b.ofs;
+ return fileNo < b.fileNo;
+ }
+ JSObj obj() const;
+ Record* rec() const;
+ DeletedRecord* drec() const;
+ Extent* ext() const;
+ BtreeBucket* btree() const;
+ Bucket* bucket() const;
+ PhysicalDataFile& pdf() const;
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/grid/message.cpp b/grid/message.cpp
index 0a10667e49f..caf2cd7e8a8 100644
--- a/grid/message.cpp
+++ b/grid/message.cpp
@@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
-/* message
- todo: authenticate; encrypt?
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "message.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-// if you want trace output:
-#define mmm(x)
-/* listener ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Listener::listen() {
- SockAddr me(port);
- int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
- cout << "ERROR: listen(): invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
- return;
- }
- prebindOptions( sock );
- if( bind(sock, (sockaddr *) &, me.addressSize) != 0 ) {
- cout << "listen(): bind() failed errno:" << errno << endl;
- if( errno == 98 )
- cout << "98 == addr already in use" << endl;
- closesocket(sock);
- return;
- }
- if( ::listen(sock, 128) != 0 ) {
- cout << "listen(): listen() failed " << errno << endl;
- closesocket(sock);
- return;
- }
- SockAddr from;
- while( 1 ) {
- int s = accept(sock, (sockaddr *) &, &from.addressSize);
- if( s < 0 ) {
- cout << "Listener: accept() returns " << s << " errno:" << errno << endl;
- continue;
- }
- disableNagle(s);
- cout << "Listener: connection accepted from " << from.toString() << endl;
- accepted( new MessagingPort(s, from) );
- }
-/* messagingport -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-MSGID NextMsgId;
-struct MsgStart {
- MsgStart() {
- NextMsgId = (((unsigned) time(0)) << 16) ^ curTimeMillis();
- assert(MsgDataHeaderSize == 16);
- }
-} msgstart;
-MessagingPort::MessagingPort(int _sock, SockAddr& _far) : sock(_sock), farEnd(_far) { }
-MessagingPort::MessagingPort() {
- sock = -1;
-void MessagingPort::shutdown() {
- if( sock >= 0 ) {
- closesocket(sock);
- sock = -1;
- }
-MessagingPort::~MessagingPort() {
- shutdown();
-bool MessagingPort::connect(SockAddr& _far)
- farEnd = _far;
- sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
- cout << "ERROR: connect(): invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
- return false;
- }
- if( ::connect(sock, (sockaddr *) &, farEnd.addressSize) ) {
- cout << "ERROR: connect(): connect() failed" << errno << endl;
- closesocket(sock); sock = -1;
- return false;
- }
- disableNagle(sock);
- return true;
-bool MessagingPort::recv(Message& m) {
- mmm( cout << "* recv() sock:" << this->sock << endl; )
- int len = -1;
- char *lenbuf = (char *) &len;
- int lft = 4;
- while( 1 ) {
- int x = ::recv(sock, lenbuf, lft, 0);
- if( x == 0 ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): conn closed? " << farEnd.toString() << endl;
- m.reset();
- return false;
- }
- if( x < 0 ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): recv() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString()<<endl;
- m.reset();
- return false;
- }
- lft -= x;
- if( lft == 0 )
- break;
- lenbuf += x;
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): got " << x << " bytes wanted 4, lft=" << lft << endl;
- assert( lft > 0 );
- }
-// assert( x == 4 );
- assert( len >= 0 && len <= 16000000 );
- int z = (len+1023)&0xfffffc00; assert(z>=len);
- MsgData *md = (MsgData *) malloc(z);
- md->len = len;
- if ( len <= 0 ){
- cout << "got a length of 0, something is wrong" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- char *p = (char *) &md->id;
- int left = len -4;
- while( 1 ) {
- int x = ::recv(sock, p, left, 0);
- if( x == 0 ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): conn closed? " << farEnd.toString() << endl;
- m.reset();
- return false;
- }
- if( x < 0 ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): recv() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString() << endl;
- m.reset();
- return false;
- }
- left -= x;
- p += x;
- if( left <= 0 )
- break;
- }
- m.setData(md, true);
- return true;
-void MessagingPort::reply(Message& received, Message& response) {
- say(received.from, response,>id);
-bool MessagingPort::call(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, Message& response) {
- mmm( cout << "*call()" << endl; )
- MSGID old =>id;
- say(to, toSend);
- while( 1 ) {
- bool ok = recv(response);
- if( !ok )
- return false;
- //cout << "got response: " <<>responseTo << endl;
- if(>responseTo ==>id )
- break;
- cout << "********************" << endl;
- cout << "ERROR: MessagingPort::call() wrong id got:" <<>responseTo << " expect:" <<>id << endl;
- cout << " old:" << old << endl;
- cout << " response msgid:" <<>id << endl;
- cout << " response len: " <<>len << endl;
- assert(false);
- response.reset();
- }
- mmm( cout << "*call() end" << endl; )
- return true;
-void MessagingPort::say(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, int responseTo) {
- mmm( cout << "* say() sock:" << this->sock << " thr:" << GetCurrentThreadId() << endl; )
- MSGID msgid = NextMsgId;
- ++NextMsgId;
->id = msgid;
->responseTo = responseTo;
- int x = ::send(sock, (char *),>len, 0);
- if( x <= 0 ) {
- cout << "MessagingPort::say: send() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString() << endl;
- }
+/* message
+ todo: authenticate; encrypt?
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+// if you want trace output:
+#define mmm(x)
+/* listener ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Listener::listen() {
+ SockAddr me(port);
+ int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: listen(): invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ prebindOptions( sock );
+ if( bind(sock, (sockaddr *) &, me.addressSize) != 0 ) {
+ cout << "listen(): bind() failed errno:" << errno << endl;
+ if( errno == 98 )
+ cout << "98 == addr already in use" << endl;
+ closesocket(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ::listen(sock, 128) != 0 ) {
+ cout << "listen(): listen() failed " << errno << endl;
+ closesocket(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ SockAddr from;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ int s = accept(sock, (sockaddr *) &, &from.addressSize);
+ if( s < 0 ) {
+ cout << "Listener: accept() returns " << s << " errno:" << errno << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ disableNagle(s);
+ cout << "Listener: connection accepted from " << from.toString() << endl;
+ accepted( new MessagingPort(s, from) );
+ }
+/* messagingport -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+MSGID NextMsgId;
+struct MsgStart {
+ MsgStart() {
+ NextMsgId = (((unsigned) time(0)) << 16) ^ curTimeMillis();
+ assert(MsgDataHeaderSize == 16);
+ }
+} msgstart;
+MessagingPort::MessagingPort(int _sock, SockAddr& _far) : sock(_sock), farEnd(_far) { }
+MessagingPort::MessagingPort() {
+ sock = -1;
+void MessagingPort::shutdown() {
+ if( sock >= 0 ) {
+ closesocket(sock);
+ sock = -1;
+ }
+MessagingPort::~MessagingPort() {
+ shutdown();
+bool MessagingPort::connect(SockAddr& _far)
+ farEnd = _far;
+ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: connect(): invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( ::connect(sock, (sockaddr *) &, farEnd.addressSize) ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: connect(): connect() failed" << errno << endl;
+ closesocket(sock); sock = -1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ disableNagle(sock);
+ return true;
+bool MessagingPort::recv(Message& m) {
+ mmm( cout << "* recv() sock:" << this->sock << endl; )
+ int len = -1;
+ char *lenbuf = (char *) &len;
+ int lft = 4;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ int x = ::recv(sock, lenbuf, lft, 0);
+ if( x == 0 ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): conn closed? " << farEnd.toString() << endl;
+ m.reset();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( x < 0 ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): recv() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString()<<endl;
+ m.reset();
+ return false;
+ }
+ lft -= x;
+ if( lft == 0 )
+ break;
+ lenbuf += x;
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): got " << x << " bytes wanted 4, lft=" << lft << endl;
+ assert( lft > 0 );
+ }
+// assert( x == 4 );
+ assert( len >= 0 && len <= 16000000 );
+ int z = (len+1023)&0xfffffc00; assert(z>=len);
+ MsgData *md = (MsgData *) malloc(z);
+ md->len = len;
+ if ( len <= 0 ){
+ cout << "got a length of 0, something is wrong" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ char *p = (char *) &md->id;
+ int left = len -4;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ int x = ::recv(sock, p, left, 0);
+ if( x == 0 ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): conn closed? " << farEnd.toString() << endl;
+ m.reset();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( x < 0 ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::recv(): recv() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString() << endl;
+ m.reset();
+ return false;
+ }
+ left -= x;
+ p += x;
+ if( left <= 0 )
+ break;
+ }
+ m.setData(md, true);
+ return true;
+void MessagingPort::reply(Message& received, Message& response) {
+ say(received.from, response,>id);
+bool MessagingPort::call(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, Message& response) {
+ mmm( cout << "*call()" << endl; )
+ MSGID old =>id;
+ say(to, toSend);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ bool ok = recv(response);
+ if( !ok )
+ return false;
+ //cout << "got response: " <<>responseTo << endl;
+ if(>responseTo ==>id )
+ break;
+ cout << "********************" << endl;
+ cout << "ERROR: MessagingPort::call() wrong id got:" <<>responseTo << " expect:" <<>id << endl;
+ cout << " old:" << old << endl;
+ cout << " response msgid:" <<>id << endl;
+ cout << " response len: " <<>len << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ response.reset();
+ }
+ mmm( cout << "*call() end" << endl; )
+ return true;
+void MessagingPort::say(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, int responseTo) {
+ mmm( cout << "* say() sock:" << this->sock << " thr:" << GetCurrentThreadId() << endl; )
+ MSGID msgid = NextMsgId;
+ ++NextMsgId;
+>id = msgid;
+>responseTo = responseTo;
+ int x = ::send(sock, (char *),>len, 0);
+ if( x <= 0 ) {
+ cout << "MessagingPort::say: send() error " << errno << ' ' << farEnd.toString() << endl;
+ }
diff --git a/grid/message.h b/grid/message.h
index 1395fa51e0a..604e9a67343 100644
--- a/grid/message.h
+++ b/grid/message.h
@@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
-// message.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../util/sock.h"
-class Message;
-class MessagingPort;
-typedef WrappingInt MSGID;
-const int DBPort = 27017;
-class Listener {
- Listener(int p) : port(p) { }
- void listen(); // never returns (start a thread)
- /* spawn a thread, etc., then return */
- virtual void accepted(MessagingPort *mp) = 0;
- int port;
-class AbstractMessagingPort {
- virtual void reply(Message& received, Message& response) = 0;
-class MessagingPort : public AbstractMessagingPort {
- MessagingPort(int sock, SockAddr& farEnd);
- MessagingPort();
- ~MessagingPort();
- void shutdown();
- bool connect(SockAddr& farEnd);
- /* it's assumed if you reuse a message object, that it doesn't cross MessagingPort's.
- also, the Message data will go out of scope on the subsequent recv call.
- */
- bool recv(Message& m);
- void reply(Message& received, Message& response);
- bool call(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, Message& response);
- void say(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, int responseTo = -1);
- int sock;
- SockAddr farEnd;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-enum Operations {
- opReply = 1, /* reply. responseTo is set. */
- dbMsg = 1000, /* generic msg command followed by a string */
- dbUpdate = 2001, /* update object */
- dbInsert = 2002,
-// dbGetByOID = 2003,
- dbQuery = 2004,
- dbGetMore = 2005,
- dbDelete = 2006,
- dbKillCursors = 2007
-struct MsgData {
- int len; /* len of the msg, including this field */
- MSGID id; /* request/reply id's match... */
- int responseTo; /* id of the message we are responding to */
- int operation;
- char _data[4];
- int dataLen();
-const int MsgDataHeaderSize = sizeof(MsgData) - 4;
-inline int MsgData::dataLen() { return len - MsgDataHeaderSize; }
-#pragma pack(pop)
-class Message {
- Message() { data = 0; freeIt = false; }
- Message( void * _data , bool _freeIt ){ data = (MsgData*)_data; freeIt = _freeIt; };
- ~Message() { reset(); }
- SockAddr from;
- MsgData *data;
- Message& operator=(Message& r) {
- assert( data == 0 );
- data =;
- assert( r.freeIt );
- r.freeIt = false;
- = 0;
- freeIt = true;
- return *this;
- }
- void reset() {
- if( freeIt && data )
- free(data);
- data = 0; freeIt = false;
- }
- void setData(MsgData *d, bool _freeIt) {
- assert( data == 0 );
- freeIt = _freeIt;
- data = d;
- }
- void setData(int operation, const char *msgtxt) {
- setData(operation, msgtxt, strlen(msgtxt)+1);
- }
- void setData(int operation, const char *msgdata, int len) {
- assert(data == 0);
- int dataLen = len + sizeof(MsgData) - 4;
- MsgData *d = (MsgData *) malloc(dataLen);
- memcpy(d->_data, msgdata, len);
- d->len = dataLen;
- d->operation = operation;
- freeIt= true;
- data = d;
- }
- bool freeIt;
+// message.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../util/sock.h"
+class Message;
+class MessagingPort;
+typedef WrappingInt MSGID;
+const int DBPort = 27017;
+class Listener {
+ Listener(int p) : port(p) { }
+ void listen(); // never returns (start a thread)
+ /* spawn a thread, etc., then return */
+ virtual void accepted(MessagingPort *mp) = 0;
+ int port;
+class AbstractMessagingPort {
+ virtual void reply(Message& received, Message& response) = 0;
+class MessagingPort : public AbstractMessagingPort {
+ MessagingPort(int sock, SockAddr& farEnd);
+ MessagingPort();
+ ~MessagingPort();
+ void shutdown();
+ bool connect(SockAddr& farEnd);
+ /* it's assumed if you reuse a message object, that it doesn't cross MessagingPort's.
+ also, the Message data will go out of scope on the subsequent recv call.
+ */
+ bool recv(Message& m);
+ void reply(Message& received, Message& response);
+ bool call(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, Message& response);
+ void say(SockAddr& to, Message& toSend, int responseTo = -1);
+ int sock;
+ SockAddr farEnd;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+enum Operations {
+ opReply = 1, /* reply. responseTo is set. */
+ dbMsg = 1000, /* generic msg command followed by a string */
+ dbUpdate = 2001, /* update object */
+ dbInsert = 2002,
+// dbGetByOID = 2003,
+ dbQuery = 2004,
+ dbGetMore = 2005,
+ dbDelete = 2006,
+ dbKillCursors = 2007
+struct MsgData {
+ int len; /* len of the msg, including this field */
+ MSGID id; /* request/reply id's match... */
+ int responseTo; /* id of the message we are responding to */
+ int operation;
+ char _data[4];
+ int dataLen();
+const int MsgDataHeaderSize = sizeof(MsgData) - 4;
+inline int MsgData::dataLen() { return len - MsgDataHeaderSize; }
+#pragma pack(pop)
+class Message {
+ Message() { data = 0; freeIt = false; }
+ Message( void * _data , bool _freeIt ){ data = (MsgData*)_data; freeIt = _freeIt; };
+ ~Message() { reset(); }
+ SockAddr from;
+ MsgData *data;
+ Message& operator=(Message& r) {
+ assert( data == 0 );
+ data =;
+ assert( r.freeIt );
+ r.freeIt = false;
+ = 0;
+ freeIt = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void reset() {
+ if( freeIt && data )
+ free(data);
+ data = 0; freeIt = false;
+ }
+ void setData(MsgData *d, bool _freeIt) {
+ assert( data == 0 );
+ freeIt = _freeIt;
+ data = d;
+ }
+ void setData(int operation, const char *msgtxt) {
+ setData(operation, msgtxt, strlen(msgtxt)+1);
+ }
+ void setData(int operation, const char *msgdata, int len) {
+ assert(data == 0);
+ int dataLen = len + sizeof(MsgData) - 4;
+ MsgData *d = (MsgData *) malloc(dataLen);
+ memcpy(d->_data, msgdata, len);
+ d->len = dataLen;
+ d->operation = operation;
+ freeIt= true;
+ data = d;
+ }
+ bool freeIt;
diff --git a/grid/protocol.h b/grid/protocol.h
index f98c6cde1f4..e7d0298ec9b 100644
--- a/grid/protocol.h
+++ b/grid/protocol.h
@@ -1,261 +1,261 @@
-// protocol.h
-#pragma once
-#include "boost/thread/mutex.hpp"
-#include "boost/thread/condition.hpp"
-#include "../util/sock.h"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-typedef WrappingInt MSGID;
-struct Fragment;
-#if 0
-#define ptrace(x)
-#define ptrace(x) { cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000; x }
-#if 1
-#define etrace(x)
-#define etrace(x) { cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000; x }
-class F; // fragment
-class MR; // message. R=receiver side.
