diff options
authorDavid Storch <>2014-04-24 13:13:25 -0400
committerDan Pasette <>2014-05-15 19:36:49 -0400
commitc2d90aad653b567be14798665e280b94525bb55d (patch)
parentf791b9d40151a5aacda4c82c87c7490463b8efa3 (diff)
SERVER-13687 fix plan enumeration for compound multikey 2d or 2dsphere indices
4 files changed, 534 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/core/multikey_geonear.js b/jstests/core/multikey_geonear.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f5bbe3f75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/core/multikey_geonear.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Test that we correct return results for compound 2d and 2dsphere indices in
+// both the multikey and non-multikey cases.
+var t = db.jstests_multikey_geonear;
+// Check that the result set from the cursor is the document with _id: 2,
+// followed by _id: 1, and _id: 0.
+function checkResults(cursor) {
+ for (var i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ assert.eq(i,["_id"]);
+ }
+ assert(!cursor.hasNext());
+t.ensureIndex({a: 1, b: "2dsphere"});
+t.insert({_id: 0, a: 0, b: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}});
+t.insert({_id: 1, a: 0, b: {type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 1]}});
+t.insert({_id: 2, a: 0, b: {type: "Point", coordinates: [2, 2]}});
+// Ensure that the results are returned sorted by increasing distance.
+var cursor = t.find({a: {$gte: 0}, b: {$near: {$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [2, 2]}}}});
+// The results should be the same if we make the "a" field multikey.
+t.insert({_id: 3, a: ["multi", "key"], b: {type: "Point", coordinates: [-1, -1]}});
+cursor = t.find({a: {$gte: 0}, b: {$near: {$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [2, 2]}}}});
+// Repeat these tests for a 2d index.
+t.ensureIndex({a: "2d", b: 1});
+t.insert({_id: 0, a: [0, 0], b: 0});
+t.insert({_id: 1, a: [1, 1], b: 1});
+t.insert({_id: 2, a: [2, 2], b: 2});
+cursor = t.find({a: {$near: [2, 2]}, b: {$gte: 0}});
+t.insert({_id: 3, a: [-1, -1], b: ["multi", "key"]});
+cursor = t.find({a: {$near: [2, 2]}, b: {$gte: 0}});
+// The fields in the compound 2dsphere index share a prefix.
+t.ensureIndex({"a.b": 1, "a.c": "2dsphere"});
+t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: 0}, {c: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}]});
+t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: 1}, {c: {type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 1]}}]});
+t.insert({_id: 2, a: [{b: 2}, {c: {type: "Point", coordinates: [2, 2]}}]});
+cursor = t.find({"a.b": {$gte: 0}, "a.c": {$near:
+ {$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [2, 2]}}}});
+// Double check that we're not intersecting bounds. Doing so should cause us to
+// miss the result here.
+t.insert({_id: 3, a: [{b: 10}, {b: -1}, {c: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}]});
+cursor = t.find({"a.b": {$lt: 0, $gt: 9}, "a.c": {$near:
+ {$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}}});
+// The fields in the compound 2d index share a prefix.
+t.ensureIndex({"a.b": "2d", "a.c": 1});
+t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: [0, 0]}, {c: 0}]});
+t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: [1, 1]}, {c: 1}]});
+t.insert({_id: 2, a: [{b: [2, 2]}, {c: 2}]});
+cursor = t.find({"a.b": {$near: [2, 2]}, "a.c": {$gte: 0}});
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.cpp
index 584dce000b7..c958dc3d3a2 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace {
* Returns true if either 'node' or a descendent of 'node'
* is a predicate that is required to use an index.
- bool isIndexMandatory(const MatchExpression* node) {
+ bool expressionRequiresIndex(const MatchExpression* node) {
return CanonicalQuery::countNodes(node, MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR) > 0
|| CanonicalQuery::countNodes(node, MatchExpression::TEXT) > 0;
@@ -330,7 +330,14 @@ namespace mongo {
return false;
- // Indices we *must* use. TEXT or GEO.
+ // There can only be one mandatory predicate (at most one $text, at most one
+ // $geoNear, can't combine $text/$geoNear).
