diff options
authorRobert Guo <>2018-05-18 15:46:27 -0400
committerRobert Guo <>2018-05-24 09:29:18 -0400
commit3ae0777cfe3e467df6edafd1af6d8d64c4bc93db (patch)
parent73dd3841a643b6e5b3b7c6f683d99d406dc1d2a8 (diff)
SERVER-33738 Create a runCommand() override method to perform operations inside a transaction
(cherry picked from commit 29c8f66e4396c7b68535d644638f2a81592e3081)
11 files changed, 681 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough.yml b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37daeaa3f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokeconfig/suites/replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+test_kind: multi_stmt_txn_passthrough
+ roots:
+ - jstests/core/**/*.js
+ # TODO: SERVER-35089
+ # - jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner_selftest.js
+ exclude_files:
+ # TODO: SERVER-35089
+ - jstests/core/geo_allowedcomparisons.js
+ - jstests/core/geo_big_polygon2.js
+ - jstests/core/in.js
+ - jstests/core/orj.js
+ - jstests/core/insert1.js
+ # These tests already run with transactions.
+ - jstests/core/txns/*.js
+ # These tests are not expected to pass with replica-sets:
+ - jstests/core/capped_update.js
+ - jstests/core/dbadmin.js
+ - jstests/core/opcounters_write_cmd.js
+ - jstests/core/read_after_optime.js
+ ##
+ ## Limitations with the way the runner file injects transactions.
+ ##
+ # These tests expects some statements to error, which will cause txns to abort entirely.
+ - jstests/core/bulk_api_ordered.js
+ - jstests/core/bulk_api_unordered.js
+ - jstests/core/bulk_legacy_enforce_gle.js
+ - jstests/core/capped5.js
+ - jstests/core/commands_with_uuid.js
+ - jstests/core/explain_execution_error.js
+ - jstests/core/expr.js
+ - jstests/core/find_getmore_bsonsize.js
+ - jstests/core/find_getmore_cmd.js
+ - jstests/core/find9.js
+ - jstests/core/index_big1.js
+ - jstests/core/index_bigkeys.js
+ - jstests/core/index_decimal.js
+ - jstests/core/index_multiple_compatibility.js
+ - jstests/core/index_partial_write_ops.js
+ - jstests/core/index8.js # No explicit check for failed command.
+ - jstests/core/indexa.js # No explicit check for failed command.
+ - jstests/core/indexes_multiple_commands.js
+ - jstests/core/insert_long_index_key.js
+ - jstests/core/js2.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/json_schema.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_bigobject.js
+ - jstests/core/not2.js
+ - jstests/core/notablescan.js
+ - jstests/core/or1.js
+ - jstests/core/or2.js
+ - jstests/core/or3.js
+ - jstests/core/ork.js
+ - jstests/core/ref4.js
+ - jstests/core/regex_limit.js
+ - jstests/core/remove_undefined.js
+ - jstests/core/set7.js
+ - jstests/core/sortb.js
+ - jstests/core/sortf.js
+ - jstests/core/sortg.js
+ - jstests/core/sortj.js
+ - jstests/core/tailable_skip_limit.js
+ - jstests/core/type_array.js
+ - jstests/core/uniqueness.js
+ - jstests/core/unset2.js
+ - jstests/core/update_addToSet.js
+ - jstests/core/update_arrayFilters.js
+ - jstests/core/update_find_and_modify_id.js
+ - jstests/core/update_modifier_pop.js
+ - jstests/core/updateh.js
+ - jstests/core/updatej.js
+ - jstests/core/ref.js
+ # Consecutive writes totalling more than 16MB will cause the txn to abort with
+ # a TransactionTooLarge error.
+ - jstests/core/batch_size.js
+ - jstests/core/single_batch.js
+ ##
+ ## Some aggregation stages don't support snapshot readconcern.
