diff options
authorKevin Pulo <>2018-08-20 06:53:03 +0000
committerKevin Pulo <>2018-08-20 06:54:29 +0000
commit581a10bcfc9b755a099a59f8489a5b0e6d5a1746 (patch)
parent0d18044aabe790f330e9a625175dbc071bd6fb64 (diff)
SERVER-33237 Range deleter avoid query planning for every document.
Custom backport to v3.4, based on 6ed473ed3a122bebc1e932c946fe1c991dbd7ecb. In v3.4, the excessive query planning is only avoided when _secondaryThrottle is off. Also add the rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS server parameter (default 20ms), to give greater control (when necessary) over range deleter throttling. This delay is in addition to any _secondaryThrottle replication delays.
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/mongo/db/dbhelpers.cpp b/src/mongo/db/dbhelpers.cpp
index 96eb011018d..a372d42824b 100644
--- a/src/mongo/db/dbhelpers.cpp
+++ b/src/mongo/db/dbhelpers.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
#include "mongo/db/s/collection_metadata.h"
#include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h"
#include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h"
+#include "mongo/db/server_parameters.h"
#include "mongo/db/service_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/data_protector.h"
#include "mongo/db/storage/encryption_hooks.h"
@@ -266,6 +267,10 @@ BSONObj Helpers::inferKeyPattern(const BSONObj& o) {
return kpBuilder.obj();
+// After completing internalQueryExecYieldIterations document deletions, the time in millis to wait
+// before continuing deletions.
+MONGO_EXPORT_SERVER_PARAMETER(rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS, int, 20);
long long Helpers::removeRange(OperationContext* txn,
const KeyRange& range,
BoundInclusion boundInclusion,
@@ -323,7 +328,7 @@ long long Helpers::removeRange(OperationContext* txn,
MONGO_LOG_COMPONENT(1, LogComponent::kSharding)
- << "begin removal of " << min << " to " << max << " in " << ns
+ << "begin removal of " << redact(min) << " to " << redact(max) << " in " << ns
<< " with write concern: " << writeConcern.toBSON() << endl;
long long numDeleted = 0;
@@ -331,20 +336,25 @@ long long Helpers::removeRange(OperationContext* txn,
replWaitDuration = Milliseconds::zero();
while (1) {
+ long long numDeletedPreviously = numDeleted;
+ long long iterationsBetweenSleeps = internalQueryExecYieldIterations.load();
+ long long batchSize = writeConcern.shouldWaitForOtherNodes() ? 1 : iterationsBetweenSleeps;
// Scoping for write lock.
ScopedTransaction scopedXact(txn, MODE_IX);
AutoGetCollection ctx(txn, NamespaceString(ns), MODE_IX, MODE_IX);
Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection();
- if (!collection)
+ if (!collection) {
+ }
IndexDescriptor* desc = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName(txn, indexName);
if (!desc) {
warning(LogComponent::kSharding) << "shard key index '" << indexName << "' on '"
<< ns << "' was dropped";
- return -1;
+ break;
unique_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(
@@ -357,99 +367,153 @@ long long Helpers::removeRange(OperationContext* txn,
- exec->setYieldPolicy(PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, collection);
- RecordId rloc;
- BSONObj obj;
- PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
- // This may yield so we cannot touch nsd after this.
- state = exec->getNext(&obj, &rloc);
- if (PlanExecutor::IS_EOF == state) {
- break;
- }
- if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
- warning(LogComponent::kSharding)
- << PlanExecutor::statestr(state) << " - cursor error while trying to delete "
- << min << " to " << max << " in " << ns << ": "
- << WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj)
- << ", stats: " << Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get()) << endl;
- break;
- }
- verify(PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == state);
- if (onlyRemoveOrphanedDocs) {
- // Do a final check in the write lock to make absolutely sure that our
- // collection hasn't been modified in a way that invalidates our migration
- // cleanup.
