diff options
authorJonathan Abrahams <>2017-05-24 09:45:31 -0400
committerJonathan Abrahams <>2017-05-24 09:45:31 -0400
commitc609be45647fce98d0394221efc5d362ac470b64 (patch)
parent0ecf1da443f2cdc276e852217fbea8d4eb1c9df1 (diff)
SERVER-28782 Add buildscripts/, script to compute test failures rates from Evergreen API
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/ b/buildscripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..44994884a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Test Failures
+Compute Test failures rates from Evergreen API for specified tests, tasks, etc.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import collections
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import operator
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os
+import urlparse
+import requests
+import yaml
+_REST_PREFIX = "/rest/v1"
+_PROJECT = "mongodb-mongo-master"
+_MIN_DATE = "0001-01-01"
+_MAX_DATE = "3000-12-31"
+_HistoryReportTuple = collections.namedtuple(
+ "Report", "test task variant distro start_dt test_status")
+def read_evg_config():
+ # Expand out evergreen config file possibilities
+ file_list = [
+ "./.evergreen.yml",
+ os.path.expanduser("~/.evergreen.yml"),
+ os.path.expanduser("~/cli_bin/.evergreen.yml")]
+ for filename in file_list:
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as fstream:
+ return yaml.load(fstream)
+ return None
+def datestr_to_date(date_str):
+ """Returns datetime from a date string in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
+ Note that any time in the date string is stripped off."""
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str.split("T")[0], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
+def date_to_datestr(date_time):
+ """Returns date string in the format of YYYY-MM-DD from a datetime."""
+ return date_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+def list_or_none(lst):
+ """Returns a stringified list or 'None'."""
+ return ",".join(map(str, lst)) if lst else "None"
+def normalize_test_file(test_file):
+ """Normalizes the test_file name:
+ - Changes single backslash (\\) to forward slash (/)
+ - Removes .exe extension
+ Returns normalized string."""
+ return test_file.replace("\\", "/").replace(".exe", "")
+def fail_rate(num_fail, num_pass):
+ """Computes fails rate, return N/A if total is 0."""
+ total = num_fail + num_pass
+ if total:
+ return "{:.3f}".format(round(num_fail / total, 3))
+ return "N/A"
+class Missing(object):
+ """Class to support missing fields from the history report."""
+ def __init__(self, kind):
+ self.kind = kind
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.kind
+class ViewReport(object):
+ """"Class to support any views into the HistoryReport."""
+ Summary = collections.namedtuple(
+ "Summary",
+ "test task variant distro start_date end_date fail_rate num_fail num_pass")
+ DetailGroup = collections.namedtuple(
+ "DetailGroup",
+ "test task variant distro start_date end_date")
+ group_by = ["test", "task", "variant", "distro"]
+ group_period_values = ["daily", "weekly"]
+ start_days = ["first_day", "sunday", "monday"]
+ def __init__(self, history_report, group_period="weekly", start_day_of_week="first_day"):
+ self._report = history_report
+ self.group_period = group_period.lower()
+ if self.group_period not in self.group_period_values:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid group_period specified '{}'".format(self.group_period))
+ self.group_days = self._num_days_for_group()
+ self.start_day_of_week = start_day_of_week.lower()
+ # Using 'first_day' means the a weekly group report will start on the day of the
+ # week from the earliest date in the test history.
+ if self.start_day_of_week not in self.start_days:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid start_day_of_week specified '{}'".format(self.start_day_of_week))
+ if history_report:
+ start_dts = [r.start_dt for r in history_report]
+ self.start_dt = min(start_dts)
+ self.end_dt = max(start_dts)
+ else:
+ self.start_dt = datestr_to_date(_MAX_DATE)
+ self.end_dt = datestr_to_date(_MIN_DATE)
+ def _num_days_for_group(self):
+ """Returns the number of days defined in the self.group_period."""
+ if self.group_period == "daily":
+ return 1
+ return 7
+ def _group_dates(self, test_dt):
+ """Returns start_date and end_date for the group_period, which are are included
+ in the group_period."""
+ # Computing the start and end dates for a weekly period may have special cases for the
+ # first and last periods. Since the first period may not start on the weekday for
+ # self.start_day_of_week (if it's 'sunday' or 'monday'), that period may be less than 7
+ # days. Similarly the last period will always end on self.end_dt.
+ # Example, if the start_date falls on a Wednesday, then all group starting
+ # dates are offset from that, if self.start_day_of_week is 'first_day'.
