diff options
authorGreg Studer <>2013-11-22 16:51:20 -0500
committerGreg Studer <>2013-12-01 21:29:10 -0500
commit45662915c2f4e7e19b8333dc93d0d2526d8a34c5 (patch)
parent38b3b8f7395d6717efd570a62dc1c2c085d1b049 (diff)
SERVER-5625 SERVER-7426 allow all connections in all states to tolerate downed shards and primaries
11 files changed, 798 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js b/jstests/sharding/mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1538dc7ea50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Tests mongos's failure tolerance for replica set shards and slaveOk queries
+// Sets up a cluster with three shards, the first shard of which has an unsharded collection and
+// half a sharded collection. The second shard has the second half of the sharded collection, and
+// the third shard has nothing. Progressively shuts down the primary of each shard to see the
+// impact on the cluster.
+// Three different connection states are tested - active (connection is active through whole
+// sequence), idle (connection is connected but not used before a shard change), and new
+// (connection connected after shard change).
+var options = {separateConfig : true,
+ rs : true,
+ rsOptions : { nodes : 2 }};
+var st = new ShardingTest({shards : 3, mongos : 1, other : options});
+var mongos = st.s0;
+var admin = mongos.getDB( "admin" );
+var shards = mongos.getDB( "config" ).shards.find().toArray();
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, traceExceptions : true }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, ignoreInitialVersionFailure : true }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, authOnPrimaryOnly : false }) );
+var collSharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooSharded.barSharded" );
+var collUnsharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooUnsharded.barUnsharded" );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ enableSharding : collSharded.getDB() + "" }) );
+printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collSharded.getDB() + "", to : shards[0]._id }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ shardCollection : collSharded + "", key : { _id : 1 } }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ split : collSharded + "", middle : { _id : 0 } }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ moveChunk : collSharded + "",
+ find : { _id : 0 },
+ to : shards[1]._id }) );
+// Create the unsharded database
+collUnsharded.insert({ some : "doc" });
+assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
+assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
+printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collUnsharded.getDB() + "", to : shards[0]._id }) );
+// Make sure replica sets have a primary.
+// Needed b/c the GLE command itself can fail if the shard is down ("write result unknown") - we
+// don't care if this happens in this test, we only care that we did not get "write succeeded".
+// Depending on the connection pool state, we could get either.
+function gleErrorOrThrow(database, msg) {
+ var gle;
+ try {
+ gle = database.getLastErrorObj();
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!gle.err) doassert("getLastError is null: " + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ return;
+// Setup is complete
+jsTest.log("Inserting initial data...");
+var mongosConnActive = new Mongo( );
+var mongosConnIdle = null;
+var mongosConnNew = null;
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -1 });
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 1 });
+assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB().getLastError());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 1 });
+assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB().getLastError());
+jsTest.log("Stopping primary of third shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+st.rs2.stop(st.rs2.getPrimary(), true /*wait for stop*/ );
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection with third primary down...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with third primary down...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections with third primary down...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+jsTest.log("Stopping primary of second shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+// Need to save this node for later
+var rs1Secondary = st.rs1.getSecondary();
+st.rs1.stop(st.rs1.getPrimary(), true /* wait for stop */);
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection with second primary down...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -5 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 5 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 5 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with second primary down...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -6 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.commandWorked(admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, logLevel : 5 }));
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 6 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 6 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections with second primary down...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -7 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 7 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 7 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
+jsTest.log("Stopping primary of first shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+st.rs0.stop(st.rs0.getPrimary(), true /*wait for stop*/ );
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection with first primary down...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with first primary down...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections with first primary down...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
+jsTest.log("Stopping second shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+st.rs1.stop(rs1Secondary, true /* wait for stop */);
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection with second shard down...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 8 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection with second shard down...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 9 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections with second shard down...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 10 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/mongos_shard_failure_tolerance.js b/jstests/sharding/mongos_shard_failure_tolerance.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f5ffefca28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/mongos_shard_failure_tolerance.js
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Tests mongos's failure tolerance for single-node shards
+// Sets up a cluster with three shards, the first shard of which has an unsharded collection and
+// half a sharded collection. The second shard has the second half of the sharded collection, and
+// the third shard has nothing. Progressively shuts down each shard to see the impact on the
+// cluster.