+ MatchExpression* mandatoryPred = NULL;
+ // There could be multiple indices which we could use to satisfy the mandatory
+ // predicate. Keep the set of such indices. Currently only one text index is
+ // allowed per collection, but there could be multiple 2d or 2dsphere indices
+ // available to answer a $geoNear predicate.
set<IndexID> mandatoryIndices;
// Go through 'indexedPreds' and add the predicates to the
@@ -340,25 +347,36 @@ namespace mongo {
- bool childRequiresIndex = isIndexMandatory(child);
RelevantTag* rt = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(child->getTag());
+ if (expressionRequiresIndex(child)) {
+ // 'child' is a predicate which *must* be tagged with an index.
+ // This should include only TEXT and GEO_NEAR preds.
+ // We expect either 0 or 1 mandatory predicates.
+ invariant(NULL == mandatoryPred);
+ // Mandatory predicates are TEXT or GEO_NEAR.
+ invariant(MatchExpression::TEXT == child->matchType() ||
+ MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == child->matchType());
+ // The mandatory predicate must have a corresponding "mandatory index".
+ invariant(rt->first.size() != 0 || rt->notFirst.size() != 0);
+ mandatoryPred = child;
+ // Find all of the indices that could be used to satisfy the pred,
+ // and add them to the 'mandatoryIndices' set.
+ mandatoryIndices.insert(rt->first.begin(), rt->first.end());
+ mandatoryIndices.insert(rt->notFirst.begin(), rt->notFirst.end());
+ }
for (size_t j = 0; j < rt->first.size(); ++j) {
- if (childRequiresIndex) {
- // We could have >1 index that could be used to answer the pred for
- // things like geoNear. Just pick the first and make it mandatory.
- mandatoryIndices.insert(rt->first[j]);
- }
for (size_t j = 0 ; j< rt->notFirst.size(); ++j) {
- if (childRequiresIndex) {
- // See comment above about mandatory indices.
- mandatoryIndices.insert(rt->notFirst[j]);
- }
@@ -387,63 +405,141 @@ namespace mongo {
return true;
- // Only near queries and text queries have mandatory indices.
- // In this case there's no point to enumerating anything here; both geoNear
- // and text do fetches internally so we can't use any other indices in conjunction.
- if (mandatoryIndices.size() > 0) {
- // Just use the first mandatory index, why not.
- IndexToPredMap::iterator it = idxToFirst.find(*mandatoryIndices.begin());
+ if (NULL != mandatoryPred) {
+ // We must have at least one index which can be used to answer 'mandatoryPred'.
+ invariant(!mandatoryIndices.empty());
+ enumerateMandatoryIndex(idxToFirst, idxToNotFirst, mandatoryPred,
+ mandatoryIndices, andAssignment);
+ return true;
+ }
+ enumerateOneIndex(idxToFirst, idxToNotFirst, subnodes, andAssignment);
+ if (_ixisect) {
+ enumerateAndIntersect(idxToFirst, idxToNotFirst, subnodes, andAssignment);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Don't know what the node is at this point.
+ return false;
+ }
- OneIndexAssignment indexAssign;
+ void PlanEnumerator::enumerateMandatoryIndex(const IndexToPredMap& idxToFirst,
+ const IndexToPredMap& idxToNotFirst,
+ MatchExpression* mandatoryPred,
+ const set<IndexID>& mandatoryIndices,
+ AndAssignment* andAssignment) {
+ // Generate index assignments for each index in 'mandatoryIndices'. We
+ // must assign 'mandatoryPred' to one of these indices, but we try all
+ // possibilities in 'mandatoryIndices' because some might be better than
+ // others for this query.
+ for (set<IndexID>::const_iterator indexIt = mandatoryIndices.begin();
+ indexIt != mandatoryIndices.end();
+ ++indexIt) {
+ // We have a predicate which *must* be tagged to use an index.
+ // Get the index entry for the index it should use.
+ const IndexEntry& thisIndex = (*_indices)[*indexIt];
+ // Only text, 2d, and 2dsphere index types should be able to satisfy
+ // mandatory predicates.