+ # The start date for a 'weekly' group_period is one of the following:
+ # - self.start_dt (the earliest date in the report)
+ # - The day specified in self.start_day_of_week
+ # - A weekly offset from self.start_dt, if self.start_day_of_week is 'first_day'
+ # The ending date for a 'weekly' group_period is one of the following:
+ # - self.end_dt (the latest date in the report)
+ # - The mod of difference of weekday of test_dt and the start_weekday
+ if test_dt < self.start_dt or test_dt > self.end_dt:
+ raise ValueError("The test_dt {} must be >= {} and <= {}".format(
+ test_dt, self.start_dt, self.end_dt))
+ if self.group_period == "daily":
+ return (test_dt, test_dt)
+ if self.start_day_of_week == "sunday":
+ start_weekday = 6
+ elif self.start_day_of_week == "monday":
+ start_weekday = 0
+ elif self.start_day_of_week == "first_day":
+ start_weekday = self.start_dt.weekday()
+ # 'start_day_offset' is the number of days 'test_dt' is from the start of the week.
+ start_day_offset = (test_dt.weekday() - start_weekday) % 7
+ group_start_dt = test_dt - datetime.timedelta(days=start_day_offset)
+ group_end_dt = group_start_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
+ return (max(group_start_dt, self.start_dt), min(group_end_dt, self.end_dt))
+ def _select_attribute(self, value, attributes):
+ """Returns true if attribute value list is None or a value matches from the list of
+ attribute values."""
+ return not attributes or value in attributes
+ def _filter_reports(self,
+ start_date=_MIN_DATE,
+ end_date=_MAX_DATE,
+ tests=None,
+ tasks=None,
+ variants=None,
+ distros=None):
+ """Returns filter of self._report."""
+ return [r for r in self._report
+ if r.start_dt >= datestr_to_date(start_date) and
+ r.start_dt <= datestr_to_date(end_date) and
+ self._select_attribute(r.test, tests) and
+ self._select_attribute(r.task, tasks) and
+ self._select_attribute(r.variant, variants) and
+ (r.distro is None or self._select_attribute(r.distro, distros))]
+ def _detail_report(self, report):
+ """Returns the detailed report, which is a dictionary in the form of key tuples,
+ '(test, task, variant, distro, start_date, end_date)', with a value of
+ {num_pass, num_fail}."""
+ detail_report = {}
+ for record in report:
+ group_start_dt, group_end_dt = self._group_dates(record.start_dt)
+ detail_group = self.DetailGroup(
+ test=record.test,
+ task=record.task,
+ variant=record.variant,
+ distro=record.distro,
+ start_date=group_start_dt,
+ end_date=group_end_dt)
+ detail_report.setdefault(detail_group, {"num_pass": 0, "num_fail": 0})
+ if record.test_status == "pass":
+ status_key = "num_pass"
+ else:
+ status_key = "num_fail"
+ detail_report[detail_group][status_key] += 1
+ return detail_report
+ def _summary_report(self, report, tests=None, tasks=None, variants=None, distros=None):
+ """Returns the summary report for the specifed combinations of paramters. The format
+ is a nametuple, with {num_pass, num_fail} based on the _detailed_report."""
+ summary_report = {}
+ if not report:
+ return summary_report
+ start_dt = min([r.start_dt for r in report])
+ end_dt = max([r.start_dt for r in report])
+ num_pass = sum([r.test_status == "pass" for r in report])
+ num_fail = sum([r.test_status != "pass" for r in report])
+ detail_group = self.DetailGroup(
+ test=list_or_none(tests),
+ task=list_or_none(tasks),
+ variant=list_or_none(variants),
+ distro=list_or_none(distros),
+ start_date=start_dt,
+ end_date=end_dt)
+ summary_report[detail_group] = {"num_pass": num_pass, "num_fail": num_fail}
+ return summary_report
+ def view_detail(self, tests=None, tasks=None, variants=None, distros=None):
+ """Provides a detailed view of specified parameters.
+ The parameters are used as a filter, so an unspecified parameter provides
+ more results.
+ Returns the view as a list of namedtuples:
+ (test, task, variant, distro, start_date, end_date, fail_rate, num_fail, num_pass)
+ """
+ filter_results = self._filter_reports(
+ tests=tests, tasks=tasks, variants=variants, distros=distros)
+ view_report = []
+ detail_report = self._detail_report(filter_results)
+ for detail_group in detail_report:
+ view_report.append(self.Summary(test=detail_group.test,
+ task=detail_group.task,
+ variant=detail_group.variant,
+ distro=detail_group.distro,
+ start_date=detail_group.start_date,
+ end_date=detail_group.end_date,
+ fail_rate=fail_rate(
+ detail_report[detail_group]["num_fail"],
+ detail_report[detail_group]["num_pass"]),
+ num_fail=detail_report[detail_group]["num_fail"],
+ num_pass=detail_report[detail_group]["num_pass"]))
+ return sorted(view_report)
+ def view_summary_groups(self, group_on=None):
+ """Provides a summary view report, based on the group_on list, for each self.group_period.