+// Three different connection states are tested - active (connection is active through whole
+// sequence), idle (connection is connected but not used before a shard change), and new
+// (connection connected after shard change).
+var options = {separateConfig : true};
+var st = new ShardingTest({shards : 3, mongos : 1, other : options});
+var mongos = st.s0;
+var admin = mongos.getDB( "admin" );
+var shards = mongos.getDB( "config" ).shards.find().toArray();
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, traceExceptions : true }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ setParameter : 1, ignoreInitialVersionFailure : true }) );
+var collSharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooSharded.barSharded" );
+var collUnsharded = mongos.getCollection( "fooUnsharded.barUnsharded" );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ enableSharding : collSharded.getDB() + "" }) );
+printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collSharded.getDB() + "", to : shards[0]._id }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ shardCollection : collSharded + "", key : { _id : 1 } }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ split : collSharded + "", middle : { _id : 0 } }) );
+assert.commandWorked( admin.runCommand({ moveChunk : collSharded + "",
+ find : { _id : 0 },
+ to : shards[1]._id }) );
+// Create the unsharded database
+collUnsharded.insert({ some : "doc" });
+assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
+assert.eq( null, collUnsharded.getDB().getLastError() );
+printjson( admin.runCommand({ movePrimary : collUnsharded.getDB() + "", to : shards[0]._id }) );
+// Needed b/c the GLE command itself can fail if the shard is down ("write result unknown") - we
+// don't care if this happens in this test, we only care that we did not get "write succeeded".
+// Depending on the connection pool state, we could get either.
+function gleErrorOrThrow(database, msg) {
+ var gle;
+ try {
+ gle = database.getLastErrorObj();
+ }
+ catch (ex) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!gle.err) doassert("getLastError is null: " + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ return;
+// Setup is complete
+jsTest.log("Inserting initial data...");
+var mongosConnActive = new Mongo( );
+var mongosConnIdle = null;
+var mongosConnNew = null;
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -1 });
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 1 });
+assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB().getLastError());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 1 });
+assert.eq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB().getLastError());
+jsTest.log("Stopping third shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+MongoRunner.stopMongod( st.shard2 );
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }));
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 2 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 3 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 4 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
+jsTest.log("Stopping second shard...");
+mongosConnIdle = new Mongo( );
+MongoRunner.stopMongod( st.shard1 );
+jsTest.log("Testing active connection...");
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -5 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 5 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 5 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnActive.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+jsTest.log("Testing idle connection...");
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -6 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 6 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 6 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnIdle.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+jsTest.log("Testing new connections...");
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : -1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+assert.neq(null, mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).findOne({ _id : 1 }) );
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : -7 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 7 });
+gleErrorOrThrow(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collSharded + "" ).getDB());
+mongosConnNew = new Mongo( );
+mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).insert({ _id : 7 });
+assert.gleSuccess(mongosConnNew.getCollection( collUnsharded + "" ).getDB());
+gc(); // Clean up new connections
diff --git a/src/mongo/base/error_codes.err b/src/mongo/base/error_codes.err
index 1dfa1702b64..5fa8cde17e2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/base/error_codes.err
+++ b/src/mongo/base/error_codes.err
@@ -27,4 +27,7 @@ error_code("AlreadyInitialized", 23)
error_code("LockTimeout", 24)
error_code("RemoteValidationError", 25)
