diff options
authorWilliam Schultz <>2016-11-08 15:24:16 -0500
committerWilliam Schultz <>2016-11-15 10:26:35 -0500
commitd7c5c9aaf6437be34193ed83d74defa52c0e031f (patch)
parent21821549cdeef84173293c46725695fc3a7834b0 (diff)
SERVER-26852 Move read concern tests out of noPassthrough
SERVER-26852 Moved readConcern tests out of noPassthrough
5 files changed, 221 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
index 038456931a7..b04da855c97 100644
--- a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards.yml
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ selector:
- jstests/sharding/merge_chunks_test.js
# TODO Change in error reporting, enable when 3.4 becomes last-stable. See SERVER-26440.
- jstests/sharding/explain_cmd_invalid_namespace.js
+ # $graphLookup is not supported in versions <= 3.2
+ - jstests/sharding/read_committed_lookup.js
diff --git a/jstests/libs/read_committed_lib.js b/jstests/libs/read_committed_lib.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7e00327f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/libs/read_committed_lib.js
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Test readCommitted lookup/graphLookup. 'db' must be the test database for either the replica set
+ * primary or mongos instance. 'secondary' is the shard/replica set secondary. If 'db' is backed
+ * by a mongos instance then the associated cluster should have only a single shard. 'rst' is the
+ * ReplSetTest instance associated with the replica set/shard.
+ */
+function testReadCommittedLookup(db, secondary, rst) {
+ /**
+ * Uses the 'rsSyncApplyStop' fail point to stop application of oplog entries on the given
+ * secondary.
+ */
+ function pauseReplication(sec) {
+ assert.commandWorked(
+ sec.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "alwaysOn"}),
+ "failed to enable fail point on secondary");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Turns off the 'rsSyncApplyStop' fail point to resume application of oplog entries on the
+ * given secondary.
+ */
+ function resumeReplication(sec) {
+ assert.commandWorked(sec.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "off"}),
+ "failed to disable fail point on secondary");
+ }
+ const aggCmdLookupObj = {
+ aggregate: "local",
+ pipeline: [
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "foreign",
+ localField: "foreignKey",
+ foreignField: "matchedField",
+ as: "match",
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ readConcern: {
+ level: "majority",
+ }
+ };
+ const aggCmdGraphLookupObj = {
+ aggregate: "local",
+ pipeline: [{
+ $graphLookup: {
+ from: "foreign",
+ startWith: '$foreignKey',
+ connectFromField: 'foreignKey',
+ connectToField: "matchedField",
+ as: "match"
+ }
+ }],
+ readConcern: {
+ level: "majority",
+ }
+ };
+ // Seed matching data.
+ const majorityWriteConcernObj = {writeConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 60 * 1000}};
+ db.local.deleteMany({}, majorityWriteConcernObj);
+ const localId = db.local.insertOne({foreignKey: "x"}, majorityWriteConcernObj).insertedId;
+ db.foreign.deleteMany({}, majorityWriteConcernObj);
+ const foreignId = db.foreign.insertOne({matchedField: "x"}, majorityWriteConcernObj).insertedId;
+ const expectedMatchedResult = [{
+ _id: localId,
+ foreignKey: "x",
+ match: [
+ {_id: foreignId, matchedField: "x"},
+ ],
+ }];
+ const expectedUnmatchedResult = [{
+ _id: localId,
+ foreignKey: "x",
+ match: [],
+ }];
+ // Confirm lookup/graphLookup return the matched result.
+ let result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
+ result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
+ // Stop oplog application on the secondary so that it won't acknowledge updates.
+ pauseReplication(secondary);
+ // Update foreign data to no longer match, without a majority write concern.
+ db.foreign.updateOne({_id: foreignId}, {$set: {matchedField: "non-match"}});
+ // lookup/graphLookup should not see the update, since it has not been acknowledged by the
+ // secondary.
+ result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
+ result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
+ // Restart oplog application on the secondary and wait for it's snapshot to catch up.
+ resumeReplication(secondary);
+ rst.awaitLastOpCommitted();
+ // Now lookup/graphLookup should report that the documents don't match.
+ result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedUnmatchedResult);
+ result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
+ assert.eq(result, expectedUnmatchedResult);
diff --git a/jstests/noPassthrough/read_committed_lookup.js b/jstests/noPassthrough/read_committed_lookup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 46345b68561..00000000000
--- a/jstests/noPassthrough/read_committed_lookup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- * Tests that a $lookup and $graphLookup stage within an aggregation pipeline will read only
- * committed data if the pipeline is using a majority readConcern. This is tested both on a replica
- * set, and on a sharded cluster with one shard which is a replica set.
