diff options
authorHari Khalsa <>2012-11-29 11:32:23 -0500
committerHari Khalsa <>2012-11-30 11:16:29 -0500
commitf98f20603b966f90efeecfbd45d38949a1f84156 (patch)
parent79a3b1cada2d57fa7b440d6501d6537831e7f3c4 (diff)
CS-4068 add to matcher
6 files changed, 676 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/geo/2d.cpp b/src/mongo/db/geo/2d.cpp
index af208e80217..a53ec58494b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/geo/2d.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/geo/2d.cpp
@@ -458,349 +458,23 @@ namespace mongo {
double _errorSphere;
- class Box {
- public:
- Box( const Geo2dType * g , const GeoHash& hash )
- : _min( g , hash ) ,
- _max( _min._x + g->sizeEdge( hash ) , _min._y + g->sizeEdge( hash ) ) {
- }
- Box( double x , double y , double size )
- : _min( x , y ) ,
- _max( x + size , y + size ) {
- }
- Box( Point min , Point max )
- : _min( min ) , _max( max ) {
- }
- Box() {}
- BSONArray toBSON() const {
- return BSON_ARRAY( BSON_ARRAY( _min._x << _min._y ) << BSON_ARRAY( _max._x << _max._y ) );
- }
- string toString() const {
- StringBuilder buf;
- buf << _min.toString() << " -->> " << _max.toString();
- return buf.str();
- }
- bool between( double min , double max , double val , double fudge=0) const {
- return val + fudge >= min && val <= max + fudge;
- }
- bool onBoundary( double bound, double val, double fudge = 0 ) const {
- return ( val >= bound - fudge && val <= bound + fudge );
- }
- bool mid( double amin , double amax , double bmin , double bmax , bool min , double& res ) const {
- verify( amin <= amax );
- verify( bmin <= bmax );
- if ( amin < bmin ) {
- if ( amax < bmin )
- return false;
- res = min ? bmin : amax;
- return true;
- }
- if ( amin > bmax )
- return false;
- res = min ? amin : bmax;
- return true;
- }
- double intersects( const Box& other ) const {
- Point boundMin(0,0);
- Point boundMax(0,0);
- if ( mid( _min._x , _max._x , other._min._x , other._max._x , true , boundMin._x ) == false ||
- mid( _min._x , _max._x , other._min._x , other._max._x , false , boundMax._x ) == false ||
- mid( _min._y , _max._y , other._min._y , other._max._y , true , boundMin._y ) == false ||
- mid( _min._y , _max._y , other._min._y , other._max._y , false , boundMax._y ) == false )
- return 0;
- Box intersection( boundMin , boundMax );
- return intersection.area() / area();
- }
- double area() const {
- return ( _max._x - _min._x ) * ( _max._y - _min._y );
- }
- double maxDim() const {
- return max( _max._x - _min._x, _max._y - _min._y );
- }
- Point center() const {
- return Point( ( _min._x + _max._x ) / 2 ,
- ( _min._y + _max._y ) / 2 );
- }
- void truncate( const Geo2dType* g ) {
- if( _min._x < g->_min ) _min._x = g->_min;
- if( _min._y < g->_min ) _min._y = g->_min;
- if( _max._x > g->_max ) _max._x = g->_max;
- if( _max._y > g->_max ) _max._y = g->_max;
- }
- void fudge( const Geo2dType* g ) {
- _min._x -= g->_error;
- _min._y -= g->_error;
- _max._x += g->_error;
- _max._y += g->_error;
- }
- bool onBoundary( Point p, double fudge = 0 ) {
- return onBoundary( _min._x, p._x, fudge ) ||
- onBoundary( _max._x, p._x, fudge ) ||
- onBoundary( _min._y, p._y, fudge ) ||
- onBoundary( _max._y, p._y, fudge );
- }
- bool inside( Point p , double fudge = 0 ) {
- bool res = inside( p._x , p._y , fudge );
- //cout << "is : " << p.toString() << " in " << toString() << " = " << res << endl;
- return res;
- }
- bool inside( double x , double y , double fudge = 0 ) {
- return
- between( _min._x , _max._x , x , fudge ) &&
- between( _min._y , _max._y , y , fudge );
- }
- bool contains(const Box& other, double fudge=0) {
- return inside(other._min, fudge) && inside(other._max, fudge);
- }
- Point _min;
- Point _max;
- };
- class Polygon {
- public:
- Polygon( void ) : _centroidCalculated( false ) {}
- Polygon( vector<Point> points ) : _centroidCalculated( false ),
- _points( points ) { }
- void add( Point p ) {
- _centroidCalculated = false;
- _points.push_back( p );
- }
- int size( void ) const {
- return _points.size();
- }
- /**
- * Determine if the point supplied is contained by the current polygon.
- *
- * The algorithm uses a ray casting method.