+# Non-sequential error codes (for compatibility only)
+error_code("NodeNotFound", 74)
error_class("NetworkError", ["HostUnreachable", "HostNotFound"])
diff --git a/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.cpp b/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.cpp
index 21a5b0810f4..62544aca668 100644
--- a/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.cpp
@@ -1593,6 +1593,18 @@ namespace mongo {
return _getMonitor()->isAnyNodeOk();
+ void DBClientReplicaSet::authPrimary(const BSONObj& params) {
+ _auth(params);
+ }
+ bool DBClientReplicaSet::authPrimary( const string &dbname,
+ const string &username,
+ const string &password_text,
+ string& errmsg,
+ bool digestPassword ) {
+ return auth( dbname, username, password_text, errmsg, digestPassword );
+ }
void DBClientReplicaSet::_auth(const BSONObj& params) {
DBClientConnection * m = checkMaster();
@@ -1620,6 +1632,99 @@ namespace mongo {
_auths[params[saslCommandPrincipalSourceFieldName].str()] = params.getOwned();
+ bool DBClientReplicaSet::authAny( const string &dbname,
+ const string &username,
+ const string &password_text,
+ string& errmsg,
+ bool digestPassword ) {
+ try {
+ authAny(BSON(saslCommandMechanismFieldName << "MONGODB-CR" <<
+ saslCommandPrincipalSourceFieldName << dbname <<
+ saslCommandPrincipalFieldName << username <<
+ saslCommandPasswordFieldName << password_text <<
+ saslCommandDigestPasswordFieldName << digestPassword));
+ return true;
+ } catch(const UserException& ex) {
+ if (ex.getCode() != ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed)
+ throw;
+ errmsg = ex.what();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool isAuthException( const DBException& ex ) {
+ return ex.getCode() == ErrorCodes::AuthenticationFailed;
+ }
+ void DBClientReplicaSet::authAny( const BSONObj& params ) {
+ // We prefer to authenticate against a primary, but otherwise a secondary is ok too
+ // Empty tag matches every secondary
+ TagSet tags(BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj()));
+ shared_ptr<ReadPreferenceSetting> readPref(
+ new ReadPreferenceSetting( ReadPreference_PrimaryPreferred, tags ) );
+ LOG(3) << "dbclient_rs authentication of " << _getMonitor()->getName() << endl;
+ // NOTE that we retry MAX_RETRY + 1 times, since we're always primary preferred we don't
+ // fallback to the primary.
+ Status lastNodeStatus = Status::OK();
+ for ( size_t retry = 0; retry < MAX_RETRY + 1; retry++ ) {
+ try {
+ DBClientConnection* conn = selectNodeUsingTags( readPref );
+ if ( conn == NULL ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ conn->auth( params );
+ // Cache the new auth information since we've now validated it's good
+ _auths[params[saslCommandPrincipalSourceFieldName].str()] = params.getOwned();
+ // Ensure the only child connection open is the one we authenticated against - other
+ // child connections may not have full authentication information.
+ // NOTE: _lastSlaveOkConn may or may not be the same as _master
+ dassert(_lastSlaveOkConn.get() == conn || _master.get() == conn);
+ if ( conn != _lastSlaveOkConn.get() ) {
+ _lastSlaveOkHost = HostAndPort();
+ _lastSlaveOkConn.reset();
+ }
+ if ( conn != _master.get() ) {
+ _masterHost = HostAndPort();
+ _master.reset();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ catch ( const DBException &ex ) {
+ // We care if we can't authenticate (i.e. bad password) in credential params.
+ // We shouldn't be unauthorized since we aren't doing anything yet.
+ if ( isAuthException( ex ) ) {
+ throw;
+ }
+ StringBuilder errMsgB;
+ errMsgB << "can't authenticate against replica set node "
+ << _lastSlaveOkHost.toString();
+ lastNodeStatus = ex.toStatus( errMsgB.str() );
+ LOG(1) << lastNodeStatus.reason() << endl;
+ invalidateLastSlaveOkCache();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( lastNodeStatus.isOK() ) {
+ StringBuilder assertMsgB;
+ assertMsgB << "Failed to authenticate, no good nodes in " << _getMonitor()->getName();
+ uasserted( ErrorCodes::NodeNotFound, assertMsgB.str() );
+ }
+ else {
+ uasserted( lastNodeStatus.code(), lastNodeStatus.reason() );
+ }
+ }
void DBClientReplicaSet::logout(const string &dbname, BSONObj& info) {
DBClientConnection* priConn = checkMaster();
diff --git a/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.h b/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.h
index 05f7faa9b2b..ddf986c732b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.h
+++ b/src/mongo/client/dbclient_rs.h
@@ -518,10 +518,51 @@ namespace mongo {
virtual bool call( Message &toSend, Message &response, bool assertOk=true , string * actualServer = 0 );
virtual bool callRead( Message& toSend , Message& response ) { return checkMaster()->callRead( toSend , response ); }
+ /**
+ * Authenticate using supplied credentials. Authenticates against the primary node, fails
+ * if node is down.