+ If group_on is empty, then a total summary report is provided.
+ Returns the view as a sorted list of namedtuples:
+ (test, task, variant, distro, start_date, end_date, fail_rate, num_fail, num_pass)
+ """
+ group_on = group_on if group_on is not None else []
+ # Discover all group_period date ranges
+ group_periods = set()
+ dt = self.start_dt
+ while dt <= self.end_dt:
+ group_periods.add(self._group_dates(dt))
+ dt += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ view_report = []
+ for (start_dt, end_dt) in group_periods:
+ view_report.extend(self.view_summary(group_on,
+ start_date=date_to_datestr(start_dt),
+ end_date=date_to_datestr(end_dt)))
+ return sorted(view_report)
+ def view_summary(self, group_on=None, start_date=_MIN_DATE, end_date=_MAX_DATE):
+ """Provides a summary view report, based on the group_on list. If group_on is empty, then
+ a total summary report is provided.
+ Returns the view as a sorted list of namedtuples:
+ (test, task, variant, distro, start_date, end_date, fail_rate, num_fail, num_pass)
+ """
+ group_on = group_on if group_on is not None else []
+ for group_name in group_on:
+ if group_name not in self.group_by:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid group '{}' specified, the supported groups are {}"
+ .format(group_name, self.group_by))
+ tests = list(set([r.test for r in self._report])) \
+ if "test" in group_on else [Missing("__all_tests")]
+ tasks = list(set([r.task for r in self._report])) \
+ if "task" in group_on else [Missing("__all_tasks")]
+ variants = list(set([r.variant for r in self._report])) \
+ if "variant" in group_on else [Missing("__all_variants")]
+ distros = list(set([str(r.distro) for r in self._report])) \
+ if "distro" in group_on else [Missing("__all_distros")]
+ group_lists = [tests, tasks, variants, distros]
+ group_combos = list(itertools.product(*group_lists))
+ view_report = []
+ for group in group_combos:
+ test_filter = [group[0]] if group[0] and not isinstance(group[0], Missing) else None
+ task_filter = [group[1]] if group[1] and not isinstance(group[1], Missing) else None
+ variant_filter = [group[2]] if group[2] and not isinstance(group[2], Missing) else None
+ distro_filter = [group[3]] if group[3] and not isinstance(group[3], Missing) else None
+ filter_results = self._filter_reports(start_date=start_date,
+ end_date=end_date,
+ tests=test_filter,
+ tasks=task_filter,
+ variants=variant_filter,
+ distros=distro_filter)
+ summary_report = self._summary_report(filter_results,
+ tests=test_filter,
+ tasks=task_filter,
+ variants=variant_filter,
+ distros=distro_filter)
+ for summary in summary_report:
+ view_report.append(self.Summary(test=summary.test,
+ task=summary.task,
+ variant=summary.variant,
+ distro=summary.distro,
+ start_date=summary.start_date,
+ end_date=summary.end_date,
+ fail_rate=fail_rate(
+ summary_report[summary]["num_fail"],
+ summary_report[summary]["num_pass"]),
+ num_fail=summary_report[summary]["num_fail"],
+ num_pass=summary_report[summary]["num_pass"]))
+ return sorted(view_report)
+class HistoryReport(object):
+ """The HistoryReport class interacts with the Evergreen REST API to generate a history_report.
+ The history_report is meant to be viewed from the ViewReport class methods."""
+ group_period_values = ["daily", "weekly"]
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Uncomment this line once the --sinceDate and --untilDate options are exposed.
+ # period_types = ["date", "revision"]
+ period_types = ["revision"]
+ def __init__(self,
+ period_type,
+ start,
+ end,
+ start_day_of_week="first_day",
+ group_period="weekly",
+ project=_PROJECT,
+ tests=None,
+ tasks=None,
+ variants=None,
+ distros=None,
+ evg_cfg=None):
+ # Initialize the report and object variables.
+ self._report_tuples = []
+ self._start_date = _MAX_DATE
+ self._end_date = _MIN_DATE
+ self._report = {"tests": {}}
+ self.period_type = period_type.lower()
+ if self.period_type not in self.period_types:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid time period type '{}' specified."