+ ##
+ # $explain (requires read concern local)
+ - jstests/core/agg_hint.js
+ - jstests/core/and.js
+ - jstests/core/collation.js
+ - jstests/core/explain_shell_helpers.js
+ - jstests/core/index_partial_read_ops.js
+ - jstests/core/optimized_match_explain.js
+ - jstests/core/sort_array.js
+ - jstests/core/views/views_collation.js
+ # $out
+ - jstests/core/bypass_doc_validation.js
+ - jstests/core/views/views_aggregation.js
+ # $listSessions
+ - jstests/core/list_all_local_sessions.js
+ - jstests/core/list_all_sessions.js
+ - jstests/core/list_local_sessions.js
+ - jstests/core/list_sessions.js
+ # $indexStats
+ - jstests/core/index_stats.js
+ # $collStats
+ - jstests/core/operation_latency_histogram.js
+ - jstests/core/views/views_coll_stats.js
+ - jstests/core/views/views_stats.js
+ ##
+ ## WriteErrors get converted to WriteCommandErrors if part of a txn.
+ ##
+ # The same error code, but with ok:0.
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/additional_items.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/additional_properties.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/bsontype.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/dependencies.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/items.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/logical_keywords.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/min_max_items.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/min_max_properties.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/pattern_properties.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/required.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/unique_items.js
+ - jstests/core/field_name_validation.js
+ - jstests/core/fts_array.js
+ - jstests/core/inc-SERVER-7446.js
+ - jstests/core/invalid_db_name.js
+ - jstests/core/push_sort.js
+ # Checks for "WriteErrors" explicitly from the response of db.runCommand()
+ - jstests/core/max_doc_size.js
+ # Calls res.getWriteError() or res.hasWriteError().
+ - jstests/core/big_object1.js
+ - jstests/core/bulk_api_ordered.js
+ - jstests/core/bulk_api_unordered.js
+ - jstests/core/bulk_legacy_enforce_gle.js
+ - jstests/core/cappeda.js
+ - jstests/core/doc_validation.js
+ - jstests/core/doc_validation_options.js
+ - jstests/core/geo_multinest0.js
+ - jstests/core/insert_illegal_doc.js
+ - jstests/core/ns_length.js
+ - jstests/core/push2.js
+ - jstests/core/remove6.js
+ - jstests/core/removeb.js
+ - jstests/core/rename4.js
+ - jstests/core/shell_writeconcern.js
+ - jstests/core/storefunc.js
+ - jstests/core/update_arrayFilters.js
+ - jstests/core/update_dbref.js
+ - jstests/core/updatel.js
+ - jstests/core/write_result.js
+ # Multiple writes in a txn, some of which fail because the collection doesn't exist.
+ # We create the collection and retry the last write, but previous writes would have
+ # still failed.
+ - jstests/core/dbref1.js
+ - jstests/core/dbref2.js
+ - jstests/core/ref3.js
+ - jstests/core/repair_database.js
+ - jstests/core/update3.js
+ - jstests/core/rename3.js
+ ##
+ ## Error: Unable to acquire lock within a max lock request timeout of '0ms' milliseconds
+ ##
+ # Collection drops done through applyOps are not converted to w:majority
+ - jstests/core/views/invalid_system_views.js
+ # Operations run on the "out" collection of a MapReduce call, which is not always
+ # immediately available to a transaction as it is still being replicated. Transactions
+ # fail with "Unable to acquire lock" errors.
+ - jstests/core/function_string_representations.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_merge.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_merge2.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_replaceIntoDB.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_outreduce.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_outreduce2.js
+ ##
+ ## Misc. reasons.
+ ##
+ # SERVER-34868 Cannot run a legacy query on a session.
+ - jstests/core/exhaust.js
+ - jstests/core/validate_cmd_ns.js
+ # SERVER-34772 Tailable Cursors are not allowed with snapshot readconcern.
+ - jstests/core/awaitdata_getmore_cmd.js
+ - jstests/core/getmore_cmd_maxtimems.js
+ - jstests/core/tailable_cursor_invalidation.js
+ - jstests/core/tailable_getmore_batch_size.js
+ # SERVER-34918 The "max" option of a capped collection can be exceeded until the next insert.
+ # The reason is that we don't update the count of a collection until a transaction commits,
+ # by which point it is too late to complain that "max" has been exceeded.
+ - jstests/core/capped_max1.js
+ # The "max" option of a capped collection can be temporarily exceeded before a
+ # txn is committed.
+ - jstests/core/bulk_insert_capped.js
+ # Wrong count for top info (WriteLock)
+ - jstests/core/top.js
+ # Expects collection to not have been created
+ - jstests/core/insert_id_undefined.js
+ # Creates sessions explicitly, resulting in txns being run through different sessions
+ # using a single txnNumber.