-class CR; // connection receiver side
-class MS; // message S=sender side.
-class CS; // connection sender side
-class ProtocolConnection; // connection overall
-/* ip:port:channel
- We have one receiver thread per process (per ip address destination), and then
- multiplex messages out to multiple connections(generally one per thread) which
- each have a 'channel'.
-class EndPoint {
- EndPoint() : channel(0) { }
- int channel;
- SockAddr sa;
- bool operator<(const EndPoint& r) const {
- if( channel != )
- return channel <;
- return sa <;
- }
- string toString() {
- stringstream out;
- out << sa.toString() << ':';
- if( channel == -2 ) out << "ANYCHANNEL";
- else if( channel == -1 ) out << "AUTOASSIGNCHANNEL";
- else out << channel;
- return out.str();
- }
-/* the double underscore stuff here is the actual implementation glue.
- wanted to keep that stuff clean and separate. so put your implementation
- of these in protoimpl.h.
-void __sendRESET(ProtocolConnection *pc);
-// sender ->
-void __sendFrag(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, F *, bool retran=false); // transmit a fragment
-void __sendREQUESTACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, MSGID msgid, int fragNo); // transmit the REQUEST ACK msg
-// receiver ->
-void __sendACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, MSGID msgid); // transmit ACK
-void __sendMISSING(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, MSGID msgid, vector<short>& ids); // transmit MISSING
-// -> receiver
-F* __recv(UDPConnection& c, SockAddr& from); /* recv from socket a fragment and pass back */
-class F {
- F(Fragment *f);
- ~F();
- int __num(); //frag #
- int __len();
- MSGID __msgid();
- int __channel();
- bool __isREQUESTACK(); // if true, this is just a request for acknowledgement not real data
- int __firstFragMsgLen(); // only works on first fragment
- // sender side:
- bool __isACK(); // if true, this is an ack of a message
- bool __isMISSING(); // if true, list of frags to retransmit
- short* __getMissing(int& n); // get the missing fragno list
- Fragment *internals;
-class MR {
- MR(ProtocolConnection *_pc, MSGID _msgid, EndPoint& _from);
- ~MR() { freeFrags(); }
- void freeFrags() {
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ )
- delete f[i];
- }
- bool got(F *f, EndPoint& from); // received a fragment
- bool gotFirst() { return f[0] != 0; }
- ProtocolConnection& pc;
- void removeFromReceivingList();
- bool complete();
- const MSGID msgid;
- int n() { return f.size(); }
- int messageLenExpected;
- int nExpected, nReceived;
- void reportMissings(bool reportAll);
- vector<F*> f;
- vector<unsigned> reportTimes;
- EndPoint from;
-/* this is for knowing what is already received. we might get dup packets later and need
- to ignore them. */
-class MsgTracker {
- std::list<MSGID> recentlyReceivedList;
- std::set<MSGID> recentlyReceived;
- MSGID lastFullyReceived;
- void reset() {
- recentlyReceivedList.clear();
- recentlyReceived.clear();
- lastFullyReceived = 0;
- }
- void got(MSGID m) {
- unsigned sz = recentlyReceived.size();
- if( sz > 256 ) {
- recentlyReceived.erase(recentlyReceivedList.front());
- recentlyReceivedList.pop_front();
- }
- recentlyReceivedList.push_back(m);
- recentlyReceived.insert(m);
- if( m > lastFullyReceived || sz == 0 )
- lastFullyReceived = m;
- }
-class CR {
- friend class MR;
- ~CR() { ptrace( cout << ".warning: ~CR() not implemented" << endl; ) }
- CR(ProtocolConnection& _pc) : pc(_pc) { }
- MR* recv();
- MR* getPendingMsg(F *fr);
- bool oldMessageId(int channel, MSGID m);
- void queueReceived(MR*);
- ProtocolConnection& pc;
- boost::condition receivedSome;
- vector<MR*> received; /* ready to dequeue and use */
- map<int,MR*> pendingMessages; /* partly received msgs */
- MsgTracker oldMsgTracker;
-/* -- sender side ------------------------------------------------*/
-class CS {
- CS(ProtocolConnection& _pc);
- ProtocolConnection& pc;
- vector<MS*> pendingSend;
- boost::condition msgSent;
- void resetIt();
- double delayMax;
- double delay;
- void delayGotMissing() {
- double delayOld = delay;
- if( delay == 0 )
- delay = 2.0;
- else
- delay = delay * 1.25;
- if( delay > delayMax ) delay = delayMax;
- if( delay != delayOld )
- cout << ".DELAY INCREASED TO " << delay << endl;
- }
- void delaySentMsg() {
- if( delay != 0.0 ) {
- delay = delay * 0.5;
- if( delay<0.5 ) delay = 0;
- cout << ".DELAY DECREASED TO " << delay << endl;
- }
- }
-typedef map<EndPoint,ProtocolConnection*> EndPointToPC;
-extern EndPointToPC pcMap; /* the *far* endpoint -> pc */
-/* -- overall Connection object ----------------------------------*/
-#pragma warning( disable: 4355 )
-class ProtocolConnection {
- string toString();
- ProtocolConnection(ProtocolConnection& par, EndPoint& to);
- ProtocolConnection(UDPConnection& c, EndPoint& e, SockAddr *_farEnd);
- ~ProtocolConnection();
- void shutdown();
- bool acceptAnyChannel() const;
- UDPConnection& udpConnection;
- /* note the channel for myEnd might be "any" for the any pc -
- so you can't use that channel for sending. Use MS/MR
- for that.
- */
- EndPoint myEnd;
- EndPoint farEnd;
- /* if this was instantiated automatically for an acceptAnyChannel(),
- keep a ptr back to it and queue received msgs there.
- */
- ProtocolConnection *parent;
- CR cr;
- CS cs;
- bool first; // true if yet to send first message on this conn
- void init();
-/* -- sender side ------------------------------------------------*/
-class MS {
- MS(ProtocolConnection *_pc, EndPoint &_to, MSGID _msgid) :
- pc(_pc), to(_to), msgid(_msgid), complainInterval(50) { }
- ~MS() {
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++ )
- delete fragments[i];
- }
- /* init fragments, then call this */
- void send();
- vector<F*> fragments;
- /* request retrainsmissions. */
- bool complain(unsigned now);
- ProtocolConnection* pc;
- EndPoint to;
- const MSGID msgid;
- unsigned lastComplainTime;
- unsigned complainInterval;
+// protocol.h
+#pragma once
+#include "boost/thread/mutex.hpp"
+#include "boost/thread/condition.hpp"
+#include "../util/sock.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+typedef WrappingInt MSGID;
+struct Fragment;
+#if 0
+#define ptrace(x)
+#define ptrace(x) { cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000; x }
+#if 1
+#define etrace(x)
+#define etrace(x) { cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000; x }
+class F; // fragment
+class MR; // message. R=receiver side.
+class CR; // connection receiver side
+class MS; // message S=sender side.
+class CS; // connection sender side
+class ProtocolConnection; // connection overall
+/* ip:port:channel
+ We have one receiver thread per process (per ip address destination), and then
+ multiplex messages out to multiple connections(generally one per thread) which
+ each have a 'channel'.
+class EndPoint {
+ EndPoint() : channel(0) { }
+ int channel;
+ SockAddr sa;
+ bool operator<(const EndPoint& r) const {
+ if( channel != )
+ return channel <;
+ return sa <;
+ }
+ string toString() {
+ stringstream out;
+ out << sa.toString() << ':';
+ if( channel == -2 ) out << "ANYCHANNEL";
+ else if( channel == -1 ) out << "AUTOASSIGNCHANNEL";
+ else out << channel;
+ return out.str();
+ }
+/* the double underscore stuff here is the actual implementation glue.
+ wanted to keep that stuff clean and separate. so put your implementation
+ of these in protoimpl.h.
+void __sendRESET(ProtocolConnection *pc);
+// sender ->
+void __sendFrag(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, F *, bool retran=false); // transmit a fragment
+void __sendREQUESTACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, MSGID msgid, int fragNo); // transmit the REQUEST ACK msg
+// receiver ->
+void __sendACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, MSGID msgid); // transmit ACK
+void __sendMISSING(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, MSGID msgid, vector<short>& ids); // transmit MISSING
+// -> receiver
+F* __recv(UDPConnection& c, SockAddr& from); /* recv from socket a fragment and pass back */
+class F {
+ F(Fragment *f);
+ ~F();
+ int __num(); //frag #
+ int __len();
+ MSGID __msgid();
+ int __channel();
+ bool __isREQUESTACK(); // if true, this is just a request for acknowledgement not real data
+ int __firstFragMsgLen(); // only works on first fragment
+ // sender side:
+ bool __isACK(); // if true, this is an ack of a message
+ bool __isMISSING(); // if true, list of frags to retransmit
+ short* __getMissing(int& n); // get the missing fragno list
+ Fragment *internals;
+class MR {
+ MR(ProtocolConnection *_pc, MSGID _msgid, EndPoint& _from);
+ ~MR() { freeFrags(); }
+ void freeFrags() {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ )
+ delete f[i];
+ }
+ bool got(F *f, EndPoint& from); // received a fragment
+ bool gotFirst() { return f[0] != 0; }
+ ProtocolConnection& pc;
+ void removeFromReceivingList();
+ bool complete();
+ const MSGID msgid;
+ int n() { return f.size(); }
+ int messageLenExpected;
+ int nExpected, nReceived;
+ void reportMissings(bool reportAll);
+ vector<F*> f;
+ vector<unsigned> reportTimes;
+ EndPoint from;
+/* this is for knowing what is already received. we might get dup packets later and need
+ to ignore them. */
+class MsgTracker {
+ std::list<MSGID> recentlyReceivedList;
+ std::set<MSGID> recentlyReceived;
+ MSGID lastFullyReceived;
+ void reset() {
+ recentlyReceivedList.clear();
+ recentlyReceived.clear();
+ lastFullyReceived = 0;
+ }
+ void got(MSGID m) {
+ unsigned sz = recentlyReceived.size();
+ if( sz > 256 ) {
+ recentlyReceived.erase(recentlyReceivedList.front());
+ recentlyReceivedList.pop_front();
+ }
+ recentlyReceivedList.push_back(m);
+ recentlyReceived.insert(m);
+ if( m > lastFullyReceived || sz == 0 )
+ lastFullyReceived = m;
+ }
+class CR {
+ friend class MR;
+ ~CR() { ptrace( cout << ".warning: ~CR() not implemented" << endl; ) }
+ CR(ProtocolConnection& _pc) : pc(_pc) { }
+ MR* recv();
+ MR* getPendingMsg(F *fr);
+ bool oldMessageId(int channel, MSGID m);
+ void queueReceived(MR*);
+ ProtocolConnection& pc;
+ boost::condition receivedSome;
+ vector<MR*> received; /* ready to dequeue and use */
+ map<int,MR*> pendingMessages; /* partly received msgs */
+ MsgTracker oldMsgTracker;
+/* -- sender side ------------------------------------------------*/
+class CS {
+ CS(ProtocolConnection& _pc);
+ ProtocolConnection& pc;
+ vector<MS*> pendingSend;
+ boost::condition msgSent;
+ void resetIt();
+ double delayMax;
+ double delay;
+ void delayGotMissing() {
+ double delayOld = delay;
+ if( delay == 0 )
+ delay = 2.0;
+ else
+ delay = delay * 1.25;
+ if( delay > delayMax ) delay = delayMax;
+ if( delay != delayOld )
+ cout << ".DELAY INCREASED TO " << delay << endl;
+ }
+ void delaySentMsg() {
+ if( delay != 0.0 ) {
+ delay = delay * 0.5;
+ if( delay<0.5 ) delay = 0;
+ cout << ".DELAY DECREASED TO " << delay << endl;
+ }
+ }
+typedef map<EndPoint,ProtocolConnection*> EndPointToPC;
+extern EndPointToPC pcMap; /* the *far* endpoint -> pc */
+/* -- overall Connection object ----------------------------------*/
+#pragma warning( disable: 4355 )
+class ProtocolConnection {
+ string toString();
+ ProtocolConnection(ProtocolConnection& par, EndPoint& to);
+ ProtocolConnection(UDPConnection& c, EndPoint& e, SockAddr *_farEnd);
+ ~ProtocolConnection();
+ void shutdown();
+ bool acceptAnyChannel() const;
+ UDPConnection& udpConnection;
+ /* note the channel for myEnd might be "any" for the any pc -
+ so you can't use that channel for sending. Use MS/MR
+ for that.
+ */
+ EndPoint myEnd;
+ EndPoint farEnd;
+ /* if this was instantiated automatically for an acceptAnyChannel(),
+ keep a ptr back to it and queue received msgs there.