- */
-load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // For startSetIfSupportsReadMajority.
-(function() {
- "use strict";
- /**
- * Test readCommitted lookup/graphLookup. 'db' must be the test database for either the shard
- * primary or mongos instance. 'secondary' is the shard/replica set secondary. If 'db' is backed
- * by a mongos instance then the associated cluster should have only a single shard.
- */
- function testReadCommittedLookup(db, secondary) {
- /**
- * Uses the 'rsSyncApplyStop' fail point to stop application of oplog entries on the given
- * secondary.
- */
- function pauseReplication(sec) {
- assert.commandWorked(
- sec.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "alwaysOn"}),
- "failed to enable fail point on secondary");
- }
- /**
- * Turns off the 'rsSyncApplyStop' fail point to resume application of oplog entries on the
- * given secondary.
- */
- function resumeReplication(sec) {
- assert.commandWorked(
- sec.adminCommand({configureFailPoint: "rsSyncApplyStop", mode: "off"}),
- "failed to disable fail point on secondary");
- }
- const aggCmdLookupObj = {
- aggregate: "local",
- pipeline: [
- {
- $lookup: {
- from: "foreign",
- localField: "foreignKey",
- foreignField: "matchedField",
- as: "match",
- }
- },
- ],
- readConcern: {
- level: "majority",
- }
- };
- const aggCmdGraphLookupObj = {
- aggregate: "local",
- pipeline: [{
- $graphLookup: {
- from: "foreign",
- startWith: '$foreignKey',
- connectFromField: 'foreignKey',
- connectToField: "matchedField",
- as: "match"
- }
- }],
- readConcern: {
- level: "majority",
- }
- };
- // Seed matching data.
- const majorityWriteConcernObj = {writeConcern: {w: "majority", wtimeout: 60 * 1000}};
- db.local.deleteMany({}, majorityWriteConcernObj);
- const localId = db.local.insertOne({foreignKey: "x"}, majorityWriteConcernObj).insertedId;
- db.foreign.deleteMany({}, majorityWriteConcernObj);
- const foreignId =
- db.foreign.insertOne({matchedField: "x"}, majorityWriteConcernObj).insertedId;
- const expectedMatchedResult = [{
- _id: localId,
- foreignKey: "x",
- match: [
- {_id: foreignId, matchedField: "x"},
- ],
- }];
- const expectedUnmatchedResult = [{
- _id: localId,
- foreignKey: "x",
- match: [],
- }];
- // Confirm lookup/graphLookup return the matched result.
- let result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
- result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
- // Stop oplog application on the secondary so that it won't acknowledge updates.
- pauseReplication(secondary);
- // Update foreign data to no longer match, without a majority write concern.
- db.foreign.updateOne({_id: foreignId}, {$set: {matchedField: "non-match"}});
- // lookup/graphLookup should not see the update, since it has not been acknowledged by the
- // secondary.
- result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
- result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedMatchedResult);
- // Restart oplog application on the secondary and wait for it's snapshot to catch up.
- resumeReplication(secondary);
- rst.awaitLastOpCommitted();
- // Now lookup/graphLookup should report that the documents don't match.
- result = db.runCommand(aggCmdLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedUnmatchedResult);
- result = db.runCommand(aggCmdGraphLookupObj).result;
- assert.eq(result, expectedUnmatchedResult);
- }
- //
- // Confirm majority readConcern works on a replica set.
- //
- const replSetName = "lookup_read_majority";
- let rst = new ReplSetTest({
- nodes: 3,
- name: replSetName,
- nodeOptions: {
- enableMajorityReadConcern: "",
- shardsvr: "",
- }
- });
- if (!startSetIfSupportsReadMajority(rst)) {
- jsTest.log("skipping test since storage engine doesn't support committed reads");
- return;
- }
- const nodes = rst.nodeList();
- const config = {
- _id: replSetName,
- members: [
- {_id: 0, host: nodes[0]},
- {_id: 1, host: nodes[1], priority: 0},
- {_id: 2, host: nodes[2], arbiterOnly: true},
- ]
- };
- updateConfigIfNotDurable(config);
- rst.initiate(config);
- let shardSecondary = rst.liveNodes.slaves[0];
- testReadCommittedLookup(rst.getPrimary().getDB("test"), shardSecondary);
- //
- // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with a database that is not sharding enabled.