+ - jstests/core/list_all_local_cursors.js
+ - jstests/core/json_schema/misc_validation.js
+ - jstests/core/views/views_all_commands.js
+ # Committing a transaction when the server is fsync locked fails.
+ - jstests/core/fsync.js
+ # Expects legacy errors ($err).
+ - jstests/core/constructors.js
+ # txn interrupted by command outside of txn before getMore runs.
+ - jstests/core/commands_namespace_parsing.js
+ - jstests/core/drop3.js
+ - jstests/core/ensure_sorted.js
+ - jstests/core/geo_s2cursorlimitskip.js
+ - jstests/core/getmore_invalidated_cursors.js
+ - jstests/core/getmore_invalidated_documents.js
+ - jstests/core/kill_cursors.js
+ - jstests/core/list_collections1.js
+ - jstests/core/list_indexes.js
+ - jstests/core/max_time_ms.js
+ - jstests/core/oro.js
+ # Expects certain number of operations in the system.profile collection.
+ - jstests/core/profile*.js
+ # Parallel Shell - we do not signal the override to end a txn when a parallel shell closes.
+ - jstests/core/awaitdata_getmore_cmd.js
+ - jstests/core/compact_keeps_indexes.js
+ - jstests/core/count10.js
+ - jstests/core/count_plan_summary.js
+ - jstests/core/coveredIndex3.js
+ - jstests/core/currentop.js
+ - jstests/core/distinct3.js
+ - jstests/core/evald.js
+ - jstests/core/find_and_modify_concurrent_update.js
+ - jstests/core/fsync.js
+ - jstests/core/geo_update_btree.js
+ - jstests/core/killop_drop_collection.js
+ - jstests/core/loadserverscripts.js
+ - jstests/core/mr_killop.js
+ - jstests/core/queryoptimizer3.js
+ - jstests/core/remove9.js
+ - jstests/core/removeb.js
+ - jstests/core/removec.js
+ - jstests/core/shellstartparallel.js
+ - jstests/core/updatef.js
+ # Command expects to see result from parallel operation.
+ # E.g. Suppose the following sequence of events: op1, join() op2 in parallel shell, op3.
+ # op3 will still be using the snapshot from op1, and not see op2 at all.
+ - jstests/core/cursora.js
+ - jstests/core/bench_test1.js
+ exclude_with_any_tags:
+ # "Cowardly refusing to override read concern of command: ..."
+ - assumes_read_concern_unchanged
+ # "writeConcern is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction"
+ - assumes_write_concern_unchanged
+ config:
+ shell_options:
+ eval: var testingReplication = true;
+ global_vars:
+ TestData:
+ sessionOptions:
+ causalConsistency: false
+ readMode: commands
+ hooks:
+ # The CheckReplDBHash hook waits until all operations have replicated to and have been applied
+ # on the secondaries, so we run the ValidateCollections hook after it to ensure we're
+ # validating the entire contents of the collection.
+ - class: CheckReplOplogs
+ - class: CheckReplDBHash
+ - class: ValidateCollections
+ - class: CleanEveryN
+ n: 20
+ fixture:
+ class: ReplicaSetFixture
+ mongod_options:
+ set_parameters:
+ enableTestCommands: 1
+ numInitialSyncAttempts: 1
+ num_nodes: 2
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokelib/ b/buildscripts/resmokelib/
index 3014012511d..a4e6f15aa8f 100644
--- a/buildscripts/resmokelib/
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokelib/
@@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ _SELECTOR_REGISTRY = {
"fsm_workload_test": (_JSTestSelectorConfig, _JSTestSelector),
"json_schema_test": (_JsonSchemaTestSelectorConfig, _Selector),
"js_test": (_JSTestSelectorConfig, _JSTestSelector),
+ "multi_stmt_txn_passthrough": (_JSTestSelectorConfig, _JSTestSelector),
"py_test": (_PyTestCaseSelectorConfig, _Selector),
"sleep_test": (_SleepTestCaseSelectorConfig, _SleepTestCaseSelector),
diff --git a/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/testcases/ b/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/testcases/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e790612153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/resmokelib/testing/testcases/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"""unittest.TestCase for multi-statement transaction passthrough tests."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from buildscripts.resmokelib import config
+from buildscripts.resmokelib import core
+from buildscripts.resmokelib import utils
+from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.testcases import jsrunnerfile
+class MultiStmtTxnTestCase(jsrunnerfile.JSRunnerFileTestCase):
+ """Test case for mutli statement transactions."""