+ invariant(INDEX_TEXT == thisIndex.type ||
+ INDEX_2D == thisIndex.type ||
+ INDEX_2DSPHERE == thisIndex.type);
- // This is the index we assign to.
- indexAssign.index = it->first;
+ OneIndexAssignment indexAssign;
+ indexAssign.index = *indexIt;
- const IndexEntry& thisIndex = (*_indices)[it->first];
+ IndexToPredMap::const_iterator it = idxToFirst.find(*indexIt);
+ const vector<MatchExpression*>& predsOverLeadingField = it->second;
- // If the index is multikey, we only assign one pred to it. We also skip
- // compounding. TODO: is this also true for 2d and 2dsphere indices? can they be
- // multikey but still compoundable? (How do we get covering for them?)
- if (thisIndex.multikey && (INDEX_TEXT != thisIndex.type)) {
- indexAssign.preds.push_back(it->second[0]);
+ if (thisIndex.multikey) {
+ // Special handling for multikey mandatory indices.
+ if (predsOverLeadingField.end() != std::find(predsOverLeadingField.begin(),
+ predsOverLeadingField.end(),
+ mandatoryPred)) {
+ // The mandatory predicate is over the first field of the index. Assign
+ // it now.
+ indexAssign.preds.push_back(mandatoryPred);
else {
- // The index isn't multikey. Assign all preds to it. The planner will
- // do something smart with the bounds.
- indexAssign.preds = it->second;
+ // The mandatory pred is notFirst. Assign an arbitrary predicate
+ // over the first position.
+ invariant(!predsOverLeadingField.empty());
+ indexAssign.preds.push_back(predsOverLeadingField[0]);
+ indexAssign.positions.push_back(0);
- // Since everything in assign.preds prefixes the index, they all go
- // at position '0' in the index, the first position.
- indexAssign.positions.resize(indexAssign.preds.size(), 0);
+ // Assign the mandatory predicate at the matching position in the compound
+ // index. We do this in order to ensure that the mandatory predicate (and not
+ // some other predicate over the same position in the compound index) gets
+ // assigned.
+ //
+ // The bad thing that could happen otherwise: A non-mandatory predicate gets
+ // chosen by getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(...) instead of 'mandatoryPred'.
+ // We would then fail to assign the mandatory predicate, and hence generate
+ // a bad data access plan.
+ //
+ // The mandatory predicate is assigned by calling compound(...) because
+ // compound(...) has logic for matching up a predicate with the proper
+ // position in the compound index.
+ vector<MatchExpression*> mandatoryToCompound;
+ mandatoryToCompound.push_back(mandatoryPred);
+ compound(mandatoryToCompound, thisIndex, &indexAssign);
+ // At this point we have assigned a predicate over the leading field and
+ // we have assigned the mandatory predicate to a trailing field.
+ //
+ // Ex:
+ // Say we have index {a: 1, b: 1, c: "2dsphere", d: 1}. Also suppose that
+ // there is a $near predicate over "c", with additional predicates over
+ // "a", "b", "c", and "d". We will have assigned the $near predicate at
+ // position 2 and a predicate with path "a" at position 0.
+ }
- // And now we begin compound analysis.
+ // Compound remaining predicates in a multikey-safe way.
+ IndexToPredMap::const_iterator compIt = idxToNotFirst.find(indexAssign.index);
+ if (compIt != idxToNotFirst.end()) {
+ const vector<MatchExpression*>& couldCompound = compIt->second;
+ vector<MatchExpression*> tryCompound;
- // Find everything that could use assign.index but isn't a pred over
- // the first field of that index.
- IndexToPredMap::iterator compIt = idxToNotFirst.find(indexAssign.index);
- if (compIt != idxToNotFirst.end()) {
- compound(compIt->second, thisIndex, &indexAssign);
+ getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(indexAssign.preds, couldCompound, &tryCompound);
+ if (tryCompound.size()) {
+ compound(tryCompound, thisIndex, &indexAssign);
- AndEnumerableState state;
- state.assignments.push_back(indexAssign);
- andAssignment->choices.push_back(state);
- return true;
+ else {
+ // For non-multikey, we don't have to do anything too special.