- //
- let st = new ShardingTest({
- manualAddShard: true,
- });
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShard: rst.getURL()}));
- testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary);
- //
- // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with:
- // - A sharding enabled database
- // - An unsharded local collection
- //
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'}));
- testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary);
- //
- // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with:
- // - A sharding enabled database
- // - A sharded local collection.
- //
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB("test").runCommand(
- {createIndexes: 'local', indexes: [{name: "foreignKey_1", key: {foreignKey: 1}}]}));
- assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test.local', key: {foreignKey: 1}}));
- testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary);
- st.stop();
diff --git a/jstests/replsets/read_committed_lookup.js b/jstests/replsets/read_committed_lookup.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d827e9580f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/replsets/read_committed_lookup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Tests that a $lookup and $graphLookup stage within an aggregation pipeline will read only
+ * committed data if the pipeline is using a majority readConcern.
+ */
+load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // For startSetIfSupportsReadMajority.
+load("jstests/libs/read_committed_lib.js"); // For testReadCommittedLookup
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ // Confirm majority readConcern works on a replica set.
+ const replSetName = "lookup_read_majority";
+ let rst = new ReplSetTest({
+ nodes: 3,
+ name: replSetName,
+ nodeOptions: {
+ enableMajorityReadConcern: "",
+ shardsvr: "",
+ }
+ });
+ if (!startSetIfSupportsReadMajority(rst)) {
+ jsTest.log("skipping test since storage engine doesn't support committed reads");
+ return;
+ }
+ const nodes = rst.nodeList();
+ const config = {
+ _id: replSetName,
+ members: [
+ {_id: 0, host: nodes[0]},
+ {_id: 1, host: nodes[1], priority: 0},
+ {_id: 2, host: nodes[2], arbiterOnly: true},
+ ]
+ };
+ updateConfigIfNotDurable(config);
+ rst.initiate(config);
+ let shardSecondary = rst.liveNodes.slaves[0];
+ testReadCommittedLookup(rst.getPrimary().getDB("test"), shardSecondary, rst);
diff --git a/jstests/sharding/read_committed_lookup.js b/jstests/sharding/read_committed_lookup.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..04200c3dcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/sharding/read_committed_lookup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Tests that a $lookup and $graphLookup stage within an aggregation pipeline will read only
+ * committed data if the pipeline is using a majority readConcern.
+ */
+load("jstests/replsets/rslib.js"); // For startSetIfSupportsReadMajority.
+load("jstests/libs/read_committed_lib.js"); // For testReadCommittedLookup
+(function() {
+ // Manually create a shard.
+ const replSetName = "lookup_read_majority";
+ let rst = new ReplSetTest({
+ nodes: 3,
+ name: replSetName,
+ nodeOptions: {
+ enableMajorityReadConcern: "",
+ shardsvr: "",
+ }
+ });
+ if (!startSetIfSupportsReadMajority(rst)) {
+ jsTest.log("skipping test since storage engine doesn't support committed reads");
+ return;
+ }
+ const nodes = rst.nodeList();
+ const config = {
+ _id: replSetName,
+ members: [
+ {_id: 0, host: nodes[0]},
+ {_id: 1, host: nodes[1], priority: 0},
+ {_id: 2, host: nodes[2], arbiterOnly: true},
+ ]
+ };
+ updateConfigIfNotDurable(config);
+ rst.initiate(config);
+ let shardSecondary = rst.liveNodes.slaves[0];
+ // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with a database that is not sharding enabled.
+ let st = new ShardingTest({
+ manualAddShard: true,
+ });
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({addShard: rst.getURL()}));
+ testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary, rst);
+ // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with:
+ // - A sharding enabled database
+ // - An unsharded local collection
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({enableSharding: 'test'}));
+ testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary, rst);
+ // Confirm read committed works on a cluster with:
+ // - A sharding enabled database
+ // - A sharded local collection.
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.getDB("test").runCommand(
+ {createIndexes: 'local', indexes: [{name: "foreignKey_1", key: {foreignKey: 1}}]}));
+ assert.commandWorked(st.s.adminCommand({shardCollection: 'test.local', key: {foreignKey: 1}}));
+ testReadCommittedLookup(st.s.getDB("test"), shardSecondary, rst);
+ st.stop();