+ * Credentials are cached for future connections.
+ *
+ * See DBClientWithCommands::auth() for more details.
+ *
+ * This is the default authentication mode for DBClientReplicaSet connections.
+ */
+ void authPrimary(const BSONObj& params);
+ /**
+ * Same as above, but authorizes access to a particular database.
+ *
+ * See DBClientWithCommands::auth() for more details.
+ */
+ bool authPrimary(const string &dbname,
+ const string &username,
+ const string &password_text,
+ string& errmsg,
+ bool digestPassword);
+ /**
+ * Authenticate using supplied credentials. Prefers authentication against the primary
+ * node, will fall back to a secondary and retry if the primary node is down but
+ * secondaries are still available.
+ * Credentials are cached for future connections.
+ *
+ * See DBClientWithCommands::auth() for more details.
+ */
+ void authAny(const BSONObj& params);
+ /**
+ * Same as above, but authorizes access to a particular database.
+ *
+ * See DBClientWithCommands::auth() for more details.
+ */
+ bool authAny( const string &dbname,
+ const string &username,
+ const string &password_text,
+ string& errmsg,
+ bool digestPassword );
- /** Authorize. Authorizes all nodes as needed
- */
virtual void _auth(const BSONObj& params);
virtual void sayPiggyBack( Message &toSend ) { checkMaster()->say( toSend ); }
diff --git a/src/mongo/client/parallel.cpp b/src/mongo/client/parallel.cpp
index 18649d9c6b9..d3b03425193 100644
--- a/src/mongo/client/parallel.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/client/parallel.cpp
@@ -715,26 +715,27 @@ namespace mongo {
const DBClientBase* rawConn = state->conn->getRawConn();
- if (( _options & QueryOption_SlaveOk ) &&
- rawConn->type() == ConnectionString::SET &&
- rawConn->isFailed() ) {
- /* A side effect of this short circuiting is this will not be
- * able figure out that the primary is now up on it's own and
- * has to rely on other threads to refresh the node states.
- */
+ bool allowShardVersionFailure = ( _options & QueryOption_SlaveOk )
+ && rawConn->type() == ConnectionString::SET;
+ if ( allowShardVersionFailure && rawConn->isFailed() ) {
+ state->conn->donotCheckVersion();
+ // A side effect of this short circuiting is the mongos will not be able figure out that
+ // the primary is now up on it's own and has to rely on other threads to refresh node
+ // states.
- const DBClientReplicaSet* repl =
- dynamic_cast<const DBClientReplicaSet*>( rawConn );
+ const DBClientReplicaSet* repl = dynamic_cast<const DBClientReplicaSet*>( rawConn );
+ dassert(repl);
warning() << "Primary for " << repl->getServerAddress()
<< " was down before, bypassing setShardVersion."
- << " Local config view can be stale." << endl;
+ << " The local replica set view and targeting may be stale." << endl;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
try {
- /* TODO: Undo SERVER-5797. This try-catch is a temporary hack until
- * secondaries can properly handle shard versioning
- */
if ( state->conn->setVersion() ) {
// It's actually okay if we set the version here, since either the
// manager will be verified as compatible, or if the manager doesn't
@@ -742,19 +743,20 @@ namespace mongo {
LOG( pc ) << "needed to set remote version on connection to value "
<< "compatible with " << vinfo << endl;
- } catch ( const DBException& dbEx ) {
- if ( (dbEx.getCode() == 10009 /* no master */ &&
- ( _options & QueryOption_SlaveOk )) ) {
+ }
+ catch ( const DBException& dbEx ) {
+ if ( allowShardVersionFailure ) {
+ // It's okay if we don't set the version when talking to a secondary, we can
+ // be stale in any case.
const DBClientReplicaSet* repl =
- dynamic_cast<const DBClientReplicaSet*>(
- state->conn->getRawConn() );
- warning() << "Cannot contact primary for "
- << repl->getServerAddress()
- << " to check shard version. "
- << "SlaveOk query can be sent to the wrong shard."