+ */
+ ProtocolConnection *parent;
+ CR cr;
+ CS cs;
+ bool first; // true if yet to send first message on this conn
+ void init();
+/* -- sender side ------------------------------------------------*/
+class MS {
+ MS(ProtocolConnection *_pc, EndPoint &_to, MSGID _msgid) :
+ pc(_pc), to(_to), msgid(_msgid), complainInterval(50) { }
+ ~MS() {
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++ )
+ delete fragments[i];
+ }
+ /* init fragments, then call this */
+ void send();
+ vector<F*> fragments;
+ /* request retrainsmissions. */
+ bool complain(unsigned now);
+ ProtocolConnection* pc;
+ EndPoint to;
+ const MSGID msgid;
+ unsigned lastComplainTime;
+ unsigned complainInterval;
diff --git a/grid/protoimpl.h b/grid/protoimpl.h
index 5ad19a47250..9ca5277e527 100644
--- a/grid/protoimpl.h
+++ b/grid/protoimpl.h
@@ -1,242 +1,242 @@
-// protoimpl.h
-#pragma once
-/* packet dumping level of detail. */
-const bool dumpPackets = false; // this must be true to get anything at all
-const bool dumpIP = false; // output the ip address
-const bool dumpBytesDetailed = false; // more data output
-#include "message.h"
-extern boost::mutex coutmutex;
-const int FragMax = 1480;
-const int FragHeader = 10;
-const int MSS = FragMax - FragHeader;
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-struct Fragment {
- enum { MinFragmentLen = FragHeader + 1 };
- MSGID msgId;
- short channel;
- short fragmentLen;
- short fragmentNo;
- char data[16];
- int fragmentDataLen() { return fragmentLen - FragHeader; }
- char* fragmentData() { return data; }
- bool ok(int nRead) {
- if( nRead < MinFragmentLen || fragmentLen > nRead || fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen ) {
- ptrace( cout << ".recv: fragment bad. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << " nRead:" << nRead << endl; )
- return false;
- }
- if( fragmentNo == 0 && fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen + MsgDataHeaderSize ) {
- ptrace( cout << ".recv: bad first fragment. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << endl; )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- MsgData* startOfMsgData() { assert(fragmentNo == 0); return (MsgData *) data; }
-#pragma pack(pop)
-inline void DUMP(Fragment& f, SockAddr& t, const char *tabs) {
- if( !dumpPackets )
- return;
- cout << tabs << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' ';
- short s = f.fragmentNo;
- if( s == -32768 )
- cout << "ACK M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
- else if( s == -32767 )
- cout << "MISSING";
- else if( s == -32766 )
- cout << "RESET ch:" <<;
- else if( s < 0 )
- cout << "REQUESTACK";
- else
- cout << '#' << s << ' ' << f.fragmentLen << " M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
- cout << ' ';
- if( dumpIP )
- cout << t.toString();
-inline void DUMPDATA(Fragment& f, const char *tabs) {
- if( !dumpPackets )
- return;
- if( f.fragmentNo >= 0 ) {
- cout << '\n' << tabs;
- int x = f.fragmentDataLen();
- if( dumpBytesDetailed ) {
- char *p = (char *) &f;
- cout << hex << *((unsigned*)p) << ' '; p+=4;
- cout << *((short*)p) << ' '; p+=2;
- cout << *((short*)p) << ' '; p+=2;
- cout << *((short*)p) << '|'; p+=2;
- if( x < 16 ) cout << "???";
- else {
- for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // MSGDATA
- cout << *((unsigned*)p);
- cout << (i < 3 ? ' ' : '|');
- p += 4;
- }
- cout << '\n' << tabs;
- x -= 16;
- if( x > 32 ) x = 32;
- while( x-- > 0 ) { cout << (unsigned) (unsigned char) *p++ << ' '; }
- }
- }
- else {
- char *p =;
- if( f.fragmentNo == 0 ) {
- p += 16; x -= 16;
- }
- if( x > 28 ) x = 28;
- for( int i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
- if( *p == 0 ) cout << (char) 0xb0;
- else cout << (*p >= 32 ? *p : '.');
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- cout << dec << endl;
-inline void SEND(UDPConnection& c, Fragment &f, SockAddr& to, const char *extra="") {
- lock lk(coutmutex);
- DUMP(f, to, "\t\t\t\t\t>");
- c.sendto((char *) &f, f.fragmentLen, to);
- if( dumpPackets )
- cout << extra;
- DUMPDATA(f, "\t\t\t\t\t ");
-// sender ->
-inline void __sendFrag(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, F *f, bool retran) {
- assert( f->internals->channel == );
- ptrace( cout << ".sendfrag " << f->__num() << ' ' << retran << endl; )
- SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f->internals,, retran ? " retran" : "");
-inline void __sendREQUESTACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
- MSGID msgid, int fragNo) {
- Fragment f;
- f.msgId = msgid;
- =; assert( >= 0 );
- f.fragmentNo = ((short) -fragNo) -1;
- f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
- ptrace( cout << ".requesting ack, fragno=" << f.fragmentNo << " msg:" << f.msgId << ' ' << to.toString() << endl; )
- SEND(pc->udpConnection, f,;
-// receiver ->
-inline void __sendACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, MSGID msgid) {
- ptrace( cout << "...__sendACK() to:" << pc->farEnd.toString() << " msg:" << msgid << endl; )
- Fragment f;
- f.msgId = msgid;
- = pc->; assert( >= 0 );
- f.fragmentNo = -32768;
- f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
- SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, pc->;
-/* this is to clear old state for the channel in terms of what msgids are
- already sent.
-inline void __sendRESET(ProtocolConnection *pc) {
- Fragment f;
- f.msgId = -1;
- = pc->; assert( >= 0 );
- f.fragmentNo = -32766;
- f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
- ptrace( cout << "...__sendRESET() to:" << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
- SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, pc->;
-inline void __sendMISSING(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
- MSGID msgid, vector<short>& ids) {
- int n = ids.size();
- ptrace( cout << "..sendMISSING n:" << n << " firstmissing:" << ids[0] << " last:" << ids[ids.size()-1] << to.toString() << endl; )
- if( n > 256 ) {
- ptrace( cout << "\t..sendMISSING limiting to 256 ids" << endl; )
- n = 256;
- }
- Fragment *f = (Fragment*) malloc(FragHeader + n*2);
- f->msgId = msgid;
- f->channel =; assert( f->channel >= 0 );
- f->fragmentNo = -32767;
- f->fragmentLen = FragHeader + n*2;
- short *s = (short *) f->data;
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
- *s++ = ids[i];
-// ptrace( cout << "...sendMISSING fraglen:" << f->fragmentLen << endl; )
- SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f,;
- free(f);
-// -> receiver
-inline F* __recv(UDPConnection& c, SockAddr& from) {
- Fragment *f = (Fragment *) malloc(MaxMTU);
- int n;
- while( 1 ) {
-// n = c.recvfrom((char*) f, c.mtu(), from);
- n = c.recvfrom((char*) f, MaxMTU, from);
-// cout << "recvfrom returned " << n << endl;
- if( n >= 0 )
- break;
- if( !goingAway ) {
- cout << ".recvfrom returned error " << getLastError() << " socket:" << c.sock << endl;
- cout << "sleeping 2 seconds " << endl;
- sleepsecs(2);
- }
- }
- assert( f->fragmentLen == n );
- if( f->fragmentNo > 0 ) {
- // don't waste tons of space if the maxmtu is 16k but we get 1480
- unsigned newsz = (f->fragmentLen + 255) & 0xffffff00;
- if( newsz < MaxMTU )
- f = (Fragment *) realloc(f, newsz);
- }
- {
- lock lk(coutmutex);
- DUMP(*f, from, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<");
- DUMPDATA(*f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ");
- }
- return new F(f);
-inline F::F(Fragment *f) : internals(f), op(NORMAL) {
- if( internals->fragmentNo < 0 ) {
- if( internals->fragmentNo == -32768 ) {
- op = ACK;
- ptrace( cout << ".got ACK msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
- } else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32767 ) {
- op = MISSING;
- ptrace( cout << ".got MISSING" << endl; )
- } else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32766 ) {
- op = RESET;
- } else {
- internals->fragmentNo = -(internals->fragmentNo+1);
- ptrace( cout << ".got REQUESTACK frag:" << internals->fragmentNo << " msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
- }
- }
-inline F::~F() { free(internals); internals=0; }
-inline int F::__num() { return internals->fragmentNo; }
-inline int F::__len() { return internals->fragmentLen; }
-inline MSGID F::__msgid() { return internals->msgId; }
-inline int F::__channel() { return internals->channel; }
-inline bool F::__isREQUESTACK() { return op == REQUESTACK; }
-inline bool F::__isACK() { return op == ACK; }
-inline bool F::__isMISSING() { return op == MISSING; }
-inline short* F::__getMissing(int& n) {
- n = internals->fragmentDataLen() / 2;
- return (short *) internals->fragmentData();
-inline int F::__firstFragMsgLen() {
- return internals->startOfMsgData()->len;
+// protoimpl.h
+#pragma once
+/* packet dumping level of detail. */
+const bool dumpPackets = false; // this must be true to get anything at all
+const bool dumpIP = false; // output the ip address
+const bool dumpBytesDetailed = false; // more data output
+#include "message.h"
+extern boost::mutex coutmutex;
+const int FragMax = 1480;
+const int FragHeader = 10;
+const int MSS = FragMax - FragHeader;
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct Fragment {
+ enum { MinFragmentLen = FragHeader + 1 };
+ MSGID msgId;
+ short channel;
+ short fragmentLen;
+ short fragmentNo;
+ char data[16];
+ int fragmentDataLen() { return fragmentLen - FragHeader; }
+ char* fragmentData() { return data; }
+ bool ok(int nRead) {
+ if( nRead < MinFragmentLen || fragmentLen > nRead || fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen ) {
+ ptrace( cout << ".recv: fragment bad. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << " nRead:" << nRead << endl; )
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( fragmentNo == 0 && fragmentLen < MinFragmentLen + MsgDataHeaderSize ) {
+ ptrace( cout << ".recv: bad first fragment. fragmentLen:" << fragmentLen << endl; )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ MsgData* startOfMsgData() { assert(fragmentNo == 0); return (MsgData *) data; }
+#pragma pack(pop)
+inline void DUMP(Fragment& f, SockAddr& t, const char *tabs) {
+ if( !dumpPackets )
+ return;
+ cout << tabs << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' ';
+ short s = f.fragmentNo;
+ if( s == -32768 )
+ cout << "ACK M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
+ else if( s == -32767 )
+ cout << "MISSING";
+ else if( s == -32766 )
+ cout << "RESET ch:" <<;
+ else if( s < 0 )
+ cout << "REQUESTACK";
+ else
+ cout << '#' << s << ' ' << f.fragmentLen << " M:" << f.msgId % 1000;
+ cout << ' ';
+ if( dumpIP )
+ cout << t.toString();
+inline void DUMPDATA(Fragment& f, const char *tabs) {
+ if( !dumpPackets )
+ return;
+ if( f.fragmentNo >= 0 ) {
+ cout << '\n' << tabs;
+ int x = f.fragmentDataLen();
+ if( dumpBytesDetailed ) {
+ char *p = (char *) &f;
+ cout << hex << *((unsigned*)p) << ' '; p+=4;
+ cout << *((short*)p) << ' '; p+=2;
+ cout << *((short*)p) << ' '; p+=2;
+ cout << *((short*)p) << '|'; p+=2;
+ if( x < 16 ) cout << "???";
+ else {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // MSGDATA
+ cout << *((unsigned*)p);
+ cout << (i < 3 ? ' ' : '|');
+ p += 4;
+ }
+ cout << '\n' << tabs;
+ x -= 16;
+ if( x > 32 ) x = 32;
+ while( x-- > 0 ) { cout << (unsigned) (unsigned char) *p++ << ' '; }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ char *p =;
+ if( f.fragmentNo == 0 ) {
+ p += 16; x -= 16;
+ }
+ if( x > 28 ) x = 28;
+ for( int i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
+ if( *p == 0 ) cout << (char) 0xb0;
+ else cout << (*p >= 32 ? *p : '.');
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << dec << endl;
+inline void SEND(UDPConnection& c, Fragment &f, SockAddr& to, const char *extra="") {
+ lock lk(coutmutex);
+ DUMP(f, to, "\t\t\t\t\t>");
+ c.sendto((char *) &f, f.fragmentLen, to);
+ if( dumpPackets )
+ cout << extra;
+ DUMPDATA(f, "\t\t\t\t\t ");
+// sender ->
+inline void __sendFrag(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to, F *f, bool retran) {
+ assert( f->internals->channel == );
+ ptrace( cout << ".sendfrag " << f->__num() << ' ' << retran << endl; )
+ SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f->internals,, retran ? " retran" : "");
+inline void __sendREQUESTACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
+ MSGID msgid, int fragNo) {
+ Fragment f;
+ f.msgId = msgid;
+ =; assert( >= 0 );
+ f.fragmentNo = ((short) -fragNo) -1;
+ f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
+ ptrace( cout << ".requesting ack, fragno=" << f.fragmentNo << " msg:" << f.msgId << ' ' << to.toString() << endl; )
+ SEND(pc->udpConnection, f,;
+// receiver ->
+inline void __sendACK(ProtocolConnection *pc, MSGID msgid) {
+ ptrace( cout << "...__sendACK() to:" << pc->farEnd.toString() << " msg:" << msgid << endl; )
+ Fragment f;
+ f.msgId = msgid;
+ = pc->; assert( >= 0 );
+ f.fragmentNo = -32768;
+ f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
+ SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, pc->;
+/* this is to clear old state for the channel in terms of what msgids are
+ already sent.
+inline void __sendRESET(ProtocolConnection *pc) {
+ Fragment f;
+ f.msgId = -1;
+ = pc->; assert( >= 0 );
+ f.fragmentNo = -32766;
+ f.fragmentLen = FragHeader;
+ ptrace( cout << "...__sendRESET() to:" << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
+ SEND(pc->udpConnection, f, pc->;
+inline void __sendMISSING(ProtocolConnection *pc, EndPoint& to,
+ MSGID msgid, vector<short>& ids) {
+ int n = ids.size();
+ ptrace( cout << "..sendMISSING n:" << n << " firstmissing:" << ids[0] << " last:" << ids[ids.size()-1] << to.toString() << endl; )
+ if( n > 256 ) {
+ ptrace( cout << "\t..sendMISSING limiting to 256 ids" << endl; )
+ n = 256;
+ }
+ Fragment *f = (Fragment*) malloc(FragHeader + n*2);
+ f->msgId = msgid;
+ f->channel =; assert( f->channel >= 0 );
+ f->fragmentNo = -32767;
+ f->fragmentLen = FragHeader + n*2;
+ short *s = (short *) f->data;
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ *s++ = ids[i];
+// ptrace( cout << "...sendMISSING fraglen:" << f->fragmentLen << endl; )
+ SEND(pc->udpConnection, *f,;
+ free(f);
+// -> receiver
+inline F* __recv(UDPConnection& c, SockAddr& from) {
+ Fragment *f = (Fragment *) malloc(MaxMTU);
+ int n;
+ while( 1 ) {
+// n = c.recvfrom((char*) f, c.mtu(), from);
+ n = c.recvfrom((char*) f, MaxMTU, from);
+// cout << "recvfrom returned " << n << endl;
+ if( n >= 0 )
+ break;
+ if( !goingAway ) {
+ cout << ".recvfrom returned error " << getLastError() << " socket:" << c.sock << endl;
+ cout << "sleeping 2 seconds " << endl;
+ sleepsecs(2);
+ }
+ }
+ assert( f->fragmentLen == n );
+ if( f->fragmentNo > 0 ) {
+ // don't waste tons of space if the maxmtu is 16k but we get 1480
+ unsigned newsz = (f->fragmentLen + 255) & 0xffffff00;
+ if( newsz < MaxMTU )
+ f = (Fragment *) realloc(f, newsz);
+ }
+ {
+ lock lk(coutmutex);
+ DUMP(*f, from, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<");
+ DUMPDATA(*f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ");
+ }
+ return new F(f);
+inline F::F(Fragment *f) : internals(f), op(NORMAL) {
+ if( internals->fragmentNo < 0 ) {
+ if( internals->fragmentNo == -32768 ) {
+ op = ACK;
+ ptrace( cout << ".got ACK msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
+ } else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32767 ) {
+ op = MISSING;
+ ptrace( cout << ".got MISSING" << endl; )
+ } else if( internals->fragmentNo == -32766 ) {
+ op = RESET;
+ } else {
+ internals->fragmentNo = -(internals->fragmentNo+1);
+ ptrace( cout << ".got REQUESTACK frag:" << internals->fragmentNo << " msg:" << internals->msgId << endl; )
+ }
+ }
+inline F::~F() { free(internals); internals=0; }
+inline int F::__num() { return internals->fragmentNo; }
+inline int F::__len() { return internals->fragmentLen; }
+inline MSGID F::__msgid() { return internals->msgId; }
+inline int F::__channel() { return internals->channel; }
+inline bool F::__isREQUESTACK() { return op == REQUESTACK; }
+inline bool F::__isACK() { return op == ACK; }
+inline bool F::__isMISSING() { return op == MISSING; }
+inline short* F::__getMissing(int& n) {
+ n = internals->fragmentDataLen() / 2;
+ return (short *) internals->fragmentData();
+inline int F::__firstFragMsgLen() {
+ return internals->startOfMsgData()->len;
diff --git a/grid/protorecv.cpp b/grid/protorecv.cpp
index 0639939ff08..49200d8ab56 100644
--- a/grid/protorecv.cpp
+++ b/grid/protorecv.cpp
@@ -1,386 +1,386 @@
-// protorecv.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "protocol.h"
-#include "boost/thread.hpp"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-#include "../util/sock.h"
-#include "protoimpl.h"
-#include "../db/introspect.h"
-boost::mutex biglock;
-boost::mutex coutmutex;
-boost::mutex threadStarterMutex;
-boost::condition threadActivate; // creating a new thread, grabbing threadUseThisOne
-ProtocolConnection *threadUseThisOne = 0;
-void receiverThread();
-map<SockAddr,ProtocolConnection*> firstPCForThisAddress;
-/* todo: eventually support multiple listeners on diff ports. not
- bothering yet.