- */
- bool contains( const Point& p ) const {
- return contains( p, 0 ) > 0;
- }
- int contains( const Point &p, double fudge ) const {
- Box fudgeBox( Point( p._x - fudge, p._y - fudge ), Point( p._x + fudge, p._y + fudge ) );
- int counter = 0;
- Point p1 = _points[0];
- for ( int i = 1; i <= size(); i++ ) {
- Point p2 = _points[i % size()];
- GEODEBUG( "Doing intersection check of " << fudgeBox.toString() << " with seg " << p1.toString() << " to " << p2.toString() );
- // We need to check whether or not this segment intersects our error box
- if( fudge > 0 &&
- // Points not too far below box
- fudgeBox._min._y <= std::max( p1._y, p2._y ) &&
- // Points not too far above box
- fudgeBox._max._y >= std::min( p1._y, p2._y ) &&
- // Points not too far to left of box
- fudgeBox._min._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) &&
- // Points not too far to right of box
- fudgeBox._max._x >= std::min( p1._x, p2._x ) ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Doing detailed check" );
- // If our box contains one or more of these points, we need to do an exact check.
- if( fudgeBox.inside(p1) ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Point 1 inside" );
- return 0;
- }
- if( fudgeBox.inside(p2) ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Point 2 inside" );
- return 0;
- }
- // Do intersection check for vertical sides
- if ( p1._y != p2._y ) {
- double invSlope = ( p2._x - p1._x ) / ( p2._y - p1._y );
- double xintersT = ( fudgeBox._max._y - p1._y ) * invSlope + p1._x;
- if( fudgeBox._min._x <= xintersT && fudgeBox._max._x >= xintersT ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Top intersection @ " << xintersT );
- return 0;
- }
- double xintersB = ( fudgeBox._min._y - p1._y ) * invSlope + p1._x;
- if( fudgeBox._min._x <= xintersB && fudgeBox._max._x >= xintersB ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Bottom intersection @ " << xintersB );
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Do intersection check for horizontal sides
- if( p1._x != p2._x ) {
- double slope = ( p2._y - p1._y ) / ( p2._x - p1._x );
- double yintersR = ( p1._x - fudgeBox._max._x ) * slope + p1._y;
- if( fudgeBox._min._y <= yintersR && fudgeBox._max._y >= yintersR ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Right intersection @ " << yintersR );
- return 0;
- }
- double yintersL = ( p1._x - fudgeBox._min._x ) * slope + p1._y;
- if( fudgeBox._min._y <= yintersL && fudgeBox._max._y >= yintersL ) {
- GEODEBUG( "Left intersection @ " << yintersL );
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if( fudge == 0 ){
- // If this is an exact vertex, we won't intersect, so check this
- if( p._y == p1._y && p._x == p1._x ) return 1;
- else if( p._y == p2._y && p._x == p2._x ) return 1;
- // If this is a horizontal line we won't intersect, so check this
- if( p1._y == p2._y && p._y == p1._y ){
- // Check that the x-coord lies in the line
- if( p._x >= std::min( p1._x, p2._x ) && p._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) ) return 1;
- }
- }
- // Normal intersection test.
- // TODO: Invert these for clearer logic?
- if ( p._y > std::min( p1._y, p2._y ) ) {
- if ( p._y <= std::max( p1._y, p2._y ) ) {
- if ( p._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) ) {
- if ( p1._y != p2._y ) {
- double xinters = (p._y-p1._y)*(p2._x-p1._x)/(p2._y-p1._y)+p1._x;
- // Special case of point on vertical line
- if ( p1._x == p2._x && p._x == p1._x ){
- // Need special case for the vertical edges, for example:
- // 1) \e pe/----->
- // vs.
- // 2) \ep---e/----->
- //
- // if we count exact as intersection, then 1 is in but 2 is out
- // if we count exact as no-int then 1 is out but 2 is in.
- return 1;
- }
- else if( p1._x == p2._x || p._x <= xinters ) {
- counter++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2;
- }
- if ( counter % 2 == 0 ) {
- return -1;
- }
- else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the centroid, or center of mass of the polygon object.
