diff options
authorShaun Verch <>2013-02-15 12:42:08 -0800
committerDan Pasette <>2013-03-29 11:37:59 -0400
commitffe9de8df384792315c40c65209c1932778b52a8 (patch)
parent2e87ed15f0875087136404e78fecdbbb4a75e584 (diff)
SERVER-8819 Framework for testing round trip and test roundtrip of DBRef and DBPointer
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/dbtests/jstests.cpp b/src/mongo/dbtests/jstests.cpp
index 36f432438b0..c3c9bff6f3b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/dbtests/jstests.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/dbtests/jstests.cpp
@@ -955,70 +955,168 @@ namespace JSTests {
- class DBRefTest {
- public:
- DBRefTest() {
- _a = "unittest.dbref.a";
- _b = "unittest.dbref.b";
- reset();
- }
- ~DBRefTest() {
- //reset();
- }
+ namespace RoundTripTests {
- void run() {
+ // Inherit from this class to test round tripping of JSON objects
+ class TestRoundTrip {
+ public:
+ virtual ~TestRoundTrip() {}
+ void run() {
- client.insert( _a , BSON( "a" << "17" ) );
+ // Insert in Javascript -> Find using DBDirectClient
- {
- BSONObj fromA = client.findOne( _a , BSONObj() );
- verify( fromA.valid() );
- //cout << "Froma : " << fromA << endl;
+ // Drop the collection
+ client.dropCollection( "unittest.testroundtrip" );
+ // Insert in Javascript
+ stringstream jsInsert;
+ jsInsert << "db.testroundtrip.insert(" << jsonIn() << ")";
+ ASSERT_TRUE( client.eval( "unittest" , jsInsert.str() ) );
+ // Find using DBDirectClient
+ BSONObj excludeIdProjection = BSON( "_id" << 0 );
+ BSONObj directFind = client.findOne( "unittest.testroundtrip",
+ "",
+ &excludeIdProjection);
+ bsonEquals( bson(), directFind );
+ // Insert using DBDirectClient -> Find in Javascript
+ // Drop the collection
+ client.dropCollection( "unittest.testroundtrip" );
+ // Insert using DBDirectClient
+ client.insert( "unittest.testroundtrip" , bson() );
+ // Find in Javascript
+ stringstream jsFind;
+ jsFind << "dbref = db.testroundtrip.findOne( { } , { _id : 0 } )\n"
+ << "assert.eq(dbref, " << jsonOut() << ")";
+ ASSERT_TRUE( client.eval( "unittest" , jsFind.str() ) );
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Methods that must be defined by child classes
+ virtual BSONObj bson() const = 0;
+ virtual string json() const = 0;
+ // This can be overriden if a different meaning of equality besides woCompare is needed
+ virtual void bsonEquals( const BSONObj &expected, const BSONObj &actual ) {
+ if ( expected.woCompare( actual ) ) {
+ out() << "want:" << expected.jsonString() << " size: " << expected.objsize() << endl;
+ out() << "got :" << actual.jsonString() << " size: " << actual.objsize() << endl;
+ out() << expected.hexDump() << endl;
+ out() << actual.hexDump() << endl;
+ }
+ ASSERT( !expected.woCompare( actual ) );
+ }
+ // This can be overriden if the JSON representation is altered on the round trip
+ virtual string jsonIn() const {
+ return json();
+ }
+ virtual string jsonOut() const {
+ return json();
+ }
+ };
+ class DBRefTest : public TestRoundTrip {
+ virtual BSONObj bson() const {
BSONObjBuilder b;
- b.append( "b" , 18 );
- b.appendDBRef( "c" , "dbref.a" , fromA["_id"].__oid() );
- client.insert( _b , b.obj() );
+ OID o;
+ memset( &o, 0, 12 );
+ BSONObjBuilder subBuilder(b.subobjStart("a"));
+ subBuilder.append("$ref", "ns");
+ subBuilder.append("$id", o);
+ subBuilder.done();
+ return b.obj();
+ }
+ virtual string json() const {
+ return "{ \"a\" : DBRef( \"ns\", ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) ) }";
- ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest" , "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); assert.eq( 17 , x.c.fetch().a , 'ref working' );" ) );
+ // A "fetch" function is added to the DBRef object when it is inserted using the
+ // constructor, so we need to compare the fields individually
+ virtual void bsonEquals( const BSONObj &expected, const BSONObj &actual ) {
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( expected["a"].type() , actual["a"].type() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( expected["a"]["$id"].OID() , actual["a"]["$id"].OID() );
+ ASSERT_EQUALS( expected["a"]["$ref"].String() , actual["a"]["$ref"].String() );
+ }
+ };
- // BSON DBRef <=> JS DBPointer
- ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest", "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); db.dbref.b.drop(); x.c = new DBPointer( x.c.ns, ); db.dbref.b.insert( x );" ) );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( DBRef, client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].type() );