+ dynamic_cast<const DBClientReplicaSet*>( state->conn->getRawConn() );
+ dassert(repl);
+ warning() << "Cannot contact primary for " << repl->getServerAddress()
+ << " to check shard version."
+ << " The local replica set view and targeting may be stale."
<< endl;
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/shard.cpp b/src/mongo/s/shard.cpp
index df620865603..28b281f0cbd 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/shard.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/shard.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/auth/privilege.h"
#include "mongo/db/commands.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
+#include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h"
#include "mongo/s/client_info.h"
#include "mongo/s/config.h"
#include "mongo/s/request.h"
@@ -39,6 +40,8 @@
namespace mongo {
+ MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(authOnPrimaryOnly, bool, true);
class StaticShardInfo {
StaticShardInfo() : _mutex("StaticShardInfo"), _rsMutex("RSNameMap") { }
@@ -411,14 +414,26 @@ namespace mongo {
void ShardingConnectionHook::onCreate( DBClientBase * conn ) {
if( !noauth ) {
+ bool result;
string err;
LOG(2) << "calling onCreate auth for " << conn->toString() << endl;
- bool result = conn->auth( "local",
- internalSecurity.user,
- internalSecurity.pwd,
- err,
- false );
+ if ( conn->type() == ConnectionString::SET && !authOnPrimaryOnly ) {
+ DBClientReplicaSet* setConn = dynamic_cast<DBClientReplicaSet*>(conn);
+ verify(setConn);
+ result = setConn->authAny( "local",
+ internalSecurity.user,
+ internalSecurity.pwd,
+ err,
+ false );
+ }
+ else {
+ result = conn->auth( "local",
+ internalSecurity.user,
+ internalSecurity.pwd,
+ err,
+ false );
+ }
uassert( 15847, str::stream() << "can't authenticate to server "
<< conn->getServerAddress() << causedBy( err ), result );
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/shard.h b/src/mongo/s/shard.h
index 39504311a65..41f819d3ae9 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/shard.h
+++ b/src/mongo/s/shard.h
@@ -290,8 +290,12 @@ namespace mongo {
bool runCommand( const string& db , const BSONObj& cmd , BSONObj& res );
+ // Whether or not we release connections from the thread-local cache after a read
static bool releaseConnectionsAfterResponse;
+ // Controls whether we throw on initially failing to set a version
+ static bool ignoreInitialVersionFailure;
/** checks all of my thread local connections for the version of this ns */
static void checkMyConnectionVersions( const string & ns );
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/shardconnection.cpp b/src/mongo/s/shardconnection.cpp
index 2ef03996367..66a105f05e8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/shardconnection.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/shardconnection.cpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/client.h"
#include "mongo/db/commands.h"
+#include "mongo/db/lasterror.h"
#include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h"
#include "mongo/s/config.h"
#include "mongo/s/request.h"
@@ -33,7 +34,13 @@
namespace mongo {
- MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(ignoreInitialVersionFailure, bool, false);
+ bool ShardConnection::ignoreInitialVersionFailure( false );
+ ExportedServerParameter<bool>
+ _ignoreInitialVersionFailure( ServerParameterSet::getGlobal(),
+ "ignoreInitialVersionFailure",
+ &ShardConnection::ignoreInitialVersionFailure,
+ true,
+ true );
DBConnectionPool shardConnectionPool;
@@ -237,6 +244,12 @@ namespace mongo {
vector<Shard> all;
Shard::getAllShards( all );
+ scoped_ptr<LastError::Disabled> ignoreForGLE;
+ if ( ShardConnection::ignoreInitialVersionFailure ) {
+ // Don't report exceptions here as errors in GetLastError if ignoring failures
+ ignoreForGLE.reset( new LastError::Disabled( lastError.get( false ) ) );
+ }
// Now only check top-level shard connections
for ( unsigned i=0; i<all.size(); i++ ) {
@@ -252,12 +265,12 @@ namespace mongo {
versionManager.checkShardVersionCB( s->avail, ns, false, 1 );
- catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
+ catch ( const DBException& ex ) {