- */
- Point centroid( void ) {
- /* Centroid is cached, it won't change betwen points */
- if ( _centroidCalculated ) {
- return _centroid;
- }
- Point cent;
- double signedArea = 0.0;
- double area = 0.0; // Partial signed area
- /// For all vertices except last
- int i = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i ) {
- area = _points[i]._x * _points[i+1]._y - _points[i+1]._x * _points[i]._y ;
- signedArea += area;
- cent._x += ( _points[i]._x + _points[i+1]._x ) * area;
- cent._y += ( _points[i]._y + _points[i+1]._y ) * area;
- }
- // Do last vertex
- area = _points[i]._x * _points[0]._y - _points[0]._x * _points[i]._y;
- cent._x += ( _points[i]._x + _points[0]._x ) * area;
- cent._y += ( _points[i]._y + _points[0]._y ) * area;
- signedArea += area;
- signedArea *= 0.5;
- cent._x /= ( 6 * signedArea );
- cent._y /= ( 6 * signedArea );
- _centroidCalculated = true;
- _centroid = cent;
- return cent;
- }
- Box bounds( void ) {
- // TODO: Cache this
- _bounds._max = _points[0];
- _bounds._min = _points[0];
- for ( int i = 1; i < size(); i++ ) {
- _bounds._max._x = max( _bounds._max._x, _points[i]._x );
- _bounds._max._y = max( _bounds._max._y, _points[i]._y );
- _bounds._min._x = min( _bounds._min._x, _points[i]._x );
- _bounds._min._y = min( _bounds._min._y, _points[i]._y );
- }
- return _bounds;
- }
- private:
- bool _centroidCalculated;
- Point _centroid;
- Box _bounds;
- vector<Point> _points;
- };
+ // Equal to Point::Point(args)
+ inline Point pointFromHash(const GeoConvert* g, const GeoHash& hash) {
+ double x, y;
+ g->unhash(hash, x, y);
+ return Point(x, y);
+ }
+ // Point::hash
+ inline GeoHash pointToHash(Point p, const GeoConvert* g) {
+ return g->hash(p._x, p._y);
+ }
+ // Box::Box(...)
+ inline Box boxFromHash(const Geo2dType* g, const GeoHash& hash) {
+ Point min = pointFromHash(g, hash);
+ double edgeSize = g->sizeEdge(hash);
+ Point max = Point(min._x + edgeSize, min._y + edgeSize);
+ return Box(min, max);
+ }
class Geo2dPlugin : public IndexPlugin {
@@ -1024,7 +698,7 @@ namespace mongo {
// Approximate distance check using key data
double keyD = 0;
- Point keyP( _g, GeoHash( node._key.firstElement(), _g->_bits ) );
+ Point keyP(pointFromHash(_g, GeoHash( node._key.firstElement(), _g->_bits )));
KeyResult keyOk = approxKeyCheck( keyP, keyD );
if ( keyOk == BAD ) {
GEODEBUG( "\t\t\t\t bad distance : " << node.recordLoc.obj() << "\t" << keyD );
@@ -1664,7 +1338,7 @@ namespace mongo {
if( ! isNeighbor ) {
_centerPrefix = _prefix;
- _centerBox = Box( _g, _centerPrefix );
+ _centerBox = boxFromHash( _g, _centerPrefix );
isNeighbor = true;
@@ -1702,7 +1376,7 @@ namespace mongo {
while( _fringe.size() > 0 ) {
_prefix = _neighborPrefix + _fringe.back();
- Box cur( _g , _prefix );
+ Box cur(boxFromHash( _g , _prefix ));
PREFIXDEBUG( _prefix, _g );
@@ -1874,7 +1548,7 @@ namespace mongo {
BSONObjBuilder bob;
BSONArrayBuilder bab;
for( i = _expPrefixes.begin(); i != _expPrefixes.end(); ++i ){
- bab << Box( _g, *i ).toBSON();
+ bab << Box(boxFromHash( _g, *i )).toBSON();
bob << _g->_geo << bab.arr();
@@ -2626,7 +2300,7 @@ namespace mongo {
_want._max = Point( );
_wantRegion = _want;
- _wantRegion.fudge( g ); // Need to make sure we're checking regions within error bounds of where we want
+ _wantRegion.fudge( g->_error ); // Need to make sure we're checking regions within error bounds of where we want
fixBox( g, _wantRegion );
fixBox( g, _want );
@@ -2716,8 +2390,8 @@ namespace mongo {
uassert( 14030, "polygon must be defined by three points or more", _poly.size() >= 3 );
_bounds = _poly.bounds();
- _bounds.fudge( g ); // We need to check regions within the error bounds of these bounds
- _bounds.truncate( g ); // We don't need to look anywhere outside the space
+ _bounds.fudge( g->_error ); // We need to check regions within the error bounds of these bounds
+ _bounds.truncate( g->_min, g->_max ); // We don't need to look anywhere outside the space
_maxDim = _g->_error + _bounds.maxDim() / 2;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/geo/core.h b/src/mongo/db/geo/core.h
index 32d62bdc1dd..d8857a04f58 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/geo/core.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/geo/core.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "mongo/pch.h"
#include "../jsobj.h"
+#include "shapes.h"
#include <cmath>
@@ -401,106 +402,6 @@ namespace mongo {
virtual GeoHash hash( double x , double y ) const = 0;
- class Point {
- public:
- Point( const GeoConvert * g , const GeoHash& hash ) {
- g->unhash( hash , _x , _y );
- }
- explicit Point( const BSONElement& e ) {
- BSONObjIterator i(e.Obj());
- _x =;
- _y =;
- }
- explicit Point( const BSONObj& o ) {
- BSONObjIterator i(o);
- _x =;
- _y =;
- }
- Point( double x , double y )
- : _x( x ) , _y( y ) {
- }
- Point() : _x(0),_y(0) {
- }
- GeoHash hash( const GeoConvert * g ) {
- return g->hash( _x , _y );
- }
- double distance( const Point& p ) const {
- double a = _x - p._x;
- double b = _y - p._y;
- // Avoid numerical error if possible...