+ REGISTERED_NAME = "multi_stmt_txn_passthrough"
+ def __init__(self, logger, multi_stmt_txn_test_file, shell_executable=None, shell_options=None):
+ """Initilize MultiStmtTxnTestCase."""
+ jsrunnerfile.JSRunnerFileTestCase.__init__(
+ self, logger, "Multi-statement Transaction Passthrough", multi_stmt_txn_test_file,
+ test_runner_file="jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner.js",
+ shell_executable=shell_executable, shell_options=shell_options)
+ @property
+ def multi_stmt_txn_test_file(self):
+ """Return the name of the test file."""
+ return self.test_name
+ def _populate_test_data(self, test_data):
+ test_data["multiStmtTxnTestFile"] = self.multi_stmt_txn_test_file
diff --git a/etc/evergreen.yml b/etc/evergreen.yml
index 3867b2174f5..8bbf16be8cb 100644
--- a/etc/evergreen.yml
+++ b/etc/evergreen.yml
@@ -4197,6 +4197,17 @@ tasks:
run_multiple_jobs: true
- <<: *task_template
+ name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
+ depends_on:
+ - name: jsCore
+ commands:
+ - func: "do setup"
+ - func: "run tests"
+ vars:
+ resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger
+ run_multiple_jobs: true
+- <<: *task_template
name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough
- name: jsCore
@@ -6918,6 +6929,7 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough
@@ -8024,7 +8036,12 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
- windows-64-vs2015-large
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
+ distros:
+ - windows-64-vs2015-large
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
+ distros:
+ - windows-64-vs2015-large
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- windows-64-vs2015-large
@@ -9466,7 +9483,12 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
- rhel62-large
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
+ distros:
+ - rhel62-large
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
+ distros:
+ - rhel62-large
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- rhel62-large
@@ -9928,6 +9950,7 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough
@@ -12003,6 +12026,7 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough
@@ -12181,6 +12205,7 @@ buildvariants:
- name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough
+ - name: replica_sets_multi_stmt_txn_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_terminate_primary_jscore_passthrough
- name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough
diff --git a/jstests/core/all.js b/jstests/core/all.js
index 221cf1daeda..e77c0279215 100644
--- a/jstests/core/all.js
+++ b/jstests/core/all.js
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ t.drop();
doTest = function() {
-{a: [1, 2, 3]});
-{a: [1, 2, 4]});
-{a: [1, 8, 5]});
-{a: [1, 8, 6]});
-{a: [1, 9, 7]});
-{a: []});
+ assert.commandWorked({a: [1, 2, 3]}));
+ assert.commandWorked({a: [1, 2, 4]}));
+ assert.commandWorked({a: [1, 8, 5]}));
+ assert.commandWorked({a: [1, 8, 6]}));
+ assert.commandWorked({a: [1, 9, 7]}));
+ assert.commandWorked({a: []}));
+ assert.commandWorked({}));
assert.eq(5, t.find({a: {$all: [1]}}).count());
assert.eq(2, t.find({a: {$all: [1, 2]}}).count());
diff --git a/jstests/core/dbhash2.js b/jstests/core/dbhash2.js
index 689134d2bf0..93c78a35f26 100644
--- a/jstests/core/dbhash2.js
+++ b/jstests/core/dbhash2.js
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@ mydb = db.getSisterDB("config");
t =;
-t.insert({x: 1});
+assert.commandWorked(t.insert({x: 1}));
res1 = mydb.runCommand("dbhash");
res2 = mydb.runCommand("dbhash");
-t.insert({x: 2});
+assert.commandWorked(t.insert({x: 2}));
res3 = mydb.runCommand("dbhash");
// Validate dbHash with an empty database does not trigger an fassert/invariant
diff --git a/jstests/core/eval0.js b/jstests/core/eval0.js
index 7e075feb2d5..921c4b4b428 100644
--- a/jstests/core/eval0.js
+++ b/jstests/core/eval0.js
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
// ]
assert.writeOK(db.evalprep.insert({}), "db must exist for eval to succeed");
db.eval(function() {
return 11 + 6;