-ProtocolConnection *any = 0;
-EndPointToPC pcMap;
-class GeneralInspector : public SingleResultObjCursor {
- Cursor* clone() { return new GeneralInspector(*this); }
- void fill() {
- b.append("version", "");
- b.append("versionDesc", "none");
- b.append("nConnections", pcMap.size());
- }
- GeneralInspector() { reg("intr.general"); }
-} _geninspectorproto;
-#include <signal.h>
-/* our version of netstat */
-void sighandler(int x) {
- cout << "ProtocolConnections:" << endl;
- lock lk(biglock);
- EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.begin();
- while( it != pcMap.end() ) {
- cout << " conn " << it->second->toString() << endl;
- it++;
- }
- cout << "any: ";
- if( any ) cout << any->toString();
- cout << "\ndone" << endl;
-struct SetSignal {
- SetSignal() {
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
- signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler);
- }
-} setSignal;
-string ProtocolConnection::toString() {
- stringstream out;
- out << myEnd.toString() << " <> " <<
- farEnd.toString() << " rcvd.size:" << cr.received.size() <<
- " pndngMsgs.size:" << cr.pendingMessages.size() <<
- " pndngSnd.size:" << cs.pendingSend.size();
- return out.str();
-ProtocolConnection::~ProtocolConnection() {
- cout << ".warning: ~ProtocolConnection() not implemented (leaks mem etc)" << endl;
- if( any == this )
- any = 0;
-void ProtocolConnection::shutdown() {
- ptrace( cout << ".shutdown()" << endl; )
- if( acceptAnyChannel() || first )
- return;
- ptrace( cout << ". to:" << to.toString() << endl; )
- __sendRESET(this);
-inline ProtocolConnection::ProtocolConnection(ProtocolConnection& par, EndPoint& _to) :
- udpConnection(par.udpConnection), myEnd(par.myEnd), cs(*this), cr(*this)
- parent = &par;
- farEnd = _to;
- first = true;
- // todo: LOCK
- assert(pcMap.count(farEnd) == 0);
-// pcMap[myEnd] = this;
-inline bool ProtocolConnection::acceptAnyChannel() const {
- return == MessagingPort::ANYCHANNEL;
-inline void ProtocolConnection::init() {
- first = true;
- lock lk(biglock);
- lock tslk(threadStarterMutex);
- if( acceptAnyChannel() ) {
- assert( any == 0 );
- any = this;
- }
- else {
- pcMap[farEnd] = this;
- }
- if( firstPCForThisAddress.count( == 0 ) {
- firstPCForThisAddress[] = this;
- // need a receiver thread. one per port # we listen on. shared by channels.
- boost::thread receiver(receiverThread);
- threadUseThisOne = this;
- threadActivate.notify_one();
- return;
- }
-ProtocolConnection::ProtocolConnection(UDPConnection& c, EndPoint& e, SockAddr *_farEnd) :
- udpConnection(c), myEnd(e), cs(*this), cr(*this)
- parent = this;
- if( _farEnd ) {
- =;
- = *_farEnd;
- }
- init();
-/* find message for fragment */
-MR* CR::getPendingMsg(F *fr) {
- MR *m;
- map<int,MR*>::iterator i = pendingMessages.find(fr->__msgid());
- if( i == pendingMessages.end() ) {
- if( pendingMessages.size() > 20 ) {
- cout << ".warning: pendingMessages.size()>20, ignoring msg until we dequeue" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- m = new MR(&pc, fr->__msgid(), pc.farEnd);
- pendingMessages[fr->__msgid()] = m;
- }
- else
- m = i->second;
- return m;
- MR*& m = pendingMessages[fr->__msgid()];
- if( m == 0 )
- m = new MR(&pc, fr->__msgid(), fromAddr);
- return m;
-void MR::removeFromReceivingList() {
-MR::MR(ProtocolConnection *_pc, MSGID _msgid, EndPoint& _from) :
- pc(*_pc), msgid(_msgid), from(_from), nReceived(0)
- messageLenExpected = nExpected = -1;
- f.push_back(0);
-void MR::reportMissings(bool reportAll) {
- vector<short> missing;
- unsigned t = curTimeMillis();
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ ) {
- if( f[i] == 0 ) {
- int diff = tdiff(reportTimes[i],t);
- assert( diff >= 0 || reportTimes[i] == 0 );
- if( diff > 100 || reportTimes[i]==0 ||
- (reportAll && diff > 1) ) {
- reportTimes[i] = t;
- assert( i < 25000 );
- missing.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- }
- if( !missing.empty() )
- __sendMISSING(&pc, from, msgid, missing);
-inline bool MR::complete() {
- if( nReceived == nExpected ) {
- assert( nExpected == (int) f.size() );
- assert( f[0] != 0 );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- if( nExpected > (int) f.size() || nExpected == -1 )
- return false;
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ )
- if( f[i] == 0 )
- return false;
- return true;
-/* true=msg complete */
-bool MR::got(F *frag, EndPoint& fromAddr) {
- MSGID msgid = frag->__msgid();
- int i = frag->__num();
- if( i == 544 && !frag->__isREQUESTACK() ) {
- cout << "************ GOT LAST FRAGMENT #544" << endl;
- }
- if( nExpected < 0 && i == 0 ) {
- messageLenExpected = frag->__firstFragMsgLen();
- if( messageLenExpected == frag->__len()-FragHeader )
- nExpected = 1;
- else {
- int mss = frag->__len()-FragHeader;
- assert( messageLenExpected > mss );
- nExpected = (messageLenExpected + mss - 1) / mss;
- ptrace( cout << ".got first frag, expect:" << nExpected << "packets, expectedLen:" << messageLenExpected << endl; )
- }
- }
- if( i >= (int) f.size() )
- f.resize(i+1, 0);
- if( frag->__isREQUESTACK() ) {
- ptrace( cout << " processing a REQUESTACK" << endl; )
- /* we're simply seeing if we got the data, and then acking. */
- delete frag;
- frag = 0;
- reportTimes.resize(f.size(), 0);
- if( complete() ) {
- __sendACK(&pc, msgid);
- return true;
- }
- reportMissings(true);
- return false;
- }
- else if( f[i] != 0 ) {
- ptrace( cout << "\t.dup packet i:" << i << ' ' << from.toString() << endl; )
- delete frag;
- return false;
- }
- if( frag ) {
- f[i] = frag;
- nReceived++;
- }
- reportTimes.resize(f.size(), 0);
- if( !complete() )
- return false;
- __sendACK(&pc, msgid);
- return true;
- if( f[0] == 0 || f[i] == 0 ) {
-// reportMissings(frag == 0);
- return false;
- }
- if( i+1 < nExpected ) {
-//cout << "TEMP COMMENT" << endl;
-// if( i > 0 && f[i-1] == 0 )
-// reportMissings(frag == 0);
- return false;
- }
- // last fragment received
- if( !complete() ) {
-// reportMissings(frag == 0);
- return false;
- }
- __sendACK(&pc, fromAddr, msgid);
- return frag != 0;
-MR* CR::recv() {
- MR *x;
- {
- lock lk(biglock);
- while( received.empty() )
- receivedSome.wait(lk);
- x = received.back();
- received.pop_back();
- }
- return x;
-// this is how we tell protosend.cpp we got these
-void gotACK(F*, ProtocolConnection *);
-void gotMISSING(F*, ProtocolConnection *);
-void receiverThread() {
- ProtocolConnection *startingConn; // this thread manages many; this is just initiator or the parent for acceptany
- UDPConnection *uc;
- {
- lock lk(threadStarterMutex);
- while( 1 ) {
- if( threadUseThisOne != 0 ) {
- uc = &threadUseThisOne->udpConnection;
- startingConn = threadUseThisOne;
- threadUseThisOne = 0;
- break;
- }
- threadActivate.wait(lk);
- }
- }
- cout << "\n.Activating a new receiverThread\n " << startingConn->toString() << '\n' << endl;
- EndPoint fromAddr;
- while( 1 ) {
- F *f = __recv(*uc,;
- lock l(biglock);
- = f->__channel();
- ptrace( cout << "..__recv() from:" << fromAddr.toString() << " frag:" << f->__num() << endl; )
- assert( >= 0 );
- EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.find(fromAddr);
- ProtocolConnection *mypc;
- if( it == pcMap.end() ) {
- if( !startingConn->acceptAnyChannel() ) {
- cout << ".WARNING: got packet from an unknown endpoint:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
- cout << ". this may be ok if you just restarted" << endl;
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- cout << ".New connection accepted from " << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
- mypc = new ProtocolConnection(*startingConn, fromAddr);
- pcMap[fromAddr] = mypc;
- }
- else
- mypc = it->second;
- assert( == mypc-> );
- MsgTracker& track = mypc->cr.oldMsgTracker;
- if( f->op != F::NORMAL ) {
- if( f->__isACK() ) {
- gotACK(f, mypc);
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- if( f->__isMISSING() ) {
- gotMISSING(f, mypc);
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- if( f->op == F::RESET ) {
- ptrace( cout << ".got RESET" << endl; )
- track.reset();
- mypc->cs.resetIt();
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if( track.recentlyReceived.count(f->__msgid()) ) {
- // already done with it. ignore, other than acking.
- if( f->__isREQUESTACK() )
- __sendACK(mypc, f->__msgid());
- else {
- ptrace( cout << ".ignoring packet about msg already received msg:" << f->__msgid() << " op:" << f->op << endl; )
- }
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- if( f->__msgid() <= track.lastFullyReceived && !track.recentlyReceivedList.empty() ) {
- // reconnect on an old channel?
- ptrace( cout << ".warning: strange msgid:" << f->__msgid() << " received, last:" << track->lastFullyReceived << " conn:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl; )
- }
- MR *m = mypc->cr.getPendingMsg(f); /* todo: optimize for single fragment case? */
- if( m == 0 ) {
- ptrace( cout << "..getPendingMsg() returns 0" << endl; )
- delete f;
- continue;
- }
- if( m->got(f, fromAddr) ) {
- m->removeFromReceivingList();
- {
- mypc->parent->cr.received.push_back(m);
- mypc->parent->cr.receivedSome.notify_one();
- }
- }
- }
+// protorecv.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "boost/thread.hpp"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "../util/sock.h"
+#include "protoimpl.h"
+#include "../db/introspect.h"
+boost::mutex biglock;
+boost::mutex coutmutex;
+boost::mutex threadStarterMutex;
+boost::condition threadActivate; // creating a new thread, grabbing threadUseThisOne
+ProtocolConnection *threadUseThisOne = 0;
+void receiverThread();
+map<SockAddr,ProtocolConnection*> firstPCForThisAddress;
+/* todo: eventually support multiple listeners on diff ports. not
+ bothering yet.
+ProtocolConnection *any = 0;
+EndPointToPC pcMap;
+class GeneralInspector : public SingleResultObjCursor {
+ Cursor* clone() { return new GeneralInspector(*this); }
+ void fill() {
+ b.append("version", "");
+ b.append("versionDesc", "none");
+ b.append("nConnections", pcMap.size());
+ }
+ GeneralInspector() { reg("intr.general"); }
+} _geninspectorproto;
+#include <signal.h>
+/* our version of netstat */
+void sighandler(int x) {
+ cout << "ProtocolConnections:" << endl;
+ lock lk(biglock);
+ EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.begin();
+ while( it != pcMap.end() ) {
+ cout << " conn " << it->second->toString() << endl;
+ it++;
+ }
+ cout << "any: ";
+ if( any ) cout << any->toString();
+ cout << "\ndone" << endl;
+struct SetSignal {
+ SetSignal() {
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+ signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler);
+ }
+} setSignal;
+string ProtocolConnection::toString() {
+ stringstream out;
+ out << myEnd.toString() << " <> " <<
+ farEnd.toString() << " rcvd.size:" << cr.received.size() <<
+ " pndngMsgs.size:" << cr.pendingMessages.size() <<
+ " pndngSnd.size:" << cs.pendingSend.size();
+ return out.str();
+ProtocolConnection::~ProtocolConnection() {
+ cout << ".warning: ~ProtocolConnection() not implemented (leaks mem etc)" << endl;
+ if( any == this )
+ any = 0;
+void ProtocolConnection::shutdown() {
+ ptrace( cout << ".shutdown()" << endl; )
+ if( acceptAnyChannel() || first )
+ return;
+ ptrace( cout << ". to:" << to.toString() << endl; )
+ __sendRESET(this);
+inline ProtocolConnection::ProtocolConnection(ProtocolConnection& par, EndPoint& _to) :
+ udpConnection(par.udpConnection), myEnd(par.myEnd), cs(*this), cr(*this)
+ parent = &par;
+ farEnd = _to;
+ first = true;
+ // todo: LOCK
+ assert(pcMap.count(farEnd) == 0);
+// pcMap[myEnd] = this;
+inline bool ProtocolConnection::acceptAnyChannel() const {
+ return == MessagingPort::ANYCHANNEL;
+inline void ProtocolConnection::init() {
+ first = true;
+ lock lk(biglock);
+ lock tslk(threadStarterMutex);
+ if( acceptAnyChannel() ) {
+ assert( any == 0 );
+ any = this;
+ }
+ else {
+ pcMap[farEnd] = this;
+ }
+ if( firstPCForThisAddress.count( == 0 ) {
+ firstPCForThisAddress[] = this;
+ // need a receiver thread. one per port # we listen on. shared by channels.