- if( a == 0 ) return abs( _y - p._y );
- if( b == 0 ) return abs( _x - p._x );
- return sqrt( ( a * a ) + ( b * b ) );
- }
- /**
- * Distance method that compares x or y coords when other direction is zero,
- * avoids numerical error when distances are very close to radius but axis-aligned.
- *
- * An example of the problem is:
- * (52.0 - 51.9999) - 0.0001 = 3.31965e-15 and 52.0 - 51.9999 > 0.0001 in double arithmetic
- * but:
- * 51.9999 + 0.0001 <= 52.0
- *
- * This avoids some (but not all!) suprising results in $center queries where points are
- * ( radius + center.x, center.y ) or vice-versa.
- */
- bool distanceWithin( const Point& p, double radius ) const {
- double a = _x - p._x;
- double b = _y - p._y;
- if( a == 0 ) {
- //
- // Note: For some, unknown reason, when a 32-bit g++ optimizes this call, the sum is
- // calculated imprecisely. We need to force the compiler to always evaluate it correctly,
- // hence the weirdness.
- //
- // On some 32-bit linux machines, removing the volatile keyword or calculating the sum inline
- // will make certain geo tests fail. Of course this check will force volatile for all 32-bit systems,
- // not just affected systems.
- if( sizeof(void*) <= 4 ){
- volatile double sum = _y > p._y ? p._y + radius : _y + radius;
- return _y > p._y ? sum >= _y : sum >= p._y;
- }
- else {
- // Original math, correct for most systems
- return _y > p._y ? p._y + radius >= _y : _y + radius >= p._y;
- }
- }
- if( b == 0 ) {
- if( sizeof(void*) <= 4 ){
- volatile double sum = _x > p._x ? p._x + radius : _x + radius;
- return _x > p._x ? sum >= _x : sum >= p._x;
- }
- else {
- return _x > p._x ? p._x + radius >= _x : _x + radius >= p._x;
- }
- }
- return sqrt( ( a * a ) + ( b * b ) ) <= radius;
- }
- string toString() const {
- StringBuilder buf;
- buf << "(" << _x << "," << _y << ")";
- return buf.str();
- }
- double _x;
- double _y;
- };
extern const double EARTH_RADIUS_KM;
extern const double EARTH_RADIUS_MILES;
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/geo/shapes.h b/src/mongo/db/geo/shapes.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3472b01aa49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mongo/db/geo/shapes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc.
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#pragma once
+#ifndef GEODEBUG
+#define GEODEBUG(x)
+namespace mongo {
+ class Point {
+ public:
+ explicit Point( const BSONElement& e ) {
+ BSONObjIterator i(e.Obj());
+ _x =;
+ _y =;
+ }
+ explicit Point( const BSONObj& o ) {
+ BSONObjIterator i(o);
+ _x =;
+ _y =;
+ }
+ Point( double x , double y )
+ : _x( x ) , _y( y ) {
+ }
+ Point() : _x(0),_y(0) {
+ }
+ double distance( const Point& p ) const {
+ double a = _x - p._x;
+ double b = _y - p._y;
+ // Avoid numerical error if possible...
+ if( a == 0 ) return abs( _y - p._y );
+ if( b == 0 ) return abs( _x - p._x );
+ return sqrt( ( a * a ) + ( b * b ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Distance method that compares x or y coords when other direction is zero,
+ * avoids numerical error when distances are very close to radius but axis-aligned.
+ *
+ * An example of the problem is:
+ * (52.0 - 51.9999) - 0.0001 = 3.31965e-15 and 52.0 - 51.9999 > 0.0001 in double arithmetic
+ * but:
+ * 51.9999 + 0.0001 <= 52.0
+ *
+ * This avoids some (but not all!) suprising results in $center queries where points are
+ * ( radius + center.x, center.y ) or vice-versa.
+ */
+ bool distanceWithin( const Point& p, double radius ) const {
+ double a = _x - p._x;
+ double b = _y - p._y;
+ if( a == 0 ) {
+ //
+ // Note: For some, unknown reason, when a 32-bit g++ optimizes this call, the sum is
+ // calculated imprecisely. We need to force the compiler to always evaluate it correctly,
+ // hence the weirdness.
+ //
+ // On some 32-bit linux machines, removing the volatile keyword or calculating the sum inline
+ // will make certain geo tests fail. Of course this check will force volatile for all 32-bit systems,
+ // not just affected systems.