@@ -15,10 +18,11 @@ assert.eq(17, db.eval(function(x) {
}, 7), "B");
// check that functions in system.js work
_id: "add",
value: function(x, y) {
return x + y;
assert.eq(20, db.eval("this.add(15, 5);"), "C");
diff --git a/jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js b/jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js
index 2d304927c35..85bb57d7e94 100644
--- a/jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js
+++ b/jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js
@@ -6,40 +6,18 @@
- var runCommandOriginal = Mongo.prototype.runCommand;
- var runCommandWithMetadataOriginal = Mongo.prototype.runCommandWithMetadata;
- var getDBOriginal = Mongo.prototype.getDB;
- var sessionMap = new WeakMap();
+ const getDBOriginal = Mongo.prototype.getDB;
- let sessionOptions = {};
- if (typeof TestData !== "undefined" && TestData.hasOwnProperty("sessionOptions")) {
- sessionOptions = TestData.sessionOptions;
- }
- const driverSession = startSession(db.getMongo());
- db = driverSession.getDatabase(db.getName());
- sessionMap.set(db.getMongo(), driverSession);
- OverrideHelpers.prependOverrideInParallelShell(
- "jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js");
- function startSession(conn) {
- const driverSession = conn.startSession(sessionOptions);
- // Override the endSession function to be a no-op so fuzzer doesn't accidentally end the
- // session.
- driverSession.endSession = Function.prototype;
- return driverSession;
- }
+ const sessionMap = new WeakMap();
+ const sessionOptions = TestData.sessionOptions;
// Override the runCommand to check for any command obj that does not contain a logical session
// and throw an error.
- function runCommandWithLsidCheck(conn, dbName, cmdObj, func, funcArgs) {
+ function runCommandWithLsidCheck(conn, dbName, cmdName, cmdObj, func, makeFuncArgs) {
if (jsTest.options().disableEnableSessions) {
- return func.apply(conn, funcArgs);
+ return func.apply(conn, makeFuncArgs(cmdObj));
- const cmdName = Object.keys(cmdObj)[0];
// If the command is in a wrapped form, then we look for the actual command object
// inside the query/$query object.
let cmdObjUnwrapped = cmdObj;
@@ -56,18 +34,9 @@
throw new Error("command object does not have session id: " + tojson(cmdObj));
- return func.apply(conn, funcArgs);
+ return func.apply(conn, makeFuncArgs(cmdObj));
- Mongo.prototype.runCommand = function(dbName, commandObj, options) {
- return runCommandWithLsidCheck(this, dbName, commandObj, runCommandOriginal, arguments);
- };
- Mongo.prototype.runCommandWithMetadata = function(dbName, metadata, commandObj) {
- return runCommandWithLsidCheck(
- this, dbName, commandObj, runCommandWithMetadataOriginal, arguments);
- };
// Override the getDB to return a db object with the correct driverSession. We use a WeakMap
// to cache the session for each connection instance so we can retrieve the same session on
// subsequent calls to getDB.
@@ -77,7 +46,10 @@
if (!sessionMap.has(this)) {
- const session = startSession(this);
+ const session = this.startSession(sessionOptions);
+ // Override the endSession function to be a no-op so jstestfuzz doesn't accidentally
+ // end the session.
+ session.endSession = Function.prototype;
sessionMap.set(this, session);
@@ -86,4 +58,11 @@
return db;
+ // Override the global `db` object to be part of a session.
+ db = db.getMongo().getDB(db.getName());
+ OverrideHelpers.prependOverrideInParallelShell(
+ "jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js");
+ OverrideHelpers.overrideRunCommand(runCommandWithLsidCheck);
diff --git a/jstests/libs/txns/txn_override.js b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_override.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e82ea352974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_override.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Override to run consecutive operations inside the same transaction. When an operation that
+ * cannot be run inside of a transaction is encountered, the active transaction is committed
+ * before running the next operation.