+ boost::thread receiver(receiverThread);
+ threadUseThisOne = this;
+ threadActivate.notify_one();
+ return;
+ }
+ProtocolConnection::ProtocolConnection(UDPConnection& c, EndPoint& e, SockAddr *_farEnd) :
+ udpConnection(c), myEnd(e), cs(*this), cr(*this)
+ parent = this;
+ if( _farEnd ) {
+ =;
+ = *_farEnd;
+ }
+ init();
+/* find message for fragment */
+MR* CR::getPendingMsg(F *fr) {
+ MR *m;
+ map<int,MR*>::iterator i = pendingMessages.find(fr->__msgid());
+ if( i == pendingMessages.end() ) {
+ if( pendingMessages.size() > 20 ) {
+ cout << ".warning: pendingMessages.size()>20, ignoring msg until we dequeue" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ m = new MR(&pc, fr->__msgid(), pc.farEnd);
+ pendingMessages[fr->__msgid()] = m;
+ }
+ else
+ m = i->second;
+ return m;
+ MR*& m = pendingMessages[fr->__msgid()];
+ if( m == 0 )
+ m = new MR(&pc, fr->__msgid(), fromAddr);
+ return m;
+void MR::removeFromReceivingList() {
+MR::MR(ProtocolConnection *_pc, MSGID _msgid, EndPoint& _from) :
+ pc(*_pc), msgid(_msgid), from(_from), nReceived(0)
+ messageLenExpected = nExpected = -1;
+ f.push_back(0);
+void MR::reportMissings(bool reportAll) {
+ vector<short> missing;
+ unsigned t = curTimeMillis();
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ ) {
+ if( f[i] == 0 ) {
+ int diff = tdiff(reportTimes[i],t);
+ assert( diff >= 0 || reportTimes[i] == 0 );
+ if( diff > 100 || reportTimes[i]==0 ||
+ (reportAll && diff > 1) ) {
+ reportTimes[i] = t;
+ assert( i < 25000 );
+ missing.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !missing.empty() )
+ __sendMISSING(&pc, from, msgid, missing);
+inline bool MR::complete() {
+ if( nReceived == nExpected ) {
+ assert( nExpected == (int) f.size() );
+ assert( f[0] != 0 );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ if( nExpected > (int) f.size() || nExpected == -1 )
+ return false;
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); i++ )
+ if( f[i] == 0 )
+ return false;
+ return true;
+/* true=msg complete */
+bool MR::got(F *frag, EndPoint& fromAddr) {
+ MSGID msgid = frag->__msgid();
+ int i = frag->__num();
+ if( i == 544 && !frag->__isREQUESTACK() ) {
+ cout << "************ GOT LAST FRAGMENT #544" << endl;
+ }
+ if( nExpected < 0 && i == 0 ) {
+ messageLenExpected = frag->__firstFragMsgLen();
+ if( messageLenExpected == frag->__len()-FragHeader )
+ nExpected = 1;
+ else {
+ int mss = frag->__len()-FragHeader;
+ assert( messageLenExpected > mss );
+ nExpected = (messageLenExpected + mss - 1) / mss;
+ ptrace( cout << ".got first frag, expect:" << nExpected << "packets, expectedLen:" << messageLenExpected << endl; )
+ }
+ }
+ if( i >= (int) f.size() )
+ f.resize(i+1, 0);
+ if( frag->__isREQUESTACK() ) {
+ ptrace( cout << " processing a REQUESTACK" << endl; )
+ /* we're simply seeing if we got the data, and then acking. */
+ delete frag;
+ frag = 0;
+ reportTimes.resize(f.size(), 0);
+ if( complete() ) {
+ __sendACK(&pc, msgid);
+ return true;
+ }
+ reportMissings(true);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if( f[i] != 0 ) {
+ ptrace( cout << "\t.dup packet i:" << i << ' ' << from.toString() << endl; )
+ delete frag;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( frag ) {
+ f[i] = frag;
+ nReceived++;
+ }
+ reportTimes.resize(f.size(), 0);
+ if( !complete() )
+ return false;
+ __sendACK(&pc, msgid);
+ return true;
+ if( f[0] == 0 || f[i] == 0 ) {
+// reportMissings(frag == 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( i+1 < nExpected ) {
+//cout << "TEMP COMMENT" << endl;
+// if( i > 0 && f[i-1] == 0 )
+// reportMissings(frag == 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // last fragment received
+ if( !complete() ) {
+// reportMissings(frag == 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ __sendACK(&pc, fromAddr, msgid);
+ return frag != 0;
+MR* CR::recv() {
+ MR *x;
+ {
+ lock lk(biglock);
+ while( received.empty() )
+ receivedSome.wait(lk);
+ x = received.back();
+ received.pop_back();
+ }
+ return x;
+// this is how we tell protosend.cpp we got these
+void gotACK(F*, ProtocolConnection *);
+void gotMISSING(F*, ProtocolConnection *);
+void receiverThread() {
+ ProtocolConnection *startingConn; // this thread manages many; this is just initiator or the parent for acceptany
+ UDPConnection *uc;
+ {
+ lock lk(threadStarterMutex);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( threadUseThisOne != 0 ) {
+ uc = &threadUseThisOne->udpConnection;
+ startingConn = threadUseThisOne;
+ threadUseThisOne = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ threadActivate.wait(lk);
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "\n.Activating a new receiverThread\n " << startingConn->toString() << '\n' << endl;
+ EndPoint fromAddr;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ F *f = __recv(*uc,;
+ lock l(biglock);
+ = f->__channel();
+ ptrace( cout << "..__recv() from:" << fromAddr.toString() << " frag:" << f->__num() << endl; )
+ assert( >= 0 );
+ EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.find(fromAddr);
+ ProtocolConnection *mypc;
+ if( it == pcMap.end() ) {
+ if( !startingConn->acceptAnyChannel() ) {
+ cout << ".WARNING: got packet from an unknown endpoint:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
+ cout << ". this may be ok if you just restarted" << endl;
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ cout << ".New connection accepted from " << fromAddr.toString() << endl;
+ mypc = new ProtocolConnection(*startingConn, fromAddr);
+ pcMap[fromAddr] = mypc;
+ }
+ else
+ mypc = it->second;
+ assert( == mypc-> );
+ MsgTracker& track = mypc->cr.oldMsgTracker;
+ if( f->op != F::NORMAL ) {
+ if( f->__isACK() ) {
+ gotACK(f, mypc);
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( f->__isMISSING() ) {
+ gotMISSING(f, mypc);
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( f->op == F::RESET ) {
+ ptrace( cout << ".got RESET" << endl; )
+ track.reset();
+ mypc->cs.resetIt();
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if( track.recentlyReceived.count(f->__msgid()) ) {
+ // already done with it. ignore, other than acking.
+ if( f->__isREQUESTACK() )
+ __sendACK(mypc, f->__msgid());
+ else {
+ ptrace( cout << ".ignoring packet about msg already received msg:" << f->__msgid() << " op:" << f->op << endl; )
+ }
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( f->__msgid() <= track.lastFullyReceived && !track.recentlyReceivedList.empty() ) {
+ // reconnect on an old channel?
+ ptrace( cout << ".warning: strange msgid:" << f->__msgid() << " received, last:" << track->lastFullyReceived << " conn:" << fromAddr.toString() << endl; )
+ }
+ MR *m = mypc->cr.getPendingMsg(f); /* todo: optimize for single fragment case? */
+ if( m == 0 ) {
+ ptrace( cout << "..getPendingMsg() returns 0" << endl; )
+ delete f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( m->got(f, fromAddr) ) {
+ m->removeFromReceivingList();
+ {
+ mypc->parent->cr.received.push_back(m);
+ mypc->parent->cr.receivedSome.notify_one();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/grid/protosend.cpp b/grid/protosend.cpp
index 2d22450ced1..dfd31036127 100644
--- a/grid/protosend.cpp
+++ b/grid/protosend.cpp
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
-// protosend.cpp
-/* todo: redo locking! */
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "protocol.h"
-#include "boost/thread.hpp"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-#include "../util/sock.h"
-#include "protoimpl.h"
-using namespace boost;
-typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
-/* todo: granularity? */
-extern boost::mutex biglock;
-void senderComplainThread();
-boost::thread sender(senderComplainThread);
-bool erasePending(ProtocolConnection *pc, int id);
-inline bool MS::complain(unsigned now) {
- if( tdiff(lastComplainTime, now) < (int) complainInterval )
- return false;
- if( complainInterval > 4000 ) {
- etrace( cout << ".no ack of send after " << complainInterval/1000 << " seconds " << to.toString() << endl; )
- if( complainInterval > 35000 ) {
- etrace( cout << ".GIVING UP on sending message" << endl; )
- erasePending(pc, msgid);
- return true;
- }
- }
- complainInterval *= 2;
- lastComplainTime = now;
- __sendREQUESTACK(pc, to, msgid, fragments.size()-1);
- return false;
-// where's my ack?
-void senderComplainThread() {
- sleepmillis(200);
- while( 1 ) {
- sleepmillis(50);
- {
- lock lk(biglock);
- unsigned now = curTimeMillis();
- /* todo: more efficient data structure here. */
- for( EndPointToPC::iterator i = pcMap.begin(); i != pcMap.end(); i++ ) {
- ProtocolConnection *pc = i->second;
- for( vector<MS*>::iterator j = pc->cs.pendingSend.begin(); j < pc->cs.pendingSend.end(); j++ )
- if( (*j)->complain(now) )
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-inline MS* _slocked_getMSForFrag(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
- int id = fr->__msgid();
- vector<MS*>::iterator it;
- for( it = pc->cs.pendingSend.begin(); it<pc->cs.pendingSend.end(); it++ ) {
- MS *m = *it;
- if( m->msgid == id )
- return m;
- }
- return 0;
-// received a MISSING message from the other end. retransmit.
-void gotMISSING(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
- pc->cs.delayGotMissing();
- ptrace( cout << ".gotMISSING() msgid:" << fr->__msgid() << endl; )
- MS *m = _slocked_getMSForFrag(fr, pc);
- if( m ) {
- {
- int df = tdiff(m->lastComplainTime, curTimeMillis()) * 2;
- if( df < 10 )
- df = 10;
- if( df > 2000 )
- df = 2000;
- m->complainInterval = (unsigned) df;
- cout << "TEMP: set complainInterval to " << m->complainInterval << endl;
- }
- int n;
- short* s = fr->__getMissing(n);
- assert( n > 0 && n < 5000 );
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
- // ptrace( cout << ".. resending frag #" << s[i] << ' ' << m->to.toString() << endl; )
- __sendFrag(pc, m->to, m->fragments[s[i]], true);
- if( i % 64 == 0 && pc->cs.delay >= 1.0 ) {
- ptrace( cout << "SLEEP" << endl; )
- sleepmillis((int) pc->cs.delay);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- ptrace( cout << "\t.warning: gotMISSING for an unknown msg id:" << fr->__msgid() << ' ' << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
-/* done sending a msg, clean up and notify sender to unblock */
-bool erasePending(ProtocolConnection *pc, int id) {
- vector<MS*>::iterator it;
- CS& cs = pc->cs;
- for( it = cs.pendingSend.begin(); it < cs.pendingSend.end(); it++ ) {
- MS *m = *it;
- if( m->msgid == id ) {
- cs.pendingSend.erase(it);
- ptrace( cout << "..gotACK/erase: found pendingSend msg:" << id << endl; )
- delete m;
- cs.msgSent.notify_one();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// received an ACK message. so we can discard our saved copy we were trying to send, we
-// are done with it.
-void gotACK(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
- if( erasePending(pc, fr->__msgid()) )
- return;
- ptrace( cout << ".warning: got ack for an unknown msg id:" << fr->__msgid() << ' ' << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
-void MS::send() {
- /* flow control */
- lock lk(biglock);
- ptrace( cout << "..MS::send() pending=" << pc->cs.pendingSend.size() << endl; )
- if( pc->acceptAnyChannel() ) {
- EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.find(to);
- if( it == pcMap.end() ) {
- cout << ".ERROR: can't find ProtocolConnection object for " << to.toString() << endl;
- assert(false);
- return;
- }
- /* switch to the child protocolconnection */
- pc = it->second;
- }
- else {
- assert(pc-> ==;
- }
- if( pc->first ) {
- pc->first = false;
- if( pc-> >= 0 )
- __sendRESET(pc);
- assert( pc-> ==;
- if( pc-> )
- pc->cs.delayMax = 1.0;
- }
- // not locked here, probably ok to call size()
- if( pc->cs.pendingSend.size() >= 1 ) {
- cout << ".waiting for queued sends to complete " << pc->cs.pendingSend.size() << endl;
- while( pc->cs.pendingSend.size() >= 1 )
- pc->cs.msgSent.wait(lk);
- cout << ".waitend" << endl;
- }
- lastComplainTime = curTimeMillis();
- pc->cs.pendingSend.push_back(this);
- /* todo: pace */
- for( unsigned i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++ ) {
- __sendFrag(pc, to, fragments[i]);
- if( i % 64 == 0 && pc->cs.delay >= 1.0 ) {
- ptrace( cout << ".sleep " << pc->cs.delay << endl; )
- sleepmillis((int) pc->cs.delay);
- }
- }
- pc->cs.delaySentMsg();
-CS::CS(ProtocolConnection& _pc) :
- pc(_pc), delay(0), delayMax(10)
-void CS::resetIt() {
- for( vector<MS*>::iterator i = pendingSend.begin(); i < pendingSend.end(); i++ )
- delete (*i);
- pendingSend.clear();
+// protosend.cpp
+/* todo: redo locking! */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "boost/thread.hpp"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+#include "../util/sock.h"
+#include "protoimpl.h"
+using namespace boost;
+typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
+/* todo: granularity? */
+extern boost::mutex biglock;
+void senderComplainThread();
+boost::thread sender(senderComplainThread);
+bool erasePending(ProtocolConnection *pc, int id);
+inline bool MS::complain(unsigned now) {
+ if( tdiff(lastComplainTime, now) < (int) complainInterval )
+ return false;
+ if( complainInterval > 4000 ) {
+ etrace( cout << ".no ack of send after " << complainInterval/1000 << " seconds " << to.toString() << endl; )
+ if( complainInterval > 35000 ) {
+ etrace( cout << ".GIVING UP on sending message" << endl; )
+ erasePending(pc, msgid);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ complainInterval *= 2;
+ lastComplainTime = now;
+ __sendREQUESTACK(pc, to, msgid, fragments.size()-1);
+ return false;
+// where's my ack?
+void senderComplainThread() {
+ sleepmillis(200);
+ while( 1 ) {
+ sleepmillis(50);
+ {
+ lock lk(biglock);
+ unsigned now = curTimeMillis();
+ /* todo: more efficient data structure here. */
+ for( EndPointToPC::iterator i = pcMap.begin(); i != pcMap.end(); i++ ) {
+ ProtocolConnection *pc = i->second;
+ for( vector<MS*>::iterator j = pc->cs.pendingSend.begin(); j < pc->cs.pendingSend.end(); j++ )
+ if( (*j)->complain(now) )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inline MS* _slocked_getMSForFrag(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
+ int id = fr->__msgid();
+ vector<MS*>::iterator it;
+ for( it = pc->cs.pendingSend.begin(); it<pc->cs.pendingSend.end(); it++ ) {
+ MS *m = *it;
+ if( m->msgid == id )
+ return m;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// received a MISSING message from the other end. retransmit.
+void gotMISSING(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
+ pc->cs.delayGotMissing();
+ ptrace( cout << ".gotMISSING() msgid:" << fr->__msgid() << endl; )
+ MS *m = _slocked_getMSForFrag(fr, pc);
+ if( m ) {
+ {
+ int df = tdiff(m->lastComplainTime, curTimeMillis()) * 2;
+ if( df < 10 )
+ df = 10;
+ if( df > 2000 )
+ df = 2000;
+ m->complainInterval = (unsigned) df;
+ cout << "TEMP: set complainInterval to " << m->complainInterval << endl;
+ }
+ int n;
+ short* s = fr->__getMissing(n);
+ assert( n > 0 && n < 5000 );
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ // ptrace( cout << ".. resending frag #" << s[i] << ' ' << m->to.toString() << endl; )
+ __sendFrag(pc, m->to, m->fragments[s[i]], true);
+ if( i % 64 == 0 && pc->cs.delay >= 1.0 ) {
+ ptrace( cout << "SLEEP" << endl; )
+ sleepmillis((int) pc->cs.delay);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ptrace( cout << "\t.warning: gotMISSING for an unknown msg id:" << fr->__msgid() << ' ' << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
+/* done sending a msg, clean up and notify sender to unblock */
+bool erasePending(ProtocolConnection *pc, int id) {
+ vector<MS*>::iterator it;
+ CS& cs = pc->cs;
+ for( it = cs.pendingSend.begin(); it < cs.pendingSend.end(); it++ ) {
+ MS *m = *it;
+ if( m->msgid == id ) {
+ cs.pendingSend.erase(it);
+ ptrace( cout << "..gotACK/erase: found pendingSend msg:" << id << endl; )
+ delete m;
+ cs.msgSent.notify_one();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// received an ACK message. so we can discard our saved copy we were trying to send, we
+// are done with it.