+ if( sizeof(void*) <= 4 ){
+ volatile double sum = _y > p._y ? p._y + radius : _y + radius;
+ return _y > p._y ? sum >= _y : sum >= p._y;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Original math, correct for most systems
+ return _y > p._y ? p._y + radius >= _y : _y + radius >= p._y;
+ }
+ }
+ if( b == 0 ) {
+ if( sizeof(void*) <= 4 ){
+ volatile double sum = _x > p._x ? p._x + radius : _x + radius;
+ return _x > p._x ? sum >= _x : sum >= p._x;
+ }
+ else {
+ return _x > p._x ? p._x + radius >= _x : _x + radius >= p._x;
+ }
+ }
+ return sqrt( ( a * a ) + ( b * b ) ) <= radius;
+ }
+ string toString() const {
+ StringBuilder buf;
+ buf << "(" << _x << "," << _y << ")";
+ return buf.str();
+ }
+ double _x;
+ double _y;
+ };
+ class Box {
+ public:
+ Box( double x , double y , double size )
+ : _min( x , y ) ,
+ _max( x + size , y + size ) {
+ }
+ Box( Point min , Point max )
+ : _min( min ) , _max( max ) {
+ }
+ Box() {}
+ BSONArray toBSON() const {
+ return BSON_ARRAY( BSON_ARRAY( _min._x << _min._y ) << BSON_ARRAY( _max._x << _max._y ) );
+ }
+ string toString() const {
+ StringBuilder buf;
+ buf << _min.toString() << " -->> " << _max.toString();
+ return buf.str();
+ }
+ bool between( double min , double max , double val , double fudge=0) const {
+ return val + fudge >= min && val <= max + fudge;
+ }
+ bool onBoundary( double bound, double val, double fudge = 0 ) const {
+ return ( val >= bound - fudge && val <= bound + fudge );
+ }
+ bool mid( double amin , double amax , double bmin , double bmax , bool min , double& res ) const {
+ verify( amin <= amax );
+ verify( bmin <= bmax );
+ if ( amin < bmin ) {
+ if ( amax < bmin )
+ return false;
+ res = min ? bmin : amax;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( amin > bmax )
+ return false;
+ res = min ? amin : bmax;
+ return true;
+ }
+ double intersects( const Box& other ) const {
+ Point boundMin(0,0);
+ Point boundMax(0,0);
+ if ( mid( _min._x , _max._x , other._min._x , other._max._x , true , boundMin._x ) == false ||
+ mid( _min._x , _max._x , other._min._x , other._max._x , false , boundMax._x ) == false ||
+ mid( _min._y , _max._y , other._min._y , other._max._y , true , boundMin._y ) == false ||
+ mid( _min._y , _max._y , other._min._y , other._max._y , false , boundMax._y ) == false )
+ return 0;
+ Box intersection( boundMin , boundMax );
+ return intersection.area() / area();
+ }
+ double area() const {
+ return ( _max._x - _min._x ) * ( _max._y - _min._y );
+ }
+ double maxDim() const {
+ return max( _max._x - _min._x, _max._y - _min._y );
+ }
+ // pointFromHash
+ // pointToHash
+ // boxFromHash
+ Point center() const {
+ return Point( ( _min._x + _max._x ) / 2 ,
+ ( _min._y + _max._y ) / 2 );
+ }
+ void truncate(double min, double max) {
+ if( _min._x < min ) _min._x = min;
+ if( _min._y < min ) _min._y = min;
+ if( _max._x > max ) _max._x = max;
+ if( _max._y > max ) _max._y = max;
+ }
+ void fudge(double error) {
+ _min._x -= error;
+ _min._y -= error;
+ _max._x += error;
+ _max._y += error;
+ }
+ bool onBoundary( Point p, double fudge = 0 ) {
+ return onBoundary( _min._x, p._x, fudge ) ||
+ onBoundary( _max._x, p._x, fudge ) ||
+ onBoundary( _min._y, p._y, fudge ) ||
+ onBoundary( _max._y, p._y, fudge );
+ }
+ bool inside( Point p , double fudge = 0 ) const {
+ bool res = inside( p._x , p._y , fudge );
+ //cout << "is : " << p.toString() << " in " << toString() << " = " << res << endl;
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool inside( double x , double y , double fudge = 0 ) const {
+ return
+ between( _min._x , _max._x , x , fudge ) &&
+ between( _min._y , _max._y , y , fudge );
+ }
+ bool contains(const Box& other, double fudge=0) {
+ return inside(other._min, fudge) && inside(other._max, fudge);
+ }
+ Point _min;
+ Point _max;
+ };
+ class Polygon {
+ public:
+ Polygon( void ) : _centroidCalculated( false ) {}
+ Polygon( vector<Point> points ) : _centroidCalculated( false ),
+ _points( points ) { }
+ void add( Point p ) {
+ _centroidCalculated = false;
+ _points.push_back( p );
+ }
+ int size( void ) const {
+ return _points.size();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the point supplied is contained by the current polygon.