- warning() << "problem while initially checking shard versions on"
- << " " << shard.getName() << causedBy(e) << endl;
+ warning() << "problem while initially checking shard versions on "
+ << shard.getName() << causedBy( ex ) << endl;
- if ( !ignoreInitialVersionFailure ) {
+ if ( !ShardConnection::ignoreInitialVersionFailure ) {
else {
diff --git a/src/mongo/s/version_manager.cpp b/src/mongo/s/version_manager.cpp
index 1496ebc1407..3ba6254813b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/s/version_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/s/version_manager.cpp
@@ -103,23 +103,46 @@ namespace mongo {
WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in );
- DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in );
- verify( conn ); // errors thrown above
+ bool ok;
+ DBClientBase* conn = NULL;
+ try {
+ // May throw if replica set primary is down
+ conn = getVersionable( conn_in );
+ dassert( conn ); // errors thrown above
+ BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
+ cmdBuilder.append( "setShardVersion" , "" );
+ cmdBuilder.appendBool( "init", true );
+ cmdBuilder.append( "configdb" , configServer.modelServer() );
+ cmdBuilder.appendOID( "serverID" , &serverID );
+ cmdBuilder.appendBool( "authoritative" , true );
- BSONObjBuilder cmdBuilder;
+ BSONObj cmd = cmdBuilder.obj();
- cmdBuilder.append( "setShardVersion" , "" );
- cmdBuilder.appendBool( "init", true );
- cmdBuilder.append( "configdb" , configServer.modelServer() );
- cmdBuilder.appendOID( "serverID" , &serverID );
- cmdBuilder.appendBool( "authoritative" , true );
+ LOG(1) << "initializing shard connection to " << conn->toString() << endl;
+ LOG(2) << "initial sharding settings : " << cmd << endl;
+ ok = conn->runCommand("admin", cmd, result, 0);
+ }
+ catch( const DBException& ex ) {
- BSONObj cmd = cmdBuilder.obj();
+ bool ignoreFailure = ShardConnection::ignoreInitialVersionFailure
+ && conn_in->type() == ConnectionString::SET;
+ if ( !ignoreFailure )
+ throw;
- LOG(1) << "initializing shard connection to " << conn->toString() << endl;
- LOG(2) << "initial sharding settings : " << cmd << endl;
+ // Using initShardVersion is not strictly required when talking to replica sets - it is
+ // preferred to do so because it registers mongos early with the mongod. This info is
+ // also sent by checkShardVersion before a connection is used for a write or read.
- bool ok = conn->runCommand("admin", cmd, result, 0);
+ warning() << "failed to initialize new replica set connection version, "
+ << "will initialize on first use" << endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
// HACK for backwards compatibility with v1.8.x, v2.0.0 and v2.0.1
// Result is false, but will still initialize serverID and configdb
diff --git a/src/mongo/shell/assert.js b/src/mongo/shell/assert.js
index b1279028307..0e84c52d11c 100644
--- a/src/mongo/shell/assert.js
+++ b/src/mongo/shell/assert.js
@@ -225,3 +225,41 @@ assert.close = function(a, b, msg, places){
doassert(a + " is not equal to " + b + " within " + places +
" places, diff: " + (a-b) + " : " + msg);
+assert.gleSuccess = function(db, msg) {
+ var gle = db.getLastErrorObj();
+ if (gle.err) {
+ if (typeof(msg) == "function")
+ msg = msg(gle);
+ doassert("getLastError not null:" + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ }
+assert.gleError = function(db, msg) {
+ var gle = db.getLastErrorObj();
+ if (!gle.err) {
+ if (typeof(msg) == "function")
+ msg = msg(gle);
+ doassert("getLastError is null: " + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ }
+assert.gleErrorCode = function(db, code, msg) {
+ var gle = db.getLastErrorObj();
+ if (gle.err && (gle.code == code)) {
+ if (typeof(msg) == "function")
+ msg = msg(gle);
+ doassert("getLastError not null or missing code( " + code + "): "
+ + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ }
+assert.gleErrorRegex = function(db, regex, msg) {
+ var gle = db.getLastErrorObj();
+ if (!gle.err || !regex.test(gle.err)) {
+ if (typeof(msg) == "function")
+ msg = msg(gle);
+ doassert("getLastError is null or doesn't match regex (" + regex + "): "
+ + tojson(gle) + " :" + msg);
+ }