+void gotACK(F* fr, ProtocolConnection *pc) {
+ if( erasePending(pc, fr->__msgid()) )
+ return;
+ ptrace( cout << ".warning: got ack for an unknown msg id:" << fr->__msgid() << ' ' << pc->farEnd.toString() << endl; )
+void MS::send() {
+ /* flow control */
+ lock lk(biglock);
+ ptrace( cout << "..MS::send() pending=" << pc->cs.pendingSend.size() << endl; )
+ if( pc->acceptAnyChannel() ) {
+ EndPointToPC::iterator it = pcMap.find(to);
+ if( it == pcMap.end() ) {
+ cout << ".ERROR: can't find ProtocolConnection object for " << to.toString() << endl;
+ assert(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* switch to the child protocolconnection */
+ pc = it->second;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(pc-> ==;
+ }
+ if( pc->first ) {
+ pc->first = false;
+ if( pc-> >= 0 )
+ __sendRESET(pc);
+ assert( pc-> ==;
+ if( pc-> )
+ pc->cs.delayMax = 1.0;
+ }
+ // not locked here, probably ok to call size()
+ if( pc->cs.pendingSend.size() >= 1 ) {
+ cout << ".waiting for queued sends to complete " << pc->cs.pendingSend.size() << endl;
+ while( pc->cs.pendingSend.size() >= 1 )
+ pc->cs.msgSent.wait(lk);
+ cout << ".waitend" << endl;
+ }
+ lastComplainTime = curTimeMillis();
+ pc->cs.pendingSend.push_back(this);
+ /* todo: pace */
+ for( unsigned i = 0; i < fragments.size(); i++ ) {
+ __sendFrag(pc, to, fragments[i]);
+ if( i % 64 == 0 && pc->cs.delay >= 1.0 ) {
+ ptrace( cout << ".sleep " << pc->cs.delay << endl; )
+ sleepmillis((int) pc->cs.delay);
+ }
+ }
+ pc->cs.delaySentMsg();
+CS::CS(ProtocolConnection& _pc) :
+ pc(_pc), delay(0), delayMax(10)
+void CS::resetIt() {
+ for( vector<MS*>::iterator i = pendingSend.begin(); i < pendingSend.end(); i++ )
+ delete (*i);
+ pendingSend.clear();
diff --git a/stdafx.cpp b/stdafx.cpp
index 0d4d4346506..c61f9d1ab85 100644
--- a/stdafx.cpp
+++ b/stdafx.cpp
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
-// db.pch will be the pre-compiled header
-// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
-#include "stdafx.h"
-// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H
-// and not in this file
-struct MyAsserts {
- MyAsserts() {
- }
-} myassertsstdafx;
-#undef assert
-#undef yassert
-#include "assert.h"
-void sayDbContext(const char *p = 0);
-void wasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) {
- problem() << "Assertion failure " << msg << ' ' << file << ' ' << line << endl;
- cout << "Assertion failure " << msg << endl;
- cout << ' ' << file << ' ' << line << endl;
- sayDbContext();
-void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) {
- wasserted(msg, file, line);
- throw AssertionException();
+// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
+// db.pch will be the pre-compiled header
+// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
+#include "stdafx.h"
+// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H
+// and not in this file
+struct MyAsserts {
+ MyAsserts() {
+ }
+} myassertsstdafx;
+#undef assert
+#undef yassert
+#include "assert.h"
+void sayDbContext(const char *p = 0);
+void wasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) {
+ problem() << "Assertion failure " << msg << ' ' << file << ' ' << line << endl;
+ cout << "Assertion failure " << msg << endl;
+ cout << ' ' << file << ' ' << line << endl;
+ sayDbContext();
+void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line) {
+ wasserted(msg, file, line);
+ throw AssertionException();
diff --git a/stdafx.h b/stdafx.h
index 2c27004912a..0ccb6b17d99 100644
--- a/stdafx.h
+++ b/stdafx.h
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
-// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
-// are changed infrequently
-#pragma once
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-const bool debug=true;
-const bool debug=false;
-#include "targetver.h"
-//#include "assert.h"
-// you can catch these
-class AssertionException {
- AssertionException() { }
-void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line);
-void wasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line);
-#ifdef assert
-#undef assert
-#define assert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (asserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
-#define xassert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (asserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
-#define yassert 1
-/* warning only - keeps going */
-#define wassert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (wasserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <signal.h>
-typedef char _TCHAR;
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-using namespace std;
-#include "time.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <set>
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
-typedef int HANDLE;
-inline void strcpy_s(char *dst, unsigned len, const char *src) { strcpy(dst, src); }
-typedef void *HANDLE;
-//#if defined(CHAR)
-//#error CHAR already defined?
-//#if defined(_WIN32_WINNT)
-//typedef wchar_t CHAR;
-// more to be done...linux unicode is 32 bit.
-//typedef unsigned short CHAR; // 16 bit unicode
-#define null (0)
-#include <vector>
-// for debugging
-typedef struct _Ints { int i[100]; } *Ints;
-typedef struct _Chars { char c[200]; } *Chars;
-typedef char CHARS[400];
-typedef struct _OWS {
- int size;
- char type;
- char string[400];
-} *OWS;
-extern ofstream problems;
-class Client;
-extern Client *client;
-extern const char *curNs;
-// not threadsafe
-inline ofstream& problem() {
- time_t t;
- time(&t);
- string now(ctime(&t),0,20);
- problems << now;
- if( client )
- problems << curNs << ' ';
- return problems;
-#define DEBUGGING if( 0 )
-extern unsigned occasion;
-#define OCCASIONALLY if( ++occasion % 16 == 0 )
+// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
+// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
+// are changed infrequently
+#pragma once
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+const bool debug=true;
+const bool debug=false;
+#include "targetver.h"
+//#include "assert.h"
+// you can catch these
+class AssertionException {
+ AssertionException() { }
+void asserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line);
+void wasserted(const char *msg, const char *file, unsigned line);
+#ifdef assert
+#undef assert
+#define assert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (asserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
+#define xassert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (asserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
+#define yassert 1
+/* warning only - keeps going */
+#define wassert(_Expression) (void)( (!!(_Expression)) || (wasserted(#_Expression, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) )
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <signal.h>
+typedef char _TCHAR;
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace std;
+#include "time.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+typedef int HANDLE;
+inline void strcpy_s(char *dst, unsigned len, const char *src) { strcpy(dst, src); }
+typedef void *HANDLE;
+//#if defined(CHAR)
+//#error CHAR already defined?
+//#if defined(_WIN32_WINNT)
+//typedef wchar_t CHAR;
+// more to be done...linux unicode is 32 bit.
+//typedef unsigned short CHAR; // 16 bit unicode
+#define null (0)
+#include <vector>
+// for debugging
+typedef struct _Ints { int i[100]; } *Ints;
+typedef struct _Chars { char c[200]; } *Chars;
+typedef char CHARS[400];
+typedef struct _OWS {
+ int size;
+ char type;
+ char string[400];
+} *OWS;
+extern ofstream problems;
+class Client;
+extern Client *client;
+extern const char *curNs;
+// not threadsafe
+inline ofstream& problem() {
+ time_t t;
+ time(&t);
+ string now(ctime(&t),0,20);
+ problems << now;
+ if( client )
+ problems << curNs << ' ';
+ return problems;
+#define DEBUGGING if( 0 )
+extern unsigned occasion;
+#define OCCASIONALLY if( ++occasion % 16 == 0 )
diff --git a/targetver.h b/targetver.h
index 3965af59bcd..11ff16bf5aa 100644
--- a/targetver.h
+++ b/targetver.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#pragma once
-#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT // Allow use of features specific to Windows Vista or later.
-#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.
+#pragma once
+#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT // Allow use of features specific to Windows Vista or later.
+#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.
diff --git a/util/builder.h b/util/builder.h
index ddc49ec2c91..67b8c38d87f 100644
--- a/util/builder.h
+++ b/util/builder.h
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-/* builder.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-class BufBuilder {
- BufBuilder(int initsize = 512) : size(initsize) {
- data = (char *) malloc(size); assert(data);
- l = 0;
- }
- ~BufBuilder() { kill(); }
- void kill() {
- if( data ) {
- free(data);
- data = 0;
- }
- }
- /* leave room for some stuff later */
- void skip(int n) { grow(n); }
- /* note this may be deallocated (realloced) if you keep writing. */
- char* buf() { return data; }
- /* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it */
- void decouple() { data = 0; }
- template<class T> void append(T j) { *((T*)grow(sizeof(T))) = j; }
- void append(short j) { append<short>(j); }
- void append(int j) { append<int>(j); }
- void append(unsigned j) { append<unsigned>(j); }
- void append(bool j) { append<bool>(j); }
- void append(double j) { append<double>(j); }
- void append(void *src, int len) { memcpy(grow(len), src, len); }
- void append(const char *str) {
- append((void*) str, strlen(str)+1);
- }
- int len() { return l; }
- /* returns the pre-grow write position */
- char* grow(int by) {
- int oldlen = l;
- l += by;
- if( l > size ) {
- int a = size * 2;
- if( l > a )
- a = l + 16 * 1024;
- assert( a < 64 * 1024 * 1024 );
- data = (char *) realloc(data, a);
- size= a;
- }
- return data + oldlen;
- }
- char *data;
- int l;
- int size;
+/* builder.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+class BufBuilder {
+ BufBuilder(int initsize = 512) : size(initsize) {
+ data = (char *) malloc(size); assert(data);
+ l = 0;
+ }
+ ~BufBuilder() { kill(); }
+ void kill() {
+ if( data ) {
+ free(data);
+ data = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* leave room for some stuff later */
+ void skip(int n) { grow(n); }
+ /* note this may be deallocated (realloced) if you keep writing. */
+ char* buf() { return data; }
+ /* assume ownership of the buffer - you must then free it */
+ void decouple() { data = 0; }
+ template<class T> void append(T j) { *((T*)grow(sizeof(T))) = j; }
+ void append(short j) { append<short>(j); }
+ void append(int j) { append<int>(j); }
+ void append(unsigned j) { append<unsigned>(j); }
+ void append(bool j) { append<bool>(j); }
+ void append(double j) { append<double>(j); }
+ void append(void *src, int len) { memcpy(grow(len), src, len); }
+ void append(const char *str) {
+ append((void*) str, strlen(str)+1);
+ }
+ int len() { return l; }
+ /* returns the pre-grow write position */
+ char* grow(int by) {
+ int oldlen = l;
+ l += by;
+ if( l > size ) {
+ int a = size * 2;
+ if( l > a )
+ a = l + 16 * 1024;
+ assert( a < 64 * 1024 * 1024 );
+ data = (char *) realloc(data, a);
+ size= a;
+ }
+ return data + oldlen;
+ }
+ char *data;
+ int l;
+ int size;
diff --git a/util/goodies.h b/util/goodies.h
index 79933a9a2b8..94ca721aa8b 100644
--- a/util/goodies.h
+++ b/util/goodies.h
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
-// goodies.h
-// miscellaneous junk
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#if !defined(_WIN32)
-#include <pthread.h>
-inline pthread_t GetCurrentThreadId() { return pthread_self(); }
-/* set to TRUE if we are exiting */
-extern bool goingAway;
-bool isPrime(int n);
-int nextPrime(int n);
-inline void dumpmemory(const char *data, int len) {
- if( len > 1024 )
- len = 1024;
- try {
- const char *q = data;
- const char *p = q;
- while( len > 0 ) {
- for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
- if( *p >= 32 && *p <= 126 )
- cout << *p;
- else
- cout << '.';
- p++;
- }
- cout << " ";
- p -= 16;
- for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
- cout << (unsigned) ((unsigned char)*p++) << ' ';
- cout << endl;
- len -= 16;
- }
- } catch(...) {
- }
-#undef yassert
-#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread/xtime.hpp>
-#undef assert
-#define assert xassert
-#define yassert 1
-struct WrappingInt {
- WrappingInt() { x = 0; }
- WrappingInt(unsigned z) : x(z) { }
- unsigned x;
- operator unsigned() const { return x; }
- WrappingInt& operator++() { x++; return *this; }
- static int diff(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a-b; }
- bool operator<=(WrappingInt r) {
- // platform dependent
- int df = (r.x - x);
- return df >= 0;
- }
- bool operator>(WrappingInt r) { return !(r<=*this); }
-#include <ctime>
-inline void time_t_to_String(time_t t, char *buf) {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- ctime_s(buf, 64, &t);
- ctime_r(&t, buf);
- buf[24] = 0; // don't want the \n
-inline void sleepsecs(int s) {
- boost::xtime xt;
- boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
- xt.sec += s;
- boost::thread::sleep(xt);
-inline void sleepmillis(int s) {
- boost::xtime xt;
- boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
- xt.nsec += s * 1000000;
- boost::thread::sleep(xt);
-// note this wraps
-inline int tdiff(unsigned told, unsigned tnew) {
- return WrappingInt::diff(tnew, told);
-inline unsigned curTimeMillis() {
- boost::xtime xt;
- boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
- unsigned t = xt.nsec / 1000000;
- return (xt.sec & 0xfffff) * 1000 + t;
-inline unsigned long long jsTime() {
- boost::xtime xt;
- boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
- unsigned long long t = xt.nsec / 1000000;
- return ((unsigned long long) xt.sec * 1000) + t;
-// measures up to 1024 seconds. or, 512 seconds with tdiff that is...
-inline unsigned curTimeMicros() {
- boost::xtime xt;
- boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
- unsigned t = xt.nsec / 1000;
- unsigned secs = xt.sec % 1024;
- t = secs*1000000 + t;
- return t;
-using namespace boost;
-typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
-// simple scoped timer
-class Timer {
- Timer() { old = curTimeMicros(); }
- int millis() { return micros() / 1000; }
- int micros() {
- unsigned n = curTimeMicros();
- return tdiff(old, n);
- }
- unsigned old;
+// goodies.h
+// miscellaneous junk
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+#include <pthread.h>
+inline pthread_t GetCurrentThreadId() { return pthread_self(); }
+/* set to TRUE if we are exiting */
+extern bool goingAway;
+bool isPrime(int n);
+int nextPrime(int n);
+inline void dumpmemory(const char *data, int len) {
+ if( len > 1024 )
+ len = 1024;
+ try {
+ const char *q = data;
+ const char *p = q;
+ while( len > 0 ) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
+ if( *p >= 32 && *p <= 126 )
+ cout << *p;
+ else
+ cout << '.';
+ p++;
+ }
+ cout << " ";
+ p -= 16;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
+ cout << (unsigned) ((unsigned char)*p++) << ' ';
+ cout << endl;
+ len -= 16;
+ }
+ } catch(...) {
+ }
+#undef yassert
+#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/xtime.hpp>
+#undef assert
+#define assert xassert
+#define yassert 1
+struct WrappingInt {
+ WrappingInt() { x = 0; }
+ WrappingInt(unsigned z) : x(z) { }
+ unsigned x;
+ operator unsigned() const { return x; }
+ WrappingInt& operator++() { x++; return *this; }
+ static int diff(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return a-b; }
+ bool operator<=(WrappingInt r) {
+ // platform dependent
+ int df = (r.x - x);
+ return df >= 0;
+ }
+ bool operator>(WrappingInt r) { return !(r<=*this); }
+#include <ctime>
+inline void time_t_to_String(time_t t, char *buf) {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ ctime_s(buf, 64, &t);
+ ctime_r(&t, buf);
+ buf[24] = 0; // don't want the \n
+inline void sleepsecs(int s) {
+ boost::xtime xt;
+ boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ xt.sec += s;
+ boost::thread::sleep(xt);
+inline void sleepmillis(int s) {
+ boost::xtime xt;
+ boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ xt.nsec += s * 1000000;
+ boost::thread::sleep(xt);
+// note this wraps
+inline int tdiff(unsigned told, unsigned tnew) {
+ return WrappingInt::diff(tnew, told);
+inline unsigned curTimeMillis() {
+ boost::xtime xt;
+ boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ unsigned t = xt.nsec / 1000000;
+ return (xt.sec & 0xfffff) * 1000 + t;
+inline unsigned long long jsTime() {
+ boost::xtime xt;
+ boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ unsigned long long t = xt.nsec / 1000000;
+ return ((unsigned long long) xt.sec * 1000) + t;
+// measures up to 1024 seconds. or, 512 seconds with tdiff that is...
+inline unsigned curTimeMicros() {
+ boost::xtime xt;
+ boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);
+ unsigned t = xt.nsec / 1000;
+ unsigned secs = xt.sec % 1024;
+ t = secs*1000000 + t;
+ return t;
+using namespace boost;
+typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock;
+// simple scoped timer
+class Timer {
+ Timer() { old = curTimeMicros(); }
+ int millis() { return micros() / 1000; }
+ int micros() {
+ unsigned n = curTimeMicros();
+ return tdiff(old, n);
+ }
+ unsigned old;
diff --git a/util/hashtab.h b/util/hashtab.h
index 8b8b53b182e..9ea3c2342d5 100644
--- a/util/hashtab.h
+++ b/util/hashtab.h
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
-/* hashtab.h
- Simple, fixed size hash table. Darn simple.