+ *
+ * The algorithm uses a ray casting method.
+ */
+ bool contains( const Point& p ) const {
+ return contains( p, 0 ) > 0;
+ }
+ int contains( const Point &p, double fudge ) const {
+ Box fudgeBox( Point( p._x - fudge, p._y - fudge ), Point( p._x + fudge, p._y + fudge ) );
+ int counter = 0;
+ Point p1 = _points[0];
+ for ( int i = 1; i <= size(); i++ ) {
+ Point p2 = _points[i % size()];
+ GEODEBUG( "Doing intersection check of " << fudgeBox.toString() << " with seg " << p1.toString() << " to " << p2.toString() );
+ // We need to check whether or not this segment intersects our error box
+ if( fudge > 0 &&
+ // Points not too far below box
+ fudgeBox._min._y <= std::max( p1._y, p2._y ) &&
+ // Points not too far above box
+ fudgeBox._max._y >= std::min( p1._y, p2._y ) &&
+ // Points not too far to left of box
+ fudgeBox._min._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) &&
+ // Points not too far to right of box
+ fudgeBox._max._x >= std::min( p1._x, p2._x ) ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Doing detailed check" );
+ // If our box contains one or more of these points, we need to do an exact check.
+ if( fudgeBox.inside(p1) ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Point 1 inside" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( fudgeBox.inside(p2) ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Point 2 inside" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Do intersection check for vertical sides
+ if ( p1._y != p2._y ) {
+ double invSlope = ( p2._x - p1._x ) / ( p2._y - p1._y );
+ double xintersT = ( fudgeBox._max._y - p1._y ) * invSlope + p1._x;
+ if( fudgeBox._min._x <= xintersT && fudgeBox._max._x >= xintersT ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Top intersection @ " << xintersT );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double xintersB = ( fudgeBox._min._y - p1._y ) * invSlope + p1._x;
+ if( fudgeBox._min._x <= xintersB && fudgeBox._max._x >= xintersB ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Bottom intersection @ " << xintersB );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do intersection check for horizontal sides
+ if( p1._x != p2._x ) {
+ double slope = ( p2._y - p1._y ) / ( p2._x - p1._x );
+ double yintersR = ( p1._x - fudgeBox._max._x ) * slope + p1._y;
+ if( fudgeBox._min._y <= yintersR && fudgeBox._max._y >= yintersR ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Right intersection @ " << yintersR );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double yintersL = ( p1._x - fudgeBox._min._x ) * slope + p1._y;
+ if( fudgeBox._min._y <= yintersL && fudgeBox._max._y >= yintersL ) {
+ GEODEBUG( "Left intersection @ " << yintersL );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( fudge == 0 ){
+ // If this is an exact vertex, we won't intersect, so check this
+ if( p._y == p1._y && p._x == p1._x ) return 1;
+ else if( p._y == p2._y && p._x == p2._x ) return 1;
+ // If this is a horizontal line we won't intersect, so check this
+ if( p1._y == p2._y && p._y == p1._y ){
+ // Check that the x-coord lies in the line
+ if( p._x >= std::min( p1._x, p2._x ) && p._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) ) return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Normal intersection test.
+ // TODO: Invert these for clearer logic?
+ if ( p._y > std::min( p1._y, p2._y ) ) {
+ if ( p._y <= std::max( p1._y, p2._y ) ) {
+ if ( p._x <= std::max( p1._x, p2._x ) ) {
+ if ( p1._y != p2._y ) {
+ double xinters = (p._y-p1._y)*(p2._x-p1._x)/(p2._y-p1._y)+p1._x;
+ // Special case of point on vertical line
+ if ( p1._x == p2._x && p._x == p1._x ){
+ // Need special case for the vertical edges, for example:
+ // 1) \e pe/----->
+ // vs.
+ // 2) \ep---e/----->
+ //
+ // if we count exact as intersection, then 1 is in but 2 is out
+ // if we count exact as no-int then 1 is out but 2 is in.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if( p1._x == p2._x || p._x <= xinters ) {
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p1 = p2;
+ }
+ if ( counter % 2 == 0 ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the centroid, or center of mass of the polygon object.