+ // Just assign all "first" predicates and try to compound like usual.
+ indexAssign.preds = it->second;
- enumerateOneIndex(idxToFirst, idxToNotFirst, subnodes, andAssignment);
+ // Since everything in assign.preds prefixes the index, they all go
+ // at position '0' in the index, the first position.
+ indexAssign.positions.resize(indexAssign.preds.size(), 0);
- if (_ixisect) {
- enumerateAndIntersect(idxToFirst, idxToNotFirst, subnodes, andAssignment);
+ // And now we begin compound analysis.
+ // Find everything that could use assign.index but isn't a pred over
+ // the first field of that index.
+ IndexToPredMap::const_iterator compIt = idxToNotFirst.find(indexAssign.index);
+ if (compIt != idxToNotFirst.end()) {
+ compound(compIt->second, thisIndex, &indexAssign);
+ }
- return true;
- }
+ // The mandatory predicate must be assigned.
+ invariant(indexAssign.preds.end() != std::find(indexAssign.preds.begin(),
+ indexAssign.preds.end(),
+ mandatoryPred));
- // Don't know what the node is at this point.
- return false;
+ // Output the assignments for this index.
+ AndEnumerableState state;
+ state.assignments.push_back(indexAssign);
+ andAssignment->choices.push_back(state);
+ }
void PlanEnumerator::enumerateOneIndex(const IndexToPredMap& idxToFirst,
@@ -514,7 +610,7 @@ namespace mongo {
// the predicates that are safe to compound and try to
// compound them.
- getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(indexAssign.preds[0], couldCompound, &tryCompound);
+ getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(indexAssign.preds, couldCompound, &tryCompound);
if (tryCompound.size()) {
compound(tryCompound, thisIndex, &indexAssign);
@@ -844,7 +940,7 @@ namespace mongo {
partitionPreds(child, context, indexOut, subnodesOut, mandatorySubnodes);
else {
- bool mandatory = isIndexMandatory(child);
+ bool mandatory = expressionRequiresIndex(child);
// Recursively prepMemo for the subnode. We fall through
// to this case for logical nodes other than AND (e.g. OR)
@@ -872,7 +968,7 @@ namespace mongo {
return true;
- void PlanEnumerator::getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(const MatchExpression* assigned,
+ void PlanEnumerator::getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(const vector<MatchExpression*>& assigned,
const vector<MatchExpression*>& couldCompound,
vector<MatchExpression*>* out) {
// Map from a particular $elemMatch expression to the set of prefixes
@@ -887,28 +983,31 @@ namespace mongo {
// of the used prefixes both inside and outside of an $elemMatch context.
unordered_map<MatchExpression*, set<string> > used;
- // Initialize 'used' with the starting predicate, 'assigned'. Begin by
+ // Initialize 'used' with the starting predicates in 'assigned'. Begin by
// initializing the top-level scope with the prefix of the full path.
- invariant(NULL != assigned->getTag());
- RelevantTag* usedRt = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(assigned->getTag());
- set<string> usedPrefixes;
- usedPrefixes.insert(getPathPrefix(usedRt->path));
- used[NULL] = usedPrefixes;
- // If 'assigned' is a predicate inside an $elemMatch, we have to
- // add the prefix not only to the top-level context, but also to the
- // the $elemMatch context. For example, if 'assigned' is {a: {$elemMatch: {b: 1}}},
- // then we will have already added "a" to the set for NULL. We now
- // also need to add "b" to the set for the $elemMatch.
- if (NULL != usedRt->elemMatchExpr) {
- set<string> elemMatchUsed;
- // Whereas getPathPrefix(usedRt->path) is the prefix of the full path,
- // usedRt->pathPrefix contains the prefix of the portion of the
- // path that is inside the $elemMatch. These two prefixes are the same
- // in the top-level context, but here must be different because 'usedRt'
- // is in an $elemMatch context.