- Uses a contiguous block of memory, so you can put it in a memory mapped file very easily.
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include <map>
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-/* you should define:
- int Key::hash() return > 0 always.
-template <
- class Key,
- class Type
-class HashTable {
- const char *name;
- struct Node {
- int hash;
- Key k;
- Type value;
- bool inUse() { return hash != 0; }
- } *nodes;
- int n;
- int _find(const Key& k, bool& found) {
- found = false;
- int h = k.hash();
- int i = h % n;
- int start = i;
- int chain = 0;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( !nodes[i].inUse() ) {
- return i;
- }
- if( nodes[i].hash == h && nodes[i].k == k ) {
- found = true;
- return i;
- }
- chain++;
- i = (i+1) % n;
- if( i == start ) {
- cout << "warning: hashtable is full " << name << endl;
- return -1;
- }
- if( chain == 200 )
- cout << "warning: hashtable long chain " << name << endl;
- }
- }
- /* buf must be all zeroes on initialization. */
- HashTable(void *buf, int buflen, const char *_name) : name(_name) {
- int m = sizeof(Node);
- // cout << "hashtab init, buflen:" << buflen << " m:" << m << endl;
- n = buflen / m;
- if( (n & 1) == 0 )
- n--;
- nodes = (Node *) buf;
- assert(nodes[n-1].hash == 0);
- assert(nodes[0].hash == 0);
- assert( sizeof(Node) == 628 );
- //cout << "HashTable() " << _name << " sizeof(node):" << sizeof(Node) << " n:" << n << endl;
- }
- Type* get(const Key& k) {
- bool found;
- int i = _find(k, found);
- if( found )
- return &nodes[i].value;
- return 0;
- }
- void kill(const Key& k) {
- bool found;
- int i = _find(k, found);
- if( i >= 0 && found )
- nodes[i].k.kill();
- }
- void put(const Key& k, const Type& value) {
- bool found;
- int i = _find(k, found);
- if( i < 0 )
- return;
- if( !found ) {
- nodes[i].k = k;
- nodes[i].hash = k.hash();
- }
- else {
- assert( nodes[i].hash == k.hash() );
- }
- nodes[i].value = value;
- }
-#pragma pack(pop)
+/* hashtab.h
+ Simple, fixed size hash table. Darn simple.
+ Uses a contiguous block of memory, so you can put it in a memory mapped file very easily.
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include <map>
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+/* you should define:
+ int Key::hash() return > 0 always.
+template <
+ class Key,
+ class Type
+class HashTable {
+ const char *name;
+ struct Node {
+ int hash;
+ Key k;
+ Type value;
+ bool inUse() { return hash != 0; }
+ } *nodes;
+ int n;
+ int _find(const Key& k, bool& found) {
+ found = false;
+ int h = k.hash();
+ int i = h % n;
+ int start = i;
+ int chain = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( !nodes[i].inUse() ) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ if( nodes[i].hash == h && nodes[i].k == k ) {
+ found = true;
+ return i;
+ }
+ chain++;
+ i = (i+1) % n;
+ if( i == start ) {
+ cout << "warning: hashtable is full " << name << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if( chain == 200 )
+ cout << "warning: hashtable long chain " << name << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ /* buf must be all zeroes on initialization. */
+ HashTable(void *buf, int buflen, const char *_name) : name(_name) {
+ int m = sizeof(Node);
+ // cout << "hashtab init, buflen:" << buflen << " m:" << m << endl;
+ n = buflen / m;
+ if( (n & 1) == 0 )
+ n--;
+ nodes = (Node *) buf;
+ assert(nodes[n-1].hash == 0);
+ assert(nodes[0].hash == 0);
+ assert( sizeof(Node) == 628 );
+ //cout << "HashTable() " << _name << " sizeof(node):" << sizeof(Node) << " n:" << n << endl;
+ }
+ Type* get(const Key& k) {
+ bool found;
+ int i = _find(k, found);
+ if( found )
+ return &nodes[i].value;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void kill(const Key& k) {
+ bool found;
+ int i = _find(k, found);
+ if( i >= 0 && found )
+ nodes[i].k.kill();
+ }
+ void put(const Key& k, const Type& value) {
+ bool found;
+ int i = _find(k, found);
+ if( i < 0 )
+ return;
+ if( !found ) {
+ nodes[i].k = k;
+ nodes[i].hash = k.hash();
+ }
+ else {
+ assert( nodes[i].hash == k.hash() );
+ }
+ nodes[i].value = value;
+ }
+#pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/util/lruishmap.h b/util/lruishmap.h
index 1fd63d577fb..eca27609897 100644
--- a/util/lruishmap.h
+++ b/util/lruishmap.h
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-// lru-ish map.h
-#pragma once
-#include "../stdafx.h"
-#include "../util/goodies.h"
-/* Your K object must define:
- int hash() - must always return > 0.
- operator==
-template <class K, class V, int MaxChain>
-class LRUishMap {
- LRUishMap(int _n) {
- n = nextPrime(_n);
- keys = new K[n];
- hashes = new int[n];
- for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) hashes[i] = 0;
- }
- ~LRUishMap() {
- delete[] keys;
- delete[] hashes;
- }
- int _find(const K& k, bool& found) {
- int h = k.hash();
- assert( h > 0 );
- int j = h % n;
- int first = j;
- for( int i = 0; i < MaxChain; i++ ) {
- if( hashes[j] == h ) {
- if( keys[j] == k ) {
- found = true;
- return j;
- }
- }
- else if( hashes[j] == 0 ) {
- found = false;
- return j;
- }
- }
- found = false;
- return first;
- }
- V* find(const K& k) {
- bool found;
- int j = _find(k, found);
- return found ? &values[j] : 0;
- }
- int n;
- K *keys;
- int *hashes;
- V *values;
+// lru-ish map.h
+#pragma once
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include "../util/goodies.h"
+/* Your K object must define:
+ int hash() - must always return > 0.
+ operator==
+template <class K, class V, int MaxChain>
+class LRUishMap {
+ LRUishMap(int _n) {
+ n = nextPrime(_n);
+ keys = new K[n];
+ hashes = new int[n];
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) hashes[i] = 0;
+ }
+ ~LRUishMap() {
+ delete[] keys;
+ delete[] hashes;
+ }
+ int _find(const K& k, bool& found) {
+ int h = k.hash();
+ assert( h > 0 );
+ int j = h % n;
+ int first = j;
+ for( int i = 0; i < MaxChain; i++ ) {
+ if( hashes[j] == h ) {
+ if( keys[j] == k ) {
+ found = true;
+ return j;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( hashes[j] == 0 ) {
+ found = false;
+ return j;
+ }
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return first;
+ }
+ V* find(const K& k) {
+ bool found;
+ int j = _find(k, found);
+ return found ? &values[j] : 0;
+ }
+ int n;
+ K *keys;
+ int *hashes;
+ V *values;
diff --git a/util/mmap.cpp b/util/mmap.cpp
index 6955d1ca96c..f034b2a3cea 100644
--- a/util/mmap.cpp
+++ b/util/mmap.cpp
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
-// mmap.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "mmap.h"
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include "windows.h"
-MemoryMappedFile::MemoryMappedFile() {
- fd = 0; maphandle = 0; view = 0;
-MemoryMappedFile::~MemoryMappedFile() {
- if( view )
- UnmapViewOfFile(view);
- view = 0;
- if( maphandle )
- CloseHandle(maphandle);
- maphandle = 0;
- if( fd )
- CloseHandle(fd);
- fd = 0;
-std::wstring toWideString(const char *s) {
- //const std::basic_string<TCHAR> s) {
- std::basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> buf;
- buf << s;
- return buf.str();
-unsigned mapped = 0;
-void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filename, int length) {
- std::wstring filenamew = toWideString(filename);
- fd = CreateFile(
- if( fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
- cout << "CreateFile failed " << filename << endl;
- return 0;
- }
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- if( mapped > 500000000 ) {
- cout << "too much mem mapped for win32" << endl;
- if( length > 50000000 )
- length = 50000000;
- }
- mapped += length;
- maphandle = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, length, NULL);
- if( maphandle == NULL ) {
- cout << "CreateFileMapping failed " << filename << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- view = MapViewOfFile(maphandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
- if( view == 0 )
- cout << "MapViewOfFile failed " << filename << ' ' << GetLastError() << endl;
- return view;
-void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool) {
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-MemoryMappedFile::MemoryMappedFile() {
- fd = 0; maphandle = 0; view = 0; len = 0;
-MemoryMappedFile::~MemoryMappedFile() {
- if( view )
- munmap(view, len);
- view = 0;
- if( fd )
- close(fd);
- fd = 0;
-#ifndef O_NOATIME
-#warning NO O_NOATIME
-#define O_NOATIME 0
-void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filename, int length) {
- len = length;
- fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_NOATIME, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if( !fd ) {
- cout << "couldn't open " << filename << ' ' << errno << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- /* make sure the file is the full desired length */
- off_t filelen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
- if( filelen < length ) {
- cout << "map: file length=" << filelen << " want:" << length << endl;
- if( filelen != 0 ) {
- cout << " failing mapping" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- cout << " writing file to full length with zeroes..." << endl;
- int z = 8192;
- char buf[z];
- memset(buf, 0, z);
- int left = length;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( left <= z ) {
- write(fd, buf, left);
- break;
- }
- write(fd, buf, z);
- left -= z;
- }
- cout << " done" << endl;
- }
- lseek(fd, length, SEEK_SET);
- write(fd, "", 1);
- view = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
- return view;
-void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool sync) {
- if( msync(view, len, sync ? MS_SYNC : MS_ASYNC) )
- cout << "msync error " << errno << endl;
+// mmap.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "mmap.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include "windows.h"
+MemoryMappedFile::MemoryMappedFile() {
+ fd = 0; maphandle = 0; view = 0;
+MemoryMappedFile::~MemoryMappedFile() {
+ if( view )
+ UnmapViewOfFile(view);
+ view = 0;
+ if( maphandle )
+ CloseHandle(maphandle);
+ maphandle = 0;
+ if( fd )
+ CloseHandle(fd);
+ fd = 0;
+std::wstring toWideString(const char *s) {
+ //const std::basic_string<TCHAR> s) {
+ std::basic_ostringstream<TCHAR> buf;
+ buf << s;
+ return buf.str();
+unsigned mapped = 0;
+void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filename, int length) {
+ std::wstring filenamew = toWideString(filename);
+ fd = CreateFile(
+ if( fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
+ cout << "CreateFile failed " << filename << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ if( mapped > 500000000 ) {
+ cout << "too much mem mapped for win32" << endl;
+ if( length > 50000000 )
+ length = 50000000;
+ }
+ mapped += length;
+ maphandle = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, length, NULL);
+ if( maphandle == NULL ) {
+ cout << "CreateFileMapping failed " << filename << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ view = MapViewOfFile(maphandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0);
+ if( view == 0 )
+ cout << "MapViewOfFile failed " << filename << ' ' << GetLastError() << endl;
+ return view;
+void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool) {
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+MemoryMappedFile::MemoryMappedFile() {
+ fd = 0; maphandle = 0; view = 0; len = 0;
+MemoryMappedFile::~MemoryMappedFile() {
+ if( view )
+ munmap(view, len);
+ view = 0;
+ if( fd )
+ close(fd);
+ fd = 0;
+#ifndef O_NOATIME
+#warning NO O_NOATIME
+#define O_NOATIME 0
+void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filename, int length) {
+ len = length;
+ fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_NOATIME, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+ if( !fd ) {
+ cout << "couldn't open " << filename << ' ' << errno << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* make sure the file is the full desired length */
+ off_t filelen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if( filelen < length ) {
+ cout << "map: file length=" << filelen << " want:" << length << endl;
+ if( filelen != 0 ) {
+ cout << " failing mapping" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cout << " writing file to full length with zeroes..." << endl;
+ int z = 8192;
+ char buf[z];
+ memset(buf, 0, z);
+ int left = length;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( left <= z ) {
+ write(fd, buf, left);
+ break;
+ }
+ write(fd, buf, z);
+ left -= z;
+ }
+ cout << " done" << endl;
+ }
+ lseek(fd, length, SEEK_SET);
+ write(fd, "", 1);
+ view = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+ return view;
+void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool sync) {
+ if( msync(view, len, sync ? MS_SYNC : MS_ASYNC) )
+ cout << "msync error " << errno << endl;
diff --git a/util/mmap.h b/util/mmap.h
index aae4eed0f32..15f638787d8 100644
--- a/util/mmap.h
+++ b/util/mmap.h
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-// mmap.h
-#pragma once
-class MemoryMappedFile {
- MemoryMappedFile();
- ~MemoryMappedFile();
- /* only smart enough right now to deal with files of a fixed length.
- creates if DNE
- */
- void* map(const char *filename, int length);
- void flush(bool sync);
- HANDLE fd;
- HANDLE maphandle;
- void *view;
- int len;
+// mmap.h
+#pragma once
+class MemoryMappedFile {
+ MemoryMappedFile();
+ ~MemoryMappedFile();
+ /* only smart enough right now to deal with files of a fixed length.
+ creates if DNE
+ */
+ void* map(const char *filename, int length);
+ void flush(bool sync);
+ HANDLE fd;
+ HANDLE maphandle;
+ void *view;
+ int len;
diff --git a/util/sock.cpp b/util/sock.cpp
index 7b0c20e7ff5..1b86edd4f5e 100644
--- a/util/sock.cpp
+++ b/util/sock.cpp
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
-// sock.cpp
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "sock.h"
-void sendtest() {
- cout << "sendtest\n";
- SockAddr me(27016);
- SockAddr dest("", 27015);
- UDPConnection c;
- if( c.init(me) ) {
- char buf[256];
- cout << "sendto: ";
- cout << c.sendto(buf, sizeof(buf), dest) << " errno:" << h_errno << endl;
- }
- cout << "end\n";
-void listentest() {
- cout << "listentest\n";
- SockAddr me(27015);
- SockAddr sender;
- UDPConnection c;
- if( c.init(me) ) {
- char buf[256];
- cout << "recvfrom: ";
- cout << c.recvfrom(buf, sizeof(buf), sender) << " errno:" << h_errno << endl;
- }
- cout << "end listentest\n";
-void xmain();
-struct SockStartupTests {
- SockStartupTests() {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- if( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &d) != 0 ) {
- cout << "ERROR: wsastartup failed " << errno << endl;
- problem() << "ERROR: wsastartup failed " << errno << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- //cout << "ntohl:" << ntohl(256) << endl;
- //sendtest();
- //listentest();
- }
-} sstests;
-#if 0
-void smain() {
- WSADATA wsaData;
- SOCKET RecvSocket;
- sockaddr_in RecvAddr;
- int Port = 27015;
- char RecvBuf[1024];
- int BufLen = 1024;
- sockaddr_in SenderAddr;
- int SenderAddrSize = sizeof(SenderAddr);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Initialize Winsock
- WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Create a receiver socket to receive datagrams
- RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
- prebindOptions( RecvSocket );
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Bind the socket to any address and the specified port.
- RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port);
- RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr));
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Call the recvfrom function to receive datagrams
- // on the bound socket.
- printf("Receiving datagrams...\n");
- recvfrom(RecvSocket,
- RecvBuf,
- BufLen,
- 0,
- (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr,
- &SenderAddrSize);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Close the socket when finished receiving datagrams
- printf("Finished receiving. Closing socket.\n");
- closesocket(RecvSocket);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Clean up and exit.