+ */
+ Point centroid( void ) {
+ /* Centroid is cached, it won't change betwen points */
+ if ( _centroidCalculated ) {
+ return _centroid;
+ }
+ Point cent;
+ double signedArea = 0.0;
+ double area = 0.0; // Partial signed area
+ /// For all vertices except last
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i ) {
+ area = _points[i]._x * _points[i+1]._y - _points[i+1]._x * _points[i]._y ;
+ signedArea += area;
+ cent._x += ( _points[i]._x + _points[i+1]._x ) * area;
+ cent._y += ( _points[i]._y + _points[i+1]._y ) * area;
+ }
+ // Do last vertex
+ area = _points[i]._x * _points[0]._y - _points[0]._x * _points[i]._y;
+ cent._x += ( _points[i]._x + _points[0]._x ) * area;
+ cent._y += ( _points[i]._y + _points[0]._y ) * area;
+ signedArea += area;
+ signedArea *= 0.5;
+ cent._x /= ( 6 * signedArea );
+ cent._y /= ( 6 * signedArea );
+ _centroidCalculated = true;
+ _centroid = cent;
+ return cent;
+ }
+ Box bounds( void ) {
+ // TODO: Cache this
+ _bounds._max = _points[0];
+ _bounds._min = _points[0];
+ for ( int i = 1; i < size(); i++ ) {
+ _bounds._max._x = max( _bounds._max._x, _points[i]._x );
+ _bounds._max._y = max( _bounds._max._y, _points[i]._y );
+ _bounds._min._x = min( _bounds._min._x, _points[i]._x );
+ _bounds._min._y = min( _bounds._min._y, _points[i]._y );
+ }
+ return _bounds;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool _centroidCalculated;
+ Point _centroid;
+ Box _bounds;
+ vector<Point> _points;
+ };
+} // namespace mongo
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/matcher.cpp b/src/mongo/db/matcher.cpp
index 3957d1d71ef..4b5a8112edc 100755
--- a/src/mongo/db/matcher.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/matcher.cpp
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ namespace mongo {
ss << "elemMatchKey: " << ( _elemMatchKeyFound ? _elemMatchKey : "NONE" ) << " ";
return ss.str();
void Matcher::addRegex(const char *fieldName, const char *regex, const char *flags, bool isNot) {
RegexMatcher rm;
@@ -363,8 +363,51 @@ namespace mongo {
flags = fe.valuestrsafe();
+ case BSONObj::opWITHIN: {
+ BSONObj shapeObj = fe.embeddedObject();
+ BSONObjIterator argIt(shapeObj);
+ while (argIt.more()) {
+ BSONElement elt =;
+ if (!elt.isABSONObj()) { break; }
+ if (!strcmp(elt.fieldName(), "$box")) {
+ BSONObjIterator coordIt(elt.Obj());
+ BSONElement minE =;
+ if (Array != minE.type()) { break; }
+ if (!coordIt.more()) { break; }
+ BSONElement maxE =;
+ if (Array != maxE.type()) { break; }
+ _geo.push_back(GeoMatcher::makeBox(e.fieldName(), minE.Obj(), maxE.Obj()));
+ } else if (!strcmp(elt.fieldName(), "$center")) {
+ BSONObjIterator coordIt(elt.Obj());
+ BSONElement center =;
+ if (Array != center.type()) { break; }
+ if (!coordIt.more()) { break; }
+ BSONElement radius =;
+ if (!radius.isNumber()) { break; }
+ _geo.push_back(
+ GeoMatcher::makeCircle(e.fieldName(), center.Obj(), radius.number()));
+ } else if (!strcmp(elt.fieldName(), "$polygon")) {
+ BSONObjIterator coordIt(elt.Obj());
+ bool valid = true;
+ while (coordIt.more()) {
+ BSONElement coord =;
+ if (Array != coord.type()) { valid = false; break; }
+ BSONObjIterator numIt(coord.Obj());
+ if (!numIt.more()) { valid = false; break; }
+ BSONElement x =;
+ if (!x.isNumber()) { valid = false; break; }
+ BSONElement y =;
+ if (!y.isNumber()) { valid = false; break; }
+ }
+ if (!valid) { break; }
+ _geo.push_back(GeoMatcher::makePolygon(e.fieldName(), elt.Obj()));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
case BSONObj::opNEAR:
- case BSONObj::opWITHIN:
@@ -936,6 +979,30 @@ namespace mongo {
+ for (vector<GeoMatcher>::const_iterator it = _geo.begin(); it != _geo.end(); ++it) {
+ BSONElementSet s;
+ // XXX: when do we do this and why?