+ " supported types are {}.".format(self.period_type, self.period_types))
+ self.group_period = group_period.lower()
+ if self.group_period not in self.group_period_values:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid group_period '{}' specified,"
+ " supported periods are {}.".format(self.group_period, self.group_period_values))
+ self.start_day_of_week = start_day_of_week.lower()
+ self.start = start
+ self.end = end
+ self.project = project
+ if not tests and not tasks:
+ raise ValueError("Must specify either tests or tasks.")
+ self.tests = tests if tests is not None else []
+ self.tasks = tasks if tasks is not None else []
+ self.variants = variants if variants is not None else []
+ self.distros = distros if distros is not None else []
+ if evg_cfg is not None and "api_server_host" in evg_cfg:
+ api_server = "{url.scheme}://{url.netloc}".format(
+ url=urlparse.urlparse(evg_cfg["api_server_host"]))
+ else:
+ api_server = _API_SERVER_DEFAULT
+ self.api_prefix = api_server + _REST_PREFIX
+ def _all_tests(self):
+ """Returns a list of all test file name types from self.tests.
+ Since the test file names can be specifed as either Windows or Linux style,
+ we will ensure that both are specified for each test.
+ Add Windows style naming, backslashes and possibly .exe extension.
+ Add Linux style naming, forward slashes and removes .exe extension."""
+ tests_set = set(self.tests)
+ for test in self.tests:
+ if "/" in test:
+ windows_test = test.replace("/", "\\")
+ if not os.path.splitext(test)[1]:
+ windows_test += ".exe"
+ tests_set.add(windows_test)
+ if "\\" in test:
+ linux_test = test.replace("\\", "/")
+ linux_test = linux_test.replace(".exe", "")
+ tests_set.add(linux_test)
+ return list(tests_set)
+ def _history_request_params(self, test_statuses):
+ """Returns a dictionary of params used in requests.get."""
+ return {
+ "distros": ",".join(self.distros),
+ "sort": "latest",
+ "tasks": ",".join(self.tasks),
+ "tests": ",".join(self.tests),
+ "taskStatuses": "failed,timeout,success,sysfail",
+ "testStatuses": ",".join(test_statuses),
+ "variants": ",".join(self.variants),
+ }
+ def _get_history_by_revision(self, test_statuses):
+ """ Returns a list of history data for specified options."""
+ after_revision = self.start
+ before_revision = self.end
+ params = self._history_request_params(test_statuses)
+ params["beforeRevision"] = before_revision
+ url = "{prefix}/projects/{project}/test_history".format(
+ prefix=self.api_prefix,
+ project=self.project)
+ # Since the API limits the results, with each invocation being distinct, we can
+ # simulate pagination, by requesting results using afterRevision.
+ history_data = []
+ while after_revision != before_revision:
+ params["afterRevision"] = after_revision
+ response = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ if not response.json():
+ break
+ # The first test will have the latest revision for this result set.
+ after_revision = response.json()[0]["revision"]
+ history_data.extend(response.json())
+ return history_data
+ def _get_history_by_date(self, test_statuses):
+ """ Returns a list of history data for specified options."""
+ # Note this functionality requires EVG-1653
+ start_date = self.start
+ end_date = self.end
+ params = self._history_request_params(test_statuses)
+ params["beforeDate"] = end_date + "T23:59:59Z"
+ url = "{prefix}/projects/{project}/test_history".format(
+ prefix=self.api_prefix,
+ project=self.project)
+ # Since the API limits the results, with each invocation being distinct, we can
+ # simulate pagination, by requesting results using afterDate, being careful to
+ # filter out possible duplicate entries.
+ start_time = start_date + "T00:00:00Z"
+ history_data = []
+ history_data_set = set()
+ last_sorted_tests = []
+ while True:
+ params["afterDate"] = start_time
+ response = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ if not response.json():
+ return history_data
+ sorted_tests = sorted(response.json(), key=operator.itemgetter("start_time"))
+ # To prevent an infinite loop, we need to bail out if the result set is the same
+ # as the previous one.
+ if sorted_tests == last_sorted_tests:
+ break
+ last_sorted_tests = sorted_tests
+ for test in sorted_tests:
+ start_time = test["start_time"]
+ # Create a unique hash for the test entry and check if it's been processed.
+ test_hash = hash(str(sorted(test.items())))
+ if test_hash not in history_data_set:
+ history_data_set.add(test_hash)
+ history_data.append(test)
+ return history_data
+ def generate_report(self):
+ """Creates detail for self._report from specified test history options.
+ Returns a ViewReport object of self._report."""