- printf("Exiting.\n");
- WSACleanup();
- return;
-void xmain() {
- WSADATA wsaData;
- SOCKET RecvSocket;
- sockaddr_in RecvAddr;
- int Port = 27015;
- char RecvBuf[1024];
- int BufLen = 1024;
- sockaddr_in SenderAddr;
- int SenderAddrSize = sizeof(SenderAddr);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Initialize Winsock
- WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Create a receiver socket to receive datagrams
- RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
- prebindOptions( RecvSocket );
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Bind the socket to any address and the specified port.
- RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port);
- RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- SockAddr a(Port);
- bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &, a.addressSize);
-// bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr));
- SockAddr b;
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Call the recvfrom function to receive datagrams
- // on the bound socket.
- printf("Receiving datagrams...\n");
- recvfrom(RecvSocket,
- RecvBuf,
- BufLen,
- 0,
- (SOCKADDR *) &, &b.addressSize);
-// (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr,
-// &SenderAddrSize);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Close the socket when finished receiving datagrams
- printf("Finished receiving. Closing socket.\n");
- closesocket(RecvSocket);
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Clean up and exit.
- printf("Exiting.\n");
- WSACleanup();
- return;
+// sock.cpp
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "sock.h"
+void sendtest() {
+ cout << "sendtest\n";
+ SockAddr me(27016);
+ SockAddr dest("", 27015);
+ UDPConnection c;
+ if( c.init(me) ) {
+ char buf[256];
+ cout << "sendto: ";
+ cout << c.sendto(buf, sizeof(buf), dest) << " errno:" << h_errno << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "end\n";
+void listentest() {
+ cout << "listentest\n";
+ SockAddr me(27015);
+ SockAddr sender;
+ UDPConnection c;
+ if( c.init(me) ) {
+ char buf[256];
+ cout << "recvfrom: ";
+ cout << c.recvfrom(buf, sizeof(buf), sender) << " errno:" << h_errno << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "end listentest\n";
+void xmain();
+struct SockStartupTests {
+ SockStartupTests() {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ if( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &d) != 0 ) {
+ cout << "ERROR: wsastartup failed " << errno << endl;
+ problem() << "ERROR: wsastartup failed " << errno << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ //cout << "ntohl:" << ntohl(256) << endl;
+ //sendtest();
+ //listentest();
+ }
+} sstests;
+#if 0
+void smain() {
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ SOCKET RecvSocket;
+ sockaddr_in RecvAddr;
+ int Port = 27015;
+ char RecvBuf[1024];
+ int BufLen = 1024;
+ sockaddr_in SenderAddr;
+ int SenderAddrSize = sizeof(SenderAddr);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Initialize Winsock
+ WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Create a receiver socket to receive datagrams
+ RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ prebindOptions( RecvSocket );
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Bind the socket to any address and the specified port.
+ RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port);
+ RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr));
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Call the recvfrom function to receive datagrams
+ // on the bound socket.
+ printf("Receiving datagrams...\n");
+ recvfrom(RecvSocket,
+ RecvBuf,
+ BufLen,
+ 0,
+ (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr,
+ &SenderAddrSize);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Close the socket when finished receiving datagrams
+ printf("Finished receiving. Closing socket.\n");
+ closesocket(RecvSocket);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Clean up and exit.
+ printf("Exiting.\n");
+ WSACleanup();
+ return;
+void xmain() {
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ SOCKET RecvSocket;
+ sockaddr_in RecvAddr;
+ int Port = 27015;
+ char RecvBuf[1024];
+ int BufLen = 1024;
+ sockaddr_in SenderAddr;
+ int SenderAddrSize = sizeof(SenderAddr);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Initialize Winsock
+ WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Create a receiver socket to receive datagrams
+ RecvSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ prebindOptions( RecvSocket );
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Bind the socket to any address and the specified port.
+ RecvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ RecvAddr.sin_port = htons(Port);
+ RecvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ SockAddr a(Port);
+ bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &, a.addressSize);
+// bind(RecvSocket, (SOCKADDR *) &RecvAddr, sizeof(RecvAddr));
+ SockAddr b;
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Call the recvfrom function to receive datagrams
+ // on the bound socket.
+ printf("Receiving datagrams...\n");
+ recvfrom(RecvSocket,
+ RecvBuf,
+ BufLen,
+ 0,
+ (SOCKADDR *) &, &b.addressSize);
+// (SOCKADDR *)&SenderAddr,
+// &SenderAddrSize);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Close the socket when finished receiving datagrams
+ printf("Finished receiving. Closing socket.\n");
+ closesocket(RecvSocket);
+ //-----------------------------------------------
+ // Clean up and exit.
+ printf("Exiting.\n");
+ WSACleanup();
+ return;
diff --git a/util/sock.h b/util/sock.h
index def64035c80..3c00fe6a83f 100644
--- a/util/sock.h
+++ b/util/sock.h
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
-// sock.h
-#pragma once
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "goodies.h"
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include <ws2tcpip.h>
-typedef int socklen_t;
-inline int getLastError() { return WSAGetLastError(); }
-inline void disableNagle(int sock) {
- int x = 1;
- if( setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) )
- cout << "ERROR: disableNagle failed" << endl;
-inline void prebindOptions( int sock ){
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-inline void closesocket(int s) { close(s); }
-const int INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
-typedef int SOCKET;
-#define h_errno errno
-inline int getLastError() { return errno; }
-inline void disableNagle(int sock) {
- int x = 1;
- #ifdef SOL_TCP
- int level = SOL_TCP;
- #else
- int level = SOL_SOCKET;
- #endif
+// sock.h
+#pragma once
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "goodies.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+typedef int socklen_t;
+inline int getLastError() { return WSAGetLastError(); }
+inline void disableNagle(int sock) {
+ int x = 1;
+ if( setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) )
+ cout << "ERROR: disableNagle failed" << endl;
+inline void prebindOptions( int sock ){
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+inline void closesocket(int s) { close(s); }
+const int INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
+typedef int SOCKET;
+#define h_errno errno
+inline int getLastError() { return errno; }
+inline void disableNagle(int sock) {
+ int x = 1;
+ #ifdef SOL_TCP
+ int level = SOL_TCP;
+ #else
+ int level = SOL_SOCKET;
+ #endif
if( setsockopt(sock, level, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) )
- cout << "ERROR: disableNagle failed" << endl;
+ cout << "ERROR: disableNagle failed" << endl;
+inline void prebindOptions( int sock ){
+ cout << "doing prebind option" << endl;
+ int x = 1;
+ if ( setsockopt( sock , SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &x, sizeof(x)) < 0 )
+ cout << "Failed to set socket opt, SO_REUSEADDR" << endl;
+struct SockAddr {
+ SockAddr() { addressSize = sizeof(sockaddr_in); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); }
+ SockAddr(int sourcePort); /* listener side */
+ SockAddr(const char *ip, int port); /* EndPoint (remote) side, or if you want to specify which interface locally */
+ struct sockaddr_in sa;
+ socklen_t addressSize;
+ bool isLocalHost() const {
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+ return sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == 0x100007f;
+ return sa.sin_addr.s_addr == 0x100007f;
+ }
+ string toString() {
+ stringstream out;
+ out << inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr) << ':'
+ << sa.sin_port;
+ return out.str();
+ }
+ unsigned getPort() { return sa.sin_port; }
+ bool operator==(const SockAddr& r) const {
+ return sa.sin_addr.s_addr == &&
+ sa.sin_port ==;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const SockAddr& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
+ bool operator<(const SockAddr& r) const {
+ if( sa.sin_port >= )
+ return false;
+ return sa.sin_addr.s_addr <;
+ }
+const int MaxMTU = 16384;
+class UDPConnection {
+ UDPConnection() { sock = 0; }
+ ~UDPConnection() { if( sock ) { closesocket(sock); sock = 0; } }
+ bool init(const SockAddr& myAddr);
+ int recvfrom(char *buf, int len, SockAddr& sender);
+ int sendto(char *buf, int len, const SockAddr& EndPoint);
+ int mtu(const SockAddr& sa) {
+ return sa.isLocalHost() ? 16384 : 1480;
+ }
+ SOCKET sock;
+inline int UDPConnection::recvfrom(char *buf, int len, SockAddr& sender) {
+ return ::recvfrom(sock, buf, len, 0, (sockaddr *) &, &sender.addressSize);
+inline int UDPConnection::sendto(char *buf, int len, const SockAddr& EndPoint) {
+ if( 0 && rand() < (RAND_MAX>>4) ) {
+ cout << " NOTSENT ";
+ // cout << curTimeMillis() << " .TEST: NOT SENDING PACKET" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ::sendto(sock, buf, len, 0, (sockaddr *) &, EndPoint.addressSize);
+inline bool UDPConnection::init(const SockAddr& myAddr) {
+ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
+ cout << "invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //cout << sizeof(sockaddr_in) << ' ' << myAddr.addressSize << endl;
+ if( bind(sock, (sockaddr *) &, myAddr.addressSize) != 0 ) {
+ cout << "udp init failed" << endl;
+ closesocket(sock);
+ sock = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ socklen_t optLen;
+ int rcvbuf;
+ if (getsockopt(sock,
+ (char*)&rcvbuf,
+ &optLen) != -1)
+ cout << "SO_RCVBUF:" << rcvbuf << endl;
+ return true;
+inline SockAddr::SockAddr(int sourcePort) {
+ memset(sa.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sa.sin_zero));
+ sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sa.sin_port = htons(sourcePort);
+ sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+ addressSize = sizeof(sa);
+inline SockAddr::SockAddr(const char *ip, int port) {
+ memset(sa.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sa.sin_zero));
+ sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sa.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
+ addressSize = sizeof(sa);
-inline void prebindOptions( int sock ){
- cout << "doing prebind option" << endl;
- int x = 1;
- if ( setsockopt( sock , SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &x, sizeof(x)) < 0 )
- cout << "Failed to set socket opt, SO_REUSEADDR" << endl;
-struct SockAddr {
- SockAddr() { addressSize = sizeof(sockaddr_in); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); }
- SockAddr(int sourcePort); /* listener side */
- SockAddr(const char *ip, int port); /* EndPoint (remote) side, or if you want to specify which interface locally */
- struct sockaddr_in sa;
- socklen_t addressSize;
- bool isLocalHost() const {
-#if defined(_WIN32)
- return sa.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == 0x100007f;
- return sa.sin_addr.s_addr == 0x100007f;
- }
- string toString() {
- stringstream out;
- out << inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr) << ':'
- << sa.sin_port;
- return out.str();
- }
- unsigned getPort() { return sa.sin_port; }
- bool operator==(const SockAddr& r) const {
- return sa.sin_addr.s_addr == &&
- sa.sin_port ==;
- }
- bool operator!=(const SockAddr& r) const { return !(*this == r); }
- bool operator<(const SockAddr& r) const {
- if( sa.sin_port >= )
- return false;
- return sa.sin_addr.s_addr <;
- }
-const int MaxMTU = 16384;
-class UDPConnection {
- UDPConnection() { sock = 0; }
- ~UDPConnection() { if( sock ) { closesocket(sock); sock = 0; } }
- bool init(const SockAddr& myAddr);
- int recvfrom(char *buf, int len, SockAddr& sender);
- int sendto(char *buf, int len, const SockAddr& EndPoint);
- int mtu(const SockAddr& sa) {
- return sa.isLocalHost() ? 16384 : 1480;
- }
- SOCKET sock;
-inline int UDPConnection::recvfrom(char *buf, int len, SockAddr& sender) {
- return ::recvfrom(sock, buf, len, 0, (sockaddr *) &, &sender.addressSize);
-inline int UDPConnection::sendto(char *buf, int len, const SockAddr& EndPoint) {
- if( 0 && rand() < (RAND_MAX>>4) ) {
- cout << " NOTSENT ";
- // cout << curTimeMillis() << " .TEST: NOT SENDING PACKET" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- return ::sendto(sock, buf, len, 0, (sockaddr *) &, EndPoint.addressSize);
-inline bool UDPConnection::init(const SockAddr& myAddr) {
- sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
- if( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
- cout << "invalid socket? " << errno << endl;
- return false;
- }
- //cout << sizeof(sockaddr_in) << ' ' << myAddr.addressSize << endl;
- if( bind(sock, (sockaddr *) &, myAddr.addressSize) != 0 ) {
- cout << "udp init failed" << endl;
- closesocket(sock);
- sock = 0;
- return false;
- }
- socklen_t optLen;
- int rcvbuf;
- if (getsockopt(sock,
- (char*)&rcvbuf,
- &optLen) != -1)
- cout << "SO_RCVBUF:" << rcvbuf << endl;
- return true;
-inline SockAddr::SockAddr(int sourcePort) {
- memset(sa.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sa.sin_zero));
- sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sa.sin_port = htons(sourcePort);
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- addressSize = sizeof(sa);
-inline SockAddr::SockAddr(const char *ip, int port) {
- memset(sa.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(sa.sin_zero));
- sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sa.sin_port = htons(port);
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
- addressSize = sizeof(sa);
diff --git a/util/util.cpp b/util/util.cpp
index 612a27f589c..92e0edb7423 100644
--- a/util/util.cpp
+++ b/util/util.cpp
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "goodies.h"
-unsigned occasion = 0;
-bool goingAway = false;
-bool isPrime(int n) {
- int z = 2;
- while( 1 ) {
- if( z*z > n )
- break;
- if( n % z == 0 )
- return false;
- z++;
- }
- return true;
-int nextPrime(int n) {
- n |= 1; // 2 goes to 3...don't care...
- while( !isPrime(n) )
- n += 2;
- return n;
-struct UtilTest {
- UtilTest() {
- assert( WrappingInt(0) <= WrappingInt(0) );
- assert( WrappingInt(0) <= WrappingInt(1) );
- assert( !(WrappingInt(1) <= WrappingInt(0)) );
- assert( (WrappingInt(0xf0000000) <= WrappingInt(0)) );
- assert( (WrappingInt(0xf0000000) <= WrappingInt(9000)) );
- assert( !(WrappingInt(300) <= WrappingInt(0xe0000000)) );
- assert( tdiff(3, 4) == 1 );
- assert( tdiff(4, 3) == -1 );
- assert( tdiff(0xffffffff, 0) == 1 );
- assert( isPrime(3) );
- assert( isPrime(2) );
- assert( isPrime(13) );
- assert( isPrime(17) );
- assert( !isPrime(9) );
- assert( !isPrime(6) );
- assert( nextPrime(4) == 5 );
- assert( nextPrime(8) == 11 );
- }
-} utilTest;
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "goodies.h"
+unsigned occasion = 0;
+bool goingAway = false;
+bool isPrime(int n) {
+ int z = 2;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ if( z*z > n )
+ break;
+ if( n % z == 0 )
+ return false;
+ z++;
+ }
+ return true;
+int nextPrime(int n) {
+ n |= 1; // 2 goes to 3...don't care...
+ while( !isPrime(n) )
+ n += 2;
+ return n;
+struct UtilTest {
+ UtilTest() {
+ assert( WrappingInt(0) <= WrappingInt(0) );
+ assert( WrappingInt(0) <= WrappingInt(1) );
+ assert( !(WrappingInt(1) <= WrappingInt(0)) );
+ assert( (WrappingInt(0xf0000000) <= WrappingInt(0)) );
+ assert( (WrappingInt(0xf0000000) <= WrappingInt(9000)) );
+ assert( !(WrappingInt(300) <= WrappingInt(0xe0000000)) );
+ assert( tdiff(3, 4) == 1 );
+ assert( tdiff(4, 3) == -1 );
+ assert( tdiff(0xffffffff, 0) == 1 );
+ assert( isPrime(3) );
+ assert( isPrime(2) );
+ assert( isPrime(13) );
+ assert( isPrime(17) );
+ assert( !isPrime(9) );
+ assert( !isPrime(6) );
+ assert( nextPrime(4) == 5 );
+ assert( nextPrime(8) == 11 );
+ }
+} utilTest;