- elemMatchUsed.insert(usedRt->pathPrefix);
- used[usedRt->elemMatchExpr] = elemMatchUsed;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < assigned.size(); i++) {
+ const MatchExpression* assignedPred = assigned[i];
+ invariant(NULL != assignedPred->getTag());
+ RelevantTag* usedRt = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(assignedPred->getTag());
+ set<string> usedPrefixes;
+ usedPrefixes.insert(getPathPrefix(usedRt->path));
+ used[NULL] = usedPrefixes;
+ // If 'assigned' is a predicate inside an $elemMatch, we have to
+ // add the prefix not only to the top-level context, but also to the
+ // the $elemMatch context. For example, if 'assigned' is {a: {$elemMatch: {b: 1}}},
+ // then we will have already added "a" to the set for NULL. We now
+ // also need to add "b" to the set for the $elemMatch.
+ if (NULL != usedRt->elemMatchExpr) {
+ set<string> elemMatchUsed;
+ // Whereas getPathPrefix(usedRt->path) is the prefix of the full path,
+ // usedRt->pathPrefix contains the prefix of the portion of the
+ // path that is inside the $elemMatch. These two prefixes are the same
+ // in the top-level context, but here must be different because 'usedRt'
+ // is in an $elemMatch context.
+ elemMatchUsed.insert(usedRt->pathPrefix);
+ used[usedRt->elemMatchExpr] = elemMatchUsed;
+ }
for (size_t i = 0; i < couldCompound.size(); ++i) {
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.h b/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.h
index 65fb9d7b290..8cccbab61c8 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.h
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/plan_enumerator.h
@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ namespace mongo {
vector<MemoID>* mandatorySubnodes);
- * Finds a set of predicates that can be safely compounded with 'assigned',
- * under the assumption that we are assignining predicates to a compound,
- * multikey index.
+ * Finds a set of predicates that can be safely compounded with the set
+ * of predicates in 'assigned', under the assumption that we are assigning
+ * predicates to a compound, multikey index.
* The list of candidate predicates that we could compound is passed
* in 'couldCompound'. A subset of these predicates that is safe to
@@ -313,8 +313,28 @@ namespace mongo {
* 2) {'a.b': 1, a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$gt: 0}}}}. We cannot combine the
* bounds here because the prefix 'a' is shared by two predicates which
* are not joined together by an $elemMatch.
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ * Usually 'assigned' has just one predicate. However, in order to support
+ * mandatory predicate assignment (TEXT and GEO_NEAR), we allow multiple
+ * already-assigned predicates to be passed. If a mandatory predicate is over
+ * a trailing field in a multikey compound index, then we assign both a predicate
+ * over the leading field as well as the mandatory predicate prior to calling
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * Ex:
+ * Say we have index {a: 1, b: 1, c: "2dsphere", d: 1} as well as a $near
+ * predicate and a $within predicate over "c". The $near predicate is mandatory
+ * and must be assigned. The $within predicate is not mandatory. Furthermore,
+ * it cannot be assigned in addition to the $near predicate because the index
+ * is multikey.
+ *
+ * In this case the enumerator must assign the $near predicate, and pass it in
+ * in 'assigned'. Otherwise it would be possible to assign the $within predicate,
+ * and then not assign the $near because the $within is already assigned (and
+ * has the same path).
- void getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(const MatchExpression* assigned,
+ void getMultikeyCompoundablePreds(const vector<MatchExpression*>& assigned,
const vector<MatchExpression*>& couldCompound,
vector<MatchExpression*>* out);
@@ -365,6 +385,17 @@ namespace mongo {
AndAssignment* andAssignment);
+ * Generate single-index assignments for queries which contain mandatory
+ * predicates (TEXT and GEO_NEAR, which are required to use a compatible index).
+ * Outputs these assignments into 'andAssignment'.
+ */
+ void enumerateMandatoryIndex(const IndexToPredMap& idxToFirst,
+ const IndexToPredMap& idxToNotFirst,
+ MatchExpression* mandatoryPred,
+ const set<IndexID>& mandatoryIndices,
+ AndAssignment* andAssignment);
+ /**
* Try to assign predicates in 'tryCompound' to 'thisIndex' as compound assignments.
* Output the assignments in 'assign'.