+ if self.period_type == "date":
+ report_method = self._get_history_by_date
+ else:
+ report_method = self._get_history_by_revision
+ self.tests = self._all_tests()
+ rest_api_report = report_method(test_statuses=["fail", "pass"])
+ missing_distro = Missing("no_distro")
+ for record in rest_api_report:
+ self._start_date = min(self._start_date, record["start_time"])
+ self._end_date = max(self._end_date, record["start_time"])
+ # Save API record as namedtuple
+ self._report_tuples.append(
+ _HistoryReportTuple(
+ test=normalize_test_file(record["test_file"]),
+ task=record["task_name"],
+ variant=record["variant"],
+ distro=record.get("distro", missing_distro),
+ start_dt=datestr_to_date(record["start_time"]),
+ test_status=record["test_status"]))
+ sorted_report = sorted(self._report_tuples, key=operator.attrgetter("start_dt"))
+ return ViewReport(sorted_report,
+ group_period=self.group_period,
+ start_day_of_week=self.start_day_of_week)
+def main():
+ parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__, usage="Usage: %prog [options] test1 test2 ...")
+ parser.add_option("--project", dest="project",
+ default=_PROJECT,
+ help="Evergreen project to analyze, defaults to '%default'.")
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Expose the --sinceDate and --untilDate command line arguments after pagination
+ # is made possible using the /test_history Evergreen API endpoint.
+ # parser.add_option("--sinceDate", dest="start_date",
+ # metavar="YYYY-MM-DD",
+ # default="{:%Y-%m-%d}".format(today - datetime.timedelta(days=6)),
+ # help="History from this date, defaults to 1 week ago (%default).")
+ # parser.add_option("--untilDate", dest="end_date",
+ # metavar="YYYY-MM-DD",
+ # default="{:%Y-%m-%d}".format(today),
+ # help="History up to, and including, this date, defaults to today (%default).")
+ parser.add_option("--sinceRevision", dest="since_revision",
+ default=None,
+ help="History after this revision."
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Uncomment this line once the --sinceDate and --untilDate
+ # options are exposed.
+ # "History after this revision, overrides --sinceDate & --untilDate."
+ " Must be specified with --untilRevision")
+ parser.add_option("--untilRevision", dest="until_revision",
+ default=None,
+ help="History up to, and including, this revision."
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Uncomment this line once the --sinceDate and
+ # --untilDate options are exposed.
+ # "History up to, and including, this revision, overrides"
+ # " --sinceDate & --untilDate."
+ " Must be specified with --sinceRevision")
+ parser.add_option("--groupPeriod", dest="group_period",
+ choices=["daily", "weekly"],
+ default="weekly",
+ help="Set to 'daily' or 'weekly', defaults to '%default'.")
+ parser.add_option("--weekStartDay", dest="start_day_of_week",
+ choices=["sunday", "monday", "first_day"],
+ default="first_day",
+ help="The group starting day of week, when --groupPeriod is set to'weekly'. "
+ " Set to 'sunday', 'monday' or 'first_day'."
+ " If 'first_day', the weekly group will start on the first day of the"
+ " starting date from the history result, defaults to '%default'.")
+ parser.add_option("--tasks", dest="tasks",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma separated list of task display names to analyze.")
+ parser.add_option("--variants", dest="variants",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma separated list of build variants to analyze.")
+ parser.add_option("--distros", dest="distros",
+ default="",
+ help="Comma separated list of build distros to analyze.")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Uncomment these lines once the --sinceDate and --untilDate options are
+ # exposed.
+ # period_type = "date"
+ # start = options.start_date
+ # end = options.end_date
+ if options.since_revision and options.until_revision:
+ period_type = "revision"
+ start = options.since_revision
+ end = options.until_revision
+ elif options.since_revision or options.until_revision:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error("Must specify both --sinceRevision & --untilRevision")
+ # TODO EVG-1653: Remove this else clause once the --sinceDate and --untilDate options are
+ # exposed.
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error("Must specify both --sinceRevision & --untilRevision")
+ if not options.tasks and not args:
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.error("Must specify either --tasks or at least one test")
+ report = HistoryReport(period_type=period_type,
+ start=start,
+ end=end,
+ group_period=options.group_period,
+ start_day_of_week=options.start_day_of_week,
+ project=options.project,
+ tests=args,
+ tasks=options.tasks.split(","),
+ variants=options.variants.split(","),
+ distros=options.distros.split(","),
+ evg_cfg=read_evg_config())
+ view_report = report.generate_report()
+ for record in view_report.view_detail():
+ print(record)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()