+ */
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ load('jstests/libs/override_methods/override_helpers.js');
+ const runCommandOriginal = Mongo.prototype.runCommand;
+ const kCmdsSupportingTransactions = new Set([
+ 'aggregate',
+ 'delete',
+ 'find',
+ 'findAndModify',
+ 'findandmodify',
+ 'getMore',
+ 'insert',
+ 'update',
+ ]);
+ const kCmdsThatWrite = new Set([
+ 'insert',
+ 'update',
+ 'findAndModify',
+ 'findandmodify',
+ 'delete',
+ ]);
+ const kCmdsThatInsert = new Set([
+ 'insert',
+ 'update',
+ 'findAndModify',
+ 'findandmodify',
+ ]);
+ // Copied from ServerSession.TransactionStates.
+ const TransactionStates = {
+ kActive: 'active',
+ kInactive: 'inactive',
+ };
+ function commandSupportsTxn(dbName, cmdName, cmdObj) {
+ if (!kCmdsSupportingTransactions.has(cmdName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (dbName === 'local' || dbName === 'config' || dbName === 'admin') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (kCmdsThatWrite.has(cmdName)) {
+ if (cmdObj[cmdName].startsWith('system.')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function getTxnOptionsForClient(conn) {
+ // We tack transaction options onto the client since we use one session per client.
+ if (!conn.hasOwnProperty('txnOverrideOptions')) {
+ conn.txnOverrideOptions = {
+ stmtId: new NumberInt(0),
+ autocommit: false,
+ txnNumber: new NumberLong(-1),
+ };
+ conn.txnOverrideState = TransactionStates.kInactive;
+ }
+ return conn.txnOverrideOptions;
+ }
+ function incrementStmtIdBy(cmdName, cmdObjUnwrapped) {
+ // Reserve the statement ids for batch writes.
+ try {
+ switch (cmdName) {
+ case "insert":
+ return cmdObjUnwrapped.documents.length;
+ case "update":
+ return cmdObjUnwrapped.updates.length;
+ case "delete":
+ return cmdObjUnwrapped.deletes.length;
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Malformed command objects can cause errors to be thrown.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function commitTransaction(conn, lsid, txnNumber) {
+ const res =,
+ 'admin',
+ {
+ commitTransaction: 1,
+ autocommit: false, lsid, txnNumber,
+ },
+ 0);
+ assert.commandWorked(res);
+ conn.txnOverrideState = TransactionStates.kInactive;
+ }
+ function abortTransaction(conn, lsid, txnNumber) {
+ // If there's been an error, we abort the transaction. It doesn't matter if the
+ // abort call succeeds or not.
+ 'admin',
+ {
+ abortTransaction: 1,
+ autocommit: false,
+ lsid: lsid,
+ txnNumber: txnNumber,
+ },
+ 0);
+ conn.txnOverrideState = TransactionStates.kInactive;
+ }
+ function continueTransaction(conn, txnOptions, cmdName, cmdObj) {
+ if (conn.txnOverrideState === TransactionStates.kInactive) {
+ // First command in a transaction.
+ txnOptions.txnNumber = new NumberLong(txnOptions.txnNumber + 1);
+ txnOptions.stmtId = new NumberInt(0);
+ cmdObj.startTransaction = true;
+ if (cmdObj.readConcern && cmdObj.readConcern.level !== 'snapshot') {
+ throw new Error("refusing to override existing readConcern");
+ } else {
+ cmdObj.readConcern = {level: 'snapshot'};
+ }
+ conn.txnOverrideState = TransactionStates.kActive;
+ }
+ txnOptions.stmtId = new NumberInt(txnOptions.stmtId + incrementStmtIdBy(cmdName, cmdObj));
+ cmdObj.txnNumber = txnOptions.txnNumber;
+ cmdObj.stmtId = txnOptions.stmtId;
+ cmdObj.autocommit = false;
+ }
+ function runCommandWithTransactions(conn, dbName, commandName, commandObj, func, makeFuncArgs) {
+ const driverSession = conn.getDB(dbName).getSession();
+ if (driverSession.getSessionId() === null) {
+ // Sessions is explicitly disabled for this command. So we skip overriding it to
+ // use transactions.