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_test.cpp b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_test.cpp
index 58550e88a1f..d56efe11051 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/query/query_planner_test.cpp
@@ -1464,6 +1464,18 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {loc: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Multikey2DSphereCompound) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1), true);
+ addIndex(BSON("loc" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{loc:{$near:{$geometry:{type:'Point',"
+ "coordinates : [-81.513743,28.369947] },"
+ " $maxDistance :100}},a: 'mouse'}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {loc: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Basic2DSphereNonNear) {
// 2dsphere can do: within+geometry, intersects+geometry
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"));
@@ -1482,6 +1494,25 @@ namespace {
// TODO: test that we *don't* annotate for things we shouldn't.
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Multikey2DSphereNonNear) {
+ // 2dsphere can do: within+geometry, intersects+geometry
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: {type: 'Point',"
+ "coordinates: [10.0, 10.0]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a : { $geoWithin : { $centerSphere : [[ 10, 20 ], 0.01 ] } }}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ // TODO: test that we *don't* annotate for things we shouldn't.
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Basic2DGeoNear) {
// Can only do near + old point.
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2d"));
@@ -1504,6 +1535,21 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Multikey2DSphereGeoNear) {
+ // Can do nearSphere + old point, near + new point.
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$nearSphere: [0,0], $maxDistance: 0.31 }}"));
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(getNumSolutions(), 1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}");
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$geoNear: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0,0]},"
+ "$maxDistance:100}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Basic2DSphereGeoNearReverseCompound) {
addIndex(BSON("x" << 1));
addIndex(BSON("x" << 1 << "a" << "2dsphere"));
@@ -1513,6 +1559,15 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {x: 1, a: '2dsphere'}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Multikey2DSphereGeoNearReverseCompound) {
+ addIndex(BSON("x" << 1), true);
+ addIndex(BSON("x" << 1 << "a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{x:1, a: {$nearSphere: [0,0], $maxDistance: 0.31 }}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {x: 1, a: '2dsphere'}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, NearNoIndex) {
addIndex(BSON("x" << 1));
runInvalidQuery(fromjson("{x:1, a: {$nearSphere: [0,0], $maxDistance: 0.31 }}"));
@@ -1527,6 +1582,15 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {x: 1, a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, TwoDSphereNoGeoPredMultikey) {
+ addIndex(BSON("x" << 1 << "a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{x:1}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {x: 1, a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ }
// SERVER-3984, $or 2d index
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Or2DNonNear) {
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2d"));
@@ -1563,6 +1627,22 @@ namespace {
"{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {b: '2dsphere'}}}}}]}}");
+ // SERVER-3984, $or 2dsphere index
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Or2DSphereNonNearMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ addIndex(BSON("b" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [ {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [10.0, 10.0]}}}},"
+ " {b: {$geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [[ 10, 20 ], 0.01 ] } }} ]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{or: {nodes: "
+ "[{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}},"
+ "{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {b: '2dsphere'}}}}}]}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, And2DSameFieldNonNear) {
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2d"));
runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [ {a : { $within : { $polygon : [[0,0], [2,0], [4,0]] } }},"
@@ -1598,6 +1678,21 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, And2DSphereSameFieldNonNearMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [ {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [3.0, 1.0]}}}},"
+ " {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [4.0, 1.0]}}}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ // Bounds of the two 2dsphere geo predicates are combined into
+ // a single index scan.
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, And2DSphereWithNearSameField) {
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"));
runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
@@ -1610,6 +1705,19 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, And2DSphereWithNearSameFieldMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [3.0, 1.0]}}}},"
+ "{a: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [10.0, 10.0]}}}}]}"));
+ // GEO_NEAR must use the index, and GEO predicate becomes a filter.