+ class DBPointerTest : public TestRoundTrip {
+ virtual BSONObj bson() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ OID o;
+ memset( &o, 0, 12 );
+ b.appendDBRef( "a" , "ns" , o );
+ return b.obj();
+ }
+ virtual string json() const {
+ return "{ \"a\" : DBPointer( \"ns\", ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) ) }";
+ }
+ };
- // BSON Object <=> JS DBRef
- ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest", "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); db.dbref.b.drop(); x.c = new DBRef( x.c.ns, ); db.dbref.b.insert( x );" ) );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( Object, client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].type() );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( string( "dbref.a" ), client.findOne( "unittest.dbref.b", "" )[ "c" ].embeddedObject().getStringField( "$ref" ) );
- }
+ class InformalDBRefTest : public TestRoundTrip {
+ virtual BSONObj bson() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ OID o;
+ memset( &o, 0, 12 );
+ BSONObjBuilder subBuilder(b.subobjStart("a"));
+ subBuilder.append("$ref", "ns");
+ subBuilder.append("$id", o);
+ subBuilder.done();
+ return b.obj();
+ }
- void reset() {
- client.dropCollection( _a );
- client.dropCollection( _b );
- }
+ // Don't need to return anything because we are overriding both jsonOut and jsonIn
+ virtual string json() const { return ""; }
- const char * _a;
- const char * _b;
- };
+ // Need to override these because the JSON doesn't actually round trip.
+ // An object with "$ref" and "$id" fields is handled specially and different on the way out.
+ virtual string jsonOut() const {
+ return "{ \"a\" : DBRef( \"ns\", ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) ) }";
+ }
+ virtual string jsonIn() const {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "{ \"a\" : { \"$ref\" : \"ns\" , " <<
+ "\"$id\" : ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) } }";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ };
- class InformalDBRef {
- public:
- void run() {
- client.insert( ns(), BSON( "i" << 1 ) );
- BSONObj obj = client.findOne( ns(), BSONObj() );
- client.remove( ns(), BSONObj() );
- client.insert( ns(), BSON( "r" << BSON( "$ref" << "jstests.informaldbref" << "$id" << obj["_id"].__oid() << "foo" << "bar" ) ) );
- obj = client.findOne( ns(), BSONObj() );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( "bar", obj[ "r" ].embeddedObject()[ "foo" ].str() );
- ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest", "x = db.jstests.informaldbref.findOne(); y = { r:x.r }; db.jstests.informaldbref.drop(); y.r[ \"a\" ] = \"b\"; y );" ) );
- obj = client.findOne( ns(), BSONObj() );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( "bar", obj[ "r" ].embeddedObject()[ "foo" ].str() );
- ASSERT_EQUALS( "b", obj[ "r" ].embeddedObject()[ "a" ].str() );
- }
- private:
- static const char *ns() { return "unittest.jstests.informaldbref"; }
- };
+ class InformalDBRefExtraFieldTest : public TestRoundTrip {
+ virtual BSONObj bson() const {
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ OID o;
+ memset( &o, 0, 12 );
+ BSONObjBuilder subBuilder(b.subobjStart("a"));
+ subBuilder.append("$ref", "ns");
+ subBuilder.append("$id", o);
+ subBuilder.append("otherfield", "value");
+ subBuilder.done();
+ return b.obj();
+ }
+ // Don't need to return anything because we are overriding both jsonOut and jsonIn
+ virtual string json() const { return ""; }
+ // Need to override these because the JSON doesn't actually round trip.
+ // An object with "$ref" and "$id" fields is handled specially and different on the way out.
+ virtual string jsonOut() const {
+ return "{ \"a\" : DBRef( \"ns\", ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) ) }";
+ }
+ virtual string jsonIn() const {
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "{ \"a\" : { \"$ref\" : \"ns\" , " <<
+ "\"$id\" : ObjectId( \"000000000000000000000000\" ) , " <<
+ "\"otherfield\" : \"value\" } }";
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace RoundTripTests
class BinDataType {
@@ -1219,8 +1317,6 @@ namespace JSTests {
add< WeirdObjects >();
add< CodeTests >();
- add< DBRefTest >();
- add< InformalDBRef >();
add< BinDataType >();
add< VarTests >();
@@ -1233,6 +1329,11 @@ namespace JSTests {
add< ScopeOut >();
add< InvalidStoredJS >();
+ add< RoundTripTests::DBRefTest >();
+ add< RoundTripTests::DBPointerTest >();
+ add< RoundTripTests::InformalDBRefTest >();
+ add< RoundTripTests::InformalDBRefExtraFieldTest >();
} myall;