+ bool errorOccurred = false;
- // We should never be able to turn off the sharding state once enabled, but
- // in the future we might want to.
- verify(ShardingState::get(txn)->enabled());
+ while (numDeleted - numDeletedPreviously < batchSize) {
- bool docIsOrphan;
- // In write lock, so will be the most up-to-date version
- auto metadataNow = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, ns)->getMetadata();
- if (metadataNow) {
- ShardKeyPattern kp(metadataNow->getKeyPattern());
- BSONObj key = kp.extractShardKeyFromDoc(obj);
- docIsOrphan =
- !metadataNow->keyBelongsToMe(key) && !metadataNow->keyIsPending(key);
- } else {
- docIsOrphan = false;
+ RecordId rloc;
+ BSONObj obj;
+ PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
+ // This may yield so we cannot touch nsd after this.
+ state = exec->getNext(&obj, &rloc);
+ if (PlanExecutor::IS_EOF == state) {
+ errorOccurred = true;
+ break;
- if (!docIsOrphan) {
+ if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state || PlanExecutor::DEAD == state) {
- << "aborting migration cleanup for chunk " << min << " to " << max
- << (metadataNow ? (string) " at document " + obj.toString() : "")
- << ", collection " << ns << " has changed " << endl;
+ << PlanExecutor::statestr(state)
+ << " - cursor error while trying to delete " << redact(min) << " to "
+ << redact(max) << " in " << ns << ": "
+ << redact(WorkingSetCommon::toStatusString(obj))
+ << ", stats: " << Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get()) << endl;
+ errorOccurred = true;
- }
- WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
- NamespaceString nss(ns);
- if (!repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesFor(nss)) {
- warning() << "stepped down from primary while deleting chunk; "
- << "orphaning data in " << ns << " in range [" << redact(min) << ", "
- << redact(max) << ")";
- return numDeleted;
+ verify(PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == state);
+ if (onlyRemoveOrphanedDocs) {
+ // Do a final check in the write lock to make absolutely sure that our
+ // collection hasn't been modified in a way that invalidates our migration
+ // cleanup.
+ // We should never be able to turn off the sharding state once enabled, but
+ // in the future we might want to.
+ verify(ShardingState::get(txn)->enabled());
+ bool docIsOrphan;
+ // In write lock, so will be the most up-to-date version
+ auto metadataNow = CollectionShardingState::get(txn, ns)->getMetadata();
+ if (metadataNow) {
+ ShardKeyPattern kp(metadataNow->getKeyPattern());
+ BSONObj key = kp.extractShardKeyFromDoc(obj);
+ docIsOrphan =
+ !metadataNow->keyBelongsToMe(key) && !metadataNow->keyIsPending(key);
+ } else {
+ docIsOrphan = false;
+ }
+ if (!docIsOrphan) {
+ warning(LogComponent::kSharding)
+ << "aborting migration cleanup for chunk " << redact(min) << " to "
+ << redact(max)
+ << (metadataNow ? (string) " at document " + redact(obj.toString())
+ : "")
+ << ", collection " << ns << " has changed " << endl;
+ // No chance of success with a new plan, so fully abort.
+ errorOccurred = true;
+ break;
+ }
- if (callback)
- callback->goingToDelete(obj);
+ exec->saveState();
+ WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
+ NamespaceString nss(ns);
+ if (!repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesFor(nss)) {
+ warning() << "stepped down from primary while deleting chunk; "
+ << "orphaning data in " << ns << " in range [" << redact(min)
+ << ", " << redact(max) << ")";
+ // No chance of success with a new plan, so fully abort.
+ errorOccurred = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (callback)
+ callback->goingToDelete(obj);
+ OpDebug* const nullOpDebug = nullptr;
+ collection->deleteDocument(txn, rloc, nullOpDebug, fromMigrate);
+ wuow.commit();
+ }
+ MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "delete range", ns);
+ if (!exec->restoreState()) {
+ MONGO_LOG_COMPONENT(1, LogComponent::kSharding)
+ << "unable to restore cursor state while trying to delete " << redact(min)
+ << " to " << redact(max) << " in " << ns
+ << ", stats: " << Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get())
+ << ", replanning";
+ // Try again with a new plan.