+ return func.apply(conn, makeFuncArgs(commandObj));
+ }
+ let cmdObjUnwrapped = commandObj;
+ let cmdNameUnwrapped = commandName;
+ if (commandName === "query" || commandName === "$query") {
+ commandObj[commandName] = Object.assign({}, cmdObjUnwrapped[commandName]);
+ cmdObjUnwrapped = commandObj[commandName];
+ cmdNameUnwrapped = Object.keys(cmdObjUnwrapped)[0];
+ }
+ const commandSupportsTransaction =
+ commandSupportsTxn(dbName, cmdNameUnwrapped, cmdObjUnwrapped);
+ const txnOptions = getTxnOptionsForClient(conn);
+ if (!commandSupportsTransaction) {
+ if (conn.txnOverrideState === TransactionStates.kActive) {
+ commitTransaction(conn, commandObj.lsid, txnOptions.txnNumber);
+ }
+ } else {
+ continueTransaction(conn, txnOptions, cmdNameUnwrapped, cmdObjUnwrapped);
+ }
+ if (commandName === 'drop' || commandName === 'convertToCapped') {
+ // Convert all collection drops to w:majority so they won't prevent subsequent
+ // operations in transactions from failing when failing to acquire collection locks.
+ if (!cmdObjUnwrapped.writeConcern) {
+ cmdObjUnwrapped.writeConcern = {};
+ }
+ cmdObjUnwrapped.writeConcern.w = 'majority';
+ }
+ let res = func.apply(conn, makeFuncArgs(commandObj));
+ if (res.ok !== 1) {
+ abortTransaction(conn, commandObj.lsid, txnOptions.txnNumber);
+ if (kCmdsThatInsert.has(cmdNameUnwrapped)) {
+ // If the command inserted data, we check if it failed because the collection did
+ // not exist; if so, create the collection and retry the command. Tests that
+ // expect collections to not exist will have to be skipped.
+ if (res.code === ErrorCodes.NamespaceNotFound) {
+ const createCmdRes =
+ dbName,
+ {
+ create: cmdObjUnwrapped[cmdNameUnwrapped],
+ lsid: commandObj.lsid,
+ writeConcern: {w: 'majority'},
+ },
+ 0);
+ if (createCmdRes.ok !== 1) {
+ if (createCmdRes.code !== ErrorCodes.NamespaceExists) {
+ // The collection still does not exist. So we just return the original
+ // response to the caller,
+ return res;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert.commandWorked(createCmdRes);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the insert command failed for any other reason, we return the original
+ // response without retrying.
+ return res;
+ }
+ continueTransaction(conn, txnOptions, cmdNameUnwrapped, cmdObjUnwrapped);
+ res = func.apply(conn, makeFuncArgs(commandObj));
+ if (res.ok !== 1) {
+ abortTransaction(conn, commandObj.lsid, txnOptions.txnNumber);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ startParallelShell = function() {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Cowardly refusing to run test with transaction override enabled when it uses" +
+ "startParalleShell()");
+ };
+ OverrideHelpers.overrideRunCommand(runCommandWithTransactions);
+})(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner.js b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3acc3184d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ load('jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js');
+ load('jstests/libs/txns/txn_override.js');
+ const testFile = TestData.multiStmtTxnTestFile;
+ try {
+ load(testFile);
+ } finally {
+ // Run a lightweight command to allow the override file to commit the last command.
+ // Ensure this command runs even if the test errors.
+ assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ping: 1}));
+ }
diff --git a/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner_selftest.js b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner_selftest.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dae1d940373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/libs/txns/txn_passthrough_runner_selftest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Sanity test for the override logic in txn_override.js. We use the profiler to check that
+// operation is not visible immediately, but is visible after the transaction commits.
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ const testName =;
+ // Profile all commands.
+ db.setProfilingLevel(2);
+ const coll = db[testName];
+ assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({x: 1}));
+ let commands = db.system.profile.find().toArray();
+ // Check that the insert is not visible because the txn has not committed.
+ assert.eq(commands.length, 1);
+ assert.eq(commands[0].command.create, testName);
+ // Use a dummy, unrelated operation to signal the txn runner to commit the transaction.
+ assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({ping: 1}));
+ commands = db.system.profile.find().toArray();
+ // Assert the insert is now visible.
+ assert.eq(commands.length, 3);
+ assert.eq(commands[0].command.create, testName);
+ assert.eq(commands[1].command.insert, testName);
+ assert.eq(commands[2].command.find, 'system.profile');