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Or2DSphereSameFieldNonNear) {
addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"));
runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [ {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
@@ -1624,6 +1732,99 @@ namespace {
"{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}]}}");
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Or2DSphereSameFieldNonNearMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$or: [ {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [3.0, 1.0]}}}},"
+ " {a: {$geoIntersects: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [4.0, 1.0]}}}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{cscan: {dir: 1}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{or: {nodes: ["
+ "{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}},"
+ "{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}}]}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNear) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$gte: 0}, b: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2dsphere: {a: 1, b: '2dsphere'}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNearFetchRequired) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$gte: 0, $lt: 5}, b: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gte:0}}, node: "
+ "{geoNear2dsphere: {a: 1, b: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNearMultipleIndices) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ addIndex(BSON("c" << 1 << "b" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$gte: 0}, c: 3, b: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {c:3}, node: "
+ "{geoNear2dsphere: {a: 1, b: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gte:0}}, node: "
+ "{geoNear2dsphere: {c: 1, b: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNearMultipleLeadingFields) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "c" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$lt: 5, $gt: 1}, b: 6, c: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {a:{$gt:1}}, node: "
+ "{geoNear2dsphere: {a: 1, b: 1, c: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNearMultipleGeoPreds) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1 << "c" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: 1, b: 6, $and: ["
+ "{c: {$near: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}},"
+ "{c: {$geoWithin: {$box: [ [1, 1], [3, 3] ] } } } ] }"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {a:1, b:1, c:'2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DSphereNearCompoundTest) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << "2dsphere" << "c" << 1 << "d" << 1), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$gte: 0}, c: {$gte: 0, $lt: 4}, d: {$gt: 1, $lt: 5},"
+ "b: {$near: {$geometry: "
+ "{type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2]}}}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {filter: {d:{$gt:1},c:{$gte:0}}, node: "
+ "{geoNear2dsphere: {a: 1, b: '2dsphere', c: 1, d: 1}}}}");
+ }
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundMultikey2DNear) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2d" << "b" << 1), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{a: {$near: [0, 0]}, b: {$gte: 0}}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{geoNear2d: {a: '2d', b: 1}}");
+ }
// $in
@@ -1897,6 +2098,22 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {timestamp: -1, position: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ // SERVER-10801
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, SortOnGeoQueryMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("timestamp" << -1 << "position" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ BSONObj query = fromjson("{position: {$geoWithin: {$geometry: {type: \"Polygon\", "
+ "coordinates: [[[1, 1], [1, 90], [180, 90], [180, 1], [1, 1]]]}}}}");
+ BSONObj sort = fromjson("{timestamp: -1}");
+ runQuerySortProj(query, sort, BSONObj());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(getNumSolutions(), 2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{sort: {pattern: {timestamp: -1}, limit: 0, "
+ "node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: "
+ "{timestamp: -1, position: '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ }
// SERVER-9257
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundGeoNoGeoPredicate) {
addIndex(BSON("creationDate" << 1 << "" << "2dsphere"));
@@ -1909,6 +2126,19 @@ namespace {
assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {creationDate: 1, '': '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ // SERVER-9257
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, CompoundGeoNoGeoPredicateMultikey) {
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("creationDate" << 1 << "" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuerySortProj(fromjson("{creationDate: { $gt: 7}}"),
+ fromjson("{creationDate: 1}"), BSONObj());
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(getNumSolutions(), 2U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{sort: {pattern: {creationDate: 1}, limit: 0, "
+ "node: {cscan: {dir: 1}}}}");
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {ixscan: {pattern: {creationDate: 1, '': '2dsphere'}}}}}");
+ }
// Basic "keep sort in mind with an OR"
TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, MergeSortEvenIfSameIndex) {
addIndex(BSON("a" << 1 << "b" << 1));
@@ -2485,6 +2715,28 @@ namespace {
+ // 2DSphere geo negation
+ // Filter is embedded in a separate fetch node.
+ //
+ TEST_F(QueryPlannerTest, Negation2DSphereGeoNearMultikey) {
+ // Can do nearSphere + old point, near + new point.
+ // true means multikey
+ addIndex(BSON("a" << "2dsphere"), true);
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: {$nearSphere: [0,0], $maxDistance: 0.31}}, "
+ "{b: {$ne: 1}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ runQuery(fromjson("{$and: [{a: {$geoNear: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', "
+ "coordinates: [0, 0]},"
+ "$maxDistance: 100}}},"
+ "{b: {$ne: 1}}]}"));
+ assertNumSolutions(1U);
+ assertSolutionExists("{fetch: {node: {geoNear2dsphere: {a: '2dsphere'}}}}");
+ }
+ //
// Multikey indices