+ break;
+ }
- OpDebug* const nullOpDebug = nullptr;
- collection->deleteDocument(txn, rloc, nullOpDebug, fromMigrate);
- wuow.commit();
+ numDeleted++;
- MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "delete range", ns);
- numDeleted++;
- }
+ if (errorOccurred) {
+ break;
+ }
- // TODO remove once the yielding below that references this timer has been removed
- Timer secondaryThrottleTime;
- if (writeConcern.shouldWaitForOtherNodes() && numDeleted > 0) {
- repl::ReplicationCoordinator::StatusAndDuration replStatus =
- repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->awaitReplication(
- txn,
- repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(txn->getClient()).getLastOp(),
- writeConcern);
- if (replStatus.status.code() == ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit ||
- replStatus.status.code() == ErrorCodes::WriteConcernFailed) {
- warning(LogComponent::kSharding) << "replication to secondaries for removeRange at "
- "least 60 seconds behind";
- } else {
- uassertStatusOK(replStatus.status);
+ } // End scope for write lock.
+ if (numDeleted > 0) {
+ if (writeConcern.shouldWaitForOtherNodes()) {
+ repl::ReplicationCoordinator::StatusAndDuration replStatus =
+ repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->awaitReplication(
+ txn,
+ repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(txn->getClient()).getLastOp(),
+ writeConcern);
+ if (replStatus.status.code() == ErrorCodes::ExceededTimeLimit ||
+ replStatus.status.code() == ErrorCodes::WriteConcernFailed) {
+ warning(LogComponent::kSharding)
+ << "replication to secondaries for removeRange at "
+ "least 60 seconds behind";
+ } else {
+ uassertStatusOK(replStatus.status);
+ }
+ replWaitDuration += replStatus.duration;
+ }
+ // The `rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS` parameter is defined as a delay every
+ // `internalQueryExecYieldIterations` (aka `batchSize`) document deletions.
+ //
+ // In v3.6+, this applies regardless of waiting for replication (aka
+ // _secondaryThrottle), because in those versions the replication waits and query
+ // replanning also happen after each batch of `batchSize` deletions.
+ //
+ // However, here in v3.4, when _secondaryThrottle is on it's necessary to preserve the
+ // semantics of waiting for replication after each document deletion. But it's also
+ // necessary for `rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS` - which is the only wait when
+ // _secondaryThrottle is off - to behave as it does in other versions (despite query
+ // planning still occuring every document deletion in v3.4 when _secondaryThrottle is
+ // on).
+ //
+ // Therefore, we sleep for `rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS` here (every `batchSize`
+ // iterations), even if we have also waited for replication above. This approach also
+ // makes the RangeDeleter behavior more consistent when enabling/disabling
+ // _secondaryThrottle.
+ if (batchSize != 1 || numDeleted % iterationsBetweenSleeps == 0) {
+ sleepmillis(rangeDeleterBatchDelayMS.load());
- replWaitDuration += replStatus.duration;
+ // Loop back to get a new plan and go again.
if (writeConcern.shouldWaitForOtherNodes())
@@ -457,8 +521,8 @@ long long Helpers::removeRange(OperationContext* txn,
<< "Helpers::removeRangeUnlocked time spent waiting for replication: "
<< durationCount<Milliseconds>(replWaitDuration) << "ms" << endl;
- MONGO_LOG_COMPONENT(1, LogComponent::kSharding) << "end removal of " << min << " to " << max
- << " in " << ns << " (took "
+ MONGO_LOG_COMPONENT(1, LogComponent::kSharding) << "end removal of " << redact(min) << " to "
+ << redact(max) << " in " << ns << " (took "
<< rangeRemoveTimer.millis() << "ms)" << endl;
return numDeleted;