+ if (!_constrainIndexKey.isEmpty()) {
+ BSONElement e = jsobj.getFieldUsingIndexNames(it->getFieldName().c_str(), _constrainIndexKey);
+ if (Array == e.type()) {
+ BSONObjIterator i(e.Obj());
+ while (i.more()) { s.insert(; }
+ } else if (!e.eoo()) {
+ s.insert(e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ jsobj.getFieldsDotted(it->getFieldName().c_str(), s, false);
+ }
+ int matches = 0;
+ for (BSONElementSet::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) {
+ if (Array != i->type()) { continue; }
+ Point p;
+ if (!GeoMatcher::pointFromArray(i->Obj(), &p)) { continue; }
+ if (it->containsPoint(p)) { ++matches; }
+ }
+ if (0 == matches) { return false; }
+ }
for (vector<RegexMatcher>::const_iterator it = _regexs.begin();
it != _regexs.end();
++it) {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/matcher.h b/src/mongo/db/matcher.h
index 1fd9a4475b1..3b46d6e7593 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/matcher.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/matcher.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "pcrecpp.h"
+#include "geo/shapes.h"
namespace mongo {
@@ -42,6 +43,92 @@ namespace mongo {
RegexMatcher() : _isNot() {}
+ class GeoMatcher {
+ private:
+ GeoMatcher(const string& field) : _isBox(false), _isCircle(false), _fieldName(field) {}
+ bool _isBox;
+ Box _box;
+ bool _isCircle;
+ Point _center;
+ double _radius;
+ bool _isPolygon;
+ Polygon _polygon;
+ string _fieldName;
+ public:
+ const string& getFieldName() const { return _fieldName; }
+ static GeoMatcher makeBox(const string& field, const BSONObj &min, const BSONObj &max) {
+ GeoMatcher m(field);
+ m._isBox = true;
+ pointFromArray(min, &m._box._min);
+ pointFromArray(max, &m._box._max);
+ return m;
+ }
+ static GeoMatcher makeCircle(const string& field, const BSONObj &center, double rad) {
+ GeoMatcher m(field);
+ m._isCircle = true;
+ pointFromArray(center, &m._center);
+ m._radius = rad;
+ return m;
+ }
+ static GeoMatcher makePolygon(const string& field, const BSONObj &poly) {
+ GeoMatcher m(field);
+ vector<Point> points;
+ m._isPolygon = true;
+ BSONObjIterator coordIt(poly);
+ while (coordIt.more()) {
+ BSONElement coord =;
+ Point p;
+ pointFromArray(coord.Obj(), &p);
+ points.push_back(p);
+ }
+ m._polygon = Polygon(points);
+ return m;
+ }
+ bool containsPoint(Point p) const {
+ if (_isBox) {
+ return _box.inside(p, 0);
+ } else if (_isCircle) {
+ return _center.distance(p) <= _radius;
+ } else if (_isPolygon) {
+ return _polygon.contains(p);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ string toString() const {
+ stringstream ss;
+ if (_isBox) {
+ ss << "GeoMatcher Box: " << _box.toString();
+ } else if (_isCircle) {
+ ss << "GeoMatcher Circle @ " << _center.toString() << " r = " << _radius;
+ } else {
+ ss << "GeoMatcher UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ // XXX: change to pointFromJSON and deal with x: foo, y:foo
+ static bool pointFromArray(const BSONObj o, Point *p) {
+ BSONObjIterator i(o);
+ BSONElement xe =;
+ if (!i.more()) { return false; }
+ BSONElement ye =;
+ if (!xe.isNumber() || !ye.isNumber()) { return false; }
+ p->_x = xe.number();
+ p->_y = ye.number();
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
struct element_lt {
bool operator()(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r) const {
int x = (int) l.canonicalType() - (int) r.canonicalType();
@@ -266,6 +353,7 @@ namespace mongo {
bool _atomic;
vector<RegexMatcher> _regexs;
+ vector<GeoMatcher> _geo;
// so we delete the mem when we're done:
vector< shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > > _builders;
diff --git a/src/mongo/dbtests/matchertests.cpp b/src/mongo/dbtests/matchertests.cpp
index 441be6bf08c..7c3625a8baa 100644
--- a/src/mongo/dbtests/matchertests.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/dbtests/matchertests.cpp
@@ -132,6 +132,42 @@ namespace MatcherTests {
+ class WithinBox {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Matcher m(fromjson("{loc:{$within:{$box:[[4,4],[6,6]]}}}"));
+ ASSERT(!m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [3,4]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [4,4]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [5,5]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [5,5.1]}")));
+ }
+ };
+ class WithinPolygon {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Matcher m(fromjson("{loc:{$within:{$polygon:[[0,0],[0,5],[5,5],[5,0]]}}}"));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [3,4]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [4,4]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [5,5]}")));
+ ASSERT(!m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [5,5.1]}")));
+ }
+ };
+ class WithinCenter {
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ Matcher m(fromjson("{loc:{$within:{$center:[[30,30],10]}}}"));
+ ASSERT(!m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [3,4]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [30,30]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [20,30]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [30,20]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [40,30]}")));
+ ASSERT(m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [30,40]}")));
+ ASSERT(!m.matches(fromjson("{loc: [31,40]}")));
+ }
+ };
/** Test that MatchDetails::elemMatchKey() is set correctly after a match. */
class ElemMatchKey {
@@ -371,6 +407,9 @@ namespace MatcherTests {
+ add<WithinBox>();
+ add<WithinCenter>();
+ add<WithinPolygon>();
} dball;